how to make turkish coffee perfectly


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Post on 25-May-2015




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Don't make the mistakes listed in this article, or you will end up with bitter, not good tasting coffee.


Page 1: How to make turkish coffee perfectly

How to Make Turkish Coffee perfectly I am sure you have never seen coffee as thick as the following one.

When it comes to Turkish coffee, it is not only thick, but definitely an art.

Turkish coffee pot also known as cezve or ibrik. Most Turkish coffee pots are made of copper, copper is also a very popular material for making Turkish pot, handle is made of wood which is removable.

Page 2: How to make turkish coffee perfectly

When you choose pot, it is not the bigger the better, too big a pot will lead to much of the foam sticking to the inside of it. Never choose a pot that is too big for your use,because that will result in foam sticking to the inside of the pot. For single cup, add water until it reaches the height where the diameter is smaller, 2 teaspoons of ground coffee, 1 teaspoon of sugar if you do not want your coffee taste too sweet. If you need more than 2 cups, better prepare the coffee two times, do not cook much coffee at one time. As to the ground coffee, you must have a conical burr grinder to grind it fine enough for Turkish coffee, blade or other burr grinder do not work. A conical burr grinder can grind coffee beans down to a consistent and very fine powder without high speed which will burn the beans and result in bitterness. The speed for most conical burr grinder is about 500rpm, this is ideal spead for extra fineness for Turkish coffee. Once you get all the ingredients ready, you can start making coffee. Always add fresh and cold water first, then coffee and sugar. Heat the coffee slowly and stir, stop stirring when the coffee and sugar has mixed enough in the water, keep heating slowly, when you see the bubble "ring" forming on the surface, move the pot from heating source or turn down the heat a little and wait for the second boiling time. You can boil the coffee up to three times. The most common mistakes people will make when making Turkish coffee are:l Choosing wrong size potl Using hot waterl Add sugar after boiledl Grind coffee beans by blade grinderl Boil coffee more than 3 timesl Heat coffee very fast

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