hunton parish council minutes 2015-2016 · pcso diane smith could not make the meeting but had...

Hunton Parish Council Minutes – 2015/16 21 May 2015 – AGM 8 July 2015 16 September 2015 18 November 2015 20 January 2016 16 March 2016

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Page 1: Hunton Parish Council Minutes 2015-2016 · PCSO Diane Smith could not make the meeting but had submitted a report. 5. Declarations of Interest. Cllrs Wyatt and Guy declared an interest

Hunton Parish Council Minutes – 2015/16

21 May 2015 – AGM

8 July 2015

16 September 2015

18 November 2015

20 January 2016

16 March 2016

Page 2: Hunton Parish Council Minutes 2015-2016 · PCSO Diane Smith could not make the meeting but had submitted a report. 5. Declarations of Interest. Cllrs Wyatt and Guy declared an interest

Signed______________________________ _____Date______________________________ Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council meeting.

Hunton Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 21st May 2015 at 7.30 in the Village Hall.

Present. Councillors Wyatt, Worsdale, Guy and Linehan, NYCC Carl Les and three members of the public.

1. Councillors Declarations of Acceptance of Office. As Proper Officer of the Parish the Clerk invited the Councillors to make their Declarations of Acceptance of Office and sign the Declaration forms.

2. Document handover. The forms were collected by the Clerk. 3. Election of Chairman. The Clerk invited nominations for Chairman

and Councillor Guy proposed Cllr Wyatt which was seconded by Cllrs Linehan and Worsdale. Councillor Wyatt was then asked to take charge of the meeting.

4. Apologies for Absence. PCSO Diane Smith could not make the meeting but had submitted a report.

5. Declarations of Interest. Cllrs Wyatt and Guy declared an interest in Planning Applications.

6. Minutes from the Last Meeting. Cllr Linehan proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true and fair record and Cllr Guy seconded the motion. Cllr Wyatt duly signed the Minutes. a. Updates from Previous meetings/Actions carried out. After

receiving quotes for Mole control on the Village Green and Play Park it was resolved to set a limit of £100 on a local Mole Catcher to catch and provide proof of up to ten Moles. A further meeting with Farm and Land Services is required to include a further small area in the grass cutting plans.

7. Police Report. There have been four incidents recorded between 17/03/15 and 18/05/15. These were:- One anti- social behaviour which was a poaching incident where Police attended but with a negative result. One Suspicious activity which referred to males seen hare coursing. One Sexual offence and One Concern for Safety. Julia Mulligan is the Police and Crime

Page 3: Hunton Parish Council Minutes 2015-2016 · PCSO Diane Smith could not make the meeting but had submitted a report. 5. Declarations of Interest. Cllrs Wyatt and Guy declared an interest

Signed______________________________ _____Date______________________________ Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council meeting.

Commissioner for North Yorkshire, and is funding a new service called “Supporting Victims” to help people living in North Yorkshire to cope after crime, and get their lives back to normal as soon as possible. Contact details are: - Telephone 01904 669 276 Or website or email on: [email protected]

8. Planning Applications. Replacement of timber garage doors at 3 & 4 Greenacres –no objections as designed to be in keeping. Single storey extension at 11 Greenacres- no objections. Red House revised scheme for out-building –no objections.

9. Matters Arising from Richmondshire District Council and North Yorkshire County Council. Councillor Carl Les informed the Parish council that drainage work is to begin on 1st June on South View. Also work to replace the culvert by the quoits pitch will begin in July. The Bedale Bypass is progressing and is ahead of schedule and parking issues will be addressed for Bedale with a new car park. Concern was expressed by Councillors at the lack of progress on the gateway where the Hunton Steam Gathering is held which is currently unusable; Cllr Les is to make enquiries. The roadway by the Broadacres new builds has been reinstated and the site is looking good. Councillor Linehan was welcomed as new Councillor for Hornby Castle on Richmondshire District Council.

10. Items to Note. Monthly Correspondence received and inserted into Green File. Any Comments. No comments were made.

11. PC Business / Maintenance Items. a. Insurance Renewal. It was resolved to stay with Community Links

for the Parish Insurance and the Clerk will arrange for this to be paid.

b. Village Hall Car Park. The Village Hall car park is in a quite bad state and it was resolved to gather quotes for resurfacing work, however in the meantime the weed growth etc should be treated and the Farm and Land Services contractor who did similar work on the Pinfold is to be invited to quote for this.

Page 4: Hunton Parish Council Minutes 2015-2016 · PCSO Diane Smith could not make the meeting but had submitted a report. 5. Declarations of Interest. Cllrs Wyatt and Guy declared an interest

Signed______________________________ _____Date______________________________ Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council meeting.

c. Play Park Repairs and Refurbishment. The Play Park requires attention and some equipment needs replacing. Patrick has agreed to join a sub- committee to raise funds for the refurbishment and to help establish exactly what will be required. It may be possible for the Precept be increased to help raise funds for a year or too, something that could be looked at by the sub-committee.

d. Control of Moles. Andy Fall has got to work on the mole problem and up to May 21st has caught 4 moles. He is focussing on the play park area as this is where most damage has been caused.

e. Strimmer repairs. The strimmer which is kept in the Cinder House is in need of repairs, it has a petrol tank that leaks and is in need of a service. The consensus was for up to £100 to be allowed for repairs and service and retired councillor Steve Knight is willing to arrange this and also to paint the barrier to the Play park entrance if council provide the Hammerite paint.

Councillor Knight had served on council for many years and the consensus was for a thank you gift to be presented for his services and also his continuing support.

12. Monthly Financial Report. Deposit Account £125.78 Current Account £4,037.01 The current Acc figure includes the first half of the Precept but the cheque for the Village hall hire has not yet been presented. Next Meeting 8th July 2015.

Page 5: Hunton Parish Council Minutes 2015-2016 · PCSO Diane Smith could not make the meeting but had submitted a report. 5. Declarations of Interest. Cllrs Wyatt and Guy declared an interest

Signed______________________________ _____Date______________________________ Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council meeting.

Hunton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 8th July at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Present. Councillors Wyatt, Guy, Worsdale and Linehan, NYCC Cllr Carl Les, PCSO Ethan McQue and Mrs Helen Porrit.

1. Apologies for Absence. PCSO Dianne Smith. PCSO Ethan McQue to stand in for her.

2. Councillors Declarations of Interest. There were no declarations of interest.

3. Minutes from the Last Meeting. A correction had to be made to the surname of the Mole Catcher which had been misheard, after which Cllr Guy proposed the minutes to be a true and fair record and this was seconded by Cllr Linehan.

4. Updates from last meeting/actions carried out. A gift of a book token value £30 was agreed for the Internal Auditor Mr. Peter Smith who council hopes will continue to assist next year. A book token and a bottle of wine were agreed for former Cllr Steve Knight as a thank you for his many years service and his continuing support to the council.

5. Police Report. There were three reported incidents between 22/05/15 and 06/07/15 these were; One Admin Report – Travellers Arriving. One Firearms report- an air rifle was confiscated from children. One Concern for Safety _ result was all in order. Police in Leyburn are appealing for witnesses following four separate assaults in one evening. These happened on Monday 22nd June between 4pn and 10.30pm. The victims were two seventeen year olds, a sixteen year old and a young man of eighteen all attacked at separate times in different locations.

Page 6: Hunton Parish Council Minutes 2015-2016 · PCSO Diane Smith could not make the meeting but had submitted a report. 5. Declarations of Interest. Cllrs Wyatt and Guy declared an interest

Signed______________________________ _____Date______________________________ Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council meeting.

One of the victims had a 12 week old Border Collie pup with him that was kicked during the incident. No serious injuries were sustained but the victims were understandably distressed. Police believe a young woman wearing a purple dress was in the area at the time and may have witnessed this incident. Anyone who witnessed any of the incidents are asked to contact the police. North Yorkshire Police have launched their Community Speed Watch pilot programme which will run at 50 sites across the region.

6. Co-option to Parish Council. Cllr Linehan proposed that Helen Porrit be co-opted to Hunton Parish Council and this was Seconded by Cllr Worsdale and carried by Council. Helen then made and signed her Declaration of Acceptance of Office and her Registration of Interests Form to become a member of the Council.

7. Planning Applications. There were no new Planning Applications.

8. Matters Arising from Richmondshire District Council and North Yorkshire County Council. Cllr Linehan suggested that an application be made to the Communities Opportunity Fund for funding towards new Play Park equipment or benches and picnic tables as Council were successful last year and the fund has recently re-opened. He also advised that Cllrs made sure their Register of Interests forms were up to date and to include membership of all groups that lobby Parliament such as AA, NFU, NUT etc. Emergency group telephone numbers and contact details are to be updated yearly. Cllr Linehan also congratulated NYCC Carl Les on becoming Leader of NYCC. Cllr Les stated that while there would be more pressure on his time he would continue to prioritise local issues. Cllr Les explained

Page 7: Hunton Parish Council Minutes 2015-2016 · PCSO Diane Smith could not make the meeting but had submitted a report. 5. Declarations of Interest. Cllrs Wyatt and Guy declared an interest

Signed______________________________ _____Date______________________________ Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council meeting.

that the system for reporting street lighting issues has been extended and it was now possible to report faults online. He also explained about a new smart app that will be on NYCC website so that you can find out about the whereabouts and duration of roadworks in their area. He then commented on the issue with Diamond Hill road and the access to the field where the Annual Steam Gathering is held, he had been assured that the issue had been agreed and would be resolved. Unfortunately Cllr Worsdale had not been contacted about this and so Cllr Les is to investigate further.

9. Items to Note. a. Monthly Correspondence received and inserted into green

File/ Any Comments. Very little correspondence this time. 10. PC Business/Maintenance Items.

a. Play Park. The temporary repairs to the Play Park are now complete, the chains on the crossover bridge have been replaced and two old items of equipment have been removed as they were beyond repairs. The shackles on the swings still need checking. The Play Park Inspection is overdue and the Clerk will chase this up. Patrick is to set up a sub committee to look at replacement/ procurement of the facilities in the play park. Cllr Wyatt is to chase up the grant from Broadacres for the Play Park.

b. Mole Report. So far Andy Fall has removed 5 moles from the Play Park area. They were presented to Cllr Wyatt for his approval. He is authorised to remove up to ten moles at present. The Duck Race was held last weekend and raised £550 for the village hall fund.

c. In an update to the last meeting where it was agreed to obtain a further quote for an area of grass cutting and weed

Page 8: Hunton Parish Council Minutes 2015-2016 · PCSO Diane Smith could not make the meeting but had submitted a report. 5. Declarations of Interest. Cllrs Wyatt and Guy declared an interest

Signed______________________________ _____Date______________________________ Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council meeting.

killing, the quote has been received and this is a very reasonable £60. Cllr Guy proposed this be accepted and this was seconded by Cllr Worsdale and agreed by council.

d. Cllr Linehan has decided to resign to allow for a new member to be found for Parish Council as he will still be attending in his role of District Councillor. He will still maintain the Emergency register and also be first contact for the Defibrillator. Cllr Wyatt thanked him for his service to Hunton in the last few years. This now presents us with a Casual Vacancy which the Clerk shall report to the Returning Officer so that a statutory notice can be provided.

11. Monthly Financial Report. Deposit Acc. £125.80 This includes interest of 1p per month. Current Acc. £3804.78 There are no items outstanding. Next meeting to be Wednesday 16th September at 7.30 in the Village Hall.

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Signed Date Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council Meeting. Page 1

Hunton Parish Council.

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th September 2015 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Present. Councillors Wyatt, Guy, Worsdale and Porrit, Parish Clerk Julie George and Jan Wyllie.

1. Apologies for Absence. NYCC Cllr Carl Les and RDC Cllr Geoffrey Linehan.

2. Councillors Declarations of Interest. There were no declarations of Interest.

3. Minutes from last Meeting. Cllr Guy proposed the minutes to be a true and fair record and this was seconded by Cllr Worsdale.

4. Co- option of a new member. Following due process permission was given to co-opt a new member to the Parish Council. We welcome Jan Wylie to the Parish Council.

5. Updates from the last meeting/ actions carried out. Cllr Guy asked for an update on the Mole situation on the Play Park and Green. Cllr Wyatt was able to confirm that further work was to be done on the Greenacres side after the last grass cut of the season.

6. Police Report. No report was received. 7. Planning Applications. Two were in the folder though one was too

late to comment on due to our meeting being bi-monthly. This was for conversion of an outbuilding. The second was for Change of use of a small wooded area and the erection of a summer house at Orchard House. No comments were recorded.

8. Matters Arising from Richmondshire District Council and North Yorkshire County Council. Cllr Linehan had asked that the Council be reminded about the COF fund and the dates that applications must be in for these grants.

9. Items to Note. a. Monthly Correspondence received and Inserted into

Green File. Any Comments? An application has been sent by Cllr Wyatt to the Richmond Area Partnership Fund for funding for a new bench in the Play Park area.

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Signed Date Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council Meeting. Page 2

10. PC Business/ Maintenance Items. The Risk Assessment is required to be updated on a yearly basis and also the Standing Orders. The Risk Assessment remains the same and was unanimously approved by Council. The Standing Orders have changed by the insertion of a clause regarding the filming or recording of meetings, this was also approved by Council. The sub-committee for the Play Park met two weeks ago and have been looking at ways of replacing the Play Equipment, Patrick and Paul have been liaising with play equipment suppliers to obtain quotes for the replacement or refurbishment and even possibly moving to a dryer area on the other side of the beck. Once the quotes come back council will then be able to explore all available sources of funding. Cllr Wyatt is to ask for a quote from Farm and Land Services for further weed removal and clearing some of the beck side area to allow children access to the beck. The Pinfold area has been treated and is looking much smarter and the weeds have been removed from this area. The Pinfold is now part of the annual grass cutting and strimming contract so should be reasonably well maintained from now on. The War memorial is due its annual clean ready for the Remembrance Service. The Quoits pitch is also looking good thanks to the works recently done to improve drainage etc.

11. Financial Report. Current Account £2886.22

There is one outstanding cheque to Farm and Land Services for Village Grass Cutting £482.40. Deposit Account £125.81 The second payment of the Precept is due later this month.

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Signed__________________________________________________ Date__________________________ Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council Meeting. Page 1

Hunton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 18th November 2015 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Present. Councillors Wyatt, Guy and Wyllie, Clerk Julie George, PCSO Dianne Smith plus one colleague and RDC Councillor Geoffrey Linehan and NYCC Councillor Carl Les.

1. Apologies for absence. Councillors Worsdale and Porrit. 2. Declarations of Interest. There were no Declarations of

Interest. 3. Minutes from the last meeting. Cllr Guy proposed that the

minutes be accepted as a true and fair record and this was seconded by Cllr Wyllie.

4. Updates from the last meeting/actions carried out. Cllr Wyatt informed Council that the last grass cut had now been carried out and that he would be chasing up the mole catcher for the playing field and park. Cllr Wyllie informed council that a mole had also been active on the Quoits Pitch area; Cllr Wyatt is to inform the Mole catcher. a. Play Park Upgrade and Funds Discussion. The Play Park

subcommittee have now had several meetings and two fund raising events have been organised in the last couple of weeks, one was a Penny for the Guy collection which local children participated in and the second was a Christmas Shopping Event in the Village Hall. These events raised the sum of £719.61. Council agreed that the Deposit Acc be cleared in order to keep the Play Park Fund separate from Council working fund and the Clerk is to transfer the

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Signed__________________________________________________ Date__________________________ Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council Meeting. Page 2

remaining amount of Play Park repair and refurbishment fund that was ring fenced into this account. This will give a balance of £1,092.44p. Patrick Barber has done a lot of research into various designs and it is proposed that public opinions are to be asked for at an Open Day in the Village Hall on 9th January 2016. There seems to be a general desire within the village to open the village green to make it more useable and to perhaps create a beach type play area between the footbridge and Captains Bridge with seating and picnic benches and possible fitness equipment. Our landscape contractor is to be asked to produce some suggestions. He is also to be asked to include the upkeep of the weeding to the Village Hall car park and various path edges around the village and quoits pitch into his grass cutting and landscape contracts. Various avenues for funding are currently being explored, Yore Venture being one of these as the village falls within 10 miles of one of its waste transfer points and the Lottery fund also as a possibility.

b. Lower Wensleydale Partnership Fund. Approval has been given for our grant for a Picnic Bench. Cllr Wyatt to order bench.

5. Police Report. Ten incidents have been recorded in the last 130 days but no crimes. They were, 1 road related offence where someone was reported to be driving whilst in drink, and an area search was made with no trace. 1 cattle in the road. 1 admin report, a wallet was found and handed in. 7 Personal/Safety/Warning which were 2 domestic incidents, 1 an accidental 999 call. 2 concerns regarding the welfare of a female in the village, 1 concern regarding the Hunt and 1males on land with dogs. There is a new point of contact form for

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Signed__________________________________________________ Date__________________________ Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council Meeting. Page 3

speed complaints which is available online at [email protected] North Yorkshire have obtained funding to purchase a number of call blocking devices which can be installed in consumers’ homes where their quality of life is being affected by telephone cold callers. The elderly or isolated or vulnerable people are likely to be affected and referrals can be made through Trading Standards, who will attend and fit the devices. There is a Safer Homes Initiative which is designed to make homes seem occupied when they are not and make it more difficult for would be burglars. The packs include a TV simulator, a light timer, padlocks and a motion sensor which householders can access on loan, free of charge. You can sign up via [email protected]

6. Planning Applications. There were no new application and one approval notice for a summerhouse at Orchard House.

7. Matters Arising from Richmondshire District Council and North Yorkshire County Council. Cllr Linehan informed Council that plans for Devolution have not yet been decided by Government and that there were several different bids on the table to include our area which would include the possibility of having an area Mayor. The COF fund has closed for this year and cannot be decided for next year until after the Autumn Spending Review by the Chancellor. NYCC Councillor Carl Les informed council that the new junction 52 Catterick Central is now open although not yet completed. Road works are to commence in January to relive the bottlenecks at Catterick Bridge and the White Shops on the A6136 to improve the flow of traffic through the Garrison. An extra right turn lane will be built on Horn and Bing roads and filter lights fitted. The Bedale

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Signed__________________________________________________ Date__________________________ Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council Meeting. Page 4

bypass was around two weeks ahead of schedule but this has slipped a little due to the recent high winds. The Regional Crime Commissioner has taken speeding concerns under her wing and the new point of contact forms can be downloaded to report local concerns.

8. Items to Note Monthly Correspondence received and Inserted into Green File. Very little mail received this month apart from a waste management report about mineral extraction, not really relevant to our village.

9. PC Business/Maintenance Items. a. Royal British Legion Donation. Last year’s donation of £40

was discussed and Cllr Wyllie proposed this be kept the same for this year seconded by Cllr Guy.

b. Patrick Brompton Church Donation. This donation was £300 last year but Council had some concerns as to what other villages were contributing. Cllr Wyatt is to investigate and this item was deferred until the January meeting.

c. Parish Precept Letter and Discussion/Decision. There has been no increase in the Parish Precept for the last three years, in fact a slight decrease in the last two years. After a lively discussion Cllr Guy proposed that a small increase to £3,500 be put to resolution and this was passed unanimously.

d. Christmas Tree Order. Last year council voted that an amount of £100 be allowed for the purchase and erection of the village Christmas tree. In fact less than £30 was actually spent. The consensus was to keep to the £100 and Cllr Wyatt to arrange this.

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Signed__________________________________________________ Date__________________________ Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council Meeting. Page 5

10. Bi-Monthly Financial Report. Certain changes have taken place this month in that the Deposit account has now been cleared to become the Play Park Fund. Current Account. £3,954.66 No items are outstanding. Deposit Play Park Fund. £719.61 At the beginning of the Financial Year council ring fenced a sum of £500 to be used for repairs or refurbishment of the play park. Some of this has been used for repairs. Council agreed that the remainder should be transferred into the play park fund at the earliest opportunity. The Clerk/Treasurer is to do this.

Next Meeting Wednesday 20th January 2016.

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Signed_____________________________________ Date__________________________

Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council Meeting.

Hunton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 20th January 2016 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Present. Councillors Helen Porrit, Robert Wyatt, Ray Worsdale and Janet Wyllie, Clerk Julie George, PSCO Dianne Smith and RDC Councillor Geoffrey Linehan and Mr Patrick Barber.

1. Apologies for Absence. Cllr Cathy Guy and NYCC Carl Les.

2. Councillors Declarations of Interest. There were no Declarations of Interest.

3. Minutes from the Last Meeting. Cllr Wyllie proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true and fair record and this was seconded by Cllr Porrit.

4. Updates from the Last Meeting/Actions Carried Out.

The Christmas tree was erected by Steve Knight and cost £45.00. A cheque was written to Cllr Wyatt for £45 in full payment. Two further applications have been made to the Lower Wensleydale Partnership Fund and both have been approved at a slightly reduced level. Council will receive £423 towards the Beckside works at the Play

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Signed_____________________________________ Date__________________________

Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council Meeting.

Park. Council will also receive just under £300 towards a picnic bench and seat for the Quoits Pitch Area.

There have been no further updates on the Moles.

The donation for Patrick Brompton church has been at £300 for the last couple of years. Cllr Porrit proposed that it remain the same this year and this was seconded by Cllr Wyllie.

5. Police Report. There have been four incidents reported between 17th November and 19th January and they are: A Possible Drink Driver- he was back at home before Police could respond. One vehicle damaged. One Domestic Incident and a civil matter of the Hunt going onto Private Land. Landrover thefts are up in North Yorkshire in Rural areas and farmers should be aware. Police are now recruiting Special Constables.

6. Planning Applications. New plans have been submitted for the Adelphi House site which now details demolishing the site and complete new builds of six houses with garages. A brisk discussion followed with several Councillors raising concerns over the surface water problems, if this development would have further impact and possibly make it worse. Council decided that in Principle they had no objection to the plans; however

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Signed_____________________________________ Date__________________________

Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council Meeting.

it was decided that Cllr Wyatt should contact the Planning Department with Councils concerns.

7. Matters Arising from Richmond District Council and North Yorkshire County Council. The Revenue Support Grant has been reduced by 43% so the COF fund has not been decided yet.

8. Play Park Update. The Open Day proved to be very successful with a good turnout from all ages in the village. There were no objections to the idea of moving the Play Park to the higher and dryer side of the beck. Two fairly local companies have been very helpful and supportive and one helped out at the open day. The children of the village were given coloured stickers and asked to vote for the equipment they wanted by putting stickers on the pictures of playground items. The overwhelming winner was a zip wire and a multi layered climbing play frame by Streetscape came second. A grant application is to be prepared for Yore Venture who have also been supportive and offered assistance with the grant forms. A further sub- committee meeting will be needed to finalise the details.

9. Items to Note. All correspondence was entered in to file but nothing of interest.

10. PC Business/Maintenance Items. The Beckside quotation received was for £670 + VAT and we have an

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Signed_____________________________________ Date__________________________

Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council Meeting.

approved grant for £423 towards this cost. A proposal was made to approve this work by Cllr Wyllie and Seconded by Cllr Worsdale. A further quote was received for the contract for grass cutting and weed killing for the year. Cllr Porrit proposed this be approved and this was seconded by Cllr Worsdale. The Internal Auditor was approved by council as Peter Smith who has provided this service for many years now. Council have considered the information given on the new External Audit requirements and feel they are in no position to either opt in or opt out of a scheme when no costs are known for either option. Council deferred this item until further information is received. Councillor Wyatt is to order the new Picnic and Bench seating for delivery in the spring. Gulley’s and drains on Leyburn Road have been reported to RDC along with the area where flooding is still occurring. Council are awaiting a response. The Village Hall car park has a very muddy area in front of the recycling area, the Council hope to organise a working party to try to clear the drains that drain into the beck. Hopefully this will resolve this issue though it may require some gravel laying in this area. The Queen is 90 years old this year and the Village Hall committee would like to join forces with PC to organise an event to celebrate. Any money raised could be fed

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Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next Parish Council Meeting.

into the Play Park Fund and the event could be advertised in the Village News. Cllr Wyatt will liaise with the Village Hall committee.

11. Financial Statement.

Current account £3,268.23 with no items outstanding.

Play Park Fund £1,092.44

Meeting Closed.

Next Meeting Wednesday 16th March 2016.

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Signed________________________________________ Date_______________________________ Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next

Parish Council meeting.

Hunton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 16th March at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Present. Councillors Robert Wyatt, Janet Wyllie and Ray Worsdale, Clerk Julie George, RDC Councillor Geoffrey Linehan and NYCC Councillor Carl Les.

1. Apologies for Absence. Cllr Cathy Guy and Cllr Helen Porrit and PSCO Dianne Smith.

2. Councillors Declarations of Interest. There were no Declarations of Interest.

3. Minutes from the Last Meeting. Cllr Worsdale proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true and fair record and this was Seconded by Cllr Wyllie.

4. Updates from the Last Meeting/Actions carried out. A letter of thanks was received from Patrick Brompton Church for the donation towards the upkeep of the churchyard. Andy Fall has been asked to work towards the elimination of the mole problem at the Quoits pitch. Three Grant applications have been approved for a set of furniture for the quoits pitch and the same for the Village Green area and a further one for the Beck side Area work. This would involve a cost to the Parish of around £850 Ex VAT. This was Proposed by Cllr Worsdale and Seconded by Cllr Wyllie and unanimously approved by Council. Cllr Wyatt is to order the furniture ASAP for delivery this month.

5. Police Report. There have been 5 incidents reported but no crimes. They were 1 Manner of Driving report, 1 Personal Safety, and 3 Pre -planned events. Police news can now be followed on Twitter at @NYorksPolice

6. Planning Applications. No new applications have been received. A revised application has been received by RDC for Adelphi House and is under consideration but objections have been received.

7. Matters Arising from Richmondshire District Council and North Yorkshire County Council. Richmondshire Council now have a balanced budget for the coming year though grants may not be as generous as in the past. There will be no increase in Council Tax. The Bedale relief road will come in up to £3 million under budget and 3 months early. Wills Brothers the contractors have been praised for enabling the road to

Page 22: Hunton Parish Council Minutes 2015-2016 · PCSO Diane Smith could not make the meeting but had submitted a report. 5. Declarations of Interest. Cllrs Wyatt and Guy declared an interest

Signed________________________________________ Date_______________________________ Please note that these minutes are marked as a draft copy only until agreed and signed at the next

Parish Council meeting.

open in July. North Yorkshire County Council will be raising Council Tax by approximately 4%.

8. Play Park Update. A Grant Application has been made to Yore Venture for the new Play Park development. A meeting will be held on site next week. The application is around £31,000 EX VAT. Parish Council would have to match fund to the amount of about £3,000 if successful. Other funding schemes are also being explored and the contractor has been selected and is a local firm called Streetscape. Patrick Barber has done a lot of work on gathering information for the scheme. Councillor Les informed Council of a small fund that may be available to Parish Council.

9. Items to Note. a. Monthly Correspondence Received and Inserted into Green File.

Any comments. Very little correspondence this month. 10. PC Business/Maintenance Items.

a. Clerks Expenses. The expenses were mainly for postage printing and paper and ink. Cllr Worsdale proposed they be accepted as £57.68p and this was Seconded by Cllr Wyllie and approved by Council.

b. Captains Bridge. Captains Bridge was repaired today. There is still a drainage problem at the top of the Village by Adelphi House and also at Ratton Row.

11. Bi Monthly Financial Statement. Current Account £2,928.98 Play Park Fund Account. £1,492.44 This includes the donations from the Steam Gathering of £300 and from the Heads Group of £100. Meeting Closed. Next Meeting Wednesday 18th May 2016 at 7.30pm.