hitler 1

Celina Brix Abel Huesca Ilse Guerrero Julian Saldaña Mariana Sandoval Adolf Hitler totalitarism

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Page 1: Hitler 1

Celina Brix Abel Huesca Ilse Guerrero Julian Saldaña Mariana Sandoval

Adolf Hitlertotalitarism

Page 2: Hitler 1

Was a good student , he hate his mother and father but they separed of his mother and live with his father ,probraly this is why he hates the jews.

Hitler tried to enter The Academy Of Fine Arts and got rejected twice. 

Childhood and Adolescence

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Father: Alois HitlerMother: Klara HitlerThey were Jewish


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He study the basic college in MunichThen he study in Vienna


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Dietrich Eckart


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CAREERIn 1933 , Nazi Party began to

eliminate political

opposition and consolidate de


In 1934, Hitler became dictator

of Germany.

On August In 1934, confirmed

Hitler as sole Füher (leader) of


Genrmany conquered most of Europe and

threatened Great Britain.

Hitler invaded Poland in 1939 and he made a

pact with Joseph Stanlin.

Austria and Czechoslovakia were seized in

1938 and 1939.

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German invaded Soviet Union in 1941.

In Germany major military defeats were

suffered in 1943.

Large scale bombing of

German cities, rail lines, and oil plants escalated

or suffered in 1944.

The Allies seized the war.

Hitler refuse to the destruction

of German infrastructure on the war in


Germany was overrun or

conquered in 1945 by Soviets and the Allies.

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The German Workers' Party name was changed by Hitler to include the term National Socialist. Thus the full name was the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP) called for short, Nazi.

  Hitler became so powerful mainly because of his powerful

speaking ability. Like most extremists, Hitler used manipulation techniques, lies and mesmerism to gain power and control


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He was an excellent speaker and could persuade crowds to like his views easily.

In the 1932 elections, the Nazis won 33 percent of the votes, more than any other party. In January 1933 Hitler was appointed chancellor, the head of the German government, and many Germans believed that they had found a savior for their nation


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Nazi Germany and the Third Reich are common names for Germany during the period from 1933 to 1945, when its government was controlled by Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP), commonly known as the Nazi Party. Under Hitler's rule, Germany was transformed into a fascist totalitarian state which controlled nearly all aspects of life. Nazi Germany ceased to exist after the Allied Forces defeated Germany in May 1945, thus ending World War II in Europe.


Page 11: Hitler 1

Propaganda Contrary to popular belief,the term "propaganda" does not

necessarily suggest lies or distortion of the truth.

Propaganda in its correct term is merely the propagating and promotion of a cause.

Page 12: Hitler 1

Hitler,like all nations of the time had a propaganda minister in Josef Goebbels.His job was to promote the beliefs of the Nazi party. Though goebbels excelled in his job,the germans were an intelligent and advanced race that were perfectly capable of producing and defending their own opinions.

The popular theory of tribalist anti Nazis often condescendingly excuse the german people as "victims of hypnotic propaganda".This is a myth.The Nazi party was democratically elected in 1933,remained in power until the bitter end and had the unwavering and adoring support of virtually all of the germanic peoples.