2 declarations of interest by cllrs - bathnes · 2 declarations of interest by cllrs ... 23 july...

A G E N D A 1 Apologies for absence 2 Declarations of Interest by Cllrs 3 Dispensations 4 Questions from Parishioners on Issues not covered elsewhere in the Agenda 5 Approval of the Minutes of the Council Meeting 25 June 2013 6 FINANCE 6.1 Payments for Approval 6.2 Financial Report including 1 st quarter forecast– The Clerk 6.3 Approval of Updated Bank Mandate with addition of Cllr Taylor and Cllr Patch as signatories 7 HIGHWAYS, RIGHTS OF WAY & ALLIED MATTERS 7.1 Update Highway Related Matters – Cllr Prescott 8 PLANNING 8.1 Reports of BANES Planning Decisions – The Clerk 8.2 Planning Correspondence and other Planning Related Matters – the Clerk

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A G E N D A 1 Apologies for absence 2 Declarations of Interest by Cllrs 3 Dispensations 4 Questions from Parishioners on Issues not covered

elsewhere in the Agenda 5 Approval of the Minutes of the Council Meeting 25 June

2013 6 FINANCE 6.1 Payments for Approval 6.2 Financial Report including 1st quarter forecast– The Clerk 6.3 Approval of Updated Bank Mandate with addition of Cllr

Taylor and Cllr Patch as signatories 7 HIGHWAYS, RIGHTS OF WAY & ALLIED MATTERS 7.1 Update Highway Related Matters – Cllr Prescott 8 PLANNING 8.1 Reports of BANES Planning Decisions – The Clerk 8.2 Planning Correspondence and other Planning Related

Matters – the Clerk

8.3 Appeal APP/F0114/A/13/2199775 1 North Hill Cottages Tunley Road Tunley

8.4 Planning Application 13/02708/FUL 5 Sarabeth Drive Tunley Change of use from ancillary residential accommodation to a separate residential dwelling (Class C3) (Resubmission of 13/01472/FUL)

9 Talk by David Bland of Wansdyke Telecom 10 Neighbourhood Planning - Cllr Orme and Cllr Taylor 11 Parish Website – Cllr Orme and Cllr Taylor 12 Registration of land owned by D.P.C -. – Cllr. Robinson 13 Manders Orchard and Green Project – Dennis McCann, Cllr

Taylor and Cllr Orme 14 2014 World War 1 Commemorations – Cllr Gardiner 15 REPORTS BY CLERK / COUNCILLORS & DISTRICT


1 to 5 - Verbal Reports 1 Apologies for absence 2 Declarations of Interest by Cllrs 3 Dispensations 4 Questions from Parishioners on Issues not covered elsewhere

in the Agenda 5 Approval of the Minutes of the Council Meeting 25 June 2013

6. FINANCE 6.1 Payments for Approval. Payments to Ratify 30 June Standing Order Clerk’s Salary June £332.49 9 July Cheque No 869 Land Registry, reference Tunley Bus Shelter £40 Cheques to Approve 23 July Cheque No 862 WI DJ VAT refund £5.33 23 July Cheque No 863 Football Club VAT Refund £6.65 23 July Cheque No 864 DPH DJ VAT Refund £13.31 23 July Cheque No 865 TRC DJ VAT Refund £52.85 23 July Cheque No 866 Batch DJ VAT Refund £19.96 23 July Cheque No 867 SSE Contracting Street Lighting Maintenance April to June £22.68 23 July Cheque No 868 EON street lighting electricity April to June £22.05

6.2 Financial Report & 1 st Quarter Forecast – The Clerk. The balance of funds as at 23 July is £11519.96. Note £691.28 of this is for the audio visual project and £1250 of this for the purchase of Manders Orchard so actual available funds equals £9578.68. Forecast against Budget. Total receipts forecast to be up £10 at year end as compared to budget. Total Payments forecast to be down by £10, resulting in the council being on budget for the 1st quarter. However overall this means that the deficit is fore cast to be £1862- £20 less than in the budget. (Note deficit compris es expenditure of grants received in 2012/2013 but being spent in 201 3/2014)

Key Areas of Variance Against Budget. Variance

Against Budget


Income Agency Fees +9 Budget didn’t include 2% increase in

BANES fees. Expenditure

Administration Expenses

-£25 Clerks expenses forecast to be slightly less than budgeted.

Section 137 Grants

+£50 Budget didn’t include grant to Withyditch in lieu of using for meetings.

Publicity -£25 Batch subscription same as last year. Budget assumed would increase to £150.

6.3 Approval of Updated Bank Mandate – Verbal only.

7. HIGHWAYS, RIGHTS OF WAY AND ALLIED MATTERS. 7.1 Update on Highway Related Matters – Cllr. Prescott. I have carried out an inspection with Martin of the locations of all the outstanding Highways issues within the Parish. I now have a clear understanding of these matters and am in the process of contacting each of the relevant B&NES Engineers for an update report on each issue. I will ensure there is a comprehensive Highways Update available for the next scheduled DPC meeting on the 11th September. 8. PLANNING

8.1 Reports of B&NES Planning Decisions – The Clerk . The only outstanding application still awaiting a decision on which DPC has commented is 13/01686/FUL- erection of an agricultural storage barn at Crossways Lane.

8.2 Planning Correspondence and Other Planning Rela ted Matters - Verbal R eport The Clerk. 8.2.1 - Appeal 13/00073/RF - 5, Sarabeth Drive, Tunley. Description of Proposal: Change of use from ancillary residential accommodation to a separate residential dwelling (class C3) Appeal Ref: 13/00073/RF Application Ref: 13/01472/FUL Planning Inspectorate Appeal Ref: APP/F0114/A/13/2200663 Draft Response for Consideration. Dunkerton Parish Council voted unanimously at a council meeting on 15th May 2013 to object to application 13/01472/FUL, a comprehensive response was duly submitted to B&NES Development Control plus two additional supplementary comments all of which are available to the Planning Inspectorate to be included in their consideration of this appeal.

The appeal as lodged by the appellant does not refer to any specific reasons for refusal against which they are appealing. As a consequence it can only be assumed that the appeal is against the refusal in general. Dunkerton Parish Council consider that as there have been no changes to the conditions appertaining to the site then the Councils original objections to the application remain unchanged. The Council therefore request the Planning Inspector to uphold the decision by B&NES Development Control to refuse the application.

8.3 Appeal 13/00063/RF 1, North Hill Cottages, Tunley R oad, Tunley. Description of Proposal: Change of use of a double garage to a dwelling. Appeal Ref: 13/00063/RF Application Ref: 12/05630/FUL Planning Inspectorate Appeal Ref: APP/F0114/A/13/2199775 Draft Response for Consideration. Dunkerton Parish Council voted unanimously at a council meeting on 27th March 2013 to object to application 12/05630/FUL, a comprehensive response was duly submitted to B&NES Development Control and it is therefore available to the Planning Inspectorate to be included in their consideration of this appeal. The Parish Council maintains its position on this matter and would simply add the comment that it is important that the decision by B&NES Development Control to refuse the application is upheld by the Planning

Inspector. Had B&NES approved the application then this would have given a clear signal to others that the erection of a garage in a garden is a simple step to gaining planning permission for a dwelling within the Green Belt which is outside of a clearly defined housing boundary. Policy SC1 of the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan, including minerals and waste policies – adopted Oct 2007 is extant and has been saved to the Draft Core Strategy, it allows for the construction of new residential buildings in the Green Belt in designated R3 Settlements as infilling only. The only R3 Settlement in Dunkerton Parish is the village of Tunley which has a clearly defined housing boundary which does not include the site of the building which is the subject of this appeal.

Dunkerton Parish Council therefore requests that the Planning Inspector upholds the original decision by B&NES Development Control to refuse.

8.4 Planning Application 13/02708/FUL

Planning Application 13/02708/FUL


Mr. Mark Gilbert

5, Sarabeth Drive, Tunley BA2 0EA

Change of use from ancillary residential accommodation to a separate residential dwelling (Class C3)

(Resubmission of 13/01472/FUL)

Site Plan

Aerial photo showing existing access to Sarabeth Dr ive

Aerial photo of existing building & garden which is the subject of the application.

Proposed Elevations Above – Existing Elevations Bel ow

Proposed Elevations Above – Existing Elevations Bel ow

Planning Policies applicable to 13/02708/FUL. 5 Sar abeth Drive, Tunley BA2 0EA

Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan, including mi nerals and waste policies –

adopted Oct 2007.

B&NES Draft Core Strategy Dec 2010 and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

NOTE: Unless shown otherwise the following Local Plan policies are still extant and have been saved to the Draft Core Strategy.

Policies in the NPPF are shown separately.

POLICY CP8 – Draft Core Strategy (Previously GB1 – Local Plan) Within the Green Belt, as shown on the Proposals Map, permission will not be given, except in very special circumstances, for development other than: 1) The construction of new buildings for the following purposes: a) Agriculture or forestry;

b) Essential facilities for outdoor sport and recreation, for cemeteries and for other uses of land which preserve the openness of the Green Belt and do not conflict with the purposes of including land within it; c) Limited extensions, alterations or replacement of an existing dwelling provided it is in accordance with Policies HG.14 and HG.15; d) Infilling in accordance with Policy HG.6 in the villages defined by Policy SC.1 as R3 villages; 2) The re-use of existing buildings in accordance with Policy ET.9 3) Other development and material changes of use of land which maintain the openness of the Green Belt and do not conflict with the purposes of including land in it.

POLICY HG.6 Residential development in those villages defined as R.3 settlements in Policy SC.1 will be permitted if:

1) It is infilling, or represents the sub-division of an existing dwelling or its replacement within the same site, or it involves the conversion of a non-residential building; and

2) It lies within the defined housing development boundary.

Policy SC1 – R3 Settlements. Note: Policy SC1 allows for the construction of new residential buildings in the Green Belt in designated R3 Settlements as infilling only. The only R3 Settlement in Dunkerton Parish is the section of Tunley shown edged in red on the plan below.

1) Its form, bulk and general design are not in keeping with its surroundings and the proposals for conversion do not respect the style and materials of the existing building;

5) In the case of a proposed residential conversion:

a a)The applicant has not made every reasonable attempt to secure suitable business re-use; b) It is in a position isolated from public services and community facilities and unrelated to an established group of buildings.

Where permission is granted for the re-use of buildings in the Green Belt, strict control will be exercised over extensions, alterations and any associated uses of land surrounding the building.

POLICY ET.9 Outside the scope of Policies HG.4 and HG.6 the conversion of a building or buildings to a new use will be permitted unless:

POLICY HG.14 Outside the scope of policies HG.4 and HG.6 permission will only be given for: 1) The rebuilding or replacement of existing dwellings, where the replacement or reconstructed dwelling and ancillary buildings would not be materially larger than, and would not have a materially greater impact on the countryside or openness of the Green Belt, than that to be replaced; and 2) The creation or extension of any residential curtilage would not detract from rural character nor conflict with the purposes of the Green Belt.


Proposals to extend a dwelling in the Green Belt will be permitted unless they would: 1) Represent a disproportionate addition over and above the size of the original dwelling; or 2) Contribute to a deterioration in rural character as a result

of the cumulative effect of dwelling extensions.


The Council will encourage the development of balanced communities by: 1) Seeking to reduce the adverse impact of all forms of travel on the natural and built environment; 2) Seeking to maximise the safety of all types of movement;

POLICY T.24 Development will be permitted if, as appropriate, it provides: 1) A high standard of highway safety; 2) Safe and convenient access for pedestrians including those with a mobility impairment; 5) Adequate vehicular access having regard to environmental considerations and, in addition; 6) It avoids the introduction of traffic of excessive volume, size or weight onto an unsuitable road system or into an environmentally sensitive area.

88. When considering any planning application, local planning authorities should ensure that substantial weight is given to any harm to the Green Belt. ‘Very special circumstances’ will not exist unless the potential harm to the Green Belt by reason of inappropriateness, and any other harm, is clearly outweighed by other considerations. 89. A local planning authority should regard the construction of new buildings as inappropriate in the Green Belt. Exceptions to this are: ●● buildings for agriculture and forestry; ●● provision of appropriate facilities for outdoor sport, outdoor recreation and for cemeteries, as long as it preserves the openness of the Green Belt and does not conflict with the purposes of including land within it; ●● the extension or alteration of a building provided that it does not result in disproportionate additions over and above the size of the original building; ●● the replacement of a building, provided the new building is in the same use and not materially larger than the one it replaces; ●● limited infilling in villages, and limited affordable housing for local community needs under policies set out in the Local Plan; or ●● limited infilling or the partial or complete redevelopment of previously developed sites (brownfield land), whether redundant or in continuing use (excluding temporary buildings), which would not have a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt and the purpose of including land within it than the existing development. 90. Certain other forms of development are also not inappropriate in Green Belt provided they preserve the openness of the Green Belt and do not conflict with the purposes of including land in Green Belt. These are: ●● mineral extraction; ●● engineering operations; ●● local transport infrastructure which can demonstrate a requirement for a Green Belt location; ●● the re-use of buildings provided that the buildings are of permanent and substantial construction.


9 Talk by David Bland of Wansdyke Telecom 10 Neighbourhood Planning - Cllr Orme and Cllr Taylor 11 Parish Website – Cllr Orme and Cllr Taylor 12 Registration of land owned by D.P.C -. – Cllr. Robinson 13 Manders Orchard and Green Project – Dennis McCann, Cllr Taylor and Cllr

Orme 14 2014 World War 1 Commemorations – Cllr Gardiner 15 REPORTS BY CLERK / COUNCILLORS & DISTRICT COUNCILLOR 16 CORRESPONDENCE