how did you attract


Upload: arion-thomas

Post on 16-Feb-2017



Entertainment & Humor

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Page 1: How did you attract



Page 2: How did you attract

• As well as using Hammer Film Productions, I will use social media networks such as Facebook to get the film trending and known about. I will also do publicity stunts such as doing pranks in the woods to the public. During the day time (it will be traumatic at night) we will have our villain in the trees, scaring each person that walks by. We will film these scary moments and upload this footage onto social media, which will hopefully be shared by the public. This publicity stunt will be very successful, as the people who were victims of the prank will feel a part of the film, which they’ll tell all their friends about it as well as the online publicity of the videos of it. It’s essential that we get their permission to use the footage as well making sure we choose the correct people who don’t seem like they will be mentally harmed from the prank. After the prank we will also debrief the participants and make sure they aren’t harmed from it. However if they were harmed, we will supply them with all the treatment.

Page 3: How did you attract

• We could address the audience by applying personal identification. The audience could be watching Bird Call to have a sense of belonging with the characters in the narrative. The audience will be able to relate to the characters by experiencing drink ups which are ordinary social event for teenagers. The viewer could have also experienced a frantic drink up or one with lots of drama, which Bird Call manipulates and takes the idea into extreme measures by having deaths occur. This is to show the contrast between a slasher film and real life as slasher films tend to expose and manipulate ordinary situations in real life to inflict it with danger and terror in extreme ways. As well as the drink up itself, the conflict between John and Jay could be understood by the audience as during the adolescent stage in life, people often discover who their friends actually are. The majority of teenagers have experienced falling outs with close friends and therefore by including the conflict between the two characters, the audience would be able to feel like they can relate to it.

Page 4: How did you attract

• We could also apply loud bird noises that are used in the film in populated areas such as by a train station, a shopping centre etc. This will be an excellent publicity stunt as the bird noise will increase the tension and provide the scary element in the film and by applying the noise in locations which it wouldn’t usually occur in, it will have the public bewildered and wanting to ask questions, which will lead to them knowing about our film. We will put up posters around the location of the noise, which will make the public realise that they’re related as the film is called “Bird Call”. Also, like the other publicity stunt, we will have to get permission before applying posters and speakers for the music.

Page 5: How did you attract

• Camera angles applied in our film could also attract the audience. In this high angled close up shot, it contradicts the code and conventions of slasher films. John is the threat in Bird Call however this high angled shot portrays him as the weaker, more vulnerable character. This makes the audience assume that he is most likely to be the victim, which creates great ambiguity when we reveal that he’s the killer. This shock of the character being the killer will leave the audience with great excitement and it will make them cautious for any more plot twists.

Page 6: How did you attract

• Bird Call aims to appeal to all viewers regardless of their ethnicity or background. We tried to accomplish this by having actors from different backgrounds with different ethnicity to show diversity. We live in a multi cultural society where the majority of social groups have friends from different races or cultures. By including characters from backgrounds and culture, we think it will appeal to all viewers as it will be relatable for the majority, also making the audience feel more connected to the film. All characters in the film are contrasting from each other, which makes todays generation so unique as we are capable of having relationships with people from different ethnicities or cultures, something which previous generations were unable of doing. In conclusion, Bird Call is a good representation of teenagers today.

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• During the establishing shots in Bird Call, we included commentary of a murder that occurred in the woods. This early soundtrack instantly makes the viewer acknowledge that someone will be killed in the film. This use of sound inflicts the danger element to the location, adding onto to the previous built in fear of the woods at night. When revealing the characters in the first scene, the audience will attempt to discover which one of the characters will die, simply because of the sound and the expectation of slasher films.

Page 8: How did you attract

• Featuring a mask on the villain is a key component to slasher films. We included this element into Bird Call to intrigue the fans of slasher films. Also, because we are targeting the adolescent ages, during Halloween our target audience will most likely be dressing up and going to Halloween parties, or any of social event. If Bird Call became a success to the teenagers and was trending, these viewers could possibly wear the mask to the social event. I believe it would be a good and popular merchandise, should this film be accepted and trending with adolescents.