i e v r i n c e y parish...novenas: church of the epiphany saint rita, mondays a ler 12:05 pm mass...

DIVINE MERCY PARISH Sunday, January 12, 2020 e Baptism of the Lord Established on January 6, 2020, and rooted in Catholic TradiƟon and Faith, Divine Mercy Parish, made up of the former parishioners of Saint Benedict the Moor, Church of the Epiphany and Saint Mary of Mercy, is located in the heart of the Diocese of PiƩsburgh. As such, we aim to root ourselves as a EucharisƟc Center, devoted to oering spiritual and physical nourishment to a diverse community, both parishioners and non parishioners alike. In the coming months, we look forward to building an ecclesial community rooted in Christ that will oer an opportunity to encounter Jesus and one another in vibrant Liturgies, frequent confession Ɵmes oered, Ɵme of AdoraƟon of the Blessed Sacrament, Catholic Speaker Series, events for youth and young adults, encounters with and for the most vulnerable, outreach ministry, mulƟcultural encounters, and so much more. We are very excited that the Lord has graced us with the protecƟon of His Divine Mercy and look forward to serving you and serving alongside you in the coming weeks, months and years. dD dI dV D V II N E II M E R C Y PARISH

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  • DIVINE MERCY PARISH Sunday, January 12, 2020 The Baptism of the Lord

    Established on January 6, 2020, and rooted in Catholic Tradi on and Faith, Divine Mercy Parish, made up of the former parishioners of Saint Benedict the Moor, Church of the Epiphany and Saint Mary of Mercy, is located in the heart of the Diocese of Pi sburgh. As such, we aim to root ourselves as a Eucharis c Center, devoted to offering spiritual and physical nourishment to a diverse community, both parishioners and non parishioners alike. In the coming months, we look forward to building an ecclesial community rooted in Christ that will offer an opportunity to encounter Jesus and one another in vibrant Liturgies, frequent confession mes offered, me of Adora on of the Blessed Sacrament, Catholic Speaker Series, events for youth and young adults, encounters with and for the most vulnerable, outreach ministry, mul cultural encounters, and so much more. We are very excited that the Lord has graced us with the protec on of His Divine Mercy and look forward to serving you and serving alongside you in the coming weeks, months and years.
















  • DIVINE MERCY PARISH ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 164 Washington Place Pi sburgh, PA 15219

    www.divinemercypgh.org [email protected]

    412-471-0257 or 412-281-3141 Parish Staff Pastor Reverend Christopher Donley — [email protected] Parochial Vicar (Pro Tem) Reverend John Odeyemi — jodeyemi@diopi .org Deacon Deacon Samuel Toney — stoney@diopi .org In Residence Reverend Edward Bryce, Monsignor Ronald Lengwin, Reverend Augus ne Wayii Administra ve Assistant/Safe Environment Priscilla Davis — [email protected] Administra ve Assistant/Bulle n Creator Cynthia Goetz — [email protected] Business Manager Charles Goetz — [email protected] Maintenance Ray Krivanek Music Directors Antonia Long Ma hew Radican — [email protected] Red Door and Outreach Programs Heidi Po er — [email protected] Sister Emily Sister Pawla

    SAINT BENEDICT THE MOOR CHURCH 91 Crawford Street Pi sburgh, PA 15219

    CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY 164 Washington Place Pi sburgh, PA 15219

    SAINT MARY OF MERCY CHURCH 202 Stanwix Street Pi sburgh, PA 15222

  • CONFESSIONS: CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY Monday and Friday 11:15 AM-11:45 AM SAINT MARY OF MERCY CHURCH Monday through Friday 11:00 AM-11:45 AM SAINT BENEDICT THE MOOR CHURCH Sunday 10:00 AM NOVENAS: CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY Saint Rita, Mondays a er 12:05 PM Mass CHURCH OF THE EIPIPHANY Sorrowful Mother, Fridays a er 12:05 PM Mass SAINT BENEDICT THE MOOR CHURCH Saint Benedict, Begins 9 weeks prior to the Feast Day after Sunday Mass SAINT MARY OF MERCY CHURCH Miraculous Medal, Mondays after 12:00 Noon Mass

    Saturday, January 11     Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Church Antoine Atria † (Marge Atria) 4:00 PM Saint Mary of Mercy Church Memory of James Karafa † (Agnes Pelcher) Sunday, January 12   Bap sm of the Lord 8:00 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Church For the People of Divine Mercy Parish 9:00 AM Church of the Epiphany For the People of Divine Mercy Parish 10:30 AM Saint Benedict the Moor Church Mrs. Herma Henderson † (Patricia Ellis) 10:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Church For the People of Divine Mercy Parish 5:00 PM Church of the Epiphany For the People of Divine Mercy Parish Monday, January 13 6:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Church For the People of Divine Mercy Parish 7:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Church For the People of Divine Mercy Parish Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Church For the People of Divine Mercy Parish 12:05 PM Church of the Epiphany Robert J. Webber (John F. Webber) Tuesday, January 14 6:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Church For the People of Divine Mercy Parish 7:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Church Raymond Caparoli † (Phil and Be y Tims) Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Church For the People of Divine Mercy Parish 12:05 PM Church of the Epiphany Frank Capodanno † (Sam and Madilyn Manfredi) Wednesday, January 15 6:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Church For the People of Divine Mercy Parish 7:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Church For the People of Divine Mercy Parish Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Church Joseph Atria † (Marge Atria) 12:05 PM Church of the Epiphany Charles D. Yothers† (Cynthia Hahn Yothers) Thursday, January 16 6:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Church For the People of Divine Mercy Parish 7:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Church For the People of Divine Mercy Parish Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Church For the People of Divine Mercy Parish 12:05 PM Church of the Epiphany For the People of Divine Mercy Parish Friday, January 17 Saint Anthony, Abbot 6:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Church For the People of Divine Mercy Parish 7:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Church For the People of Divine Mercy Parish Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Church For the People of Divine Mercy Parish 12:05 PM Church of the Epiphany For the People of Divine Mercy Parish Saturday, January 18 Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Church For the People of Divine Mercy Parish 4:00 PM Saint Mary of Mercy Church Memory of James Karafa † (Dorothy and Ed Muldowney) Sunday, January 19 Church Loca on Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Church For the People of Divine Mercy Parish 9:00 AM Church of the Epiphany For the People of Divine Mercy Parish 10:30 AM Saint Benedict the Moor Church Mr. Cedrec Simmons † (Mr. and Mrs. Moses Simmons) 10:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Church For the People of Divine Mercy Parish 5:00 PM Church of the Epiphany For the People of Divine Mercy Parish

  • Divine Mercy Parish Prayer Board Be y Bell, Edward Davis, Dolores Denton, Carol Derewcz, Grace Dixon-Kizzie, Patricia Ellis, Debra Foster, Woody Frazier, Ann Fultz, Richard Gazzam, Janet Glass, Brenda Glenn, Mary Graham, Helena Harris, Harold G. Heim, Jr., Osaruyi Osasere Igbineweka, Billy Jenkins, Sandra Johnson, Sean Kraus, Tiffany Livsey, Aisha Lado, Toni Long, Andrew Lyke, Ruth McCartney, Sager McDill FMM, DMK, Sherry McGinnis, Todd Ma ei, Be y Muse, Josephine O’Connor, Ira Ri er, Sr. Mary Samuels, Genevieve Sanford, Debbie Sturm, Vincent Tucker, Lyle Williams, Margaret, Leslie Wilson, Regina Zelik, Jerry Barry, Laurie Bozik, Robert Dougherty, William Egger, Richard Gazzam, Katherine Gross, Margaret Hurney, Marva Josie, D.M.K., Barbara Kuhn, F.M.M., Jessie Marsh, Patricia Morra, Daniel Murphy, Dennis Murphy, Jus n Murphy, Jean O’Hanlon, Mary Ann Pacini, Clara Jane Roy, Marianne Wisdom Oines, C.Z.R., Sr. Mary Ann Troup, Elsie Urban, Bill Vergot, Derrick Gardener, Leah Lindenfelser, Diane and Jim Foley, Elizabeth Kochin and vic ms of abuse. To add a name to our prayer board, please email [email protected]

    A note from Fr. Chris On Monday, January 6, 2020, Divine Mercy Parish was established. Made up of the former parishioners of Saint Benedict the Moor, Church of the Epiphany and Saint Mary of Mercy, our goal of Becoming One has been realized. This is cause for much celebra on and offering praise and glory to God. With our goal accomplished, we realize there is s ll a great deal of work to be done. January 6, 2020 marks for us a new beginning. While our history will certainly not be forgo en, we take on the challenge and opportunity of coming together as a Catholic Parish in the heart of the Diocese of Pi sburgh. As you have no ced, we have a special image and mission statement on the cover of this week’s bulle n. Both the image and statement are temporary. As we spend these coming weeks and months pu ng together our councils and leadership teams, one of our first goals will be to establish a permanent image and mission statement for Divine Mercy Parish. As I have men oned before, we will be establishing these councils in the coming weeks and months. If you would like to be considered for the pastoral council, please email me directly at [email protected]. More informa on on the process for selec ng the council is forthcoming. As we move forward from our me of transi on into firmly establishing ourselves as one body of Christ at Divine Mercy Parish, we give thanks and praise to God, of course. Much thanks also goes to our former pastoral councils, our former finance councils, our former leadership teams and our former transi on team. I hope and pray each of you con nues to pray and discern how and where the Lord may be calling you to serve in our newly established Divine Mercy Parish. I find myself excited and eager to build our newly formed Divine Mercy Parish with and for each one of you, and look forward to journeying with you and the Lord in the upcoming years. In the Merciful Heart of Jesus, Fr. Chris Donley

  • African American History

    Lorraine Hansberry (May 19, 1930 - January 12, 1965)was a playwright, essayist, and civil rights ac vist. Lorraine Hansberry a ended the University of Wisconsin for two years, then le to work for Paul Robeson's newspaper, Freedom, first as a writer and then associate editor.


    Spiritual Direc on Interested in deepening your faith through Spiritual Direc on? To make an appointment with Fr. Chris contact Cindy at [email protected]

    Eucharis c Adora on Schedule

    Saint Mary of Mercy Church Monday Through Friday 8:00 AM to Noon

    Saint Benedict the Moor Church Thursday 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM

    "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." - Ma 11:28

    Mar n Luther King Jr. Blood Drive

    Monday, January 20, 2020 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM Saint Benedict the Moor Church 91 Crawford Street Pi sburgh PA 15219 To make an appointment, visit www.vitalant.org. Click on the “Donate” bu on and search with group code


    Final Celebra ons/New Beginnings

    This past Sunday, January 5, 2020, Saint Benedict the Moor, Church of the Epiphany and Saint Mary of Mercy celebrated our last masses as individual and separate parishes. We were able to welcome former pastors and new faces. We thank all those who have helped support and upli our parish communi es over the many historic years our parishes have been in existence. As we look to the future while respec ng our past, we give thanks to God for guiding us along the journey of being the Church in our unique and vibrant community.

    Contribu on Totals 1/1/2020 Solemnity of Mary $4,268.00 1/5/2020 $7,038.10

    James Baraka 1/12 James Parham 1/16

    Elsie Moore 1/12 Frank Harp 1/17

    Ann Fultz 1/13 Christopher Sharkey 1/17

    Patricia Massicci 1/13 Rita Su 1/17

    Claudia Harrison 1/14 Eryn Doerue 1/18

    William Harrison 1/15 Paula Mullineaux 1/18

    Anita Konechy 1/15

    Welcome to our Divine Mercy Parish Family

    Mr. Michael Mansfield Ms. Barb O’Brien Ms. Danielle Slagel Mr. Ma hew Langton Mr. Bruno Bre Mrs. Janet Bre Mr. Nick Fenton

    To be included in the weekly parishioner birthday list please email your birthday to [email protected]

  • A special thanks to the Pi sburgh Catholic Newspaper for their sponsorship of the Christ's Hands Project! The third annual Christ's Hands Project took place this past Fall of 2019, and it was amazingly blessed. A mission that they started in order to provide warm gloves, hats, scarves, and afghans to the people whom we serve at the Red Door, the Pi sburgh Catholic begins to ask for dona ons through their newspaper as early as the month of September. Every year the joy and enthusiasm of the staff members of Pi sburgh Catholic for this worthy effort is truly inspiring and encouraging, and what's more, the generosity and loving concern of the faithful across our diocese who respond to the need is beau fully overwhelming. This year, the Red Door ministry was grateful to receive a financial dona on of over $5,000 through the generosity of the Pi sburgh Catholic readers, and in addi on, we were also blessed with a generous supply of winter items. Thanks to Pi sburgh Catholic and all the generous donors, our people will be provided with warm gloves, hats, scarves, and other cold weather necessi es through the Winter of 2020. Thank you to all... may our Lord Jesus be glorified by your loving effort to be and to warm His Hands through Christ's Hands!

    Red Door Ministry: Those in need can receive a bagged lunch Monday through Saturday from 10:30 AM-11:30 AM The actual Red Door is located on the Boulevard of the Allies. New Hours Tuesday - Friday 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM and Saturday 8:00 AM-12:00 PM

    Television Ministry The daily Noon Mass at Saint Mary of Mercy Church is televised and can be viewed seven days a week on Comcast channel 95 in the Greater Pi sburgh area or at www.chris anassociatestv.org. Pi sburgh’s Faith and Family channel 40.9 also carries it Monday-Saturday.


    BELOW IS A NOTE FROM A RECIPIENT OF OUR THANKSGIVING BASKET: To my church family, “THANKS” is such a li le word, but I hope you know there’s a world of meaning and apprecia on in it. Thank you for the lovely Thanksgiving basket and shawl. Josephine O’Connor, a homebound member.

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