how to get a standing ovation every time you perform€¦ · how to get a standing ovation every...


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Page 1: How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform€¦ · How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform 3 About Roger Burnley Roger Burnley is a vocal technique and performance
Page 2: How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform€¦ · How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform 3 About Roger Burnley Roger Burnley is a vocal technique and performance

How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform



About Roger Burnley ............................................................................................................................ 3

The Life Of A Performer ........................................................................................................................ 4

The 5 Minute Exercise That Shapes The Way The World Sees You ................................................... 6

Identifying Your Best Qualities............................................................................................................ 7

You Have Many Great Qualities ......................................................................................................... 10

Is It Worth The Effort? ......................................................................................................................... 15

Performance Made Simple Opens In A Few Days ............................................................................. 16

Page 3: How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform€¦ · How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform 3 About Roger Burnley Roger Burnley is a vocal technique and performance

How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform


About Roger Burnley

Roger Burnley is a vocal technique and performance coach based in Hollywood, California.

In a career spanning over three decades Roger has served thousands of artists, including global singing stars, movie stars, singers on broadway, lead singers in bands, and up and coming artists.

His client list includes grammy winners, platinum selling artists, singing competition finalists, and an online community of passionate singers exceeding 70,000 members.

Page 4: How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform€¦ · How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform 3 About Roger Burnley Roger Burnley is a vocal technique and performance

How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform


The Life Of A Performer Imagine. Looking out over a sea of people. Lights flashing. Music filling the room, pushing and pulling at the heart strings of every last person. As the final note dies away, you feel your heart pound as you watch the faces in front of you. You see the look of awe morph into appreciation and warmth. The sound of their cheers and the fierce clapping echoes loudly through the venue and sends a cocktail of intense emotions through your body. Excitement. Gratitude. And yes, even fulfillment. As you say, “thank you” to the crowd you feel the special moment between the two of you. It’s the perfect exchange of value. You’ve given them the experience and the memory. And they reward you for it by acknowledging what makes you special. Their enjoyment gives your art purpose and meaning. This is the feeling of a life being well lived. A great reward for all the long hours you’ve put into your music. You feel it all pay off in this one sweet moment. Sound too good to be true? I do agree that it sounds good! But this experience that I’ve just described… This is the life of a performer who is on top of their game. And the incredible thing is, once you’ve reached this point… once you understand what makes a great performance and how to pull it off…

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How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform


… This wonderful feeling of elation is now “on tap”. You’ve become a person who can “create moments”. And you can go and do it whenever you like. On top of that, you get to enjoy the ultimate expression of your artform… Sharing your music with the world in the most powerful way possible. This begs the question, how is it done? How does someone become a powerful, dynamic performer? Let’s begin...

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How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform


The 5 Minute Exercise That Shapes The Way The World Sees You

In a second I’m going to give you a quick little exercise that will get you well on the path to becoming the performer you’ve always wanted to be. But first, I want to dismiss a few myths about performing. Traditional advice would say that if you’re nervous before you go onstage you should, “picture the audience naked”. It would also say to look at what the big stars are doing in their performances, and mimic them. I believe there’s a better approach. The simplest way to sum up my approach to performing is this:

Put the best version of yourself onto the stage.

See, as with many problems, to get answers you need to look within yourself. Within you are very special qualities and gifts that make you a unique person. The “best version” of yourself is what happens when you identify these qualities and then maximize them. Instead of trying to mimic someone else (which will likely be unsuccessful as they are displaying qualities that are unique to them), you need to instead focus on showing the audience what makes you special.

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How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform


Identifying Your Best Qualities I’d like to share something fascinating that I learned off of Wyatt Woodsmall, who is one of the world's leading thinkers in the area of behavioural psychology. What I discovered from Wyatt, is that within your whole self, there are several "parts of you" that are almost like different personalities. And you have the ability to morph into these different personalities at will. The reality is that most people don't know this. And instead of choosing which "part" of them they are using...they let the environment they’re in dictate how they act. It can be quite noticeable in social situations. Next time you’re out with a group of people, notice how sometimes you can feel quite shy and reserved. And in this state you are happy to sit back and let others do the talking. And then other times you can powerful and confident. And in this state you'll feel like driving the conversation and holding the attention of the whole group. It happens when you interact with different types of people too. Have you ever noticed that you change the way you behave, depending on who you are talking to? For example, you will behave differently depending on whether you like or dislike the person you’re talking to. The same goes for if you look up to the person you are talking to. And you maybe behave different again if they are someone who looks up to you. Your physical state will also dictate your behaviours.

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How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform


For example, being full of energy or tired will change the “persona” that you present to the world.

The point is that during every single day you morph effortlessly into your different persona's,

usually without thinking about it at all.

The awesome thing about this is you have access to all of the qualities that exist in these different persona's. For example, if you find that some situations allow you to be incredibly charming and endearing. If this is the case, believe it or not this charm is a quality that you can access anytime you want if you know how. If you find in some situations you feel powerful and confident, you can tap into this too. It can be life changing when you learn how to access the different qualities you have in the times when you need them.

The challenge is to take control of your behaviour, rather than letting the situation

trigger your different qualities.

For example, if you are with a group of friends who love and respect you, you will find it easier to be your charming and confident self. Whereas if you were meeting someone for the first time who you find incredibly attractive… or maybe you see them as a higher status than you are... it's more challenging to find this mode.

Page 9: How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform€¦ · How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform 3 About Roger Burnley Roger Burnley is a vocal technique and performance

How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform


Instead of being your charming confident self you might instead slip into your persona where you're nervous and have trouble getting your best thoughts out. Or if you're chatting with an old friend about a topic you're passionate about over a few drinks, you might get into a zone where you're insightful and discuss your ideas very intelligently. Whereas, if you were on a TV talk show or in a job interview, the added pressure might make it harder for you to do this.

Page 10: How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform€¦ · How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform 3 About Roger Burnley Roger Burnley is a vocal technique and performance

How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform


You Have Many Great Qualities The point is, you have many great, attractive qualities. It's just that you may not yet be able to use them in the moments or situations you need to. Now this leads me to the reason that I have spent the last several months developing a new program called Performance Made Simple. What this new system is all about can be summed up in one sentence. Delivering your “best self” to the audience. Think about that for a minute. Your best self. You see, I know for a fact that you are a incredibly interesting person with gifts and abilities to share. (Everybody is!) And if you can work out what the very best version of yourself is… where all the special gifts and all the best qualities you have overlap... … And then if you take this version and present it onstage in front of an audience, they will respond profoundly. This brings up two challenges. Firstly, you need to work out who your "best self" is. And once you have that, you need to face the challenge of presenting this "persona" under the pressurised conditions of a performance. As I mentioned in video 2, this is all about learning how to be the type of person who "seizes the moment", instead of letting fear and self consciousness take over. The brilliant thing is that when you start doing this, all of the energy and adrenaline that builds up before going on stage... will actually supercharge your performance and make it better.

Page 11: How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform€¦ · How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform 3 About Roger Burnley Roger Burnley is a vocal technique and performance

How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform


The reason for this is similar to the reason why most world records are broken in events like the Olympics, and not on the training track. Your body's reaction leading up to a show will actually greatly improve your performance if you know how to harness it. And the biggest thing that will allow you to harness this powerful energy is the knowledge that you’re about to put your best foot forward. Which brings us to what I promised at the start of this special report. There is a 5 minute exercise you can do that will have a massive impact on who you become as a performer. If you take this exercise seriously it will give you a lot of momentum and gets you heading in the right direction. This exercise is about helping you begin to figure out who your "best self" is. To begin the exercise, take 5 minutes to think about the qualities that you already have that you want the audience to notice and appreciate when you’re on stage. These are qualities that have displayed at least once in your life. As even if you’ve only displayed a quality once in your entire life, it means you are capable of it… As you begin to think of these, you may realize that you only display some of these qualities in very comfortable and non-threatening situations. That's perfectly ok. As we move forward you will learn to display these attributes in more pressured situations like performing. So think deeply about this. Cast your mind to situations where you liked the way you behaved and think about what qualities you were displaying.

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How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform


List your qualities below or in your personal notepad. _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ok, great! You're making good progress already!

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How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform


The next step is to list out the musical qualities you have that you would like the audience to notice when you perform: _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Excellent! Now, for the second part of this exercise I'd like you to think about some qualities that you don't feel you have at the moment. But if you did have them they would be great for the type of performance you want to give. These are the qualities that you are going to learn how to cultivate as we move forward.

Page 14: How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform€¦ · How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform 3 About Roger Burnley Roger Burnley is a vocal technique and performance

How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform


List these qualities out now. They can be both personal qualities as well as musical skills you would like to develop: _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Ok great! So what you have in front of you now is a list of all the qualities you like about yourself as well as some that you'd like to develop. And if you could exhibit all of these qualities on stage you will be getting much closer to showing the audience your “best self”. Now, for bonus points you can go down your list and next to each quality try to come up with an idea that you can use onstage that will help display this quality. For example, if you want to be a little bit flamboyant, maybe your choice of clothing will help you communicate this. Or if you want to display your honesty, maybe you could integrate a story about a song where you really display the venerable, honest side of you.

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How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform


Is It Worth The Effort? Now, this is a short and simple exercise. But is it worth the effort? It absolutely is. When you start presenting your best self to the audience you are going to notice a big difference in how they respond. For one, you'll notice that you feel an invisible connection with the audience. You'll feel how engaged they are. And you'll also feel their enjoyment. On top of that, some more obvious reactions will be the thunderous applause they’ll give you after each song! And not only that, but they will probably beg you to come back for an encore after you finish your set! Also, when you know that you're going to be successful when you walk onstage, you'll feel a powerful confidence and sense of excitement before the performance. Instead of feeling fear and dread in the minutes leading up to the gig, you will feel alive and thrilled with the possibilities that lie ahead. As I touched on in the beginning of this report, the life of a performer is an exciting and fulfilling one. So it's absolutely worth the effort to work out who you are when you're at your best, and then how to make this vision of yourself happen.

Page 16: How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform€¦ · How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform 3 About Roger Burnley Roger Burnley is a vocal technique and performance

How To Get A Standing Ovation Every Time You Perform


Performance Made Simple Opens In A Few Days

My Performance Made Simple program contains the entire blueprint for making what you’ve just written down a reality. When you go through this program you'll get so many ideas and execution tips that you'll be able to put together a performance that is truly magical and the best possible representation of you and your music. I'll be announcing more details about this program in just a few days, so keep your eye on your email inbox and look out for my email. Also, I'd love to hear how you get on with this exercise so please post your experience and any insights you had below in the comments section. Talk soon,
