i. · chemfdb alkalis limiled (formerly known as tcdnmc ch1orares liniiled)...

BIT/\I. CHEMFAB ALKALIS LIMITED (Formerly Known as Teamec Chlorates Limited) CHEMFAB/SEC/2019 —20/12 May 07. 2019 "he Manager. The Manager, Listing Department Listing Depanment The Bombay Stock Exchange Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Exchange Plaza" Dalal Street, Bandra Knrla Complex. Bandra (E) Mumbai— 400 001, Murnbai - 400 051. BSE Security Code: 541269 NSE Symbol: CHEMFAB Dear Sir/ MaGanL Sub: Financial Results as on March 31, 2019 Ref: Regulation 33 (3) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015 and SEBI CIR/CFD/CMD/56/2016 dated May 27, 2016 Pursuant to SEBI Circular no. SEBI CIR/CFD/CMD/56/2016 dated May 27‘ 2016. we hereby confirm that M/S. Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP, Statutory Auditors of the Company. have issued Auditors report on the Audited financial Statement of the company for the year ended March 31/. 2019 with Unmodified Opinion. We herewith enclosed the Audited Financial Results along with the Auditor’s Report of the company for the Year ended March 31. 2019 as recommended by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors. Kindly take the above information on record. Thanking You, Yours faithfully For CEBMF IS LEVIITED (formerly as Teamec Chlorates Limited) Dr. V. Rajcsh Company Secretary and Compliance Officer. CIN Na. cZJZQl'JTlllDGQPLCEWT 563 ' 5 limbo! . D1. Mo‘s any of Comm Hum 01" ‘l’FAM Hm“: RS7 Rut! Vandal”! Chmnal w.) 043 lma

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Page 1: I. · Chemfdb Alkalis Limiled (formerly known as Tcdnmc Ch1orares Liniiled) CIN:I,24290TN2009PLC071563. 7 Regd. oniee: Team House, Vandami', Chennai 000 045; Phone No. +91 4—1 22750323


(Formerly Known as Teamec Chlorates Limited)

CHEMFAB/SEC/2019 —20/12 May 07. 2019

"he Manager. The Manager,

Listing Department Listing DepanmentThe Bombay Stock Exchange Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited

Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers“

Exchange Plaza"

Dalal Street, Bandra - Knrla Complex. Bandra (E)Mumbai— 400 001, Murnbai - 400 051.

BSE — Security Code: 541269 NSE Symbol: CHEMFAB

Dear Sir/ MaGanL

Sub: Financial Results as on March 31, 2019

Ref: Regulation 33 (3) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations2015 and SEBI CIR/CFD/CMD/56/2016 dated May 27, 2016

Pursuant to SEBI Circular no. SEBI CIR/CFD/CMD/56/2016 dated May 27‘ 2016. we hereby confirm

that M/S. Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP, Statutory Auditors of the Company. have issued Auditors

report on the Audited financial Statement of the company for the year ended March 31/. 2019 with

Unmodified Opinion.

We herewith enclosed the Audited Financial Results along with the Auditor’s Report of the company

for the Year ended March 31. 2019 as recommended by the Audit Committee and approved by the

Board of Directors. '

Kindly take the above information on record.

Thanking You,

Yours faithfully


(formerly as Teamec Chlorates Limited)

Dr. V. Rajcsh

Company Secretary and Compliance Officer.


limbo! . D1. Mo‘s any of Comm

Hum 01" ‘l’FAM Hm“: RS7 Rut! Vandal”! Chmnal , w.) 043 lma

Page 2: I. · Chemfdb Alkalis Limiled (formerly known as Tcdnmc Ch1orares Liniiled) CIN:I,24290TN2009PLC071563. 7 Regd. oniee: Team House, Vandami', Chennai 000 045; Phone No. +91 4—1 22750323

Chemfdb Alkalis Limiled

(formerly known as Tcdnmc Ch1orares Liniiled)

CIN:I,24290TN2009PLC071563 .


Regd. oniee: Team House, Vandami', Chennai 000 045;

Phone No. +91 4—1 22750323 tax No, +01 <14 2750860

(Amount Rs. In Ldkhs)


1 EreeedinC‘mupmdk‘g

Cunenr Y ar Pr vi us Year3 Mourns ended

g3 monlhs ended

' ° 9 " ’

31/03/20193 Month ended

31/03/2013 in theended ended

51. No. Parrieulars 31/12/2013pmmus yw

31/03/2019 31/03/2018

(Audiied) . (Audi1ed) . .

11mom NW 3]

(Unaudxle )”We! NW 9)

(Audued) (Audited)

1 Income

,Revenue from Operauons (Refer 1\'o1e 9) 5,505 52 4,415.55 5,051.55 19,313.95 111,115 20

1 Other 1ncnme 107 19 112.01 157.09 472.70 362 03

1 Total lnComc 5,715.71 4,327.57 5,213.67 19,791.66 125,730.23


2 Expenses-

(a) Cos1 o1 Materials Consumed (Rerer No1e 12) 924.21 252 41 1,235.27 40 I. 12

(0) Purchase 111511111 1n 1rade 251.75 0.05 325 92 5.52

(e) Changes In invenlories o1 Ernislred goods and Workrln eProgress (134.52) 21.97 (175.59) 31 00

(Reler me 12)

(d) Emse Duty, . .

. 457.21

(e) Employee Benems Expense 402.31; 350.55 1,570.02 152173

(1) Frnanee Cosl 53.32 108 73 199.20 307.79

‘(g)DL‘p16-Clafian and Amortlsdllon Expense 3519 85 3419.94 1,492.12 1,197.71

(lr) Power .11 Fuel 1,544.01 1,758.79 1,114.33 7,451.07 8,104.72

(1) other Eqmnses (366.49 579.05 673.55 2,781.15 2,714.70

Toral Expenses 4257.57 3,502.07 3,900.51; 14,990.05 14,502.55

9 Pmfil before Exeepdonm Items (12) 1,450.14 1,025.50 1,209.99 4,111.50 3,977.57

1 4 Exeephonal 11ems (Refer nme 7) . - .



5 Prom befurc Tax (3.4) 1,453.14 1,025.50 1,309.99 2,949.35 3,977.57

1 5 Tax Expense.

(. Currem lax 293.80 219.05 303.30 1,027.55 890.25

. Deierred 1ax 254.59 150.85 227.80 144.89 539.57

Total Tax Expense 550.49 379.94 531.50 1,172.77 1,130.12

1 7 Net Pmfit mar Tax (575) 1997.55 545.55 7711.39 1,575.55 2,547.45

‘ 3 Other Comprehensive ineome

(a) I1ems 11m W111 not be rnclassrrierl to (he S1a1rnrenl ol Profit and Loss

- Effect 01 Medsurlng lnvestmem ()1 Iain alut‘ 0 B (0.04) (1.01) (1.25) 1.73

. Actuarid1gdm on elm med henem ubllgdtlon (1810) . (48.93) 2 43 (47.51), Dererred lax on :\(.1iu>lmel\ts (r 27 - 15.93 (0.71) 10.48

(b) 11en151ha1wrll he reelassihed ro me sra1emen1 of 17mm and Loss . . . . .

Tam] orher Comprehensive (Lussj/ Income Net 111 Tax (11.50) (0.04) (33.01) 0.47 (29.40)

9 Toral Cumpmlmusiw ineonre (7+0) 355.05 545.52 745.31) 1,575.05 2,510.05

110 Paul-up Equity Share Capilal (Fare Value of R5. 10 per share) 1,389.05 1,359.05 1,353.05 1,359.05 I,383.05

(Keler nole 2)

1 1 Reserves (orlrer Equlty)

l12 Earning per share

(Feud Value of R5. 10 per share) (not arrnualised):

(a) Basic 545 4.55 5.53 12.07 18.42

,(1011110011) 0.41 401 5.55 11.95 19.15

Page 3: I. · Chemfdb Alkalis Limiled (formerly known as Tcdnmc Ch1orares Liniiled) CIN:I,24290TN2009PLC071563. 7 Regd. oniee: Team House, Vandami', Chennai 000 045; Phone No. +91 4—1 22750323

Chemfah Alkali; Limited

(ion-nerly known as Teainee chlorate: Limited)CIN:L24290TN2009PLC071563

Regd Dirire» Team Home \'dndalut,Cl\ennal eon 048.

Phone .\‘t): +91 44 11750323 Font No; eel 44 2275mm


l The ahoire Audited ltnanriat results were renewed he the AuttitCornmrtlee at its meellng held on 7 May unit and appmved lay the hoard at Dtrectors ot the Compdny at their meeting held on that


The Equity sharesor the Cumpdm haye been listed inth 35F. and \‘allondlSmcL Exchange thel With otter-t tron. :5 Aprll 2013 ytde their intimation/nonredated 3 April zeta.

3 The Nallundl Green Tnbundl, in an dppllmllon tiled by a party (new, had gvanled an ex parte stay, restraining the r tstiurlioo aetiyihes pertaining to the expansmn and operation of the

Cumpdny‘s Flank wllhou! vdIld eonsent order, The Company has objected the dvermenls at the eomplarnant and tiled l|5 eounter tor \‘dcdlmg the stay, iyhith wds granted Durlng the eirrrent

quarter, the Conlpdny has received no order tram the Nattonal Green Trrhttnal. vitle its order dated 190mm, dispos-ng the matter to layout at the Company and also to suhmtt a report or

eortipltartee relating to rertain intrirmatian it ithtn three months of the order. The Company has suhmitted their report on (onlplldnce yrde their letter dated to Aprll 2019 to Central Pollution Control


4 The Company has identified tts reponahle segments Ln dt‘cnrddnt‘e nith lnd AS the , Segments, Aetordtngly, pursuant to the mm nlent’emenl or the woo Pipes printer-t, the Company has identitied

two repertahle segments i e Chler AILdll and Related l’mdutls and PVC , o Ptpes The PVC-O proyeet tor nianutaeturing and selllng ot PVC-O pipes er tittlngs at 5n city, Tada, Antlhra Frddesh

was rommissinned on 2: Detembel'3013.The Contpanl has identitied the fallowmg as reportatile segmenls under lNDAS ttltt segments

(,tmount Rs, in Lukhs)


. Corresponding ,.

3 Months ended3 Ngjifigz‘z‘ied 3 months ended @333”


“$335"13:, Particulars

31/03/2019Wig/emu 3:335:33: 32:“ 31/03/2019 31/03/2018

(Riztfi‘flm (Unaudited) (RE/2:13:38] (Auditedl (Audited)

Segue!“ Revenue

a) Chennt‘als and related Praducry‘lservmes 4,352.30 4,338 65 5,06l 53 I738 .73 IBAW 20

1b) woo noes 133,5: 77m . was ad ,

Total 5,600.92 4,415.116 5,061.58 1932136 13,4]310

Less» lntei Segment Revenue :dl) » ,T .to .

Ne| Say-mull“ Revel-mt- §,Eflfle52 4,415.66 5,061 58 1?,3’1336 18,4182”

Sega-tom Result hetore tax

a] Chemk‘dls ant! Yellik‘d Produds/ SeerL‘Es 1,106.34 990 ‘79 1,262 85 1,417.54 3,975 35

b) PVCO pipes 197 07 most ll ozl t57,3t (1.03)

2Total LloaAl 968.91 1,161.63 2,574.85 3,9333

less lnterSeement Result , , , , ,

‘ LKSS. Enema C05! 51.45 55,31 108,73‘ 199.30 307.79

Add- Other lnmme l07. l9 1 I101 157.09 473 70 353.03

Total (LUSSV Prufi'l Beffln‘ TLX 1,455.14 1,025.50 1,309.99 2,548.35 3,977.57

Segment Assets:

:1) ChemlCMS and related I’rodquS/SQYVICES (“.747 35 2,593 b1

3ht PVCO Pipes h,8m.3l l,.ls7.32

Total Segmerfl Assets 26,548.74] 24,150.94

Add Utldllacdble assets (Reter Note 5 helow) 5,550.34 Smh 03

'1 and Assets 32,099.13 29,816.97

Segment Liabilities

a) Chemlcdls and related products/ Servlt'es .3,lns 45

‘1b) PVC’U PIPES 14 91

Tall] Segnwm Llahililies 3,179.37

Add uiiallorahle liahrhtres (Relet hole 5 below) 3,53ldg 3,019.68

Total Liabilities 6,983.32 . 5,199.05

5 llnalloeahle assets rneludes tax assets, investments, Unpaid dryidend attounto and Ulldllnt'dhle ltahtltlies includes tax Iiahtlities, Unpdld dryidend payable and borrowtngs,

a Effedllrc April 1.2018, the Company has adopted 1nd AS l l5 ‘Rcvcnue from Comrttt'ts with Customers The annhtatron ot‘ lnd AS its did not hau- any material tnrpart on the linaneial statements

ot the Compdlw

7 a) The Company had suspended the operations tram to July 2013 at its angele plant in order to dtspose exress atounitilateat intenrory, post whith the ltianagement is evaluating various options ot

runntng the \Inllproflldbly

ht Pending ttnal tleetsion ot vldblllly of the unit, the operations at the Ongcle Pldnl remains suspended tttl turther notire The Management has earned out a detatted impairment erraluatron and had

retogntsed an tnipatiment loss (net) at Rs, l,9o3 25 Ldkhs perlalnlng to the (drilling value ol its pmpeny, plant and equlpmenl, disrlosed as exceptional item under Statement o1 Profit st Lms For the

yarn ended 31 Vlart’h 20H

8 figures tor the quarter ended 31 MdrCh 2tll9 are the halaneing ttgures behvcen the audited trgmes tor the year ended 31 March 2019 and the unaudited tlgures tor the year to date period ended 3t

Del-ember zollz. Figures ten the quartei ended 31 March :ms are the halanring figures belween the audited rigures tor the year ended 31 ttarrh 1018 and the audited tigures tor the year to date

pelted Ended 31 December 2017

9 Reyenues {tom Operations lor the teat ended 3| Match 2019 are net ot Goods and Servtce Tax (6511 whereas Revenues from Operations tor the year ended al March zuls are gross oi Excise Duty,

“Kto The Board oi Directors has recommended a hnal drytdend ol last. (RSWH Equity share of Rs, ID eaehl tor the ttnanctal l'ear 20mm which issuhlect to the approval ot the shaieholders in the

torthtommg Annual General Meeting ol the Company,

ll TheStateinentol Asselsand Llalnhllesas at 31 Mark'h3019lsPluvldeddsdl‘ Annexurelothtsstalement

l: §dl| has been rerlassttted from Finished Goods to Raw Matertals The tmpacl ot’ the same for eath duarter/ tear l5 git/en helou (Amount Rs. ln Lakhsl

3 Months ended 3 Months ended a months ended 5 Months ended 9 Months added 3 Months ended 5:323:33 rear ended

2 \ ms . 2019’

2 IPaniculafi

30/06/2018 30/09/2013 31/1W U E 30/09/2018 31/12]? TI/(H/31/03/st

31/03/ 0 5

. . , , l (Audited) (Audited) ,

(uiiaudrtedl (Unaudited) (Uniudlled) (Unauditedt (Unauditedt[MN NW N [Rem NW at


Cast of Material Consumed

e horore melassrtieatioii 20o.38 79 os 81 92 :so u: dams 32913 99.61 399 80

, after reclassification l5,el 3 e4 :94 Kl 19 :5 3H 0o 024.11 252 4! 4m ‘3

Chad nges in Inventories or Finished

mods and “‘orlen stgress, helore retlassttu-ation (349 ml lm 75 191 5:; (139.35) (47 7o) (39 79) l74.77 92 3t;

rafts: ierlassitieation (lSE 33) tssJo (2 .30) . .3 o H 084,82) 2 97 31,06

The ahoye reelassthration dtd not nnpatt the Total Expenses or From lleiore Exrepllandl ltems and Tax, as disrlosed preyrously

Fax Chcmfah Alkalis Limited

(formerly tnown as l'eamee Chloiates Limited)


Suresh Kttshnanturthi hao

Chan man

law No- 00117809

Plate. Chennai

Date- 7 May 20w

Page 4: I. · Chemfdb Alkalis Limiled (formerly known as Tcdnmc Ch1orares Liniiled) CIN:I,24290TN2009PLC071563. 7 Regd. oniee: Team House, Vandami', Chennai 000 045; Phone No. +91 4—1 22750323

Cherntab Alkalis Limited

(formerly known as Tenn-rec Chlorates Limited)


Regd. Office: Team House, Vanflalur, Chennai 600 048.

Phone No: +91 4422750323 Fax No: +91 44122750860


(Amount Rs. In LaIdrs)

As at Current Year As at Previous Year

Particularsended ended

31/03/2019 31/03/2018

Audited Audited


(1) Non—current assets

(a) Property Plant and Equipment 19,350.34 17,194.16

(b) Capital workrinrprogress 1,015.33 162.39

(c) Investment Property19.61 .

(d) Intangible Assets 30.98 88.08

(e) Financial Assets 3

(i) Investments3.53 479

(ii) Other Financial Assets 854.33 980.66

(f) Non Current tax assets (Net)36.01 5.05

(g) Deferred Tax Assets (Net) 5,492.27 5,637.87

(11) Other Ncnrt‘urrenl Assets 678.71 1,504.03

Total N tin-Current Assets 27,481.11 25,577.03

(2) Current assets

(a) Inventories 83.21 327.20

(b) Financial Assets

(i) Investments0.35 034

(ii) Trade Receivables 1,634.10 1,710.61

. (iii) Cash and Cash Equivalents104.10 650.00

(iv) Bank balanres olher than (iii) above 903.29 568.60

(v) Other Financial Assets 497.51 364.38

(C) Other Current Assets 1,3546 618.81

Total Current Assets 4,618.02 4,239.94

TOTAL ASSETS 32,099.13 29,816.97


(1) Equity

(a) Equity Share Capital


1,389.05 1,383.05

(0) Other Equitv73,721.76 22,234.87

Total Equity 25,110.31 23,617.92

(2) Non-currenl liabilities

(a) Financial Liabilities

(i) Borrowings2,798.64 906.76

(ii) Trade Pavables- Total Outstanding dues oi micro enterprises and small enterprises


- Total Outstanding dues of Creditors other than micro enterprises and small enlerprises 318.87 ,

(iii) Other Financial Liabilities 62 52 396.55

(b) Provisions144.11 133.70

(1:) Other Non-current Liabilitirs- 229.10

Total Non-Current Liabilities 3,324.14 1,666.11

(3) Current liabilities

(a) Financial Liabilities

(i) borrowings- 1,363.76

(ii) Trade Payables. Total Outstanding dues of micro elilemi'ises and small enterprises 9.44 9.06

V Total Outstanding dues of creditors other than micro enterprises and small enterprises 1,211.61 1,807.79

(iii) Other Financial Liabilities 1,541.48 601.90

(b) Provisions177.01 182.35

(c) Current tax liabilit 5 (Net)96.66 91.62

(d) Other Current Liabilities627.98 476.46

Total Current Liabilities 3,664.18 4532.94

TOTAL LIABILITIES 32,099.13 29,316.97

Plato : Cthnai

Date : 7 May 2019


( lornIeer known as Teanier Chloriites Limited)




Page 5: I. · Chemfdb Alkalis Limiled (formerly known as Tcdnmc Ch1orares Liniiled) CIN:I,24290TN2009PLC071563. 7 Regd. oniee: Team House, Vandami', Chennai 000 045; Phone No. +91 4—1 22750323


(faxmnrly knnwn as Team: CIIIorazes Limfled)


Regd, ornee- Team House, Vandalur,CheI1ndI we 046.

Phone No; v91 44 27511323 Fax No, +91 44 2275113110

IAmnnIII Rs. In Lakhal


5 No an‘enImCurreIIIYeu Previous Yux

' '

ended 11/03/2019 ended 31/03/1015

1 Total Income from OperaI-ons (Refer NoIe 2 heIowI 19,318.91: 13,413.20

2 NeI Prom for the oenud Ibernre Tax, EXL'ephona] and/m Extraordman' IIemsI 4,1111 no 3,977,57

3Net PIom tnr Ihe penod before Iax (after ExcepIIonaI and/or Extraordmarv moms»

2,1;48 35 3307-57

(Refer NoIea beIan

4 Net PmFII Ior IIIe permd dflPr tax (aner Extemmndl and/or ExIraordmarv Items) 1,675.58 1547 45

Tom Comprehenswe Income fur Ihe pened5 (CeIIIansIng Prom fur the penud (after tax) and Other Comprehenswe 1,1771. 115 2,51 5.05

Income Inner IexH

o Euunv Sham CavILIl 1,389 05 1,383.05

7 mm Equiw as shown In IIIe Audned Balance Shee| dII-urIenI veer 1171175'

22,234 57

8 Earn-he verShdre (of Rs. 10 each) .

(11 BosIc (Rs) 11 67 18.12

(21DIIuIecI<Rs1 11.57 18.16


I) The above Is an extrarl or the delaIled fnrmaI or UnaudIIed FInancIaI ResuIIs IIIed mm BSE and NSE under Regulalmn 33 or Ihe SEBl (LIerIIg and

911121 DIscIosuIe Requiremems) Regulauons, 1015. The 11111 InrmnI of me Unaudiled FinancIaI Resuhs are avaIIahIe on Ihe webaue of BSE

(wva hseIncIIII mm), NSE (WWWJ\$(‘InLIId mm) and Company IwwwchemrahaILahsxom).

2) rom Income from Operauons ror “19 year ended 31 March 2019 are neI ofGoods and Sewn-e Tax (CST) whereas Tmal Income {mm Operauons fur

Ihe year ended 31 Mdn‘h 2018 are gross of hose Duty

3) Exce mom] “em

a) Ihe Companv had suspended IIIe opeInIInns from 10 July 2018 M 11s Ongole pInnI In order to IIIspose excess nccunIuIaIed Il1ven|nrv, pnsI thch Ihe

Management Is evnIunnng various dnnons nI InnIIIng Ihe IIIIII proflmbl),

171 Pending iIIIeI :IecIsIun uf VIJhILIly of me 111111, the operancns on the Ongale Plant mmams suspended IIII runner nollk‘e. The Management has famed

0111 (I «ended Impalrmenlevaluannn and had recogmsed an Impdlrmem loss mm of Rs 1,963.25 Lakhs penammg to Ihe carrymg value or MS pvopeny,

mm and qunpmenI, dIscIosod as excepnonal Ilem under Slammenlof Prom 51 Loss roI {he penod ended 31 December 1018

4) The PVC-D projed Ior manufaclunng and seIIIng of woo pIpes Is: fIIIIngs 41 En Cny, Tode, Andhra Pradesh ms comInIssIoned (111

22 DecemheI ZOIB.


(IormerIy known as Teamecchlornxes LImIIecI)



DIN No: 1101273119

[’Idee' Chennm


7 \Iay 21119

Page 6: I. · Chemfdb Alkalis Limiled (formerly known as Tcdnmc Ch1orares Liniiled) CIN:I,24290TN2009PLC071563. 7 Regd. oniee: Team House, Vandami', Chennai 000 045; Phone No. +91 4—1 22750323

' Chartered Accountants

DeIOItte ASV N Ramana Tower

52, Venkatnarayana Road

Haskins & Sells LLP 2.“.ziizmm7Tamil Nadu, India

Tel: +91 44 6688 5000

Fax: +91 44 6688 5050



CHEMFAB ALKALIS LIMITED (formerly known as Teamec Chlorates Limited)

1. We have audited the accompanying Statement of Financial Results of CHEMFAB

ALKALIS LIMITED (formerly known as Teamec Chlorates Limited) (“the Company"),for the quarter and year ended March 31, 2019 (‘the Statement’), being submitted bythe Company pursuant to the requirement of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing

Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as modified by Circular

No. CIR/CFD/FAC/62/2016 dated July 5, 2016.

2. This Statement, which is the responsibility of the Company's Management and

approved by the Board of Directors, has been compiled from the related financial

statements which has been prepared in accordance with the Indian Accounting

Standards prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with relevant

rules issued thereunder (‘Ind AS’) and other accounting principles generally acceptedin India. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Statement based on our

audit of such Ind AS financial statements.

3. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing issued by the

Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Those Standards require that we complywith ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable

assurance about whether the Statement is free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts

and the disclosures in the Statement. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s

judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the

Statement, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the

auditor considers internal control relevant to the Company's preparation and fair

presentation of the Statement in order to design audit procedures that are appropriatein the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the

effectiveness of the Company’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the

appropriateness of the accounting policies used and the reasonableness of the

accounting estimates made by the Management, as well as evaluating the overall

presentation of the Statement.

We believe that the audit evidence obtained by us is sufficient and appropriate to

provide a basis for our audit opinion.

4. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations V

given to us, the Statement:

(i) is presented in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 33 of the SEBI

(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as

modified by Circular No. CIR/CFD/FAC/62/2016 dated July 5, 2016; and

(ii) gives a true and fair view in conformity with the aforesaid Indian Accounting

Standards and other accounting principles generally accepted in India of the net

profit and Total comprehensive income and other financial information of the

Company for the quarter and year ended 31 March 2019.

Regd. Office indiabuils Finance Centre, Tower 3, 27‘" , 32”“ Floor, Senapan Bapat Marg, Eiphinstone Road (West), Mumbai , 400 013, Maharashtra, india.

”mm“ n MA AAD 0727i

Page 7: I. · Chemfdb Alkalis Limiled (formerly known as Tcdnmc Ch1orares Liniiled) CIN:I,24290TN2009PLC071563. 7 Regd. oniee: Team House, Vandami', Chennai 000 045; Phone No. +91 4—1 22750323


Haskins & Sells LLP

5. The Statement includes the results for the Quarter ended 31 March 2019 being the

balancing figure between audited figures in respect of the full financial year and the

published year to date figures up to the third quarter of the current financial year which

were subject to limited review by us.


Chartered Accountants

(Firm’s Registration No. 117366W/W-100018)

”WJ deep 5. Trasi


(Membership No. 211095)

Chennai, 07 May 2019
