how to create the life you desire now€¦ · 2. we seek instant results we are conditioned by the...

How To Create the Life You Desire Now Written By Robert E. Williams, LMSW

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How To Create the Life You Desire Now

Written By Robert E. Williams, LMSW

Do you know why your life is the way it is now?

As human beings, we have universal desires to always seek growth and expansion. These desires may include a life of more money, better relationships, better health or simply, peace of mind. So, if these are some of the things we want, why have we not been able to have the life that we desire for ourselves?

What if I told you I can predict your future???

That's right. I am not a psychic, but I am going to start off by predicting your future with 100% accuracy!

How can I possibly do that?

It's very simple. I KNOW something about you and about all of us - something that will allow me to predict your future with 100% accuracy.

Here it is:

"If you keep THINKING what you are thinking, you will keep DOING what you are doing, and you will keep GETTING what you are getting.”

How To Create the Life You Desire Now

In other words, what you are experiencing NOW and in the FUTURE is the result of your previous thoughts. Your future is pre-determined by your thoughts in this moment. So, if you want to change your future, you must change what you are thinking about in this moment.

How To Create the Life You Desire Now

If I can convince you to do that, I predict you will have an absolutely fantastic, successful, exciting and happy future.


Ask yourself this question, "What do I focus on most of the time?" If you are like most people, you will discover something very in terest ing about yourself. You spend more time focusing on what you DON'T want than what you DO want.

• You can't expect to have what you WANT if you focus on the OPPOSITE of what you want; you just create and attract MORE of whatever you focus on.

Why is this important?

• Stressed? Have you ever made this statement: "I feel stressed out, but I don't know why.� From what you have just discussed, it is easy to figure out "why."

Want Proof?

It is impossible to feel bad, sad, tense or negative and not know why.

If you are feeling stressed, it is because you are focusing on stressful thoughts. In other words, you are focusing on what you don't want, which is to feel stressed.

From what you have just discussed, it is easy to figure out "why."

Negat ive thoughts can never produce positive r e s u l t s , a n d p o s i t i v e thoughts can never produce negative results.

Another translation:

Any time you feel stressed, worried, and fearful or have any other negative emotion, it is because you are doing two things:

1. You are focusing on what you don't want to happen.

2. You are focusing on the future, not the present moment.

It is impossible to feel stress, worry, fear or any other negative emotion if you are l iv ing in the present moment. The ONLY way you can feel negative emotion is to focus on what MIGHT happen, or what you DON'T WANT TO HAPPEN, in the next moment, next hour, next day, next week, next year, etc.

Once you understand this, you can accurately predict your future.

If you keep thinking what you are thinking,You will keep getting what you are getting.

• If you shift your thought patterns and focus on what you want, instead of what you don't want, you can begin to create positive results

These positive results that we speak of, are our efforts to improve our lives.

Why do most of our self-improvement efforts fail?

• Driving and managing change will remain the number one priority for a leader. According to a

recently published study, the reality is that most change efforts fail.

• The good news is that many of these failures can be traced to the following common mistakes:

Face this fact:

In order to make any change in your life, small or large, you must be willing to get out of your comfort zone.

Our subconscious “conditioned mind” does not like change. In fact, it is designed to resist change and to keep us where we are.

The reason for this is the subconscious is primarily a survival mechanism. Its primary function is survival. It perceives any type of change as a threat to our survival.

Unless we can bypass our survival mechanism of our subconscious, all our self-improvement attempts will fail.

1. We Fear Change

2. We Seek Instant Results

We are conditioned by the media to expect �instant results� and a �quick fix� to our problems.

We are the �now generation!� We want fast money, fast food, fast relationships, fast health, fast beauty and fast happiness.

We expect to see �self-improvement� results immediately -- in one session, one day, one week, one chapter, etc. If we do not get quick results, we get discouraged and give up, saying �it doesn't work.�

Immediate results are possible. However, for that to happen, we must learn to match our energy with our desires.

P o s i t i v e e m o t i o n s (energy) will match with p o s i t i v e r e s u l t s (energy)!

• If we do not align our energy properly, we may not reach our goals. The need for instant results or instant gratification often keeps people from taking the time to align their energy, so it actually takes them LONGER as well.

3. We Give Up Too Soon.

Most people give up too soon. We often give up too soon, especially if we experience temporary setbacks and view it as proof that we cannot reach our goals or desires. I n o r d e r f o r a n y s e l f -improvement changes to occur, we must not give up, even when it �looks� like it is not working. We must persevere—even in the face of adversity!!

4. We are �TRYING� instead of �DOING.� We must commit to making a change in our lives. “Do or do not; there is no try.” —YodaThe success or failure with any personal improvement strategy is based on DOING, not TRYING to do! Those who �try� are destined to fail. Those who DO (follow through until they get the desired results) are the people who achieve their great dreams.

• Neither success nor failure happens by accident -- it's a choice

The assumption of almost every person I have ever met who continues to fail in almost everything they do, i s t h a t t h e y b e l i e v e something or someone O U T S I D E o f t h e m i s responsible for their present circumstances.

WHO or WHAT is responsible for us NOT having what we want? Our parents? Our background? Our education? God? Satan? Destiny?

How do our thoughts, and more accurately our emotions (energies), determine how our lives plays out?

Here’s how it works:

If we hold fast to the belief that we are victims of our c i r c u m s t a n c e s , o r t h a t whatever happens to us is p u r e l y r a n d o m o r p r e -d e s t i n e d , w e w i l l k e e p creating that same reality.

Being a �victim� becomes our "reason," or more accurately, our excuse why others have what we want, but it never happens for us.

We make choices and are responsible for the results of those choices.

The more aware we become of how the universe works, the better choices we make.

Question: So how do we increase our awareness of the way the Universe works?

Answer: By increasing our understanding of Universal Laws (Life)!

Continued In Chapter IIUniversal Laws (Life)

©2014 This has been a WPMG Presentation

Written by Robert E. Williams, LMSW

Produced by Melvin Collins, Jr., M.Ed., LPC

Edited by Yolanda L. Salazar