how to balance your 7 chakras

How to Balance your 7 Chak ras

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Post on 26-Jan-2017




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How to Balance your 7 Chakras

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Chakra Balancing Affirmations have been used successfully for centuries and have helped many people like you and I achieve extraordinary results in our lives, they have turned many failures into successes and many miracles have happened in the history of human evolution because of them.

On your spiritual healing journey, one of the the most powerful methods for clearing, cleansing and balancing your chakras is to use the power of affirmations.

Your thoughts create your reality and by practicing your chakra balancing affirmations on a regular basis you will start seeing amazing results in your life.

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“Powerful Chakra Balancing Affirmations!”

By using positive affirmations, a technique to change negative self-talk into something more positive, you will affect the outcome of all the different aspects of your life.

I have also developed “The Chakra Course” from my years of experience with energy healing to help you learn about these powerful energy centers. With using the chakra balancing affirmations as well as this course you will truly power up your healing.

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“The Idea Behind Affirmations Is Pretty Simple”

As we grow up it is not uncommon for us to learn to put ourselves down for real and sometimes imagined errors.

We are almost taught to believe certain negative things about ourselves and or to compare ourselves negatively to others.

I am sure you’ve met many people who’ve proven that after they practiced and implemented affirmations there was a major change in their day to day lives.

It is extremely important to keep in mind that eventhough these Powerful Chakra Balancing Affirmations are very simple to use… you’ve likely spent many years with a negative self-image which has in turn affected your chakra system, I think it would therefore be unreasonable to expect an instant effect from doing these chakra balancing affirmations…

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If you stick to it for a while, with honesty, trust, and belief results will start to happen to turn your life around.

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are endless.” ~Mother Theresa~

Enjoy the following Affirmations dedicated to each Chakra.

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Chakra Affirmation – Root Chakra – Red

Root Chakra - Affirmation

As I focus on this red light that radiates from my base chakra, I know that I am of good health and sound mind. I stand in my strength and in my truth. I forgive myself for neglecting my body in the past. I now love every part of my body, every cell is filled with energy and power. I no longer judge my beautiful self and I accept my greatness with all that I am. I now choose to have thoughts that add to my life, thoughts of love, compassion, harmony and peace. I sleep in peace, I awaken in bliss and I enjoy living!

(A deep breath in) I lovingly acknowledge, accept and appreciate.

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Chakra Affirmation – Sacral Chakra – Orange

Sacral Chakra

As I focus on this orange light that radiates from my sacral centre, I feel radiant, alive and strong. I am able to feel all the positive emotions, I embrace them as they allow me to stand in power, I am able to feel all the negative emotions, feelings of fear, anxiousness, doubt and I truly understand what causes them, I accept them as they bring about feelings of joy, dignity and peace as they teach me lessons of growth and truth. I am at peace and I lovingly release any negatives feelings that cause me any discomfort and pain.

(A deep breath in) I lovingly acknowledge, accept and appreciate.

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Chakra Affirmation – Solar Plexus Chakra – Yellow

Sacral Chakra

As I focus on this yellow light that radiates from my solar plexus, I am able to see all the people in my life, those from the past and present, my family, friends, and even foes. I see them in a circle of light, a loving, healing light. They are truly blessed in this circle, they are of good health and sound mind, they are at peace. I now choose to take back my power from all these people, and I lovingly release all feelings of any pain that they may have caused me. The more I release, the more I love, the more I love, the more I am loved!

(A deep breath in) I lovingly acknowledge, accept and appreciate.

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Chakra Affirmation – Heart Chakra – Green

Heart Chakra - Affirmation

As I focus on this intense green light that radiates from my heart, I notice the green/pink gem that lay within, and I am reminded of the unconditional love that I am! I know that I am worth loving. I am who I am and I am proud of who I am! In this space of love I release from my life anyone that does not bring me joy, I choose to be surrounded by positive, loving and successful people. I love myself more with each breath that I take and I love unconditionally!

(A deep breath in) I lovingly acknowledge, accept and appreciate.

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Chakra Affirmation – Throat Chakra – Blue

Throat Chakra

As I focus on the radiant blue light that radiates from my throat, I realize the power of the voice, the power my words emanate, and I choose to always speak my truth. In so doing I allow prosperity to enter my life, my finances, my spiritual growth, physical and emotional body are all taken care of by the divine energies that embrace my life.

(A deep breath in) I lovingly acknowledge, accept and appreciate.

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Chakra Affirmation – Third Eye Chakra – Indigo Blue

Third Eye Chakra

As I focus on the deep indigo-blue colour that radiate from my third eye, all negative thoughts that invade my mind are erased. I am able to stand in my power, on my very own strength and support myself. I am in a safe space, which allows me to grow and to embrace my beautiful life. My future is remarkable!

(A deep breath in) I lovingly acknowledge, accept and appreciate.

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Affirmation – Chakra Crown Chakra – Violet

Crown Chakra

As I focus on the violet light that radiates from my crown, I feel the strong spiritual connection to my higher self. The divine light is my protection, the divine energy is my power.


(A deep breath in) I lovingly acknowledge, accept and appreciate.

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