how often should you practice yoga

How Often Should You Practice Yoga?

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Post on 11-Apr-2017




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How Often Should You Practice Yoga?

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People frequently ask how often they should be practicing yoga to receive the full benefit. Since there are many different reasons why people practice yoga, there are also many different answers to that question. For dedicated practitioners, yoga is a daily practice employing multiple elements - physical postures, breathing exercises, meditation, and more - but many people gain exceptional benefits from a less committed practice.

Ultimately, it will depend upon you and what intentions you set and goals you'd like to achieve. Are you looking for physical conditioning, pain relief or healing from injury, stress reduction, the ability to improve your concentration and focus - or something else entirely?

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One thing that can be answered definitively though, is that yoga is not an overnight or quick fix for most issues - be they physical or psychological - so if you’re going to practice yoga with the aim of creating change in your life, you're best served by committing to it long term.

How often should I practice yoga to notice a difference?

Some may find that going to the gym or heading out for a run every night for a week helps them to burn calories and drop a pound or two, but this isn't really the purpose of yoga. Yoga can be a high intensity activity, but not in the rigorous way that sprinting or other cardio exercises are.

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If you're turning to yoga to reshape your body, then you'll want to take a more holistic approach. While regular practice - particularly in a power yoga class or other strenuous class - will strengthen and tone your muscles while burning calories, weight loss isn't the primary focus. Aside from boosting your metabolism, a regular practice, will help you to feel more attuned to your body and what nourishes it. You'll likely find yourself making more healthful meal choices that will begin to transform your body from within.

Ideally, we'd all have the time and motivation to practice every day, but that's not realistic for everyone. Practicing at least three times a week, however, will certainly help you to reap noticeable rewards within a month - maybe even sooner.

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Until you have a solid base of familiarity with and understanding of the core aspects of the practice, any less than twice a week will lead to slower progress and could feel less satisfying.

Beyond the physical poses, breathing exercises - know as pranayama - and meditation techniques are both crucial aspects of the practice if you want to explore the more profound aspects of what yoga can offer. Many people find meditation even more challenging than the poses themselves because it can feel very difficult to calm an overactive mind. Again, a daily practice will bring you the most benefit, but you can definitely make progress with several sessions per week.

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The most important aspect is making yoga a positive habit so that it becomes an integrated part of your life. As you notice the benefits of yoga extending to myriad aspects of your life, you will naturally feel encouraged to make time for a regular practice.

How long should I spend practicing yoga each session?

In our hectic, modern world, we almost always find ourselves overscheduled. You should be able to fit yoga in around your other commitments, especially if you look for areas in your life where you may be frittering away time. Instead use those moments to feed your body and your mind.

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It's better to do an abbreviated yoga session every once in awhile rather than foregoing it entirely. Many yoga instructors will tell you that it can be equally – if not more – effective to practice yoga more often, but for shorter amounts of time (even 20 to 30 minutes can be enough) rather than expecting that all sessions must span an hour or more.

Do I have to go to a yoga studio or fitness center to practice yoga?

Practicing yoga at a dedicated yoga studio or even a gym or fitness center is a relatively new phenomenon. For centuries, yoga was passed down in an intimate setting from teacher-to-student, either individually or in small groups. Learning

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from an experienced teacher at first is highly recommended, but once you have a firm foundation, having a personal practice that you can do at home or in any private place is highly encouraged.

Once you know the basics and understand how to keep yourself safe in the poses, there are also many recorded classes accessible online and through apps that can give you access to expert instruction anywhere.

Of course, taking your yoga with you out into the world is perhaps the mot important aspect of the practice. Beyond the physical changes you will see and feel, the mental and emotional shifts are even more transformative. Returning to

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your center and a sense of calm when you're stuck in traffic or in an argument at work or annoyed by a family member is actually the truest test of how well you've integrated the lessons of yoga. If you find yourself focusing on your breath and a sense of compassion in times of anxiety or stress, then you are on the path to realizing the deepest significance of yoga and all it can offer you.

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