leveraging social media for the classroom

Its time !!!!!!

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Post on 22-Mar-2017




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Its time !!!!!!

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The class of 2014 had the Lowest SAT reading

Scores in history

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Are we Failing our students?

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Our Students are Digital learners

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How Digital and Interactive is your Classroom?

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Or your homework?

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These Digital Natives…

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Have never lived without a computer

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Send an average of 60 text messages a day

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83% of college students have a smart phone

(a computer in their pocket )

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Kindergarteners are learning on iPads


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College Students Spend 8 to 10 Hours Daily on Cell Phone

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And up to 5 hours a week on YouTube

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Wouldn’t be great if we could Harness student’s

Enthusiasm for the Internet…..

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And redirect toward great Learning Opportunities ?

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It is time to Rethink teaching !!!!!

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Digital natives are pleadingFor us to remember these


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Tell me….I will forget

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Show me….I may remember

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Involve me….I will understand

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Involve students by

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Social Media is the biggest shift Since the Industrial Revolution

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Social media Describes the online tools that people use to share content, profiles, opinions, insights, experiences, perspectives and media itself, thus facilitating conversations and interaction online between groups of people.

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How long did it take to reach 50 million users?

Telephone : 74 yearsRadio : 38 yearsPersonal Computer: 16 yearsInternet: 2 yearsSocial Media: almost 1 year

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The Social Media Share

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Avenues Of


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• Created by Dustin Moskovitz and Mark Zuckerberg in 2004 as a way for their fellow Harvard students to stay in touch.

• Over 1.01 billion active daily users on average (sept. 2015)• Provided in over 70 languages• More than 10 billion minutes are spent on the Facebook

homepage everyday

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Avenues and Opportunities for Colleges and Universities to Leverage


Promoting, Publishing and Connecting

Office Hours via Facebook

Emergency Services and Notification

Alumni Engagement

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Relevant Interesting

Up-to-date Useful

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Publishing and Promoting

Up-to-dateVirtual Tours

School Pride

Alumni Groups

School Swag

Department Content

Reaching Out to Prospective Students

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Office Hours via Facebook




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Alumni Engagement

Job Placement



Collaboration With

Current Students

AlumniGenerated Content

Creating Mobile


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Emergency Services and Notifications Waterfall’s AlertU emergency notification system already enables colleges to send text messages to students, faculty and staff in the event of a campus emergency.  The system is integrated into current emergency action plans quickly and easily, enabling an additional communication channel that delivers vital information to registered users, students, faculty and staff at colleges across the country

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Engage Your Screenagers in 140 Characters or Less

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Engage Your Screenagers in 140 Characters or Less

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Engage Your Screenagers in 140 Characters or Less

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Tweet about upcoming due dates or assignments. One of the simplest ways that teachers can use #Twitter involves setting up a feed dedicated exclusively to due dates, tests or quizzes.

Provide the class with a running news feed.Subscribe to different mainstream and independent news feeds with different biases as a way to compare and contrast how different perspectives interpret current events and issues.

Create a career list. Set up an interesting assignment requesting that students set up Twitter for education lists following feeds relevant to their career goals and keep a daily journal on any trends that crop up along the way.

Coordinate assignments.Rather than keeping up with an e-mail train, students can use Twitter to collaborate on different projects and keep a quick reference on any changes.

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Connect with the community. Partner up with local government or charitable organizations and use education Twitter to reach a broad audience discussing the latest cultural or educational events

Ask questions. Monica Rankin at University of Texas-Dallas uses Twitter as a way for her students to keep a running stream of questions going during lectures

Take and share notes. Classrooms with enough resources can allow students to tweet their own notes during lessons and share with their peers – perhaps even printing them out for home use if they do not have internet access.

Facilitate research. Typing keywords into Twitter’s search engine wields every microblog entry on the subject, providing an excellent way for students to research ideas, opinions and movements as they happen.

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VIDEO can ENGAGE Students

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For all Schools Provides

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Math help

Foreign Languages

World events

Science Experiments

University Lectures

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How am I ever going to learn about


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