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Chakras: In Balance - Our Life Force Energy

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Our Vital Energy Centers For Optimum Well-Being

Chakra - Originates from an Ancient Indian language known as Sanskrit meaning - Vortex, Spinning Wheel. The Spiritual power Center of our human form that distributes our Life Energy – also called Prana or Chi, through the physical body that houses our Soul.

Chakras receive, transform, and transmit energy, the energy that regulate our Organs, our Immune System, and our Emotions. When imbalances occur the Chakra becomes clogged, the flow becomes restricted, the connection to other Chakras is then compromised. This imbalance in your Energy Center can manifest into both Physical & Emotional issues. The Chakra & Emotion Connection Our Inner Healer - Our Chakra System Detective

When the energy systems in the body becomes disharmonious, unbalanced, the body becomes unwell! To begin we need to understand how our Emotions can affect our health. The Body Mind connection if you will! Emotional wounds not addressed, create an Internal disturbance that can become a Physical one. It may take time, but many issues begin with an unhealed Emotional injury.

..."Only through Inner change can we hope to transform our external experience. The work always lies within...we are the creators of the life we are living." Ann Mortifee

Chakras - The 7 Major Energy Centers of the Subtle Body, wheels of spinning energy, like a vortex, originate along the center line of the spine. The Root Chakra opens downward like a funnel to connect with Earth’s Energy, while the Crown Chakra opens upward like a funnel to connect with Divine Wisdom.

When balanced, your Life Force Energy, your Chi flows effortlessly between Mother Earth & Divine Wisdom. Grounding & Enhancing your Spiritual Connection.

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1st Chakra - Root Chakra Mula Adhara - Security & Safety - Foundation - Earth Connection

Color: Red - Restores Passion – The Energy Of The Physical Plane

Location: Base of the Spine Function: Self Preservation, Personal Survival, Confidence and Stability. Beliefs created in the formative years creates Healthy connections to Family - Community Element: Earth Planet: Saturn

Crystals & Oils for Healing: Garnet & Ruby - Juniper & Sandlewood

Archangel Sandalphon - Brings the Spiritual Gift of Prophecy, allowing Healing Support & Manifestation. Assists in opening you to Allow & Receive, to live with Integrity & bring forth your Spiritual gifts.

When Blocked: Often compromised in early years creates issues of - Anxiety - Not Good Enough - Emotional Dysfunction - Fear - Unhealthy Boundaries - Feeling of Scarcity. Often Blocked by feelings of Betrayal.

To Balance:

• Walk barefoot in the grass

• Lie on the ground

• Visualize yourself in meditation surrounded in the color Red

• Yoga Pose to strengthen & ground the Root Chakra - Child's Pose

Affirmation: I Release all Fears, I Take Action

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2nd Chakra - Sacral Chakra Svadhisthana - Creativity - Sexuality - & Creative Expression

Color: Orange - Relieves Self Doubt

Location: Lower Abdomen Function: Enthusiasm, Passion, Creativity, Money, Sexuality, Relationships with the Opposite Sex are explored Element: Water Planet: Pluto Crystals & Oils for Healing: Red Jasper & Carnelian - Marjaram & Ylang Ylang

Archangel Chamuel - Helps Heal and build strong Relationships, romantic or business, new or existing. Assists you to find Love in your Heart. Helps you to feel more Connected & Peaceful.

When Blocked: Brings forth emotions of Jealousy - Betrayal - Control - Power plays. Often Blocked by feelings of Guilt.

To Balance:

• Play as a child to awaken Creativity, preferably in Water • Dance like no one is watching • Visualize yourself in meditation surrounded in the color Orange • Yoga Pose to create an energy flow to the Sacral Chakra - Cow Face


Affirmation: I Forgive myself, release all Blame and Guilt

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3rd Chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra Manipura - Personal Power - Free Will – Digestive System

Color: Yellow – Assist you to follow your Instinct - Gut Feeling

Location: Three finger widths above navel Function: Confidence, Self-Worth, Warmth, more aware of your Personal Power, Willpower, a Connection to the World and Your place in it Element: Fire Planet: Mars and Sun

Crystals & Oils for Healing: Amber & Citrine - Lemon Grass Archangel Uriel - Purple and Gold Flecks may be seen when he is near. A Sense of Peace, reduced Stress, assists Humanity to connect to the Divine & brings Spirituality to our everyday life.

When Blocked: Fear of Rejection - Over Sensitivity - Judgmental attitude - Blame others - Demanding. Often Blocked by feelings of Shame.

To Balance:

• Create Healthy Personal Boundaries • Exercise to strengthen your Core • Yoga Pose to embrace your Inner Fire - Sun Salutation Pose • Visualize yourself in meditation surrounded in the color Yellow

Affirmation: I Release my disappointments, I Accept and Love all of me

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4th Chakra - Heart Chakra Anahata - Balance & Love - Harmonizes Body & Spirit

Color: Green - Balances Masculine & Feminine Energy

Location: Center of your chest Function: Self-Respect, Unconditional Love. Integration point for Body, Mind & Spirit, holds Divine Wisdom, when Open able to Forgive Element: Air Planet: Venus Crystals & Oils for Healing: Rose Quartz & Malachite - Geranium & Rose

Archangel Raphael - Emerald green may be seen when he is near. Healing Powers, Guidance on Ideas, Thoughts, Intuition, rules Intellect & Science. Helps you create a Healthy Lifestyle & gives Guidance through your Intuition & Dreams. Heart Lessons on Forgiveness.

When Blocked: Feelings of Loneliness – Bitterness - Despair - Anger - Resentment. Often Blocked by feelings of Grief.

To Balance:

• Spend time in Nature

• Take time for Self-Love

• Yoga pose to connect the Physical & Spiritual Worlds - Eagle Pose

• Visualize yourself in meditation surrounded in the color Green

Affirmation: I Release all attachments to my suffering, I Love myself unconditionally

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5th Chakra - Throat Chakra Vishuddha - Especially Pure Expression Of Ideas

Color: Blue - Assists To Verbalize - Clear Communication - Inspiration

Location: Throat Function: Communication, Will Power, Speaking your Truths, Self-Empowerment, Expression Element: Ether - Earth Planet: Mercury & Jupiter Crystals & Oils for Healing: Blue Lace Agate & Lapis Lazuli - Chamomile

Archangel Michael - Blue or Purple may be seen when he is near. Angel of Truth, Protector, Encourages Courage, Free Will & Success. Strength to face & Express your Truths.

When Blocked: Difficult Communication - Voice is Weak - Unclear - Garbled - Suppressed Feelings & Emotions. Often Blocked by Lies.

To Balance:

• Use your Voice - Take a Deep breath, hold it & Say Ahhh - Sing in the car, the shower etc.

• Take a singing class, or join a choir • Yoga Pose for artistic expression - Child's Pose • Visualize yourself in meditation surrounded in the color Blue

Affirmation: I Allow myself to Express Freely, I Am Confident to speak my Truths

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6th Chakra - Third Eye Chakra Ajna - Inspiration - Spiritual Insight - Wisdom

Color: Indigo - Restores Inspiration - Transforms Fears - Releases Stress Through Insight

Location: Middle of forehead between eyebrows Function: Intuition becomes your Guide, Mysticism, Clear Understanding, Center of Divine Wisdom, Insight, Respect & Honor through information on a Soul Level Element: Light - Water Planet: Neptune

Crystals & Oils for Healing: Lapis Lazuli & Moonstone - Patchouli & Myrrh

Archangel Gabriel - White may be seen when he is near. Supports Writers, Journalists, governs Communication, Guidance on your True Calling & assists you to Open your Third Eye. Exudes a feeling of being Safe & Loved.

When Blocked: Delusional - Unimaginative - Poor Concentration - Unable to Receive Divine Wisdom - plagued by Worry. Often Blocked by Illusion of Separation.

To Balance:

• Spend time in Nature • Take an Electronic break • Yoga poses that go inward such as - Dancer's pose • Visualize yourself in meditation surrounded in the color Indigo

Affirmation: I Accept All - I Am One with the Collective Consciousness

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7th Chakra - Crown Chakra Sahaswara - Inner Knowledge - Connection To Divine Source

Color: Violet - Restores Spiritual Values - Gain Deeper Insights - Connection to Higher Planes Of Consciousness

Location: Top of head Function: Guidance directly from the Divine, Connection to a Greater Power, Thought, Cosmic Energy Element: Fire Planet: Uranus Crystals & Oils for Healing: Amethyst & Clear Quartz - Lavender

Archangel Zadziel - Assists you to Open your Clear Audience, Compassion & Inspiration.

When Blocked: Causes Confusion - Senility - Blocks to Earth Energy & Divine Wisdom. The flow of Spiritual Energy is Compromised. Often Blocked by Earthly Attachments.

To Balance:

• Meditate Daily • Walking Meditation in Nature • Yoga Pose to promote Energy Balance - Half Lotus Pose • Visualize yourself in meditation surrounded in the color Violet

Affirmation: I Release my Earthly Attachments – An Emotional Disconnect

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Additional Support

Reiki: A non-physical healing performed by practitioners that Channel Energy through you, as they locate & Heal Blocks

Yoga: Assists the Energy Centers - Chakras from becoming Blocked

Visualize: Your 7 Major Chakras in their Pure clear color - Spinning in equal size

Archangels: During Meditation call in the Archangel that represents the specific Chakra. Hold the Intention of clearing that Chakra. Visualize the Archangel’s color surrounding you. Ask that he Grace you with his presence, to bring his Healing Energy to clear the Block & facilitate Healing

Colors: While working on a specific Chakra wear the color designated to that

Chakra to create a stronger connection

Peace, Blessings & Vibrant Health,


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