humanitarian situation report - unicef · donated medical kits and aqua tabs to the yumbi and...

UNICEF’s Response with Partners DRC Humanitarian Situation Report * Total results are cumulative since January 2018 UNICEF Sector/Cluster UNICEF Target Total Results* Cluster Target Total Results* Nutrition : # of children with SAM admitted for therapeutic care 1,140,00 0 247,892 1,306,000 310,337 Health : # of children in humanitarian situations vaccinated against measles 979,784 942,784 WASH : # of natural disaster and conflict- affected people with access to water, hygiene and sanitation basic services 1,987,50 0 1,022,723 3,262,000 2,012,189 Child Protection : # of displaced, refugee and returnee children provided with safe access to community spaces for socialization, play and learning 100,000 125,741 170,000 147,782 Education: # of school aged boys and girls affected by crisis receiving learning materials 623,750 315,468 1,700,000 518,018 Highlights UNICEF’s response to the North Kivu and Ituri Ebola outbreak can be found on a biweekly basis on Ebola’s latest situation report: In preparation to the potential humanitarian consequences of the elections, the Country Office has developed a contingency plan which includes pre-positioning of stocks in each of the nine field offices, pre-allocation of funds to be distributed to pre- defined partners. Several villages in the Mai-Ndombe province have witnessed a severe inter-ethnic clash between two communities. Kasai and Kwango: a continuous influx of Congolese returning from Angola is taking place at various borders between the two countries. For this response, UNICEF has secured a total of USD 3.7 Million from CERF. 4.49 million Internally Displaced persons (IDPs) (OCHA, April 2018) 7,900,000 children in need of humanitarian assistance (OCHA, Jan.2018) 2,000,000 children are suffering from Severe Acute malnutrition (DRC Cluster Nutrition, May 2018) 24,550 cases of cholera reported since January 2018 (Ministry of Health, September 2018) UNICEF Appeal 2018 US$ 268 million 41% of required funds available SITUATION IN NUMBERS December 2018 SalamaSara-DRC-UNICEF©DianaMrazikova 44% 11% 45% 2018 DRC HAC funding status Requireme nts $268M Funds received $119M Carry- Over $28.9M Funding gap 120M

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Page 1: Humanitarian Situation Report - UNICEF · donated medical kits and aqua tabs to the Yumbi and Bolobo General Referral Hospitals to treat casualties among displaced people by the conflict

UNICEF’s Response with Partners


Humanitarian Situation Report

* Total results are cumulative since January 2018




Total Results*

Cluster Target

Total Results*

Nutrition : # of children with SAM admitted for therapeutic care


247,892 1,306,000 310,337

Health : # of children in humanitarian situations vaccinated against measles

979,784 942,784

WASH : # of natural disaster and conflict-affected people with access to water, hygiene and sanitation basic services


1,022,723 3,262,000 2,012,189

Child Protection : # of displaced, refugee and returnee children provided with safe access to community spaces for socialization, play and learning

100,000 125,741 170,000 147,782

Education: # of school aged boys and girls affected by crisis receiving learning materials

623,750 315,468 1,700,000 518,018

Highlights • UNICEF’s response to the North Kivu and Ituri Ebola outbreak

can be found on a biweekly basis on Ebola’s latest situation report:

• In preparation to the potential humanitarian consequences of the elections, the Country Office has developed a contingency plan which includes pre-positioning of stocks in each of the nine field offices, pre-allocation of funds to be distributed to pre-defined partners.

• Several villages in the Mai-Ndombe province have witnessed a severe inter-ethnic clash between two communities.

• Kasai and Kwango: a continuous influx of Congolese returning from Angola is taking place at various borders between the two countries. For this response, UNICEF has secured a total of USD 3.7 Million from CERF.

4.49 million Internally Displaced persons

(IDPs) (OCHA, April 2018) 7,900,000 children in need of humanitarian

assistance (OCHA, Jan.2018) 2,000,000 children are suffering from

Severe Acute malnutrition (DRC Cluster

Nutrition, May 2018) 24,550 cases of cholera reported since

January 2018 (Ministry of Health, September


UNICEF Appeal 2018

US$ 268 million

41% of required funds available






2018 DRC HAC funding status

Requirements $268M

Funds received $119M

Carry-Over $28.9M

Funding gap120M

Page 2: Humanitarian Situation Report - UNICEF · donated medical kits and aqua tabs to the Yumbi and Bolobo General Referral Hospitals to treat casualties among displaced people by the conflict

DRC Situation Report December 2018

Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs

• In December, the overall context in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) remained complex

and challenging, with various threats at once. Armed conflict persists with a prominent level of

humanitarian consequences in North Kivu, more specifically Beni and surrounding areas. The

humanitarian situation is further aggravated by armed conflict between the armed forces of the DR

Congo (Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo, FARDC) and armed groups in

Tanganyika province as well as the continuing inter-communal conflicts in the Kasai provinces and

recent violence in Mai-Ndombe province. The ongoing Ebola crisis in northeastern North Kivu and Ituri

provinces is now becoming the country's largest-ever Ebola outbreak, with 537 cases confirmed.

Anticipating the end of the outbreak is becoming increasingly difficult.

• In the province of Mai-Ndombe, a day and night of inter-ethnic violence caused the death of at least

890 persons and many wounded. In the hospital of Yumbi, 26 children out of a total of 82 patients were

admitted for injury. 465 houses have been destroyed as well as two six schools and three health centers.

The violence also resulted in population displacement. According to Caritas, 350 displaced persons

including 120 children reached the Equateur Province (Mbandaka). UNHCR reports that almost 7,000

people had sought refuge by crossing the Congo river into the Republic of Congo. Many have taken

refuge on the banks and islands of the Congo River. Several additional needs evaluations are currently

underway by humanitarian actors.

• Due the arrival of more than 650,0001 Congolese returning from Angola, the situation in Kasai province

has become increasingly complex. An estimated 30% of them are children who have crossed the border

in difficult conditions and are in need acute humanitarian assistance. At entry points in Kasai region,

931 children have been newly registered, of which 33 Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC).

Family tracing activities are ongoing as well as temporary assistance in foster family care.

• During the election campaign, incidents affecting children and adolescents were reported. In Kasai

province 64 adolescents were arrested and detained by the police or security forces because of their

participation in the electoral campaign. All were released after interventions by Child Protection actors.

4 (four) children have been injured. In Kinshasa, 53 adolescents, including children living in the streets,

have been victim of similar arbitrary arrests. They all received assistance through structures supported


• Regarding the cholera situation, there have been slight improvements in December. However, from

January until the end of November 2018, 28.264 cases and 886 deaths have been reported, resulting in

a case fatality rate of 3.1%, well above the 1% emergency threshold.

• Ebola Outbreak: Until 25 December a total of 585 cases of Ebola have been reported in the provinces of

North Kivu and Ituri, out of which 537 confirmed cases. 308 deaths were recorded in the ten affected

health zones. UNICEF’s response can be found here:

1 OCHA / DGM Kinshasa/Caritas Kasai Central/DGM Kwango

Page 3: Humanitarian Situation Report - UNICEF · donated medical kits and aqua tabs to the Yumbi and Bolobo General Referral Hospitals to treat casualties among displaced people by the conflict

DRC Situation Report December 2018

Humanitarian Leadership and Coordination

• UNICEF is leading five clusters in the DRC humanitarian architecture, at national (Kinshasa) and

provincial hub levels (Bukavu, Goma, Kalemie and Kananga), including Nutrition, Education, WASH,

Non-Food Items and Shelter, and a Working Group on Child Protection which forms part of the

Protection Cluster lead by UNHCR. As part of the Ebola response, UNICEF co-leads the commissions

on communication, WASH, and psychosocial care.

• UNICEF participates in inter-cluster and inter organizations meetings at the national and decentralized

levels, and is an active member of the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT).

Humanitarian Strategy

• As for the Congolese returnees from Angola, the UN has defined a three phases strategy: i) profiling of

the new arrivals, acute emergency activities targeting the most vulnerable, support to the transfer of

the most vulnerable to their zones of origin; ii) assistance to the returnees in areas of arrival; iii) post

emergency support to reinstallation and reintegration.

• The Rapid Response to Movements of Population (RRMP) mechanism provides a multi-sectoral

package of interventions in areas affected by shocks and mass displacement, including expelled

Congolese from Angola in the province of Kasai.

• In support of the joint Ebola response plan between the Ministry of Health, World Health Organization,

UNICEF, and other partners, UNICEF’s response strategy focuses on five key areas: communication,

WASH, psychosocial care, education, and nutrition.

• UNICEF supports its partners to reinforce access to primary health care at the community and health

center levels in areas affected by conflict and disease outbreaks; provides psychosocial support and

recreational activities for children who are displaced, separated, unaccompanied, formerly associated

with armed groups, or survivors of sexual violence; pre-positions WASH supplies for water purification

and chlorination, and supports the renovation/construction of latrines/water points for cholera

prevention and response; focuses on risk communication, provision of WASH services, and

psychosocial care for families; and increases outreach for screening, provision of WASH in Nutrition

(WiN) kits, referral and treatment of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) to address a larger share of the

national SAM burden.

Estimated Population in Need of Humanitarian Assistance

Estimates calculated based on initial figures from Humanitarian Response Plan, December 2017

Figures of IDPs and returnees calculated based on UNOCHA website, as of March 2018

Start of humanitarian response: January 2018

Total Male Female

Total Population in Need 13.1 million 6.3 million 6.8 million

Children (Under 18) 7.9 million 3.8 million 4.1 million

Children Under Five 3.6 million 1.73 million 1.87 million

Internally displaced persons and

returnees 4.49 million 2.16 million 2.34 million

Page 4: Humanitarian Situation Report - UNICEF · donated medical kits and aqua tabs to the Yumbi and Bolobo General Referral Hospitals to treat casualties among displaced people by the conflict

DRC Situation Report December 2018

Summary Analysis of Programme Response


By December 2018, a total of 7,816 children aged 6-59 months with SAM were admitted for therapeutic care

in Kasai and Kasai central provinces. Out of these cases, 79 (1%) were SAM with medical complications and

7,737 without medical complications. No data is available yet for other provinces.

The recovery rate is estimated at 96%; death rate 3% and default rate around 0.5% (Recommended standard

thresholds: Recovery >75%; death rate <5% and default rate <15%).

UNICEF provided significant support to the National Nutrition (PRONANUT) program to contribute to the

overall response of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak in the Eastern part of DRC. Thus, UNICEF ensured

the sensitization of 1,631 caretakers (including pregnant and lactating women) on appropriate infant and

young children feeding practices in emergencies (IYCF -E) in three Ebola treatment centers (Mangina, Beni and

Butembo). In addition, UNICEF supported addressing the specific feeding needs of 13 infants under 6 months

(separated or orphans) and eight (8) children aged 6 to 23 months. Finally, UNICEF support was critical in

providing appropriate diet to almost 90% of EVD patients, which improved overall health and nutritional status

of the patients and facilitated their recovery.


In mid-December, in Mai-Ndombe province inter-ethnic conflict erupted in the territory of Yumbi. UNICEF

donated medical kits and aqua tabs to the Yumbi and Bolobo General Referral Hospitals to treat casualties

among displaced people by the conflict. 92 children, out of which 26 under the age of 15, were admitted to

Yumbi Hospital and 11 to Bolobo Hospital. 90 children continue to receive treatment. Plans are underway to

strengthen the response.

In Kasai region, Congolese continued to return from Angola. UNICEF provided technical and financial support


• Primary health care: 3,493 patients treated for malaria (67%), acute respiratory infection (20%) and

diarrhea (13%). 54% of patients are children under five years old.

• Malaria prevention: 26,927 Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets were distributed in 5 targeted health zones

with 98% coverage.

• Strengthening of the routine Immunization: 1.076 children were immunized (29% against BCG, 35%

against Penta 3/Opv3/PCV 13, 36% against measles, 30% against yellow fever). 522 children with

incomplete or no vaccination, of whom 424 (81%) coming from Angola, have been vaccinated.

UNICEF together with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) provided technical and financial support for the final

phase of measles vaccine response for children from 6 to 59 months in the five remaining health areas. A

vaccination campaign was organized against measles outbreak for children from 6 to 59 months in 5 health

zones of Sankuru province. During the reporting period, 160,538 children (6 months - 14 years) were vaccinated

against measles (20,749 in Kasai and 139,789 in Sankuru), reaching a total of 897,719 children since January,

92 % of the targeted 979,784.


In December 2018 a total of 68,229 people affected by natural disasters and conflict gained access to basic

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) services delivered by UNICEF partners.

At the end of December 2018, cluster cumulative results compared with the Humanitarian Response Plan

(HRP) targets for WASH sector showed that 81,7% of the targeted beneficiaries have been reached (out of a

total of 4,304,000). During this period the Haut-Katanga and Haut Lomami provinces were the hotspots for

Cholera outbreak. UNICEF and its partners provided assistance through the distribution of WASH packages,

Page 5: Humanitarian Situation Report - UNICEF · donated medical kits and aqua tabs to the Yumbi and Bolobo General Referral Hospitals to treat casualties among displaced people by the conflict

DRC Situation Report December 2018

including water chlorination and disinfection of houses of people suffering from cholera and those around. In

major hotspots such as Mubunda, Lubumbashi, Kenya and Kipushi health zones in Haut Katanga province and

Bukama health zone in Haut Lomami province no action has been taken so far due to a lack of funding. There

is a serious risk that this lack of response will significantly increase the number of new cases in those areas. In

the Kasai and Kwango regions, UNICEF has made an agreement with partners (RHA, MDA, ACD and CEILU) to

reach a total of 200,000 Congolese expelled from Angola with WASH and nutrition activities, construction of

water points and latrines, and provision of WASH kits to individual beneficiaries, community workshops and

focus groups, etc.


In December, a total of 31,060 children (15,560 girls) affected by the conflicts had access to quality education

and psychosocial support activities, reaching a total of 334,864 and representing 54% of UNICEF’s targeted

623,750 children in 2018. Among them, 1,280 children (666 girls) are from returnee households from Angola

hosted in Eastern Kasai. Moreover, 11,427 children (5,942 girls) aged 6 to 11 received school supplies, bringing

2018 achievements to 315,468 (about 51% coverage). In Ituri province, four (4) classes destroyed during inter-

ethnic conflicts were rebuilt in Djugu, which enabled better learning environments for at least 220 students. As

a temporary solution, these children were using churches as learning spaces. 110 teachers (33 women) were

trained on psycho-social support and peace education benefiting at least 6,050 children aged 6-11 affected by

conflicts. Since January, a total of 12,374 teachers (at least 4,122 women) have been trained on various modules

including peace education and peace building as well as child-centered teaching methodology. Related

teacher’s guides were distributed. Community leaders were trained on the same topic. This will benefit an

estimate of 680,570 children.

On Ebola response in North Kivu and Ituri provinces, during the reporting period, UNICEF reached 46,153

students with Ebola prevention information in schools, bringing the coverage to 137,554 since the beginning

of the response, out of 1,090,006 targeted students (12% coverage). Activities to date have covered 822

schools receiving handwashing facilities out of 2,476 targeted schools (26% of UNICEF’s target). Ebola

prevention information for schools was provided to 3,428 teachers and heads of schools. Since the beginning

of the response UNICEF reached 7,738 teachers with Ebola prevention information in schools, bringing the

coverage to 21% of 39,296 targeted teachers. To enable the scaling up of the implementation of the EVD

protocol in schools, in line with the new targets of the response, 25 master trainers were trained on the

Guidance Note for EVD. In order to support the scaling up of the response and to cover the new target of

schools due to the outbreak’s evolution, UNICEF printed 35,000 copies of the Guidance Note for EVD

prevention in schools and a training plan is to be funded in the coming days. Thanks to UNICEF advocacy, the

two provincial Ministries of Education in North Kivu and Ituri were actively involved in all school activities and

instructed all school directors to give daily briefings on EVD prevention to students and teachers before the

beginning of classes to achieve "Zero Ebola in Schools.” They also required the school inspectors to monitor

the use of the handwashing kits and thermoflashes provided by UNICEF during their school visits.

Access to quality education for children in displaced and returnee households from Angola remains a key

priority to be addressed by UNICEF and its partners in Kasai, Kasai Central and Kwango provinces. An

estimated 202,000 children returned, which are 30% of the returning population. Among them, 1,040

unaccompanied children have been identified in Luiza (Kasai Central) and Kamonia (Kasai), while research is

still ongoing (Update 4-Congolese returnee from Angola, UNICEF, December 10). The development of joint

proposals between Child Protection and Communication for Development sections is ongoing to enable a

timely response.

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DRC Situation Report December 2018

Child Protection

• From January to December, a total of 136,762 children (60,427 girls, or 44%) affected by conflict received

child protection assistance2 and recreational activities including 28,958 children (13,123 girls, or 45%) for

the month of December. Among them, 391 Children Associated with Armed Forces or Groups (CAAFG) and

699 UnAccompanied and Separated children (UASC) were identified and received temporary assistance,

and 177 UASC were reunited with their families.

• Since January 2018, UNICEF implemented psychosocial support activities for 125,741 children (57,016 girls),

including 27,868 new children (12,764 girls) for the month of December3.

• 1,703 girls and 112 boys’ survivors of sexual violence were identified and provided with a holistic response4

since the beginning of the year.

• As part of the activities addressing the humanitarian consequences of the displacement of Congolese

population from Angola and since the beginning of the response, 593 children benefited from psychosocial

support and recreational activities through mobile child friendly spaces in different localities of Kasai. In

addition, 347 UASC received temporary care assistance and were placed in foster families.

• In Equateur, 30 juridical actors have been trained on juvenile justice and child protection principles to

prevent arbitrary detention, particularly during the election period. Awareness messages were

broadcasted in the radios of Kinshasa, Goma (North Kivu) and Kananga (Kasai) to prevent political parties

from using children during election campaign.

• Regarding the Ebola outbreak in North Kivu and Ituri, since the beginning of the response 808 children

(suspect and confirmed cases) received psycho-social support in Ebola Treatment Centers. 1,040 affected

families received psychosocial support and/or material assistance. 8,341 contacts received psychosocial

support. 601 separated children and orphans were identified and received appropriate care and

psychosocial support, among them, a total of 286 orphans (138 girls and 148 boys). 189 children are eligible

for school support. Most of the school assistances have been implemented but the schools remain closed

in Beni. 289 psychosocial agents and 45 psychologists are currently deployed by UNICEF to support the

psychosocial component of the Ebola response.

2 Child protection assistance can include: psycho-social assistance, medical care, educational support, socio-economic reintegration, temporary assistance in transit centers and/or families foster care. 3 The increase is linked to the high attendance due to school holidays and the creation of 15 CFS in Equateur. 4 Holistic response is the overall response to survivors of sexual violence that includes psychosocial care, medical care, socio-economic reintegration and legal assistance




6,680 6,3184,880


1,865 912 70 58

Children assisted by provincesJan - Dec 2018

Page 7: Humanitarian Situation Report - UNICEF · donated medical kits and aqua tabs to the Yumbi and Bolobo General Referral Hospitals to treat casualties among displaced people by the conflict

DRC Situation Report December 2018

Non-Food Items (NFI) / Shelter materials

During the month of December 2018, 41,496 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and returnees were provided

with access to essential household, personal Non-Food Items (NFI) and shelter materials in the provinces of

Ituri, Kasai and North Kivu by UNICEF partners through RRMP, reaching a total of 763,698 (174% coverage)

persons since January.

Rapid Response to Movements of Populations (RRMP)

• In Ituri the RRMP returned to Mokambo in Mahagi territory to assist new waves of displaced people. In

addition to 19,975 people (3,337 households) assisted through Essential Household Articles (AME) fairs in

December, the RRMP continued with Health and WASH interventions already initiated in November. The

2 mobile clinics and the support in two health structures made it possible to medically attend 15,971

beneficiaries in total.

• In North Kivu, the RRMP partners focused on 3 areas of intervention. The Mercy Corps - Danish Refugee

Council - Medair consortium assisted a total of 17,976 IDPs in Nyabiondo in the Masisi Territory through

Essential Household Articles (AME) fairs. On the Kasugho-Kagheri axis in the Lubero territory, the

Solidarités - Norwegian Refugee Council - Save the Children consortium has set up a WASH response for

approximately 23,015 people, in addition to the AME and Vivres fairs attendance for 33,672 people (5,612

households) assisted with non-RRMP funding.

• For Tanganyika, the RRMP response focuses on meeting the needs of displaced people in the Eliya and

Matofari sites in the outskirts of Kalemie City. Activities in education for the reintegration of 321 children

in schools and WASH activities (Water trucking, construction of latrines / showers and sanitation of the site)

took place in the Eliya site while direct distributions of AME kits targeted 3,545 people displaced (709

households) from the Matofari site after the agreement of the Provincial Government of Tanganyika. A

Multi-sectoral Rapid Assessment (MRA) was conducted on the Kalombo-Kabeyamayi-Kibongo-

Kabeyamukena axis (Nyunzu Territory) which hosted approximately 1,400 households and an NFI and

WASH intervention is planned for the beginning of January 2019. This response will be complemented by

food assistance from the World Food Program (WFP).

• In the province of South Kivu, the RRMP continued its multi-sectoral intervention in the City of Uvira in

favor of displaced persons from the Bijombo group in the Uvira Highlands. In addition to organizing fairs

for essential household items in December 2018 in which 12,998 people were reached, the RRMP covered

5,729 people (5,580 children and 149 teachers / directors / community volunteers) in the education sector

and 5,192 in Health / Nutrition. In view of the robbery experienced by the RRMP implementation teams in

Kilembwe (Fizi / South Kivu) and Salamabila (Kabambare / Maniema), the interventions in education,

health and AME were suspended while the WASH responses are going on.

• In Kasai province, the RRMP interventions focused on responses to the crisis of the Congolese expelled

from Angola, whose current figure is estimated at more than 650,000 people. During the month of

December, RRMP conducted two Multi-sectoral Rapid Assessments (MREs) in Yangala in Luiza Territory

(Concern Worldwide Partner) and Kwango (Norwegian Refugee Council - Solidarity International

Consortium) as well as a multi-sectoral intervention in Kamako. Around Kamonia in Kasai province, multi-

sector cash assistance was provided to 33,200 beneficiaries and WASH services to 41,666 people.

Communication for Development (C4D), Community Engagement & Accountability

December 2018 was characterized by the extension of EVD in the health zones of Komanda and Lubero. Thus,

C4D interventions in all sites affected by EVD in North Kivu including Beni, Butembo, Bunia, Mangina and

others have mainly focused on community engagement, responding to resistance and rumors, promotion of

preventive behaviors, etc. Approximately 3,162 influential leaders and specific groups as well as 1,411 active

community workers and other actors participated in information and mobilization of communities to fight the

Page 8: Humanitarian Situation Report - UNICEF · donated medical kits and aqua tabs to the Yumbi and Bolobo General Referral Hospitals to treat casualties among displaced people by the conflict

DRC Situation Report December 2018

epidemic. Approximately 1,452,138 people living in risk areas were reached via the various communication


Regarding the vaccine-related polio virus epidemic, in more than 14 health zones in Mongala, North Ubangi,

Bas Uele and Tshopo provinces, nearly 1,500,000 people were reached by messages promoting vaccination

against polio. More than 150 mobilisers and community helpers, a local radio, and 750 churches per health zone

were involved in these outreach activities.

Regarding Cholera, for Equateur DPS, in the health zones of Bumba and Wangata, awareness raising

campaigns focused on waste management and drinking water consumption. In Tanganyika, in Kalemie, Moba,

Nyemba and Ankoro health zones, more than 1450 beneficiaries were reached by messages about hand

washing with chlorated water by 16 community workers and volunteers of the Red Cross.

Efforts continue to target the most vulnerable and messages in schools and households are focused on

handwashing, promoting essential family practices and key practices in emergencies. In the area of Luisa in

Kasai province 287,467 people were reached through the involvement of 282 churches and 7 community radios.

In the area of Tshikapa in central Kasai, a total of 685,941 people were reached by community workers and via

the respective community development structures; and in Kasai Oriental, 1,336,604 people benefited from the

activities of 670 community development structures, 243 churches, parishes, mosques and 901 associations.

Media and External Communication

In December 2018, the CO continued to focus its external humanitarian communication work on the impact of the Ebola response on children in eastern DRC and UNICEF’s response. The CO issued a press release on the impact of epidemic on children, that coincided with the mission of the UNICEF’s Regional Director for West- and Central-Africa to the affected region. The CO facilitated media missions to the affected regions for the New York Times, Voice of America, Frankfurter Randschau, NRC and De Volkskrant. During the reporting period, media coverage included coverage Mail Online UK, CGTN News,, All, Europa Press, Deutsche Welle, New York Times,, Prensa Latina, France 24, The Economist, Europa Press, La Libre Afrique and Reuters. Moreover, the CO organized a content gathering mission to the affected region with a photo- and videographer. UNICEF published a press release on the impact of humanitarian crises on children, World has failed to protect children in conflict in 2018: UNICEF. The press release highlights among others the humanitarian situation in the DRC. A large number of international media picked it up. During the reporting period the CO published 6 stories related to the humanitarian situation on its blog. Digital communication included “Giving birth was a moment of both joy and sadness at the same time”, Life in an armed group: the sad story of Rachel and Displaced by the violence, Shukuru dreams of resuming his normal life


From January to December 2018, UNICEF DRC received US $119 million (44%) of the US $268 million 2018

HAC appeal amount. In addition, UNICEF has approximately US$29 million funding available as carry-over

from the previous year. In December, UNICEF DRC received grants from the United Kingdom Committee for

UNICEF (USD 341,296), Belgium (USD1,137,656), UNOCHA (USD 3,672,389).

To support the Ebola response in Ituri and North Kivu, UNICEF response strategy as part of the joint response

plan focused on Communication, WASH and Psycho-social Care, Nutrition and cross-cutting Education

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DRC Situation Report December 2018

sector response is estimated at US$ 25.8Million. The UNICEF Ebola response has a funding shortfall of USD

3.9 million.

Funding Requirements (as defined in the revised Humanitarian Appeal 2018)

Appeal Sector Requirements

Funds available** Funding gap

Funds Received Current Year*


$ %

Nutrition 137,940,000 29,100,402 9,823,573 99,016,025 72%

Health 10,583,769 18,953,225 470,949 -8,840,405 -84%

WASH 28,085,485 16,700,212 1,387,053 9,998,220 36%

Child Protection 21,290,500 6,100,484 1,671,341 13,518,676 63%

Education 16,269,000 7,097,636 1,076,773 8,094,590 50%

RRMP (including Cash-based interventions)* 52,302,250 37,589,373 14,497,499 215,378 0%

Cluster/Sector Coordination 1,650,000 3,525,863 0 -1,875,863 -114%

Total 268,121,004 119,067,196 28,927,188 120,126,620 44.80%

Next SitRep: 12/02/2019

UNICEF DRC on Twitter: UNICEF DRC on Facebook: UNICEF DRC Country Website: UNICEF DRC Humanitarian Action for Children:

Who to contact for further information:

Pierre Bry Chief Field Operations UNICEF DRC Tel: + (243) 817 045 473 E-mail: [email protected]

Gianfranco Rotigliano Representative a.i. UNICEF DRC Tel: + (243) 996 050 399 E-mail: [email protected]

Tajudeen Oyewale Deputy Representative UNICEF DRC Tel : +(243) 996 050 200 E-mail : [email protected]

Page 10: Humanitarian Situation Report - UNICEF · donated medical kits and aqua tabs to the Yumbi and Bolobo General Referral Hospitals to treat casualties among displaced people by the conflict

DRC Situation Report December 2018

Annex A


Overall needs

2018 Total

Target Total results

Change since last report ▲▼

2018 Target

Total results

Change since last

report ▲▼

NUTRITION 2,000,000

# of children 6-59 months with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) admitted for therapeutic care

1,140,000 247,892 7,816 1,306,000 310,337 7,816



# of children (6 months-14 years) in humanitarian situations vaccinated against measles

979,784 942,790 205,207

# of people affected by conflict and disease outbreaks having received access to primary health care

624,165 286,106 25,139



# of natural disaster and conflict-affected people with access to water, hygiene and sanitation basic services

1,987,500 1,022,723 68,229 3,262,000 2,012,189 183,035

# of persons in cholera-prone zones and other epidemic affected zones (yellow fever, FHV, etc.) benefitting from preventive as well as WASH cholera-response packages

1,893,750 2,392,716 69,913 4,304,000 3,574,358 69,913

# of severely malnourished children and host family receiving WASH assistance from the nutrition centres, through to the household level

549,124 47,702 0 652,627 48,532 0


# of children formerly associated with armed forces/groups released and provided with temporary assistance

6,000 4,977 391 7,200 5,861 391

# of Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC) identified and/or placed in alternative care arrangements and/or who benefited from individual follow-up (SC/ UASC ; girls / boys)

11,700 6,044 699 13,000 7,971 1,495

# of separated and unaccompanied children identified and reunited with their families

2,500 3,758 177 3,500 4,053 177

Page 11: Humanitarian Situation Report - UNICEF · donated medical kits and aqua tabs to the Yumbi and Bolobo General Referral Hospitals to treat casualties among displaced people by the conflict

DRC Situation Report December 2018

# of displaced, refugee and returnee children provided with safe access to community spaces for socialization, play and learning

100,000 125,741 27,868 170,000 147,782 32,059

# of identified survivors of sexual violence provided with a comprehensive response

5,200 4,225 552

# of directly affected families who received psycho-social support and/or material assistance

712 712 208

EDUCATION 3,400,000

# of girls & boys (5-11 years) affected by conflict or natural disasters given access to quality education and psychosocial activities

623,750 334,864 31,060 1,700,000 503,578 31,060

# of school aged boys and girls (5 to 11 years) affected by crisis receiving learning materials

623,750 315,468 11,427 1,700,000 518,018 11,427

# of teachers trained on learner-centered methodologies, peace education, conflict/disaster risk reduction (C/DRR), and Psychosocial support

9,273 12,672 259 30,909 21,101 259

# of school children reached with Ebola prevention information

427,790 256,484 36,467

NFI/Shelter (RRMP) 4,700,000

# of people provided with essential household items, and shelter materials

437,500 752,196 0 3,700,000 1,460,182 43,924

Multipurpose Cash-based Assistance


# of people receive an Unconditional Cash Grant

603,950 432,959 45,330

3,971,050 432,959 45,330



# of people reached with key life-saving & behavior change messages on: the humanitarian available services, child rights protection and Key family practices

7,600,000 17,662,732 5,263,600

Page 12: Humanitarian Situation Report - UNICEF · donated medical kits and aqua tabs to the Yumbi and Bolobo General Referral Hospitals to treat casualties among displaced people by the conflict

DRC Situation Report December 2018

RRMP contributions to UNICEF overall response

Those RRMP targets and results are included in the Summary of national programme response table above.

2018 RRMP Response

Target Total


Change since last

report ▲▼


# of children 6-59 months with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) admitted for therapeutic care

2,100 4147** 0


# of children (6 months-14 years) in humanitarian situations vaccinated against measles

10,500 4,667** 0

# of people affected by conflict and disease outbreaks having received access to primary health care

105,000 252,595 ** 21,163


# of natural disaster and conflict-affected people with access to water, hygiene and sanitation basic services

787,500 362,161 68,229

# of persons in cholera-prone zones and other epidemic affected zones (yellow fever, FHV, etc.) benefitting from preventive as well as WASH cholera-response packages

393,750 69,913 0

# of severely malnourished children and host family receiving WASH assistance from the nutrition centres, through to the household level

TBD 1,166 0


# of girls & boys (5-11 years) affected by conflict or natural disasters given access to quality education and psychosocial activities

113,750 97,928 5,901

# of school aged boys and girls (5 to 11 years) affected by crisis receiving learning materials

113,750 73,341 0

# of teachers trained on learner-centered methodologies, peace education, conflict/disaster risk reduction (C/DRR), and Psychosocial support

2,275 2,710** 149

NFI/Shelter (RRMP)

# of people provided with essential household items, and shelter materials 437,500 719,866** 3,545

Multipurpose Cash-based Assistance

# of people receive an Unconditional Cash Grant 437,500 330,472 33,200


# of people reached with key life-saving & behaviour change messages on: the humanitarian available services, child rights protection and Key family practices

875,000 463,370 0

** Target exceeded due to increased numbers of alerts and crisis in the DRC, such mass displacements and conflicts in Kasai, Ituri and Tanganyika