bota tarot cards with explanations

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Summary of the BOTA Tarot cards. These include ony the 22 main cards.


  • Man Know Thyself


    A Key to the Riddle of

    The Universe

    A Key to the Mystery of

    Your Own Self

    Seek ye first the Kingdom

    of God (within you) and all

    else that you require will be

    added unto you


    Keys 1 7 refer to powers or potentialities of consciousness. Keys 8 14 are symbols for laws or agencies. Keys 15 21 represent conditions or effects. Thus Key 1 is the power that works through the agency of Key 8 to modify the conditions or effects symbolized by Key 15. The last 7 Keys illustrate seven steps in spiritual unfoldment of man. The first stage is that of fear, ignorance and misery. Key 11 is the center which balances all other keys. Numerically it is one-half the sum of any two diametrically opposed keys. Any such keys always add to 22. For example, keys 1 and 21, 20 and 2, 14 and 8, 15 and 7, and so on. Every Key is in some sense the opposite and complement of the one which preceded it. Every letter is in some manner the antithesis of the letter which immediately precedes it in the series.

  • The Pattern on the Trestleboard: 0. All the power that ever was and will be is here now. 1. I am a center of expression for the Primal Will-to-Good which eternally creates and sustains the Universe. 2. Through me its unfailing Wisdom takes form in thought and word. 3. Filled with Understanding of its perfect law, I am guided, moment by moment, along the path of liberation. 4. From the exhaustless riches of it Limitless Substance, I draw all things needful, both spiritual and material. 5. I recognize the manifestation of the undeviating Justice in all the circumstances of my life. 6. In all things, great and small, I see the Beauty of the divine expression. 7. Living from that Will, supported by its unfailing Wisdom and Understanding, mine is the Victorious Life. 8. I look forward with confidence to the perfect realization of the Eternal Splendor of the Limitless Light. 9. In thought and word and deed, I rest my life, from day to day, upon the Foundation of Eternal Being. 10. The Kingdom of Spirit is embodied in my flesh.

  • TAROT Summary

    The 7 stages of spiritual unfoldment are represented by the 7 vertical lines of the Tarot tableau

    Upper row represents the 7 dominant mental states or principles

    Middle row typify the intermediary activities or agencies / laws

    Bottom row stand for conditions or phenomena resulting from expression of the principles of the upper row through the agencies of the middle row

  • Combining Tarot Keys

    You can gain greater insights into the Keys by studying them in meaningful combinations, such as: Spelling each of the letters in the Hebrew alphabet in

    Hebrew Spelling each of the 10 sephiroths in the Tree of Life in

    Hebrew Spelling out the names of God in Hebrew: Vertical top to bottom (1, 8, 15 or 4, 11, 18; etc. for a total

    of seven such combinations) Using a 3-card spread to support you see a new, universal

    perspective to specific life conditions

    Resources: Tarot-Keys-Highlights-of-Tarot.pdf Tarot Interpretations

  • 0 - The Fool: No-Thing; Yod-He-Vav-Heh, Primal Will, Causeless Cause; Limitless power of your own spiritual superconscious life; Seeing far beyond the seeming limitations of your present circumstances; Eternal Youth, Vitality, Adventure, Inspiration, Infinite Possibilities, Freedom from every limitation; No conditions of time, space, or quality limit the perfect freedom of the Central Reality. At this center is the focus of all possibilities, conceivable and inconceivable, known and unknown. Purity of Purpose, Acting on our Ideals; Trust and Innocence; Starting something new; The limited perception is that if you truly follow the magic of your heart in a life of love that you will be considered a fool according to the ways of the world. Don't project yourself so far into future that you lose sight of where you are - Integrate Heaven and Earth (must be practical); Leap of faith without understanding Little dog = intellect (servant of superconsciousness) Control of breath is first step in taming the natural forces

  • 1 - The Magician: Beginning; Self-conscious awareness / Power of Attention / Objective Mind; Conscious awareness in the here and now; aware of the patterns and conditions in your environment that you are creating. What you give your attention to you build and strengthen. Initiation / Inception Stage of taking infinite possibilities to finite by formulating premises or seed ideas planted in the subconscious; Transformer sets in motion forces to bring about change; Constructing your reality through focused awareness, concentration, and attention on the here and now if you wish tomorrow to be different from today, you must change what you think and feel today, no matter what your conditions appear to be; Observing beyond the surface; Keen & penetrating Insight; Alert awareness; Accurate measurement and analysis / evaluation of things and forces in mans environment; Practical application of Natural Law and adapting them to the realization of your purpose; Personality is a center / a channel through which Spirit expresses itself; Lifetime Learner. You concentrate the Life-force, through an act of attention, upon your working-tools. You make yourself a channel through which the Limitless Light may flow into the field of subconsciousness, there to formulate itself into feelings, ideas which will rise into the plan of self-conscious awareness.

  • 2 - The High Priestess: Duplication; Subordinate to self-conscious mind; The motive force behind the self-conscious mind; Just Being, Open to Receiving, Receptive; Memory, Reflection, Duplication; Divine Inspiration, Intuition; Telepathy; Meditation; Subconscious flow of creative intelligence; The Subconscious accepts all and remembers all without discernment has perfect record of all personal and race experience (there is no separation all is integrated and one); The fertile soil in which the Magician plants the seeds; Deductive reasoning / Association of ideas even while we sleep; Represents all 7 Hermetic Principles; Look within for light from above; There is both our individual subconscious and the mass subconscious that we have access to when we learn how.

  • 3 - The Empress: Multiplication; Creative Imagination, Reproduction, Growth, Fertility, Nurturing, Materiality; Care for, teach and grow the energies around one; Service to others; Creative Imagination is the portal to what lies beyond the field of ordinary sensation and perception. Rules the senses and material world; Mother Principle; Birthing of new ideas through inspiration; Appreciation for the beauty in all forms; Increasing creativity, manifesting prosperity, or magnetizing love; Law of Abundance. Notice the staff points to and is resting on her womb. So the emphasis is bringing the infinite to the finite. The heart with wings represents unconditional love and freedom.

  • 4 - The Emperor: Order; Insight (accurate observation of actual situation on physical plane), Vision, Reason, Imagination; Practical Application; Self-Discovery; Power and Dominion Over Conditions; Owning your experience; Discerning your story (drama, meaning, etc.) from what is, and choosing what is; Commitment, Persistence, Constancy of Purpose; Proactivity, Initiative, & Resourcefulness; The Father Principle representing authority and origination; Sets all things in order and motion after birth; Vitality; Initiative, and decisiveness; Be pioneering and wield your power with compassion

  • 5 - The Hierophant: Mediation; Spiritual Intuition, Inner Teacher, Internal Guidance, Soundless sound of an Inner Voice, Revealer of mysteries - the Universal Principles; The two priests come in surrender, open to receive; Principle of consciousness hidden by the mechanical appearance of the universe. Integration of the male & female principles; The union between personal and universal consciousness I AM That I AM (as above, so below) reached through the subconscious; This union provides direct perception of universal, eternal principles which may be applied to the solution of human problems and to the perfecting of human control over mans environment. Before you use the Inner Voice you must first see the situation clearly, and though intuition goes beyond reasoning it is not a substitute for reasoning. Intuition is reason carried out to nth degree. We must reason rightly before we receive the inner teaching of intuition. Take moments of silence and listen to the voice within which will guide you to a Truth you can act on. The staff is like the antenna that receives from Heaven and grounds it to the Earth. Its taking the Universal and applying it to the personal.

  • 6 - The Lovers: Reciprocation; Discrimination, Discernment the power to accurately perceive differences, primarily to perceive the difference between real (truth) and unreal; Integration of seeming Opposites; Ecstasy of union of opposites; Love produces harmonious balance in the operation of the various pairs of opposites Pairs of opposites (however antagonistic) are really complements; Opposites are really different aspects of the One Thing So we rise above the duality; Love completes the cycle; Law of Polarity; Integration of Heaven and Earth; Communicate Love; Attracting love into your life and healing relationships. Watch that you not obey your desires and impulses without first submitting them to the Light of reason. Exercise for healing relationships: In your journal write down all the positive traits of the person in the relationship that needs healing.

  • 7 - The Chariot: Equilibrium; Receptivity-Will; Conquest of illusion to establish harmony and order out of chaos; Innermost warrior for truth; The True Self guides and directs the Personality Chariot as the personality; The vehicle of personality built by subconsciousness; The true body of man is the physical universe we are omnipresent; Taking our power back as an agent of God He shall rule as God; Self-talk, habits of speech creates our reality and our physical bodies; Mastery of speech aligned to Truth say what you mean, and mean what you say; Universal forces provide protection while tenacity assures victory and triumph. "Stand aside in the coming battle, and though thou fightest, be not thou the warrior. Look for the warrior and let him fight in thee. Take his orders for the battle and obey them."

  • 8 - Strength: Rhythm; Law of Suggestion; Taming of the Kundalini, serpent power the reproductive / sexual energy the creative energy of life; Intentional & consciously directing and guiding of the subconscious towards a definite purpose, inspiration (Law of Suggestion); Control of natural forces below the human level through application of the law of rhythmic vibration; Aligning Ego / Personality to Gods Will; Guides and directs people, children, and activities towards harmony and order; Especially important to parents of young children in aligning their subconscious belief systems to Truth; Strength to live ones life in alignment to Thy Will, no matter the opinions and pressure of others; Trust and determination; Fusion of heart and mind for powerful force for action; Still the mind, center the heart, clear the emotions, and radiate Love and Light. Shedding off the layers of the personality, releasing all addictions / temptations. This is the purification stage. Much like a snake sheds off layers of its skin.

  • 9 - The Hermit: Conclusion; The Ultimate Goal; Through right recollection (Key 2) we come to know the One Identity (Key 9), and this knowledge overthrows all structures of separative delusion (Key 16). Represents the consciousness of man who has attained enlightenment through union of personality and the True Self, the One Identity Superconsciousness; Genuine Prophet who predicts the future through accurate application of Universal Principles, Wisdom; Use the light of truth to stay upon the path in times of darkness; Thoughts form our reality; Make use of solitude to question our beliefs, purify ourselves of conditioning to become conscious of universal causeand-effect and to discern wholeness; Touch

    The Mountain Top: I can see the lantern at the top of the mountain; I know in my heart I'm on the right path. All I need to do is persevere and not keep my eyes off the Hermit's lantern as it points the way to the top. I have that faith and knowingness inside me that I will reach that mountain top where the Hermit sits. That doesn't mean it will be a rosy walk in the park all the time. There may be times when I trip and fall, or mistakenly follow a path up the mountain that is slightly more treacherous to go up. I will be tested. My faith will be tested. But I will persevere, and I will reach the top. That is clear to me. It's the times of surrender that lead to true spiritual growth. But like everything, there has a balance of fire (will) to move forward in the face of adversity, and water (receptivity, surrender) to receive and be guided. I'm working on the balance and excited about the journey.

  • 10 - The Wheel of Fortune: Law of Rhythm & Cycles; Rotation, Cycles Synchrony; Related to the Law of Change / Impermanence: The only constant in life is change. Nothing is permanent This too shall pass. The paradox is that when you try to change you cant, because you Rxx what is. All manifestation (3-D phenomena) is cyclic - Rxx the cycle => Prxx && Intensity; Complete your cycles to keep the energy flowing & give space for new; Everything goes in stages / phases of growth, development, ebb & flow, letting go The culmination of a stream of events cycles synchrony; Recurrence of events in regular and predictable patterns; Mechanical, subconscious aspect of the One Force that keeps the universe in balance; History doesn't repeat, it rhymes; What we send out returns to us; Fractilation; As Above, So Below; Alignment with the natural Cycles for co-creation Stepping into the open door when the opportunity presents itself; On the Path of Return we cannot always be climbing. There is periodicity and alteration of activities: waning as well as waxing, reflux as well as flux, rest as well as endeavor. Assimilation, or taking in, must be balanced with expression, or giving out. Periods of intense effort must alternate with periods of relaxation. Every seed has its planting season; Wisdom ability to predict consequences of actions. Linear time is an illusion time is cyclical, vortational; The integration of Keys 1-4; The operation of 0 through agency of 1

  • 11 - Justice: Law of Karma; The Law of Karma is a natural law of consequences inherent in life in order to teach us to be conscious and to become responsible for our actions to balance our life. The sword in the card also represents destruction. Unless we proactively dismantle our false beliefs and paradigms, the sword of karma will do it for us whether we like it or not. The automatic power of subconsciousness. "What you sow, so shall you reap. Wherever you go, there you are. Being responsible for Karma of past and present moment actions. Raise all humanity by raising yourself; Balance, Dynamic Equilibrium: equalizing opposing activities or forces in constant motion; Right Weighing & Measuring to strike a balance to overcome negative consequences of past errors; Simplicity, Harmony and Order; Veracity, Honesty, Fairness, Accountability, Win-Win; Do away with extremes, balance opposites and find stability within; Find your center within; Use of right discrimination to rid yourself of illusions & lies and effects of negative Karma; Sow and cultivate a crop of positive thinking, and carry out our thinking with corresponding action; Completion of Keys 8 & 9;

  • 12 - Hanged Man: Law of Reversal: Reversal of Thought / POV from personality to Soul; Notice his head lies below the surface of the ground he sees beyond surface appearances. Reversal of the superficial, deluded interpretation of the universe; Reversal of the mental attitude of the average man who is concerned almost entirely with outward appearances and his mental and emotional reactions to them. The reversal of restriction or bondage; 90% of mass consciousness beliefs are the exact reverse of what is true. This is illustrated by the words of Edward Bernays, who is considered by many to be the father of PR, "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons... who pull the wires which control the public mind. This is what is called consensus reality. Changing perspective to see from a different POV, through Eyes of Spirit. Water reflects everything upside down; Question the Dominant / Mainstream Paradigm. Connecting to Divine Mind giving you a direct perception of ultimate Reality, Truth through focused concentration by suspending and quieting the ego mind; Ego Surrender. Changing conditions by changing your thoughts and attitude and aligning to Truth; Seeing beyond surface appearance to Truth; Multiplication of the power of the Emperor (reason) by the regenerative potency of the Empress (imagination); Manifestation of 2 through the agency of 1

  • 13 - Death: Law of Transformation; also related to the Law of Impermanence: Change, Motion, Transformation, Transmutation, Dissolution, Disintegration of form for the Release of Energy to create anew from a higher truth and energy; Recycle, Compost like the Torus back to the zero point to infinite possibilities; Purification; All that arises shall pass away; All that has been made will be unmade; Complete Ego Surrender; To live is to die and to die is to be reborn; Change is the basis of manifestation and it begins with intention; Dissolution of form is imperative for growth. When form breaks down, energy is released to be utilized for further development. Death is the dawn of higher consciousness. Welcome change, and overcome the fear of it. Willingly let go of the past and attachments to open the space for something greater to take place. This is a liberating law that frees us from the fear of death, and allows us to transcend the physical to Spiritual. Paradoxically, it frees us to LIVE life fully. If we feel our purpose is purely on attaining physical wealth, prestige, & survival, then there will always be an end of days to demonstrate the futility of living for the physical self at the expense of other & nature. Our purpose here is not to attain material success & survival of the temporary self, but rather we live and die so that through our experiences we may contribute to the elevation of our eternal soul. The only way that one may raise their soul to the highest heights is not by striving to attain for the self, but by giving freely of oneself to Life and others. Whoever tries to save his life, will lose his life. Whoever freely gives his life in service Life, will save his life.

  • 14 - Temperance: Law of Verification; Application of theory into practice grounding the Universal into the personal; Trial, Probation, Purgation and Purification of the Personality to become a fit channel for the expression of Spirit. Verify everything for yourself; never accept anything on faith, and never accept anything you are told. Universe will create these trials and tests in your life daily when you face challenges and stressors. Demonstrate the power of the I AM in your personal life. Temperance = proper mixture of opposite forces: Neutrality, Balance and Equilibrium; Flexibility and adaptability; No longer going to Extremes; Mastery of the Pairs of Opposites; Transcending Good / Bad; SPACE and Serenity; Integration of seeming opposites and paradoxes; Choosing Middle Path between extremes; Freedom from attachment If we had no trials / tests / struggles, we would not be as strong as we could be we would be crippled. I asked for strength & God gave me difficulties to make

    me strong. I asked for wisdom & God gave me problems to solve. I asked for courage & God gave me danger to

    overcome. I asked for love & God gave me troubled people to help.

  • 15 - The Devil: Bondage; The Father of Illusion and Lies; Darkness and Ignorance; Carnally minded, flesh, world; Source of falsehood, delusion, deception, distortion of reality, egotism, confusion, error, mental disorder; The creation of BAD (this should no be), duality, separation, which is the beginning of Rxx life, experience. Gullible enslaved to others thinking, dogmas; Bestialization of human consciousness E.g. psychopaths & sociopaths; Bondage to materiality and pleasure resistance and clinging; impulsive, unreflective; Falsehood that material reality is in opposition to Spiritual reality the truth is there is no separation matter is the appearance of what we call Spirit as it enters form; Whatever appearances of evil surround us, they seem as they do because we are not yet seeing the true relations; The source of forms and appearances of relative existence; Egoic Pride; The EEQ; The state at which human beings act purely out of fear, greed and lies; Use this to see through outer appearances to deeper, spiritual understanding; To achieve our highest stature as human beings we must be subjected to trials and tests of our faith these trials are imposed on us by appearances. Through suffering and regression we are forced to examine ourselves and change. It is these trials and tests that drive us to seek ultimate answers, to identify those defective thought patterns within ourselves that are at the root of our loss and pain. It is the depth of the shadows that leads us to see the transformative light. Notice that this hideous figure is an impossible combination of incongruities. The Devil is God as he is misunderstood by the wicked (misunderstanding of the true nature of Reality and who we truly are). True joy results from recognizing the incongruity between appearance of limitation and the fact that man is the immediate agent of the One Identity.

  • 16 - The Tower: Apocalypse / Revelation / Awakening: sudden illumination of truth, flash of inspiration; Lifting of the veil of illusion; Transition center of consciousness; Awakening from the dream of materialism and separation, from the nightmare of bondage and the dark night of the soul. Shocked into awakening from illusion belief systems by some crisis; Ego Surrender. Spiritual awakening is a distinctly destructive process all wrong thinking, acting, and conditions must go. Translating mental perceptions into words; Discernment and Discrimination; Correct meaning / definition of words; Right use of language in agreement with things as they really are, instead of superficial appearances; Keeping a tidy mind; Power of the Creative Word comes from expressing Truth that the source of life and power come from within us; Use this to overcome faulty observations and poor reasoning

  • 17 - The Star: Meditation; Receptivity to Receiving Revelation: Beyond the physical senses and reasoning mind these revelations come when the reasoning mind is completely stilled and the senses sealed; Fishing for truth; The Star points the way to the correct solution to every problem, anything the perplexes you, big or little, abstract or concrete, complex or simple. This is the simple essence of meditation: 1st choosing a problem; 2nd formulating a clear-cut question (baiting the hook); 3rd casting the hook into the bay of inner consciousness; 4th patient, still, waiting until you feel a nibble; 5th write down and elaborate the idea. Use with Key 5 to draw from within the answer to every problem. When we achieve stillness, we ourselves do not meditate, we merely participate in the eternal cosmic meditation which lifts the veils hiding the beautiful perfection of the Divine Mother: integrate with the I AM that I AM.

  • 18 - The Moon: Organization transformation of the human body into a higher, finer, more sensitive and responsive type of organism through direct action of mans will and imagination upon his own vehicle in alignment to Universal Principles; Self-modification; The Kingdom of God is right now embodied in your flesh your body and everything in its environment is Pure Spirit; Represents the law of suggestion (Key 8) as being applied through the direct activity of attention (Key 1). Symbolizes the Path of Return (the Middle Way) to Spirit the highest being whereon stands the Hermit of Key 9. Light of Truth, reflected by the Moon, guides us through the darkness; The Moon teach us to use the power of imagination to visualize spiritual ideals and project them into physical form Before you fall asleep impress upon your subconscious images of Truth and Gods Will in your life. It is during sleep that our aspirations and efforts are built into organic structure before going to bed review your day, open your heart, and visualize your hearts desires.

  • 19 - The Sun: Regenerated Personality (both psychological and physiological transformation) Through correct conscious self-direction subconscious (F) is freed to align to Gods Will; We must enter the Kingdom of Heaven as little children; We are Spirit in form - Physical existence is a spiritual fact; Comprehension of truth is limited if founded solely on sensory evidence; Transcend the limitations of the senses to the freedom of spiritual knowing by looking within from the surface to the center; Total emotional freedom from the external world; Joy of experiencing the physical plane as a spiritual being. Dancing in the moment in flow and synchronicity with the Universal energy all around us; The expression of the Hermit or Universal Will (9) through the activity represented by the Magician or self-consciousness (1); We are truly grandchildren of the Sun We live our lives by transformations of energy from the sun, receiving this energy from it, and, by means of this energy, communicating our own influence to the rest of creation in this way both sun and man are lights in the same circuit of spiritual energy. The sun feeds all life on the planet where energy and matter are constantly being exchanged and transformed. Upon reaching the earth, the suns light energy is transformed back into mass and matter through photosynthesis and organic growth. Then, organic mass is reconverted into energy through the hierarchical food-chain of life. Use Key 19 to as you meditate to feel the swelling surge of Cosmic Light, intensify the flame within, and build up the necessary mood of confident expectation of your eventual Return to your Spiritual Self.

  • 20 - Judgment: Completion of the Great Work (personal consciousness is on the verge of blending with the universal) mans true nature is identical with the One Reality, the One Will I have no will but to do the will of Him that sent me. a will to freedom, joy & abundance that Will expresses no lack, no disease, no failure, no poverty; Conscious mind realizes it does nothing whatever of itself it is a merely a channel focusing the Cosmic Will and all its powers in the time-space field occupied by a single human organism; Subconsciousness express perfect faith under guidance of right reasoning; Personality looks inward for guidance no longer looking externally; All pairs of opposites are reconciled no duality; Moment by moment, without cessation, we see the truth and live it; The foundation of your personal life is the free Spirit bound by neither time or space another dimension; Function consciously while the body sleeps. Judgment is a reasoned conclusion it is the end of reasoning and a new order of knowing is manifested. Judgment cuts off forever the false knowledge of the 3-D consciousness to have done with all the misery, pain and suffering of the 3-D world A devouring flame of realization which consumes the whole brood of lies.

  • 21 - The World: Unity / Divine Consciousness; The conscious aspect of the Divine expressed through us; Self-awareness of the One Identity; Through me the power which governs and directs the universe flows forth into manifestation; In tune with the whole universe The I Am That I Am; Personality gives free expression to the One Power; Both Author and Lord of Nature; Dance and Rhythm with the universal energy flow totally free and self-supported; As the One-Life is the author of the law of Cause and Consequence it is bound by nothing; Emphasis is upon concrete manifestation; The wreath is a 8x5 dimension representing the PHI ratio the geometry of life and manifestation; The wreath is a symbol for human adaptation of the forces of nature; It is Gods Will that we manifest abundance in our lives And I, if I be lifted up, shall take all others onto myself. Transcendence of male and female; End of conscious unfoldment and beginning of new cycle; To know and follow ones Prime Purpose in life, to complete ones mission; to live with enthusiasm and passion