how to deal with high oil prices

How to Deal with High Oil Prices? @ : Home > Group Discussion > Economics - Discussion Room Points to remember before you participate in this disuccsion: Assume, you one of the member of a real group discussion. Take the initiative to participate and contribute your thoughts. Express your positive attitude towards providing the solution. Pradip Ranjan Dey said: (Fri, Feb 3, 2012 02:10:29 AM) Dear friends. Everyone of you have presented your own view points in a very nice and efficient manner. I would thank you all for your enlightening views. I would also like to share my view points on this quagmire of ever bludgeoning price of oil. It has come up as a serious problem not only for our country but also for the global economy as a whole and this is high time we switch over to other forms of energy resources that are renewable and easily available. Researches are going on all over the world to find out a suitable alternative source of energy but still now no encouraging results have been attained. The only way we can reduce the price of oil is by reducing the demand for it. It might not sound good but this is the bitter truth. Petroleum consumption specially in the growing economies like India and China has grown by many folds specially because of the affordable prices of vehicles enabling the so called sanctimonious middle class of our country to have their own vehicle putting at risk the sustainable future of the generations to come. At present rates of consumption the petroleum reserve of the earth will almost get depleted in next 20 years. What happens after that has come up as a big question. Proper usage as well as proper understanding rather than having a vague impression of the problem in hand is very crucial and call of the day. Rate this: +21 -6 Swati Pathak said: (Wed, Feb 1, 2012 10:37:27 AM) For owing more than 1 vehicle by a family (esp. Run on diesel or petrol) , fuel allowance should be fixed i.e. maximum amount of fuel they can use on subsidised rate, over and above that there should be 50% more charges added to fuel cost.

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How to Deal with High Oil Prices?@ : Home > Group Discussion > Economics - Discussion RoomPoints to remember before you participate in this disuccsion:

Assume, you one of the member of a real group discussion. Take the initiative to participate and contribute your thoughts. Express your positive attitude towards providing the solution.

Pradip Ranjan Dey said: (Fri, Feb 3, 2012 02:10:29 AM)

Dear friends. Everyone of you have presented your own view points in a very nice and efficient manner. I would thank you all for your enlightening views. I would also like to share my view points on this quagmire of ever bludgeoning price of oil. It has come up as a serious problem not only for our country but also for the global economy as a whole and this is high time we switch over to other forms of energy resources that are renewable and easily available. Researches are going on all over the world to find out a suitable alternative source of energy but still now no encouraging results have been attained. The only way we can reduce the price of oil is by reducing the demand for it. It might not sound good but this is the bitter truth. Petroleum consumption specially in the growing economies like India and China has grown by many folds specially because of the affordable prices of vehicles enabling the so called sanctimonious middle class of our country to have their own vehicle putting at risk the sustainable future of the generations to come. At present rates of consumption the petroleum reserve of the earth will almost get depleted in next 20 years. What happens after that has come up as a big question. Proper usage as well as proper understanding rather than having a vague impression of the problem in hand is very crucial and call of the day.Rate this: +21 -6 Swati Pathak said: (Wed, Feb 1, 2012 10:37:27 AM)

For owing more than 1 vehicle by a family (esp. Run on diesel or petrol) , fuel allowance should be fixed i.e. maximum amount of fuel they can use on subsidised rate, over and above that there should be 50% more charges added to fuel cost. Diesel vehicles should not be allowed for personal purposes, let them be for public transport only. In villages where kerosene is one of major fuels used for lighting and other purposes, a mission similar to that of Mr Handa, using husk power or other waste based power should be provided and low power consuming LED lights should be provided. These LEDs cost more so corporate houses may come forward to share their responsibility here and provide these for free initially. I did not quote CFLs as they are not a permanent solution, their consumption of power is more than LEDs and to add to all they have mercury in it, so if broken would cause environmental hazard.Rate this: +21 -6 Sushant Tyagi said: (Tue, Jan 31, 2012 06:30:33 PM)

We can control the higher prices of increasing fuel by applying following points in day-to-day life and using some rules:. 1. We use the renewable sources of energy like wind, electricity, solar energy etc. 2. For driving the trains we should use the fuel in rare conditions. The government should take initiatives to establish new power line in those areas where the trains are driving by diesel or coal. It will utilize the cost and amount of fuel. 3. In starting it will be costly but it will help in the future. 4. The VIP persons that are using the 4 wheelers for a short of distance. They should not misuse the fuel. 5. In elections there is a huge croud of motorcars. They should be in limitation not in excessive amount. 6. The government should charge the more and more tax from those persons who are having more than 4 or 5 2-or4-wheelers. 7. Subsidies should be applied on the rate of petrol, diesel, carosiene etc. We ae the one that are increasing the rate of petrol and crude oil, we should use our vehicles where it's really need. Don't waste the here and there.Rate this: +23 -6 Ani said: (Tue, Jan 31, 2012 08:25:53 AM)

We can control oil prices by;-. 1. 2. 3. 4. of Decreasing demand, use of petroleum efficient and bio fuels vehicles. Use of renewable sources of energy like wind, solar, tidal etc. Have a control on black marketing by oil mafias. Government should pay more attention towards Research and Development for alternatives petroleum products.

If we can bring down the demand we can certainly bring down the prices. We have to start by over selves by using eco friendly means of transport like use of bicycles for short run, use of public transport.Rate this: +23 -3 Koushik said: (Mon, Jan 30, 2012 11:55:15 PM)

We all are raised points are correct according to some situations. But we must also considered about our responsibilities to save our natural resources. The problem is not only because of the govt irresponsibility, it is part of ourselves by utilizing maximum resources whether it is useful or not. Now a days the prices of vehicles are became very less even middle men can also buy the car due to these decreased prices of vehicles there is increase in prices of oil. People are using vehicles even it is walk-able distance also, it will also leads to global warming. Many people are they didn't stop there engines even in traffics, in some situations like while they are

talking in phones when vehicle is parked at a side of road. So, we use minimum resources for maximum benefit is better way to save our natural resources and also to protect our global environment. Use a oil in an efficient & effective manner i.e., DO RIGHT THINGS IN RIGHT MANNER.Rate this: +13 -1 Gaurav said: (Mon, Jan 30, 2012 06:59:16 AM)

Friends we all are here to discuss on increasing prices of petrol and diesel but not on use of petroleum because its limited. Its replinishing its a reason to use it in more better way but for increasing prices various factors are responsible like: 1. Various taxes leived by the international market. 2. Monopoly made by many petroleum suppling countries. 3. Reducing the subsidies on petroleum. and many more other reasons.But for a country who is purchasing petroleum taxes and subsidies play a vital role in deciding oil prices. In my point of view the central governmemnt should not reduce subsidies on oil but increase taxes on those goods which are complimentary for petrol or diesel as if the diesel prices are increased it will also effect prices of other necessity goods as diesel is mainly used by vehicles which are used for transporting goods.Rate this: +9 -0 Pankaj Agrawal said: (Sun, Jan 29, 2012 08:35:30 PM)

Hi friends hike in oil prices is one of the emerging problem for our country.mainly the middle class people are sufferer. India is mostly dependent on OPEC to import the crude oil. Not only in india but in whole world demand for oil is increasing rapidly that is why OPEC nation are not able to produce sufficient oil to fulfill the need of world and finally prices are increasing.But we can overcome this problem by using measures like1) using alternate sources like biofuel and other renewable energy sources. 2) By using electricity in place of diseal for trains, although initial cost may be very high but it will be effective for long term. 3) By improving transport facilities so that majority of people use govt buses or trains in place of personal vehicle. 4) By creating awerness programme to support less use of petrol & diseal.Rate this: +28 -1 Prasanth said: (Sun, Jan 29, 2012 04:29:55 PM)

Good evening my friends. Now I talk in about how to deal wit high oil prices. First of all the people should know the real value of resources. I say we all very know the use of resources wisely. The other contoury oil price is less compare the our contoury. The bangalash oil price 26rs. That only reson oru country oil price is high. Problem can be sloved for use this points. People should use the cycle or foot for work under the distance for 1km. Government should have to implement heavy tax for two wheeler. Goverment should have to insure all the train by current. People should not use to heavy two wheeler likes built and pulsar compose lots of oil compare the other two wheelers. People put off their bikes in the signal times.Rate this: +2 -8 Anjali said: (Sun, Jan 29, 2012 02:03:53 AM)

Hello friends, very nice points given by you all. I would like to add one more which we all forget. To reduce the use of oil, we need alternative source of energy. And I think nuclear energy is best source for this. We can get high amount of energy through nuclear source which is environment friendly and cost of oil will be reduced. I think our government has to focus on nuclear energy production. It will definately help.Rate this: +16 -4 Manish Gundev said: (Sat, Jan 28, 2012 10:41:35 PM)

I am agree with the point that both public and government sector are responsible for the hike in price of the oil there mostly public sector working most of its work on diesel. For an example 70% of mobile towers are driven by diesel motors and apartments in urban areas where electricity provided by diesel generators in place of power cuts. So we have find solution for such small things which giving big effect on oil prices and we have control our needs which are increasing day by day. We are in that stage where we have to find alternate option which replace oil like wind energy, solar energy and some calculative policies by the government otherwise oil prices will be rising in huge amount.Rate this: +8 -1 Ammu said: (Sat, Jan 28, 2012 03:37:31 PM)

I appreciate all of views over here. But I would like throw some light on some facts and figures, like:. 1. Not only central government but also different state govt. In India levy taxes on petroleum products, Karnataka where the oil prices are maximum in country followed by Punjab, Maharashtra. Again some cities in these states are having high charges than there suburbs. Reduction in Octroi duties like what Punjab govt. Did in dec. By some 70 paisa will help to reduce the oil charges. 2. Considering the main problem of hike in oil prices, there are 2 main reasons I think, that are, 1. Consumption of oil all over the world got increase so that the total supply of the oil to overall world is not sufficient, And the prediction is with the current usage ratio of oil, we are going to run out of all oil from world in coming few years. 2. Speculation in the oil market is the another reason, Oil is the most volatile COMMODITY in commodity market on which the prices of other commodities like gold are depended, so we can observe that when festival season like Diwali, Dusshera will be there gold prices will go up and oil prices in the market will come down little bit. 3. Precautionary measurement that most of above are talking about use of public transport instead of private got some drawbacks like poor infra structure, lack of management and coordination between each and every department in govt. Concerns, huge population (which is almost impossible to provide that much supply for the demand of public transportation because of so many reasons lets not deviate from the topic here).

4. Alternatives we can look for this problem are:. 1. Use of Bio fuel (which got the drawback of environment, fertility of land, high pollution etc. ). 2. Use of Solar power (which have drawback of High installation cost, space concerns). 3. Replacement of all RAILWAY diesel engine with the electric carrier engine for long run, which will save tremendous amount of oil, but again have drawback of high replacement cost. 4. Reduction in state octroi charges, but this have a drawback of LOSS in revenue to the state govt. Like Punjab is suffering from loss of almost 100 Cr. Because of reduction in octroi by just 70 paisa. 5. Lastly I just want to say that, govt. As ultimate authority have to develop a policy which will act as golden string by considering all pros and cons, so that govt. As well as citizens will also get benefited.Rate this: +22 -1 Saroj said: (Fri, Jan 27, 2012 10:16:16 PM)

As many of our group member has suggested that govt should impose heavy tax on vehicles. I completely disagree with this solution this action will not decrease the problem instead will increase the problem. As we know and well aware that people transportation in India in any city other than metro is very poor. If govt will increase tax that will definitely create blunders in life of common people. I think the best solution would be to increase the use of resources of renewable source of energy. Like bio diesel. I feel my proud while saying this that our Indian engineers had made technology by which engines can be run on bio diesel that can be prepared by plants which can be planted in barren land also. So no loss of land but yes utilization of waste land. Govt should promote this initiative and make optimum utiliazation of this technology. And secondly thry should provide public transport more comfortable as in the case metro. If people will find a better transport without investing much (i.e. Buying their own vehicles) they definitely go for public transpoort. In this manner if one bus can hold 5o passenger thats means 50 people are moving at the same rate and fuel consumption as one person will travel same distance at the same cost. This wiil reduse the use of oil and hence demand will decrease and so the prices.Rate this: +9 -2 Anurag said: (Thu, Jan 26, 2012 09:53:08 PM)

I think that the main cause of high price of petrol is population. Due to high population their is high consumption of oil, which leads to high price of crude oil. So population is the main cause of this. And according to my view government must impose high taxes on the company which are not making the fuel efficient cars/bikes. Government must imposes high taxes on the person who have more than one vehicle.Rate this: +9 -3 Vemulamounika said: (Wed, Jan 25, 2012 05:31:46 PM)

Hi Friends I think that government is changing the prices of oil for every day whatever it is in pakisthan fuel rate is 45 rs and in all the other countries the other countries also there is very less price as compared to our price but whenever the price is going on rating like this some people use to walk instead of drive its the main advantage of this topic.

Rate this: +6 -11 Nilesh said: (Wed, Jan 25, 2012 12:02:06 PM)

Hello Friends, I agree with your points. But, Problem can solved by using. 1. People should use Public Transportation instead of using private vehicle. 2. Purchase Fuel Efficient Vehicle. 3. Government should provide relief on the taxes. 4. Use Nonrenewable Sources of energy (Solar Energy). 5. Govt. Should made rules-Like person having more than 2&4 wheeler heavy taxes should be imposed or vehicles should be undertaken if consuming more fuel. 6. Govt. Should impose heavy taxes on Automobile industry -if the are not delivering the fuel efficient product. This problem can be solved only when both public & government should take initiative.Rate this: +49 -5 Ajinkya said: (Wed, Jan 25, 2012 12:01:36 PM)

Oil/petrol is one of the most wanted commodity not only in india but in the world and we are one among the highest consumers of oils ..oil as we know is a naturally occuring luquid which is found beneathe the earth surace and unfortunately we have very few oil mostly we import it ie we buy it in $ ...and since the rupee is at the all time low to dollar ...the oil prices seems to be more higher... If we can increase our economy by getting more bizness to india/reducing corruption/encouraging FDI and thereby strengthing the economy our rupee value will be higher against dollar and hence we will have to pay less amount to buy oil thats possibly one way to deal it...but for long term the best possible way is to reduce the population and this can only be achieved by increasing the literacy rate so that ppl can learn abt family planning and cons of having a large family... If we can reduce the population then LESS POPULATION=LESS VEHICLES=LESS USAGE OF OIL=LESS IMPORT=LESS OIL PRICES=HAPPY INDIARate this: +36 -3 Monika said: (Wed, Jan 25, 2012 10:28:23 AM)

Hello everyone. Joining to all the above I would like to say that I don't feel government is doing any crime by increasing the fuel price but I feel its a positive sign of decreasing the consumption rate, as the price increases people should avoid using their personal vehicles for short distance but this is not sufficient from govt side like metro trains as this can cover a long distance in a short while such kind of things should be increased which attracts the public. And also govt should impose heavy taxes on sports bike and other vehicle which are not fuel efficient, as if this are only for show of.

And also being the citizen of India it is our duty to control the consumption of fuel so we to do certain activity such as. 1. We should use common transportation system. 2. For short distance don't use vehicles. 3. Don't waste energy useless.Rate this: +18 -3 Aksh said: (Tue, Jan 24, 2012 10:39:11 AM)

Hello Everyone..I am not fully agreed with the point that govt should implement heavy taxes over vehicles which runs through petrol/ diesel..this is not the solution as it will again impact our growth rate..Gove should implement policy that only family having more than 2 vehicles ( condition on no of family members) have to pay heavy taxes over extra vehicles. As it will lead them to control usage of vehicles.Rate this: +4 -6 Joy said: (Sun, Jan 22, 2012 09:08:27 PM)

We should have reforms in our public transport system so that, it is comfortable and usable by the middle and the upper class people who are actually capable of buying cars. This would discourage them to unnecessarily expend in buying cars. The political parties should direct their followers and supporters to limit their usage of vehicles and probably, make it a point to cancel memberships of those who have more than 2 vehicles. We should invest more in r&d in oil exploration within India, so that we don't have to import oil. We should also give incentives to automobile companies by, maybe onetime tax holiday, who are investing more on fuel efficient technologies.Rate this: +10 -2 Joy said: (Sun, Jan 22, 2012 08:49:03 PM)

We should also act as responsible citizens by, limiting our use of petrol and diesel vehicles. Like for example, 3to 4 colleagues who stay nearby each other make a group and travel to their office together in one of their cars. This would potentially decrease the use of petrol to 1/4th of what would have used earlier. Our government also has a part to play here, as because the prices of petrol and diesel are subsidized by the government, people tend to more waste oil, because they don't have to pay for the amount they are actually using. But, if the prices are totally decontrolled and decided by the market then people would automatically control themselves because they have to bear the total amount which they are using. Another, in our country there is huge import taxes, double taxing the central and state government on oil which essentially doubles the price of oil. The govt. Should decrease the huge import taxes, overlapping taxes so that the prices can decrease by almost 30 to 40 %.

Rate this: +5 -1 Joy said: (Sun, Jan 22, 2012 08:32:26 PM)

First of all, we need to understand that petrol and diesel are very useful natural resources that are being depleted fast due to their indiscriminate usage. In this case the price of oil is increasing because there is a huge demand and very limited supply. So, to decrease its price we have to check the demand for oil by, increasing the usage of alternative energy sources like nuclear, solar etc. And, to stop the wasteful usage of oil, first of all we have to increase awareness among people, because without the general public being aware nothing fruitful can be achieved. Secondly, there should be increase in taxes in the manufacture of petrol and diesel cars whereas imposing very low taxes in cng and electric vehicles so as to give incentive to the use of these type of cars. Most of the time there are not adequate cng pumps etc. So, we have to increase the infrastructure delivering these kind of energy sources.Rate this: +7 -2 Anil Sharma said: (Sun, Jan 22, 2012 02:15:58 PM)

Hello! Everybody, the consumption of oil is increasing strength to strength, it is also dangerous for environment, meanwhile Price of petrol gonna hick day by day, it's very important to control the rates of petrol for future and people have to save the oil. Here are some points that are helpful to deals over high oil prices:-. 1. We should use cycle or go by foot for work under the distance of 1 km. 2. Government should have to implement the heavy tax on vehicle, which runs with petrol or diesel. 3. Government should have to take strict action against family, which having more then 2 vehicles. 4. Railways department have to insure that having all the train runs by electricity. 5. People should not use the heavy two wheeler vehicles like built and Pulsar bikes etc, which consume lots of oil as compare to other two wheeler vehicles. 6. Most important thing is to discus that provides awareness in villages and towns, in which farmer have been using lots of oil for playing water motors in field. They have to use only electricity power to play the water motors in field.Rate this: +9 -6 Mayur Sharma said: (Sat, Jan 21, 2012 05:55:57 PM)

Helo friends a strong appriciation to all the viewers for their strong comments but from my point of view first of all we the peoples must have to know the real value of resources I mean to say that using the resouces wisely, so that we don't need to face the shortage of all. As not a single resouce is avialable unlimited in this world. We can't directly blame to the government but govt should atleast reduce the various extra levied taxes from the fuels instead of making their statues and doing rallies in the states for just their seats. If they try to adjust the fund in this sectors then it will definatly work more for

reducing the high prices of oil.Rate this: +14 -2 Nitesh Agarwal said: (Fri, Jan 20, 2012 04:50:06 PM)

Hello friends ! I appreciate all the views, i'd like to add some point to it. Govt is reponsible to some extents, govt. Fail to encourage alernative resources like solar energy, electric energy If govt send more and more on the crude oil, their expenditure would increase result would be rigorus. So govt should paid attention toward alernative resouces, and make research center for creating and improving renewable source of energy. In coming day, there would be hike in crude oil definitely.Rate this: +7 -0 Shruthi Gopinath said: (Thu, Jan 19, 2012 08:06:46 PM)

Hello Friends!!! I appreciate your comments.. Frnz remember one thing that majority of IT and Industries are dependent on OIL as a major fuel for running the generators, Machines, subsidiary fuel in combustion process etc.. Due to limited amount of Fuel resource we have to buy from other countries.. The Import taxes are too high... Other resources are yet to become feasible in the real time usage.. The best way to crack the problem is "Stop using vehicles to travel just few KMs".. Many of us use vehicles just to go to near by grocery shop.. Do you agree???? And rest of the remedies are as coated by frnz.....Rate this: +11 -1 Pradeep Singh said: (Thu, Jan 19, 2012 12:02:37 AM)

Points given here by the other respective members are true and wholly accceptable,but one point is also to be noticed here that first of all at world trade level the monopoly of crude oil producing countries should be reduced and all the disputes related to this should be solved and all the countries should try to make more and more coordination between them for proper and adequate exchange of international products.Rate this: +5 -5 Namrata Pandit said: (Wed, Jan 18, 2012 08:55:22 AM)

Hello Friends, I agree with your points.But, Problem can solved by using 1.People should use Public Transportation instead of using private vehicle. 2.Purchase Fuel Efficient Vehicle. 3.Government should provide relief on the taxes. 4.Use Nonrenewable Sources of energy(Solar Energy). 5.Govt.should made rules-Like person having more than 2&4 wheeler heavy taxes should be imposed or vehicles should be undertaken if consuming more fuel. 6.Govt.should impose heavy taxes on Automobile industry -if the are not delivering the fuel efficient product. This problem can be solved only when both public & govt. should take initiativeRate this: +43 -5 Devesh Jain said: (Wed, Jan 18, 2012 06:23:13 AM)

Hii everyone

Now a days, high oil price is exacerbating the economic situation of India. It has to be taken care of very carefully. It can be done in following ways. (1)We have to purchase, most of the oil from outside and then many types of taxes on it increase its price. Therefore, we have to distinguish different oil stations here as well as establish a R & D department for it (2)Govt. has to provide subsidies (without any interruption) on it (3)It has been noticed that when any calamity takes place, then we find no option to overcome it. Like Burning of oil tanks in Jaipur. Therefore, we have to be aware of it in advance. (4)Like developed countries, we have to make some extra storage for oil that will be useful in rate fluctuation time These are the few methods to handle or to deal with HIGH OIL PRICERate this: +20 -2 Amit said: (Tue, Jan 17, 2012 08:45:34 PM)

Hello friends. First of all I want to say that our government should reduce the tax from the oil price, in Bangladesh the oil price is 45rs. & in Afghanistan it is 26 only. The difference of prices between our country the only reason is tax of the petrol price. We Indians should reduces buying cars & bikes. We should use the bike like yo bike which is run by the charge of battery & the cars which is run by lpg gas. Now many lpg cars are available in India.Rate this: +13 -2 Mthu Mazumdar said: (Tue, Jan 17, 2012 01:39:30 PM)

I agree with the view from our fellow mates but I would like to put some light on the context that today oil is the main resource of a country and the price rice in oil indicates that we are legging behind in terms of inflation. Inflation puts the common man to think many times before buying something. It indicates that our resource is depliting day by day and we are dependin on other countries. It is an alarming sign that we should think about our nature. We should minimise the use of non renewable source of energy and should start think about other alternatives.Rate this: +3 -3 Ankit said: (Tue, Jan 17, 2012 01:01:05 AM)

The rising oil prices is the indication of how fast this natural resource is depleting.Since it is a natural resource so only nature can replenish it.And the rate of replenishment is far far less than than the rate of increasing demand of this growing population.So its impossible to decrease the oil prices.Say,if by some means govt. will be able to control this price rise.Then this control will be for very short time as the availability of the oil keeps on decreasing.So its better to switch onto another source of energy quickly for a better future.Rate this: +23 -0 Pankaj said: (Mon, Jan 16, 2012 04:32:19 PM)

After going through all the above points i would like to say that first we need to focus on the

areas in which the there is more of oil consumption. 1. Telecommunication sector- consuming about 25% of oil 2. Railway- consuming about 25% of oil 3. in industries like Coal india to drive big trucks and cranes and in many other industrial sector25% 4. public transport- 12% 5. private transport- 15% If we closely look at the various sections in which the oil is being used then the following solutions can be suggested: 1. Find alternative for tower generators as there a lot of oil is being used. 2. switching to electric engines slowly and try to find out solution for quick start and stop of engines as there is wasted a huge quantity of oil even when the rail is not moving 3. closely monitoring the use of oil in big machinery and replacing the old & outdated machines as they consume more of oil. 4. use of public transport more and find out alternative of oil for running them. 5. making the govt. run transportation syatem better so that more of public starts travelling in them, this will also reduce the traffic problem so oil wastage at traffic signals can be controlled 6. govt. should take that onle those vehicles should be run who are in good fuel efficient condition. 7. And last but most important a positive and honest approach by the Government towards finding a solution to this and doing their job properly.Rate this: +43 -1 Andy said: (Sun, Jan 15, 2012 11:42:20 PM)

Good evening everyone. Petrol prices are increasing instantly in India and people are not aware of that. What ever the cost the people are ready to afford it. To reduce the total no. Of vehicles in India the goverment has to do two things. 1. The countries like NZ have a set of exams to get their both 2&4 wheelers so people will not be able to get their license easier. But if we look India only one month of training and people will get their licence. Indian goverment must take a strict action on getting license. 2. The bank loan for buying cars should be cancelled, this is the reason for lot of vehicles on road. If these two happens in future no. Of vehicles can be reduced.Rate this: +11 -25 Rakshit Sharma said: (Sun, Jan 15, 2012 09:11:33 PM)

With Shining India emerging as a developing leader, it has to meet its energy requirements for its development needs. Its unfortunate that we are importing around 75% of our fuel requirements from abroad and this has made it vulnerable to international price fluctuations. I propose that India can handle the High oil prices with some corrective measures : 1. Like US it needs to build an inventory to store the crude so that in times of high fluctuations, it has its own inhouse storage to cater to the needs. So capacity building should be devloped.

2.Providing subsidies is more of a political decision than economic and is therefore bound to be driven by our country's politics. We should in fact provide amber room subsidies to provide support system for other sources of energy. 3. Reducing cess taxes and other intra state taxes will surely help in benefitting the OMC's and other upstream companies. 4. We should reduce our dependence on international markets by developing R&D for E&P operations, considering we still have only 2 major oil & gas fields in our country. 5. Switching over to other renewable energies is the need of the hour, & govt can provide incentives for technology development & innovations in this field for eg. the Jawahar Lal Nehru SOlar Mission. 6.In calculating the oil prices, the contribution of Import parity price is still high. It should be a balanced contribution of Import & Export parity price in APM.Rate this: +12 -2 Ganesh said: (Sun, Jan 15, 2012 03:27:56 PM)

How to deal with high oil prices is very good topic for discussion. Firstly we have to understand what are reason for increase in oil prices &these are. 1. Before some days govt make the libral policy for the oil prices i.e. according to international market the price fluctuation can be done. 2. Much more use of personal vehicle. 3. Various political interference. 4. Increase the demand of petrol because increase the per capita income of people. These are the different reason. But we have to identify the economical measures to maintain or to reduce the oil prices & these are. 1. Use of public transport vehicle. 2. When you have to go for long root then & then only use the your private vehicle. 3. Indentify and use the alternative source for oil like electric/solar vehicles. 4. Make awareness in the mind of people about petrol consumption.Rate this: +4 -1 Jatin said: (Sat, Jan 14, 2012 01:41:40 PM)

These are the points which come to my mind when I hear about the issue of oil prices:

1) Government is continuously increasing the cost of petrol and saying that it is the oil companies which decide the rates of petrol but many oil companies refute the explanation. So, its just another way of the government to run away from a problem to which they dont have any solution. 2) The prices of petrol are increasing even though the international prices of oil are not increasing at the same rate. The present oil prices have reduced to $98.7 per barrel which turns out to be roughly Rs 42/litre in the international market. And we get it for more than Rs.65/litre.So once again it is not the international trends which are being followed here. 3) Many countries like Singapore, China have imposed heavy taxes if one wants to buy more than one vehicle. I think it is a good solution to control the no. of vehicles on the road. Also, reducing the duties on oil is the best way to wear out the burden on common man. Combining the above 2 solutions will lead to reduction of prices as well as keep the revenues generating for the government.Rate this: +7 -6 Kaustubh said: (Fri, Jan 13, 2012 10:10:48 AM)

I appreciate all of views over here. But I would like throw some light on some facts and figures, like:. 1. Not only central government but also different state govt. In India levy taxes on petroleum products, Karnataka where the oil prices are maximum in country followed by Punjab, Maharashtra. Again some cities in these states are having high charges than there suburbs. Reduction in Octroi duties like what Punjab govt. Did in dec. By some 70 paisa will help to reduce the oil charges. 2. Considering the main problem of hike in oil prices, there are 2 main reasons I think, that are, 1. Consumption of oil all over the world got increase so that the total supply of the oil to overall world is not sufficient, And the prediction is with the current usage ratio of oil, we are going to run out of all oil from world in coming few years. 2. Speculation in the oil market is the another reason, Oil is the most volatile COMMODITY in commodity market on which the prices of other commodities like gold are depended, so we can observe that when festival season like Diwali, Dusshera will be there gold prices will go up and oil prices in the market will come down little bit. 3. Precautionary measurement that most of above are talking about use of public transport instead of private got some drawbacks like poor infra structure, lack of management and coordination between each and every department in govt. Concerns, huge population (which is almost impossible to provide that much supply for the demand of public transportation because of so many reasons lets not deviate from the topic here). 4. Alternatives we can look for this problem are:. 1. Use of Bio fuel (which got the drawback of environment, fertility of land, high pollution etc. ).

2. Use of Solar power (which have drawback of High installation cost, space concerns). 3. Replacement of all RAILWAY diesel engine with the electric carrier engine for long run, which will save tremendous amount of oil, but again have drawback of high replacement cost. 4. Reduction in state octroi charges, but this have a drawback of LOSS in revenue to the state govt. Like Punjab is suffering from loss of almost 100 Cr. Because of reduction in octroi by just 70 paisa. 5. Lastly I just want to say that, govt. As ultimate authority have to develop a policy which will act as golden string by considering all pros and cons, so that govt. As well as citizens will also get benefited.Rate this: +22 -3 James said: (Fri, Jan 13, 2012 01:42:02 AM)

1) Use of "Yo bikes" that came in the markets 3-4 years back as we cannot negotiate with our daily work. 2)A long time back their was a news that said that a person has invented a fuel which was made out of leaves which contributed nothing to the pollution. Plans can be made to use that leaves for mass consumption since it is eco-friendly. 3)Conservation of energy resources and use of alternatives. 4)Strict guidelines by govt. not to keep more than 2 vehicles in a middle class family and 3 in case of upper class family. 5)Less use of vehicles for leisure purpose than Important work. i.e officeRate this: +5 -1 Avishek Sengupta said: (Thu, Jan 12, 2012 10:59:12 AM)

I respect all of your views. I think that oil price increase beacause of hike in price in internatinoal market. As except mumbai high and few other place in India there is not much resource of petrolium in india, We have to brought oil from middle east countries like irak, iran, araab. And the price depends on them and international issues. So there is only two path to decrease the price I thnk-. 1. By decreasing the consumption of fuel. Using public vehicle, or cycle for short distances, turning of car in traffic. 2. The other way is giving subsidy. Though subsidy doesnt increase economic power, But decrasing tax on petrolium products can solve the problem. I am giving another solution--we know the today petrolium price is around 70 rs. And around 35 is tax but sess tax, state tax, national tax etc. If govt decrase tax from this. Then they don't hav to subside the money also. This will nullify the effect and decrase the price. For example is govt get 70000 cr from diesel every year. And subsidize 500000 cr for petrol products. If they decrease the tax to 20000cr. Then the price of petrol will decrease and their will be no need to subsidize too. Do you support me?Rate this: +16 -2

Kubbe said: (Wed, Jan 11, 2012 08:36:45 PM)

I think there are few steps that we have to follow to deal with high oil prices are 1. We have to depend upon the public transport instead of our own vehicles. Government should have to provide better transport facility, infrastructure of the buses, trains, etc. 2. People who work in same organization must have to give lift to others persons of their organization instead of going single in their vehicle. In this way they will earn some money, and increase their friends. They will not fell loneliness. 3. We have to use cng, electric and solar energy to run our vehicles. We have to install solar panel on our houses, although initial investment is high, but they have life time validity. 4. We have to construct green building. 5. We have to depend upon nuclear energy.Rate this: +7 -6 Bhumika Sharma said: (Tue, Jan 10, 2012 12:13:20 PM)

Hi all. According to me its not the govt only who shoud be blamed but also the citizens cuz they are not using their personal vehicals in the right manner. They need to understand that luxury dosent come by having own vehicals but by having a positive attitude towards environment as it will give inner pleasure by which we will feel as if we are having all the luxuries therefore we should concentrate on saving our environment by using ecofriendly things.Rate this: +24 -10 Alpesh said: (Mon, Jan 9, 2012 08:08:12 PM)

For the increase of price of petrol there are many reason. First is the political. Due to the political party, there are different price in different state of country. There are also available many reason for increase price of oil. One can consider about the uncertain use of petroleum oil, For example any reach or middle class person who use their own vehicle for only exited but they will have to do their exited only one day in one weak instead of everyday then oil will be saved. Another issue is that government will have to increase the number of vehicle running on the same root, because currently there are less number of vehicle running on the root so that public are think about to go in own vehicle to save the time and and find proper seating arrangement. Last one is each person of the world not only one region, would have to think about the future.Rate this: +6 -4 Banu said: (Mon, Jan 9, 2012 07:54:28 PM)

Ya, I agreed above point, only solution for reducing pollution that to use vehicle when this needed. The young people use vehicle unwanted period. This will cause for increasing pollution and wastage of fuel. All are responsible for every reaction in the world. Nobody not to escape from this so to use public transport how much its possible.Rate this: +2 -6 Bhargav said: (Sun, Jan 8, 2012 09:54:56 PM)

I put forward your views friends and I would like add some points to your views, we are having high oil prices since we are depending much on oil for many purposes, I think we have to reduce our dependency on oil by using alternatives. More young engineers must work dedicatively by taking it as a challenge for exploring alternatvies which are economic, less polluting, easily available and government should encourage such projects by giving financial and moral support. According to my view it more difficult to control the nuclear families who are buying 3 vehicles per family than to explore alternatives. Using public vehicles is a very good idea but oil is nonrenewable and is consumpted at a faster rate. So one fine day we have to think about alternatives.Rate this: +28 -3 Lohitha said: (Sat, Jan 7, 2012 11:43:40 PM)

According to my view just blaming the government is not correct because it is not responsible for the hiking prices of oil. We are importing it from other countries as we have no sufficient amout of oil in our country and another main reason is among 10 people 8 are using the vehicles which runs on petrol this leads to the deficiency of petrol in the country and making its price more. So the people must use the public transportation services rather than the private vehicles.Rate this: +18 -12 Ritika said: (Fri, Jan 6, 2012 10:58:24 PM)

Hey friends I agree with your points that the solution of this problem only through avoiding the greater use of motor vehicles for near distances. Less use of motor vehicle also reduces the expenditure of the human being which he use in oil and deisel for their vehicle. The best way to use cycle because it is good exercise for human being and it also reduces the expenditure. Less use of vehicle also contributes in global and environment warmingn it saves our money as well. We also inspire others by using cycle fr nearer distances. This can be possible through YOU, I, WE supports.Rate this: +28 -9 Deeksha Verma said: (Fri, Jan 6, 2012 12:43:52 PM)

Hello friends, am agree with ma some friends that in each family even in nuclear family have minimum 2, 3 vehicles and every one use own vehicles individually if we understand our responsibility and if possible use 1 vehicles in each family this help us to consume more fuel and we are notice not notice we all are do this that when traffic stop we are not stop our vehicles I known traffic stop for only 2 to 5 minutes but consume fuel point of views its a lot wastage of fuel if we all are do this we consume a lot fuel and last but not least for short distance as much as possible we try to go by walk or by cycle seriously if we all are supporting together we preserve a fuel for future generation.Rate this: +9 -13 Ravinderreddyk said: (Thu, Jan 5, 2012 10:16:15 PM)

Hi friends, Thanks for your opinion on "How to Deal with High Oil Prices". I have so many solutions 1>- we use cycle for short distance.Due to can save fuel and we can get energy. 2>-We don't blame government because currently govt focused on public transport with limited charges.we use traveling for buses,trains and private vehicle(based on situation). Currently we are importing fuel from other countries.Because now a days increase the population.

3>-Now a days middle class family(Luxury Life for) also maintain cars,bikes....... we are coping every thing from foreign culture.we don't make it.Other countries should follow our culture. 4>-If we use fuel vehicle pollution also increase.we should face so many problems. So if we want deal high oil prices we must use public vehicle and we don't use private vehicles.we must give most preference to public vehicles.Urgent situation time we should use private vehicles.Rate this: +10 -6 Devashis said: (Thu, Jan 5, 2012 08:02:56 PM)

Well I can think of only one solution, the country should find an alternate to oil, if would be wrong to accuse the government as we have 80%of our oil imports from abroad, R&D should be funded on electric vehicles. So that we will avail green technology and shun dependence on oil rich countries. Saving more dollars and thus having a steady rupee value against dollar.Rate this: +23 -3 Avijit Mondal said: (Thu, Jan 5, 2012 12:44:13 AM)

Hi friends, i respect all of your point of view. oil price are increasing rappidly day by day we all are saying that but we can't find the solution . every time we the people blame each other and govt. also in any matter. it's the time to know our responsibility use of fuel and to think how to solve this serious problem not to blame each other. General people can do --> Proper maintanance of vehicle so that it consume les fuel. Use of cycle for short distance. Reduce the unnecessary use of private vehicles. Govt. can do --> Maximize use of public vehicle and think about the general people.Rate this: +17 -4 Divya said: (Wed, Jan 4, 2012 04:12:26 PM)

Hi friends, In my point of view rise in price of fuel is mainly due to the increase in number of vehicles. Nowadays even in nuclear family they will be having 2 or 3 vehicles. Due to this consumption of fuel increased rapidly and that lead to increase in price. According to my point of view, I suggest a remedy to reduce the consumption of fuel by reducing the number of private vehicles, and encouraging public transport. Also it is prefarable to use electric cars and bikes. So lets take an oath that we do not exploit fuel and preserve it for the future generation.Rate this: +17 -3 Anish Gulati said: (Tue, Jan 3, 2012 12:26:26 PM)

Most of the post below says that government charges high taxes on the fuel import. Well I don't mind paying the taxes if those are being used for developing, Government should use those money to build a public transport infrastructure which would benefit all the middle

class population but apart from Delhi metro we do not see much good being done in that area. So my point if you charge high taxes and want people to use public transport then please create a better public transport environment/system.Rate this: +11 -7 Srikanth said: (Tue, Jan 3, 2012 10:56:36 AM)

Thank you for sharing your great ideas about the oil prices..! In my point of view oil prices are reached highly due to less production in our country.If you see the other countries production of oil is high,and every time we have to import huge amount of oil leads to keep the additional taxes on actual price of oil per liter. People think that govt frequently increases oil prices and that point ensure that because govt fail to show the why this oil prices is increasing..? On other govt should provide general awareness regarding usage of oil prices.Rate this: +11 -10 Sumit Nandi said: (Tue, Jan 3, 2012 12:40:55 AM)

Exactly. I must aggree wit my dear frnd raghav. But it's not enough for thissss perticular topic. Prisses of oil/ petrol are rising randamly we sould not totaly blam to our government for this. At fist we must concious about what we have done. What we can did if we are taking place of govrnment. At first we should pay more atention to the remidies rather to blame the goverment. Like. Government should take action for the devlopment of subsitude of fuel like solar energy, hydro energy, wind energy. As we no that their is already exist electrics cars solar motar bikes in Indian market but not in that proper models that's satisfying companies revinue. So, government should corncern more about this and make some restriction over their like the word limitation. Frends the companies are not taking that much of intrest til now to make vhicals which exsits without fuiels because pepole not give that much of interest to by this type of models and obviasly the prises. A companies who make electrics cars or solar bikes if they take that much of faith that people must give interest to buy then slowly an gradualy there production is increase and there profit percentage will be increases and they produced good modeles in low price as they can. So, government should take action as soon possible to release less vehicals of fuils and companies should take much concentrate to made electrics or solar good models vhicals in a disirabale prise. That also save planet to globalization.Rate this: +9 -4 Amrit said: (Mon, Jan 2, 2012 09:20:28 PM)

I think oil exporting companies have to use technology which is much in advance for thier production. Many companies use year old method of producing oil which adds to oil price ultimately. India must have wide nos of oil companies which can only be done by giving various incentives, tax exemption to the companies owners. By that 60 % production of oil will be increased and we will not have to depend on opec for oil. Lastly people of India should now change their life style and reduce their comfortness by accepting public transport and not using personal cars/bikes for sceduled journey.

Rate this: +6 -1 Mehul said: (Fri, Dec 30, 2011 01:53:47 PM)

Dear Friends If we look at the topic it reads "How to deal with high fuel prices". Here the first thing that we need to understand is whether the Oil price is in our control, If not why. Say we export and the exporting coutries(GULF) decide on price. Oil exploration in India can be encouraged. Provision of Subsidy in many cases is less used and more abused. This fund can be diverted to encourage oil exploration in India. Industries like Reliance and others could be encouraged. Second way of looking at the problem would be to look for alternative fuels like CNG, Hydro, Solar etc which is already discussed, however I am surprised that the Bio-Desiel has not been taken into account. The fuel is wasted because of traffic congestion and frequent breakers. The infrastructure facility in terms of By-Pass, Service Lanes, Flyovers etc can be developed. Speed limits could be defined on certain long routes so as to control traffic effectively. Need for fuel efficient vehicles as compared to high horse power vehicles which consume more fuel per km. Eg Splender/Boxer Vs Yamaha/CBZ etc Number of vehicles per family can be controlled. Diesel cars/Private vehicles should be banned. The fuel should be utilised only for road transport/public transport. Last but not the least, use of bicycles can be encouraged by adequate awards/recognition through District collector/State/Central bodies etc.Rate this: +47 -10 Jaydev Paul said: (Fri, Dec 30, 2011 10:25:47 AM)

From my point of view, I think that high oil price may be deal as follows. 1>if govt encourage and focus on public transport. 2>Unnecessary use of vehicle, young boys are use bikes unnecessary. It is seems that in a family vehicle no is grater than family member no. 3>If we use cycle instead of vehicle for a small distance, high oil price may be deal.Rate this: +18 -7 Nisha said: (Thu, Dec 29, 2011 06:16:09 PM)

Hi friends,

Oil price are rising continuosly, we all are saying that but the solution is we are own. We have to utilise the public transport as many time possible. We can avoid to use vehicle where we can go buy walking. But we all are in hurry so we are trying to do the as fast as possible. By using less our own vehicle we can save the environment and global warming also. Cycle is the best option for that but it affect the status, but if we start to use it for short distance we are saving money of ourselves and lot of things to others also. If we start then we can become inspiration to others also. Oil companies are increasing the price but government has to do something for public transport. Everything is become successful when You, WE and I support it.Rate this: +13 -1 Aravind Kumar.S said: (Wed, Dec 28, 2011 04:30:16 PM)

Hello friends I agreed wit your points, increased number of vehicles is a sign of advancement so we could not blame on that, at the same time we should look for alternate fuel source, that should not be a carbon compound, instead of that we can go for solar power, we cam produce electricity from solar energy, so we can go for electric vehicles which can equally compete with petroleum vehicles in performance, solar energy is a green energy and also renewable.Rate this: +16 -2 Dharmnendra Sharma said: (Wed, Dec 28, 2011 02:37:23 PM)

Sorry Niharika but I am not agree with you, saving petrol is not the solution of the problem. Without using your vehicle how would you execute your daily routine jobs. How company run. How you travel, how machinery will work, you are blaming to the people that we are using excess petrol. For some instance you are right but for a large picture this is not a proper solution. We need to see other option like hydro fuel and solar power or any other option which we do not aware of that. We have to adopt other energy solution. Todays technology can do it. Govt should take strong imitative for encouraging Science and Technologies in large scale as this a big issue to our country.Rate this: +11 -1 Sachin said: (Wed, Dec 28, 2011 01:50:24 PM)

Hello friends, * as we know we copy the each term of western culture, with this we r footstepping with same as them as we r going to reduce the usage of public transportation and using a single vehicle for each. we can share the petrol price with our friend going on same root. * the another thing can added that we indians r not so much concious about the maintenance of vehicle. we use the same vehicle for more than 10- 15 yrs that increases fuel consumption. * the hybrid vehicles r not so much used in india. the thing may be noted that these r not som much popular among us.Rate this: +6 -1 Karan Uppal said: (Wed, Dec 28, 2011 01:10:18 PM)

Hello everyone... While this question is bothering every individual today... every one is upset with what the govt.

of India is doing in this matter... I strongly support that govt should form some concrete policies which should be followed by all citizens.. some of which are... (1)Government should encourage public transport and should give some incentives to the people who are using it... (2) Government should try to focus its investment in creating high end infrastructure in Public transport... i am from Ahmedabad.. If you have been here you can see the BRTS busses...It is the best public transport system among all states in INDIA.. All thanks to Mr. Narendra Modi for such Initiatives..... All states should try to build such public transport system.... (3) Apart from Public transport, government should alloacate a lot of money for building non oil products for transportation... eg CNG, Electricity.... (4) Money should also be allocated for intensive research and development.... If all these points are seriously taken care of during planning, I am sure that we can make our commuting worries aside and oil prices will also get reduced.... Thank YouRate this: +15 -0 Niharika said: (Tue, Dec 27, 2011 10:13:42 PM)

Hii. Well I m mostly agred with your points. Yes it is we who, who have to look after our consumption of petrol;instead of blaming to the goverment it is we who has to take the steap foward to use less vehciles it'll not onl;y save the petrol but also controll over the pollution. We are the people who made the rise in the price, its not the goverment, . Instead of showing of and of having 3 vehicles at honme and using one individually we can al2gether use one in all times, petrol can be saved in same various ways.Rate this: +8 -1 Rohit said: (Tue, Dec 27, 2011 07:39:27 PM)

Hello friend I m not a professional in this field but I collect many views from other about government, population, corruption etc but now I am on decision. I agree population of India consume very huge amount of petrol deseal but if if we will control our population then it will take lots of time and natural's resorses will be finish so it is not a option for us. About government in India have not proper oil resorses for Indian population consumption. Government is helpless, have to import from other contrary so price is not in our hands government can little decrease but not effective for future planning. If we forget these things and work like a other developed country work on natural resorses think about soler energy use public transport some time when not necessary work. Government should take decision promote soler energy invest budget on wind energy soler energy and public should also sport.

Rate this: +12 -2 Deepu said: (Sun, Dec 25, 2011 12:52:29 PM)

Of course I agree all these answers somewhat, friends. See in other countries the cost of traveling expenses are very low, though everyone in developed countries have their own vehicles like cars. They don't prefer to take them out. Here traveling expenses like bus charges, train charges, cab hiring rates and taxes on them are very low, so that this ultimately leads to less usage of petrol, in my view most of the petrol can be misused by our personal activities, so I suggest that govt has to take a privilege step by reducing charges of travelings and their taxes, of course each individual has an important part to make success of this idea.Rate this: +14 -6 Nagendra said: (Sun, Dec 25, 2011 08:34:23 AM)

Well, to deal with this kinda factors what we primarily need is an individual contribution and attention. Everybody knows that the main reason for drastic and regular hike of oil prices is due to Indian economy, imbalanced economic status and corrupted plotics. To come over it, either there should be a revolution or people should fight against the government and corruption. Certainly its going to be one of the debating topic if we have to continue talking about it but to end it here what I would like to say is, be aware of what should be the actual price of oil in the market and what extra money we are paying.Rate this: +19 -4 Dharmendra Sharma said: (Sat, Dec 24, 2011 05:55:15 PM)

Hmmmmm oil prices !! oil can not be produced and we are exploiting it very fast. as we are developing we can not compromise with energy. we need fuel to run our vehicle, moter bikes gen sets and many more things. Now the question arises if the crude price rise more like 200 usd per barrel that what !! than we will think of alternative. Every thing have alternative but we need to find them and get use in daily life. In this govt can play a majer role. they can promote electric bikes, cars without custom duty in india. Can ask for private player to act in this field also. Can develop metro net in every town. to Make solar power mandatory to every citizen so that the electricity made from coal can be reduced.Rate this: +7 -2 Heten said: (Thu, Dec 22, 2011 08:59:09 PM)

We deifinitely have to find alternative sources of energy.The petrol prices for example are rising day by day.3 yrs back the same qty of petrol could be bought for half the price.Secondly ,withe the middle easr crisis,such uncertain events can skyrocket the proce off petrol. Thus the goverment of India should invest into othe types of power staions such as hydroelectric,wind energy etc.This would reduce our dependence on other countries in the long run ,aslo save or country foreign exchange .Thus it is high time this steps should be takenRate this: +9 -2 Sameer said: (Tue, Dec 20, 2011 04:34:02 PM)

Government as well as the private sector should try at both individual levels to find alternative source of energy. India being a tropical country is blessed with ample sunlight and rainfall in different regions. Measures should be taken to utilize full geographical benifits. Wind energy power station plants must be developed on western and eastern ghats, vindhyachals and aravali. The central part of India is well exposed to heavy sunlight hence solar energy power stations must be setup in these zones. We have good network of rivers and dams hence hydroelectric power stations can be set up in various river basins. Being an agricultural based economy, we have lots of crop waste which can be used for biomass production. Though it is true that we cannot replace petrol completely but efforts must be taken to minimize its utilization which would ultimately result in reducing pricehikes of petrol. All these measures seems to be hypothetical to hear but we have no option rather than depending completely on other nations for our energy demand who can easily handicapped us during crutial times.Rate this: +51 -11 Mohan Rao said: (Sun, Dec 18, 2011 05:50:29 PM)

Petrol by its nature has the most inelastic demand so in a country like India where the fiscal deficit is high the government will try its best to increase its revenues by imposing taxes on this commodity. Higher the inelasticity of demand higher could be the revenue from taxes. But economics has solution for its problem in its problem too. It is equally true that because of rise in prices efforts have been channeled in order to create alternative energy options and reduce the unit consumption. With rise in prices, in the long run the demand tends to become elastic. So the demand will succumb to price rises but progresses are slow in this respect but eventually it will happen that man's banking on crude oil will decrease.Rate this: +10 -6 Snehlata Kureel said: (Sun, Dec 18, 2011 03:15:11 PM)

Oil is realy an important resource for an Indian population. With an increase in petrol prices people are moving more towards diesel vehicles and in the present scenario no. Of diesel vehicle are more in use than petrol though diesel are also affeecting through its prices to the the people. To ovecome the high oil prices people should use this resource carefully. Govt. Should provide this resources at subsidized rate but not in free so that people should understand the real value of this resource. Secondly, people should be made aware of this resource especially in the rural areas as the farmers are not well aware.Rate this: +10 -18 Joydeep said: (Sat, Dec 17, 2011 07:50:12 PM)

Oil is definitely something where India has to be dependent on other country. We have vehicle manufacturing companies but not enough oil to drive those vehicles. What Tata, Mahindra, Bajaj and other light and heavy vehicle companies will do when there will be no oil or people wont carry their vehicle because of high demand of petrol or price issue?

India should start thinking out of box now. India is investing huge on Research and development but how many future product we have? We definitely need to take some aggressive step to save our next generation. One cannot stop fuel price hike, slowly the resource will get empty and demand will be more, its quite natural. A good Invention can save us, like a solar car. We need to utilize the available resource what we have instate of depending on non available fuel. Debate on fuel hike issue will not give a permanent solution, it's only Invention what can give a smile to every ones face.Rate this: +33 -3 Junaid Ali said: (Sat, Dec 17, 2011 07:49:01 PM)

I think that unnecessary use of vehicles should be avoided specially by youths most of the youths having bikes with them unnecessarily roam here and there ant second thing is that behind every minister there are unnecessary people wasting these usefull resources so if we avoid these type of activities we can save a lot of fuel.Rate this: +20 -8 Rizwan(Hyd) said: (Sat, Dec 17, 2011 12:10:30 AM)

Oil/petrol is one of the most wanted commodity not only in india but in the world and we are one among the highest consumers of oils ..oil as we know is a naturally occuring luquid which is found beneathe the earth surace and unfortunately we have very few oil mostly we import it ie we buy it in $ ...and since the rupee is at the all time low to dollar ...the oil prices seems to be more higher... If we can increase our economy by getting more bizness to india/reducing corruption/encouraging FDI and thereby strengthing the economy our rupee value will be higher against dollar and hence we will have to pay less amount to buy oil thats possibly one way to deal it...but for long term the best possible way is to reduce the population and this can only be achieved by increasing the literacy rate so that ppl can learn abt family planning and cons of having a large family... If we can reduce the population then LESS POPULATION=LESS VEHICLES=LESS USAGE OF OIL=LESS IMPORT=LESS OIL PRICES=HAPPY INDIARate this: +72 -4 Sheveta Verma said: (Fri, Dec 16, 2011 07:26:11 PM)

Oil , the pivotal, the essential fuel commodity vitally used in vehicles and is the result of the fractional distillation of petrol . The Main Reasons :1) Hefty , Robust consumption i.e the rigid demand but the poor production , the supply. Even I read in Business Times that Reliance oil exploration has been hit adversely. 2) Weakening of rupee . The Dollars have escalated to 52.4, that means imported duties will elevate and we have to fork out , shell out quite a substantial amount while purchasing fuels , oil, petrol, crude oil from foreign counties . If we are paying more that we will be selling in more.

3) TAX - If our very own country is going through a rough patch i.e. through a period of fiscal deficit and there are no reserves that what will our government do - Increase the tax in budget on Cigarattes, petrol, diesel, crude oil, fuels etc. 4) Corruption - In the sense they have to fulfill their own pocket by inflating the cost of the basic commodities which run our daily lives. Measures 1) Mergers with oil corporations , more Oil Manufactures and latest technologies should be used to explore oil , the area should be widen. The production should not be affected . 2) Substituent but if only oil is mandatory or else required not any another crude oil. All vehicles are operated on the basis of oil as it emits , exudes slipperiness which is essential in the operation of Internal and external combustion engines.Rate this: +21 -4 Sandeep said: (Fri, Dec 16, 2011 04:04:29 PM)

Hi friends we discuss about how to deal with high oil prices, some of the points I have shared with you that the continous rise in the price of oil are today each and every people have their own vichels and they waste the oil very useless way. We cannot blame that government play politics game in rise of prices. According to me it is the positive thinking that government wants to reduce the consumption of oil so that we can save oil for future use and it is also for the next generation, so the people of each country should be a part of it.Rate this: +11 -4 Yogesh Patil said: (Fri, Dec 16, 2011 12:55:00 PM)

Well friends the question is how to deal with oil prices. So we should think about in two parts. One is at national level and another is at international level. At national level we should explore the new sources of fuel. These are CNG, bio diesel, jatropa planting, exploration of new oil fields and use of electricity power driven vehicles. As we have recently concluded the nuclear pact with US and have also received the supply of nuclear fuel for civil purposes we should create the infrastructure for gaining more elect out of nuclear reactors and enhance the use of metros in city on the line of Delhi Metro. The reason for hike in oil price is increasing demand of oil and shortage of crude oil in internation market. Though the govt is giving a heavy subsidy on oil but it is not sufficeint. So we should control our needs and try to accommodate in publice transport. Here govt should ensure that quality public transport is provided and must cost less to the consumers comparing in using their own vehicle. The point of exice duty 55% in India and 20% is also agreed to. But we must understand that US has full access on oil fields in west Asia and they are a lot of reserves. That's why they have less exice duty though thier demand and consumption is much thigher that out country. It is not quite easy to control the crude oil prices since many developing countires are on path of being developed. So we should look at our needs and expediture and look for alternative source of fuel to avoid any crunch situation in future. At international level the world leaders should think about the increase demand of crude oil and its consumption. The oil fields must be properly explored but it should also be think that when the oil is being used as fuel it is increasing the green house effect and causing pollution. So elect

must be developed as alternative source of crude oil and subsidy be given to developing countires so that common people are not affected.Rate this: +7 -3 Vvv said: (Thu, Dec 15, 2011 11:07:40 PM)

Hi friends,I am fully appreciate with you guys that,natural oil should be saved as this one the valuable fuel in daily life & need to utilize this natural resources productively. 1.Special care shall be taken for oil carrying vehicles,vessels in the sea,so that oil shall not be wasted in accidents as happened in past.there were plenty of accidents happened with oil carrying vessels in the sea due to which millions tons of oil was wasted in the sea. 2.we shall make use of technology that some equipment shall work on electric or solar power instead of oil fuel.Rate this: +16 -3 Suresh Bhoi said: (Thu, Dec 15, 2011 07:52:59 PM)

My dear friends as we know that the world economy is mainly based on the oil price in this decade, that is why all developed economy like usa and uk etc are trying to get the maximum share of the oil produced by the gulf countries, due to this competition in the global cenario the price of oil is rising globally but as we are still a developing economy so we have to deal with the price rise of oil locally, so what we can do to reduce the consumption is as follows. 1) we can use the govt communication system like trail, bushes, taxis instead of private owned. 2) unnacessory westage of oil by travelling small distence by vehicles can be stopped. 3) govt can provide better services in the busy citis. 4) cng can be used instead of oil. 5) and most important is the resoure panning by the govt.Rate this: +11 -4 Rajan said: (Thu, Dec 15, 2011 05:32:35 PM)

Hai, I would like to share some points. High rate of oil is because of three reasons. 1. Whatever may be the rules of the government, though the prices have been increased still the demand for oil is in same stage, if tax is the reason then after rising prices why still no change in the quantity of usage. 2. Then we peoples are not ready to use government vehicles, we need private vehicles because of our urgency in work. 3. Corruption, tax.

So, these three should be avoided, though corruption cannot be vanished in one day, we should do, whatever we can to our country. If this thought came to every people we can overcome the oil prices.Rate this: +7 -1 Ganga said: (Thu, Dec 15, 2011 11:58:34 AM)

Hi, good morning to every one gathered here. There is nothing to doubt to get hike price in petrol because we were one of the reason for the peak rate of the oil. Nowadays you people using separate vehicle for their own need. Each vehicle needs oil. We well known that there was less in production but using lot of oil. One solution was avail for us we have to use common transport to go anywhere. To asure that less usage of oil. The train transport woult make it possible. It will same time too, very rapid, less cost, can reach fast at our desire place. Oil price might be low.Rate this: +4 -6 Sneha said: (Wed, Dec 14, 2011 10:00:44 PM)

In my opinion gov. is responsible for raising petrol prices in india as it offered 70% tax on imported oil price due to which common people are we seen in the current scenario inflation rate is increasing due to depletion of natural resources as we see that demand is more and supply is less in the nation like india which is touching the population of approx. 1.2 my fnd above mentioned about our neighbouring countries petrol price in that i would like to add that there population is far less in comparison to ours as well as they are muslim dominated countries so, they easily get fuel and petrol from south eastern countries in cheap rates,atlast i would like to recomend that gov.should take strict actions against petrol price so, that common man survive.Rate this: +11 -4 Bhupendra said: (Wed, Dec 14, 2011 09:24:00 PM)

Main problem is not the goverment or oil companies. The statics shows that the consumption of cars and vehicle is rapidly growing in the world so demand is increase and production of the oil is low. The other problem is also that the problem in lebia and other saudi arab country facing the problem so the supply of oil is decrase and price is increase.Rate this: +4 -4 Muthu said: (Wed, Dec 14, 2011 12:18:26 PM)

Main reason of this is the low production and more consumption. The lorry and containers all are been using the oil more. I thing they are waste or anything reason that made by them. So they only understand this problem then only it will reduce day by day or month by month. The central govrnment should follow the steps to raise of the rate for petrol, like that oil. Then only they can obserb the main solution for that. So our duty is the save the oil in our small vehicle also. Then only it may be reduce. People should follow the use of petrol. They have to stop the rate of oil raises. My point is the raise of the oil is in people's hands and the owner of the oil company. So they have to come to forward to prevent it.Rate this: +1 -11 Jibu Daniel said: (Wed, Dec 14, 2011 10:23:41 AM)

Hi friends,

The main reason for the rise in oil price is the demand.Its Waste of time in blaming politicians/government.As an Mechanical engineer my point of view make is alter conventional oil by alternative fuel.Its the best time in bringing out the alternative fuel ,for what the world seeks... by bringing alternative fuel into market we achieve: 1.reduction in cost when compared to petrol/diesel 2.reduction in harmful exhaust gases which damages the environment brings a friendly greener environment encourage it ...create earth!!!!Rate this: +26 -5 Sukanta said: (Tue, Dec 13, 2011 09:45:04 PM)

The First thing we have to know is that, we are giving 100% of tax on all types of oil.For example,the price of petrol is near 70-75,where the cost price of petrol is 35-37.So,here the government taking a huge amount of tax from us,to maintain their fund. If this things happen for some more years then oil will be like a diamond to middle class people.The best thing to get rid of this is to close all the tax except transaction tax.For this government and oil companies need to come together and co-operate with us.Rate this: +7 -4 Maninder said: (Mon, Dec 12, 2011 08:10:02 PM)

The Oil price rise is an international phenomenon affected by the pricing of OPEC (oil Producing Exporting Countries). At the national level the governments role of dealing with high oil price rise has a greater role. An important point here is regulation of diesel as it is used by the farmers so as to prevent inflation rising through farmgate prices and deregulation of Petrol as the prices would be directly affecting the consumers through international movement of oil price which would demotivate people to use their own vehicles and promote the use of public transport. Another thing is the provision of subsidy to the poor people to help overcome the price rise. As an individual we should prefer switching to fuel efficient cars and rather than individually travelling through office people can form group to use their vehicles on fixed days for offices.Rate this: +32 -1 Shivi said: (Mon, Dec 12, 2011 02:20:38 PM)

Well friends rising in prices of oil occurs because companies are storing oil cans in their godowns n which show the limited oil available so government raise the price after that these filling stations sell the oil at higher prices, I want to suggest that people must use the bicyle for shortest distance which keeps them healthy and avoid the consumption of much petrol. Thank you.Rate this: +4 -6 Shubham said: (Mon, Dec 12, 2011 01:57:25 PM)

Government alone is not responsible for the oil price rise, increase in demand is also a reason. The use of public transport is not a feasible solution, one way to cope with the issue is to find an alternative of the fuel, as an engineer we can do this in a better way instead of wasting our time by giving comments on government, Politicians etc.Rate this: +24 -1

Venugopal said: (Mon, Dec 12, 2011 11:07:54 AM)

It is not only the matter related to government. Every person using vehicles driven by petrol must think of it. Make a less consumption of petrol by using vehicles, whenever there is much importance the task for what we are going to use the vehicle. If the matter is less important and have time, then go by public transport. If else use their own vehicle. Decrease the consumption of oil, by knowing the importance of Task we are attending. If possible use bycycles for transport.Rate this: +5 -2 Raghuveer said: (Mon, Dec 12, 2011 10:16:51 AM)

Hi friends, As long as i have concerned to this problem. High Oil Prices ....... govt is playing a tricky role by lowering the oil prices during elections and after the government was formed they are rising it as there wish because the only way to get income to govt in India is on PETROLEUM and the LIQUOR(wine shopes) .....the best example is during the time 2009 the cost of petroleum was only RS.55......but now it is Rs.73.Rate this: +5 -1 Prasant Tiwary said: (Fri, Dec 9, 2011 11:25:16 PM)

I must say. That everyone is responsible for increasing oil prices except who are not having any Vehicle. You just imagine your life without vehicle. It is it tough call right?Thats what I am trying to say. There is a limited source for everything. Ever it has to increase. (And you Know What is the Advantage of increasing price. I ll tell u:) ) ) ) Pollution will must reduce. ) ) ) ) ) How?When people will start using less:) ).Rate this: +6 -5 Sarath Ms said: (Thu, Dec 8, 2011 09:18:19 AM)

Yes Oil prices are incresing today. We cannot blame on the govt because we are also a reason. With careful use of oil we can control prices like using public transport bicycles obeying traffic rules etc. The govt gave power to private sector for fixing price is also a reason. But we should think if we use oil carellessly what should our ancisters use.Rate this: +19 -15 Karan Rathod said: (Wed, Dec 7, 2011 10:30:43 PM)

The issue which badly affect us is that HIGH OIL PRICES AND INCREASE IN INFLATION. First of all, Using Bicycles and carpooling is not a total solution. Its not a question of individual effect. Rise in oil price directly increase transportation cost and then rise in other necessary commodity prices. So i think government is the one and only player of this game, can decrease the different taxes imposed on imported oil, which is more than 70% in India, to decrease the oil prices. I think this is the only solution which can deal with high oil prices, as a whole country.Rate this: +22 -3 Prakash said: (Wed, Dec 7, 2011 09:08:25 PM)

As we know natural resources like petrol is in limited way in the world so without thinking about

future of petrol which is very essential for us. We should use petrol in right manner then we can change the current condition of the country concerning hike petrol price. Why other Asian country having very less price of petrol than India reason being more demand of petrol and less supply. Every person in a family try to keep a vehicle even for office not think to take public transport by this way they can save petrol. So government always try best to control the price but something which is not in hand of govt. Earlier save water save life and also be follow save petrol save life or environment.Rate this: +17 -1 Dolly said: (Wed, Dec 7, 2011 02:51:46 PM)

Hi Friends, I think all of you are right from one sight but as a citizen we are also responsible for that, we should use less petrol as it is a natural resource and it import from other country to our country. And as the demand is greater than supply their prices are high. So use when it is necessary. When there is a walkable distance do not use vehicles. Use of vehical also distroy your personality. Walking is good for health. It keeps you fit and fine.Rate this: +8 -15 Ajit said: (Wed, Dec 7, 2011 10:55:37 AM)

Hello friends how to deal with hike oil prices today that question raise in everyone mind i thing the only solution is that how much we can less use and more consume that is the only we can do save oil as much as possible because price is not in our hand but that thing is depend on us, every person village,city and a country unable to move without oil a high class person does not care whatever the price because need is more important than hike price today food inflation is hike day by day but we can not stop eating.70% of oil import in india goverment have to pay for this. suppose we have 500 lit water is someone want 1 lit we have not any kind of problem to give if we have only 10 lit then lot of thing happend. that is what happen with oil so only option is consume and as possible as lass use can fight with hike oil pricesRate this: +8 -7 Tanmoy said: (Tue, Dec 6, 2011 11:46:39 PM)

Hi friends, All of us know that in present day hike of oil price is one of the hedack of our daily life one of the main part of our life style is transport without which everything is stopped. Main source of this is now decreasing for our fault only even we are talking and blame that our government and people are responsible for hike of oil price before that first of all we have to look on myself.Rate this: +1 -7 Bipin Srivastava said: (Mon, Dec 5, 2011 06:26:33 PM)

Dear friends, With an unprecendented rise in oil prices in the global markets over the past decade and increasing, for a country like India which imports around 70% of its total oil needs and battling high inflation in decades the implications are more than alarming. Given paucity and nonrenewability of these resourses and the fact that its prices are determined by market forces of demand and supply, there is nothing much anyone can do about to control it but, we surely can minimise our oil consumption so as to abate its price furore and ensuing threat to the

environment, at least. We should explore newer alternatives for energy that constitute to a sustainable development of the society. Side by side, we must encourage clean fuel technology like CNG for transportation, DTC buses and Delhi Metro are a case in point. We should make use of public trasportation systems like taxis, buses, railways rather than using own vehicles as much as possible. By this only we can combat unrelenting high fuel prices and can ensure eco-friendly environment for generations to come.Rate this: +37 -2 Lakshmy. said: (Mon, Dec 5, 2011 11:32:31 AM)

Hi friends. Most of you are blaming public but I think government and as well the person as a citizen of India is responsible for this. The consumption of oil and oil products are increasing day by day with due increase in the oil prices. What we the common man have to do is use vehicles for emergency and do use public vehicles for daily use. So that it will reduce our family budget as well as pollution to an extent. Govenment is also responsible for the hike in oil prices. The soul right to decide the oil price should be given to the government not to the oil companies. This will help curb inflation.Rate this: +19 -1