homegrown terrorism. selfishness over all

What is it, when one nation bombs four other nations incredibly heavily, killing, half killing, and injuring--torturing, in a very real sense--millions of people--old people, young people, men, women--destroying homes, villages, farms, huge swaths of cities, all life in numerous areas--wiping out the very land--what is it, when a nation does these despicable things--and well as massively employs direct person to person violence--in support of colonialism, that is in support of the cruel, greedy domination of many people by some few others, and in a ruthless attempt to impose an economic and political system that it-self brings similar outcomes? That, my friends, is terrorism--massive, long lasting, brutal terrorism. The terrorist, in the above case, was the United States. The victims were Vietnam (then, North and South), Cambodia, Thailand, and Laos. Referring to the American war in Vietnam, Ronald Reagan said, in a speech shortly after his first nomination for the Presidency, “It is time we recognized that ours was, in truth, a noble cause.” If you believe that, you might believe the “cause” behind any action whatsoever was “noble.” If you believe that, I think you believe that we ourselves are, eternally and unalterably, noble-- hence, if we did it, we had noble causes. Do you think that we tried to help the people of Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and Laos? I think that we were so utterly convinced of the absolute and vast superiority of our selves, our nation, and our political and economic system, that we cruelly, blindly, and wantonly imposed devastating violence on millions

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Post on 21-Jul-2016




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The American War in Vietnam is a case, but just one, of the massive terrorism routinely perpatrated by the United States. To justify that action is to further degrade ourselves. We must repent! Selfishness is not a behavior to emulate!


What is it, when one nation bombs four other nations incredibly heavily, killing, half killing, and injuring--torturing, in a very real sense--millions of people--old people, young people, men, women--destroying homes, villages, farms, huge swaths of cities, all life in numerous areas--wiping out the very land--what is it, when a nation does these despicable things--and well as massively employs direct person to person violence--in support of colonialism, that is in support of the cruel, greedy domination of many people by some few others, and in a ruthless attempt to impose an economic and political system that it-self brings similar outcomes? That, my friends, is terrorism--massive, long lasting, brutal terrorism.

The terrorist, in the above case, was the United States. The victims were Vietnam (then, North and South), Cambodia, Thailand, and Laos.

Referring to the American war in Vietnam, Ronald Reagan said, in a speech shortly after his first nomination for the Presidency, “It is time we recognized that ours was, in truth, a noble cause.”

If you believe that, you might believe the “cause” behind any action whatsoever was “noble.” If you believe that, I think you believe that we ourselves are, eternally and unalterably, noble--hence, if we did it, we had noble causes.

Do you think that we tried to help the people of Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and Laos? I think that we were so utterly convinced of the absolute and vast superiority of our selves, our nation, and our political and economic system, that we cruelly, blindly, and wantonly imposed devastating violence on millions

of sovereign people who were as valuable and worthy of respect as we ourselves.

Doing that was a terrible waste--of them and us.

These actions, we can not justify. To attempt to do so is to further degrade ourselves.

These actions, we should repent of. These actions, we should stop repeating. For one big change.

We should become descent, as a nation.

Because we are not currently being decent, as a nation.

Most Americans do not see this. Most Americans fail to engage the reality. Most Americans think, oh, we are so noble, fighting and laying down our lives for freedom and democracy all over the world.

That is, simply, nonsense. Our crimes are bloody and unending. Americans, those in power, are fighting only for their own self-interests--the world be damned!

It is an ideology. Many think of it as quintessentially American. It is this very crazy idea, which the ruling class of this country widely believe, that things work better for us overall if each individual is totally selfishly motivated.

This ideology is massive sickness, condemning us to super-selfishness.

I wish Americans would open their eyes, and think, and study. If they sought the truth, which can be very hard to find (in this

vast, huge world of so many complex events, realities, appearances, propagandas, cover-ups, lies and narrow self-interests) they would see that this is so.

If Americans faced the truth, they would see that our country is hugely, unjustifiably violent, hugely, unjustifiably selfish, and unbearably self-righteous, to top it off!

Could we, as a nation, repent? Could we, as a nation, look at the truth of our behavior, bear the horror of it for a moment, then turn, and begin to live up to our creed--that all people have the right to life? Not just the rich Americans.