horror magazine analysis

Horror Magazine Analysis Amy DiMartino

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Post on 03-Aug-2015




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Horror Magazine Analysis

Amy DiMartino

FangoriaMasthead is red and white, this could symbolize both blood and innocence, it is large and bold to catch the audiences attention

These 4 sub images use famous faces to catch the eye of the audience and to highlight the newest films they have stared in.

Blood drops on the page fit with the conventions of the horror genre and aid in drawing the audience in to read the magazine.

Issue number this tells the audience what issue the magazine is.

The main image on this magazine is very powerful and eye catching it is from the film ‘MAMA’ the dark lighting and bad quality picture adheres with the conventions of normal horror films.


The red Masthead is used to represent blood aided by the fact that the typography is made to look like its dripping, to create a feeling of blood and death.

This pug is used to advertise the price of the magazine and the issue number it is in bright yellow so it is easily noticed by viewers

These 3 sub images use famous faces to catch the eye of the audience and to highlight the newest films they have stared in.

The main image on this magazine is dark but a good quality image, it uses shallow depth of field to create a feeling of the person in the image being closer to you than it actually is. It is a very powerful image and easily scene even though it doesn’t take up a large part of the page.Famous directors or actors names are used to draw the audience in if they happen to like that particular actor/director.

The A – Z of horror

Masthead is red, this could symbolize blood it is large and bold to catch the audiences attention, it also appears to be dripping blood, this adheres with the typical conventions of horror.

This pug is used to invite the audience to find out ‘The nastiest films ever made’ this may target certain members of the audience as they want to find out the more gory/sick films.

Here the magazine is advertising the free gifts they are giving away when you buy the magazine, this will encourage many audience members to buy the magazine as they want what's inside.

The main image on this magazine is put in an effect that makes it look old (sepia) it seems to be filled with different protagonists from horror films.

Featuring: This shows the films that could be featured of advertised in this magazine this could encourage the audience to buy it if they see the name of a film that they have seen/liked.