how to make a good confession

CONFESSION How to make a good confession

Upload: emanuelestrada

Post on 26-Jan-2017




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Page 1: How to make a good confession

CONFESSIONHow to make a good confession

Page 2: How to make a good confession

Imperfect sorrow• There are 2 Types OF SORROWS


• To be sorry only because you don’t get what you want, is not a right reason to be sorrow.

• To be sorry because you are afraid or being punished, is a better reason to be sorry, but it is still not the best reason to be sorry.

• That would be an IMPERFECT SORROW.

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Perfect sorrow• To be sorrow with all your heart because you hurt

someone, • and to be sorry that you disobeyed and hurt someone

who loves you, like dad—that’s the best reason to be sorry.• This is PERFECT SORROW• When God sees that you are truly sorry for the right

reasons, he forgives you and you will come closer to God.• Does god forgive every sin, even great sins?• Do you think God will forgive us, too, when we sin?• yes god will forgives us if we are really sorry for our sins.

• God will forgive ever sin, even serious mortal sin, if we are really sorry.

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The Two Thieves• If we are sorry only because we are afraid of being punished as we

deserve, we have IMPERFECT SORROW.• PERFECT SORROW is to be sorry, first of all, because we offended

God who is so good and who loves us, and deserves all our love.• When Jesus was crucified, there were 2 man crucified with Him.

There was on His right and one on His left.• Both of them were thieves.• The one on his left-hand side was so angry because he got caught.• The one on the right-hand side looked at Jesus and saw how good Jesus was.• He had perfect sorrow for his sins, and he asked Jesus to forgive him.

• Jesus said, “this very day, you will be with me in paradise.”• The sin’s man were forgiven, he received sanctifying grace and

went to heaven the same day, just as Jesus had promised.

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JESUS FORGIVES US• In the very same way, Jesus is ready to forgive our

sins too.• When we confess out our sins, and we are truly

sorry, even if they are mortal sins, Jesus will forgive us

• When we make a good confession, our sins are forgiven and we receive sanctifying grace • Our soul is felled with the life of God—SANCTIFIYING

GRACE• Our love and relationship are made stronger.

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Steps for a Good Confession• Lets prepared to make a good confession.

1. Remember our sins 2. Be sorry for our sins3. Promise to stay away from temptation4. Tell our sins to the priest go to confession5. Say prayers, do the penance.

1) First of all, we must remember our sins.• How can we do that? • We can go through the ten commandments, and see whether we have lived them or not.• We will tell about our sins to the priest in confession.

2) Once we know what our sins are, the second step is :• Be sorry for our sins.

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2) Be Sorry for Our Sins• Should we be sorry only because we didn’t get

something we wanted? No• We ask God to help us to have PERFECT SORROW for our sins;• or at least, we can have Imperfect Sorrow.

• We might be sorry because we deserve the punishment of hell with the complete loss of heaven or purgatory,

• But most of all, WE SHOULD BE SORRY BECAUSE WE OFFENDED GOD who is so good and loves us so much.

• We should say to God: “Oh, my God, with all my heart I am sorry for having offended you because you deserve all may love.

• (pray the act the Contrition together)

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3) Promise to be Strong

• The 3rd step is to Promise to be Strong• And stay away from the temptation to sin.

• If someone hits you and say he is sorry, but he plans to hit you again,

• would you forgive that person?

• When we sin and then tell God that we are sorry, we promise God that we will try very hard not commit those sins again.

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4) Tell Our Sins to the Priest

• The 4th Step for a good confession is to actually tell our sins to the Priest.

• While waiting to go to confession, think about what you are going to say:

• Remember your sins, talk to God in your heart and tell Him again how sorry you are for you sins.

• Ask God to help you to be strong to avoid sin.

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5) Say the Prayer, Do the Penance

• After you confess you sins to the priest and receive God’s forgiveness, the fifth step is :

• Saying the prayer which the priest told you to say.• This is what is called the PENANCE.

• You can kneel in the church, and pray and thank God with your whole heart that He forgave your sins.

• Thank Him for loving you and giving you His GRACE and another chance to be good.

• Tell God how grateful you are and tell Him how much you love Him.

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What to Expect When You go to Confession:

a) You go in, and talk with the priest face-to-face,b) Or you kneel down, and wait until Father opens

the window panel.

1) Then you say, “Bless me Father for I have sinned.”2) Tell the Father how long it has been since the last

time you went to confession• You may say “Bless me, Father, it has been 2 week since my

last confession.”

3) If it is you first confession, tell the Father.4) Next tell the priest all your sins.

• If you want ask something from the Father, you can.• Remember the Father is there in Jesus Name to help you.

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Listen Carefully• Listen carefully to the priest. Father will tell you what good actions

to do, what prayers to say for your penance.• If you don’t hear him well, or you don’t understand what you are supposed to

pray or do for your penance, • be sure to ask the Father to tell you again, or explain.

• When you are finished telling your sins to Father, he will ask you to pray an ACT OF CONTRITION.

• Pray with all your heart and mind expressing your sorrow for your sins, and thanks God for forgiving you.

• Wait for the priest give you ABSOLUTION, the blessing of God’s forgiveness.

• Make the SING OF THE CROSS as Father blesses you and ABSOLVES you from your sins.

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Make the SING OF THE CROSS as Father blesses you and ABSOLVES you from your sins.

Sing of the Cross ABSOLUTION: Blessing of God’s


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Say the Prayers, Do the Penance• Father will conclude by saying:

• “Go in peace” (or similar words)• Or He may say: “Give thanks to the Lord, for He

is good, and you respond: “His mercy endures forever.”

• You can answer, “Thank you, Father”

• This is the end of Confession. Stand up and go.

a) Remember to pray the prayers and do what the priest told you to do for your penance.

b) Do your penance as soon as possible.

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Don’t feel Embarrassed• We might feel embarrassed or afraid to tell the priest that we committed a

mortal sin, • But we need to confess to be forgiven.

• If we commit a MORTAL SIN and we go to Holy Communion without going to confession first, we commit another mortal sin called a SACRILEGE.

• If a person did that, he should go to confession and tell the priest that he receive Holy Communion with a mortal sin on his soul.

• What about if you already went to confession, and you committed a less serious sin— a venial sin,• Would you have to go to confession first before going to receive Holy Communion? No.a) No, if you do not commit a mortal sin, you can receive Jesus in Holy Communionb) But you should tell God in your heart that you are sorry for that venial sin.c) Tell Him that you love Him and promise that you will change, and try to be better, and ask

you for His help.

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Examine your Conscience• Take time to review the 5 steps and prepare to make a good

confession.• It is good to examine your CONSCIENCE:

• Every night before you got to bed, • thinks bout the times you were like Jesus in our thoughts, words

and actions. And Thanks Jesus.

• Then think about the time you were not loving like Jesus,a) By no prayingb) Or hurting others in your thoughts, words or actionsc) Or by not doing good that you should have done.

• Tell Jesus you are sorry, you don’t have to wait until you go to confession.• Ask Jesus to help you to be better and not to sin• It is good to examine your CONSCIENCE this way every day

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TELLING GOD WE ARE SORRY• Let us conclude by praying and telling

God we are sorry for our sins and asking His Help to be good.

ACT OF CONTRITION:• My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my

heart. • I choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, • I have sin against you whom I should love

above all things. • I firmly intend, with you help, to do penance,

to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Amen

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