how to start your own blog


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How to Start your own Blog


How to Start Your Own Blog

If you are interested to start your own blog, then read this

guide from start to end.

Making money online is as easy as it sounds with just a blog and some inspiration you can

actually start earning real money from the internet easily. It doesn’t really take much to get

started except you don’t know where to start. After some years as a blogger I have discovered the

opportunity of earning from just being a blog owner and I will like to share that idea with you

but the first step is owning your own blog.

Apart from the fame of being a blogger, you can earn real $$$$ from Paid Articles, Google

Adsense, Banner ads, Paid Reviews, etc. Blogging will help you develop as an individual as

well. I have learnt more things as blogger than my whole 5 yrs in the University.

So if you want to start your own blog, or you simply want to share your knowledge with the

whole world, or you belong to the category that want to explore the opportunities of making real

$$$$ from the internet, then I would love to help you achieve your dreams.

Here are the steps to being a blogger:

Page 2: How to start your own blog

How to Start your own Blog


Purchase a Good Domain: The first to start your own blog is to purchase a good domain name. A domain name is the name

of your blog like I have as my domain name. So you will have to obtain your

own domain name carefully. There are guides you can follow in choosing the right domain name

because your domain name is what people will remember your blog as. Read the guide about

how you should choose the right domain name for you blog. “Choosing the right domain


You can use to search for available domain names you can use for

your blog.

Hosting your Domain: Once you have made a choice for your domain name next will be hosting your domain, hosting

simply means web space where your files and data will stored online. Every website you have

ever surfed on the internet is hosted on servers worldwide.

Hosting costs around $10 per month, though you can get cheaper and rates in some other places

but I advise you use a web host that is reliable and affordable. I personally use Arvixe to host my

blog. There are also other good webhosts like Godaddy, Namecheap and even Hostgator. And

the good thing is that these webhosts accept GTB Mastercards as means of payment. They are of

course the best around and I recommend them.

Install WordPress: WordPress is my favorite content management system platform and I love it, you will love it too

once you use it. Most popular blogs and bloggers use WordPress platform. WordPress is so easy

to use that even a newbie can install and design a good looking and secure blog with, its SEO

features are amazing that it does so many things to help you succeed as a blogger even without

you knowing.

You can install WordPress from the Fantastico in your cPanel, once you are done with the

installation of WordPress the next thing you should do is to install Plugins. Plugins are external

piece of code packaged in a special form to help you enhance the usability of WordPress. Plugins

are installed on WordPress to perform certain tasks.

You should really consider some “Necessary WordPress Security Plugins” while installing

Plugins to help you secure your WordPress Blogs.

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How to Start your own Blog


Install a Professional Theme: Themes are like the clothing of your blog, a good looking theme can attract more readers to your

blog so this is a very important step to seriously consider carefully. A theme with good colour

and features can ensure your visitors coming back always to read more of your articles. A good

theme should be “Responsive” since we should consider mobile users as well. A Responsive

theme is a theme that re-sizes itself to fit into a screen resolution for every device used in surfing

your blog. You can read the “Benefits of using Responsive designs” for your blog. With a

responsive theme, you do not have to worry about making a mobile site for your blog.

I am using Genesis child theme on a Genesis framework for my blog, though I bought it, but as a

newbie you can find some free and responsive themes if you search the web very well.

Would you like me to design your blog for you? In case you are not familiar with coding and

designing and you can’t do all these by yourself but you really need to start your own blog, for a

good fee I can design a professional blog for you. Use the Contact Page to email me your

request so we can discuss further on price and the features you will need for your blog.

Advanced Blogging Tips Other things you will need to know about blogging and how to start your own blog and succeed

as a blogger. I have covered most of these topics in the past and I want to share them with you so

you too can succeed as a blogger.

WordPress Some important WordPress Plugins for your WordPress blog

Safety Measures to follow before your upgrade your WordPress or a WordPress Plugin

How to reduce Spam on your WordPress

How to add a customized email subscription box in WordPress.

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How to Start your own Blog


SEO SEO Strategies for website

How to make your website SEO friendly

SEO Tips for a newly designed website

The basic on-site SEO Tips you should know

On-Page SEO vs Off-Page SEO: Which is more important

SEO Tips: Search Engine Optimization tips for images

SEO Tips for Bing

Social Media How to add Twitter Follow me button to your WordPress blog

How bloggers can use the Microsoft Social Network

Using Twitter Hashtags to improve visibility on Twitter

How to use Pinterest to promote your blog

Other Blogging Tips How to handle writer’s block

How do I add Mashable style social subscription widget on my blog?

6 Characteristics of a good blog post

Page 5: How to start your own blog

How to Start your own Blog


Complete guides before and after publishing blog posts

Things needed to become a successful blogger

How to choose the right keyword for your blog post

How to create a blog site

Content Syndication: How it can improve your blog’s traffic

10 Commandments of Blogging

8 Ways to promote your blog

How to create a blog people will love to read

Importance of blog design and layout: Things you should know

How to find and choose the best blog niches