hvo specialists presentation

1 De-risking international projects Facilitators: Andrew Hinton, Jeremy Gordon and Kevin Thorpe HVO Business Specialists De-risking international projects

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De-risking international projects presentation from High Value Opportunities event on 1 November 2011.


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De-risking international projects

Facilitators: Andrew Hinton, Jeremy Gordon and Kevin Thorpe

HVO Business Specialists

De-risking international projects

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De-risking international projects

1. Introductions 5 mins

2. Willis 10 mins

3. ECGD 10 mins

4. Malaysia Project Example 5 mins

5. UKTI and FCO Support 10 mins

6. Discussion 20 mins

High Value Opportunities Programme

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Willis Presentation

High Value Opportunities Programme

John Naish Executive Director


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ECGD Presentation

High Value Opportunities Programme

Ali Sherwani Head of Business Development


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Dr Andrew Hinton – UKTI Business Specialist

MYS-[6] Klang Valley MRT

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Project Overview

Project Name Klang Valley MRT

Project Number [MYS]-6

Project Value £ 10.5 bn

Accessible Value £ 750M

Project Location Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Project Description This is the largest infrastructure project ever

undertaken in Malaysia and will involve the development of two North East – South West radial rail lines and a circle line which together will form a ‘wheel and spoke’ around Greater Kuala Lumpur city.

High Value Opportunities Programme

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UK Business Opportunities

Total Project 180-200kms (three lines)

30% project costs allocated to tunnelling

Opportunities include, master planning, engineering design, cost consultancy, project management, rail systems / signalling, architectural design, land development

Each line will have core elements tendered Tunnelling Underground Stations Elevated stations/guide ways Depots Track Works and power System works / Platform screen doors Rolling Stock Security systems

High Value Opportunities Programme

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The Strategy

Roll out for Line 1 SBK is underway Pre-qualification for Systems packages, Next round of pre-qualification will be for track work,

power, and rolling stock.

Support to position UK capability well underway, over 50 companies briefed and strong UK engagement

UK involvement in:- Master planning, engineering design, construction

planning, architectural design on stations / underground.

Strong political support for KV MRT PM Najib visit – SoS Hammond Business Roundtable UK- Malaysia MOU signed SoS Cable No10 written to PM Najib supporting UK engagement

High Value Opportunities Programme

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Project Timeline


TenderRFQ / PQQ

Select Preferred


Negotiations / Contract

Continuing Opportunities

Q4/ Q4/





High Value Opportunities Programme



Prequalification / tendering commenced for signalling and train control systems / platform doors (Oct 2011, close date for documents Nov 4th 2011)

Prequalification late 2011/early 2012 for Track and Power elements, electrification, rolling stock

Further opportunities as the project moves forward, around urban regeneration, and also for Lines 2 and 3 (UK companies need to position themselves now)

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The Challenges

High Value Opportunities Programme

Understanding the key government and commercial stakeholders (MRT Co / MMC-Gamuda JV).

Market presence, aligning your company to ‘appropriate’ key local partners.

Build strategic relationships, demonstrating a long term commitment.

Investing in skills and knowledge transfer

Competitive pricing, regional sourcing ?

De-risk the financing (ECGD) / insurance

Be informed www.kvmrt.com.my

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The Virtual Team

Name Location Tel Number E-mail Position

Team Leader /Business Specialist

Andrew Hinton


07825 603097

[email protected]

Project Lead

Team Member Derek Griffiths London

020 7215 4773

[email protected]

Head of Rail UKTI

Team Member Bob Docherty

London 07879 661598

[email protected]

UKTI Rail Specialist

Team Member Tony Collingridge

British High Commission, KL

+603 2170 2310

[email protected]

Director Trade and Investment

Team Member Zak Grebe British High Commission, KL

+603 2170 2224

[email protected]

Trade Manager

Team Member Julian McCormac

British Consulate Shanghai

+86 21 3279 2011

[email protected]

HVO Regional Co-ordinator

Team Member Steve Raulston

London 020 7215 4933

[email protected]

UKTI International Grp

High Value Opportunities Programme

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De-risking Projects


High Value Opportunities…& Risks

危机 / Wei Ji

Crisis = Danger + Opportunity?

Be informed & be protected

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Examples: China & Hong Kong

Chongqing Liangjiang New Area, China Project Number [CHN]-49 Accessible Value £1 bn

China New Energy, China Project Number [CHN]-20 Accessible Value £10.3 bn

Kai Tak Development, Hong Kong Project Number [HKG]-5 Accessible Value £5.7 bn

West Kowloon Cultural District, Hong Kong Project Number [HKG]-8 Accessible Value £1.2 bn

High Value Opportunities Programme

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Selected Risk Issues


Political Risk Bribery & corruption Due Diligence IP Protection Trade Secrets / Non Disclosure

Legal Issues Contracts & Enforcement Compliance Liability / special purpose vehicles

Project Risk Delivery Risks Reputation Business Intelligence Payment Risk

Organised Crime Personnel Terrorism

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Project Timeline & Risk


TenderRFQ / PQQ /


Select Preferred


Negotiations / Contract

Continuing Opportunities

Q4/ Q4/





High Value Opportunities Programme

Tender: Planning & risk assessment; due diligence; business intelligence; qualification; bid costs; etc.

Selection: Costs; relationships; partners; bribery & corruption; selection (reverse due diligence); IP & trade secrets etc.

Contracts: Legal structures; liabilities; payment terms; conflicts of interest; enforcement; etc.

Operations: Delivery; fraud; monitoring; reputation; payments; profits/repatriation etc.

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Intellectual Property


• There are many simple and cost effective ways of protecting your ideas and your business.

• Intellectual Property Office•Patent protection abroad•Trade marks abroad•Designs protection abroad•Copyright abroad

• Overseas Business Risk country pages •Up-to-date information on IP in over 90 markets

• IP guides •Including Brazil, China, India, Korea and Vietnam.

• World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)• Information from 184 Member States

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Bribery and Corruption


• Bribery is illegal!

• Bribery Act• From 01 July 2011 the Bribery Act makes it an offence for commercial organisations carrying on a business in the UK to fail to prevent bribery on their behalf by employees and other associated persons.

•Guidance:http://www.justice.gov.uk/guidance/docs/bribery-act-2010-guidance.pdf •Quick Start: http://www.justice.gov.uk/guidance/docs/bribery-act-2010-quick-start-guide.pdf

• Hospitality and Promotional Expenditure• Bribery Act does not prohibit hospitality

• Reasonable and proportionate

• Facilitation payments• UK law has never exempted facilitation payments

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Organised Crime


• UK business is at risk of being targeted and exploited by serious organised criminals.

• Overseas Business Risk country pages • Information from our overseas network on organised crime in a wide range of markets.

• Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA)•Works with the private sector to improve understanding of the threats faced by industry and shares information to help protect UK businesses.

• SOCA’s annual UK threat assessment describes and weighs-up threats

•SOCA website: www.soca.gov.uk

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• Protective security • Reducing vulnerability to terrorism, cyber attack, espionage etc.• Use a combination of measures: physical, personnel and information security • Overseas Business Risk country pages information from our overseas network on protective security issues in a wide range of markets.• Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure, (CPNI) advice on protective security

• Information security • At the heart of security planning• Cyber crime: world’s fastest-growing crime sector• CPNI guidance documents

• Physical security

• Personnel security

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• Businesses can reduce the risk to themselves, their employees and customers by remaining vigilant, being security minded and having good security measures in place.

• FCO website • Country Travel Advice

• Overseas Business Risk country page • Includes a section on terrorism threats, supplied by Government sources

• Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI)• Access to information about general security awareness that’s useful to businesses

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Overseas Business Risk Service


• Governed by a Joint Advisory Group

• Members from business and ex-officio members from key government departments

• Incl. FCO & UKTI. SOCA

• Information on political, economic, and business security-related risks

• Information and advice on key markets and issues

• Links to more detailed information and services in relation to these risks

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UKTI / FCO Updates


• Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) diplomats regularly provide authoritative, clear assessments of political and economic factors in key emerging markets.

• The reports are varied and topical and aimed at helping UK businesses to identify and pursue new opportunities and manage risk.

• Further information on a range of risks related to business security, from a broad range of Government sources, is available for more than 90 countries

• Visit www.fco.gov.uk before you travel……

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De-risking Help


FCO & UKTI - Here to help:

Commercial Diplomacy

Overseas Business Risk service

Information on countries & issues

Advice, information, customised Services

Post: In-market knowledge & contacts

Specialists: Strategic support and business experience

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Questions please?

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