horror films

By Josh Pyne HORROR FILMS Genre Research

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Horror films

By Josh Pyne

HORROR FILMSGenre Research

Page 2: Horror films

A horror film is a film that seeks to inflict negative emotional reactions from its audience, it does this by toying with the audiences primal fears. Common themes include the supernatural and the macabre. Roles in horrors may include ghosts, aliens, vampires, werewolves, demons, gore, torture, vicious animals, evil witches, monster, zombies, killers, and serial cannibals.

What is a Horror?

Page 3: Horror films

The first horror shorts that included supernatural events appeared in the late 1890’s, and was directed by film pioneer George Mielles. Around that many other horror shorts were released such as La Caverne maudite and then in 1908 Edison studios version of Frankenstein was release. These were the beginning, the start of what we know today as one of the most satisfy and exciting genres. Horror.


Page 4: Horror films

Directors like Alfred Hitchcock who is famous for movies such as Psycho, The Birds, and Frenzy have their very own styles on how they represent horror to audiences. Hitchcock had a really unique style when it came to making his movies, he always used techniques which would be noticed as his own when watching other movies of his.

A style would be his Cameo appearances he does in his movies which he does a lot. What this does is gives the audience an instant thought once noticing him in the movie that its his movie because he has used this before and by doing this he is kind of marking his own territory to tell the audience that the movie is his and no other directors or writers.

Another style would be the way he allows the camera to take on human qualities so the audience feel as if they are uncovering the true story and allowing them to interact and solve the mysteries within story. He also likes to fill in scenes with no dialogue, with a point of view shot so that the audience can see what the character is seeing.


Page 5: Horror films

Hitchcock was known to use male and female characters in his movies rather similar, as he makes his characters opposite to what the audience would expect as he uses female characters and makes them dangerous blondes who like taking risks and when it comes to the male characters he likes making them lovable and really caring when it comes around to their mothers so they are less risk taking than the female characters, as for nowadays you would get the opposite kind of characters in movies such as the female are all caring and less risk taking as for the males they would take any risk coming at them.
