how to evaluate research performance

RESEARCH PORTFOLIO research_support How to Evaluate Research Performance PROFESSOR STEPHEN GARTON PROVOST & DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR Briefing for Academic Promotions Committees | 30 May 2014

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How to Evaluate Research Performance. Briefing for Academic Promotions Committees | 30 May 2014. PROFESSOR STEPHEN GARTON PROVOST & DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR. Promotions Criteria. When applying via Research-focussed the case for exceptional Research must be made. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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How to Evaluate Research Performance


Briefing for Academic Promotions Committees | 30 May 2014

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Promotions Criteria

› When applying via Research-focussed the case for exceptional Research must be made.

What constitutes Exceptional An applicant whose achievements are Exceptional should demonstrate highly

significant achievements and contributions in relation to the criteria at the level for which the applicant is applying.

› No interviews conducted below Level E.

› Promotions Committees may recommend applicants for promotion in a different stream to the one for which they have applied, where it considers this to be more appropriate and only where the application would not otherwise have been supported.

› Clearer definition of categories of performance.


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Choosing Streams

The Research Case” must be:- “Outstanding/Superior” when applying via Teaching & Research & Teaching-

Focussed stream

- “Exceptional” Research-Focussed = (and the other cases “superior” or better)

What makes a good candidate for the “research-focussed” stream?- Proven performance (at current level) PLUS capacity to perform (at higher level)

- See “normative” criteria for promotion

- Candidate’s assessment is based on discipline area, subject to opportunity (fractional and conjoint at pro-rata of their FT colleagues)


Minimum standards required for promotion differ between Streams and Levels

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Minimum Required Standards for Promotion


TEACHING AND RESEARCH STREAM – Minimum required standardsPromotion sought





Level A to Level B;Level B to Level C;Level C to Level D

Superior or Outstanding

Superior or Outstanding

Superior At least one Outstanding is required

Level D to Level E Outstanding Outstanding Superior N/A

Promotion sought





All Exceptional Superior orSatisfactory

Superior orSatisfactory

At least one Superior is required, in either Research or Service

EDUCATION FOCUSSED STREAM – Minimum required standards

RESEARCH FOCUSSED STREAM – Minimum required standardsPromotion sought





All Superior orSatisfactory

Exceptional Superior orSatisfactory

At least one Superior is required, in either Teaching or Service

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Research-focused Staff

› Promotion is assessed on the opportunities available by virtue of the nature of appointment.

› Research-focused staff should have better research output than “regular” academic staff.

› Research-focused staff must demonstrate “exceptional” performance in research - i.e. significantly exceeding the criteria for the current level of appointment

› Teaching is relative to opportunity and most commonly research student supervision


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The Research Case

A successful case will:- Focus on what’s new and different

- Concentrate on achievements and publications since last promotion in the context of the applicant’s whole career

- Clearly demonstrate proven performance (at current level) PLUS capacity to perform (at higher level)

- Provide evidence of upward career trajectory in performance that would warrant promotion to the next level


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Evaluating the Research Case

› The Four Dimensions of Research

Research, Scholarship, Creative and Professional Work- Program of R/S/CW/PW

- Achievements

- Recognition received for R/S/CW/PW- Applause from peers - grants, awards, rave reviews ...

- Dissemination of R/S/CW/PW- Products/outputs - papers, books, talks, performances, commercialization, publicity

- Research Leadership- Contributions to the community of scholars - societies, conferences, mentoring, research students ...



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Evaluating the Research Case

Performance in research in any discipline is traditionally gauged by a range of parameters, including, but not limited to, quality and extent of peer-reviewed publication record, research income and impact of research.

› Quality trumps quantity every time.  

› Evidence of quality – e.g., citation index, external review, etc.

› No double-dipping/recycling achievements.

› Focus on outcomes not processes/activities.

› Staff in research focussed roles would be expected to be building (at junior levels) or to have achieved (at senior levels) - national and international reputations for their research

- record of success in competitive external grant applications (eg ARC, NHMRC)

› Explanation of apparent weaknesses – low citation rates, discipline–specific factors, career interruptions.


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Other Considerations

› The candidate must provide 5 referees (no teaching referee for Research-focused applicants)

› Usually higher level than candidate

› External referee - international recognition carries weight

› Levels D & E: Referees must be able to attest to candidate’s international standing.



Experts› Each Local Promotions Committee will have one additional member

specific to individual applications, who will normally have expertise in the applicant’s general field, and be appointed by the Chair in conjunction with the HoS.