how to read tarot for your self - daily tarot girl€¦ · •tarot cards are a tool to help you...

How to Read Tarot for Your Self by The Daily Tarot Girl

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Page 1: How to Read Tarot for Your Self - Daily Tarot Girl€¦ · •Tarot cards are a tool to help you access your deeper wisdom (the cards themselves don't have the answers) • Be active

How to ReadTarot

forYour Self

by The Daily Tarot Girl

Page 2: How to Read Tarot for Your Self - Daily Tarot Girl€¦ · •Tarot cards are a tool to help you access your deeper wisdom (the cards themselves don't have the answers) • Be active

Webinar Notes

Webinar: How to Read Tarot for Your Self Presenter: Kate (Daily Tarot Girl)

Why read Tarot for yourself?

– You have the answers inside of you! – Your Tarot cards are a doorway into your “inner self” (the deep, spiritual, eternal part of

yourself)– Tarot as a tool for self-exploration: you can use the cards to access the wisdom within– The cards themselves are full of imagery, symbols, color and this triggers the right side of your

brain (your intuitive side)

The 3 steps to giving yourself a Tarot reading

1. Preparing for your reading2. The reading: the techniques you use3. Closing the reading – what you do afterwards (recording, actions, revisiting)

1. Preparing for your reading:

-relax, clear and meditate

-prepare to meet your INNER BEING (authentic self)

-decide what works for you – I like to clear my reading space by removing any clutter, lighting a candle and playing some relaxing music.

• Know that you have all the answers already – you are a deep, spiritual being. This reading is simply about discovering the wisdom that is already inside of you.

2. The Reading:

There are many different methods of exploring a card!

Exercise #1 Ask: What message does my inner being have for me?

Draw a card

1. How do you FEEL when you look at this card?2. What color is your attention drawn to?3. What does this color mean to you/how does it make you feel?

Page 3: How to Read Tarot for Your Self - Daily Tarot Girl€¦ · •Tarot cards are a tool to help you access your deeper wisdom (the cards themselves don't have the answers) • Be active

4. Does the number on the card have any significance to you?

This is the “warm-up” - your feeling out the card, warming up your intuition (essence vs meaning)

5. What symbol are you drawn to? (our inner self communicates to us through symbols)6. What does that symbol mean to you? (research the symbol)7. Does that symbol have any significance in your life right now?8. Enter the card: when you step into this card, how do you feel? What do you notice?9. Which figure are you most drawn to? (have a dialogue)10. Dialoguing: Does this figure have a message for you?11. Do you have a question for this figure? (keep in mind that they figure may not answer you, but

instead your attention is drawn to another symbol or aspect of the card.....that is your answer!)12. Embody the card – what does it feel like? What do you notice?13. Through this card, my inner self is trying to tell me.....

* Exercise: reading your current environmentUse the techniques above to “read” the environment around you as if it were a tarot card. You can receive many interesting insights about your life this way, without even using Tarot cards.This method helps you use the symbols around you to explore your deeper self.

3. Closing the reading – recording, action plan, goal setting, etc...

-How you close a reading is almost as important as the reading itself-Thank your cards-record the reading (journal, notes, worksheet, picture) -importance of creating an “action plan” or setting a goal (worksheet)-revisit the reading at a later date (especially if the reading didn't really make sense the first time)

Creating positive change -Take your reading seriously! -Always ask what action can I take to use the guidance I just got into my everyday life?-make a plan (see “action plan” worksheet)-If you don't record your reading or take action, then the reading will have little impact on your life. -Not all readings need to be life changing and you don't always have to set goals and record your readings, but if you want to use your readings to create change, then this is the best way.

The major stumbling blocks to reading for yourself:

Block #1: Not being objective (reader bias)-seeing what you want to see

Fix: do the reading as if you are reading for someone else (record it) and pretend your giving advice to someone else. Then, wait a day or two and listen back to your reading. You will be amazed!

Page 4: How to Read Tarot for Your Self - Daily Tarot Girl€¦ · •Tarot cards are a tool to help you access your deeper wisdom (the cards themselves don't have the answers) • Be active

Block #2: Being overly emotional about the outcome of the reading (reader bias)

Fix: don't try to suppress emotion (fear/excitement/hope)Imagine the emotion as a separate entity that is seated next to you (but you are the one doing the reading)

Block #3: Lack of confidence-not trusting intuition, worrying that you aren't interpreting the cards correctly-belief that each card has a specific meaning/msg and you have to interpret it “right” or else the reading will be “wrong”

Fix: change how you approach doing a reading! Instead of seeing the cards as holding all the “answers” see them as tools, as doorways into your inner self – they are there to help you access your deep inner wisdom, ideas, strengths – but the card itself does not contain the wisdom (or answer).

*when you approach your cards with a spirit of exploration, inquiry & curiosity, its much easier to be objective and confident – because there are no “right” or “wrong” interpretations when you use the reading methods above.

Exercise #2 – Tarot Spread: Exploring Aspects of Self

Turn your cards face up and consciously choose: -a card that you love-a card that you can't stand

Lay the cards out like this:

-start with card you don't like (card #2): 1. What aspect of myself does this card represent? (notice what the figures are doing, the symbols

and colors)2. How do I feel about this part of myself?3. What role does this part of myself play in my life right now?4. What figure are you most drawn to? Embody the figure on the card. When you imagine

yourself becoming this figure, what do you feel? Notice?5. If these two cards could talk, what would they say to each other?

Now, do the same for card #1

Key points to remember about doing self readings:

Card #1Your Ideal self

Card #2Your


Page 5: How to Read Tarot for Your Self - Daily Tarot Girl€¦ · •Tarot cards are a tool to help you access your deeper wisdom (the cards themselves don't have the answers) • Be active

• Tarot cards are a tool to help you access your deeper wisdom (the cards themselves don't have the answers)

• Be active when reading for yourself – engage with the cards, jump into them, ask questions, have a dialogue. The cards will trigger your ideas and insights, which will lead to more insights, which will eventually lead to an answer to your question.

• Be patient – often, an “answer” will not reveal itself until you truly connect to and engage with a card. So don't expect the answers to be served up to you like fastfood!

Good luck with your readings and I hope you have as much fun with these reading technique as I've had!!!

Page 6: How to Read Tarot for Your Self - Daily Tarot Girl€¦ · •Tarot cards are a tool to help you access your deeper wisdom (the cards themselves don't have the answers) • Be active

Getting Out of Your Own Way: Methods for Transmuting “Reader Bias”

You've probably heard people say “you can't read Tarot for yourself because you can't be objective!” Don't listen to them! You CAN read Tarot for yourself. Here are some techniques for

overcoming the two most common problems with doing self readings.

Problem #1: You are feeling very emotional about the issue you are reading about and you're worried it will taint the way you see the cards.

For example, perhaps you just met someone new who you feel very giddy and hopeful about. You want to do a reading to see if this person is a good potential partner, but you know your enthusiasm and excitement might make you see what you want to see.

Fix #1: Identify the feeling (eg: excitement). Locate where in your body you feel it. Imagine this feeling as a little creature. What would it look like? How would it behave? Now, imagine yourself picking up this little creature and gently setting it down next to you. Tell it that it's allowed to be there for the reading, but it's not allowed to do the reading. You will be doing the reading. It might pipe up from time to time and that's okay. You will now recognize the voice of your feeling (eg: excitement) as being separate from your own inner voice.

Fix #2: Pretend you are doing a reading for a complete stranger (even though its your reading). Record your reading and then listen back to it the next day. This can be really fun and you will be amazed at the good advice and wisdom you receive.

Problem #2: Lack of confidence. Worrying that you are interpreting the cards wrong or missing something important.

Fix: Change the way to approach your Tarot cards! Instead of seeing the cards as holding the answers, know that the cards are merely a tool to help you access your own inner knowledge. They help you remember what you already know.

Approach your cards with a sense of exploration, inquiry and curiosity. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to interpret your tarot cards when you use the methods taught here. Let go of the traditional meanings of the cards as you explore them fully.

You might try saying the following affirmation to yourself as you begin your reading: I have all the answers inside of me. This reading will help me discover what I need to know right now. Whatever insights I get are the right ones for me at this time.

Page 7: How to Read Tarot for Your Self - Daily Tarot Girl€¦ · •Tarot cards are a tool to help you access your deeper wisdom (the cards themselves don't have the answers) • Be active

Playsheet: Exploring A Tarot Card!

This method of reading a Tarot card uses the Tarot as a doorway into your deeper self, wherein lies all the wisdom, answers, ideas and inspiration you need. Let the adventure begin!

You may or may not decide to ask a question before drawing one card...As you gaze at your card, ask yourself the following questions:

FeelingWhen I look at this card I FEEL _______________This card makes me want to _________________________________________________________

ColorThe colors on the card feel very ___________________________________The most obvious color is ______________________I associate that color with ________________________________________

SymbolsThe first symbol or image that my attention is drawn to is ________________________________The second image/symbol I notice is ___________________________________The third image/symbol I see is __________________________________________

What do these symbols mean to me? And how might they relate to my life right now?Symbol #1__________________________Symbol #2 __________________________Symbol #3 __________________________

What do these symbols/images have in common? __________________________________

Together, what message do these symbols paint for me?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

NumberDoes the number on the card have any significance to me? _________________________________

MemoriesThis card reminds me of _____________________________________________________________

How is that memory significant in my life right now?

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Enter the CardWhen I step into this card, I suddenly feel ________________________________and I suddenly notice ____________________________________________________________________________

EmbodimentWhich figure (person, animal, plant or object) is my attention drawn to? ______________________When I imagine embodying this figure, I feel __________________________________________ and I notice that ___________________________________________________________________

DialoguingIf this figure could talk, what would it say to me?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Is that an internal voice I often hear? Or does someone I know often say stuff like that?_________________________________________________________________________________

If I could talk to this figure, what would I ask? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Now, get quiet and just let that question sit for a moment... What happens when I ask that question? Do any particular symbols jump out at me?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How does this figure respond to my question?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Through this card, my inner self is trying to tell me... ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Aspect of SelfWhat aspect of my self does this card represent? ____________________________________How do I feel about this part of myself? ______________________________________What role does this part of myself play in my life right now? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 9: How to Read Tarot for Your Self - Daily Tarot Girl€¦ · •Tarot cards are a tool to help you access your deeper wisdom (the cards themselves don't have the answers) • Be active

Would I like to give this aspect more expression or less? ___________________________________

How can I truly embrace and celebrate this part of myself? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Advice & ActionThe action suggested (if there is one) by this card is ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I am going to use the wisdom that I received today by ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Congratulations! You have just deeply explored your Tarot card (and your Self). Now take a moment to express gratitude to your deck and absorb the wisdom and insights you received :)

Page 10: How to Read Tarot for Your Self - Daily Tarot Girl€¦ · •Tarot cards are a tool to help you access your deeper wisdom (the cards themselves don't have the answers) • Be active

My Tarot Reading

Date: _________________________________

Question: _________________________________________________________________


General message:______________________________________________________________







Page 11: How to Read Tarot for Your Self - Daily Tarot Girl€¦ · •Tarot cards are a tool to help you access your deeper wisdom (the cards themselves don't have the answers) • Be active

Action Plan!Putting Tarot guidance to work in your daily life

1. What was the general message of this card?______________________________________________



2. What “action steps” jump out at you?_______________________________________________



3. Specific things you can do to make it happen: ______________________________________________



Page 12: How to Read Tarot for Your Self - Daily Tarot Girl€¦ · •Tarot cards are a tool to help you access your deeper wisdom (the cards themselves don't have the answers) • Be active
Page 13: How to Read Tarot for Your Self - Daily Tarot Girl€¦ · •Tarot cards are a tool to help you access your deeper wisdom (the cards themselves don't have the answers) • Be active

Playsheet: Reading Your Environment

Take a moment to look around you....

1. How do your surroundings make you feel?

2. What stands out? Are there any repeating themes?

3. What color is most noticeable? What does that color represent for you?

4. What object or person do you feel most drawn to?

5. What does that person or object symbolize for you? How is it relevant to your life now?

6. Is this person or symbol trying to tell you something? Have a mental dialogue with it and see what comes up.

7. If it feels right, imagine you are that person or object. What do you notice? Any insights?

8. Your current environment has a message for you and that message is......

Page 14: How to Read Tarot for Your Self - Daily Tarot Girl€¦ · •Tarot cards are a tool to help you access your deeper wisdom (the cards themselves don't have the answers) • Be active

Tarot Spread: Exploring Aspects of Your Self

This spread gives you fascinating insight into the many aspects of your self.Directions: Turn your cards face up and consciously choose 3 cards – a card you love, a card you

strongly dislike and a card that has always confused you.

Use the techniques for exploring a card, such as entering the card, embodying a figure, dialoguing and analyzing a symbol.

Card #1 Your Ideal Self – This may be the part of yourself you approve of, the part you show to the world, or it may even be how you wish you were.

Card #2 Your Disowned Self – This is your “shadow self”, the part of yourself you keep hidden. This may be a part of yourself you feel ashamed of that you have deemed inappropriate.

Card #3 Your Misunderstood Self – This is the part of yourself that is most confusing to you right now, an aspect you find very confusing. Often this card represents issues you are currently

working on.

Some questions you may want to ask each card:

• What part of myself does this card represent?• How do I feel about this part of myself? How do I treat it?

• What role does this part play in my life right now?• What figure am I most drawn to? What happens when I embody that figure?

• If these cards could talk to each other, what would they say?

Card #1 Card you loveYour Ideal Self

Card #2Card you dislikeYour Disowned


Card #3Confusing card



Page 15: How to Read Tarot for Your Self - Daily Tarot Girl€¦ · •Tarot cards are a tool to help you access your deeper wisdom (the cards themselves don't have the answers) • Be active

Tarot Exercise: A Letter From Your Higher Self

This reading exercise is quick, dirty and to the point. It is the exact opposite of going into a card in-depth. This is for those days when you just aren't in a real contemplative mood!

Draw three cards and lay them out in a line. Reading from left to right, you are going to read these cards as if they are a letter from your wise, inner self.

Use each card to craft a sentence. For example, if you get the 2 of swords as your first card, the letter might begin with “make up your mind!”

There should be about 3 sentences in total once your done. It's a short, to the point letter! Remember the Inner self doesn't mince words. The advice will likely be clear, direct and no-nonsense.

Here's a couple templates to help you out:

Inner Self: “I'm so glad you contacted me! Okay, you need to ___________, __________ and for God's sakes stop ______________!”


Your Inner Self might say “ You need to start _____________ and ____________ and stop worrying about _____________”

Tip: Forget about the traditional card meanings and pay attention to the symbols that show up, the body language of the figures and of course, the overall feeling essence of the cards.

To see an example of how I did this exercise and to share your own results, check out the blog post I wrote about this:

Page 16: How to Read Tarot for Your Self - Daily Tarot Girl€¦ · •Tarot cards are a tool to help you access your deeper wisdom (the cards themselves don't have the answers) • Be active

Heart Centred Tarot Reading

This is a unique reading method that will help you see your cards with a new set of eyes! We are so used to looking at things with our minds, but what happens if you look at your cards with your heart?

1. Ask a question and draw a card

2. Notice what jumps out at you, what feeling you get and write down what you think this card means.

3. Now, close your eyes and imagine your mind sinking down into your chest. If this is difficult, just focus your attention on your heart area and notice how this feels.

4. Take your time here, let yourself relax into your “heartspace”

5. When your ready, open your eyes and look at this card with your heart. It helps to imagine your heart casting a radiant light onto the card, illuminating things you hadn't seen before.

What do you notice?

Chances are, you will see very differently than you did when you looked at the card the first time. You may notice something you hadn't before. Perhaps a certain symbol stands out to you or you get a strong feeling.

6. Now that you are experiencing this card through your heart centre, is there a clear message for you?

If you need more help entering your “heartspace”, please have a listen to my guided meditation Getting Into Your Heart:

Page 17: How to Read Tarot for Your Self - Daily Tarot Girl€¦ · •Tarot cards are a tool to help you access your deeper wisdom (the cards themselves don't have the answers) • Be active

About Kate (aka The Daily Tarot Girl)

Why hello there!

I'm Kate and I love reading the Tarot intuitively and teaching others to do the same. I also love to write, bellydance, paint and read lots and lots of books!

If you love Tarot as much as me, and especially if your totally new to Tarot, check out my website – it's packed with tons of great learning resources like videos, exercises, articles, tarot spreads and more.

I also teach private Tarot lessons via telephone or Skype, so if you would like to work 1-on-1 with me and take your reading skills to the next level, then you can check out my Tarot Mentoring services or contact me directly at [email protected]

Happy Tarot Reading!

