i ess u ayers f - university of kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt741n7xmm39/data/0153.pdfi < 4 a ee w e...

I < 4 A w ee e I ses ess S 0 0 f t Crutchcr and Tribole E Gents Furnishers e E- To Reduce Stock JJ t u NJ I- E To reduce our stock b July Jst before taking invoice we j are offering our entire stock of t fE Shoes and Gents Furnishings 11i SCSI I1111 At Greatly Reduced Prices I e I S S II Jll FOR CASH ONLY 0 I II 5lI t Call in and get our prices and you will be convinced 0 S I SSlS 1 11 CRUTCHER TRIBBLE 1j 1 SS 10- E Main Street Richmond Kentucky S Is r S S ii S a SSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSS SS SS SSSSsSSSSSSCSSSSSSSS SS rdSSS S SSSSSSSS S SS S S SSSC 0 eOsss s oea s ssSS S ssSSsss Os The Richmond Climax PtJBLIBHKU EVERY WKDNKSnAY BY The Climax Printing Co Incorporated uu C CHENAULT Pre M Ht D MILLER Bdttort Masag r om WKIINRSDAY JUNE 15 lOOt FOR COUNTY CLERK wa re authority to announce JWX nit tand date for CMhitr Clerk rabiwt t iii nrtion Of the Democratic party FOR ASHB6SOR- v ITV HiilhoriMd to MIMMBW H P OOOD i t j Dtyct IH the TK delegates so far chosen to the National Democratic Convention 71 are urinstrticted Those instruc fdare as follows For Parker 178 Hearst 110 Olnay 38 Wall 36 Gray Tut farmers of Madison countyl shoot take stops to secure snail delivery on the various pikes This is not only progressive hut ahig improvement which once inaugurated would be indispensable Salt into the postofliee department and make your wants known everybody else is get ting these lines VIIILK the Boyle county delegation at the Stata Democratic Convention worked faithfully for lion Robert G Fan for State Central Comniitteo man from this district and would have liked very much to have seen dim elected there is no one outride the ountv who could hive won the place that would have been more generally satisfactory to the people of this coun ¬ Ly than lion Kiehard W Miller of Richmond Mr Miller has demon tplhability not only as an able editor in his work on one ty1s best country news rlrs but has made for himself a rvo ird in tho last General Assembly of which his constituency may well be proud He is a youug man of pleas well educated thorough ¬ all things Democratic tmanners a most oxcellant Danville State 1err Low Rates to Htt Sprints Ark via the Iron MsBntiia Route Onehalf rates plus tw > 2 dollars fr the round trip to Hot Springs Ark via Iron Mountain Route For dates of sale limit of tickets and illustrated descriptive matter address- A A Gallagher D P A HI Walnut street Cincinnati O tFiBioweriCo LEXINGTON KY Veranda and > jLawn Furniture i feor real comfortease and iummer pleasure use the Celebrated t CHiURSJROCKERS ETTEES CABLES jiWINGS inIt ave a large and carefully Lock to show you i1F1Broviir Co11 tJ 1 Jpxclu8ive Sole Agents BR0ADWAt t Kyp TI ED BLANTON CO Lumber and Coal 3rd Street opposite L A Depot TBUEPHOND 425 I CUKT JETT Is working in the peni ¬ I tentiary chair factory on a life time job lie killed a Republican Jim Howard anti Caleb Powers are still do i ag the hero pose and living high on the sympathy fund They killed a Democrat Harrodsburg Democrat Call for Prtaiiy At a meeting of the County Demo ¬ cratic Committee held pursuant to call KyJune the following orders were adopted heldIII county on Saturday September 24 andfur ing candidates of the Democratic party ellleItbu 2County ney 4 Sheriff 6 Jailer 6 County Su l > rintendent of Schools 7 Coroner 8 Representatie tucky and it is ordered that tile nomi nees of the said primary shall be certified by title committee to the proper offices and their names shall be placed under the device of the Demo- cratic ¬ party on the ballot at the No ¬ vember election 1905 tohe thlDemocratic efore twelve oclock noon September 9 1004 for the purpose of meeting the expense ot said primary election the following ftiiiiifl viz hulKIf coy 25 Slientr 50 Jailer 00 iViuuty Superintendent S2U Coroner 55 Surveyor 5 Aseeeor S25 Repre sentative S and said deposit shall oOlUmltlepf votlllfor 3 Fciiudidatoqsjalifyingnsalove- et out on or before twelve oclock noon September 14 1904 deposit wjth the Chairman of the County ominit > ee a list of qualified persons whom they desire to act as election officers ChaIrmanW New Coal Yard The Bit Hill Coal Co has opened a retail coal yard at the old Christian yard formerly occupied by H F depotWe public an excellent quality of coal at vrylow pncos Now is the time to buy your winter supply ftgj WUJJJerI prices are in effect We respectfully solicit a share of our patronage and your orders will be filled promptly Bio HILL GoAL Co Phone AgentMay PERSONAL Louisvlllc ¬ BoottyvitleSunday fromSholbyvihle areislting relaUves ¬ inOiuolnnati Miss Clay ot Alt Sterling Is the guest of Mrs J W Mr G r 1 Ooze > ns is visiting his brother in Tutluhoma Tcnn Mr B D Gordon spent Sunday In Nicholasville with his parents Postmaster C C Wallace has been in Washington City on business Hon and Mrs Grant E Lilly have returned from a visit to Irvine Mrs Claude Smith has returned from a visit to Irvino relatives arein Saturday ¬ Captain P P Ballard remains seri- ously ¬ SU at his home on Third street Mrs S Mevllle Moberley of Ver KelloggHrsrGeorge MollieFife JL < 1 > Miss Louise Covington has been visiting Miss Angolinc Cobb in Dan ¬ yule Mis Ethel Bnrnott isat homo from inVersailles Miss Fannie Woodall of Gallatin lITiIK vislttng ¬ Lexington Mrs J W Zaring and Miss lIar lI LIEstill trhis West Virginia Miss Margaret Ballard of Loxing ton has been Miss Jorum 1 Ion tho SnmmittI s1aughteof and Mrs John Dotyt Mrs Pllie Allis of Paris is the ather oLexington hero for several lays Mrs J W Crates and children re ¬ turned last ruek from an extended visit to hoary county Mrs Joe Harris is in Richmond this i relaUesBenttyvillo hsIseeti brother Dr V H Hobson fromNew National Medical Association Cupt James H All man attended PoliceChiefs Saturday ¬ Hamilton at Wiseman town Ky Mrs I C Hunt of Shelbyvillo is MrsWilliam Creekmorehac relatives and friends at Hamilton O Air W r Ilnln w the popular don ft at B W Turners dry goods store is enjoying the lights at the Worlds Mr Ralph Smith wise has beet visiting IJia sister Mrs B II Luxor Ifaft ruturnod to his home in Cincin ¬ natiMr Lindoll P Evans who has been s1ulhawhile Montana hisbrothor lie will also visit the Worlds Fair bc foro his return Wisomantown B week for a visit to Mosdames C D and A D Miller Mr and Mrs AD Miller and lit ¬ Saturday ¬ Gardner in Irvine Saturday mliiinery ¬ Miss Bernice Taylor has returned from a pleasant visit to Irvine She cousinMr athome theEngineering I STATE OF 1LucAe 6S FKANK J CHENEY makes oaths that JOhene aforesaul j of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for thatcanuot Catarrh Cure CHENEYSworn iecomsor I 1 GIEASONSEAL i intermnlIy > octfliMrhtiM of the wstem Send testimonials free P J OHENEYCo Sold by Toledo 0 DruwgIst flic It Haila XHs are the best 0 y XI < > < U Mr Iani Misses Mabel Lettpn Bessie TtirJay Sallie Wagers and Mr Jack Wafers spent Sunday in Bcatty vlllo Mrs Robert II McCreary andchil ¬ dren of Chicago are hero visiting Senator and Mrs J B McCreary at their elegant Main street home Mr Charles Hanson of Lexington passed through this city Sunday on routo to Springs to spend Sun ¬ daywithhissisterMrs W R Thomas Mr and Mrs G SV Piokels atten ¬ ded commencement exorcises of State which institution their sonGeorge graduated with honors Mrs C D Munday of Huntington W Va is visiting her mo hur Irs T Ijitha Cobb near Estill Mrs Monday was formerly Miss Ida Cobb Misses Amn and Sue Scrlvner inc visiting relatives in Winchosur They will leave the latter part of J mo for 5 t Louis to attend the Worlds Fair Mh4 Carlisle Walker is bank from huntsville Alabama where she was br1detnaitLat tho wodding of Miss Patton and Lieutenant Walker of the ILSNDr Park Gardner of Irvine was in tho city Friday onrouto to his homo from Mt Sterling whoro he at ¬ tended the District Conference of the M E Church Mrs Gilbert Grinstoad is visiting relatives in Stanford She will bo pianist at the Elocutionary Contest which will take place at Waltons opera house on Friday ovoning Miss Edith L Seamy has returned from Wollesly University Boston and is with ben parents Hon and Mrs C L Searcy at their ologant country homo at Waco Mrs P P Trnehoart and daughter Miss Kiitbrine of Sterling Kansas are guests of Mrs John Doty Mrs Trueheart was formerly Miss Jennie Ilocker of this county Professor Tally has gone to Now York after spending ten days most pleasantly with Mr Villiani Mars tellor at Lynwood the handsome home of Mr and Mrs B J Clay Vnight she will gpund the summer Mr Embry is airendy at the above named place having gone about five weeks ago Danagorfor tripthrough visiting his parents Mr and Mrs I J Tussey at Rod House Miss Angelino Cobb entertained charmingly Tuesday evening at her homo on tub Stanford pike in honor of her visitors Misses Patsy Prewitt of aBelle Missos Covington of Richmond Danville Advocate- Mr William Doty entertained in a yvening Pruehart of Kansas Dancing was the feature of he evening music be ¬ ing furnished by Owen Walkers Or ¬ weroI time- Versailles friends of Mr Robert A Woolums aro glad of his being trans ¬ olilcoshero andFreight previously Soliciting Agent of the L Awith headquarters at Richmond fT til toVersahlbesWoodford news will cause munch regret among familyTheir follew ¬ The following notices clipped from he Columbia Mo Tribuno concern girlsand mdance Licma Nu clmptor house on south MissKatherine MissIattie RichardMoBaine wore about IIUcon couples present Nledermeyorchaperoned ThotaminJ instead orII regular program tho or ¬ t tohe Kentuokystle p mostleasing Frank Dearing gave a dinner party at t ofUss guost of her cousin Miss Martha Smlthlenvos Mr and Mrs Z Price make i formalannouncement of the en ¬ gagement Ilndapprollching marriage j MrCharles will take place at the family homoi 615 Blakomore avonuc at 2 RevLuther vary Church Americus Ga brother t f the groom will officiate in the I jircsoncoof a limited assemblage of relatives and friends Thom will be MissPrico no attendants Miss Josie Cramer I anubright popular with a wide circle of friends Mr Williams who is the son ofMacon I nosa man highly esteemed by all his associates Immediately after the leavefor in Chattanooga Nashville News CarrieParley her parents are well known here rheCInrAX of much jiy and prosperity t Credit is a thingThrift better Deposit r with State I PBankU I TrustCo Ayers To be sure you are growing everybodyI and postpone age If you will Hair Vigor only use Ayers Hair Vigor your gray hair will soon have all the deep rich color of youth Sold for 60 years I am now over O yean old and I bay fiwonder gray hair In It all due to Ayer Hair Vigor Sins U 11 liOHTl lieclda Jllun tlM a bottle J C ATRR CO WtiHaIili Following Rates In Effect via L N I Detroit Mich and return one fare plus Soc July 5 6 7 limited July 12 I account Baptist Young Peoples Union I of America Fourth of July rates one an onethird Dateslof one fare plus 50 cents July 6 to 9 limit ¬ ed August 7 account Southern Summer- S llOol of Chautauqua I Hot Springs and Eureka Springs Ark and return during June July Au ¬ gust and September tickets wilt be sold at one fare plus S2 limited sixty days from date of sale Chautauqua Lake anti return July 7 limited August 0 and July 28 limited August 30l475 Chicago and return one fare pills oOo June 16 to 20 limited June 29 ac¬ count Repulicaif National Convention Mavsville Ky and retuin one fare plus 25c June 20 and 21 limited Juno 25 acconist Kentucky State Touchers Association St Louis Mo and return one hire plus SOc July 234 C and 0 limited July 16 account Democratic National Convention Cincinnati and return one fare plus 2l1 July 16 17 and morning train of 18 limited 26 Extended August 25 on du posit SOc account B P O E West Haderi and French Lick Springs Ind and return one tarn plus SOc July 21 to 21 limited August 11 account Commercial Law League of America J W Hamilton Agentr 0 K Duncan and Lyman Parrish have opened a firstclass livery stable on Irvine street between Second and Third and ask tho public foi a share f their patronage Both are expe rienced workmen Satisfaction guaran ¬ teed oViBtn On the Teeth Depends the condition of the general health Removing or filling decayed tooth moans the removal of the cacao of npplioatiOl ¬ t DENISTRY 0 h is not only relieved pain but pro longed life Solid Gold Teeth5 50 Gold Fills 1 50 Amalgam Fills 75 Tooth Extracted 25 All our work fully guaranteed Will give sitisfuotion under all ciroum itauces V H Hobson Dentist Richmond Kentucky WUENIN CINCINNATI CO TO THE ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN 1 COLLECTION HERItYGOBOUND 1 PONY TRACK AND OTHER AMUSEMENTS BAND CONCERTS DAILY AFTERNOON AND EVENING SPECIAL RATES TO URGE PARTIES Strongest Evidence ot Faith B L Middolton Guarantees that Hy omoi will Cure the worse case of Catarrh in Richmond conIcerUs 8S1to way Hyomei the treatment that has made Romany remarkable cures of both acute and chronic catarrh in Richmond and vicinity Hyomei is not a pill nor is it a liquid that line to be taken with a tablespoon or wine glass Just breath It with the aid of an inhaler that comes in everY nit and benefit will be seen from the rst treatment- It destroys all germ life in the air passages nnd lungs and enriches and urifies the blood with additional zone It cures catarrh of the head and throat or of the stomach kidneys anti ver Wherever mucous membrane contains catarrab germathere Hvotnei will do its work of healing When us ¬ ing this treatment tbo air you breathe will be found like that on the mona ¬ tains high above the sea evel where grow balsamic trees and plants which make the air pure by giving off vola ¬ tile nntieceptio fragrance that is heal ¬ ing to the respiratory organs Complete Hyomei outfit costs hot 100 and includes an inhaler dropper and sufficient Hyomei for several weeks treatment Remember that if Hyomei does not cure you B L Middelton will refund your money This is a good time to cure catarrh by this natural method and prevent catarrhal colds that are so I common at this season 1m I Tho highest market cash price will be paid for wool by Covington Arnold Bro Fake them your wool 20atf See E Ueutherage before selling your wool tf Moonshine Raid Captain Short and Deputy Mnlliim irrested Joe Hector last week for mnn t ifacturing moonshine whiskey Ho wall brought to this city and is now eo nurnitiss at Castle Lackoy until further lispositlon may be made of his case WallPaper Etc Old and Phone Wite Fence I ant agent for the celebrated LAMB WIRE FENCE Those wishing to purchase the best wire fence will call on or D LONG may 11Ollyr Richmond Ky Covington Bro wan your wool They will pay the highest price for it f 20atf Mad Mane Dr G G Perry of White Hall Ky has in lila possession time celebrated Madstone and will it at all 4t At S- ii i I Z y ffiFw IffilI7I F spEeIrlLst t 3 iI 1 Ladies allsolid Leather Oxfords and Slippers 1 100 71 J Infants Shoes and Sandals 41 FL50CTS 3 2 w ffi Rice and Arnold W THE ONE PRICE HOUSE s ili 7I7FMM7I7F 7F7I 7I r Oddities Predominate This Year There have been times when it seamed as if all papers looked alikebut that is certainly not the case this year We have so many radically S different stylos that there is very little likelihood no matter what you select that any ono of your neigh ¬ boris will select a similar style Geo M Wiiging I Paints Oils Window Shades Picture Frames Big Hill Coal Co RETAIL YARD Estillave near L N Depot 4 Christian property ALtNITE COAL Best Cheapest Buy your winter supply now and save money 93 H F BARKER Agt address J Arnold market Hiirgin apply limps Watsons IJ y- irHu i Elegant Home For Sale I will offer for sale privately the home formerly occupied by James Tevis deceased situated near the L I KySaid 512 Acres of Land with agood two story frame residence of ehht rooms in firstclass repair good cistern and all necessary out everythingto ¬ residence Anyone desiring to examine the property the undersigned will take pleasure in showingsame H R TEVIS 25mytf RICHMOND KY 1820 NUpper mffi7I7I7F 7I 1 Richmond IE GREEN HOUE p 1Phone188 + eraruums i Roses Heliotropes Ferns ffi Asparagus etc 8 Give us a call 1 11 j the and worries of a Vood stove doing a lot of hard ¬ work 1 and save work time worry produce better food with less loss of nutriment by 50 per cent A good Gas Range is economical and we furnish good Ranges YOU HER Gas Ranges Prices Reasonable ALBERT Why Wear Your Life Awaystruggling unpleaant unneces- sary Cook With Gas rIF LOVE YOUR WIFE rDONT ROAST which keep the gas billlnw ARE YOU INTERESTED V SEE J icimond Wafer d Eight Qo DO IT NOW I t1ts4vCnC > Ca re 6I6IY lI IiI T lK I II < I CHALLENGE SALE I I NEXT WEDNESDAY June rs e 0 AX 9A M WILL BE A r j SHOPPERS CARNIVAL Lexington Ky Everything marked in oftA the High Standard of you can assured eclipsed 4 YOU Excellence EXPECT insisted on THAT will be maintained as to prices it is needless to say that any and al1 competition will be totally 4 Remember Wednesday June J5th and Ten Days Onlywe will be Ready for the Crowds WATSONS SaleHp LEXINGTON will be CoAsk < I u C > u I J U tii I dirt 1820 NUPper We always o as we say J 0 JI RIr

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Page 1: I ess U Ayers F - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt741n7xmm39/data/0153.pdfI < 4 A ee w e I ses ess S 0 0 f t Crutchcr and Tribole E Gents Furnishers e E-To Reduce Stock JJ

I <4 A

wee eI ses ess S0 0 f t

Crutchcr and TriboleE Gents Furnishers e


To Reduce Stock JJt



E To reduce our stock b July Jst before taking invoice we j

are offering our entire stock of t

fEShoes and Gents Furnishings 11i


I1111 At Greatly Reduced Prices Ie






5lIt Call in and get our prices and you will be convinced0




E Main Street Richmond Kentucky S


The Richmond Climax


The Climax Printing CoIncorporated

uuC CHENAULT Pre M HtD MILLER Bdttort Masag rom


FOR COUNTY CLERKwa re authority to announce JWXnit tand date for CMhitr Clerk rabiwt

t iii nrtion Of the Democratic partyFOR ASHB6SOR-

v ITV HiilhoriMd to MIMMBW H P OOODi t

j DtyctIH the TK delegates so far chosen to

the National Democratic Convention71 are urinstrticted Those instruc

fdare as follows For Parker 178

Hearst 110 Olnay 38 Wall 36 Gray

Tut farmers of Madison countylshoot take stops to securesnail delivery on the various pikesThis is not only progressive hut ahigimprovement which once inauguratedwould be indispensable Salt into thepostofliee department and make yourwants known everybody else is getting these lines

VIIILK the Boyle county delegationat the Stata Democratic Conventionworked faithfully for lion Robert G

Fan for State Central Comniitteoman from this district and wouldhave liked very much to have seendim elected there is no one outride theountv who could hive won the place

that would have been more generallysatisfactory to the people of this coun ¬

Ly than lion Kiehard W Miller ofRichmond Mr Miller has demon

tplhability not only as an ableeditor in his work on one

ty1s best country news

rlrs but has made for himself arvo ird in tho last General Assemblyof which his constituency may well beproud He is a youug man of pleas

well educated thorough ¬

all things Democratic

tmanners a most oxcellantDanville


1err Low Rates to Htt Sprints Ark via theIron MsBntiia Route

Onehalf rates plus tw > 2 dollarsfr the round trip to Hot Springs Arkvia Iron Mountain Route For datesof sale limit of tickets and illustrateddescriptive matter address-

A A Gallagher D P AHI Walnut street Cincinnati O


Veranda and>jLawn Furniture


feor real comfortease andiummer pleasure use theCelebratedt



inItave a large and carefullyLock to show you

i1F1Broviir Co11

tJ1 Jpxclu8ive Sole Agents



ED BLANTON COLumber and Coal3rd Street opposite L A Depot


CUKT JETT Is working in the peni ¬

I tentiary chair factory on a life timejob lie killed a Republican JimHoward anti Caleb Powers are still doi ag the hero pose and living high onthe sympathy fund They killed aDemocrat Harrodsburg Democrat

Call for PrtaiiyAt a meeting of the County Demo ¬

cratic Committee held pursuant to callKyJunethe following orders were adoptedheldIIIcounty on Saturday September 24andfuring candidates of the Democratic party

ellleItbu2Countyney 4 Sheriff 6 Jailer 6 County Sul >rintendent of Schools 7 Coroner 8Representatietucky and it is ordered that tile nominees of the said primary shall becertified by title committee to theproper offices and their names shall beplaced under the device of the Demo-cratic


party on the ballot at the No ¬

vember election 1905tohethlDemocraticefore twelve oclock noon September9 1004 for the purpose of meeting theexpense ot said primary election thefollowing ftiiiiifl vizhulKIfcoy 25 Slientr 50 Jailer 00iViuuty Superintendent S2U Coroner55 Surveyor 5 Aseeeor S25 Representative S and said deposit shalloOlUmltlepfvotlllfor3 Fciiudidatoqsjalifyingnsalove-et out on or before twelve oclock

noon September 14 1904 deposit wjththe Chairman of the County ominit> ee a list of qualified persons whomthey desire to act as election officers

ChaIrmanWNew Coal Yard

The Bit Hill Coal Co has opened aretail coal yard at the old Christianyard formerly occupied by H FdepotWepublic an excellent quality of coal atvrylow pncos Now is the time tobuy your winter supply ftgj WUJJJerIprices are in effect

We respectfully solicit a share ofour patronage and your orders will

be filled promptlyBio HILL GoAL Co



BoottyvitleSundayfromSholbyvihleareisltingrelaUves ¬

inOiuolnnatiMiss Clay ot Alt Sterling Is the

guest of Mrs J W

Mr G r1 Ooze > ns is visiting hisbrother in Tutluhoma Tcnn

Mr B D Gordon spent Sunday InNicholasville with his parents

Postmaster C C Wallace has beenin Washington City on business

Hon and Mrs Grant E Lilly havereturned from a visit to Irvine

Mrs Claude Smith has returnedfrom a visit to Irvino relativesareinSaturday ¬

Captain P P Ballard remains seri-ously


SU at his home on Third streetMrs S Mevllle Moberley of Ver



JL <1 >

Miss Louise Covington has beenvisiting Miss Angolinc Cobb in Dan ¬


Mis Ethel Bnrnott isat homo from

inVersaillesMiss Fannie Woodall of GallatinlITiIKvislttng ¬

LexingtonMrs J W Zaring and Miss lIar lILIEstilltrhisWest Virginia

Miss Margaret Ballard of Loxington has been Miss Jorum 1

Ion tho SnmmittIs1aughteofand Mrs John DotytMrs Pllie Allis of Paris is theatheroLexingtonhero for several lays

Mrs J W Crates and children re ¬

turned last ruek from an extendedvisit to hoary county

Mrs Joe Harris is in Richmond thisi relaUesBenttyvillo

hsIseetibrother Dr V H Hobson

fromNewNational Medical AssociationCupt James H All man attended

PoliceChiefsSaturday ¬

Hamilton at Wiseman town KyMrs I C Hunt of Shelbyvillo is

MrsWilliamCreekmorehacrelatives and friends at Hamilton O

Air W r Ilnlnw the popular don ftat B W Turners dry goods store is

enjoying the lights at the Worlds

Mr Ralph Smith wise has beetvisiting IJia sister Mrs B II LuxorIfaft ruturnod to his home in Cincin ¬

natiMrLindoll P Evans who has been


hisbrothorlie will also visit the Worlds Fair bcforo his return

Wisomantown B

week for a visit to Mosdames C Dand A D Miller

Mr and Mrs AD Miller and lit¬Saturday ¬

Gardner in Irvine

Saturdaymliiinery ¬

Miss Bernice Taylor has returnedfrom a pleasant visit to Irvine She


STATE OF 1LucAe 6SFKANK J CHENEY makes oaths thatJOheneaforesaul j

of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS forthatcanuotCatarrh Cure

CHENEYSworniecomsorI1 GIEASONSEALiintermnlIy

> octfliMrhtiM of the wstemSend testimonials freeP J OHENEYCoSold by Toledo 0DruwgIst flic ItHaila XHs are the best



< > <


Mr IaniMisses Mabel Lettpn Bessie TtirJaySallie Wagers and Mr Jack Wafersspent Sunday in Bcatty vlllo

Mrs Robert II McCreary andchil ¬

dren of Chicago are hero visitingSenator and Mrs J B McCreary attheir elegant Main street home

Mr Charles Hanson of Lexingtonpassed through this city Sunday onrouto to Springs to spend Sun ¬

daywithhissisterMrs W R ThomasMr and Mrs G SV Piokels atten ¬

ded commencement exorcises of Statewhich institution their

sonGeorge graduated with honorsMrs C D Munday of Huntington

W Va is visiting her mo hur IrsT Ijitha Cobb near Estill MrsMonday was formerly Miss Ida Cobb

Misses Amn and Sue Scrlvner incvisiting relatives in WinchosurThey will leave the latter part of J mofor 5 t Louis to attend the WorldsFair

Mh4 Carlisle Walker is bank fromhuntsville Alabama where she wasbr1detnaitLat tho wodding of MissPatton and Lieutenant Walker of the

ILSNDrPark Gardner of Irvine

was in tho city Friday onrouto to hishomo from Mt Sterling whoro he at¬

tended the District Conference of theM E Church

Mrs Gilbert Grinstoad is visitingrelatives in Stanford She will bopianist at the Elocutionary Contestwhich will take place at Waltonsopera house on Friday ovoning

Miss Edith L Seamy has returnedfrom Wollesly University Bostonand is with ben parents Hon andMrs C L Searcy at their ologantcountry homo at Waco

Mrs P P Trnehoart and daughterMiss Kiitbrine of Sterling Kansasare guests of Mrs John Doty MrsTrueheart was formerly Miss JennieIlocker of this county

Professor Tally has gone to NowYork after spending ten days mostpleasantly with Mr Villiani Marstellor at Lynwood the handsomehome of Mr and Mrs B J ClayVnightshe will gpund the summer MrEmbry is airendy at the above namedplace having gone about five weeksago

Danagorfortripthroughvisiting his parents Mr and Mrs IJ Tussey at Rod House

Miss Angelino Cobb entertainedcharmingly Tuesday evening at herhomo on tub Stanford pike in honor ofher visitors Misses Patsy Prewitt ofaBelleMissos Covington of RichmondDanville Advocate-

Mr William Doty entertained in ayveningPruehart of Kansas Dancing wasthe feature of he evening music be ¬

ing furnished by Owen Walkers Or ¬weroItime-

Versailles friends of Mr Robert AWoolums aro glad of his being trans ¬

olilcosheroandFreightpreviously Soliciting Agent of the L

Awith headquarters at RichmondfT tiltoVersahlbesWoodfordnews will cause munch regret amongfamilyTheirfollew ¬

The following notices clipped fromhe Columbia Mo Tribuno concerngirlsandmdanceLicma Nu clmptor house on south

MissKatherineMissIattieRichardMoBainewore about IIUcon couples presentNledermeyorchaperoned

ThotaminJinstead orII regular program tho or¬

ttoheKentuokystlepmostleasingFrank Dearing gave a dinner party attofUssguost of her cousin Miss Martha

SmlthlenvosMr and Mrs Z Price make i

formalannouncement of the en ¬

gagement Ilndapprollching marriage j

MrCharleswill take place at the family homoi615 Blakomore avonuc at 2

RevLuthervary Church Americus Ga brother tf the groom will officiate in the I

jircsoncoof a limited assemblage ofrelatives and friends Thom will be

MissPricono attendants Miss Josie Cramer I

anubrightpopular with a wide circle offriends Mr Williams who is the sonofMacon I

nosa man highly esteemed by all hisassociates Immediately after theleaveforin Chattanooga Nashville News

CarrieParleyher parents are well known here

rheCInrAXof much jiy and prosperity t

Credit is athingThrift


Deposit rwith

StateI PBankU I


AyersTo be sure you are growing

everybodyIand postpone age If you will

Hair Vigoronly use Ayers Hair Vigoryour gray hair will soon haveall the deep rich color ofyouth Sold for 60 years

I am now over O yean old and I bayfiwondergray hair In It all due to Ayer Hair VigorSins U 11 liOHTl lieclda Jllun

tlM a bottle J C ATRR CO

WtiHaIiliFollowing Rates In Effect via L N I

Detroit Mich and return one fareplus Soc July 5 6 7 limited July 12 I

account Baptist Young Peoples UnionI

of AmericaFourth of July rates one an onethird

Dateslofone fare plus 50 cents July 6 to 9 limit ¬

ed August 7 account Southern Summer-S llOol of Chautauqua I

Hot Springs and Eureka SpringsArk and return during June July Au ¬

gust and September tickets wilt besold at one fare plus S2 limited sixtydays from date of sale

Chautauqua Lake anti return July 7

limited August 0 and July 28 limitedAugust 30l475

Chicago and return one fare pillsoOo June 16 to 20 limited June 29 ac¬

count Repulicaif National ConventionMavsville Ky and retuin one fare

plus 25c June 20 and 21 limited Juno25 acconist Kentucky State TouchersAssociation

St Louis Mo and return one hireplus SOc July 234 C and 0 limitedJuly 16 account Democratic NationalConvention

Cincinnati and return one fare plus2l1 July 16 17 and morning train of 18

limited 26 Extended August 25 on duposit SOc account B P O E

West Haderi and French Lick SpringsInd and return one tarn plus SOc July21 to 21 limited August 11 accountCommercial Law League of America

J W Hamilton Agentr

0 K Duncan and Lyman Parrishhave opened a firstclass livery stableon Irvine street between Second andThird and ask tho public foi a share

f their patronage Both are experienced workmen Satisfaction guaran ¬

teed oViBtn

On the Teeth Dependsthe condition of the general health

Removing or filling decayed toothmoans the removal of the cacao ofnpplioatiOl ¬

t DENISTRY 0h is not only relieved pain but prolonged life

Solid Gold Teeth5 50Gold Fills 1 50Amalgam Fills 75Tooth Extracted 25

All our work fully guaranteed Willgive sitisfuotion under all ciroumitauces

V H Hobson DentistRichmond Kentucky








Strongest Evidence ot Faith

B L Middolton Guarantees that Hyomoi will Cure the worse case

of Catarrh in Richmond

conIcerUs8S1towayHyomei the treatment that has madeRomany remarkable cures of both acuteand chronic catarrh in Richmond andvicinity

Hyomei is not a pill nor is it a liquidthat line to be taken with a tablespoonor wine glass Just breath It with theaid of an inhaler that comes in everYnit and benefit will be seen from the

rst treatment-It destroys all germ life in the air

passages nnd lungs and enriches andurifies the blood with additionalzone It cures catarrh of the head andthroat or of the stomach kidneys antiver Wherever mucous membrane

contains catarrab germathere Hvotneiwill do its work of healing When us¬

ing this treatment tbo air you breathewill be found like that on the mona ¬

tains high above the sea evel wheregrow balsamic trees and plants whichmake the air pure by giving off vola ¬

tile nntieceptio fragrance that is heal ¬

ing to the respiratory organsComplete Hyomei outfit costs hot

100 and includes an inhaler dropperand sufficient Hyomei for several weekstreatment

Remember that if Hyomei does notcure you B L Middelton will refundyour money This is a good time tocure catarrh by this natural methodand prevent catarrhal colds that are so I

common at this season 1m I

Tho highest market cash price willbe paid for wool by Covington Arnold

Bro Fake them your wool 20atf

See E Ueutherage before sellingyour wool tf

Moonshine Raid

Captain Short and Deputy Mnlliimirrested Joe Hector last week for mnntifacturing moonshine whiskey Howall brought to this city and is now eo

nurnitiss at Castle Lackoy until furtherlispositlon may be made of his case






Wite Fence

I ant agent for the celebrated LAMB

WIRE FENCE Those wishing to

purchase the best wire fence will call

on orD LONG

may 11Ollyr Richmond Ky

Covington Bro wan

your wool They will pay the highestprice for it f 20atf

Mad Mane

Dr G G Perry of White Hall Kyhas in lila possession time celebrated

Madstone and will it atall 4t



ii i

I Z yffiFw IffilI7I F

spEeIrlLst t3



Ladies allsolid Leather Oxfords and Slippers

1 10071 J

Infants Shoes and Sandals41




ffi Rice and ArnoldW THE ONE PRICE HOUSE

s ili7I7FMM7I7F 7F7I 7I rOddities Predominate

This Year

There have been timeswhen it seamed as if all

papers looked alikebutthat is certainly not the

case this year

We have so many radically S

different stylos that thereis very little likelihood no

matter what you selectthat any ono of your neigh ¬

boris will select a similarstyle

Geo M WiigingI Paints Oils Window Shades Picture Frames


Estillave near L N Depot4

Christian property

ALtNITE COALBest Cheapest

Buy your winter supply now and save money





Hiirgin applylimps




iElegant Home

For SaleI will offer for sale privately the

home formerly occupied by JamesTevis deceased situated near the L

IKySaid512 Acres of Land

with agood two story frame residenceof ehht rooms in firstclass repairgood cistern and all necessary out

everythingto ¬

residenceAnyone desiring to examine the

property the undersigned will takepleasure in showingsame


1820 NUpper

mffi7I7I7F 7I 1



1Phone188+ eraruums


Roses Heliotropes Ferns

ffi Asparagus etc8 Give us

a call1


jthe and

worries of a Vood stove doing alot of hard ¬


1 and save work time worry produce better food with less loss ofnutriment by 50 per cent A good Gas Range is economical andwe furnish good Ranges



Gas Ranges

Prices Reasonable

ALBERTWhy WearYour Life


unpleaant unneces-sary

Cook With Gas



which keep the gas billlnwARE YOU INTERESTED



Jicimond Wafer d Eight QoDO IT NOW

It1ts4vCnC>Care 6I6IY lI IiI T lK I II < I



Everything marked inoftAthe High Standard of you can assuredeclipsed 4 YOU


insisted onTHAT

will be maintained as to prices it is needless to say that any and al1 competition will be totally

4Remember Wednesday June J5th and Ten Days Onlywe will be Ready for the Crowds


LEXINGTONwill be CoAsk<I



u I JU tii



1820 NUPper

We always o as we say
