how to go green at work

10 Simple Ideas Did you know that small actions can create big change especially when it comes to the environment? Here are 10 low-cost ways to lessen your impact on the planet and create a healthier, more eco-friendly office.

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Post on 11-May-2015




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Did you know that small actions can create big change -- especially when it comes to the environment? Here are 10 low-cost ways to lessen your impact on the planet and create a healthier, more eco-friendly office.


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How to Go Green at Work: 10 Simple Ideas

Did you know that small actions can create big change especially when it comes to the environment? Here are 10 low-cost ways to lessen your impact on the planet and create a healthier, more eco-friendly office.

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Step 1

• Start a recycling program at work. Many of us are die-hard recyclers at home, but not so much at the office. Invest in some special waste containers and pass the word on the new plan to recycle

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Step 2

• Save Those Empties! Laser Toner and Inkjet empties, that is. Many companies, organizations and even schools will take your empty toner/inkjet cartridges as part of a fund-raising programs. There are special fund set up called The Kids With Cancer Fund. The money from the sale of these empty cartridges goes directly into this fund that helps kids in our area diagnosed with cancer or life-threatening illnesses. So by taking part in programs like these, not only are you keeping your empty cartridges out of the landfill, you are helping to raise money for a good cause!

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Step 3

• Be bright about light. Make it a habit to turn off the lights when you are leaving any room for 15 minutes or more and utilize natural lighting as much as possible.

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Step 4

• Bringing lunch to work in reusable containers is the greenest (and healthiest) way to eat at work. Getting delivery and takeout almost inevitably ends with a miniature mountain of packaging waste. Also, bring in a reusable plates, utensils, and napkins. If you do go out for lunch, try biking or walking instead of driving.

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Step 5

• Print smarter. The average U.S office worker goes through 10,000 sheets of copy paper a year. Make it a habit to print on both sides or use the backsides of old documents for faxes or drafts. And be mindful that not every email needs to be printed off!

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Step 6

• Is there an energy-efficient alternative??

Look for products that help conserve energy, such as longer-life, eco friendly light bulbs and energy efficient printers, copiers, and faxes. There’s also a great product called a Smart Strip Power Strip is a power strip that stops idle current. The Smart Strip monitors power consumption and can sense the difference between when computers and other devices are on or off. Upon figuring this out, it shuts off the power, eliminating the idle current drawn from them.

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Step 7

• Create less waste in the office! Going Green isn’t only about buying recycled products. It’s also about buying products that are made to last longer or reusing items you already have to keep it out of the landfill. Take file folders for example. You could buy 100% recycled file folders at $12.99 per box, or buy regular file folders with the double-ply tab so they can be reused over and over again (about $13.79 per box). Be mindful of waste. Do you really need that 4x6 Post It note? Or would the 3x3 size work just as well?

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Step 8

• Don’t forget about your electronics. The U.S throws out TONS of electronic devices every year. Before you pitch that old computer, check with your local landfill to see the procedure is. If your computer still works but is outdated or unneeded, check with your local school or Community College. Many will take donated computers to help students who can’t otherwise afford them. And don’t forget your cell phone! Most cell phone providers will accept your old cell. Those cell phones will then either be shipped to a recycling center or donated to Women’s Shelters across the US

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Step 9

• Mark unwanted newsletters, magazine or catalogs “Return To Sender” and ask to be removed from the mailing list.

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Step 10

• Bundle Up! Keep extra, warmer clothes at your office. If it gets really cold, put on a another layer instead of asking to turn up the heat!

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Tips & Warnings

• Did you know that by unplugging appliances and electronics “that glow” and you could save $200 a year?

• Did you know, in the U.K, business owners have to pay a “congestion tax” of $20 per day per vehicle? Unless, of course they are driving electric or hybrid vehicles like Toyota Prius etc.

• Did you know for every ton of paper that is recycled the following is saved: 7, 000 gallons of water, 380 gallons of oil and enough electricity to power the average house for six months! Global warming, air-pollution, and other environmental issue are here to stay. You may be tired of hearing all the information about “Going Green” but the bottom line is; it needs to start somewhere! Make a few simple changes a month and do your part to Go Green. For more information, go to


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