hyundair after sales service

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  • 8/11/2019 Hyundair After SAles service





    After Sales Services






    Submitte t!" Submitte b#"

    Mrs$ S%ali&i Trive i Ar&ab '!s(ami

    Assista&t Pr!fess!r B$Tec% )MAE* + MBA

    Amit# Busi&ess Sc%!!l A,-,./0//01

    R!ll N!$" 230/,45


  • 8/11/2019 Hyundair After SAles service


    The title of my Minor Project is Impact of After Sales Services of the Hyundai Motor Group in Delhi N !"

    I declare that #a$ the %or& presented for assessment in this Minor Project is my ori'inal%or&( that it has not previously )een presented for any other assessment and that myde)ts #for %ords( data( ar'uments and ideas$ have )een appropriately ac&no%led'ed* #)$%or& conforms to the 'uidelines laid )y the +niversity( and #c$ Pla'iarism for this reporthas )een chec&ed usin' ,,,,,,,,,, soft%are and is ,,,,,,,,,,, -. The summary of my report is attached alon' %ith for reference.

    Date/ 00000

    Arna) Gos%amiA12134544567.Tech8 MA9:M7A1454853



  • 8/11/2019 Hyundair After SAles service


    This is to certify that Arna) Gos%ami( student of Amity School ;f 9n'ineerin' andTechnolo'y( Amity +niversity +ttar Pradesh has completed the Minor Project on Impactof After Sales Services of the Hyundai Motor Group in Delhi N !"( in Partial Automation 9n'ineerin'$:Masters ;f 7usiness Administration#Dual De'ree$.

    The report has )een chec&ed for the pla'iarism and it is accepta)le.

    Dr.Shalini TrivediAssistant Professor


    As the outset of the minor project( I %ould li&e to place on record my sincere than&s to


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    every)ody %ho helped me directly or indirectly. I %as helped a 'reat deal )y my faculty'uide Mrs$ S%ali&i Trive i %ho sincerely acted li&e a helpin' hand throu'hout the

    project. In addition to this( I %ould li&e to e?press my 'ratitude to%ards Ms Tavis%i %ho%ere very creative and innovative in their ideas and su''estions

    I %ould also li&e to than& Amit# U&iversit# for providin' me this %onderful opportunity%hich has 'iven me a lot of e?perience and polished my technical s&ills.

    I %ould also li&e to than& Amit# Busi&ess Sc%!!l ( for includin' this project in our curriculum. It %ill definitely help us in shapin' our professional life. I %ould also li&e tothan& our institution for providin' round the cloc& access to li)rary and internet facilities%hich helped us to 'et relevant information re'ardin' the project.

    Ar&ab '!s(ami



    S$N!$ T!9ic Pa:e N!$0 @ist of Ta)les


  • 8/11/2019 Hyundair After SAles service


    , @ist of Scope5.6 oncept 545.3 7ac&'round Information 555. Purpose 555.B ompany Profile 51

    1 ,$ Revie( !f Literature 56853


    -$ Researc% Met%! !l!:# 5 852.5 ;)jective 52.1 !esearch Desi'n 52.2 Data Source 5B

    2.6 Samplin' Plan 5B2.3 !esearch Analytical Techni=ues 5C2. !esearch Instruments 5C2.B @imitations of my !esearch 5

    ;1$ Results a& 2iscussi!& 14816.5 Data Analysis 14

    < .$ C!&clusi!& 244 !eferences 255 Appendi? 21863

    List !f Tables

    S$N!$ 2escri9ti!& Pa:e N!$0 Ta)le 5/ oefficients for ommunication 16, Ta)le 1/ oefficients for Services Provided 13- Ta)le 2/ oefficients for onvenience 1


  • 8/11/2019 Hyundair After SAles service


    1 Ta)le 6/ oefficients for 9mployees 1B. Ta)le 3/ oefficients #Multiple !e'ression 1; Ta)le / Descriptive Statistics for ommunication 23< Ta)le B/ Model Summary for ommunication 234 Ta)le C/ AN;EA for ommunication 25 Ta)le / Descriptive Statistics for Services Provided 20/ Ta)le 54/Model Summary for Services Provided 200 Ta)le 55/ AN;EA for Services Provided 2B0, Ta)le 51/ Descriptive Statistics for onvenience 2C0- Ta)le 52/ Model Summary for onvenience 2C01 Ta)le 56/ AN;EA for onvenience 20. Ta)le 53/ Descriptive Statistics for 9mployees 20; Ta)le 5 / Model Summary for 9mployees 20< Ta)le 5B/ AN;EA for 9mployees 64

    04 Ta)le 5C/ Descriptive Statistics #Multiple !e'ression$ 6405 Ta)le 5 / orrelations #Multiple !e'ression$$ 65,/ Ta)le 14/ Model Summary #Multiple !e'ression 62,0 Ta)le 15/ AN;EA #Multiple !e'ression$$ 66

    List !f 6i:ures

    S$N!$ 2escri9ti!& Pa:e N!$


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  • 8/11/2019 Hyundair After SAles service


    'overnment of India adapted the @icense !aj as the %ay for%ard for our economy )ac& then. This led to consolidation of the mar&et to%ards the e?istin' companies %hich %ereHindustan Motors( Premier Automo)iles and Standard Motors.

    The industry didn t see any other )i' company for nearly 24 years since then. As a

    com)inin' effect of the @icense !aj( lo% demand for automo)iles and shortcomin' of indi'enous !>D( the Indian auto mar&et hardly had any pro'ress till 5 C4. It %as in theearly 5 C4 s that the Maruti C44 project %as first started. Its start mar&ed a )e'innin' of ahu'e revolution in the mar&et. The first car %as intended to )e an indi'enously fa)ricatedeconomy car for the people. Ho%ever this plan %as soon left as political interference anden'ineerin' pro)lems delayed the project. Eery soon the company %as havin' pro)lems%ith )an&ruptcy. 7ecause of this the companiesF assets %ere nationali ed and the Stateo%ned Maruti +dyo' %as started. The ne?t time( the plan for indi'enous development%as left and the company started a oint Eenture approach. Many leadin' automo)ilemanufacturers from a)road %ere considered and the Su u&i Motor o. from apan %asselected. It %as chosen mainly )ecause it %as the )est in the small car industry and also

    the variety of availa)le cars %ith them could )e potentially considered for future launch.Moreover( their terms and conditions %ere very attractive. Thus Su u&i came to o%n 1 -in the E %ith permission to potentially increase to 34- in the future.

    Thus the Maruti C44 %as rolled out into the streets of India( loosely en'ineered on theSu u&i Alto platform. It very =uic&ly captured the mar&et. It also led to the launch of Maruti ;mni van and Maruti 5444 models later on. This further increased MarutiFs sharein the Indian automo)ile industry. The cars %ere constantly up'raded &eepin' in mind theinternational standards.

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    0$, Im9!rta&ce = Si:&ifica&ce

    The Indian automo)ile industry is one of the )i''est on our planet and it has e?panded

    e?ponentially at an alarmin' rate in the last 54 years. This is mainly )ecause of ever increasin' family incomes( lu?urious lifestyles( helpful financial availa)ility and fastur)ani ation. In 1452( the automotive industry mar&et 'ro%th %as flat to ne'ative

    )ecause of slo%do%n in economy 'ro%th. Ho%ever( the mar&et is e?pected to recover from the current financial year 1456853.

    IndiaFs vehicular industry( includin' )oth passen'er vehicles and commercial vehiclemanufacturin' industry is currently the si? lar'est in the %orld after hina( +S( apan(7ra il and Germany.

    The lon' term demand loo&s to )e =uite stron' o%in' to increasin' demand( policy

    support and ever s%ellin' investments.

    0$- Releva&ce = Sc!9e

    Accordin' to IHS Automotive( India %ill )ecome the 2 rd lar'est automotive mar&et in the%orld )y 145 .

    The follo%in' pie chart sho%s the mar&et share of automo)ile companies in 1452. Themar&et share sho%n )elo% is for the leadin' companies in every se'ment of vehicle

    production from April to Novem)er 1452.


  • 8/11/2019 Hyundair After SAles service


    6i:ure 0" Mar>et S%are !f lea i&: c!m9a&ies i& ever# se:me&t !f ve%icle 9r! ucti!&

    fr!m A9ril t! N!vember ,/0-$#Source/http/KK%%%.current%ee&.comKmar&et8share8of8automo)ile8companies8in8india81452top8players8in8industryK$

    ;ur country manufactured a)ove 2.1 million units of cars and utility vehicles in the fiscalyear 1451852. Maruti( Hyundai( Mahindra( Tata and Toyota are in the top 3 as seen a)ove

    in terms of mar&et share. They are follo%ed )y Nissan(

  • 8/11/2019 Hyundair After SAles service


    technical innovations in the product side of the mar&et. They are no% focusin' more onaddin' value to their products )y providin' )etter After Sales Service.

    0$. Bac>:r!u& I&f!rmati!&

    The data to )e used shall )e collected from a samplin' frame of 544 from the near)ylocal area of Delhi N !. Delhi N ! has a majority of upper middle class people %hocan afford Hyundai cars and can 'ive positive feed)ac& to the survey of After SalesServices offered )y the Hyundai Motor Group. The o)jective is to see if their serviceshave chan'ed the )rand ima'e and perception of the customers of the company Pre8Salesand Post8Sales.

    The post8sale services that are continuously )ein' used )y the automo)ile sector in Indiaconsist of re'ular maintenance( servicin'( repairs and chec&8ups of vehicles. They also

    provide useful e?chan'e and %arranty policies no%adays. This project aims to discover the satisfaction of customers of Hyundai in Delhi N !(to%ards their products and their respective After Sales Services.

    0$; Pur9!se

    The research paper is )ased on the prospect of customer satisfaction in terms of after sales services that are offered )y the South Lorean company Hyundai Motor Group in

    India. The purpose of this mana'ement report is to see %hether the customers of theHyundai Motor Group India are satisfied or not %ith %or&shop services. A primaryconcern of this mana'ement report is to sho% that the After Sales Service of Hyundai haschan'ed the perception of the company in either a positive or ne'ative manner %hich isdirectly related to )rand ima'e and )rand loyalty.

    The first state8of8the8art vehicle %as seen on the roads of 7om)ay at 5C 3.9ven thou'h it %as one of the startin' models of horseless carria'es( the Indianautomotive industry has since evolved in a sta''erin' manner. Today( the Indianautomo)ile industry is one of the fastest 'ro%in' sectors. It is also an industry %hich'enerates a lot of employment and revenue for our country. It is a &no%n fact that manyof the major top players in the %orld are fi'htin' to sell their cars in our country. ;ur mar&et is divided in various sectors li&e si e of the car( herita'e( model( usa'e and

    performance. In conte?t to this project( the focus %ill )e only on the passen'er vehiclesof the industry and on the Hyundai Motor Group specifically.

    There has )een e?citin' chan'e in the conveyance )usiness as the population in thecountry no%adays use various types of 18%heelers and 68%heelers. Their primary


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    concerns consist of various preferences li&e safety( speed( relia)ility( avera'e and outloo&.The automo)ile companies are no% facin' an ever 'ro%in' num)er of strate'ic options%hich must )e efficiently and effectively used in a lot of product variations for thecompetin' companies.These companies can only outperform each other if they can 'o a)out %innin' their

    customers and increasin' )rand loyalty )y meetin' > satisfyin' customer needs.ustomer satisfaction is a very important concept no%adays and After Sales Service plays a very important role.

    0$< C!m9a 9r!file

    The Hyundai Motor Group is a South Lorean automo)ile manufacturin' company )asedin Seoul( South Lorea. It %as founded on 1 th Decem)er( 5 B( com)ined %ith LiaMotors( its su)sidiary. It is our planetFs 3 th lar'est automo)ile manufacturer in terms ofannual vehicle sales in 1451. Till 1451( Hyundai sold over 6.6 million cars 'lo)ally( andalon' %ith Lia total sales %ere B.51 million.

    The Hyundai Motor ompany is a pu)lic type company and a &ey player in theAutomotive Industry and they serve their products on a %orld%ide )asis. Their founder is

    hun' u8yun' and their current hairman > 9; is hun' Mon'8&oo. Their productsran'e from ommercial Eehicles( @u?ury Eehicles to Automo)iles and 9n'ines.

    The companyFs annual revenue for 1451 %as +S C6)illion and their net income %as+S )illion for the same year. They had an employee count of 3B(543 in the year 1455.

    The company operates the planetFs lar'est inte'rated automo)ile manufacturin' facilitythat has an annual production capacity of 5. million units in +lsan( South Lorea.Hyundai has around B3444 employees around the %orld and they sell their products in5 2 countries usin' 444 dealerships and sho%rooms 'lo)ally.

    Hyundai Motor India @imited is no% the 1 nd )i''est automo)ile e?porter from ourcountry. They are sho%in' India to )e the 'lo)al manufacturin' )ase for small si e cars(

    particularly hatch)ac&s. They sell several models in India. The most &no%n and famous%ith the middle class )ein' the Santro( in'( i54( 9;N and the i14. They rolled out theirmuch8a%aited car( Grand i54 in )oth petrol and diesel on Septem)er 2 rd( 1452.

    Hyundai also sells other models in India li&e the Get ( Accent( 9lantra ( 1nd 'eneration Eerna( Eerna

  • 8/11/2019 Hyundair After SAles service


    9n'ineerin' #HMI9$ provides %ith technical > en'ineerin' support in vehicledevelopment and omputer Aided Desi'n > omputer Aided 9n'ineerin' support toHyundai s home !>D centre at Namyan'( Lorea. Moreover( Hyundai launched its desi'nactivities at the Hydera)ad !esearch > Development entre %ith Stylin'( Di'ital Desi'n> S&in AD Teams in the year 1454.


    Accordin' to Tri9at%i ),/0/* ( After Sales Service refers to all measure of mar&etin'there is( ta&en from the manufacturers and the retailers( in order to encoura'e repeat and


  • 8/11/2019 Hyundair After SAles service


    additional purchases( and increasin' )rand loyalty( )rand ima'e and customer satisfaction.

    After Sales Service can also )e defined as periodic or as %hen re=uired maintenance(servicin'( repairin' and chec&8up of products )y their respective manufacturers or

    suppliers durin' and after a %arranty period. It al%ays achieved a hi'h mar'in of salesand is a very efficient %ay to increase customer value and )usiness profita)ility of thecompany.

    The re=uirements and demands of consumers must )e loo&ed after )y the companies sothat a positive %ord of mouth is spread. In todayFs %orld( positive %ord of mouth plays avery important role in the promotion of )rands and products. Post8sale Services ma&esure that the products and the services al%ays meet or surpass the consumersFe?pectations.

    ?a &are ),//4* ( in his research paper of the After Sales Services provided )y hevrolet

    Motors India stated that an inefficient sales person %ill simply play a %aitin' 'ame )y&eepin' a healthy relationship %ith the customer %hile passively %aitin' untilcircumstances differ %hile an efficient sales person( on the other hand( %ill ta&e an activeand dynamic approach and %ill use the companyFs initial successful sale to penetrate anddevelop the customer account. Je can see that those same efficient sales people al%aysloo& for more areas %ithin the account so that they may offer real time solutions to their

    products and services and &eep the customers happy at all times.

    The America& E@9ress Cust!mer Service Bar!meter has sho%n that )uyin' decisionsof C - customers are influenced )y convenience and 4- customers force themselvesto%ards value for money ideas. Almost 4- customers today )uy their products )ased ontheir respective After Sales Services.

    An efficient After Sales Department in any Indian company is a pre re=uisite as studiessay that BB- of Indian consumers %onFt ma&e a repeat purchase or &eep usin' thecompanyFs products and services in the case of a )ad e?perience. ustomers need hi'h=uality after sales services to stay loyal.

    In the case of vehicles( they are e?pensive and a very valued product of a customer.;%nin' a car in an Indian household is a 'ood and prosperous si'n to others. Hence( a

    person %ill ta&e utmost care of his vehicle in India.

    After Sales Services in the automo)ile industry in India consists of %arranty of thevehicle includin' a fe% parts li&e )umpers( tyres( and internal accessories.

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    The perception of customers of a )rand )efore )uyin' a product is never similar to theone after the actual purchase and use of the product )y the customer. The perception of the product a'ain chan'es after the customer starts usin' the After Sales Services of thesame product. The same scenario is applica)le to vehicles.

    GAP A!9A/A 'ap area in the research papers read for this project %as that there is very limited focuson the chan'e of perception of a customer to%ards his vehicle )efore sale( usin' it after sale and after receivin' post sales services. This research project hi'hli'hts the sameusin' a survey and =uestionnaire.


    -$0 Ob ective


  • 8/11/2019 Hyundair After SAles service


    The main o)jective of this project %as to efficiently identify > evaluate the responsereceived from customers %ho use Hyundai vehicles in the re'ion Delhi N ! re'ardin'their satisfaction %ith their vehicle and the su)se=uent After Sales Services.

    Primar# !b ective"

    To evaluate Hyundai customersF satisfaction and the su)se=uent after salesservices that is provided )y the company in Delhi N !

    To en=uire a)out the consumersF e?pectations re'ardin' after sales services of theHyundai Motor Group.

    To find out if an e?istin' customer of Hyundai %ould advise their friends >relatives to )uy Hyundai cars.

    To find out if factors li&e e?chan'e policies and %arranty services have anyimpact on customers choice for Hyundai cars.

    Sec!& ar# !b ectives"

    To find out the future intentions of Hyundai customers re'ardin' future purchasesfrom the company.

    To &no% the reasons for any dissatisfaction of the customers %ith HyundaiFs after sales services.

    To evaluate if the after sales services of the company helps in )uildin' the )randima'e of the Hyundai Motor Group.

    -$, Researc% 2esi:&

    A research desi'n hi'hli'hts the method > processes for doin' any particular mar&etstudy. The research desi'n is causal in nature as a causal research desi'n evaluate theeffect that one varia)le has on another varia)le. In the case of Hyundai( the companiesAfter Sales Services are directly correlated to their )rand ima'e( )rand loyalty andcustomer satisfaction. This has an effect directly on HyundaiFs )usiness profita)ility( salesand the companyFs future.

    -$- 2ata S!urce

    Primar# ata"

    A Ouestionnaire is an efficient form of communication )et%een a researcher and hisrespondents. The success of the =uestionnaire directly depends upon the framin' of the


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    =uestions and the order they are present. A lot of care is hence re=uired %hile desi'nin'the =uestionnaire. It re=uires a lot of s&ills( efficiency( e?perience and %isdom.

    A =uestionnaire as&in' appropriate =uestions re'ardin' HyundaiFs After Sales Services isthe primary data source. The people of Delhi N ! %ere the respondents for the

    structured =uestionnaire. The =uestionnaire as&s the respondents #customers of Hyundaivehicles$ ho% their perception of the Hyundai Motor Group has chan'ed pre8sale and post8sale of the vehicles.

    Sec!& ar# ata"

    The secondary data is the data %hich already e?ists in )oo&s( internet( ne%spapers andautomo)ile ma'a ines. This data has )een collected and 'athered for help in the presentstudy.

    -$1 Sam9li&: Pla&

    Sam9li&: Tec%&i ue"

    The samplin' techni=ue is )ased on non pro)a)ility samplin'F( %hich is a samplin'techni=ue %here samples are collected and 'athered in a %ay %hich does not provide allindividuals in the population e=ual chances of 'ettin' selected.

    onvenience and jud'ement samplin' have )een used in this project as time and costconstraints %ere a major factor.

    Sam9li&: U&it Pr!file"

    The samplin' unit profile consists of respondents of the structured =uestionnaire %hoo%n Hyundai cars in the re'ion Delhi N !. A total of 544 respondents %ere the sampleunit si e for this project.

    -$. Researc% A&al#tical Tec%&i ues

    !e'ression analysis is a very commonly used tool in mar&etin' mana'ement andresearch. It lets researchers to interpret relationships )et%een an independent and adependent varia)le. In the research project( the dependent varia)le is the outcome %e carea)out #i.e.( efficient after sales services$( %hile the independent varia)les are the ones %e


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    have to achieve the dependent varia)le outcome %ith li&e 'ood customer service( usefule?chan'e and %arranty policies( efficient maintenance and servicin' of vehicle( etc.

    !e'ression analysis can 'ive us insi'hts %hich fe% other analysis techni=ues can. The&ey advanta'es of usin' this form of analysis are that it can/

    Tell if independent varia)les have any important relationship %ith a dependentvaria)le. Measure the relative stren'th of various independent varia)lesF effects on the

    dependent varia)le. 7e used to ma&e future predictions. Help %ith direct e?penses if it is &no%n that promotional activities )oost sales.

    -$; Researc% I&strume&ts

    The research instruments that %ere used are a structured =uestionnaire or a survey usin'Goo'le Docs. It had a fe% )asic =uestions aimed at Hyundai customers to rate their After Sales Services on a 38point @i&ert Scale( %ith Stron'ly A'ree )ein' a 5( Stron'lyDisa'ree )ein' a 3 and Avera'e or Neutral )ein' a 2.

    The dichotomous scale %as used as %ell on the =uestionnaire %ith the =uestions %herethe respondents are as&ed their se? and family income. The ratio scale %as used too in%hich the respondents %ere as&ed for their a'e.

    The data analysis soft%are that %as used to do the a)ove mentioned test is IBM SPSSStatistics 05 F.

    3.7 Limitati!&s !f t%e Researc%

    All the info for the research project is collected from Hyundai customers of aspecific re'ion and the findin's are limited to Delhi N ! only . All ans%ers for the=uestionnaire are as per respondents understandin' and that may differ from onerespondent to another.


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    Due to cost limitations( the =uestions desi'ned can have limitations re'ardin' the=uestions and their respective options. Also( Due to cost and time limitations( thesample si e is only 544.

    Pro)a)ility samplin' could not )e used as time and cost factors %ere too hi'h andhence( the results found )y me cannot )e 'enerali ed to the population.


    1$0 2ata A&al#sis

    2em!:ra9%ic Pr!file"


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    A'e Group/ There %ere a total of 544 respondents for the structured =uestionnaire. 66-of the respondents fall under the a'e 'roup 5C811 years of a'e( 2 - fall under the a'e'roup 1281 years of a'e( %hile the remainin' 5B- fall under the a'e 'roup 24834 yearsof a'e. The youth of Delhi N ! are the predominant respondents in the survey and that iscompletely valid as the youth play an important role in decidin' on family vehicles


    Gender/ 25- of the total respondents %ere females %hile the remainin' - %ere males.

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    IN6ERENCE"It %as found that 3 - of the respondents 'ave scores of 5 and 1 %hich means they a'ree%ith the statements.11.3- of the respondents 'ave scores of 2 %hich means they neither a'reed nor disa'ree%ith the statements.

    15.3- of the respondents 'ave scores of 6 and 3 %hich means they disa'ree %ith thestatements.

    6i:ure ," Bar c%art f!r Perce&ta:e !f res9!& e&tsD re9l# t! C!&ve&ie&ce


    +nder the communication section( t%o statements %ere com)ined/

    1. I 'in# i &e%! ea$! c n ac he $e%&ice #e*a% en ake an a** in en ' % ! &ehic e

    2. I a c n ac e# ,i hin - , %king #a!$ ' ! &i$i check ha I a ha**! an# $a i$'ie# ,i h he , %k ca%%ie# " n ! ca%

    IN6ERENCE"It %as found that 34- of the respondents 'ave scores of 5 and 1 %hich means they a'ree%ith the statements.11- of the respondents 'ave scores of 2 %hich means they neither a'reed nor disa'ree%ith the statements.

    1C- of the respondents 'ave scores of 6 and 3 %hich means they disa'ree %ith thestatements.


  • 8/11/2019 Hyundair After SAles service


    6i:ure -" Bar c%art f!r Perce&ta:e !f res9!& e&tsD re9l# t! C!mmu&icati!&


    +nder the services section( three statements %ere com)ined.

    1. H!"n#ai ha$ &e%! ene'icia e/change an# ,a%%an ! * icie$2. The %e*ai%ing0 ain enance an# $e%&icing # ne a a H!"n#ai $e%&ice cen e% i$

    &e%! e''ec i&e3. I a ha**! ,i h he $e%&ice a#&i$ %1$ "n#e%$ an#ing ' he , %k %e2"i%e# ,hen

    I k a** in en $

    IN6ERENCE"It %as found that 3C- of the respondents 'ave scores of 5 and 1 %hich means they a'ree%ith the statements.12. - of the respondents 'ave scores of 2 %hich means they neither a'reed nor disa'ree%ith the statements.5C.6- of the respondents 'ave scores of 6 and 3 %hich means they disa'ree %ith thestatements.


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    6i:ure 1" Bar c%art f!r Perce&ta:e !f res9!& e&tsD re9l# t! Services


    +nder the employees section( t%o statements %ere com)ined.

    1. The echnica $"** % an# he * #e$k i$ &e%! g # 2. The A' e% Sa e$ Se%&ice $ a'' ha I #ea ,i h ' % ! H!"n#ai &ehic e a%e

    kn , e#gea e0 * i e an# &e%! he *'"

    IN6ERENCE"It %as found that 3B- of the respondents 'ave scores of 5 and 1 %hich means they a'ree%ith the statements.

    16.3- of the respondents 'ave scores of 2 %hich means they neither a'reed nor disa'ree%ith the statements.5C.3- of the respondents 'ave scores of 6 and 3 %hich means they disa'ree %ith thestatements.

    6i:ure ." Bar c%art f!r Perce&ta:e !f res9!& e&tsD re9l# t! Em9l!#eesSPSS Results"


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    Li&ear Re:ressi!&

    In this case( the dependent varia)le is the customerFs overall perception and theindependent varia)le is ommunication.

    T%e R value is $

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    In this case( the dependent varia)le is the customerFs overall perception and theindependent varia)le is Services Provided

    T%e R value is $

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  • 8/11/2019 Hyundair After SAles service


    Li&ear Re:ressi!&

    a. Dependent Earia)le/ ;verall( my perception of Hyundai Motors has chan'ed positively for the 'ood

    In this case( the dependent varia)le is the customerFs overall perception and theindependent varia)le is 9mployees

    T%e R value is $4,< (%ic% re9rese&ts t%e sim9le c!rrelati!&$ T%e R s uare valuee@9lai&s %!( muc% !f t%e e9e& e&t variable F9erce9ti!& !f H#u& aiG is bei&:e@9lai&e b# t%e i& e9e& e&t variable FEm9l!#eesG$ I& t%is case ;4$- is bei&:e@9lai&e $ )Refer A99e& i@ Table 0;*

    I& t%e A&!va table (e ca& see t%at t%e re:ressi!& m! el 9re icts t%e e9e& e&tvariable uite (ell$ As Si:$ /$/. t%e m! el a99lie ca& statisticall# si:&ifica&tl#9re ict t%e e9e& e&t variable$ )Refer A99e& i@ Table 0

  • 8/11/2019 Hyundair After SAles service


    9mployees . 5C .4 2 .C1B 56.32B .444

    a. Dependent Earia)le/ ;verall( my perception of Hyundai Motors has chan'ed positively for the 'ood.

    Multi9le Re:ressi!&

    In this case( the dependent varia)le is the customerFs overall perception and theindependent varia)les are ommunication( onvenience( Services Provided and9mployees.

    T%e escri9tive c!mma& :ives us a c!rrelati!& matri@ base !& t%e Pears!&

    c!rrelati!& bet(ee& t%e variables$ )Refer A99e& i@ Table 05*

    T%e table tells us t%at e it is$ )Refer A99e& i@ Table ,0*

    6i&all# (e ca& see t%e Beta c!efficie&ts bel!( K !&e f!r eac% i& e9e& e&t variable$Base !& t%is table !ur re:ressi!& e uati!& bec!mes

    Y $-,, + $10/)Em9l!#ees* + $--4)C!mmu&icati!&* + $010)C!&ve&ie&ce* + $04,)Services Pr!vi e *

    Table ." C!efficie&ts )Multi9le Re:ressi!&*


    +nstandardi edoefficients

    Standardi edoefficients

    T Si'.7 Std. 9rror 7eta

    5 # onstant$ 8.211 .5 4 81.453 .46B


  • 8/11/2019 Hyundair After SAles service


    9mployees .654 .54B .2 2.C11 .444

    ommunication .22C .4 2 .25B 2. 5 .444

    onvenience .565 .516 .516 5.523 .13


    .5C1 .544 .533 5.C14 .4B1


  • 8/11/2019 Hyundair After SAles service


    RE6ERENCES !undai"#otor"$ompan!'%automo(ile%companie&%in%india%2013top%pla!er&%in%indu&tr!/

  • 8/11/2019 Hyundair After SAles service



    Hyundai Motor Group After Sales Services)' !ou own and u&e a !undai vehicle 'or !our per&onal tran&portation+ plea&e ,ll upthi& &urve! to let u& know how e-cient !undai & 'ter ale& ervice i& in the region

    elhi $* RequiredPlease enter your age *

    Please enter your sex *


    FemalePlease enter your family income per month (in Rs.) *





  • 8/11/2019 Hyundair After SAles service



    Above 50000I find it very easy to contact the service department to make an appointment for my vehicle *

    1 2 3 4 5



    I am happy with the service advisor's understanding of the work re uired when I !ookappointments. *

    1 2 3 4 5



    "hecking in at the #yundai service center is easy and fast *

    1 2 3 4 5



    "omplaint registration is fast and effective *1 2 3 4 5



    #yundai has very !eneficial exchange and warranty policies *

    1 2 3 4 5





    $he repairing% maintenance and servicing done at a #yundai service center is very effective *

    1 2 3 4 5




  • 8/11/2019 Hyundair After SAles service



    $he technical support and help desk is very good *

    1 2 3 4 5



    $he &fter ales ervice staff that I deal with for my #yundai vehicle are knowledgea!le% polite andvery helpful *

    1 2 3 4 5



    I am contacted within working days of my visit to check that I am happy and satisfied with thework carried out on my car *

    1 2 3 4 5



    verall% my perception of #yundai otors has changed positively for the good. *

    My perception of my Hyundai ve icle! t e Hyundai brand! and it" After #ale" #ervice a" con"tantlyincrea"ed from before $ received t e "ervice" to after $ received t em.

    1 2 3 4 5




  • 8/11/2019 Hyundair After SAles service


    Table ;"2escri9tive Statistics f!r C!mmu&icati!&

    Mean Std. Deviation N

    ;verall( my perception of Hyundai Motors haschan'ed positively for the'ood.

    1.22 5.5C5 544

    ommunication 1. 334 5.54 65 544


  • 8/11/2019 Hyundair After SAles service


    a. Predictors/ # onstant$( ommunication

    Table 4" ANO?A f!r C!mmu&icati!&

    ModelSum of S=uares df Mean S=uare < Si'.

    5 !e'ression C .CB6 5 C .CB6 5 .5 2 .444 a

    !esidual 35.12 C .312

    Total 52C.554

    a. Predictors/ # onstant$( ommunication

    ). Dependent Earia)le/ ;verall( my perception of Hyundai Motors has chan'ed positively for the 'ood.

    Table 5" 2escri9tive Statistics f!r Services Pr!vi e

    MeanStd.Deviation N


    perceptionof HyundaiMotors haschan'ed

    positivelyfor the'ood.

    1.22 5.5C5 544


  • 8/11/2019 Hyundair After SAles service


    ServicesPr ovided

    1.2644 5.446B6 544

    Table 0/" M! el Summar# f!r Services Pr!vi e

    Model ! ! S=uareAdjusted ! S=uare Std. 9rror of the 9stimate

    5 .B3 a .3B5 .3 B .BBC


    han'e Statistics

    ! S=uarehan'e < han'e df5 df1 Si'. < han'e

    5 .3B5 524.63 5 C .444

    a. Predictors/ # onstant$( ServicesProvided

    Table 00" ANO?A f!r Services Pr!vi e


    Sum of

    S=uares Df Mean S=uare < Si'.

    5 !e'ression BC.C 5 BC.C 524.63 .444 a

    !esidual 3 .166 C . 43

    Total 52C.554


  • 8/11/2019 Hyundair After SAles service


    a. Predictors/ # onstant$( ServicesProvided

    ). Dependent Earia)le/ ;verall( my perception of Hyundai Motors has chan'ed positively for the 'ood.

    Table 0," 2escri9tive Statistics f!r C!&ve&ie&ce

    MeanStd.Deviation N

    ;verall( my perceptionof Hyundai Motors haschan'ed positively for the 'ood.

    1.22 5.5C5 544

    onvenience 1.6644 5.46442 544

    Table 0-" M! el Summar# f!r C!&ve&ie&ce

    Model ! ! S=uareAdjusted! S=uare

    Std. 9rror of the9stimate

    5 .C54a . 3 . 31 . B


    han'e Statistics

    ! S=uare

    han'e < han'e df5 df1
