humaniora kedokteran - tia verson.pptx

Humaniora Kedokteran ( Medical Humanities ) Devisi BHMP – MEU FKUSU 2012

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Humaniora Kedokteran( Medical Humanities )

Devisi BHMP – MEU FKUSU2012

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Oxford Dictionary, 1995

Humane : Kebaikan dan kasih sayang yang

diberikan kepada sesama Membuat penderitaan (pain) seminimal


Humanity: ‘Human being’ secara umum Kualitas menjadi manusia

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The Marriam - Webster Dictionary, 1997

Humane : marked by compassion sympathy/consideration of others

Humanity : The quality or state of being human or

humane The branches of learning dealing with human concerns (as philosophy) as

opposed to natural processes (as physics)

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Ilmu-ilmu pengetahuan yang dianggap bertujuan membuat manusia lebih manusiawi, dalam arti membuat manusia lebih berbudaya

Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Departemen Pendidikan & Kebudayaan ( Balai Pustaka:1998)

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Sejarah Humaniora

Istilah humaniora yang berasal dari program pendidikan yang dikembangkan Cicero, yang disebutnya humanitas sebagai faktor penting pendidikan untuk menjadi orator yang ideal.

humanitas berarti kualitas, perasaan, dan peningkatan martabat kemanusiaan dan lebih berfungsi normatif dari pada deskriptif (Sastrapratedja, 1998).

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Gellius mengidentikkan humanitas dengan konsep Yunani paideia , yaitu

pendidikan (humaniora) yang ditujukan untuk mempersiapkan orang untuk

menjadi manusia dan warga negara bebas. Pada zaman Romawi gagasan tersebut dikembangkan menjadi program pendidikan dasar sejarah

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Aliran pemahaman yang bertujuan menghidupkan rasa perikemanusiaan/ mencita-citakan pergaulan yang lebih baik → sikap/ tingkah laku mengenai perhatian manusia dengan menekankan pada perasaan serta martabat individu

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Humaniora merupakan studi yang memusatkan perhartiannya pada kehidupan manusia, menekankan unsur kreativitas, kebaharuan, orisinalitas, keunikan.

Humaniora berusaha mencari makna dan nilai, sehingga bersifat normatif.

Dalam bidang humaniora rasionalitas tidak hanya dipahami sebagai pemikiran tentang suatu objek atas dasar dalil-dalil akal, tetapi juga hal-hal yang bersifat imajinatif

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Karakteristik Humaniora

J. Drost dalam artikelnya di KOMPAS, Humaniora, mengatakan bahwa bidang humaniora yang menjadikan manusia (humanus) lebih manusiawi

(humanior) itu, pada mulanya adalah trivium yang terdiri atas:

- gramatika- logika- retorika

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Gramatika (tata bahasa) bermaksud membentuk manusia terdidik yang menguasai sarana komunikasi secara baik.

Logika bertujuan untuk membentuk manusia terdidik agar dapat menyampaikan sesuatu sedemikian rupa sehingga dapat dimengerti dan masuk akal. Retorika bertujuan untuk membentuk manusia terdidik agar mampu merasakan perasaan dan kebutuhan pendengar, dan mampu menyesuaikan diri dan uraian dengan perasaan dan kebutuhan itu.

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Kemudian dari Trivium berkembang ke quadrivium yaitu:

- geeometri- aritmatika,- musik (teori akustik) - astronomi.

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Denotes humanities looking at medicine, looking at patients, and – crucially – looking at medicine looking at patients. The way medicine conceives and represents patients shows up in the way that it treats patients. 

Medical Humanities

Is an emerging field of enquiry in which humanities and social sciences perspectives are brought to bear upon an exploration of the human side of medicine. 

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Is an emerging field of enquiry in which humanities and social sciences perspectives are brought to bear upon an exploration of the human side of medicine. 

Medical Humanities

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The perspectives have a key role to play in analyzing expectations of medicine, and the relationship

between medicine and broader ideas of health, well-being and flourishing.

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The human body is an astonishing ‘intertwining’ of natural and existential dimensions.

• Relate to individual internalization of life experience, understanding the meaning of life, how to undergo this life and the importance of God in his/her life spirituality.

• Develop from early child, teenage until grown up mature, depend on its developmental stage. (Welwood, 1993)

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Coping anak

O rang Tua A nak


“Spiritual Emerging” : The relation between parent’s spiritual and coping toward

child’s coping ( Gamayanti 2006 )

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Child's Spiritual Coping Behavior


Onset behavior from 3 years old

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This crucial fact is central to clinical medicine, but largely overlooked and poorly prepared for in the medical curriculum.

Humanities education tries to take the ‘intertwining’ seriously in its concern to record and interpret all aspects of human experience.

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The medical humanities represent an integrated, interdisciplinary, and substantially philosophical recording and interpreting of the human experiences of illness, disability, medicine and health care.

A core medical humanities module brings these concerns to the heart of the medical curriculum, aiming to provide an important dimension of the preparation for clinical medical practice

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Its object is medicine as a human practice and, by implication, human health and illness,

The enquirers are, basically, people working from the perspectives of humanities disciplines.

Medical Humanities

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The humanities and arts provide insight into

the human condition



responsibility to each other

and offer a historical perspective on medical practice

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Literature and the arts

Helps to develop and nurture skills of observation, analysis, empathy, and self-reflection

skills that are essential for humane medical care

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The social sciences

Help to understand how bioscience and medicine take place within cultural and social contexts and how culture interacts with the individual experience of illness and the way medicine is practiced.

Issues intrinsic to the patient - physician relationship.

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Behavioral Medicine

The clinical use of techniques derived from the experimental analysis of behavior for evaluation, prevention, management of physical disease or physiological dysfunction.

The interdisciplinary field concerned with the development and integration of behavioral and biomedical science knowledge and techniques relevant to health and illness and the application to prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation.

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Underlying principles :

Psycho-social- cultural sciences are scientifically valuable in solving medical problems

Psychosocial factors : behavior, cognition, emotion, social relationships

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The role of behavior in health, explaining about :

etiology and epidemiology health promotion and

maintenance prevention curing process rehabilitation

Health providers – patients communication / interaction skills

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Concepts in the patient–physician relationship:

confidentiality truth telling informed consent surrogate decision making

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Medical Behavior

Patients’ behavior related to health

Doctors’ behavior

Interaction between patients’ and doctors’ behaviors

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Some of the ways peopleexperience illness :

Disability Suffering Negative

emotion/feelings Stigma

Isolation. Needs and Hope

• Sensitive• Empathy• Analysis -

wisdom• Telling the


How health provider response

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A diagram of the interplay of system in the biopsychosocial model


The World

Social SystemExamples of

systems included :

* Society*Community

* Family

The PersonPsychologicalSystems

(experience and behavior)Examples of

systems included :* Cognition* Emotion* Motivation

Biological Systems genetics and physiology

Examples of systems included

* Organs* Tissues* Cells

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Buku Panduan Kerja Mahasiswa, Modul EBP3KH, MEU, FKUI, 2005


Mya Tu, U: Humanism and Ethics in Medical Practice, Health Service, Medical Education and Medical Research, dalam The First Myanmar Academy of Medical Science Oration, 2001

Prasetya, J.T.,: Ilmu Budaya Dasar, Rineka Cipta, Jakarta, 1998

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