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  • 7/26/2019 History AIMP


    AIMP v4.01, build 1705 (19.03.2016)===================================- Fixed: Bookmarks - selected bookmarks removes after sorting via drag-n-drop (regression)- Fixed: Skin Engine - some skins from AIMP3 loads incorrectly (regression)- Fixed: UI - in-place editing does not work in table elements (regression)

    AIMP v4.01, build 1703 (15.03.2016)===================================* Common: the FIJO Flat icons are now default file icons (thanks to Zigar)* Audio Converter: the "file name" column has been added* Playlist: the "Import entire folder if one file is sent" option has been introduced in the "Open files from external applications" category* Playlist: reloading file tags in the playlist now updates these files in the database of music library* Music Library: an ability to add selected files to bookmarks* Music Library: an ability to replace rating in DB from tags when updating information about the files if the "synchronize user mark with file tags" option isswitched on* Music Library: an ability to drag group via album art thumbnail* Music Library: algorithm of files monitor has been improved- Fixed: Common - CUE parser ignores apostrophe at the beginning or end of the value

    - Fixed: Player - the "%Index" macro skipped when copying file information to clipboard- Fixed: smart-playlists - automatic synchronization does not work (regression)- Fixed: tag editor - focused item is always processed even if it not selected- Fixed: Music Library - click at the "Mark" column via MMB or RMB changes the value- Fixed: Music Library - labels in context menu are not sorted by name- Fixed: Music Library - no way to scroll list of labels via scroll bar if one of labels is selected- Fixed: Music Library - adding / updating process interrupts if an error occurred when processing one of files- Fixed: Music Library - filtering works incorrectly if one of filters containsa NOT OR / NOT AND operations

    - Fixed: UI - tables with groups - an error occurs when deleting the content ofgroup and group is focused- Small bugs were fixed

    AIMP v4.00, build 1697 (22.02.2016)===================================* Common: 3rd party libraries have been updated* Playlist: the "%!" macro is now affects to next macro, not to entire formatting line- Fixed: Playlist - loses focus after quick search- Fixed: Tag Editor - some genres are duplicated after the re-opening of the window

    - Fixed: Tag Editor - an AV exception occurs sometimes when renaming group of files- Fixed: Music Library - navigation via short links does works incorrectly (regression)- Fixed: Music Library - table view - sorting resets to defaults after restart the app- Fixed: Plugins - API - an error in the IAIMPExtensionPlaybackQueue.OnSelect method (regression)- Fixed: Plugins - Last.fm - no line breaks for details in the "Track Information" dialog

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    AIMP v4.00, build 1695 (14.02.2016)===================================- Fixed: Music Library - customized layout of columns is not saved

    AIMP v4.00, build 1694 (14.02.2016)===================================* Common: digital signature has been updated* Audio Converter: list of templates for NeroAAC has been extended- Fixed: common - CUE parser cannot determine fields with multiple values in some cases- Fixed: Player - app hangs when switching tracks on radio stations that broadcast in the format FLAC- Fixed: Bookmarks - position does not saved after manual sorting in the dialog- Fixed: UI - table elements - multiple selection via selection rectangle worksbuggly- Fixed: Skin Engine - small bugs were fixed- Fixed: Audio Converter - cannot scroll the list with files if converting process is active- Fixed: Audio Converter - stores tags to the MusePack in the ID3v2 format instead of the APEv2 format.- Fixed: Audio Converter - click the "jump to folder" button opens the plugins d

    irectory if path is empty- Fixed: Tag Editor - ID3v2 - does not display information from some tag fieldsif file was exported from the Audacity app- Fixed: Tag Editor - application hangs when trying to edit file with corruptedalbum art- Fixed: Tag Editor - ReplayGain calculation works incorrectly in mode "get album from tags"- Fixed: Music Library - an error occurs when window redraws if grouping tree isin loading data process- Fixed: Music Library - smart-playlists - poor performance for lists with multiple filters- Fixed: Music Library - custom grouping templates works incorrectly- Fixed: Music Library - app hangs in some cases when removing multiple files fr

    om folder that monitored by music library- Fixed: Music Library - value of option that switch off recursive scanning forfolder was resets after restart the app- A lot of small bugs were fixed

    AIMP v4.00, build 1687 (18.01.2016)===================================* Common: Monkey's Audio codec has been updated* Skin Engine: Seek bar - Hint with position under mouse cursor now appears- Fixed: Common - the "Move to..." command does not work for playing file- Fixed: UI - table elements - selection of all items via Ctrl+A shortcut movesfocus to first item

    - Fixed: Playlists Manager - an empty playlists were created when moving few folders via drag-n-drop to playlists list- Fixed: Player - Internet Radio - meta information changed too early than trackreally started- Fixed: Tag Editor - OGG / FLAC / OPUS - multi-line fields saves incorrectly iftheir data contains ";" symbol- Fixed: Skin Engine - default frame index of TASEAnimator element always equalsto 0 even if binding is defined- Fixed: Skin Engine - few compatibility issues with old skins were fixed- Fixed: Skin Engine - localizations for custom context menus was not refreshed

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    in real-time- Fixed: Skin Engine - hint in music library table / playlist blinks when running under Windows 7 if desktop composition is disabled- Fixed: Skin Engine - window content was not refreshed after changing the element placement from script- Fixed: Music Library - import data base from AIMP3 - files from network locations cannot be imported- Fixed: Music Library - the "find in Music Library" command does not work if the "no grouping" mode is selected- Fixed: Music Library - playback accounting works incorrectly if playback speeddifferent from default value- Small bugs were fixed

    AIMP v4.00, build 1683 (29.12.2015)===================================* Skin Engine: waveform-navigator - accuracy of analysis has been improved- Fixed: Common - app hangs in some cases on closing, and continuing playback ofplaylist- Fixed: Player - encoding of online-stream in Ukrainian detects incorrectly- Fixed: Player - files from CUE Sheets cannot be send to Tag Editor app- Fixed: Skin Engine - Calculating the waveform for seekbar can be canceled spontaneously in some cases- Fixed: Music Library - RMB at content of the "Labels" column displays common c

    ontext menu instead of menu for labels- Fixed: Music Library - the "check for new files at application start up" function does not work in some cases- Fixed: Music Library - scrolling via gestures does not work

    AIMP v4.00, build 1680 (22.12.2015)===================================+ UI: An ability to switch on countdown in context menu of seek bar+ UI: the Bliss Dark skin has been added- Fixed: Common - the app does not work on some computers because of crash in the libsoxr.dll / aimp_vorbis.dll- Fixed: common - CUE parser ignores delimiter symbols in unquoted field values

    (regression)- Fixed: Skin Engine - Playlist name after rename does not updated in visible skin elements- Fixed: Tag Editor - the Replay Gain from file with CUE sheet does not show inthe "Information about file" dialog- Small bugs were fixed

    AIMP v4.00, build 1678 (15.12.2015)===================================- Fixed: Playlists Manager - manual sorting does not work- Fixed: Player - tracker music - noise appears on some files after seeking- Fixed: Playlists - newly added playlists via dran-n-drop always moved at the e

    nd of list- Fixed: Skin - album art from the playing file is displaying in card with information about the file from playlist- Fixed: Skin Engine - the "smooth transparency" option sometimes works incorrectly- Fixed: Skin Engine - click via right mouse button at running line displays context menu of window in addition to dialog with information about playing file- Fixed: Music Library - Grouping Tree - double click at selected node does notcollapse / expand it- Fixed: Music Library - the "Local files" tab header is not drop target for fil

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    es unlike playlists tabs- Fixed: Music Library - Smart-Playlist - value that equals to "Rating" of the "sort by field" option resets after restart the application- Small bugs and defects were fixed

    AIMP v4.00 RC 3, build 1675 (30.11.2015)========================================* Options Dialog: the "OK" button has been added* Options Dialog: multiple selection in skin chooser frame* Playlist: Added an ability to rescan tags for selected files only* Audio Converter: MP3 Encoder - added an ability to select target sample rate* Tag Editor: An ability to select all types of tags by one click- Fixed: Playlist - M3U - parser works with comments incorrectly- Fixed: Skin - No window context menu in mini player- Fixed: Skin Engine - Changing the hue processes incorrectly for fonts of someelements- Fixed: Skin Engine - small bugs were fixed- Fixed: Music Library - AIMP3 DB Import - labels cannot be imported- Fixed: SACD - seeking works incorrectly when playing file that size more than4 GB- Small bugs were fixed

    AIMP v4.00 RC 2, build 1670 (13.11.2015)========================================+ Audio Converter: an ability to switch off grouping* Common: CUE parser - support for multiple values fields* Tag Editor: Added an ability to store custom values to list of the "Genre" edit field- Fixed: Playlists Manager - an error occurs when click on delete button that available if the "remove playlist when closing tab" options is switched on- Fixed: Skin Engine - a space character has been added to text box when focusing it via TAB key- Fixed: Skin Engine - backward navigation via Shift+Tab key does not work- Fixed: Skin Engine - options that allows to temporary switch off transparencyof window conflicts with desktop toolbar mode

    - Fixed: Skin Engine - an error occurs when closing the application, if mouse cursor is located under docked child window- Fixed: Skin Engine - TASEPanel element - context menu does not work- Fixed: Skin Engine - TASEVisualDisplay element - hit-test mask ignored if visualization is active- Fixed: Music Library - an error occurs when trying to set mark to few files- Fixed: Music Library - an incorrect drive for tracks is displayed in some cases- Fixed: Plugins - few small bugs in new version of API- Small bugs were fixed

    AIMP v4.00 RC 1, build 1667 (30.10.2015)

    ========================================- Fixed: Common - Browse Folder dialog - name of parent folder is lost after create the new folder- Fixed: Common - problems with closing the application via context menu of appbutton at taskbar- Fixed: Common - URL cannot be moved from one playlist to other via Drag-n-Drop- Fixed: player - internet-radio - cyrillic symbols does not detected correctlyin some cases- Fixed: Playlist - Managing Playlists dialog - double click at scroll bar selects playlist item under it

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    - Fixed: Playlist - dropping playlist file to the playlist tabs area does not import it as playlist file- Fixed: Skin Engine - hint for the bookmark in the drop down bookmarks menu wasnot skinned- Fixed: Skin Engine - hint for playlist item does not take zoom factor into account- Fixed: Advanced Search - the "Index in Queue" column is too small by default- Fixed: Advanced Search - selected track starts playing by double-clicking at separator between columns- Fixed: Music Library - local hotkeys that contains only the SHIFT modifier does not work- Fixed: Music Library - the "Composer" tag field does work with multiple values- Fixed: Music Library - folder that dropped to grouping tree, adds to the "Default" playlist and starts playing automatically- Small bugs were fixed

    AIMP v4.00 Beta 4, build 1663 (16.10.2015)==========================================+ Plugins: API for plugins has been updated to v4- Fixed: Player - the "stop after current" function does not work for internet radio- Fixed: Skin Engine - window size restores incorrectly in some cases at application startup

    - Fixed: Tag Editor - application hangs while saving the changes in some cases- Fixed: Tag Editor - no icon for "rename file" button- Fixed: music library - report - the "album artist" field is used for the "topalbums" section- Fixed: Music Library - table scrolls to beginning after changing mark in table- Small bugs were fixed

    AIMP v4.00 Beta 3, build 1658 (26.09.2015)==========================================* Music Library: performance of rating calculation algorithm has been increasedby two orders- Fixed: Playlist - remove file confirmation dialog appears unfocused if applica

    tion is inactive (regression)- Fixed: Playlist - collapsed group cannot be unselected via keyboard in some cases- Fixed: Skin Engine - music library - click via right mouse button closes menuand does not open it again- Fixed: Music Library - selection in the "missplaced files" dialog does not work- Fixed: Music Library - add already indexed files to DB in some cases- Fixed: UI - autocomplete in ComboBox element is not case sensitive- Fixed: UI - auto height of CheckBox or RadioButton elements calculates incorrectly- Fixed: Plugins - Last.fm - tracks that contains a "&" symbol cannot be scrobbled (regression)

    - Small bugs were fixed

    AIMP v4.00 Beta 3, build 1655 (20.09.2015)==========================================+ Smart-playlists: added an ability to sort files after adding to playlist via user defined template+ Tag Editor: added an ability to copy / paste album art images to / from the system clipboard+ Music Library: added an ability to combine an empty levels in grouping tree in

  • 7/26/2019 History AIMP


    the "no grouping" mode+ Music Library: added an ability to find misplaced files automatically+ Music Library: added an ability to delete automatically non-existed files fromdata base+ Music Library: added an ability to send selected files from grouping tree to selected playlist* Common: 3rd party libraries have been updated* Common: Parser for CUE formats now ignores an empty fields* Playlist: Performance of builder for shuffle queue has been increased at 3 times* Skin Engine: waveform-navigator - accuracy of analysis has been improved- Fixed: Common - tables - no an ability to start selection via mouse by clicking at empty space of control- Fixed: Playlist - quick search - no an ability to navigate between items via cursors- Fixed: Playlist - an error occurs when clicking at the header of group in somecases- Fixed: Playlist - title of confirmation dialog window contains information about the playable file instead of application title- Fixed: Playlist - selection of group of files works incorrectly if content hasbeen filtered- Fixed: Player - running line does not updated after changing the track mark- Fixed: Player - internet-radio - macro selection menu woks incorrectly- Fixed: Player - application hangs when trying to play some corrupted WAV-files

    .- Fixed: Player - equalizer - preamp line is not visible- Fixed: Skin Engine - mini-player window that docked to screen edge does not hide automatically- Fixed: Skin Engine - no way to restore the AIMP by click via middle mouse button at tray icon- Fixed: Skin Engine - dock area was not highlighted when dock the child windowto top edge of master window- Fixed: Skin Engine - window was not maximized after double click at the titlearea, if docked window is placed in this area.- Fixed: Skin Engine - small bugs and defects- Fixed: Default skin - waveform is displaying when listening radio station, even if the "show waveform over the seek bar" option is switched off

    - Fixed: Default skin - small bugs were fixed- Fixed: Tag Editor - an error occurs in some cases when trying to save changesif player is running- Fixed: Music Library - grouping tree - the "no grouping" mode is case sensitive- Fixed: Music Library - playback cannot be started via double click at table- Fixed: Music Library - no information about the virtual files in the "information about file" dialog- Fixed: Music Library - few button does not have tool tips- Fixed: Music Library - sorting by the "file size" field works incorrectly- Fixed: Music Library - total duration of files in table calculates incorrectly- Fixed: Plugins - Last.fm - tracks that contains a "%" symbol cannot be scrobbled

    - Fixed: Plugins - Last.fm - no information about the user in the "information about file" dialog

    AIMP v4.00 Beta 2, build 1650 (31.08.2015)==========================================+ Music Library: now the data are loaded for visible columns only* Common: macro names in menu with macro list are highlighted now via bold font* Skin Engine: waveform-navigator - accuracy of analysis has been improved* Skin Engine: waveform-navigator - added support of Replay Gain settings

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    * Skin Engine: waveform-navigator - performance of calculation has been improved* Music Library: performance of the "search new files" operation has been improved- Fixed: Sound Engine - application crashes if user select more than 8 channelsin settings of ASIO-based device- Fixed: common - an error occurs in some cases when closing the application that could lead to hang of the application- Fixed: Common - menu with macro list does not work for formatting line for internet radio capture- Fixed: Playlist - tooltip for truncated text of item does not allow to set user rating for track- Fixed: Playlist - the "insert after current" command removes tracks from readonly playlists- Fixed: Playlist - application hangs when trying to set user mark for group offiles- Fixed: Tag Editor - wrong information is displayed in main window for selectedtrack if editor was not load information about it- Fixed: skin - height of caption bar of visualization window is differs from height of caption bar of other secondary windows- Fixed: Skin Engine - an error occurs when restoring the minimized fixed window- Fixed: Skin Engine - mini-player appears again after change the skin to another- Fixed: Skin Engine - scroll bar does not react on click via middle mouse button

    - Fixed: Skin Engine - user can resize window via right and middle mouse buttons- Fixed: Skin Engine - size of main window is changed in some cases after restore the minimized window- Fixed: Skin Engine - background color of AlbumArt element loads incorrectly for skins from AIMP3- Fixed: Music Library - wrong order of files when moving them into a playlist via drag-n-drop- Fixed: Music Library - value of the album artist field does not take into account for grouping- Fixed: Music Library - hiding a column does not reset the sorting by this column- Fixed: Music Library - hiding a column does not reset the column filter- Fixed: Music Library sends to editor non-existent files

    - Fixed: Plugins - Last.fm - no support for tag fields with multiple values- Fixed: Plugins - Last.fm - duration of track does not sent to server- Small bugs were fixed

    AIMP v4.00 Beta 2, build 1647 (18.08.2015)==========================================* Sound Engine: added an ability to specify the 352.8 KHz sample rate (for devices that support this sample rate)* Common: hints are now displayed when changing the slider in the DSP-Manager dialog via mouse wheel or keyboard* Common: formatting templates - list of available functions moved to sub-menu* Skin: added an ability to reduce main window width to 450 px

    * Skin Engine: playlist - hint is now appears for truncated items* Skin Engine: loading speed has been increased for skins in the ACS4 format* Skin Engine: waveform-navigator - wave creation progress is now displayed* Music Library: Grouping Tree Preset Editor - drag-n-drop support has been added* Music Library: Grouping Tree Preset Editor - multi-select functionality has been added- Fixed: Playlists Manager - an error occurs when loading inactive playlist viaclick by checkbox in the group header- Fixed: Playlist Manager - an error occurs when trying to import folders as pla

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    ylist, if one of loaded playlist is folder based smart-playlist- Fixed: Player - an error occurs when trying to delete equalizer preset- Fixed: Playlist - adding the files - progress of the "find files" operation isnot displaying- Fixed: Tag Editor - ID3v2 - parser does not work correctly with multiple values fields- Fixed: Skin Engine - an error occurs in some cases during fading finalizationin the TabControl element- Fixed: Skin Engine - an error occurs when loading a skin that uses a blur effect- Fixed: Skin Engine - hue intensity incorrectly applied to shared textures- Fixed: Skin Engine - elements draws incorrectly if they placed over the maskedBluredGlass element- Fixed: Skin Engine - behavior of scroll bars in the elements of music libraryis differs from behavior of scroll bar in playlist- Fixed: Skin Engine - elements of music library - incremental search does not override the local hotkeys- Fixed: Skin Engine - waveform-navigator cuts off the wave of playable track insome cases- Fixed: Music Library - an error occurs if hide all columns- Fixed: Music Library - grouping by date works incorrectly- Fixed: Music Library - rescan tags does not work with edited CUE files- Fixed: Music Library - does not work under Windows XP- Fixed: Music Library - some settings cannot be stored to configuration file

    - Fixed: Music Library works with read-only playlists incorrectly- Fixed: Music Library - no hint for truncated text of currently using groupingtree preset- Fixed: Music Library - filter editor saves nested levels incorrectly- Small bugs were fixed

    AIMP v4.00 Beta 1, build 1645 (08.08.2015)==========================================+ Common: version number of application has been removed from names of binaries+ Common: macros - one-letter / two-letter names of macros are replaced with friendly names+ Common: macros - list of macros for playable file has been expanded, following

    macros have been added: %AlbumGain, %TrackGain and %Lyrics+ Common: macros - list of functions for text manipulation has been expanded+ Common: the "copy to" / "move to" functionality - an ability to save folder structure+ UI: new design of application+ UI: windows animation no longer inhibits UI+ UI: scrollbar thumb jumps to previous position when mouse cursor leaves scrollbar zone+ Player: an ability to limit number of attempts to reconnect to internet-radiostation when connection is lost+ Playlist: Quick Search - algorithm has been changed: the content that isn't satisfying to a search string hides now+ Playlist: the "move to..." functionality has been introduced

    + Playlist: the "Find in Music Library" command has been added+ Playlist: smart playlists - an ability to build playlist based on data from Music Library with an ability to filter and group data+ Playlist: smart playlists - an ability to build playlist based on one or few directories+ Playlist: smart playlists - synchronization with pre-image is now works in separate thread+ Playlist: playlist files are now imports each into separate tab if the "open files from external applications" option set to "create new playlist".+ Playlists Manager: an ability to view size and duration summaries of selected

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    playlists+ Playlists Manager: drag-n-drop support for the preview window has been added+ Skin Engine: potential abilities have been expanded (refer to the help for Skin Editor for more information)+ Tags: added support for multiple values for APEv2, ID3v2, Vorbis Comments andM4A tags formats+ Audio Converter: support for aften.exe command-line encoder for AC3 format hasbeen added (thanks to Soolo)+ Music Library: integrated into the main application+ Music Library: "the" article isn't cut out when adding files in a DB any more+ Music Library: an ability to save user mark to tags of file automatically (optional)+ Music Library: an ability to specify different columns set for table and cardviews+ Music Library: an ability to adjust height of the alphabetic index control+ Music Library: an ability to set user-defined filter for grouping preset+ Music Library: an ability to drag album by its album art+ Music Library: an ability to scroll song list via mouse wheel without focusingof it+ Music Library: an ability to fast scroll via mouse wheel if Ctrl key is pressed+ Music Library: Report generator - support of fields with multiple values has been added+ Music Library: the "move to..." functionality has been added

    + Music Library: file name column displays a name of file without path now+ Music Library: alphabetic index is now supported for all fields+ Music Library: skin support has been added+ Music Library: the "no grouping" mode - an ability to fill song list from current folder only (without sub-folders)+ Music Library: support of network files has been improved+ Plugins: Scheduler - sleep timer - an ability to fade out volume+ Plugins: Scheduler - the "OK" button has been added+ Plugins: SACD - ISO - now the plugin displays both stereo and 5.1 tracks

    AIMP v3.60, build 1503 (26.09.2015)===================================

    - Fixed: UI - auto filling in Combobox element ignores case- Fixed: playlist - delete file confirmation window does not focused if application is not active (regression)- Fixed: Plugins - Last.fm - tracks that contains a "&" symbol cannot be scrobbled (regression)

    AIMP v3.60, build 1502 (20.09.2015)===================================* Common: 3rd party libraries have been updated* Common: Parser for CUE formats now ignores an empty fields* Playlist: Performance of builder for shuffle queue has been increased at 3 times

    - Fixed: Playlist - title of remove file confirmation dialog window contains information about the playable file instead of application title- Fixed: Playlist name was not changed after save the playlist to external filewith different name- Fixed: Plugins - few small bugs in API were fixed- Fixed: Plugins - Last.fm - tracks that contains a "%" symbol cannot be scrobbled- Fixed: Plugins - Last.fm - no information about the user in the "information about file" dialog- Small bugs and defects were fixed

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    AIMP v3.60, build 1500 (31.08.2015)===================================* Sound Engine: added an ability to specify the 352.8 KHz sample rate (for devices that support this sample rate)- Fixed: Sound Engine - application crashes if used select more than 8 channelsin settings dialog for ASIO-based device- Fixed: Player - duration of WAV files calculates incorrectly in some cases- Fixed: Player - AlbumArt loads incorrectly from ID3v2 in some cases- Fixed: Playlist - Save Dialog - settings are not saved for work session- Fixed: Playlist - the "insert after current" command removes selected track from read only playlists- Fixed: Plugins - Last.fm - information about the duration of playable file does not sent to server- Small bugs and defects were fixed

    AIMP v3.60, build 1497 (15.07.2015)===================================* Common: few localizations have been updated, Turkish and Indonesian localizations have been added- Common: index map of icon library loads incorrectly at second time during onework session

    - Player: internet radio - information bars displays every time when player receives metadata from server even if data have not been changed- Player: application ignores the custom queue when physically deleting playablefile- Player: player jumps to next track if an error occurs during opening file operation even if the "Automatically jump to next track" option is switched off- Skin Engine: an error occurs when trying to apply skin in handler of skinned button- Tags: WAV - tags does not loads if section with tags is placed after section with data- Plugins: SACD - ISO parser does not loads track if there are no meta information about the tracks- Small bugs and defects were fixed

    AIMP v3.60, build 1495 (03.06.2015)===================================+ SACD plugin: multi-threaded decoding is now supported+ SACD Plugin: SACD images in the ISO format are now supported (experimental)* Tag Editor: the APEv2 tag is now automatically deleted from MP3 during savingchanges- Fixed: Sound Engine - meta-data parses incorrectly in some cases when playingthe internet radio- Fixed: player - bitrate of MP3 files detects incorrectly in some cases- Fixed: Player - format of internet radio stream in FLAC format in OGG container displays as OGG Vorbis.

    - Fixed: Playlist - an error occurs in some cases that leads to stop redrawing of playlist- Fixed: Playlist - non-natural sorting is used when adding folders to playlist- Fixed: Playlist - playlist starts playing again after delete last playing track from playlist, even if the "repeat track" option is switched off- Fixed: Tag Editor - album arts cache is not updated after edit the album art in tag editor- Fixed: Tag Editor - no an ability to play tracks in TAK / OFR / OFS formats- Fixed: Plugins - last.fm - information about the scrobbling sends to server twice in some cases, if off-line cache is not empty

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    - Fixed: Plugins - Update Checker - downloading process does not canceled on closing the options dialog

    AIMP v3.60, build 1492 (24.04.2015)===================================* Common: the "jump to file" function does not create a new process of Windows Explorer now (thanks to Alex)* Player: Playback quality have been improved for tracker music* Plugins: The Analog Meter visualization is now distribute as separate plugin* Plugins: Last.fm - scrobbler status is now displayed at notification area icon- Fixed: Audio Converter - the "Move output to" option - no ability to type the":" symbol.- Fixed: Sound Engine - hangs while re-connecting to device- Fixed: Common - an edit field cannot be focused by click of right mouse button- Fixed: Player - shuffler queue is resets when closing the application- Fixed: player - track can be played twice in some cases if shuffle mode is active.- Fixed: Tag Editor - an error occurs while reading file in the AIFF format, iffile contains padding in the end of file- Fixed: Skin Engine - bugs with positioning of windows- Fixed: Plugins - few errors in API- Fixed: Plugins - Last.fm - scrobbler progress paints incorrectly

    AIMP v3.60, build 1483 (27.02.2015)===================================* Tag Editor: OPUS - ReplayGain information is now stored into the file header* Tags: OPUS - support for ReplayGain information that placed in the file header- Fixed: Sound Engine - meta-data parses incorrectly in some cases when playingthe internet radio- Fixed: Sound Engine - part of previous track can be heard when start file playback from the Windows Explorer, if player is not running- Fixed: player - OPUS - sample rate and duration calculates incorrectly- Fixed: playlist - the "reload data from pre-image" works incorrectly- Fixed: playlist - playing track was not focused after start up the application- Fixed: Playlist - an empty playlist file is moved to the Recycle bin after clo

    se the application in some cases- Fixed: playlist - an empty track titles are displayed for CUE sheets in the "Search New Files" dialog- Fixed: playlist - format string - few small bugs- Fixed: Skin Engine - small bugs were fixed- Small bugs and defects were fixed

    AIMP v3.60, build 1479 (06.02.2015)===================================* Playlist: uniform playback of groups in shuffle mode is switched off* Playlist: performance of the quick search has been improved* Last.fm: size of offline cache have been increased to 1000 of tracks

    * Last.fm: scrobbling occurs at the expiration of 4 minutes, if the specified ofpercents of track duration is greater than this value- Fixed: Sound Engine - BASS - unable to play internet-radio under Windows 10- Fixed: Sound Engine - meta-data parses incorrectly in some cases when playingthe internet radio- Fixed: Sound Engine - the application hangs if click pause and quickly close the program- Fixed: playlist - player starts playback of other playlist after closing the playing, even if the "on end of playlist" option is set to the "stand by" value- Fixed: Tag Editor - the "File Location" command works incorrectly with URL

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    - Fixed: Tag Editor - the "Information" tab is missing for the virtual files- Fixed: Tag Editor - search the album art in Google / Yandex - query parametersare not escaped- Fixed: Skin Engine - bugs with positioning of windows after change the screenresolution- Fixed: Skin Engine - bugs with positioning of windows after restore it from minimized state, if skin has been changed before restore- Fixed: Skin Engine - click on the album art display opens the miniature copy of image instead of original- Fixed: Skin Engine - small bugs were fixed- Fixed: Plugins - Last.fm - an error occurs in some cases when trying to love /unlove the track- Fixed: Plugins - Last.fm - album arts search does not work if track does not have information about the album- Fixed: Plugins - Last.fm - album arts that displays in player and in the "Information about track" dialog of plugin are different- Fixed: Plugins - Last.fm - scrobbler message was sent before the end of track- Fixed: Plugins - Simple Scheduler - alarm clock cannot play playlists that does not loaded into player- Small bugs and defects were fixed

    AIMP v3.60, build 1470 (16.01.2015)===================================

    - Fixed: Common - CUE parser does not understand commands in lower case- Fixed: Common - player does not determine audio tracks in the CD-Extra disk ifplayback has been started from autorun menu- Fixed: Common - interface hangs at some time when closing the Option Dialog with active "Skins" sheet- Fixed: Audio Converter - an error occurs when trying to export to MP3 format with following settings: Stereo, VBR.- Fixed: Sound Engine - playback position calculates incorrectly for set- Fixed: Playlist - the "Default.aimppl" file is moved to the Recycle bin aftereach close the application, if the "save default playlist" option is switched off- Fixed: Tag Editor - auto completion does not work for the "Genre" field- Fixed: Tag Editor - an ability of removing / applying changes to the selected

    tag types does not work- Fixed: Skin Engine - an error in playlist that leads to hide the element- Fixed: Skin Engine - position of main window is changed when restore it from mini-player if task bar is placed at top edge of screen- Fixed: Audio Library - playback in the audio library does not affects to the playback statistics- Fixed: Audio Library - files cannot be added to the DB via drag-n-drop operation in some cases- Fixed: Plugins - last.fm - some tracks scrobbles two or more times- Small bugs and defects were fixed

    AIMP v3.60, build 1465 (29.12.2014)

    ===================================- Fixed: Sound Engine - some resampling artifacts can be heard when playing tracker music- Fixed: Sound Engine - wrong playback position is displaying in skin elements after restart the application if it was paused before restart- Fixed: Playlist - order of the groups is inverted after moving it via drag-n-drop if groups are collapsed- Fixed: Skin Engine - parser fails on some correct expressions- Small bugs and defects were fixed

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    AIMP v3.60 RC 4, build 1460 (22.12.2014)========================================* Playlists Manager: speed of files loading for preview has been increased- Fixed: Sound Engine - application hangs during cyclic playback of very short files- Fixed: common - an error occurs if try to select items via mouse in an empty table- Fixed: Common - an error occurs when closing the application on Windows XP- Fixed: Plugins - audio library plugin cannot be loaded by player- Small bugs and defects were fixed

    AIMP v3.60 RC 4, build 1457 (19.12.2014)========================================* BASS_MIDI: added support for sound fonts in SFZ format* Skin Engine: mechanism for control the windows position during changing screenresolution has been improved- Fixed: common - an memory leaks occurs when adding tracker music to playlist- Fixed: Tag Editor parses genre field from M4A incorrectly in some cases- Fixed: Playlist - an exception occurs when trying to start playing file from external application in AIMP, if shuffle mode is switched on- Fixed: Playlist - tags does not read for files after import external playlistin format that different from AIMPPL

    - Fixed: Plugins - API - the %IN macro does not work- Fixed: Plugins - Compact Disk Audio - the disk name does not updates in drivessub menu- Fixed: Plugins - information bar - parameters are not initialized in settingsframe if plugin was loaded via plugin manager- Fixed: Plugins - information bar - an error occurs after closing the Options Dialog window, if preview is active- Small bugs and defects were fixed

    AIMP v3.60 RC 3, build 1453 (10.12.2014)========================================- Fixed: Sound Engine - slow buffering for some internet radio stations

    - Fixed: Sound Engine - played track is retained in memory after a manual switchto another track- Fixed: Album Arts - an exception in the cache manager leads to wrong album artis displayed for playable track- Fixed: Skin Engine - active playlist tab is out of visible area after programstartup in some cases- Fixed: Skin Engine - playlist - text width calculates incorrectly for non-monospaced fonts- Fixed: Plugins - Compact Disk Audio - an error occurs during scan the disk without audio tracks- Fixed: Plugins - Compact Disk Audio - bug in parser for response of CDDB server- Small bugs and defects were fixed

    AIMP v3.60 RC 2, build 1451 (02.12.2014)========================================* Sound Engine: Replay Gain's "on-fly" calculation algorithm has been improved- Fixed: Common - some command line keys does not work- Fixed: Sound Engine - jumps to next track before the end in some case- Fixed: Sound Engine - playback progress calculates incorrectly- Fixed: Playlist - the "Insert after current" command set selected track into incorrect position, if it placed before the playable

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    - Fixed: Tag Editor - reads rating from ID3v2 incorrectly in some cases- Fixed: Skin Engine - the TASEScrollbar element handles mouse wheel incorrectly- Fixed: Skin Engine - wrong visualization of ability to dock main screen to theedge of screen after closing the playlist window- Fixed: Controls - click via RMB at slider does not set focus to it- Fixed: last.fm - some service errors was not handled correctly- Small bugs and defects were fixed

    AIMP v3.60 RC 1, build 1447 (19.11.2014)========================================+ Tag editor: autonumeration - an ability to adjust format to XXX or XXX/XXX* Skin Engine: memory consumption during skin loading has been reduced* Skin Engine: memory consumption for skin has been reduced twice- Fixed: Sound Engine - stuttering while playing files with bitrates more than 5Mbps- Fixed: Sound Engine - application hangs in some cases during process of addingor removing USB-sound card- Fixed: Player - album arts not loaded in some cases if caching is switched off- Fixed: Player - some files in AAC format cannot be played completely- Fixed: playlist - newly created playlist is removed past the recycle bin whenclosing the tab- Fixed: Tag Editor - default encoding detects incorrectly when loading CUE froman external file

    - Fixed: Skin Engine - an error occurs on program startup under Windows XP- Fixed: Skin Engine - desktop work area was not updated after minimize fixed window

    AIMP v3.60 RC 1, build 1441 (12.11.2014)========================================+ Advanced Tag Editor: An ability to transliterate / change case for group of files+ Advanced Tag Editor: Main screen UI has been updated* Options Dialog: Search box for installed skins* Options Dialog: Sorting a list of menu items immediately after change the language

    - Fixed: Sound Engine - ASIO - changing the bit-depth during playback leads to noise- Fixed: Sound Engine - incorrect channels remapping for mono files- Fixed: Sound Engine - navigation issues by files which size is more that 4 GBytes- Fixed: Common - files that full path equals to 260 symbols cannot be played- Fixed: Common - an error occurs when trying to add an empty file to the playlist- Fixed: Player - album arts not loaded in some cases- Fixed: Player - if track is added in the playback queue twice - both positionswill be deleted on start playback- Fixed: Player - state of running line hangs if reconnect to internet radio station process has been aborted by user

    - Fixed: Player - information about the previous track is displayed for few seconds in the running line after new file was started- Fixed: Player - channels count and bit-depth are incorrectly detected for files in TAK format- Fixed: Skin Engine - few glitches after minimizing / restoring the windows- Fixed: Skin Engine - visual data cannot be retrieved in some cases that leadsto flickering of visual elements- Fixed: Skin Engine - playlist does not recalculates after collapsing / expanding all groups- Fixed: Controls - multi line editor does not fire the change event

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    - Fixed: Controls - few bugs with control redrawing after changing focused state- Fixed: Controls - seconds click on the drop down button does not close the dropped down list- Fixed: Controls - fading animation does not work with focused elements- Small bugs and defects were fixed

    AIMP v3.60 Beta 3, build 1433 (21.10.2014)==========================================+ Controls: support of navigation via keyboard* Common: Added a button that display a list of supported macros for the edit field* Player: Error dialog will not shown now if the application resumes playback during startup* Playlist: reading speed has been increased for the AIMPPL format* Skin Engine: an ability to blur behind is now available for Windows 7 only* Skin Engine: an ability to force switch off blur behind for skin has been removed- Fixed: Audio Converter - album arts are not transfered to the target files correctly- Fixed: Sound Engine - cyclic playback of file that duration is less than 1 second stops after several iterations- Fixed: Installer - an ability to install the application with empty destination path

    - Fixed: Information about the file - file size is not updated in the running line after save changes- Fixed: Plugins Manager - the Load / Unload commands are works incorrectly formultiple selection- Fixed: Plugins - several bugs in new API have been fixed- Fixed: Player - the "stop playback if current file was deleted" option works incorrectly- Fixed: Player - duration of file in the TAK format calculates incorrectly in some cases- Fixed: playlist - name of the radiostation are changed in playlist, if close the application without stop it before closing- Fixed: Playlist - several issues with calculation of playback indexes- Fixed: playlist - an rating marks for radiostation are displayed in playlist w

    hen trying to reconnect to it- Fixed: tag editor - an error occurs when trying to change size of album art inthe BMP format- Fixed: Skin Engine - values of the MagnetRectOffsets property are ignored whenmaximizing window than has been minimized via hotkey- Fixed: Skin Engine - the Next / Previous visualization buttons does not work after switch off the visualization- Fixed: Skin Engine - the playlists tabs panel loose active tab from visible area after change the skin- Fixed: Skin engine - level channels of the prvVisual provider are swapped- Fixed: Skin Engine - maximized window always restores on the main screen afterminimization- Fixed: Skin Engine - height of item of bookmarks list in the drop down window

    differs from menu item height- Minor bugs were fixed

    AIMP v3.60 Beta 2, build 1425 (19.09.2014)==========================================+ Last.fm: added an ability to change scrobbling threshold- Fixed: Sound engine - application UI freezes at 1 second while pausing / stopping the playback- Fixed: Sound Engine - wrong bitrate is displayed for the playable file

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    - Fixed: Sound Engine - player hangs in some cases when change the default output device- Fixed: Information about the file - tab with additional information about theplayable radio station was missed- Fixed: Information about the file - file size is not updated after save changes- Fixed: Information about the file - a rounding error of milliseconds during format time value by the "mm:ss" template- Fixed: Bookmark manager - files adding does not work correctly- Fixed: Bookmark manager - path to latest opened folder does not stored- Fixed: Playlist - an error occurs if trying to send URL-item to other playlist- Fixed: Skin Engine - position of the "Quick File Info" dialog calculates incorrectly if the taskbar is placed on secondary screen- Fixed: Skin Engine - an error occurs when trying to undock mini-player via mouse- Fixed: Skin Engine - reduce flickering of album art display during switch thetracks- Fixed: Skin Engine - the "-" symbol is displayed in the TextDisplay element after seek the playable file to beginning- Fixed: Skin Engine - some minor bugs were fixed- Fixed: last.fm - incorrect logic of scrobbler with the AlbumArtist tag field- Fixed: Last.fm - value of the "Album" field is ignored when fetching the albumart for the playable track- Fixed: last.fm - plugin stops playback because of crash if playable file is vi

    rtual- Fixed: last.fm - albums does not scrobbled- Fixed: few bugs with localization of some elements- Minor bugs were fixed

    AIMP v3.60 Beta 1, build 1421 (29.08.2014)==========================================+ Templates: macros for date modified / time modified of file were added* Quick Tag Editor: An ability to display information about the bit depth for some formats* Album Arts: search and loading algorithm have been improved* Replay Gain calculator: performance has been increased at 60 %

    - Fixed: Sound Engine - does not react on changing of default output device if the WASAPI interface is used for output- Fixed: Skin Engine - incorrect evaluation at some expressions- Fixed: Player - an error occurs when trying to open files from external sources- Fixed: Player - sometimes the "Audio Device Settings" button disappears afterclicking on it- Fixed: Player - an extended information about the error during connection to internet radio station does not displayed in the error box- Fixed: Player does not catch the CUE files from .iso.wv images- Fixed: Player does not catch CUE file that contains the "File" word in the comment section- Fixed: Player - the "add to the playback queue" command was missed from contex

    t menu of Windows Explorer- Fixed: Player - reselection of visualization does not activate it- Fixed: Playlist - the "rescan tags" function was not take changes from CUE files into account- Fixed: Playlist - content of playlist file loads incorrectly- Fixed: Audio Converter - WMA Encoder was missed- Fixed: Controls - the typed value is not checked for validity- Fixed: Controls - moving mouse cursor to the disabled menu item or separator in parent level does not hide child sub menu- Fixed: Album Arts - an error message occurs during album art loading from sub

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    folder- Fixed: Album Arts - the black square is displayed instead of album art in JPGformat in some cases- Fixed: Album Arts - no way to open album arts catalogs for virtual files- Fixed: Tag Editor - the "Lyrics" tab was missed- Fixed: last.fm plugin does not scrobble albums- Fixed: last.fm - an error occurs in the plugin after remove access for application in profile at the web site.- Fixed: last.fm plugin stops playback because of crash- Fixed: SACD - an error occurs during loading files in the DSF format- Fixed: few bugs with localization of some elements- Fixed: minor bugs and defects

    AIMP v3.60 Beta 1, build 1416 (08.08.2014)==========================================+ Common: New API for plugins+ Common: DEP and ASLR support have been added+ Common: The "Modules" folder has been removed, the following folders have beenintroduced instead: .\System, .\System\Data, .\System\Encoders+ Sound Effects: Normalization settings have been extended+ Sound Effects: Normalization settings have been moved to separate tab+ Sound Effects: Replay Gain - added an ability to set default value for normalization

    + Sound Effects: Replay Gain - added an ability to set preamp value for normalization factor+ Integration to OS: The "Add to Queue" command has been added to the context menu of Windows Explorer+ Mini-Player: An ability to adjust volume via mouse wheel without set focus into the mini-player+ Album Arts: An ability to download album art from internet automatically (plugin for Last.fm service is used to do it for now)+ Album Arts: An ability to define album art for internet radio stations+ Album Arts: An ability to customize search options+ Playlist: The "adding files" process is now working in separate thread+ Playlist: Shuffle mode - all indexes are now stored in the playlist file+ Playlist: Shuffle algorithm has been improved - uniform playback of files from

    different groups, avoiding sequential playback of two consecutive files+ Playlist: The number of file access has been reduced during loading a playlist/ add files process+ Audio Converter: The "Jump to target folder" button has been added+ Tag Editor: An ability to switch off grouping in the file list+ Tag Editor: Added an ability to drop files / images from internet browsers / URLs to the album art display+ Tag Editor: AIFF file format support+ Plugins: Common - added an ability to filter plugins by status+ Plugins: Common - all plug-ins are now stored in a subfolders+ Plugins: Common - support of Input plugins from Winamp has been removed because this type of plugins does not support multi threading+ Plugins: Visualizations - limit on the screen resolution has been removed for

    new type plugins+ Plugins: Infobar - the "show always" option has been added+ Plugins: Infobar - added an ability to select target screen+ Plugins: Last.fm - plugin now works with last.fm service directly - you no longer required installed last.fm client+ Plugins: Last.fm - added an ability to love / unlove tracks+ Plugins: Last.fm - added an ability to send the AlbumArtist field value instead of the Artist (optional)+ Plugins: Last.fm - an ability to show window with information about playable file

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    + Plugins: Last.fm - offline cache for100 records has been added+ Plugins: SACD - plugin for an ability to decode hi-res audio in the DSDIFF / DSF formats- Fixed: Common - an null size window with application icon is displaying at center of the screen when move mouse at the AeroPeek preview of application- Fixed: Common - issues with position of taskbar button at Windows 8 with multi-screen configuration

    AIMP v3.55, build 1355 (14.07.2014)===================================* Audio Library: The "Add to AIMP's playlist" menu item has been added to the context menu for grouping tree- Fixed: Common - tray icon flashes during program startup- Fixed: Common - application hangs in some cases when trying to add corrupted files in OGG format- Fixed: Common - Files from the Windows Explorer were not added to the list atstart of application- Fixed: Sound Engine incorrectly identifies a list of supported formats for some device types- Fixed: Playlists Manager - an ability to set unsupported file as pre-image viadrag-n-drop operation- Fixed: Playlist - item with URL cannot be sent into other playlist via contextmenu

    - Fixed: Skin Engine - skin settings are resets after restart the application- Fixed: Skin engine - new name of playlist is not updated in the PlaylistBox skin element- Fixed: Skin Engine - an error occurs in some cases when trying to undock the mini player from screen edge via drag-n-drop

    AIMP v3.55, build 1350 (16.06.2014)===================================* Sound Engine: Options Dialog - list of supported formats is populated now on demand, not at Options Dialog initialization* Sound Engine: Radio capture - maximum delay before start record new track hasbeen increased to 30 seconds.

    * Sound Engine: Radio Capture - CUE sheet is now stored on the hard drive aftereach track* Sound Engine: Compatibility with Remote Desktop Assistant has been improved (for WASAPI interface)* Playlist: an empty playlists with non-empty preimage setting will not be deleted now on closing the application* Playlist: Advanced search is now show last search query* Tag Editor: Support for non-english URLs - the URL will be automatically converted to punycode and vice versa.- Fixed: Common - tray icon flashes during program startup- Fixed: Common - player is minimized to tray instead of taskbar in some cases- Fixed: Sound Engine - output settings are resets at some devices when openingthe Options Dialog

    - Fixed: Playlist - the remove file confirmation dialog does not restore focus after closing- Fixed: Tag Editor - album art from ID3v2.4 tag cannot be read in some cases- Fixed: Tag Editor - file in FLAC format cannot be read by player, if embeddedCUE has been remove via AIMP Tag Editor- Fixed: Plugins - The Information Line flashes on display, if it has been hidden by mouse before that- Fixed: small bugs

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    AIMP v3.55, build 1345 (26.03.2014)===================================* Equalizer Presets Dialog: Alphabetical sorting of presets is default now* Equalizer Presets Dialog: Incremental search has been added* Player: Compatibility with the Zaycev.fm service has been improved* Skin Engine: Added an ability to resize animator control- Fixed: Sound Engine - ASIO - few bugs with playback resuming on some devices- Fixed: Sound Engine - the program sometimes hangs during playback- Fixed: Sound Engine - scratches can be heard on some tracks if the normalization by amplitude effect is active- Fixed: Sound Effects - mixing options apply incorrectly- Fixed: Plugins - Alarm Clock - another playlist starts playing, if selected playlist has been never activated after restart of the program- Fixed: Player - The QFI window doesn't appear at the first time in some cases- Fixed: Player - default folder for internet radio capture is stored to configuration file- Fixed: Playlist - focus and playback cursor are reseted after synchronizationwith the preimage.- Fixed: Skin Engine - the value of the PeakSegmentation property isn't taken into account- Fixed: Skin Engine - behavior of child window is broken after closing the window via Alt+F4- Fixed: Skin Engine - bugs with initialization of default values for controls on program startup

    AIMP v3.55, build 1338 (31.01.2014)===================================* DSP-Manager: Added an ability to switch on/off all cross mixing settings quickly* Player: The "Insert after current" command in addition to current behavior, now puts track to the beginning of playback queue- Fixed: The "Send To" - selected template is ignored, if file doesn't have tags- Fixed: Plugins - Compact Disk Audio - cache is not updated in some cases- Fixed: Plugins - Compact Disk Audio - information about the track has incorrect encoding, if information has been received from the CDDB- Fixed: Player - The remove file confirmation dialog doesn't return focus to th

    e previous window after closing- Fixed: Skin Engine - value of the SizeMaximal property isn't taken into account for client-aligned containers- Fixed: Tag Editor - ID3v2 - last value is taken into account for the "comment", "genre", "link" fields instead of first, as for the other fields- Fixed: Tag Editor - the autotag functions is not work correctly- Fixed: Audio Library - the application hangs when trying to move file via Drag-n-Drop, if target folder already contain file with same name- Few minor bugs were fixed

    AIMP v3.55, build 1332 (21.12.2013)===================================

    - Fixed: Playlist - no an ability to drop files to the end of playlist in some cases- Fixed: Tag Editor - lyrics field value has been cut by first line

    AIMP v3.55, build 1331 (20.12.2013)===================================* Sound Engine: WASAPI Exclusive - added support for the Push and the Event output modes* DSP-Manager: Volume Normalization - scale factor is now displayed in the "% dB

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    / % x" format* Tag Editor: String parsing in the AutoTag based on the file name is now goingfrom end* Rollback: Fixed - inaccurate navigation at the file during playback, if it inthe MP3 format- Fixed: Audio Converter - an error occurs when trying to encode file to the OGGformat with quality low than 4- Fixed: Bookmarks Manager - cursor position in the table resets to zero after removing the record- Fixed: Playlist - when closing the playlist tab, playlist file deleted bypassing the recycle bin- Fixed: Skin Engine - initial size of container calculates incorrectly in somelayouts- Fixed: Skin Engine - the hit-test calculates incorrectly in some cases- Fixed few minor bugs

    AIMP v3.55, build 1324 (15.11.2013)===================================* Sound Engine: The normalization function has been returned, the algorithm hasbeen improved- Fixed: Sound Engine - application hangs when changing playback position via mouse wheel- Fixed: Sound Engine - player jumps over track in some cases when set is playin

    g- Fixed: Common - windows position are shifted at taskbar height after restart if taskbar is placed at top edge of screen- Fixed: Advanced search - click via middle mouse button does't select row in the table- Small bugs were fixed

    AIMP v3.55, build 1320 (04.11.2013)===================================* Bookmarks Manager: added an ability to sort items via click on table column- Fixed: Replace Confirmation Dialog - the "Replace All" and the "Skip all" buttons doesn't work

    - Fixed: Sound Engine - stuttering occurs on start of playback in some cases- Fixed: Sound Engine - the application hangs during playback of file with duration less than 1 seconds if the "repeat track" mode is active- Fixed: Sound Engine - player doesn't play last 20-30 msec of track- Fixed: Player - file in the CUE format loads incorrectly in some cases- Small bugs were fixed

    AIMP v3.55 RC 2, build 1312 (15.10.2013)========================================* Sound Engine: activating / deactivating effects are now processed more smoothly* Advanced Search: The "file Location" menu item has been added

    * Advanced search: Added an ability to add files to the queue via middle mouse button click- Fixed: Player - program UI sometimes hangs when playing tracks- Fixed: Player - manual track switching processed with small delay- Fixed: Playlists - Few extra drop target slots are exists when moving files inthe playlist via mouse- Fixed: Skin Engine - small bugs were fixed- Small bugs were fixed

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    AIMP v3.55 RC, build 1307 (07.10.2013)======================================* Sound Engine: Cache system has been improved - read latency has been reduced* Jump to Time: Added an ability to split minutes and seconds by space symbol* Manual: Added search ability* Tags: replay gain are now supported for MusePack v8 format- Fixed: Sound Engine - An error occurs when switching between tracks in some cases- Fixed: Sound Engine - Information about bitrate in the metadata section are ignored- Fixed: Sound Engine - The mixing effect cuts end of track, if effect time is less than a second- Fixed: Player - Local hot keys doesn't work if full screen visualization modeis active- Fixed: Player - Crashes on terminating if one of the DSP-plugin is active- Fixed: Player - No an ability to set multimedia keys as local hot keys- Fixed: Player - The content of CUE sheet is loaded incorrectly, if load it asa playlist- Fixed: Playlist - Mouse wheel settings are ignored- Fixed: Playlist - Zoom level not saved on restart- Fixed: Playlists - Few extra drop target slots are exists when moving files inthe playlist via mouse- Fixed: Skin Engine - Small bugs have been fixed- Fixed: Managing Playlists - Selection has been restored incorrectly after play

    list deletion

    AIMP v3.55 Beta, build 1298 (12.09.2013)========================================+ Common: Added an ability to move links via drag-n-drop from internet browser to playlist or "Add link" dialog+ Bookmarks: Added an ability to add playlists to the bookmarks+ Bookmarks: "Bookmarks Manager" dialogue - quick search has been added+ Bookmarks: "Bookmarks Manager" dialogue - usability has been improved+ Sound Engine: Anticlipping+ Sound Engine: Added an ability to customize resampling speed/quality+ Sound Engine: Added an ability to use dithering when decreasing bit depth

    + Sound Engine: The SoXR library is now used for resampling+ Sound Engine: Performance has been increased* Rollback: Skin Engine - The sizes of windows now automatically adjusted afterscreen resolution changing* Plugins: The "Internet Radiostation Catalog" plugin has been removed, you canaccess to catalogs via internet browser* Player: Fading and cross mixing settings has been moved to DSP Manager dialogue* Player: Cross mixing setting has been expanded- Fixed: Sound Engine - Program crashes during cache buffer initialization process if system cannot allocate requested memory size- Fixed: Player - window position is restored incorrectly if it was attached tothe screen edge via drag-n-drop

    - Fixed: Player - Data from ID3v2 has been replaced with data from ID3v1 in somecases, even if encoding is different- Fixed: Player - Crashes on attempt to activate DSP-plugin- Fixed: Player - The custom information about the radio station is lost when playback is starting- Fixed: Player - No information about bitrate is displayed for some files in the MP4 format- Fixed: Tag Editor - File cannot be removed physically if it played in mini-player of the tag editor- Fixed: Small another bugs

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    AIMP v3.51, build 1288 (07.08.2013)===================================* Sound Engine: TAK decoder has been updated* Sound Engine: Cache system has been improved - CPU usage has been reduced* Playlists: auto name algorithm has been improved* Tag Editor: The progress of current operation is now displaying on the taskbarbutton* Skin Engine: The sizes of windows now automatically adjusted after screen resolution changing- Fixed: Audio Converter - Bugs with parameters selection in the "OGG Vorbis Encoder Settings" dialogue- Fixed: Audio Converter - Bugs with parameters selection in the "WMA Encoder Settings" dialogue- Fixed: Browse Folder Dialogue - The Ctrl + Up / Ctrl + Down hot keys does notwork- Fixed: File Save Dialogue - No overwrite confirmation in some cases- Fixed: Sound Engine - Tracks with long names cannot be played in some cases- Fixed: Sound Engine - Program crashes during radio capture process, if playable track has incorrect symbols in one of its tag fields- Fixed: Sound Engine - No an ability to pause file playback, if it located on remote server- Fixed: Small bugs and defects

    - Fixed: Common - The Ctrl + Page Up / Ctrl + Page Down hot keys does not work in secondary windows if its have been used as local hot keys in the player.- Fixed: Common - Bugs in some localizations- Fixed: Common - Format line parser does not process "\," set of symbols correctly- Fixed: Playlists - the "Save playlist 'Default'" option is ignores when closing playlist tab- Fixed: Playlists - Playlists Manager deletes playlists pass the recycle bin- Fixed: Playlists - Deletion of the collapsed group expand group which placed below- Fixed: Tag Editor - The M4A tag missing in the tags list for group removing /applying tag fields values- Fixed: Tag Editor does not recognize files which located in the Windows Librar

    ies- Fixed: Tag Editor - Incorrect files order in the "Analysis Result" dialogue- Fixed: Pandemic AIO Skin - No ability to drag player window by its caption- Fixed: Skin Engine - An ability to resize window is blocked after change skinto another without maximization support if window is maximized- Fixed: Skin Engine - Converter ignores special settings for All-In-One skins- Fixed: Audio Library displays wrong data in the report- Fixed: Audio Library does not take initial rating of file into account when adding file to database

    AIMP v3.50, build 1277 (19.06.2013)===================================

    - Fixed: Small bugs and defects- Fixed: Common - Player can't be associated with file types in some cases- Fixed: Common - Some bugs in localizations- Fixed: Common - The "All words with capital letter" function change the capitalization of whole word to uppercase in some cases- Fixed: Playlist - player add files to playlist too long- Fixed: Tag Editor - Autofilling tags functionality does not work

    AIMP v3.50 RC 2, build 1270 (04.06.2013)

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    ========================================* Player: Hot key for "Switch On/Off Equalizer" command* Player: Position of the "Advanced Search" window now stored to config* Player: New mechanism of file association - now we use solution recommended byMicrosoft* Audio Library: New algorithm of rating calculation - rating is now depends from time- Fixed: Sound Engine - Noise can be heard when playing file with high samplingrate- Fixed: Small bugs and defects- Fixed: Player - Bookmarks cannot be saved in some cases- Fixed: Player - Queue manager does not save file order after closing the player- Fixed: Player - The "suspend global hot keys" option does not work- Fixed: Tag Editor - Genre from list of predefined genres does not save correctly to M4A format- Fixed: Skin Engine - An error occurs in some cases when trying to load skin that contains embedded fonts- Fixed: Skin Engine - there is no check for corruption of skin package- Fixed: Skin Engine - position of equivalent containers with limited sizes calculates incorrectly- Fixed: Skin Engine - Value of the ClipChildren property is ignores when calculating HitTest- Fixed: Audio Library - Focused file disappears from visible area after sorting

    AIMP v3.50 RC 1, build 1259 (08.05.2013)========================================* Common: The cover art search now processes the "Cover" and "Scan" subfolders* Common: Application loading speed has been increased- Fixed: QFI - click on cover art display opens temporary copy of image insteadof original- Fixed: Audio Converter does not write information about replaygain for album to CUE-sheet- Fixed: Small bugs and defects- Fixed: Common - player ignores "SONGWRITER" field in CUE-sheet- Fixed: Tag Editor - the "skip this file" option doesn't work in the "Rename" d

    ialog- Fixed: Skin Engine - position of pinned window calculates incorrectly, if master window is docked to main window- Fixed: Skin Engine - position of equivalent containers calculates incorrectlyin some cases- Fixed: Skin Engine - bugs in time formatting function- Fixed: Skin Engine - elements placed on hidden container still visible in somecases

    AIMP v3.50 Beta 4, build 1253 (19.04.2013)==========================================- Fixed: Small bugs and defects

    - Fixed: Player - Hotkey settings are not saved in some cases- Fixed: Player - bugs with reading command line switches- Fixed: Playlist - no an ability to move selected group inside another even if"Merge with similar categories" option is switched off- Fixed: Playlist - An error occurs when trying to execute "Search New Files" dialog- Fixed: Skin Engine - mouse cursor is not recalculated correctly in some cases- Fixed: Skin Engine - small bugs with providers

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    AIMP v3.50 Beta 3, build 1247 (10.04.2013)==========================================+ Common: Added support for panning gesture for listbox like controls- Fixed: Installer launches the Application as administrator- Fixed: Internet Radio Browser - an error occurs when closing the window duringdownload operation- Fixed: Small bugs and defects- Fixed: Scheduler - bugs with applying playlist as alarm clock melody- Fixed: Player cannot play tracker music correctly in some cases - only samplesare played- Fixed: Player - an error occurs when trying to move file from bookmarks popupwindow to external application via Drag-n-Drop- Fixed: Player - an error occurs when trying to start Audio CD playback from autorun menu- Fixed: Player - hot keys list doesn't repaint correctly after removing the hotkey via keyboard- Fixed: Playlist - filename of tracklist cuts off in some cases- Fixed: Playlist - the list doesn't scroll to searching item via quick search if it placed in collapsed group- Fixed: Skin Engine - containers visibility doesn't save to configuration file- Fixed: Skin Engine - an error occurs when trying to undock tray-control from the screen edge- Fixed: Audio Library - data cache doesn't refresh after removing operation- Fixed: Audio Library - an error occurs when trying to remove playable file

    AIMP v3.50 Beta 2, build 1237 (08.03.2013)==========================================- Fixed: Tag Editor save incorrect information about the size of ID3v2 tag

    AIMP v3.50 Beta 2, build 1236 (07.03.2013)==========================================* Audio Converter: Tags are now stored to WMA and WavPack formats via AIMP tagsengine* Audio Converter: Only common information about the tracks is now stored to thefile tags during "All-to-one file" encoding mode

    * Player: Playlists reading speed has been increased by 25%* Player: Response time of the window in "desktop toolbar" mode during adding files via drag-n-drop operation has been decreased* Skin Engine: Rendering speed has been increased due caching of the backgroundelements* Skin Engine: Compatibility with old skins has been improved- Fixed: Installer - update mode doesn't work- Fixed: Installer doesn't create shortcuts under Windows 8- Fixed: Small bugs and defects- Fixed: Simple Scheduler - the state of "shutdown the computer" option isn't stored- Fixed: Player - few folders without spaces in the names cannot be added to theplayer via command line

    - Fixed: Player - the plug-ins table jumps to beginning after any plug-in is unloaded- Fixed: The tag editor stores two copies of cover art to the file in FLAC format- Fixed: Skin Engine - information in QFI isn't refreshed in some cases- Fixed: Skin Engine - maximized window reduces its size after AIMP restart- Fixed: Playlists Managing - preview for few selected playlists doesn't work correctly- Fixed: Audio Library - all tracks from set are added to the audio converter regardless of which of them were selected

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    AIMP v3.50 Beta 1, build 1224 (31.01.2013)==========================================+ CoverArt Downloader: Click on image now opens it in external application+ CoverArt Downloader: Caching of downloaded files for current work session+ Audio Converter: Hotkey for start conversion process has been added+ Audio Converter: OPUS Encoder has been added+ Audio Converter: Added an ability to save path structure during conversion process+ Sound Engine: Added support for i32v24 sample format+ Sound Engine: Now player has separate settings for crossfading in manual and automatic switching modes+ Sound Engine: Equalizer has been improved - now all frequencies are processedbetween sliders+ Common: Settings in options dialog has been regrouped+ Common: Player no longer supports configuration files from AIMP2+ Common: Added support of long pathname (more than 260 characters), only for Windows Vista and newer+ Common: Added an ability to split files by chapters (OGG, OPS, M4A and M4B aresupported)+ Common: Performance has been increased+ Scheduler: Alarm Clock - added an ability to execute action after pre-set timeperiod

    + Scheduler: Alarm Clock - added an ability to set playlist as alarm clock ringtone+ Player: Equalizer settings has been added to the DSP Manager dialog+ Player: Playlist tab hint now contains information about playlist content+ Player: Hotkey for the "Reload data from pre-image" command has been added+ Player: Hotkeys for executing the "Bookmarks Manager" and "Equalizer" dialogshas been added+ Player: Hotkeys for set mark to playable / selected files has been added+ Player: The queue of shuffle playback is now stored on the application closing+ Player: Added Drag-n-Drop support for the Bookmarks Manager+ Player: Now files merge into one queue, when send it to a removable device+ Player: Confirmation for the remove equalizer preset operation has been added+ Player: Managing Playlists - added an ability to browse content of closed play

    list (with search ability)+ Tag Editor: Added an ability to resize window of "Presets Editor" dialog+ Tag Editor: The "File Size" column has been added+ Tag Editor: Rename files - added an ability to replace / remove selected characters+ Tag Editor: Rename files - bilateral transliteration has been added (Russian -English)+ Tag Editor: Rename files - new design+ Tag Editor: Added support of "BPM", "Disc Count" and "Publisher" tag fields+ Tag Editor: Added support of OPUS format tags+ Tag Editor: Added an ability to calculate BPM (powered by SoundTouch Library)+ Skin Engine: An ability to switch off spectrum animation for playable track+ Skin Engine: An ability to dock window to the top and bottom screen edges

    + Skin Engine: Potential abilities are extended+ Audio Library: Added an ability to switch off automatic jump to next track during playback+ Audio Library: Added an ability to display rating instead of mark, if mark isnot set+ Audio Library: Added an ability to send files to playlist+ Audio Library: Added an ability to add files to data base via Drag-n-Drop+ Audio Library: Added special context menu for cells of the "Labels" column+ Audio Library: Hotkeys for playback control has been added+ Audio Library: The "BPM", "Composer", "Publisher" and "File Format" columns ha

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    s been added+ Audio Library: New design of the "Labels Manager" dialog+ Audio Library: Mark reading speed has been increased by 10 times+ Custom Controls: Context menu - added an ability to scroll items via mouse wheel+ Custom Controls: Context menu - auto scrolling to selected item on menu popup+ Custom Controls: Now you can switch between tabs via Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab / Ctrl+PageUp and Ctrl+PageDown shortcuts+ Custom Controls: ListView and TreeView - per-pixel scrolling has been added+ Custom Controls: Scrollbar - added an ability to jump to position under mousecursor via mouse click with pressed Shift key

    AIMP v3.20, build 1165 (21.12.2012)===================================* Player: The Algorithm of catching CUE sheets for audio files with double extension has been improved* Tag Editor: Cover art now stored to special section in FLAC format- Fixed: Audio Converter - Error occurs when trying to remove virtual track fromdisk- Fixed: Audio Converter - Sample format saves incorrectly for command line encoders- Fixed: The content of playlist stops drawing in some cases- Fixed: Radio Capture - Unable to choose command line encoder for capture

    - Fixed: Player doesn't detect CD-drive at "A" letter- Fixed: Player doesn't play sound, if initialization of DSP-plugin failed- Fixed: The "Ctrl+Del" hot key is intercepted by playlist from secondary text input elements

    AIMP v3.20, build 1163 (28.11.2012)===================================* Audio Converter - Track Number column has been added* Audio Converter - %IN macro is now supported* Tag Editor - M4A Tag column has been added* Audio Library - Added an ability to edit tags of playable file- Fixed: Quick Tag Editor - Extended information about radio station does not di

    splay, if Editor has been called from "Quick File Info" dialog- Fixed: Quick Tag Editor - Cover Art from folder does not display for virtual files- Fixed: The Error Dialog cannot be closed via ESC key- Fixed: Radio Capture - Doesn't transfer tags to the file when capturing streamin AAC format without transcoding- Fixed: Small bugs and defects- Fixed: Equalizer presets created incorrectly during install on Windows with non-russian locale- Fixed: Skin Engine - Delayed update of visualization elements- Fixed: Skin Engine - Fully transparent elements in old skins does not drawn correctly

    AIMP v3.20, build 1155 (16.11.2012)===================================* Playlist: Quick search can be finished now by pressing ESC key- Fixed: Browse Folder Dialog - selected folder adding to the playlist independent from checkmark state- Fixed: Sound Engine doesn't detects supported formats of audio device correctly- Fixed: Small bugs and defects- Fixed: Known memory leaks

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    - Fixed: Tag Editor - track number does not save to playing file- Fixed: Tag Editor - Lyrics does not "break" by lines for M4A format- Fixed: Audio Library hangs in some cases when "add files" or "rescan tags" operation is active- Fixed: Audio Library - alphabetic index has inverted scrolling by mouse wheel

    AIMP v3.20 RC 1, build 1148 (19.10.2012)========================================* Browse Folder Dialog - Added ability to set path manually- Fixed: Playlists tabs aren't repainted after scrolling, if scroll animation isdisabled- Fixed: Incorrect font rendering in Information Line under Windows 8- Fixed: Small bugs and defects- Fixed: Some elements of playlist does not support skin color scheme- Fixed: Rounding errors while calculating duration of the track from CUE- Fixed: Player cannot open CUE files, which contains "" symbols- Fixed: Crash when capturing internet-radio

    AIMP v3.20 Beta 2, build 1139 (28.09.2012)==========================================+ Common: The list of encodings for translating non-unicode text to UTF16 formathas been supplemented

    + Playlist: The "%!" macro has been added for an ability to implement custom sorting in reverse order* Sound Engine: Support of meta data of Internet radio stations in ASF format has been improved* Skin Engine: Rendering speed has been increased- Fixed: Audio Converter - few small bugs in "All files to one (+ CUE)" encodingmode- Fixed: Audio Converter doesn't transfer tags when encoding to MusePack format- Fixed: Sound Engine doesn't detects supported formats of audio device correctly- Fixed: Small bugs and defects- Fixed: Color Scheme settings does not applied to the tray icon and context menu glyphs

    - Fixed: Player doesn't restore playback queue after restarting- Fixed: Player can't open sub-tracks with relative filename from CUE Sheet

    AIMP v3.20 Beta 1, build 1125 (02.09.2012)==========================================+ Audio Converter: Added an ability to shut down the computer after conversion operation+ Audio Converter: Added an ability to use console encoders+ Audio Converter: Added an ability to change format of input audio stream+ Audio Converter: The "Encode All To One File" mode has been added (with / without CUE logging)+ Audio Converter: Tags in the ID3v1 now are saved to the file when encoding to

    MP3 format+ Audio Converter: Added an ability to encode files to MusePack format+ Radio Capture: The module uses the engine of Audio Converter now+ Sound Engine: The algorithm of input file caching has been improved - now engine access to the disk less frequently+ Sound Engine: Added WASAPI Exclusive supports+ Sound Engine: The maximal size of cache for input file has been increased to 250 MB+ Common: Hint for the "Part repeat A-B" button now contains information about bounds of repeating part

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    + Common: Added an ability to view embedded Cover Art in original resolution+ Common: Equalizer presets are now stored to the separate file on disk+ Plugins: Decoder for OPUS format has been added+ Plugins: Ogg Vorbis Encoder has been updated to v1.3.3+ Scheduler: Added an ability to wake up the computer+ Scheduler: Added an ability to switch the computer to sleep mode+ Scheduler: Added an ability to suspend playback and / or close the player before computer shutdown+ Scheduler: The Alert will be shown now before computer shutdown+ Advanced Tag Editor: Added an ability to choose tag format for which the changes will be saved+ Advanced Tag Editor: Added an ability to edit tags in M4A format+ Audio Library: Incremental search has been added to the dropdown list of the filter of table column+ Audio Library: Added an ability to flush search query easier

    AIMP v3.10, build 1074 (24.08.2012)===================================* Common: Localizations has been updated- Fixed: The Audio Converter removes dots from file name- Fixed: Small bugs and defects- Fixed: The autoname for playlist calculates incorrectly, if name of the foldercontains dot symbol

    AIMP v3.10, build 1072 (07.08.2012)===================================* Sound Engine: The algorithm of advanced channels processing has been improved* Common: Localizations has been updated* Plugins: Compatibility with Last.fm Client v2 has been improved* Plugins: Rendering speed of visualizations has been increased* Skin Engine: Compatibility with AIMP2 skins has been improved- Fixed: %IN macro is expanded incorrectly when sending files from playlist to external directory- Fixed: The Audio Converter raises an exception, if "move output to..." optionsis active and target path is empty

    - Fixed: The Audio Converter ignores command line switches- Fixed: The Audio Converter increases tempo of composition twice when encodingto MP3 Mono format- Fixed: Small bugs and defects- Fixed: Incremental search does not work in the Tag Editor's genre selector menu- Fixed: Player resumes playback on startup incorrectly, if previously playing file has been removed from the playlist- Fixed: Player resumes playback queue incorrectly, if two or more playlists hassame name- Fixed: The Audio Library does not suggest to create a new group in some caseswhen navigating by fields values- Fixed: Player used to jump over one track after deleting file from the playlis

    t in some cases

    AIMP v3.10, build 1065 (04.07.2012)===================================- Fixed: Incremental search does not work in the bookmarks popup window- Fixed: Small bugs and defects- Fixed: Incompatibility with Synaptics TouchPad- Fixed: The exception "Cannot open the file" occurs on multithreading encodingfrom a file in the WavPack format (+ CUE)

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    - Fixed: File is moved from the source folder to another one instead of copied when dragging the file from the playlist- Fixed: AIMP rewrites information about the integration to Windows Registry onapplying settings- Fixed: Player used to jump over one track after deleting file from the playlist- Fixed: Memory leak occurs when working with the MP3 Encoder- Fixed: Audio Library ignores the number of playbacks for each file when it generates report about the favourite audio files

    AIMP v3.10, build 1061 (29.06.2012)===================================* Audio Converter: Displaying the progress of conversion operation in window caption has been added* Common: Localizations has been updated* Player: The following equalizer presets has been added: Headphones / Reggae /Ska / Techno- Fixed: Audio Converter incorrectly calculates target sample rate in some cases- Fixed: Playback cursor does not resets after playlist clearing- Fixed: Small bugs and defects- Fixed: Bugs with displaying the Equalizer Window when using old skin- Fixed: Track removes from playing queue twice at the start of playback

    AIMP v3.10 RC 2, build 1051 (01.06.2012)========================================* Bookmarks: An ability to sort items in Bookmarks Manager* Plugins: Support of the Input plugins from Winamp has been improved* Skin Engine: Text rendering speed is increased twice- Fixed: Skip mode does not work in the "Send To" dialog- Fixed: The Cover Arts is read incorrectly from ID3v2.4 in some cases- Fixed: Small bugs and defects- Fixed: Player cuts the value of a track number field, if it is greater than 255- Fixed: Skin Engine - Wrong scrolling step at the ScrollBar element with non-resizeable thumb

    - Fixed: Skin Engine - Controls does not receive focus in some cases

    AIMP v3.10 RC 1, build 1045 (21.05.2012)========================================* Tags - Size of padding between tag and audio data is now limited to 100 KBytes* Tags - The algorithm of calculating duration of audio files in MP3 VBR formathas been improved- Fixed: Small bugs and defects- Fixed: Incorrect text is displayed for the error, which occurs while output device is initializing- Fixed: The Equalizer window does not take animation settings into account in some cases

    - Fixed: Bugs with behaviour and displaying of old skins- Fixed: Player doesn't read audio tag correctly if it size is more than 1 MByte- Fixed: Playlist hangs on attempt to delete file from the disk in some cases- Fixed: Small scratches can be heard while playing track with sample rate greater than sample rate of output device- Fixed: The "Disable transparency if window is mouse focused" function does notwork correctly in some cases

    AIMP v3.10 Beta 3, build 1040 (08.05.2012)

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    ==========================================* Decoders: The BASS has been updated to v2.4.9* Sound Engine: Performance has been increased* Converter: The Encoders has been moved from "AIMP3\Plugins" to "AIMP3\Modules"folder* Converter: The Blade-interface of the lame_enc.dll library now supports- Fixed: Small bugs and defects- Fixed: Size of the window does not save, if it in the "desktop tool bar" mode- Fixed: The "Select Language" dialog - drop-down list is displayed behind the window- Fixed: Bugs with displaying of old skins- Fixed: The playlist does not accept files from another application via Drag-n-Drop- Fixed: The Tag Editor does not save cover art to the file, if file does not contain tags before operation- Fixed: A Memory leaks in the Audio Library

    AIMP v3.10 Beta 2, build 1034 (27.04.2012)==========================================+ Audio Library: Added an ability to quickly navigate through field value with ALT key pressed* Sound Engine: Algorithm of the resampler has been improved* Common: Design of hint for editing template has been changed

    * Playlist: Usability of multiple files selection using mouse has been improved* Audio Library: Speed of adding files into the database has been increased- Fixed: Playback of selected track cannot be started from QuickSearch field viaEnter key- Fixed: Internet Radio capture does not work- Fixed: Macros cannot be expanded in some cases- Fixed: Small bugs and defects- Fixed: Localization does not apply at the first start of the program- Fixed: Player incorrectly calculates duration for some files in WavPack format- Fixed: Option "Add pause between track" does not work correctly- Fixed: Exception is raised when trying to change color scheme for the skin- Fixed: Bugs with displaying of old skins- Fixed: Player hangs after clicking on the "Start playback" button if the playl

    ist doesn't have tracks which are switched on- Fixed: The CPU becomes overloaded during the playing silence if the equalizeris switched on- Fixed: Focus leaves from playlist after deleting last file from the playlist

    AIMP v3.10 Beta 1, build 1027 (16.04.2012)==========================================+ Audio Converter: Added an ability to encode files using few threads+ Audio Converter: New design+ Audio Converter: Added an ability to encode files to APE, FLAC, OGG, WAV, WV,WMA and MP3 formats (Lame Encoder should be installed)+ Audio Converter: The "Audio Converter" utility is distributed with the player

    again+ Common: Added an ability to set template for running line for Internet Radio playback+ Common: Design of Error Dialog has been updated+ Common: Design of default skin has been updated+ Common: Option "Fade in volume at the beginning of track" has been moved to the Quick Options menu+ Common: Skins are now stored in the profile folder of the program+ Plugins: Update Checker - Added an ability to download and install an update in semiautomatically mode

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    + Playlist: "Mark" menu item has been added t