how do people influence you? a means of convincing people: to buy a certain product to believe...

How do people influence you?

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How do people influence you?

A means of convincing people:to buy a certain productto believe something or act in a

certain wayto agree with a point of view

Persuasive Techniques

False Analogy – compares two things that do not have enough similarities to be a valid comparison

Persuasive Techniques

False premise – begins with a statement that is not true

People who wear glasses are smart. Naomi wears glasses, so she is smart

Persuasive Techniques

Red Herring – a reason that distracts from the argument

Persuasive Techniques

Either/or Fallacy – assumes that there are only two alternatives.

Either go to college or forget about getting a good job.

Common propaganda techniques often Common propaganda techniques often used in advertisingused in advertising

Slogan Repetition Bandwagon Testimonial Emotional Appeal Expert Opinion Plain Folks Snob Appeal

Repetition: Repetition: The name of a product is repeated many timesThe name of a product is repeated many times

HEAD ON Apply directly to

the foreheadHEAD ON

Apply directly to the forehead HEAD ON

Apply directly to the forehead

Slogan: “Can you hear me now?”Slogan: “Can you hear me now?”

A catchy phrase or statement often used to sell a service or a product.


A statement suggesting that everyone is using a specific product, so you should too

Persuading people to do something by letting them know others are doing it

Gives impression that you will be left out if you don’t do what you are being persuaded

Example: “See why so many women have switched” (Shampoo advertisement)

Why are these examples of Why are these examples of Bandwagon?Bandwagon?

TestimonialTestimonialA well-known person supports a product or


Emotional Emotional AppealAppeal

A person is made to have strong feelings about a situation or product

Using the words of a famous person to persuade you “Got Milk?”

Loaded words that make people feel strongly - love/hate,

Sports figures promoting athletic gear, sports drinks, or shoes.

TestimonialTestimonialExperts approve this product, so you should

use it

“Four out of five dentists recommend sugarless gum for their patients who chew gum”

Testimonial works because you feel Testimonial works because you feel like you can trust the words of an like you can trust the words of an expert or someone who is or someone who is famous.

Expert OpinionExpert Opinion

Ads using scientific sounding language to make a product seem more effective.

Appeals to the audience’s intellect“Four out of five dentists recommend

this toothpaste….”“Studies show that….”


View video 1 and video 2 on the class website. What message does each ad send? How are the persuasive techniques that were used alike and different?

View a print advertisement from a magazine. Analyze it to determine what kind of technique was used. Record your answer on the worksheet.