how to work for baby boomers j. david mcmahon ’69 associate director texas a&m career center

HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center

Post on 22-Dec-2015




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Page 1: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center


J. David McMahon ’69

Associate Director

Texas A&M Career Center

Page 2: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center

Do You Have a Career Plan? 39% of college graduates do not have any career

plan 69% lack knowledge to make an informed

career plan “If you don’t know where you are going – any

path will get you there.” – Alice in Wonderland What can you do with your major? What do you really want to accomplish with

your major and career?“Jobs are owned by the company, you own your

career’ – Earl Nightingale

Page 3: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center

Four Generations

Generations Born Between…. Matures 1922 – 1943/46

Baby Boomers 1943/46 – 1960/64

Generation Xers 1960/64 – 1980

Millennials 1980 - 2000

Page 4: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center

Generation DifferencesMatures Boomers Gen X'ers Millennials


Fought hard & won

Born into it andshould have it Have 2 jobs Teanacity

Style is ….Team player Self-absorbed Entrepreneur Team player

Leisure is …..Reward forhard work Point of life Relief Part of life

Education is… A dream A birthrightA way to get

ahead Life long

Managingmoney… Save Spend Hedge

Spend parentsmoney

Phone is…. Rotary Touch tone Cellular Wireless

Technology Slide rule CalculatorsSpreadsheets Nintendo

Page 5: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center

Matures on the Job

Assets Stable Detail oriented Thorough Loyal Hard working

Liabilities Inept with ambiguity

& change Reluctant to buck

system Uncomfortable with

conflict Reticent when they


Page 6: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center

Baby Boomers on the JobAssets

Service oriented Driven Willing to go the

“extra mile” Good at relationships Want to please Good team players

Liabilities Not naturally budget

minded Uncomfortable with

conflict Reluctant to go against

peers Put process ahead of

results Sensitive to feedback Judgmental of those who

see things differently

Page 7: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center

Gen Xers on the Job

Assets Adaptable Technoliterate Independent Not intimidated by

authority Creative

Liabilities Impatient Poor people skills Inexperienced Cynical

Page 8: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center

Millennials on the Job

Assets Collective action Optimism Tenacity Multitasking

capabilities Technological savvy

Liabilities Need for supervision

and structure Inexperience,

particularly with handling different people issues

Page 9: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center

Realistic Expectations

There is no such thing as a dream job Don’t expect a 6 figure salary Every job comes with responsibilities

– Some of them are unpleasant• Dealing with customers, overtime, weekend/night

duty, cleaning up, budgets, appraisals

You are not entitled to raises and promotions

Page 10: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center

Realistic Expectations No trophy for just showing up to work What are you going to contribute to the

company? vs. What can the company do for me?

Volunteer for tough projects or seek out opportunities to solve problems outside of your job role or responsibilities

Profit Sharing– The company has to achieve a profit above the

cost of money first .... > 5%– You don’t always get rewards

Page 11: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center

Realistic Expectations Bosses are given the responsibility to supervise –

that means POWER & teacher You know the theory, but you need to learn &

develop work savvy You’ll be working in global cultures – they don’t

pamper Americans – no kudos if you don’t contribute

It’s not about you, it’s about Economics 101 – are you contributing to making a profit, have you added or saved 1 year’s worth of your salary?

Page 12: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center

Realistic Expectations

Not just a 40 hour week Employees are ranked

– Highly valued, run-of-the-mill, lowly valued– You must be better than good to be considered


“It’s not what you do between 8 and 5 – it’s what you do between 5 and 8”

- A&M Recruiter

Page 13: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center

Realistic Expectations

Figure out the unwritten rules – is your workforce really empowered?

You earn respect when you give respect Do you know how to take notes in a

meeting? Employees who embrace and implement

change prosper while those who don’t struggle throughout their careers.

Page 14: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center

Realistic Expectations Instead of being able to spend as much time as you

want checking your Facebook or MySpace account, or responding to every text or e-mail message when it appears on your screen or phone, you are faced with rules and policies curtailing their use. Especially if it is a company supplied Cell phone or computer.

What are the rules of communication within your new work environment:– is it okay to send a message with wallpaper or border;

address your boss in an e-mail as “Hey Jessica”; or forward a mass e-mail or YouTube video to a few co-workers?

Page 15: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center

Anticipate Failure

Learn from your mistakes Have you failed yet? You are expected to complete assignments – on

time! When things don’t go your way – GET OVER IT! Embarrass your boss (or co-worker) and you lose

their loyalty

“I really didn’t say everything I said”

– Yogi Berra

Page 16: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center


“Them that have the gold, make the rules!”

– As long as it isn’t illegal or immoral, you probably ought to do it the company way.

Page 17: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center

Your Momma Don’t Work Here

Think and act for yourself Employer hired you, not your

parents Work out your own problems

Page 18: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center

Top 6 Reasons for Firing College Graduate New Hires

Unethical behavior (28 %) Lack of motivation/work ethic (18 %) Inappropriate use of technology (14 %) Failure to follow instructions (9 %) Late to work (8 %) Missing assignment deadlines (7 %)

2007 survey of Employers by Collegiate Employment Research Institute

Page 19: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center

How to Be the Employee Your Company Can’t Live Without

Glenn Shepard, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2006

1. Create your own job security by making yourself a highly valued employee

2. Learn what your supervisor’s values are3. Be highly productive, pro-active and low

maintenance“Things come to those who wait, but only the

things left behind by those who hustle.” - Abraham Lincoln

4. Answer questions before your boss asks them5. Earn your paycheck, the company will not exist

if it doesn’t make a profit

Page 20: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center

How to Be the Employee Your Company Can’t Live Without6. Do whatever needs to be done, whenever it needs

to be done7. Take great pride and be the best at whatever you

do8. If you can’t be on time, be early9. Minimize unnecessary mistakes and learn how to

handle reasonable mistakes10. Polish your social graces if you want to influence

others“Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment” – Ben Franklin

Page 21: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center

How to Be the Employee Your Company Can’t Live Without11. Adopt a strong work ethic – don’t let the monkeys pull

you down your ladder of success“Opportunity is missed by most people because it

is dressed in overalls and looks like work” – Thomas Edison

12. It’s hard to soar with eagles when you surround yourself with turkeys

13. Be proud of what you do, but let others know you appreciate their work also – check your ego at the door

14. Your raise will become effective when you become more effective

15. 85% of people get promoted due to personal work skills, only 15% is due to their education

Page 22: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center

How to Be the Employee Your Company Can’t Live Without16. Understand the difference between failing and

making mistakes“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure” – Bill Cosby

17. Have a desire to solve the company problems, succeed in solving those problems, earn a reputation for your problem solving skills“We have no problems; however, we do have lots of challenges and opportunities” – David McMahon

18. Don’t confuse activity with accomplishment; don’t give ultimatums; don’t break the chain of command; don’t underestimate your duty to serve your employer

Page 23: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center

The Older Worker AdvantageUS News & World Report, Dec 2008

Understand recessions

Willing to work part time

Have real life experience

Want to be challenged


Can control their emotions

Network is bigger Loyal and reliable Want to learn More satisfied with

their job and benefits

Page 24: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center

Bill Gates Advice Rule 1: Life is not fair - get used to it! Rule 2 : The world won't care about your self-esteem. The

world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

Rule 3 : You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.

Rule 4 : If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.

Rule 5 : Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity.

Rule 6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.

Page 25: HOW TO WORK FOR BABY BOOMERS J. David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Texas A&M Career Center

Bill Gates Advice Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring

as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try de-lousing the closet in your own room.

Rule 8: Schools may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. Some schools have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.

Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time.

Rule 10: Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.