how to lead a healthy and long life


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Post on 29-Jul-2015




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Physical activity

Mental activity


Eat less

Eat only 80% of your stomach capacity and at 4 to 5 hours intervals

Reduce / avoid water during meals but drink 2 to 3 liters daily.

Benefits Lower blood glucose

Sugar-protein interaction causes diabetes, heart problems, cataracts

Web site:


Out door walking makes you feel better mentally and physically

30 minuets a day of brisk walk reduces risk of heart attack by 40% diabetes colon / Brest cancer maintain normal weight healthy bones muscles and joints

Suggestions Try to get off the bus one stop early walk 15 minutes at lunch time walk around the airport while waiting for flight take stairs whenever possible

Web site:


Low fat Exclude animal proteins (Vegetarian diet) High fiber Moderate use of salt and sugar Exclude alcohol, caffeine, MSG Exclude saturated fat – red meat, cashew

nuts, butter

Think positive – even while you grow old

Live friendly, funny and kind.

Do not listen to –ve signals about your old age.

Never say or believe that you are becoming forgetful.

Disagree that you are becoming less useful as you get older

Younger people should Pass negative comments on higher age, with elders Encourage them saying words like ‘wise, ‘astute’, ‘you remember Think of ways how they can be useful.

Web site:, – Defy aging

Vitamin supplements

Vitamins like B12, B6, niacin, C, E and folic acid are not sufficiently provided in normal diet.

These increase risk of cardiovascular disease, birth defects and cancer.

Take multivitamin supplement. These have no side effects

Web Site: minerals.html

Wonder drug - Aspirin

Each day 80 million aspirins are taken in the US

It stops platelets from sticking together and thins blood Prevents heart attack Prevents stroke Reduced risk of cancer Reduced risk of Alzheimer's

Talk to your doctor if it is needed or not.

Strong bones

50% women and 25% men will develop a fracture due to osteoporosis during their life time. Majority are hip fractures

If shortage of ”sunshine vitamin D” then calcium will pass through the body unused.

Get about 1000 mg of calcium per day. Eat - Dairy products Leafy green vegetables Broccoli But pair it with vitamin D at least 400 IUs.

Stay connected

Lonely people visit doctors more often

What to do?

Have stronger family ties

Join social network

Brief phone calls or emails with family and friends

Join groups – walking, gardening, society, spiritual. This helps in “brain exchange”

Find opportunities for get together, like festivals, marriages, gatherings, talks, clubs etc. (type social connections)

Help others Helping others release pleasure inducing chemicals called

endorphins prolonging longitivity.

It induces feeling of pride, satisfaction and enjoyment

Examples: Help others with transportation, House keeping, Baby sitting, Tuitions etc. But be careful of not stressing out

It improves one’s sense of self worth

Check yellow pages or internet for ‘volunteering’, ‘ social and human services’

Reduce stress During stress, the mind directs release of adrenaline and cortisol.

These …. Increases mental alertness Increases heart rate Speed more O2 and glucose to muscles Shortens breath

This costs - Loss of brain cells Elevate BP Muscle fatigue Osteoporosis Anxiety

Practice de-stressing methods. Walking Meditation Socializing Deep breathing Give up multi tasking Simplify your life Count 10 before responding when you are angry

Enjoy tea

Green tea reduces possibility of heart attack, stroke and cancer

Green tea has minimal processing and retains the polyphenol called EGCG a powerful antioxidant

Antioxidants prevent platelets from sticking and clotting. They also prevent oxidation of LDL cholesterol

Bottled tea is of no use as the polyphenols degrade within few hours of brewing

Exercise - Aerobic

Only way you can hurt your body is by not using it.

Work out 30 minutes 3-5 days a week

Advantages of physical exercise Improves heart muscles Improves arterial dilation and plaque built up Lowers BP Reduces heart attack and stroke risk Strengthens bones and joints Cuts risk of type 1 diabetes Makes you emotionally stronger Improves memory

FITT principle

Walking frequency: 3 to 7 times / week

Intensity: Target heart pulse rate 80% of (220-age)

Time duration: 30 to 60 minutes

Type: Aerobic - Brisk walking, swimming, house cleaning

Exercise – Muscle fitness The mobility and strength during your youth can

become just a memory at 70 if you do not exercise

Exercise improves up take of carb, glucose and amino acids from blood to muscle and also improve protein synthesis in bone and cartilage

It controls diabetes arthritis balance back pain

Recommended: 10 repetitions 8-10 different types of exercises 3 times a week

Keep your arteries

Heart disease and stroke are major causes of death in the US and happen due to arteries clogged by plaque

Exercise: Lowers BP, maintains elasticity of arteries, lowers HDL/LDL ratio, lowers stress hormones

Diet: High in fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains

Aspirin: Reduces blood platelet aggression and wall inflammation

Omega3: Fish and wine

Reduce: Saturated fat and meat


Levels above 90/140 are called hypertension

High BP can lead to brain, kidney, eyes damage

To do list Loose weight Aerobic exercise Meditation for stress reduction Reduce salt(sodium) & saturated fats Diet rich in fruits, omega3, vegetables, vitamin D

Visualise longer life

Visualize your self as leading healthy and long life Comfortable posture, closed eyes and visualize using

two or more of your senses – sight, sound touch, smell & taste

Imagine how you will look when you are 80, 90, 100 Activities you will participate in The hugs of friends & family Taste of your favorite drink Healthy heart, alert mind, strong muscles, ready smile

Reference: reversing your heart disease by Dr. Dean Ornish


Effects on health: Heart disease, stroke, blindness, nerve degeneration, reduced

life expectancy

How to control: Weight control Sleep 7 to 8 hours per day Avoid stress Have high fiber food like whole grain, vegetables and fruit Avoid potato, white rice and white bread Poly unsaturated fats: Good, Trans-fatty acids: Bad Walking and physical activity

Web site:

Protect your prostate

Red meat and fish like salmon (having omega 3) reduces prostrate probability

Vitamin E and D help reduce and self destruct cancer cells.

Lycopane – powerful antioxidant found in Tomatoes reduce prostrate cancer

Phytochemical found in red wine reduces prostrate cancer

Breast cancer

Breast cancer prevention is not clear.

Control stress, obesity

Having fruits daily, aspirin twice a week (for high risk cases) , vitamin D (triggers death of cancer cells) , folic acid, green tea ( rich in phyto-chemicals)

Avoid saturated fats, reduce meat, aerobic exercise, have soya foods, brief sun exposure on your skin

For early detection, mammogram is necessary every 2-3 years

Strong legs

Weak legs lead to.. stopping long walks stairs use of cane likely hip breaking fall

Stronger legs is insurance to healthy & long life

Weight training – climb stairs peddling and leg press stand up and sit down 20 times

Warm up before weight training

Sun shine

Deficiency of vitamin D causes many diseases

Sun’s UVB rays generate vitamin D from fat

Vitamin D is required for capturing calcium we ingest and providing to the bones and teeth

Folic acid

Deficiency effects: Stroke and heart attack Birth defects in case of pregnant women Colon cancer Osteoporosis Alzheimer’s

How to manage: Dark leafy vegetables Citrus fruit Supplements (Combine with B12)

Fruits Fruits provide anti oxidants

Reducing level: Blue berries, resins, black berries, straw berries, rasp berries, plums, oranges, red grapes and cherries.

At least 3 pieces a day

Canned fruit is acceptable

Banana provides potassium: Good for stroke & muscle cramps

Fruits help you to live longer

Apples, Apricots, Prunes, berries lower LDL cholesterol

Fruits preserve your eyesight


Grains contain Vitamins B, E, follate, potassium, magnesium, selenium, copper and zinc.

Soluble fibers stabilize blood sugar, lower LDL and increase HDL.

Grains protect heart and lower triglyceride level.

Fiber prevents constipation Whole grain foods can be delirious once

you drop the refined floor habit.


Fibers cannot be digested and low in calories

They help to Control appetite and weight by curbing overeating Enables digestive system Moderates uptake of sugar, vitamins & minerals from

stomach to blood stream. They help prevent constipation, diverticulitis

Fiber is present in: Multigrain cereals, wheat bran, brown rice, oatmeal,

popcorn, orange, pear, prunes, berry, broccoli and beans.


Alzheimer’s is the most prevalent form of dementia.

Risk is increased any two of the following – Age Stroke Obesity Diabetes Chronic stress

Likelihood is reduced by – Folic acid, vitamins B6, B12 Aspirin Vitamin C, E Exercise Omega 3 fatty acids Fish & blueberries

Back pain

Doctor’s visit due to back pain is next only to cold and flu

Causes Weak muscles of stomach and back transfer the load to the

vertebrae leading to degeneration & pain Obesity Bad posture while standing, sitting and lifting weights

Prevention Lower back & stomach exercises like crunches, sit ups, yoga Learn how to lift loads by transferring load to leg muscles Proper posture Weight control

Eat less meat Our nearest evolutionary cousin – Gorilla – is vegetarian

Vegetarians live longer and healthier

Red meat is undesirable due to higher – Saturated fat Cholesterol Taxing on digestive system

Large consumption of red meat can lead to – Heart disease Stroke Prostrate cancer Osteoporosis Obesity Dementia


7 to 9 hours sleep is essential, varying with individuals

Major disasters like Exxon oil spill, Challenger space shuttle explosion, Chernobyl nuclear plant were caused due to fatigue.

Shaving off sleep to accommodate work, fun is a poor trade off which can lead to – Mood disorders Hypertension, stress, diabetes Obesity Decline in judgment, logical reasoning, verbal ability, short

term memory loss, irritation, depression Immune system impairment causing cold and other illnesses

You can repay short sleep debt with extra sleep

Faith People who regularly attend temples, churches,

mosques outlive others.

Attending service has better effect than mealy practicing faith at home.

Helping factors – Sense of acceptance & well being shared by congregating

members More at ease due to turning over their problems to a higher

power. Lowered rate of depression & anxiety. Tending to follow healthier habits like

Control over anger, sorrow, desires Improved food habits like fruits and vegetables

Such people have lower levels of interleukin-6, and immune system marker.


Secret of Japanese longitivity lies in “ikigai” – positive purpose and sense of enthusiasm & satisfaction

Many have contributed to the society after retirement. Nelson Mandela, Jimmy Carter, Mother Teresa.

Purpose can be as simple as – Nurturing your garden Pursuing your hobbies Teaching under privileged children Taking a dog for a walk Write letters to editors Bringing up your grand children

Touch Touch is as necessary as good diet and exercise

People regularly receiving lots of tough do not need to visit doctors often.

Touch advantages Reduces depression, anxiety & enhances dopimine &

serotonin levels Boosts lymphocytes, WBCs Reduces blood sugar

Treat yourself to manicure, pedicure, massage Give a pat, hug, hand shake


Very few people can prevent their mind from wandering.

Meditation is teaching yourself to be calmly focused on “now” than worrying about anticipated problems of future.

Advantages Reduction in heart rate by average 3 beats / minute Reduction in BP on an average by 3.5 points. Improved artery dilation Easing stress Better response to immune system

How to do meditation? Repeat mantra for 15 minutes while pushing aside other intruding

thoughts Focus on your breathing or pleasant image Focus on feelings of your body while exercising

Go closer to nature

Hospitalized patients who had view of trees recovered faster than those who could see only brick walls.

Listen to and observe Sound of leaves of a tree and colorful flowers Sound of waves of ocean and beauty of a sunset Chirping of birds and their colors Distant bells

It provides a calming experience and help in – Positive emotions & reduction in anger Reducing BP

To do list – Have scenery on your curtains and computer wall paper. Take a moment off to observe beauty of nature while driving Take a morning walk closer to nature

Stay young

Regular grooming, shaving Die your hair till you find comfortable Wear colourful clothes Learn to use new technologies like smart

phone See latest happy movies and TV serials Enjoy company of youngsters Drive 2 wheeler once in a while till health



Optimistic patients fare far better while recovering from illness.

I still have many goals to strive for.

Pessimists are more likely to smoke and have higher BP and excess weight.

Does – Building good relationships Refusing to see problems as insurmountable Accepting change as part of life Continuously moving towards goals Taking decisive action Looking for opportunities for self-discovery Nurturing positive view of yourself

Choose your fats wisely

1. Saturated: Red meat, cheese, whole milk, coconut

2. Mono saturated: Olive oil, peanut, canola3. Poly saturated: Corn Oil, soybeans, nuts4. Trans fats: Crisco & margarine

Saturated and trans saturated fats are solid at room temperature. These fats boost cholesterol and risk cardiovascular disease.

Mono & Poly are liquid at room temperature. These are good for health.

Fats – Green is OK, Red is Bad

Type Saturated

Mono saturated

Poly saturated

Corn oil 1.7 3.4 7.9

Oilve oil 1.9 9.8 1.2

Sunflower oil 1.4 2.8 8.7

Peanut oil 2.6 6.2 4.1

Coconut oil 11.7 0.8 0.2

Butter 9.0 4.1 0.6


India has larger number of road accidents

Reduce probability by following: Avoid excess speeding Do not drive long besides big rig. Swallow your pride. Do not engage with aggressive

drivers. Do not – even briefly – divert your attention from driving

for changing CD or making a call on cell phone. Wear seat belt. Select a car with air bags and ABS brakes. Wear helmet on 2 wheeler. Avoid sitting in auto rickshaw with rear mirrors fitted


Wish you a Long and Healthy life