how to create blog titles that bring you traffic


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Post on 15-Feb-2017




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Page 1: How to Create Blog Titles That Bring You Traffic
Page 2: How to Create Blog Titles That Bring You Traffic

The title of your blog post is just as important as a

sales headline for a sales letter.

Effective blog titles will attract more

people, and build traffic and leads...

Poor blog post titles can mean your content

brings you little benefit!

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A Good Title Continues Working for You When You Repurpose the Content for

Other Sites!


(Just like you’re viewing here…)

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Here are some examples:

A video for YouTube and Vimeo

A presentation for SlideShare

An article for sites like Medium and LinkedIn Pulse

Podcast content

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Greatly increases your online visibility and exposure.

Builds traffic.

Attracts more leads for your list.

Attracts new social followers.

Builds your authority and credibility.

Helps SEO.

And more!...

Repurposing Content Like This Has Many Benefits:

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A Good Title for the Original Blog Post is Essential!


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With that in mind....

Here Are ten Top Tips for CreatingEffective Blog Titles

...and to ensure you maximize the benefits

from all your content!

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Keyword ResearchYou might think you want to write

about Keyword A...

…But some quick keyword research can

reveal closely-related Keyword B that

would perform more strongly!

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Use Your Keyword Research to Help Create the Title

(But adjust it as required to sound natural!

Write for the reader, not the search engines.)

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For Example, Let’s Say Your Keyword Is “top hotels london”:

A blog title, The Ultimate Guide to Top Hotels London,

would struggle to rank. It sounds low quality.

On the other hand… The Ultimate Guide to Top Hotels

in London sounds natural and would be fine!

(You’d still be ranked for top hotels london!)

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For More Information On Keyword Research, Please

Download Our Complimentary 8-Page Guide:

Quick Note...

How To Do Effective Keyword Research To Optimize Your Content And Attract Your Marketplace

Page 12: How to Create Blog Titles That Bring You Traffic

Create Catchy Titles That Work on Social

Social media can now deliver just as much traffic

as search - if not more!

So learning to create titles that work well

for social referrals is vital.

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Go to

Type in a keyword related to your intended post, eg. “gardening tips”

Sort the results by Total Shares

Here’s How:

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You can see immediately which titles got the most engagement:

Highest Shares

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Use the Information to Help Guide Your Own Titles...

(As you create more content - and more titles!

- you’ll also discover what works best for your

own market and audience)

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Use Suspense and Intrigue

Suspense and intrigue in a title can almost compel

people to click through to satisfy their curiosity!

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● I recently published some repurposed content on LinkedIn Pulse

For Example:

● It received hundreds of views, dozens of

shares, and multiple comments within just

a few hours

● Part of the reason was intrigue in the title...

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People wanted the ‘answer’

to thetitle!

[ The Answer - Click Here ]

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Use ParametersYES! Using parameters or brackets in your title can boost


Maybe they simply help the title stand

out and draw attention.

( ) [ ] { }

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I’ve tested open rates for email subject lines with and without parameters.

Subject lines with parameters enjoyed

a marked increase in open rates.

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Ask a Question

A question mark can similarly help draw

attention and increase click-through.

Questions also add intrigue as mentioned previously. People need to find out the answer!

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Experiment With Questions In Your Own Blog Titles… Some Examples:

● Blog Titles: Can These 10 Title Tips Attract More Blog Traffic?

● How Do You Create Traffic Generating Blog Titles?

● Can Effective Blog Titles Increase Your Traffic? (10 Blog Title Tips)

Page 24: How to Create Blog Titles That Bring You Traffic

Get These 10 Blog Title Tips as a Quick Single-Sheet

Printable PDF You Can Refer Back To Later:

By The Way...

Click HereOn to tip 6...

(The sheet also has a link to an original blog post relating to these tips for more detailed information)

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Use a Number in the Title

● Titles with numbers in them perform consistently well…

● You’ll often see them at the top of BuzzSumo results (tool referred to earlier).

● The blog posts themselves are often referred to as list articles or numbered list content.

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Here are Some Examples From My Own Blog...

3 Sneaky Ways To Use Email Leads To Grow Your Social Media Following, Build Your Online Visibility And Better Connect With Prospects

10 Easy Ways To Generate Laser-Focused Ideas For Blog Content

7 Top Ways To Repurpose Every Blog Post You Create (To Explode Traffic And Attract More Prospects!)

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But don’t use numbers in all your blog titles...

(You need some balance - everything in moderation!)

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Use Alliterations

Alliterations Attract Attention!

It doesn’t mean every word in your title needs to start with the same letter….

But using alliterations and similar sounding letters can help titles ‘sound’ better, and look more attractive

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Consider The Title Here...

How to Create Blog Titles That Bring You Traffic

How to Create Blog Titles That Bring You Traffic

There’s also a relationship between the following letters:

// Not a strict alliteration, but you see the point! \\

Yes, most of the effect is subconscious - but certainly worth testing!

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Write the Title Last

Once you’ve finished, craft it to perfection.

As you’re writing, you’ll likely have some ideas for the title.

Adapt, edit and update the title as you go along.

Just start writing the post - leave the title ‘til later!

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This can often lead to more creative titles.

Plus it saves wasting time at the beginning while

you still have a blank page.

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Create Several Titles

As you’re writing, note down several ideas for titles at the top.

Don’t decide yet. Just brainstorm as they spring to mind.

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Or Test Different Titles Once Your Post Has Been Published

Tweet out different versions of your title, each with a separate trackable link back to your post.

Which got the most engagement?

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Use the Information to:

Improve titles you create in future

Or even edit the original post to use the improved title

Use the most effective title for content you repurpose from the post in future

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Create Evergreen Titles

The most effective titles will continue attracting traffic for a long time.

So make them as evergreen as possible and relevant all year round.(The odd title to take advantage of seasonal traffic is still fine!)

Page 36: How to Create Blog Titles That Bring You Traffic

Get These 10 Blog Title Tips as a Quick Single-Sheet

Printable PDF You Can Refer Back To Later:


Click HereFinally...

(The sheet also has a link to an original blog post relating to these tips for more detailed information)

Page 37: How to Create Blog Titles That Bring You Traffic

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