i cc iinyx.uky.edu/dips/xt741n7xmk6h/data/0313.pdf · 2013. 5. 30. · i if lijifijfq ia1 1fj ra...

I if iA1 1fj ra i 1t Iv r i4Yr7nrl lijifijfQ ifEj tJ wJ e w WORE YOURI I I CORN OFI GET A CULTIVATOR I Postle Iv- jjjr ft Dont Contract For a Mowing Ma g chine Until You See m Ii j LightRunning Noiseless fjjf 1 It S Q IiJust Postle Q 1tJlfllfJl rf lJftJJrt IlJjJf lfJffJIJ0YfJfi f1 f0JlJJ I C3aa nC1C m mE 9B New Spring Millinery If you are seeking something newW something pretty something different fMJ J from what all your friends are wearing I HEfcE IS WHERE YOULL FIND IT Make Iy Store Your Headquarters The Parlor Millinery Store 1001 I WJi Mrs Jno F Lear First door below Cit izens Bank Danville st m gjjdJgjjdJgjjdJ D gjjdJLLJ fQtL3 I I a PERSONALS Mr George Ellis of Stanford was a visitor here Sunday Mr R G Ward of Cincinnati has ben here for a few days bars J S Bowman has returned to her home near Flemingsburg Miss Lula McClure of London has been visiting Mrs A II Bastin Mesdames JE Stormes and R L Elkin were in Danville the past week James Anderson of St Louis is vis ¬ iting his mother MrsSusan Anderson Miss Ellen Ballou of Stanford is visiting her brother Mr II M Ballou Miss Cerena Dunn of Danville is the guest of Miss Mattie Mae Robin ¬ son Mr Crenshaw is visiting his daugh ¬ 1 ter Mrs V M Tinder Lexington ave nuexitrninrmitrnr1rriintnrntx i V fj Gaeat Bargains 3 l = IN = i HANDSOME HATS i We call especial attention to some bargains we are now = offering in Handsome Pattern = Hats We have the most beautiful stock ever opened = in Lancaster and will make = = it to your interest to call and inspect our line = s Remember our sale of Ready To Wear Hats AT COST = = S = i = We have some beautiful = = BELTS and can make very = close prices on them This is = = an exceptionally pretty stock = 4044444444440 = = = The Marvel Millinery Store = Miss ADA DICKEIISON PRO = Stormes Bldg Danville st = = X BU1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1UUlUC Mrs Sid Isbell and little son of Franklin have joined her husband hereDr Chris Faris has returned from a weeks visit to his mother in Kirks villeMiss Annie Royston is visiting her sister Mrs E C Gaines Richmond avenueMiss Mary Gill returned Friday from a visit to Mrs A M Kinnaird of Mid S Beazley has gone to Louis ¬ ville to spend a week with his brother Will Beazley Miss Mary Arnold who is attending school in Nicholasville has been at home a few days Mr R H Batson and wife have been visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Hil ¬ ton of Brodhead Miss Mary Burdene of Springfield Ky is expected this week for a visit to Miss Louise Farns Mrs A Voris and Miss Viola Dicker son of Nichulasville were guests of Miss Ada Dickerson Saturday Mr John Baugumun wife and pretty little baby Brauham Beazley of Dan ville are visiting relatives here Mrs John Greenleaf who has been the guest of Mrs Emma Kauffman has returned to her home m Richmond Misses Irene Romans and Bessie Mae Lear visited Miss Bessie D Yan tis of and Sunday Mrs Banks Hudson and pretty little baby Porter Scott left this week to visit her mother Mrs Kennedy of West and Miss Bessie Mae Lear attended the reception at Jessa ¬ mine Institute and were guests of Mrs C F Denman Rev II N Faulconer spent several days here with his wife and children They will leavein a few weeks for Cincinnati where they will reside Miss Sarah Letcher who has been spending some weeks with Mrs F J White has returned to her home at Mr Woods Walkers in upper Garrard A number of Kay Peas visited Paint Lick lodge Monday night Among the victims was our friend Doctor u Wilktr wjio Hys UP got his money r 1 worth t CourlercTourndl Lieutenant Wm Preston of the K M Institute will b at home in a few weeks to spend his vacation with his parents at 2207 Floyd street Mrs Crittenden Pepper of Auster litz and Miss Wallace Montagde of Paris were guests of Mrs A II Bastin Saturday and Sunday Mrs Pepper is aLSlster of Mrs Bastin and Miss Mon tague is a candidate for school super ¬ intendent in Bourbon county Mt Yernon SikualMr John W Miller was out from Lancaster thi- sweek1Ir and Mrs Wm Ferrill of Garrard county are in this localitI visiting friends and relativesD C Pullins tranferred two hives of bees for J S Reppert killed rattlesnake and found a bee tree while he was at Brush Creek last week Middlesboro Record Miss Mar guerite Walker will return to her home at Paint Lick Monday morning after a visit of several weeks with Mrs J V Arnold atthe Bellievue James B Rucker stopped over here Tuesday evening to attend the leap year ball He was on his way to Stonega from a visit to his parents at Paint Lick The Record office had a most pleas ¬ ant call from Maj E W Lillard of Danville lie was here looking after his interests as a candidate for demo cratic nomination for State Senator Maj Lillard was engaged in the drug business in Lancaster for many years his stock being burned in the old town hall fire He then moved to Danville where he has been very successful in business Leaf is a clever gentle- man and has some warm friends in NO PRETTIER SCENERY OP Betqer Fishing Streams In America Than are Our Kentucky and Dlx Rivers A representative of the ITarrodsburg Herald in giving a write up visit to a camping party shows in the following extracts how the Kentucky and Dix rivers are being ruined as ii sh i n g streams The laws against destruc tion of fish are totally ignored and if anyone has ever heard of an effort be- ing ¬ made to prosecute violators that fact has been kept a profound secretz The Herald says The scenery in the immediate vicin ¬ ity of High Bridge is well known to travelers and is ranked in grandeur with that of the Hudson and is brought into favorable comparison by tourists with the mountains of Italy I and yet but few admirers of natures handiwork have ever viewed the gor ¬ geous scenes afforded by a trip up Dix river a stream insignificant as com ¬ pared to the Old Kaiutuck and yet when she blooms out in her May attire Miss Dix is as charming to crltn ical eyes as the old spinster Kain tuck We hailed in passing Bowman Terhune and Shell Ransdel who failing to entice the hnnies to take their minnows had easily suc- ceeded in exchanging a few pieces of I silver for a dozen fine new lights which had wandered into one of the many winged nets which are abound- ing ¬ in Dix river as plentifully as tor pedoes in the channel at Port Arthur it it it On the surface of the water through which the beautiful lone gli ¬ ded as gracefully as a swan though tugging the Tad Pole with its wearied human freight signs of a dynamite engagement which had but recently occurred with the finnies appeared Dead fish victims of explosions were floating about suggesting that the fish law recently passed by the Legis ¬ lature had been wantonly violatedand reminding us that the officials whose duty it is to appoint wardens had neg- lected ¬ it The constant use of dynam ¬ ite and nets is a flagrant violation of law and plays sad havoc in these waters and no attempt has yet been made to ferret out and punish the offenders who revel in ther deeds of carnage and captures not for sport but revenue only Were it not for these ruthless piscatorial marauders the Kentucky and Dix rivers would soon be teeming with game fish and would furnish sport for anglers equal is to any streams of the North or West e for mountain logmen for the Ken- tucky ¬ was almost blockaded with rafts from the mouth of Dix to the lock be ¬ low and several hundred amounting to half a million of logs were en route to market and raftsmen and lock keeper and crews of two tug boats 7 IROANS ELMORE II Buggies Surries dlesboroDr StanfordrSuturday LexingtonMrs Lancasterl aWe i Phaetons Runabouts II BUCKBOARDS and FRAZIER CARTS i in all the best makes as well as cheaper lines We can fit YOU out with any kindof vehicle rKauffman theY Columbus Moyer Brockway Waterton I Woodhull Westcott Sayers Scovill Etc Etc I 1and r biggest assortmentof medium priced vehicles in the city i fr ESinuJEi nm nyuri riyanMO w srI t s2iY ° h Jim u liifcy week of H Vo must not omit brief mention of the annderft- cave near he camp site the myslcri Cc t having ever been fully explored Legend has it that it was once the rendezvous of a band of rubbers and counterfeiters another Story is th it was a hiding place for rebel soldiers who were cut off from their command during the war and cared for surrep ticiously by their friends until escape was realized and still another tale is told about its having been occupied and used by several persons in which to gather up and melt silver ore ob tamed from a mine located somewhere in Garrard county Jim Ingram and others of the party started into this immense hole in the cliff bent on ex ¬ ploring it but were frightened off h myriads of hits which held the fort with a skill and success characteristic of the Russians at Port Arthur oaf Nearly a Week Without Sleep In a recent Issue of The Record we gave a synopsis of a letter to Dr E II Pearce from his friend Capt Geo C Apfeld telling of the tatters expe rience during a dense fog which lasted almost a week In a write up of the occurrence we reproduce the follow- Ing from the World Magazine Capt George C Apfeld has once nor- proved himself of the stuff of which heroes are made Overwhelmed a sea by a fog that defied the keenest eyes to pierce he stuck to the bridg- of e his big ship the Fricsland bourn from Liverpool to Philadelphia for 107 hours five days and four nights without a wink of sleep Nothing could move him from hi post lie kepthmiself up on coffee tea and sandwiches always on the lookout for the accident which all on- board feared night happen Grate ¬ ful passengers prepared a memorial to him upon their safe arrival as others have dune on other voyages Two years ago Capt Apfeld saved his ships company though his ship the Waes land run into by the I1armonldessauk- i n twentyfour minutes Another time he saved the Nuordland by lead- ing the way into the hold filled with blazing wax para 111 u and oil and inch by inch fighting back the flames until they were quenched lIe tells here the story of his exciting experience upon the request of the World Maga inc CA1T AlKKLUS S STOnY It was nothing much out of the or ¬ dinary Any captain would have done the same as 1 My place was on the bridge while the fog lasted it matter ¬ ed not whether it was a day or a week had my ship and my crew and my passengers to look out for and there was nothing else to do Hungry Of course not I had plentyof coffee and tea and sandwich- es Sleep Well its a pretty long time from Monday morning to Friday ht to go without a wink If 1 had gone to my cabin I couldnt have slept any way with the thought that my ship was in danger Even then when the sky got clear again I could only sleep for two hours was just as fresh as ever again 1 lost the Wacsland in the ocean on Holyhead Ireland She went down in twentyfour minutes after the Harm onides ran into her in 1002 A fog is not so bad if you keep your head and leave intoxicants alone If you have a well disciplined ship au dont fall asleep yourself you will reap the benefit when danger comes in the fog Then you see there is no wind or else the fog would bow away With no wind you can hear the whistles of other vessels a long way offand so you have plenty of time to do what should be done You hear the whistle th first timedo nothing You hear i again now you can locate it I knew this would be easy if I only stayed on the bridge and sol staved It was a pretty hard job but Im alf right now SWhooping Cough In the spring of 1901 my children had whooping coughl says Mrs D W Capps of Capps Ala I used Cham barlaius Cough Remedy with th most satisfactory results I think thi the best remedy I have ever seen for whooping cough This remedy keeps the cough loose lessens the severity nd frequency of the coughing spell counteracts anytendency toward pneumonia For sale by Frisbies Drug Store 1m To the Ladles It is our determination to carry over no old stock that is keep hats until out of style and to do this we offer special bargains all the time We or der new goods constantly always hay ¬ ing on hand a complete and full stock Our idea is to keep the goods moving Having met with so much encourage- ment ¬ from the ladles of Lancaster and Garrard county we have decided to continue in business hereso put forth our best efforts to always have in stock the very latest and best goods in the market Our stock is always fresh and we can show you the very latest creations in ladies headwear We thank the public for the liberal pa ronage and are striving to merit continuation of same Dont fail to visit our score whether you wish to purchase or not Marvel Millinery Store Miss Ada bickerson tf Examinatio- nExaminations of pupils completing the common school course will beheld atmy office Friday and Saturday May J3 and 14 Examinations for certifi ¬ rates for white teachers will be held at court house Friday and Saturday May 2and21 Examinations forcer ¬ tificates for colored teachers will be- held at court house Friday and Satur ¬ day May 27 and28- 513tf Mrs Ellsa Walker Co Sunt > i c e f f A RluriimrVrrl- tl To care a Hfo OrT G Merrltt of No Mehoopany Pa made a startling test resulting in a wonderful cure He wr tcsIIA patient was attackedwith hemorrhages caused by ulceration of the stomach I had often found Elec- t trio Bitters excellent for acute stom- ach and liver troubles so I prescribed them The patient gained from the first and has not had an attack in 14 months Electric Bitters are postive guaranteed for Dyspepsj Indiges- tion Constipation and Kidney troub IpsIry them Only 50c at McRob erts Drug Store lin Excursion to St Louis Lancaster Excursion Club will give an excursion on the 28th of June to- y the Worlds Fair St Louis Thule contemplating going will do well to get our rates and join the party leav- Ing ¬ here by special coaches going di rect without change This party will be chaperoned by Mrs Dr W S Beazley anJ met by Mr Henley Bastin who has been located on Worlds Fair- grounds for the past two months Thus enabling all going with us to make the trip and see the Fair with the least expense Quarters have been secured at lead ing Hotel main entrance of grounds that no time may be lost going or Fairn of callingfat Bettie Anderson Secretary Lancas ¬ ter or call phone 171 520tf Business and Bargains Cut flowers for Commencement ex ercises next Tuesday Will have large stock of Roses and Carnations Leave orders for specials J C Thompson Baled hay for sale Banks Hudson 34tf Millet seed for sale Banks Hudson 4ltf The Danville Steam Laundry wash ¬ es everything but the baby 25 tf Smith C Currey Agts Wanted 00 hem D brakes tf R M West A set of harness at cost with your new muggy and prices that defy com petition 5 20 tf Romans S Elmore Parlor suits bed room suits dress ers etc at bottom prices Hamilton C Dunlap 5Gtf No one will leave my place of busi ¬ ness with a suit that is not ENTIRELY SATISFACTOUY JC Ilemplilll 335tf We are going to sell our immense stock of vehicles and wagons Now is your time we can suit 5 20tf Romans youI We want jour paint u quality and prices count wtwill get it 422 Ct Frisbies lfug Store For Salo Two houses and lots and two build- ing ¬ lots on Richmond street 325tf It A Stone Lancaster Ky We buy our vehicles direct from fac ¬ tory and can save you money 520tf Romans S Elmore Our Buggies are bargaius 5 20 tC Mount S Elkin Graphite pouf Paint is the best and cheapest you can use on your Yearstl I am inthe market for hemp and will pay highest market price Call wareI New line of Buggies 520 tf Mounr S Elkin Wet 5 20 tf Romans s Elmore Choice Hemp Seed A few bushels of the Kentucky Riv er bottom Preston Hemp seed for sale Call on J C Ilemphill Lancas- ter ¬ or Gabe Preston Stone Ky Millet seed for sale Banks Hudson 41tt Automobile Free The Royal Tailors will give 10 Auto I absolutelys chance to get one see JC Hemppill who will tell you all about it 325tf We have a line of ihe fresnest and best cakes ever brough to ancaster tf avidson- We have Japl1 laC Varnish Stains Enamels Floor VPaiiit House Paint White Lead Linseed Oil Turpentine Colors iq oil and besc line of Brushes ever shown In Lanister 422 6t v EflsBjes Drug Stole J House Cleaners Vttentloh As the season for Spring Cleaning is at hand you will need Amunia Car- bolic Acid Chamois Bed Bug Killer MothBallsPafnts Var nishes and brushes We have all of these and at the lowettt prices Tele ¬ phone us your an we will deliv- er promptly 422 6tv Prisbies Tprug Store Ingersoll Dollar Watches at Thompsons Buggy Harness bargains 4 22tfrIount Elkini lowesta Please call and settle your accounts 429tt Beazley FarIs Japalac varnish makes old furni ure newoAt Thompsons tt Plants Plants Plants Geo Smith You take no chol In ing our paint It is the best I made and if it does not give satis Ion we will refund your money WBdt else could you ask > 4 22 fit FrlsbVes Drug SiOre We handle the very beat furniture pianos picture moulding in tactleve- rything ¬ in a upto theminute establishment Give us a call Hamilton Dunlap 56tf p f 1Ir11tllflillimmlltmmmllllllfllrnllflllnrmn rt IIfnrlIl r r J A CONN J B CONN Buggies Surries- Roadwagons Harness We invite you to inspect our stock WATCH THIS SPACE CODD Bros J1U1U1U1U1UUUUUUU1U1UUl1U Uf JululuWJllUlJlllual- uu wellpainted is IAN ECONOMY > Not a Luxury A house painted with a cheap paint is expensive The cost of applying it is the same as with a good paint You cannot afford to let your house go unpainted Neither can you afford to use a cheap paint Rainbow Paint is the Very Best Paint it is Possible to Make Idie business it will be appreciated 4L f HIS 81 S DRUG EI Get our Prices on buggies before buy lug Mount C Elkin 5 20 tf Hemp Seed For Sale I have about 180 bushels of the late importation cultivated hemp seed for sale Nicely cleaned Post office Mc Creary Ky J T HIcks Wardrobes folding beds etc at Hamilton C Dunlaps 5Gtf German millet seed Mount El kin 5 0tf We have German Millet seed oats and corn choice nicely cleaned Cul ¬ tivated hemp seed on liberal terms tf II A B Marksbury C Son German millet seed Mount El kin 5 C tf EIIkin 34tf Get your plants from Geo Smith The best ever Millet seed for sale Banks Hudson 4ltf Refrigerators hammocks etc at Hamilton Dunlaps 5Gtf 422 6t Frisbies Drug Store Fox the photographer Friday Marksbury S Son sell hemp seed millet seed oats and corn See them before buying Brown cultivators Mount El kin 5 G tf We have the very best cultivated hemp Will sell on liberal terms tf Marksbury S Son If you ae going to paint your house roof barn or any thing else we can supply your wants for paint of every description at best prices 422 tf Frisbies Drug Store Every one who buys a Royal Tailor suit stands a chance to get an Auto- mobile ¬ absolutely free Go and see C Hemphill who will explain it toI you 325 tf I will give my entire time to theI Merchant Tailoting business this sea ¬ son and If possible give better sans lion than ever before 3 25 tf J C Hemphill DP Sid Isbell Osteopath Located on Danville st two doors below Record office Consultation free Phone No 149 If there is any thing about this new method of treating di ¬ seases without the aid of drugs that is tot understood by any one if you will at my office I will take pleasure n explaining to you Igo out and the same as other physi ¬ cians41tt j 0 A 0 BEAZLEY UNDERTAKER Arterial and Cavity Embalming Full line of Caskets and Burial Robes alI ways in stock Undertakers Parlor on Danville street just above Presbyterian church Phone 11L > i c < e That Smooth FinishS- o much desired by all men for their collars is given at this Laundry If you want evidence send us a trial bundle We will call for your work MN LAUNDRY 5I 53 W Main St Phones 202 Lexington Ky T LOGAN Agent IH Lancaster Kentucky IO HLammack H Koehler o Paint Lick Kentucky Give us your order for Buggy Surry Buck board or Runabout Nice line on hand and special or ¬ ders filled without delay Blacksmithing AN- DCarriage Repairing Work Guaranteed to give Satisfaction For Congress We are authorized to announce Hon D L MOOKE of Mercer County as a candidate for Con res In the Eight District to succeed Hon GG Gilbert subject to the action of the Demo- cratic ¬ party Your support la earnestly lolicl ted tf For Congress- We sre authorized to anuounce HON HARE HELM of Loncoln county as a candidate for Congress In the Eignth district subject to tho action of the Democratic party For Congress We are authorized to announce Hon George G Gilbert for renomination as candidate for Congress subject to action of the Democratic party For County Attorney- We are authorized to announce R L DAVDI aa a candidate for nomination for Count Attorney subject to the action of the Demo cratic party For Supt Public Schools i Mrs Maggie B Gnlley is a candiemte for Bapt of Public i in uarnrd Co subject to the action of the democratic party tt For County Attorney- We are authorized to announce J E Robin sot as a candidate for nomination for Coun- ty Attorney subject to action of the Demo- cratic partyFor Supt Public Schools- We are authorized to announce Miss Mlttfe Dunn as a candidate for nomination for Super- Intendent Common Schools for Garrard coon ty subject to the action of the Democratic par tY We are prepared to do the very best roof painting and will do the work when promised No delays or dissat- isfaction ¬ about our work Leave or ¬ dens at FrUble drug store Charley Ball Louis Herndoa 415 U z r gi

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Post on 02-Feb-2021




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  • I ifiA1 1fj ra i 1t Iv r i4Yr7nrllijifijfQ ifEj tJ wJe wWORE YOURII I CORN OFIGET A CULTIVATORI Postle Iv-jjjr ftDont Contract For a Mowing Ma gchine Until You See mIij LightRunning Noiseless fjjf1 It SQIiJustPostle Q1tJlfllfJl rf lJftJJrt IlJjJf lfJffJIJ0YfJfi f1 f0JlJJ IC3aa nC1C mmE 9BNew Spring Millinery

    If you are seeking something newWsomething pretty something different fMJ

    J from what all your friends are wearing IHEfcE IS WHERE YOULL FIND IT

    Make Iy Store Your Headquarters

    The Parlor Millinery Store 1001I WJi Mrs Jno F Lear

    First door below Cit izens Bank Danville st

    mgjjdJgjjdJgjjdJD gjjdJLLJ fQtL3I


    a PERSONALSMr George Ellis of Stanford was a

    visitor here Sunday

    Mr R G Ward of Cincinnati hasben here for a few days

    bars J S Bowman has returned to herhome near Flemingsburg

    Miss Lula McClure of London hasbeen visiting Mrs A II Bastin

    Mesdames J E Stormes and R LElkin were in Danville the past week

    James Anderson of St Louis is vis ¬iting his mother MrsSusan Anderson

    Miss Ellen Ballou of Stanford isvisiting her brother Mr II M Ballou

    Miss Cerena Dunn of Danville isthe guest of Miss Mattie Mae Robin ¬son

    Mr Crenshaw is visiting his daugh ¬1 ter Mrs V M Tinder Lexington ave


    i V fj Gaeat Bargains 3l = IN =

    i HANDSOME HATS iWe call especial attention

    to some bargains we are now= offering in Handsome Pattern =Hats We have the mostbeautiful stock ever opened= in Lancaster and will make == it to your interest to call andinspect our line=


    Remember our sale of ReadyTo Wear Hats AT COST == S=i = We have some beautiful == BELTS and can make very= close prices on them This is == an exceptionally pretty stock= 4044444444440 == =The Marvel

    Millinery Store= Miss ADA DICKEIISON PRO =

    Stormes Bldg Danville st= =X BU1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1UUlUC

    Mrs Sid Isbell and little son ofFranklin have joined her husband

    hereDrChris Faris has returned from a

    weeks visit to his mother in Kirks


    Annie Royston is visiting hersister Mrs E C Gaines Richmond


    Mary Gill returned Friday froma visit to Mrs A M Kinnaird of Mid

    S Beazley has gone to Louis ¬ville to spend a week with his brotherWill Beazley

    Miss Mary Arnold who is attendingschool in Nicholasville has been athome a few days

    Mr R H Batson and wife have beenvisiting her parents Mr and Mrs Hil ¬ton of Brodhead

    Miss Mary Burdene of SpringfieldKy is expected this week for a visitto Miss Louise Farns

    Mrs A Voris and Miss Viola Dickerson of Nichulasville were guests ofMiss Ada Dickerson Saturday

    Mr John Baugumun wife and prettylittle baby Brauham Beazley of Danville are visiting relatives here

    Mrs John Greenleaf who has beenthe guest of Mrs Emma Kauffmanhas returned to her home m Richmond

    Misses Irene Romans and BessieMae Lear visited Miss Bessie D Yantis of and Sunday

    Mrs Banks Hudson and pretty littlebaby Porter Scott left this week tovisit her mother Mrs Kennedy of

    West and Miss Bessie MaeLear attended the reception at Jessa ¬mine Institute and were guests of MrsC F Denman

    Rev II N Faulconer spent severaldays here with his wife and childrenThey will leavein a few weeks forCincinnati where they will reside

    Miss Sarah Letcher who has beenspending some weeks with Mrs F JWhite has returned to her home atMr Woods Walkers in upper Garrard

    A number of Kay Peas visited PaintLick lodge Monday night Amongthe victims was our friend Doctor


    Wilktr wjio Hys UP got his money r1worth


    CourlercTourndl Lieutenant WmPreston of the K M Institute will bat home in a few weeks to spend hisvacation with his parents at 2207Floyd street

    Mrs Crittenden Pepper of Austerlitz and Miss Wallace Montagde ofParis were guests of Mrs A II BastinSaturday and Sunday Mrs Pepper isaLSlster of Mrs Bastin and Miss Montague is a candidate for school super ¬intendent in Bourbon county

    Mt Yernon SikualMr John WMiller was out from Lancaster thi-sweek1Ir and Mrs Wm Ferrill ofGarrard county are in this localitIvisiting friends and relativesD CPullins tranferred two hives of beesfor J S Reppert killed rattlesnakeand found a bee tree while he was atBrush Creek last week

    Middlesboro Record Miss Marguerite Walker will return to her homeat Paint Lick Monday morning aftera visit of several weeks with Mrs J VArnold atthe Bellievue James BRucker stopped over here Tuesdayevening to attend the leap year ballHe was on his way to Stonega from avisit to his parents at Paint Lick

    The Record office had a most pleas ¬ant call from Maj E W Lillard ofDanville lie was here looking afterhis interests as a candidate for democratic nomination for State SenatorMaj Lillard was engaged in the drugbusiness in Lancaster for many yearshis stock being burned in the old townhall fire He then moved to Danvillewhere he has been very successful inbusiness Leaf is a clever gentle-man and has some warm friends in


    OP Betqer Fishing Streams In AmericaThan are Our Kentucky and

    Dlx Rivers

    A representative of the ITarrodsburgHerald in giving a write up visit to acamping party shows in the followingextracts how the Kentucky and Dixrivers are being ruined as ii s h i n gstreams The laws against destruction of fish are totally ignored and ifanyone has ever heard of an effort be-ing


    made to prosecute violators thatfact has been kept a profound secretzThe Herald says

    The scenery in the immediate vicin ¬ity of High Bridge is well known totravelers and is ranked in grandeurwith that of the Hudson and isbrought into favorable comparison bytourists with the mountains of Italy Iand yet but few admirers of natureshandiwork have ever viewed the gor ¬geous scenes afforded by a trip up Dixriver a stream insignificant as com ¬pared to the Old Kaiutuck andyet when she blooms out in her Mayattire Miss Dix is as charming to crltnical eyes as the old spinster Kaintuck We hailed in passingBowman Terhune and Shell Ransdelwho failing to entice the hnnies totake their minnows had easily suc-ceeded in exchanging a few pieces of Isilver for a dozen fine new lightswhich had wandered into one of themany winged nets which are abound-ing


    in Dix river as plentifully as torpedoes in the channel at Port Arthurit it it On the surface of the waterthrough which the beautiful lone gli ¬ded as gracefully as a swan thoughtugging the Tad Pole with its weariedhuman freight signs of a dynamiteengagement which had but recentlyoccurred with the finnies appearedDead fish victims of explosions werefloating about suggesting that thefish law recently passed by the Legis ¬lature had been wantonly violatedandreminding us that the officials whoseduty it is to appoint wardens had neg-lected


    it The constant use of dynam ¬ite and nets is a flagrant violation oflaw and plays sad havoc inthese waters and no attempt has yetbeen made to ferret out and punishthe offenders who revel in ther deedsof carnage and captures not for sportbut revenue only Were it not forthese ruthless piscatorial maraudersthe Kentucky and Dix rivers wouldsoon be teeming with game fish andwould furnish sport for anglers equal is

    to any streams of the North or Weste

    for mountain logmen for the Ken-tucky


    was almost blockaded with raftsfrom the mouth of Dix to the lock be ¬low and several hundred amountingto half a million of logs were en routeto market and raftsmen and lockkeeper and crews of two tug boats











    in all the best makes as well as cheaper lines We can fit YOU out with any kindof vehicle

    rKauffmantheYColumbus Moyer Brockway Waterton IWoodhull Westcott Sayers Scovill Etc EtcI 1andr biggest assortmentof medium priced vehicles in the city if r ESinuJEi nm nyuri riyanMO

    wsrI ts2iY ° h

    Jim u liifcy week of H Vo must notomit brief mention of the annderft-cave near he camp site the myslcriCct having ever been fully exploredLegend has it that it was once therendezvous of a band of rubbers andcounterfeiters another Story is thit was a hiding place for rebel soldierswho were cut off from their commandduring the war and cared for surrepticiously by their friends until escapewas realized and still another tale istold about its having been occupiedand used by several persons in whichto gather up and melt silver ore obtamed from a mine located somewherein Garrard county Jim Ingram andothers of the party started into thisimmense hole in the cliff bent on ex ¬ploring it but were frightened off hmyriads of hits which held the fortwith a skill and success characteristicof the Russians at Port Arthur

    oafNearly a Week Without Sleep

    In a recent Issue of The Record wegave a synopsis of a letter to Dr EII Pearce from his friend Capt GeoC Apfeld telling of the tatters experience during a dense fog which lastedalmost a week In a write up of theoccurrence we reproduce the follow-Ing from the World MagazineCapt George C Apfeld has once nor-

    proved himself of the stuff of whichheroes are made Overwhelmed asea by a fog that defied the keenesteyes to pierce he stuck to the bridg-of


    his big ship the Fricsland bournfrom Liverpool to Philadelphia for107 hours five days and four nightswithout a wink of sleep

    Nothing could move him from hipost lie kepthmiself up on coffeetea and sandwiches always on thelookout for the accident which all on-board feared night happen Grate ¬ful passengers prepared a memorial tohim upon their safe arrival as othershave dune on other voyages Twoyears ago Capt Apfeld saved his shipscompany though his ship the Waesland run into by the I1armonldessauk-i n twentyfour minutes Anothertime he saved the Nuordland by lead-ing the way into the hold filled withblazing wax para 111 u and oil and inchby inch fighting back the flames untilthey were quenched lIe tells herethe story of his exciting experienceupon the request of the World Magainc


    It was nothing much out of the or ¬dinary Any captain would have donethe same as 1 My place was on thebridge while the fog lasted it matter ¬ed not whether it was a day or a week

    had my ship and my crew and mypassengers to look out for and therewas nothing else to do

    Hungry Of course not I hadplentyof coffee and tea and sandwich-es Sleep Well its a pretty longtime from Monday morning to Friday

    ht to go without a wink If 1 hadgone to my cabin I couldnt have sleptany way with the thought that myship was in danger

    Even then when the sky got clearagain I could only sleep for two hours

    was just as fresh as ever again 1lost the Wacsland in the ocean onHolyhead Ireland She went down intwentyfour minutes after the Harmonides ran into her in 1002

    A fog is not so bad if you keep yourhead and leave intoxicants alone Ifyou have a well disciplined ship audont fall asleep yourself you will reapthe benefit when danger comes in thefog Then you see there is no windor else the fog would bow away Withno wind you can hear the whistles ofother vessels a long way offand so youhave plenty of time to do what shouldbe done You hear the whistle thfirst timedo nothing You hear iagain now you can locate it

    I knew this would be easy if I onlystayed on the bridge and sol stavedIt was a pretty hard job but Im alfright now

    SWhooping CoughIn the spring of 1901 my children

    had whooping coughl says Mrs D WCapps of Capps Ala I used Chambarlaius Cough Remedy with thmost satisfactory results I think thi

    the best remedy I have ever seen forwhooping cough This remedy keepsthe cough loose lessens the severity

    nd frequency of the coughing spellcounteracts anytendency toward

    pneumonia For sale by FrisbiesDrug Store 1m

    To the LadlesIt is our determination to carry over

    no old stock that is keep hats untilout of style and to do this we offerspecial bargains all the time We order new goods constantly always hay¬ing on hand a complete and full stockOur idea is to keep the goods movingHaving met with so much encourage-ment


    from the ladles of Lancaster andGarrard county we have decided tocontinue in business hereso put forthour best efforts to always have in stockthe very latest and best goods in themarket Our stock is always freshand we can show you the very latestcreations in ladies headwear Wethank the public for the liberal paronage and are striving to meritcontinuation of same Dont fail tovisit our score whether you wish topurchase or not Marvel MillineryStore Miss Ada bickerson tf

    Examinatio-nExaminations of pupils completing

    the common school course will beheldatmy office Friday and Saturday MayJ3 and 14 Examinations for certifi ¬rates for white teachers will be heldat court house Friday and SaturdayMay 2and21 Examinations forcer ¬tificates for colored teachers will be-held at courthouse Friday and Satur ¬day May 27 and28-

    513tf Mrs Ellsa Walker Co Sunt

    >i c

    e ff

    A RluriimrVrrl-tl To care a Hfo OrT G Merrltt of

    No Mehoopany Pa made a startlingtest resulting in a wonderful cure Hewr tcsIIA patient was attackedwithhemorrhages caused by ulceration ofthe stomach I had often found Elec-

    t trio Bitters excellent for acute stom-ach and liver troubles so I prescribedthem The patient gained from thefirst and has not had an attack in 14months Electric Bitters are postiveguaranteed for Dyspepsj Indiges-tion Constipation and Kidney troubIpsIry them Only 50c at McRoberts Drug Store lin

    Excursion to St LouisLancaster Excursion Club will give

    an excursion on the 28th of June to-y the Worlds Fair St Louis Thule

    contemplating going will do well toget our rates and join the party leav-Ing


    here by special coaches going direct without change This partywill be chaperoned by Mrs Dr W SBeazley anJ met by Mr Henley Bastinwho has been located on Worlds Fair-grounds for the past two monthsThus enabling all going with us tomake the trip and see the Fair withthe least expense

    Quarters have been secured at leading Hotel main entrance of groundsthat no time may be lost going orFairn ofcallingfatBettie Anderson Secretary Lancas¬ter or call phone 171 520tf

    Business and BargainsCut flowers for Commencement ex

    ercises next Tuesday Will have largestock of Roses and Carnations Leaveorders for specials J C Thompson

    Baled hay for sale Banks Hudson34tf

    Millet seed for sale Banks Hudson4ltfThe Danville Steam Laundry wash ¬

    es everything but the baby25 tf Smith C Currey AgtsWanted 00 hem D brakestf R M WestA set of harness at cost with your

    new muggy and prices that defy competition

    5 20 tf Romans S ElmoreParlor suits bed room suits dress

    ers etc at bottom prices HamiltonC Dunlap 5Gtf

    No one will leave my place of busi ¬ness with a suit that is not ENTIRELYSATISFACTOUY J C Ilemplilll 335tf

    We are going to sell our immensestock of vehicles and wagons Nowis your time we can suit

    5 20tf RomansyouIWe want jour paint u

    quality and prices count wtwill get it422 Ct Frisbies lfug Store

    For SaloTwo houses and lots and two build-


    lots on Richmond street325tf It A Stone Lancaster Ky

    We buy our vehicles direct from fac ¬tory and can save you money

    520tf Romans S Elmore

    Our Buggies are bargaius5 20 tC Mount S Elkin

    Graphite pouf Paint is the best andcheapest you can use on yourYearstl

    I am inthe market for hemp andwill pay highest market price CallwareINew line of Buggies

    520 tf Mounr S ElkinWet5 20 tf Romans s ElmoreChoice Hemp SeedA few bushels of the Kentucky Riv

    er bottom Preston Hemp seed forsale Call on J C Ilemphill Lancas-ter


    or Gabe Preston Stone Ky

    Millet seed for sale Banks Hudson41tt

    Automobile FreeThe Royal Tailors will give 10 Auto Iabsolutelys

    chance to get one see J C Hemppillwho will tell you all about it 325tf

    We have a line of ihe fresnest andbest cakes ever brough to ancaster

    tf avidson-

    We have Japl1 laC Varnish StainsEnamels Floor VPaiiit House PaintWhite Lead Linseed Oil TurpentineColors iq oil and besc line of Brushesever shown In Lanister

    422 6t v EflsBjes Drug StoleJ

    House Cleaners Vttentloh

    As the season for Spring Cleaning isat hand you will need Amunia Car-bolic Acid Chamois BedBug Killer MothBallsPafnts Varnishes and brushes We have all ofthese and at the lowettt prices Tele ¬phone us your an we will deliv-er promptly

    422 6tv Prisbies Tprug Store

    Ingersoll Dollar Watches atThompsons

    Buggy Harness bargains4 22tfrIount ElkinilowestaPlease call and settle your accounts429tt Beazley FarIs

    Japalac varnish makes old furniure newoAt Thompsons tt

    Plants Plants Plants Geo Smith

    You take no chol In ing ourpaint It is the best I made andif it does not give satis Ion we willrefund your money WBdt else couldyou ask >

    4 22 fit FrlsbVes Drug SiOre

    We handle the very beat furniturepianos picture moulding in tactleve-rything


    in a uptotheminute establishment Give usa call Hamilton Dunlap 56tf



    1Ir11tllflillimmlltmmmllllllfllrnllflllnrmn rt IIfnrlIl rrJ A CONN J B CONN

    Buggies Surries-

    Roadwagons HarnessWe invite you to inspect our stock


    CODD BrosJ1U1U1U1U1UUUUUUU1U1UUl1U UfJululuWJllUlJlllual-


    wellpainted is


    > Not a LuxuryA house painted with a cheap paint is expensive The

    cost of applying it is the same as with a good paint You

    cannot afford to let your house go unpainted Neithercan you afford to use a cheap paint

    Rainbow Paint is the Very Best

    Paint it is Possible to MakeIdiebusiness it will be appreciated4Lf HIS 81 S


    Get our Prices on buggies before buylug Mount C Elkin 5 20 tf

    Hemp Seed For Sale

    I have about 180 bushels of the lateimportation cultivated hemp seed forsale Nicely cleaned Post office McCreary Ky J T HIcks

    Wardrobes folding beds etc atHamilton C Dunlaps 5Gtf

    German millet seed Mount Elkin 5 0tf

    We have German Millet seed oatsand corn choice nicely cleaned Cul ¬tivated hemp seed on liberal terms

    tf II A B Marksbury C Son

    German millet seed Mount Elkin 5 C tf

    EIIkin34tfGet your plants from Geo Smith

    The best everMillet seed for sale Banks Hudson4ltfRefrigerators hammocks etc at

    Hamilton Dunlaps 5Gtf422 6t Frisbies Drug StoreFox the photographer Friday

    Marksbury S Son sell hemp seedmillet seed oats and corn See thembefore buying

    Brown cultivators Mount Elkin 5 G tf

    We have the very best cultivatedhemp Will sell on liberal terms

    tf Marksbury S Son

    If you ae going to paint your houseroof barn or any thing else we cansupply your wants for paint of everydescription at best prices

    422 tf Frisbies Drug Store

    Every one who buys a Royal Tailorsuit stands a chance to get an Auto-mobile


    absolutely free Go and seeC Hemphill who will explain it toI

    you 325 tfI will give my entire time to theI

    Merchant Tailoting business this sea ¬son and If possible give better sanslion than ever before

    3 25 tf J C HemphillDP Sid Isbell Osteopath

    Located on Danville st two doorsbelow Record office Consultation freePhone No 149 If there is any thingabout this new method of treating di ¬seases without the aid of drugs that istot understood by any one if you will

    at my office I will take pleasuren explaining to you Igo out and

    the same as other physi ¬cians41ttj0 A 0 BEAZLEY


    Arterial and Cavity Embalming

    Full line of Casketsand Burial Robes alIways in stock

    Undertakers Parlor on Danvillestreet just above Presbyterian

    church Phone 11L> i

    c <



    o much desired by allmen for their collars isgiven at this LaundryIf you want evidence sendus a trial bundle Wewill call for your work

    MN LAUNDRY5 I 53 W Main St

    Phones 202 Lexington Ky

    T LOGAN AgentIH Lancaster KentuckyIO HLammack

    H Koehler


    Paint Lick KentuckyGive us your order for

    Buggy Surry Buckboard or Runabout

    Nice line on hand and special or¬ders filled without delay


    DCarriage RepairingWork Guaranteed to give Satisfaction

    For Congress

    We are authorized to announce Hon D LMOOKE of Mercer County as a candidate forCon res In the Eight District to succeed HonG G Gilbert subject to the action of the Demo-cratic


    party Your support la earnestly loliclted tf

    For Congress-We sre authorized to anuounce HON HARE

    HELM of Loncoln county as a candidate forCongress In the Eignth district subject to thoaction of the Democratic party

    For CongressWe are authorized to announce Hon George

    G Gilbert for renomination as candidate forCongress subject to action of the Democraticparty

    For County Attorney-We are authorized to announce R L DAVDI

    aa a candidate for nomination for CountAttorney subject to the action of the Democratic party

    For Supt Public Schools iMrs Maggie B Gnlley is a candiemte for Bapt

    of Public i in uarnrd Co subject tothe action of the democratic party tt

    For County Attorney-We are authorized to announce J E Robin

    sot as a candidate for nomination for Coun-ty Attorney subject to action of the Demo-cratic

    partyForSupt Public Schools-

    We are authorized to announce Miss MlttfeDunn as a candidate for nomination for Super-Intendent Common Schools for Garrard coonty subject to the action of the Democratic partY

    We are prepared to do the very bestroof painting and will do the workwhen promised No delays or dissat-isfaction


    about our work Leave or ¬dens at FrUble drug store CharleyBall Louis Herndoa 415 U


