forced confession

8/7/2019 Forced Confession 1/13 J WQ~"',..t., .:> r~~ ~ borj.-J.( ~.~ lt~ J..,.;s-<--{' oY; '"'4 b~,<~. l.JJ'\1.w<,J- '>-YV--f i~Wv<'~ 9 .5 A.o ,r Jd 'yu,;f~ hL ("';~J;':J £;'1 ~ . .:-,.{(}r.J;;.y v!'otfk~ ul./ .;;;IVi pT""-,,' r~"". Stv-- u 'c._Hy?Y'''f ~,LqJ e<...<.ci 'flMJ -r-." ..... ; 1"( ~~ "'YkouJtP ')oU)/. r,J... aJ) .J "..._ .w ,...q ~ ~a..y.. Lv.. . " '" 'I 'S:, 'c ..k.~ .v .. \ rV 0 c:vv:. .h.o -b . Cc J". .... ;I- ............ v: .... q Vl. Y 1-..0:' ,,\l .e;..~ . ; N'_.,..,5~ Y"i:T'''r~ <:...~ '" ~4\' ~'f'- (;< k.'f clo~ 1~ -i;,.~7KL ..... t- ~ ""-t . . .3 ~ C4M-'- 1.;. d.L.ti~. i~' "1--.-"'1 -h:t I-V."'; 1.-., () Ju, .J . 0( 'Nvv-f';', 0'''' '<-0/,' o..d -,v:" t~ ~ ...I,.~.GJ. . 5 ;u<:.."",_XL;r " .'''[ iJ..u_gl4Y.-_J 0"",...() -,i,i'jl/d CY~'" """t ~.oRy c.v .... d ci 'f ccd. "). u. . ictfu1 .L:, Ms l-",,'..). cf.. "'4- 1/ ~ <.\.un-{ .:; .. o- o ""-"7- :.;.~ •. I... -<K.. G ,. c..c <tti<..&' »r: o...u , ~..., ~, b .... c .. .c X " w , 1t '< . .d . : .. ., . a. y\..<{. ), v>~'l U4J ~ ~~: d . \' ,.$ . .. . J> - ... K._~ ......... ~ Q< .... ..... e i, ~ tLO,.u \.;r'\A. -t. ".I... .J...>" ..... \..;, t ..... , f"'-'{ o.".d4, ~'\. H~ N:~:.y"';"" J .t .. .j _- The above note is a complete forgery. It is not written by me. There are two separate signatures at the end, of which the first is forged. The second resembles my hand-writing but it has been lifted from somewhere by modern scanning. Before circulating this on the internet all-around, Avinash Nichkawde should have shown it to me and obtained my confirmation as well as my permission for circulation. What he has done is adharmic and sinister. It has hurt me deeply. I hereby remove him from the National Sahaja Leadership of Australia and from the World Council for the Advancement ofSahaja Yoga, I am sending a separate note for new arrangements in Australia. Mataji Nirmala Devi

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Post on 08-Apr-2018




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Page 1: Forced Confession

8/7/2019 Forced Confession 1/13

J WQ~"',..t., . : > l c . . i e . r~~ ~ borj.-J.( ~ .~ lt~

J..,.;s-<--{' oY; '"'4 b~,<~. l.JJ'\1.w<,J- ' > - Y V - - f i~Wv< '~

9 .5 A.o ,r Jd 'yu,;f~ hL ("';~J;':J £;'1 ~ ..:-, .{(}r.J;;.y v!'otfk~ ul./

.;;;IVi pT""-,,' r~"".Stv--u'c . _ H y ? Y ' ' ' f ~,LqJ e < . . . < . c i ' f lMJ - r - ." . . .. .; 1"(

~~ "'YkouJtP ' ) o U ) / . r,J... aJ) . J " . . . _ .w , . . . q ~ ~ a . . y . .

L v .. . . " '" 'I ' S : , 'c ..k.~ .v .. \ r V 0 c:vv:. .h.o -b . Cc J".....;I- ............

v : . . . . q Vl. Y 1-..0:' ,,\l . e ;. .~ . ; N'_.,..,5~ Y"i:T' ' ' r~ < : . . .~ '" ~4\'

~'f'- (;< k . ' f clo~ 1~ -i;,.~ 7K L.....t- ~ ""-t. .

.3 ~ C 4 M - ' - 1.;. d.L.ti~. i~' " 1 - - . - " ' 1 - h : t I - V . " ' ; 1 . - . ,

( ) J u , .J . 0( 'Nvv-f';', 0 ' ' ' ' '<-0/,' o..d - , v : " t ~ ~ ...I,.~.G J. .

5 ; u < :. ." " ,_ X L ;r " .'' ' [ i J. .u _ g l4 Y .- _J 0"",...() -,i,i'jl/d C Y ~ ' " """t

~ . o R y c . v . . . . d ci 'f ccd. "). u. . ic tfu1 .L:, M s l-",,'..). c f . . "'4-

, _ I . . 1/ ~ <.\.un-{ .:; ..o- o " "- " 7 - : .; .~ • . I...-<K.. G ,. c . . c < t t i < . . & ' »r: o...u , ~ ...,

~ , b . . . . c .. .c X " w , 1t '< . .d . : .. ., . a. y\..<{. ),v>~'lU4J ~ ~~:d . \' , . $ . .. . J> - . . .K . _ ~ . . . . . . . . . ~ Q < . . . . . . . . . e i, ~ tLO,.u \.;r'\A.

-t. " . I . . . . J . . .> " . . .. . . \ . . ; , t . . . . ., f"'-'{ o." .d4,~'\. H~ N:~:.y"';"" J .t .. .j _ -

The above note is a complete forgery. It is not written by me.There are two separate signatures at the end, of which the first is forged. The second resembles

my hand-writing but it has been lifted from somewhere by modern scanning.

Before circulating this on the internet all-around, Avinash Nichkawde should have shown it to

me and obtained my confirmation as well as my permission for circulation. What he has done is

adharmic and sinister. Ithas hurt me deeply. I hereby remove him from the National Sahaja

Leadership of Australia and from the World Council for the Advancement ofSahaja Yoga, I am

sending a separate note for new arrangements in Australia.

Mataji Nirmala Devi

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