how to get newspapers and mag to write about you

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How to Get Newspapers and

Magazines to Write ArticlesAbout You For FREE That

Compel Desirable Women to

Contact You

By John E. Alanis

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 No portion of these materials may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the expresswritten consent of the publishers.

Published under the copyright laws of the Library Of Congress Of the United States Of America by:

Art Of Steel, Inc.4424 Gaines Ranch Loop #1514Austin, Texas 78735(512) 892-8839

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Can you actually get newspapers and magazines to write

articles about you… articles that will literally compel

desirable women to contact you?

The answer is an unqualified “YES!” I’ve done it manytimes, and I’ll be honest with you—it is the fastest, easiest

way to meet women I’ve ever discovered.

See, when newspapers, magazines and TV shows do a story on

you, people automatically assume you’re a celebrity or you’re

famous or you’re an expert on something. And women love to meet

celebrities and famous people. Simply having an article written

about you gives you instant authority… and if you’ve read

through my “Secrets of Natural Attraction” book, you know that

women crave a man who can define authority for them.

What I love about getting “ink” is, I don’t have to do any

work whatsoever to define authority for a woman—if she sees me

in the paper, she already presumes I have authority over her.

I’m “somebody.”

Plus, it doesn’t hurt that she can make her friends jealous

by showing them the article with my photo and name in it, and

then tell them she’s seeing me.

But why would the media write an article about YOU? The

answer is simple, really: everyday the newspaper, radio, TV,and now websites have to have compelling, interesting stories

for their readers, or their readers will get bored and go

somewhere else. And then ad revenues will drop. This is a BAD

thing for the media… they don’t like it when ad revenues drop.

So, there is a tremendous pressure everyday for the media to

find new stories. It never ends. Everyday media people wake

up, wondering if they’re going to find a great story.

That’s where you come in. If you help them out, and give

them a great story, they’ll happily write an article about you.

In exchange for a great story, they’ll print your contact info--

phone number, address, or even better these days, a website.

And, if you give them a really great story and treat them

professionally, they’ll keep writing stories about you, if you

give them good ones. Soon enough, you’ll have media contacts,

and you’ll be a “source” even an “expert.” And you’ll meet as

many women as you want, anywhere in the country you want.

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If you remember my sales letter, one of the women I met

through an article lived on the western coast of Washington

State. She read the article, went to my website, and contacted

me. We talked on the phone, hit it off, had some amazing times,

and then she introduced me to a friend of hers. I was literally

meeting women three years later as the result of one small

article in one small city.

I actually had several women from a singles group call me

up because one of their out of state friends sent them an

article they saw in the San Jose Mercury News. I went to meet

them, and wound up going home with one of them 40 minutes after

I met her. I really didn’t have to say a thing… they all

treated me like I was a celebrity, simply because there was an

article about me in the paper.

You can do the exact same thing. It really is easy. All I

did was give the media a compelling story, and they gave me free

exposure. That was it. And in this report, I’ll show you step

by step how to do the same.

-John Alanis, author

“Secrets of Natural Attraction”

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Why Would the Media Be

Interested in YOU?

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Let’s talk about how to get a free “full page personal ad”

written about you.

What do I mean by a FREE “full page personal ad”? The

answer is simple- what I’m talking about is getting the media to

interview you and promote you. In many ways, publicity is

better than paid advertising- 5 times as more people read

articles than do read ads- and people are much more likely to

believe something they read in an article as opposed to

something they read in an ad.

Think about it. Is an attractive woman more likely to see

your tiny little ad buried in the personals section, or is she

more likely to see a full page newspaper article about you?

Think about the difference in quality of women who respond

to an article about you vs those who respond to an in-print

personal ad.

Think about the difference in her perception of you. 

If a woman answers your ad from the in-print personals

section, then she is actively searching there. That doesn’t

mean she’s a bad person, or unattractive, but it does mean she’s

looking at the in print personals as a way to meet men. And

she’ll view you as a guy who paid to run a personals ad.

If a woman sees an article about you and contacts you, sheviews you in a totally different light. She thinks you’re a

celebrity, or an expert… you’re someone in a position of


Simply having an article about you appear in the paper

skyrockets your believability and credibility. Most people

presume that if you appear in the paper, then you must “be

somebody.” (By the way this is Robert Ringer’s “Leapfrog

Theory” in action- if you haven’t read his book, “Winning

Through Intimidation,” the I recommend you burn the princely sum

of four dollars and pick it up at your local bookstore- or youcan get it from

But, how do you go about getting free publicity? Good

question- but first let’s talk about how to not get free

publicity. The first step in getting newspapers and magazines

to contact you is by sending out what’s called a “press

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release.” It’s usually a one page document that summarizes your


You’ve probably heard of PR firms and agencies who get

their clients “placement” in different newspapers and magazines.

Many of them charge outrageous fees for something you can easily

do yourself. I do not recommend hiring a PR firm if you are

using publicity to meet women.

When most businesses or people send out press releases,

they usually just spend time talking about themselves- how great

they are, how professional they are, and all that other hogwash.

These press releases are worthless to the editor, and go

straight to the trash.

In order to get your press release read, you have to think

in terms of what the editor or producer wants. He or she wants

a great story to give to their readers- a human interest story,

a story about something out of the ordinary, a rags to riches

story, a preposterous claim, something controversial- i.e.

anything with news value.

Editors and producers have a continuing problem- they must

constantly fill their newspaper, magazine, radio or TV show with

new, exciting stories that will captivate their audience. If

you send them a boring, pointless story like most people or

businesses do, you have just wasted their time and added to

their problems.

You see, these people are under tremendous deadline

pressure, and every second of theirs is valuable. Once you

understand their mindset though, you have a huge advantage.

Why? Because you can then solve their problems for them by

presenting them with a compelling story they can pass on to

their audience. You have presented them with a solution instead

of a problem- and they’ll reward you by running a story about


The best place to start when going after free publicity is

with your local media- the local radio stations, TV shows, andof course your local paper. You can find out the names of the

editors and producers by calling, or you can go to your local

library and look them up in “Working Press of the Nation” or

Bacon’s Publicity Checker. Or, just ask the librarian where you

can find a directory of media contacts. You can also find them

on the internet.

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If you wish to use publicity to meet women, I recommend

focusing on print media like newspapers and magazines. Radio

and TV don’t “stick around” like print media do. I’ve always

done much better with print media than TV and radio. That’s not

to say these can’t work for you… they certainly can, but my

recommendation is to start with print, especially the

newspapers. With magazines it can take awhile before the

article goes to press… with newspapers an article will often run

within a few days.

The best way to approach editors people is either by FAX or

by mail. Do not call them up and bug them- this is the best way

to get on their hate list. Also, emailing is not a good idea.

If you do not have any photos to send, then contact them by

fax. If you do have photos (and I recommend you do if you want

to meet women) then you might have to mail them. Now, I have

had success using fax to get an interview, and then emailing

photos to the reporter afterwards. So, if you prefer to fax you

can certainly do so.

OK, so what should you send to these people? Three things:

a press release, biography sheet, and a question and answer

sheet. Each one of these should be one page in length. If you

have photos, and past articles that have appeared about you,

include them.

NOTE: If you are faxing, just send the press release. If

you are mailing, send all three- include photos and past mediaappearances.

Let’s break down each of the three pieces of paper you are

going to send. Take a look at each of the exhibits I’ve

included- these examples will help you learn more than anything


The Press Release

The press release is your main workhorse- they are what the

media expects. Let me make one very important point here beforewe continue- the purpose of a press release is to get an editor

or reporter to call you for more information. You don’t want

them running a press release word for word. You want them to

call you, excited about your story, so you can give them lots of

great information to write about. The more excited they are,

and the more info you have, the bigger the article.

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You do not want to give away your whole story in the press

release- instead you want to “tease” the reporter into calling

you to conduct an interview. You want them to get the press

release and say to themselves, “Hey this sounds pretty

interesting… I’d like to know what this guy is talking about…

maybe I should give him a call.”

OK, look at my press release. Notice the format. You

should copy the format exactly. In the top left hand corner go

the words “For immediate release.” This simply tells the

reporter that this can be run immediately. If you have a story

that ties into a particular event (like Christmas or Earth Day)

then you might want to put “For release during the Christmas

Season.” But, for the most part, you will use the words “For

Immediate Release.”

In the top left hand corner, put “For further information

call: your name, your number.” The media want to speak to you

personally. Not a business, not a receptionist. YOU. If you

have voicemail or an answering machine, make sure they know the

message goes right to you. The media are very busy and have no

time to fool around trying to track you down. They’ll move onto

another story. If you have a cell phone, I recommend putting

that phone number in the press release. When they call, you

need to answer. Remember, you want to be a solution to their

problem, not another problem. Make it as easy as possible for

them to speak to you. They will appreciate it.

The next, and most important part of the press release is

the headline. It must tell the editor why his readers will be

interested in your story. It transmits you have a solution to

his problem.

The best headlines are headlines that make a bold or

seemingly preposterous claim or challenge you can back up.

Headlines that talk about an unusual event work well too.

Here are a few examples:

“Austin, TX Man Puts HIMSELF Up For Auction On E-Bay- To

Guarantee He Has A Date For Valentine’s Day!”

“I can show the fattest, ugliest guy in Austin Texas how to have

beautiful women begging to take him out almost instantly”

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“The Amazing “Natural Attraction Secrets’ of A Desperate Nerd

From Texas That Literally Compel Beautiful Women to Chase Him


“Texas Artist Guarantees his art will get you at least 7 sincere

compliments on your home, or your money back!

Your headline must reach out and grab the reporter by the

throat and compel him or her to read the rest of your press

release. That is the purpose of a headline- to get your press

release read.

The first part of the press release is one short paragraph

that summarizes the entire press release. The reporter must be

able to read it and know exactly what the press release is


NOTE: Press releases should be one page only- double

spaced. You must be able to tell your story in one page.

Reporters like to make notes between sentences that’s why you

should double space it. (see my “Ebay’ example at the back of

this report.”

The second part of the press release is quotations and

credentializations- a quote from you, and some supporting

material to enhance your first sentence. Credentials do not

mean college degrees- they mean things that relate to the

article. Things like, “local business owner,” “owner JoeSnuffy’s Art gallery” “Nations Leading expert on Decorating with

Steel art;” anything that relates to the story.

The third section of the Press Release is the “pitch.” You

want to get the reporter to call you for an interview. Give him

or her a reason to pick up the phone and call you now. Here’s

where you give out your contact information and tell the editor

how you will benefit his or her readers.

At the bottom of the press release put the symbol ###.

This means it’s the end of the press release.

The Biography Sheet

Like the press release, the bio sheet is only one page.

You don’t have to double space this one. The bio sheet is

simply biographical information about you that pertains directly

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to the story.  Not where you were born, where you went to school

or any of that nonsense.

Make sure your contact info is displayed boldly on your

biosheet. Remember, you want to make it as easy as possible for

the reporter to contact you.

Like the press release your bio sheet is broken down into 3

sections- summarization, quotes and credentials, and a pitch for

an interview. If you have a list of media credits to your name,

list them. This makes the reporter feel much more comfortable

with you.

The Question and Answer Sheet

This tool will really make you stand out from the crowd and

will make you a friend of the reporter. Why? Because you’ve

already done all the work for them! You’re saving them time by

coming up with questions for them to ask. They don’t have to

think at all. It’s a good deal for both of you.

Now, you must come up with questions that have interesting

answers to the publication’s readers. Start out with a

challenge type question- this immediately makes the reporter

feel more comfortable with you- that you can handle being


Look at my first question, “You recently put yourself up

for auction on E-Bay for a Valentine’s Day date- why did you dothis, and how successful have you been so far? ” That’s a

challenge question- it promotes interest in people’s minds.

They want to know the answer- they want to know why.

Two or three challenge questions are good enough- after

that, you can write “softies”-- questions that set you up for a

favorable answer.

How many questions should you write down? Ten to fifteen

is a good answer, but a better answer is as many interesting

ones as you have. The more interest, the longer the article.

Make sure your last question asks how the publication’s

readers can get in touch with you. Press without contact

information is essentially worthless.

Make sure you follow the format in my example- that your

name and contact info are prominently displayed.

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How To Get the Media to Call You and Plug YOU

Who should you send your release to? If you are faxing

(the preferred method, unless you have photos), simply send fax

it to the publication’s fax number. It’ll get routed to the

right person.

If you are mailing, mail it to the editor, or the person

who covers your topic. If in doubt, mail to the editor- it’s

their job to discover interesting stories and they will route it

to the appropriate person.

 What To Do When The Media Calls

When they call, they will say they got your release and

would like to schedule an interview. But first they will test

you by asking you this, “Do you have any further information you

can send us?” What they are asking is if you have a bio sheet

and a Q and A sheet. Most people do not. When you say you do,

and will be happy to fax it to them, this proves to them you

know what you are doing.

They won’t all ask you this question… sometimes they’ll get

right into the interview. I always let them know early on that

I have a bio sheet, a Q and A sheet and additional photos I’m

happy to send them. Most take me up on this offer and are

genuinely appreciative.

Now, there is one question you must ask the reporter, and

everything so far is worthless unless you ask it. Here it is:

“Is there going to be any problem with me giving out my contact

information during the interview?”

Guys, you’ve got to ask this question and get an

affirmative answer before you start the interview. I once had a

reporter from the Wall Street Journal call me… I was so excited

I gave the guy an hour long interview and then he smugly told me

he would not put my contact information in. If I’d asked him

before, he would have put it in. Why? Because I probably wouldnot have done the story. Without my contact information, the

story is practically worthless.

Most of the time there will not be a problem. That’s how

the game’s played and they know it- you give them a great story,

and they’ll give out your name and contact info. But you must

ask- or you won’t get. Now, be aware they DO expect you to ask.

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It further proves to them you know what you are doing and will

give a great interview.

Every now and then some newspaper reporter will say, “Oh we

don’t give out that information. It’s our policy not to.” This

is completely untrue. There is no such policy at any

publication anywhere in the US. If your story is good, then

their readers will want to get in touch with you. Tell them


“Well, I’m sorry to hear that. There’s no reason for me to

do the interview- there’s nothing in this for me. Besides if

you run the story without my contact info, then your readers are

going to be calling you trying to get it. And I’m sure you have

better things to do than take phone calls and answer hundreds of

emails from people who want to get in touch with me. So, if you

print my contact info, I’ll take all those pesky calls and you

won’t be bothered.”

99% of the time they’ll relent, and say that maybe they can

make an exception. If your story is good, they are doing your

readers a disservice by not printing your contact info.

If they still insist on not printing your contact info,

decline the interview. The press you get won’t be worth your

effort. The truth is, only a penny ante publication won’t print

your contact info- a well run, professional publication will.

They know if you give them a good story, and they print your

contact info, that you will continue to provide them with hot,relevant stories and compelling interviews.

In this day and age of the internet, reporters are very

comfortable giving out website addresses, since most websites

give more information. If you are using publicity to meet women,

I highly recommend you have a website address for them to go to.

It doesn’t have to be a complex website… just a way for women to

discover more about you, and email you a picture.

You’ll form a personal relationship with many reporters,

and make yourself an expert on your subject. Be sure to tellthe reporter to call you anytime they have a question on your

subject- if you provide good, hard-hitting information, many

times they’ll call you out of the blue when they need a hot

story. This is a good deal.

One more thing about getting free publicity. Your

publicity campaign should be an ongoing thing- you should send

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out press releases regularly. It often takes the media a while

to get around to calling you, and you greatly increase those

chances by sending out regular releases. Don’t worry if you

don’t get free press your first time out- keep sending them over

and over, and eventually they’ll call.

NOTE: Don’t call the reporter after you have sent out your

releases. They will hate your guts for it- they are too busy to

take unsolicited phone calls. Fax and mail, fax and mail. But

don’t call. And don’t email

Now, I know many of you are saying, “hey, I don’t have any

stories the media is interested in… what am I supposed to write


I’d disagree with you there. If I sit down and start

talking with you, I guarantee you have something the media is

interested in. Read the living and lifestyle section of the

paper… see what each reporter is writing about.

One thing I like to do is create stories based on a date-

driven event, like Christmas or Valentines. My best one was

putting myself up for Auction on Ebay for a date for Valentines.

The media went crazy over that one… I was on Fox National news,

over 30 radio stations, and the Associated Press picked up the

story. Not only was it unusual, it fit in with the season.

Reporters needed an interesting Valentine’s Day story and I gave

them one. In return they posted my contact information, and I

met a lot of women.

So, if you’re “stuck” for a story, see if you can create

one, and link it to an upcoming day. As I write this, the NFL

Draft is approaching. I could send out an unusual press release

about how a “desperate football fan is celebrating the new

national holiday”… anything to give them a different slant on a

story they’re all tired over covering.

The bottom line is this: if you give the media a great

story, and ask them to include your contact information

(preferably a website) you will have women contacting you. Andthey will view you as a celebrity or an expert.

I look forward to hearing about your successes!


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Sample Press Release—this is

the actual press release I sentout to get the media to write

about me auctioning myself

off for a date on E-Bay

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Here’s An Unusual Valentine’s Day Story:FOR RELEASE BEFORE FOR FURTHER




“Austin, TX Man Puts HIMSELF Up For

Auction On E-Bay- To Guarantee  He Has A

Date For Valentine’s Day!”

John Alanis, author of the audio book, The Lazy Way to Dating Success- How to Find

Your True Love From the Comfort of Your Home... in Only Minutes Per Day, has, in anunprecedented, and outrageously bold attempt to secure an entertaining date for Valentine’s Day, put himself up for auction on E-Bay.

“The way I see it, prospective dates can bid on a romantic evening with me for Feb 14.The highest bidder gets to take me out... and spend the amount they bid... on me!” says John.“I’ve come up with scores of little known, tips, tricks and secrets to meet members of theopposite sex using the internet, but this one is, by far, my boldest yet. I’m expecting myself togo for thousands- if not tens of thousands- of dollars!”

John is a wildly entertaining, extremely informative interview. He’ll tell your audiencehow they can meet that special someone in time for Valentine’s Day... using the internet- andother “top-secret” methods like:

• How to find the exact  description of the people you’d like to meet online... and how to“listen in” on a conversation they’re having with their friends so you can be sure they’resomeone you’d like to talk to

• The one simple question to ask anyone (male or female) that immediately creates deepstates of connection and rapport- no matter you looks, age or income!

• Why using email to reply to a personals ad is the worst thing men can do to meet women(except in one certain situation)... and the best thing women can do to meet men!

• How any man can use the “secret of the romance novel hero” to have scores of women

begging  you to spend time with them... even if you are 100 pounds overweight and dresslike Humpty Dumpty!

• How (and where) to discover exactly what it is women REALLY want from a man(friends, there’s a reason nice guys finish last!)

• How any woman can create a flood of email requests from eager, eligible men!

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• The 3 biggest mistakes women make when posting personals on the internet (and how toavoid them)

• The 4 words that practically compel, beautiful, single women to instantly email you their

 picture (you know, it took John over 3 years to discover this secret... yet you can have beautiful, eligible women begging to meet you within 3 seconds of learning it!)

John Alanis is a very outspoken- and completely irreverent- successful small businessman. He’s been interviewed by The Austin American Statesman, The Cincinnati

 Enquirer, Southwest Airlines Spirit   Magazine, The Omaha World Herald , Akron Beacon- Journal , KVUE 24 Morning News in Austin, and numerous radio stations. To interview John,and let your audience in on his secrets to meeting your true love BEFORE Valentines Day fromthe comfort of your own home call him direct at 512-XXX-XXXX.

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Bio Sheet Example

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John Alanis John Alanis 12407 Mo-Pac #100-289

Austin, Texas 78758  Biography and Fact Sheet 

John Alanis is recognized as the nation’s leading expert on internet romance. He is theauthor of The Lazy Way to Internet Dating Success- How to Find Your True Love From theComfort of Your Home... in Only Minutes Per Day.

Being a successful small businessman working from home, John found he had little timeto go out and meet people. “Since I don’t work in an office, I was finding it difficult to meet thekinds of women I wanted to meet. I don’t like bars, and I don’t have much time to joinorganizations or clubs. So, I figured, what the heck, why don’t I use my sales and marketingskills to meet women on the internet?” says John.

“I didn’t know what to expect at first- I was afraid of

meeting a lot of losers and shut-ins. But, I was pleasantly

surprised to find that many intelligent, beautiful single women

responded to my ads and Instant Message inquiries. It turns out

most personal ads and Instant Message attempts to meet women

online are so poor, most women are instantly turned off. So,

when they see a well written ad by someone who’s for real, they

respond in droves,” says John. “It’s really easy to write a

decent personal or meet someone with an instant message- if you

know a few simple secrets. I’m convinced anyone, no matter

their looks or age, can take my methods and use them to meet as

many women or men online as fast as they want.”

(You can view John’s current personal by going to Love@AOL and conducting a screenname search for Jasteelart).

John’s boldest attempt yet to meet that special person is putting himself up for auction onE-Bay- potential dates may bid on a romantic evening with him on Feb 14, 2000; John willmatch the highest bid, and then plan an incredibly romantic evening with a special lady.

To view John’s E-Bay auction, simply go to Type the words “perfectromantic evening” into the search box (where it says “what are you looking for”) and John’soutrageous auction will come right up- including a picture of him!

John Alanis is a very outspoken- and completely irreverent- successful small businessman. He’s been interviewed by The Austin American Statesman, The Cincinnati Enquirer, Southwest Airlines Spirit   Magazine, The Omaha World Herald , KVUE 24 Morning

 News, and numerous radio stations. John is always delighted to take on air questions fromcallers during a radio or TV interview- and help them improve their own methods of meeting people online.

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John is always happy to discuss ways to slant a particular story or interview to suit aspecific audience. He loves to help people with questions about meeting that special someone-online or in person. He’s just as comfortable talking about how people in their twenties can meetothers over the internet as he is talking about how seniors can meet their matches in person.

To Book an Interview Call (512) XXX-XXXX

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Q and A Sheet Example

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Suggested Questions for John Alanis, Author Of The Lazy

Way to Internet Dating Success- How to F ind Your True Love

From the Comfort of Your H ome... in Only M inutes Per Day!  

1. You recently put yourself up for auction on E-Bay for a Valentine’s Day date- why did youdo this, and how successful have you been so far? How can we see your auction?

2. Why would anyone want to use the internet to meet someone of the opposite sex? Why can’t they just do that in person?

3. Aren’t there a lot of strange people on the internet? How can you avoid them and meet the kind of people you truly want to meet?

4. What’s your advice on using internet personals for men? For women?

5. What are the 3 biggest mistakes women make when posting an ad on the internet?

6. Ok, what’s the one question you can ask anyone that will immediately build rapport and deep statesof connection with them? How can you use this in person?

7. Why is using email bad for men (except in one special circumstance)- but great for women?

8. How can you meet real people online without posting- or responding to- an internet personal?

9. What are the 4 words that practically compel beautiful, single women to instantly email you their photographs? What should you do if you are not attracted to their photo?

10. You say you’ve discovered the secret for men to finding out what women really want... and that this

secret is so powerful it can have scores of women chasing after you... no matter what you look like;OK what’s the secret and how can you use it?

11. You say any man can use the characteristics of the “romance novel hero” to avoid being put in the“just friends” and “nice guy” categories (which all men hate and despise). How?

12. Can you recommend any good web sites for meeting people?

13. OK, where is the “secret place” men can go where they can meet hordes of stunningly beautifulwomen with ZERO competition from other men?

14. How can people get their hands on your FREE report 12 Secrets To Guaranteed Internet Dating

Success?They can go to www.<<>>.com

Suggested Introduction For John Alanis

John Alanis is the author of the audio book “The Lazy Way to Internet Dating Success- How to Find Your True Love From the Comfort of Your Home... in Only Minutes Per Day.” He’s a leadingauthority on online romance, and can tell you how to meet the person of your dreams... quickly andeasily. Be sure to have a pen and paper handy- he’ll be revealing some little known secrets you won’twant to miss and... he has something FREE to give your audience!

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Website Example—this is

what I had posted on mywebsite on Ebay for my

Valentines Date Auction

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Here’s How You Can Spend a Romantic Evening on

Valentine’s Day With the Perfect Gentleman!

Dear Friend,

Hi there! My name is John Alanis, and I have decided to do something completelyirreverent... and totally outrageous... in order to guarantee that I (and possibly you) spend aromantic Valentine’s day with a special person.

As you can see I have put a date with me on Valentine’s Day up for auction here on E-Bay. I’m going offer you (as long as you are female!) the opportunity to bid on a ticket  for a datewith me for Feb 14. Now, I know this sounds a bit pretentious at first, but please keep reading,and I’ll explain the whole deal. What I’ll do is this: whoever has the highest bid wins the ticketto go out with me on Valentine’s day and... I’ll match the amount of the winning bid (withinreason- I’m well off, but not outrageously rich!) for our evening together! So... if we pool our

resources we can wind up spending an absolutely fabulous time together.

What will the winning bid be? I don’t know, to tell you the truth. Will we only haveenough to go to McDonald’s (I hope I do better than that!)? Or will we rent a suite at theBellagio in Las Vegas... or even go to Hawaii or Europe? Quite frankly, I don’t know and... infact... it’s up to you. I’m starting the bidding at $45 (enough at least for a good meal!)- but whoknows how far it will go up?!?

Before you bid, I guess you might like to know a bit about myself. First, the physical:I’m 5’7”, weigh about 170, 29 years old (as of January 12, 2000- same day as Howard Stern andRush Limbaugh) lift weights religiously, run 8.25 miles in one hour 3-4 times a week, have

 piercing blue eyes, and happen to run my own business. I live in beautiful Austin, TX (althoughI don’t mind traveling).

 Now for a little more of the emotional: I was talking to a friend of mine (who I used todate) a few days ago, and she said something very intriguing to me: "John, you remind me of themale character in a romance novel. You always seem to be doing something adventurous-traveling all over the country, driving your business with a true, sincere passion anddetermination, or speaking in front of people. You even kind of look like a romance novel hero.You have a large chest, well-muscled arms, and a hard chin. But what I really notice about youare your piercing blue eyes. You have brooding eyes. Sometimes you overwhelm me with your presence, and quite frankly, sometimes you can be a real jerk. When we dated, you always

created emotional challenges for me- and I loved you and hated you for it. But, every now andthen, in a rare moment, I could tell you had intense emotions under your rough, controlledexterior. You are in control- but not controlling. You could dominate- but never repress. Ialways felt protected around you, because I knew you were a sincere, genuine, deeply passionateman. And, damn it, you truly listened to, and appreciated me for, the woman who I am. Youmade me truly feel like a woman.”

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Truthfully, I don’t know that much about romance novels, but that does kind of describeme.

What- or rather who- am I looking for? Well, I’d like to meet a special woman to createa special memory with this Valentine’s day. Someone who is highly intelligent, highly

 passionate- as well as sincere and genuine. Someone who is secure in her own abilities andoutlook on life, but who would enjoy the company of a man such as myself.

I don’t know if you are the kind of woman who is adventurous enough to imagineyourself taking a chance and meeting me, but if you are, put in a bid! I don’t know if you’ll bethe high bidder, but someone will be. Even if you don’t win, it is possible that we’ll be able toget together another time.

So, if you are the type of woman who lives life with passion, who is slim/svelte/athletic,who highly values physical and mental fitness, and you trust your own senses enough to see a person who interests you, and feels comfortable speaking to him in person, then we deserve the

chance to talk and explore how much we can really enjoy each other.

If for some reason, you don’t feel I’m the type of man you would be interested in, but youhave a friend that might be, please pass my information along to her- who knows, she might bethe winning bidder on the ticket for our Valentine’s Day date.

One more thing. Everyone always wants to know...

What do you like to do? here it is. I like to spend time with a person I can feel an intense emotionalconnection with. I’ve found that beauty is common, but that a person with a great energy, greatintelligence, and a great outlook on life is rare. I love to travel (been to NY, Napa Valley,Bahamas, Wash DC, Phoenix, Vegas all in the past 9 months), and create special memories witha truly special woman. Like, for example, can you remember the last time you saw amagnificent sunset- one that just stood out vividly in your memory? Or maybe, can youremember the last time you met someone you just felt a magical click with? Me, too. And as youremember looking at this person for the first time, maybe your breathing started to increase, yourheart started beating faster, and it was like time just... stood... still. And, then, you got that warm,nervous, jumpy feeling in your stomach. And as you imagine yourself talking with this special person, it almost feels like you are... melting. With me, those are the kinds of memories I like tocreate.

Well, that’s about it. If you’ve enjoyed reading this, hey, put in a bid for the ticket, andlet’s see how much fun we can really have together. I know this is a totally weird, wild way tomeet someone for a Valentine’s Day date, but it just might work out fabulously. And whateverhappens, it’ll definitely be a lot of fun. So, without, further ado...

Place Your Bids!

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I look forward to meeting you- whoever you turn out to be!


John AlanisWorld Famous Artist

PS If you’d like to read more about me, check out my ad, at a rather interesting web site

PPS Obviously, I can’t meet each and every one of you in person, and there will only be onewinner (there’s only one ticket)- on Valentine’s Day. However, that doesn’t mean we can’tconnect sometime in the future. So- hey- tell me about yourself too- send a description ofyourself and a recent photo to my email address: I can’t promise I’ll get back to you, but itwould be nice to get a feel for who’s bidding on the ticket for a date with me. It makes things a bit more personal- as much as I like this auction idea, it is a bit impersonal. I look forward tohearing from you- even if you are not the high bidder.