how did you attract address your audience


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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: How did you attract address your audience


Laura Boucher.

Page 2: How did you attract address your audience

COVER PAGE.I think that the use of my colour scheme helped me attract the audience. This is because in my questionnaire they stated they thought bright colours would look good on a pop magazine. So based on this I decided to use a range of bright colours within my house style mainly the pink which helps it stand out on my page and draws the attention of the audience immediately. I used the black and white for my coverlines to allow the brightness of the pink and yellow to stand out to the audience.

I used a range of coverlines on my front cover to attract the audience. I did this by using the names of popular pop artists such as jessie J and one direction. This would attract my audience because it is aimed at fans of POP and I have used a range of POP artists. I think I addressed my

audience by my main image. This is because she is of the same age group I am aiming my magazine at 16- young adults. Therefore I think it would make it more appealing to the readers. This is because they would be able to look up to “Sophie Star” or see her as an idol. She is also wearing clothes in which is quite popular. I think this would attract my audience because from my research I have gathered that a lot of people who like POP music are often interested in the latest clothing trends.

I think that the price I used “2.99” would have been attractive to the audience because in my questionnaire most people stated they would be willing to pay 2-3 pounds for a POP music magazine. Therefore this would ensure that my readers would be attracted by the reasonable price.

Page 3: How did you attract address your audience


Here I have used a range of images in order to attract my audience. I have used an image of a male artist to ensure that the male gender are also attracted as they could see him as a role model. I also did a 2 shot and wrote some gossip in the caption about it because I found out from my questionnaire that people who buy POP magazines also have an interest in POP. I also used the same artist from my cover page therefore maintaining continuity. Sophie Star is also having direct eye contact with the reader therefore directly addressing them.

I have maintained continuity with the colour scheme to address the audience. This is because they associated the use of bright colours with POP. This is because the Pink has connotations of fun, lively and loud in which POP music represents and the audience are probably also of this description. The bands in which

have been used down the side will attract the target audience directly. This is because they are all within the genre of POP and the audience I am addressing enjoy this genre. Therefore I am addressing what the readers like and want to see from a POP magazineI think that the use of the editors not

addresses the audience directly because it is speaking to them. It is an attempt in involving the audience and ensuring they feel part of lively magazine.

Page 4: How did you attract address your audience

DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD. The image in which I used on my double page spread was to attract the audience. This is because the artist is of the genre POP. The artist is wearing converse and stylish clothes which I think would attract my audience because I found out in my research a lot of people who like POP like to keep up with the latest trends. Her earphones are also bright pink which links back to the audiences favourite colours from my questionnaire they all liked bright colours and thought they linked with the genre of POP

Here to attract the audience I continued with the use of bright colours such as the pink to make specific bits such as the title stand out which would grab the attention of the readers. I also used a 3 column structure in which I think would be attractive to the audience because it looks professional. I also used a drop cap which I think would grab the attention of the audience. This would then interest them in the article and make them want to read on.

. I also used a boarder of flowers to attract the female gender because this is an article on a female so I thought it would be more likely to attract female readers.

To directly address my audience I used a pull quote from Sophie star. She directly addresses her “fans” and the people in which read the magazine lively therefore she is addressing the audience and making them feel included. Here I also used a signature type font from Sophie Star to make it look personalised so the reader feels as if the article was just for them and the artist took time out of their schedule simply for the readers of lively magazine.