how to use social media in the classroom

Social Media in Education This SlideShare will introduce how to incorporate social media tools into learning activities. When used properly, social media tools can: Boost student engagement Link students to content experts Find online classroom lessons Help them establish an online body of work/establish their brand. And much more! Created by: Adam Voyton

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Post on 14-Apr-2017



Social Media

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Page 1: How to use Social Media in the Classroom

Social Media in Education This SlideShare will introduce how to incorporate social media tools into learning activities.

When used properly, social media tools can:• Boost student engagement• Link students to content experts• Find online classroom lessons• Help them establish an online body

of work/establish their brand. • And much more!

Created by:Adam Voyton

Page 2: How to use Social Media in the Classroom

A brief overview of the benefits of social learning

Over 25 teaching strategies from 12 of the most popular social media tools

How to get help learning how to use the various social media tools

What this SlideShare will cover:

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90% of college students visit social networking sites on a regular basis

The modern student is connected to the world via social media and technology

Social learning is students learning from other students

Today's students want to document their feelings and insights in a highly timely manner

Social learning can increase comprehension of material and create new channels for students to learn

Why is Social Learning Important?


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More likely to stay in college and graduate

Make friends more easily

Motivated to study together outside of the classroom

Encourage students to succeed academically and graduate

Benefits for Students that Form a Learning Community:

Reference: National Survey of Student Engagement. A fresh look at student engagement: Annual Report 2013.

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Extend learning beyond an individual course!

Social media can enable instructors to keep in touch with students after a course has ended.

One Final Benefit:

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Choose 1 tool to start and make it purposeful.

Many instructors are interested in learning how to add social media tools into their curriculum, but they aren’t sure how.

It can be challenging to find ways to incorporate activities with social media that promote actual learning.

There’s so many social media tools to choose from, where do I start?

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The learning objective is the most important.

Social media should be used as a tool to help teach a concept, so be sure to not lose sight of the learning for the coolness factor.

That being said…Snapchat is really cool.

Warning: Do not just use social media just for the sake of it!

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If you need help on the technical aspects, I recommend watching tutorial videos on YouTube or (requires a paid subscription)

I’m only going to focus on how select social media tools can be used for learning activities.

Need help learning how to use a social media tool?

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Facebook is the world's largest social network, with more than 900 million users. People mainly use it to connect with important people in their life and share photos.

Facebook is King

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Good: students can use it to connect with each other outside of the classroom.

Good: students can create a Facebook Group to form online study groups

Bad: students may want to add you as a “Friend”

Facebook Pros & Cons

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Build a Facebook application: Computer science students can learn valuable skills for the future by taking on a project to create an app that can be used on Facebook.

Brainstorm: Ask students to collaborate and brainstorm on your classroom's Facebook page.

News gathering: Your classroom can follow media outlets or public figures relevant to your latest classroom discussions.

Archived videos: Important lectures, slides, and more can be shared and saved on Facebook.

Familiarize yourself with students: In large classes, it can sometimes be hard to remember each and every student. Facebook makes it a little easier to connect faces with names.

Flashcardlet: Using Flashcardlet, you can create your own flash cards that students can study on Facebook.

Ways to Use Facebook

Source: 100 Ways You Should Be Using Facebook in Your Classroom

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Twitter allows you to post your ideas in just 140 characters

Letters, numbers, symbols, punctuation and spaces all count as characters on Twitter.

What all of this means is, you have to be concise. You have to know exactly what you want to say, and say it in as few words as possible.



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Connect students with content experts who have a Twitter profile

Ways to Use Twitter

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Create fake pages: Ask students to create fake profiles for historical figures, fictional characters, and more.

Ways to Use Twitter

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Allow students to tweet their own notes during lessons and share with their peers

Have students follow you and ask them to tweet you about their learning process – including difficulties they face or resources they want to share

Ways to Use Twitter


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Virtual guest speakers – start a lesson with a video that grabs students’ attention.

YouTube can be great for bringing in different perspectives.

Audio visual is higher up on Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Ways to use YouTube

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Have students create a narrated presentation and upload it to YouTube (if an enterprise video platform like Kaltura is not available)

Record your own lectures and post them on YouTube for students to view – students can re-watch!

Ways to use YouTube

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Create an Instructor Introduction video

Create a playlist of videos related to a concept – this saves students from wasting their time searching for useless or unsuitable information. Check for examples

More Ways to use YouTube

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Use Google Hangouts as a free alternative to costly web conferencing tools

Offer virtual office hours for your students

If class is cancelled from bad weather, just staple it together with an online lecture!

Google Hangouts

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There’s a lot of professional content on SlideShare.

SlideShare was recently voted amongst the World's Top 10 tools for education & eLearning.

SlideShare is basically a way to make your PowerPoints easily viewable on the web without downloading the presentation.

SlideShare is the world's largest community for sharing presentations. With 60 million monthly visitors and 130 million page views.


Page 21: How to use Social Media in the Classroom 1500+ talks to stir your curiosity

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Over 4300 videos

“Our library of videos covers K-12 math, science topics such as biology, chemistry, and physics, and even reaches into the humanities with playlists on finance and history. Each video is a digestible chunk, approximately 10 minutes long, and especially purposed for viewing on the computer.”

"I teach the way that I wish I was taught. The lectures are coming from me, an actual human being who is fascinated by the world around him."—Sal (founder of Khan Academy)

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WHAT IS IT? LinkedIn helps people with employment via online

professional networking (think of it like an online resume) Allows you to maintain a ‘work life’ profile

WAYS TO USE IT Join a Group for join discussions and view job postings Help them establish an online body of work Give and receive recommendations

from colleagues, instructors, or students


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Similar to LinkedIn, students and faculty can use these blogging sites to create their online brand.

Some career planning experts are calling portfolios the new resume. It makes sense since a portfolio demonstrates competency of a subject.

Tumblr, Wordpress, or Blogger are popular blogging options.

Blogging is a mechanism for students to show off their creative writing skills.

An easy way to get a student into blogging it to suggest that they copy the text from their discussion board posts into their blog.


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Social bookmarking – extends learning outside of the classroom even after a course ends

Social bookmarking site to curate hyperlinks and put them into sortable categories. It’s also searchable!

A great example from a fellow educator and friend of mine, Scott Shaw:


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Many faculty find lesson plan ideas

Ways to Use Pinterest

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Blackboard created an internal social media tool, which conveniently reduces the need to go to other websites.

Students desire to keep their academic network separate from their personal network, although they do want an online forum to connect with other words: They want to keep their beers and textbooks separate!

My Blackboard Profile

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Share notes and complete group work Chat about setting up online or in-person study

groups Students that feel part of a community have

increased engagement with their course work Students that have a support system are more

likely to succeed academically

How can students use My Bb?

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The Social Media Pedagogy: Welcome To My Twitter-verse

Kristen Bender, Assistant Professor/Chair – Information Systems Management & Software Design and Development at Wilmington University

View this presentation on SlideShare

Learn More from Fellow Educators and Social Media Gurus

Embracing Social Media as a Global Communication Tool

Sara Smith, Social Media Editor at NBC10 Philadelphia

View a recording of this Keynote presentation

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Decide to learn 1 of these social media tools that you want to incorporate into your curriculum.

Be sure to make the learning activity purposeful, so that it meets a learning objective.

Comment below how you are using social media tools in the classroom!

Where do I go from here?

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Connect with Me on LinkedIn Adam Voyton