holding out hope

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  • 7/29/2019 Holding Out Hope



    Title: Holding Out Hope

    Author: Lady Eliza

    Characters: All Characters

    Rating: T

    Summary: Trory: Dean has always been in love with Rory Gilmore and assumed she

    would eventually come back to him, but she has moved on with her blond haired blueeyed love of her life. Story seen through Deans eyes.

    Disclaimer: I do not own Gilmore Girls or any of its characters.

    Dean Forrester hadnt thought about his first love in a many number of years. Yes,

    she had occasionally invaded his mind when he was reminiscing about the past and

    the good times, but that had been it.

    He was currently working as a mailroom clerk at a prestigious banking firm in New

    York City. The same family had run the company for ten generations so they were

    basically descendents of old money. Dean was still single, even though he andLindsay had been divorced for six years now. He had made a vow that he wouldnt

    marry again until he dated the girl for at least a year.

    Dean had left Stars Hollow right after the departure of one Rory Gilmore. He felt like

    a criminal after the town had found out about his affair with Rory. She had come out

    of the affair unscathed, which had left him to feel the brunt of the blame. Dean had

    felt as though he was being suffocated from all the negative criticism, so one day he

    had packed his bags and left good ole Stars Hollow behind. And he hadnt looked

    back ever since.

    After six years in the big apple he thought he had a good life, though his parentswould beg to differ. He didnt know what their problem was; he had a nice

    apartment, food on his table, and an okay social life. Hed never had big plans for his

    life the way Rory did, so he was happy with what he had, and didnt bother trying to

    strive for things he knew he couldnt achieve.

    Dean was a little curious as to the reason he was thinking about Rory. She would

    always have a special part in his heart and he would always love her, but there was no

    reason to think about her for no apparent reason. He just shrugged it off.

    Dean got ready for work like he did everyday. He got into his uniform, whichconsisted of khakis and a blue dress shirt. He ate breakfast and caught the 7:30 train

    to work. It was his normal routine and he didnt like breaking it.

    The moment he stepped into the mailroom there was a buzz of activity. He didnt get

    it, it seemed like a normal Thursday to him. He found out the reason when he went

    to his work area and Ernie, his neighbour and friend filled him in. Deano, hows is

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    going? Did you here the gossip? Apparently the boss is here for an impromptu check-

    up. Got everyone buzzing like little working bees.

    The boss.I thought he was based in the London offices. Whats he doing here in

    New York without fair warning? asked Dean.

    It seems hes finally going to take over for his old man here in New York. Even

    though his dad has been semi-retired and handed over the reigns of the business to

    the son, he, the dad, was still in charge of the New York offices. I heard, through the

    grapevine of course, that the boss man bought a big ole penthouse on Fifth

    Avenue, said Ernie.

    Ernie your just full of information arent you, said Dean sarcastically.

    Hey, I just caught you up on the office gossip, dont give me lip, joked Ernie.

    So, do we know the reason for this sudden change? asked Dean.

    Who knows? Rich people, isnt it what they do, move to a different locale the minute

    they start getting bored. Besides we have a staff meeting at the end of the day

    where all the employees have to show up so Im sure theyll explain it to us then,

    said Ernie. Dean just nodded his head and got right down to work.


    Dean was eating lunch in the employee cafeteria when he felt a little tug on his pants.

    He looked down and noticed an adorable little girl. She had blond hair, the mostpeculiar blue eyes, and looked to be around three years old. He bent down to her

    level and asked, Hello, are you lost?

    Hmmnope Im just looking around this place. Im Isabella, but everyone calls me

    Bella. Whats your name? asked the little munchkin.

    Dean laughed out loud. The little girl seemed so mature for her age. Im Dean

    Forrester and I work here. Now arent your mom and dad going to be worried about


    Oh no, they know exactly where I am. So how do you like working here? asked


    Dean sat back in his chair and invited Bella to take a seat across from him. She sat

    down crossed her legs and folded her hands on her lap. She looked like a proper lady

    and she was waiting for him to answer her question. Dean indulged her, I dont

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    mind working here its nice. So why are you here? Does you mom or dad work here?

    asked Dean.

    Im here with my parents. My mommy and daddy told me I could look around, but I

    wasnt supposed to go too far. So how come youre eating by yourself? asked Bella.

    My friends decided to buy their lunches today, but I had brought mine from home

    and thats why you found me eating lunch alone today, said Dean.

    Oh I see, so do you have a favourite book? asked Bella.

    Not at the moment, what about you?

    I love Pride and Prejudice so much. I was Elizabeth Bennet for Halloween. My

    Granny made me the outfit and sent it over to me.

    Well, that was nice of your Granny.

    Whats your favourite colour?


    Do you have any kids like me?

    No, Im not married. You ask a lot of questions.

    My daddy says the exact same thing. He says I sound like my great-Granny, who is agossipmonger.

    Dean burst out laughing at that. This little girl seemed bright and energetic and full

    of questions. He had no idea why she chose to talk to him, but he was enjoying this

    conversation immensely more so than some adults.

    He looked at his watch and realized that lunch was over. Well Bella, it was nice

    talking to you but I have to get back to work. Im sure Ill run into you again.

    Bye Dean, then she was off and running.


    Dean thought nothing of the little girl until he was standing in a line to welcome the

    boss and she came running in. She looked at all the people in line and zeroed in on

    him. Hi Dean.

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    Hi Bella, what are you doing down here? asked Dean.

    I came with my daddy, so this is where you work huh?

    Before Dean could reply the little girl sprinted back outside when someone called her

    name. Ernie gave him a weird look since it wasnt everyday a little girl greeted him byname. There was a flurry of activity and a tall man with sun streaked blond hair came

    bounding through the door. The man looked like he belonged on the cover of GQ.

    Ernie nudged him and said, Thats the boss: Tristan DuGrey.

    Now why did that name seem so familiar to him? It would eventually come back to

    him, but he couldnt help being frustrated since it was going to bother him until he

    remembered. He listened to Mr. DuGrey greet the managers, then check out the

    workstations, and finally make a speech about teamwork. Visits such as these were

    used to boost the morale of the employees since they felt the big brass upstairs

    forgot about them, which was true in most cases.

    Dean listened to the speech with half an ear. He looked around for Bella and found

    her near the doorway with a nicely dressed brown haired woman. The womans face

    was turned in the opposite direction so Dean didnt get a good look at it. When she

    did turn around Dean forgot to breathe.

    The woman looked like Rory Gilmore, but what would Rory be doing here at DuGrey

    Enterprises. Rory was a journalist she wouldnt be here, but then again it definitely

    looked like her. He decided that whatever newspaper she was working for wanted

    to cover the return of the CEO of DuGrey Enterprises.

    As Dean watched, Rory spoke to Bella then disappeared down the hallway. Dean felt

    like he had travelled back in time because with just one look at Rorys face he was

    sixteen years old all over again. He hadnt noticed it but the boss had left and

    everyone was back at work. He followed their example and did the same.


    Dean was taking his half hour break by sitting in the cafeteria drinking coffee and

    thinking about Rory when Bella approached him again. She sat down before she

    began to talk, Hi again.

    Hello Bella, how has your day been so far? asked Dean.

    Oh I love it. I cant wait to be CEO of this company.

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    Dean laughed at the childs attempt at humour, Well itll take you a while to be up

    there with the bosses, but the CEO has to be part of the family that owns this firm,

    explained Dean.

    Oh I know that silly, but I will one day be CEO of this company, the child firmly.

    Alright, I believe you, consoled Dean.

    You dont believe me do you? Here have my card and look out for me since I will be

    your boss, said Bella then she took out a white business card out of her jacket

    pocket and handed it to him.

    Dean was amused since this was the first child hed ever met whod given him a

    business card. He hadnt realized that times had changed so much; a little girl was

    acting so grown up instead of playing with her doll.

    He read the card then put his coffee down quickly. It read: Isabella L.G. DuGrey IV

    and had a cell phone number where the lady could be reached. He was stunned into

    silence since he was in fact talking to the future CEO of DuGrey Enterprises.

    Your Tristan DuGreys daughter? asked Dean.


    So I guess you will be the future CEO of the company huh?

    I told you.

    Dean chuckled and shook his head. He hadnt realized exactly whom he had been

    talking to when Bella started chatting with him. He was about to reply when a pager

    when off. He watched in fascination and shock as she unclipped a pager from her

    pant loop and look at the number, then give him an annoyed look.

    Parents, Bella said in an exasperating manner.

    Dean just chuckled then stopped and asked her the question that had been plaguing

    him since he saw her in the mailroom. Bella, was the woman you were talking to inthe doorway of the mailroom Rory Gilmore, the journalist?

    Bella was standing by now, but she turned to face him when he asked her the

    question. Yeah that was Rory Gilmore, but no one calls her that anymore, said


    Oh and why not? What doyoucall her? teased Dean.

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    Shes known as Rory DuGrey now and I call her mommy. Bye, said Bella. She

    turned around and strode out of the cafeteria with a purpose.

    Dean was dumbstruck. He couldnt believe he had been talking to Rorys daughter

    this whole time. He knew Bellas eyes looked familiar and now the name TristanDuGrey came back to him as well. Rory and the accountant? Dean could just sit there

    like an idiot and watch his coffee grow cold.


    After his conversation with Bella, Dean couldnt think about anything but Rory

    Gilmore, or DuGrey now. Hed had no idea shed gotten married and that she had

    had kids. But that shouldnt have surprised him since Rory would not have let

    anything stand in her way of marriage and kids. Her grandmother was probably

    ecstatic that Rory was married to a DuGrey.

    Dean wondered if the marriage was based on love or a business arrangement, he

    didnt want to think about Rory actually wanting to marry the accountant. He busied

    himself with work and tried not think about Rory, Bella, or Tristan DuGrey. Dean

    couldnt believe the irony of the situation, he was working for the accountant, while

    Rory was married to the cocky S.O.B.

    He hadnt been back in Stars Hollow in three years, but wouldnt his parents have

    told him Rory was married? Or had kids? Probably not, he tried avoiding going home

    at all costs. His sister Clara told him about Lorelai getting married to Luke and how

    they were expecting a child in the fall, but she never mentioned Rory attending thewedding.

    Dean had no idea why Rory had left Stars Hollow and moved to Europe, some people

    had said her great-grandmother had willed Rory the house in London and she wanted

    to live there for a while. But no one, except for Luke and Lorelai, knew why the

    towns princess had up and left.

    He would have to see her soon enough, since there was going to be a staff meeting

    of some kind where the employees would meet Tristan DuGrey and his family. Dean

    didnt want to see Rory happy with her young family. In the back of his mind Deanhad been holding out hope that Rory would eventually come back to him and they

    would both live happily ever after. She was it for him and he was upset that she had

    married and had kids with a man like Tristan DuGrey.


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    Dean walked into the large auditorium that hosted many a conferences for DuGrey

    Enterprises since it had been built twenty years ago. He sat down towards the

    middle where Ernie had saved him a seat. Deano, glad your here. Hope this thing

    finishes fast so we can have our weekly poker game. You know how the wife gets

    when I dont make it in time for supper. The woman can be brutal, Ernie actually


    Dean laughed, Yeah I hope Mary Ellen doesnt beat you with a stick like the last

    time. How long did it take you to get rid of the bruises?

    I now, regret telling you about that incident. Remember its between you, me and

    the wife, said Ernie, which earned a chuckle from Dean.

    Ernie OBrien was a perceptive man and he knew that Dean held a whole many

    secrets. He had never divulged anything to him even though they had been friends

    for four years. Ernie respected and admired Dean and his work ethic. They had aweekly poker game going with some of the guys from the mailroom, which took

    place every Thursday after work at Deans place. Dean had become a permanent

    fixture in the OBrien household and Ernies kids thought the world of him. Mrs.

    OBrien treated Dean like another one of her children and she was forever setting

    him up on blind dates trying to find him the perfect spouse.

    Ernie had told his wife, quite astutely, that young Dean had gotten burned by a

    woman in his past and couldnt get over the heartbreak. Dean was never in a

    relationship for too long and he never spoke of his past with anyone. Heck, he hardly

    ever went back home to visit his folks or his sisters. Ernie who was a private man

    himself had decided to leave well enough alone and let bygones be bygones. Hewasnt going to pry in another mans affairs if the man did not want to divulge the

    information himself.

    So what do you think were going to learn at this meeting that we wont find if we

    google the boss and his wife? asked Ernie.

    You got me Ernie, said Dean.

    So, tell me who was that little toe head you were talking to when the boss came to

    visit? asked Ernie.

    You wont believe me if I told you, said Dean.

    Now you gotta tell me.

    The little girl came and talked to me when I was eating my lunch, then again in the

    mailroom, she said was here with her mommy and daddy. Guess who she is?

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    Im not a damn mind reader, get on with it.

    The toe head happens to be Isabella DuGrey, our future boss.

    Ah shit. I didnt even make an impression on her. Just my luck that our future CEOcomes to the mailroom and I have no idea who she is, said Ernie.

    Dean just shook his head and looked toward the podium. He watched with jealous

    eyes when Rory walked up with Tristan, Isabella, and a baby in her arms. They made

    the perfect family and Tristan DuGrey looked like the happiest man in the world with

    his three women. Dean wanted to shout at the injustice of it all, how does a cocky

    bastard like Tristan DuGrey have it all?

    He watched as Rory held the baby, he couldnt tell if it was a boy or girl from this far,

    that was supposed to be his child not the accountants. Dean was seething insidesince he had to watch a life with Rory go up in smoke. Dean watched as an older

    version of Tristan kiss Rory, Bella, and the baby then shake hands with Tristan, so this

    was Alistair DuGrey, Tristans father.

    Alistair came up to the microphone and started talking about the new chapter of the

    companys life and he introduced his family. Dean smiled at the part where the proud

    grandfather spoke about the future of DuGrey Enterprises and pointed to Bella who

    waved like she was the queen. But Dean was not happy to see Tristan have his hand

    around Rory and whisper to her throughout the entire speech.

    When Tristan came up the mike the entire family came with him. Hello everyone, Iam Tristan DuGrey, this is my wife Rory and my daughters Isabella and Lorelai. I am

    happy to be back in the states and taking over the New York headquarters, which has

    always been the heart of the company. My family and I want to put you at ease

    during this time of change. Nothing is going to change except me walking around

    the building and the occasional surprise visits by our future CEO, Bella.

    Dean laughed at the last part but he tuned out the rest of the long speech that

    seemed like it wouldnt end. Today, he had watched a secret fantasy of his go up in

    smoke and he wanted to go home and lick his wounds. He didnt know if he could

    work for DuGrey Enterprises anymore after finding out that Rory was married to hisboss.

    He watched as Rory and the children sat down beside Alistair DuGrey.


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    Rory watched her husband proudly as he gave his speech. She had married a

    wonderful man and he and the children were the most important things in her life.

    Rory was glad that they were back in the states and it was lovely having family

    nearby so the kids could spend time with everyone on a day-to-day basis instead of

    only on vacations and holidays.

    She looked out into the crowd and watched as many of the employees get caught up

    in her husbands magnetism and charismatic personality. She knew their eldest

    daughter, Isabella, had her fathers personality, her mothers drive, her

    grandmothers sense of adventure, and both her great-great grandmothers need for

    gossip. Rory looked down at the little baby that was in her arms and knew she had

    another firecracker on her hands. Lorelai Gilmore DuGrey IV was going to be a

    handful should she inherit any aspects of her sisters personality or temperament.

    Rory was still looking in the crowd when she thought she saw Dean in the audience,

    but that couldnt be. She hadnt seen or heard from Dean in ages. She actuallyforgot all about him and last she heard he and Lindsay had gotten a divorce then

    went their separate ways. Rory was trying to get a glimpse of the Dean-look-alike

    when her father-in-law, Alistair asked her a question, I sorry dad, what did you say?

    Daydreaming Rory? I asked if you wanted me to hold Lorelai for a while? said

    Alistair affectionately.

    Sure, that would be great, dad, said Rory.

    Alistair was like any grandfather and he held his little granddaughter like she was a

    precious jewel. He had been so happy when Rory and Tristan had announced theirplans to wed. When their first child was born he had been in such high spirits that he

    gave everyone at work a raise, which showed you how happy he was about the birth

    of his first grandchild. He was finally going to be able to retire and spend some

    quality time with his grandchildren as well as improve his golf game so he could beat

    Richard Gilmore. They had a friendly rivalry going on.

    Rory was still trying to find the familiar face in the crowd to see if it was in fact him,

    but her husband finished his speech and now the Chairman of the Board was

    speaking to the employees. Tristan bent down to give her kiss and she forgot about

    Dean. The man could kiss and she ended it before it got out of hand, in a publicvenue no less. She heard Alistair discreetly cough to cover up his laughter.

    Tristan smirked at her and said, So how was I? Do you think they felt comfortable

    around me?

    Yes, I think you did really well sweetie, said Rory.

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    Thank you wife of mine, said Tristan in a cocky manner.

    Rory just rolled her eyes and tried to listen to the Chairman speak, but her daughter

    who craved attention just like her father interrupted. Daddy I thought you did

    good. Do you think, as the future CEO of this company, I should make as speech as

    well? asked Bella.

    Rory and Alistair tried not to laugh out loud at the notion of little Bella making a

    speech to the entire employee population; it was a funny image. But Tristan who

    thought the world of both his daughters answered her question as if she were an

    adult. Bella, I dont think it would be appropriate for you to make such a speech at

    this moment, but maybe in the future you may, said Tristan.

    She smiled the same smile that made him fall in love with her mother and he melted.

    Okay daddy, said the mature Bella.

    Tristan peeked over his wifes shoulder to see the sleeping form of his youngest child

    Lorelai. He was still a little shocked at how his girls had both sets of grandparents

    and great-grandparents wrapped around their little fingers. Tristan knew he spoiled

    them and gave them just about anything when they asked for it, but they could even

    work Luke who was not known for liking kids or indulging them. But then again they

    were Gilmore girls so he shouldnt worry.

    When Tristan and Rory had first started dating they didnt know what kind of a

    relationship they would have. Tristan had to convince Rory that he had changed and

    he had to show her through his actions. The two of them had no expectations

    whatsoever going into the relationship but had gained so much. They were marriedafter only six months of dating and had waited a year before starting a family. He

    was extremely happy in his marriage and doted on his daughters. Rory and Tristan

    had decided together that it was about time that they moved back to the States, and

    New York to be exact.

    Tristan watched his wife for a while and she seemed distracted, Rory is everything


    Rory turned to her husband and said, Yeah everything is fine Tris. I just thought I

    saw someone I recognized, but I guess I was just imagining it.


    Dean was simmering with Jealousy since Rory looked to be happy with her husband

    and 1.5 kids. He couldnt believe Rory had married into a high society family. Even

    though she belonged to a prominent family, Dean had always assumed she had some

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    sense and would marry a normal guy. But it seemed like she married a man Emily

    Gilmore would be proud to call grandson.

    He had observed some private moments between the couple and he hated to admit

    it but they seemed genuinely happy together. So there went his idea about the

    couples marriage being a business arrangement between the two families. Heshouldve known that Rory would do things her way and please her family at the

    same time.

    Dean had had to watch as Tristan bent over to kiss his wife, a little too long in his

    opinion, and then speak with his adorable daughter. Dammit that ass didnt deserve

    a wife and family like Rory and her kids. He wished he didnt have to watch the scene

    play out before him.

    He doubted that Rory even noticed him or remembered him for that matter. When

    the people around him were getting up to leave was when Dean noticed that themeeting had adjourned so stood up to leave as well.

    Deano, well meet you at your place in a few alright? yelled Ernie from the exit.

    Dean just nodded his head and went to pick up his things from his desk in the

    mailroom. As he made his way out of the building he noticed a chauffeured Rolls

    Royce pull up on the street. He was walking down the stairs and noticed Bella run to

    the chauffeur and chat with him. He was about to go and say hi to her, but it was

    then he noticed her father Tristan and grandfather Alistair were also coming out of

    the building from the east side and a few paces behind them was Rory with little

    Lorelai in her arms.

    Dean couldnt help but stare at the woman who had bewitched his life since the first

    time she had appeared in it. He didnt think there would be another woman that he

    would love as much as he loved Rory. God, he wished things could be different. He

    wished the two little girls were his instead of the accountants.

    He could only watch with bitter longing as the young family got into their Rolls Royce

    and wave to Alistair DuGrey who stood on the pavement and smiled proudly. He

    would always pine for the girl that was never meant to be a part of his life. He could

    only watch with cold eyes as Tristan leaned over and kissed his wife for far too longand the car moved into traffic.

    Bella saw him on the stairs and she waved to him furiously from within the car. Her

    eyes lit up just like her mothers and Dean knew then and there that he wouldnt be

    returning to DuGrey Enterprises ever again. It would be too difficult and there was

    the off chance he could run into Rory.

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    He watched the car for a moment longer as it was headed to a penthouse on the

    Upper East Side that would be the base for the DuGrey family. He quickly turned

    around and ran to catch the bus and never looked back.