hurdle mobility series

Hurdle Mobility Circuit Perform twice, making sure to repeat any directional drill to the opposite side. Setup: Line up 6 to 10 hurdles back-to-back, and high enough so that walking over them is a challenge but not a struggle. Start with hands on hips. Always keep eyes forward and up, never down! Coaching Points: Make sure you can feel each exercise in your legs // Keep your head and arms still throughout the drill // Keep toes, knees, and heels up when stepping over// Avoid extraneous movements // Concentrate on maintaining proper posture // Movements should be fluid // Use sound squat technique when ducking under a hurdle // Adjust hurdles accordingly if working with teammates of different heights Sets: 2 x each direction. Adaptations/Progression: Perform drill with hands locked together behind head or holding medicine ball in front or overhead. *Stepping over the hurdles challenges your hips’ full range of motion and teaches proper timing of muscle firing in opposing muscle groups. Also, increases rotational balance and agility, develops hip fluidity, promotes coordination, and strengthens core and lower body. Exercises: Double Forward (Over) • Stand facing first hurdle • Step over hurdle with right leg, then step over with left – same hurdle. • Continue stepping over each hurdle in row. Always lead leg, then trail leg Double Backward Overs Same as above, but move backward over each hurdle. Double Lateral Overs Same as above, but move sideways over each hurdle (for all lateral exercises, face same direction) Single Forward 180s Overs Step forward over first hurdle; slowly pivot-step over the next hurdle with trail leg. Try to face forward. Repeat through hurdles. Single Backward 180s Overs Same as above but step over backwards. Single Lateral 180s Overs

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Post on 15-Jul-2016




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Hurdle Mobility Circuit

Perform twice, making sure to repeat any directional drill to the opposite side.

Setup: Line up 6 to 10 hurdles back-to-back, and high enough so that walking over them is a challenge but not

a struggle. Start with hands on hips. Always keep eyes forward and up, never down!

Coaching Points: Make sure you can feel each exercise in your legs // Keep your head and arms still

throughout the drill // Keep toes, knees, and heels up when stepping over// Avoid extraneous movements //

Concentrate on maintaining proper posture // Movements should be fluid // Use sound squat technique when

ducking under a hurdle // Adjust hurdles accordingly if working with teammates of different heights

Sets: 2 x each direction.

Adaptations/Progression: Perform drill with hands locked together behind head or holding medicine ball in

front or overhead.

*Stepping over the hurdles challenges your hips’ full range of motion and teaches proper timing of muscle

firing in opposing muscle groups. Also, increases rotational balance and agility, develops hip fluidity, promotes

coordination, and strengthens core and lower body.


Double Forward (Over)

• Stand facing first hurdle

• Step over hurdle with right leg, then step over with left – same hurdle.

• Continue stepping over each hurdle in row. Always lead leg, then trail leg

Double Backward Overs

Same as above, but move backward over each hurdle.

Double Lateral Overs

Same as above, but move sideways over each hurdle (for all lateral exercises, face same direction)

Single Forward 180s Overs

Step forward over first hurdle; slowly pivot-step over the next hurdle with trail leg. Try to face forward. Repeat

through hurdles.

Single Backward 180s Overs

Same as above but step over backwards.

Single Lateral 180s Overs

Face sideways to hurdle. Step laterally over first hurdle; pivot 180 degrees and laterally step over next. Repeat


Brazil Twists (Combo of Lateral and Forward 180s)

Combine single forward and lateral 180s as you go through the hurdles. Repeat back. This one you can pick

up the tempo a bit.

Lateral Leg Swings (over low hurdles)

• Stand next to hurdle (right or left)

• Without bending knee, aggressively swing near leg over hurdle and then bring outside leg over hurdle in

same fashion. Continue same pattern through hurdles.

• Repeat on other side. This one is challenging at first, and once they get better, pick up the tempo a bit.

Double Lateral Over/Under

Alternate hgt of hurdles from low, high, low, high, low, and so forth. Laterally step with both feet over first

hurdle; step under next (assume good squatting technique, perform like a side lunge). Repeat pattern coming


Double Forward Over/Under

Same as above but step with both feet forward over and step under each hurdle; maintain good posture and


Double Backward Over, Under

Same as above but step with both feet backward over hurdle and step under hurdle; maintain good posture

and technique

Forward Low Walks (Under High Hurdles)

• Assume squatted position with top of thighs parallel to ground or lower

• Slowly walk forward without allowing hips to rise

Backward Low Walks (under high hurdles)

Same as above, but walk backwards

Lateral Low Walks (under high hurdles)

Same as above, but walk to side for 10 yards

Creative Variations

-Walk forward over two hurdles, then step backward over one. Repeat pattern

-Lateral over two hurdles, and then lateral backward over one. Repeat pattern.

-Step over two hurdles, step under one. Repeat pattern

-Step under two hurdles, step over one. Repeat Pattern.

-Forward low walk under two hurdles, backward low walk under one, repeat pattern.

-Lateral low walks under two hurdles, and then lateral backward low walk under one. Repeat.

-Lateral Leg Swings with up tempo pace and quicker movement through

Hurdle Mobility I

Double Forward

Double Backward

Double Lateral

Hurdle Mobility II

Double Forward Over, Under

Double Backward Over, Under

Double Lateral Over, Under

Hurdle Mobility III

Forward Low Walks

Backward Low Walks

Lateral Low Walks

Hurdle Mobility IV

Single Forward 180

Single Backward 180

Single Lateral 180

Brazil Twists

Hurdle Mobility V

Creative Variations

Include Additional Hurdles

Use Resistance (med ball)

Change Hgt of Hurdles