historic socikty - hslc.org.uk · the thanks of the society are due, and are hereby gratefully...


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Page 1: HISTORIC SOCIKTY - hslc.org.uk · The thanks of the Society are due, and are hereby gratefully tendered, to Mrs. ARTHUR CECIL TEMPEST, of Coleby Hall, Lincoln, for the four plates
Page 2: HISTORIC SOCIKTY - hslc.org.uk · The thanks of the Society are due, and are hereby gratefully tendered, to Mrs. ARTHUR CECIL TEMPEST, of Coleby Hall, Lincoln, for the four plates









Page 3: HISTORIC SOCIKTY - hslc.org.uk · The thanks of the Society are due, and are hereby gratefully tendered, to Mrs. ARTHUR CECIL TEMPEST, of Coleby Hall, Lincoln, for the four plates



Page 4: HISTORIC SOCIKTY - hslc.org.uk · The thanks of the Society are due, and are hereby gratefully tendered, to Mrs. ARTHUR CECIL TEMPEST, of Coleby Hall, Lincoln, for the four plates

C O N T E N T S.

Foreign (juarlciinp; in Lancashire Shield^.. l!y Rev. Andrew E. RGray, M.A., K.S.A. ......................................... ............ I

[Xote on the above .............................................. p. 58)

\VindlcshawChantryand Cemetery. I'.y Rev. Austin IWcll ...... n

The Domesday Record of llie Land between Kibble and Mersey.Fy Rev. Andrew E. I'. Gray, M.A., K.S. A.......... . ...... .... .55

Recent Roman Discoveries in Lancashire and Cheshire, lly thelate \V. Thompson W.ukin ..... .................................. ... 49

The Descent of the Mascy.s of Kixlnii, in the Counly of Lancaster.(From original documents.) liy.Mi,. Ai ihm -Cecil Tempest... 50.

.Selections from the Ancient 1'apers ,,< the M,,,,ie Family, formcilyof Liverpool and Hank Hall.............. .............................. 159

t'ROCEEDIS'GS of Session xxxix.. .............. ...................... ... 175

Report of Session xxxviii .............................................. 175

List of Tapers read .............................. ................. 176

Names of Members elected during the year 1887.............. ... 170

Balance Sheet......... . .... .. .......................................... 176

Index ........................ ........... ......................................... i?7

Council and Officcis, lor the ye.u l.StiS (Se-.i-n \.x\i.\l ..... ......... v

< Ifticers of the Society -nice coimnrnrenieii! ............................ vi

List of Members.............. ... ........................................ ... .. vii


\\indleshawAbbey.. ..... ............................... . ...... . I;<wt,. ,«,(,,-.

The Twelve'Jiiarleijiiys of Jac'iiR-lia of I.uxnnlnn- /,'/,«,-/. 5

Mascy Seals :-

I'late A .................................................................... 155

IJ, C ............................... ....................... ........ 156

IJ ................................................ .................. 158

Pedigree of the Mascy.s of Kixton and Glasebrook... LSetwtnf-f. 61 and 62

Page 5: HISTORIC SOCIKTY - hslc.org.uk · The thanks of the Society are due, and are hereby gratefully tendered, to Mrs. ARTHUR CECIL TEMPEST, of Coleby Hall, Lincoln, for the four plates

The thanks of the Society are due, and are hereby gratefully

tendered, to Mrs. ARTHUR CECIL TEMPEST, of Coleby Hall,

Lincoln, for the four plates of Mascy Seals, drawn on stone

by herself; and to \V. C. ASHUV PRITT, Esq., for his drawing,

" The Twelve Quarterings of Jacquetta of Luxemburg."

Authors of papers are alone responsible for the facts and

opinions expressed therein.

his Volume has been prepared for the press by R. I).

Ui'TE, M.A., Ch. Ch., Oxford.

Page 6: HISTORIC SOCIKTY - hslc.org.uk · The thanks of the Society are due, and are hereby gratefully tendered, to Mrs. ARTHUR CECIL TEMPEST, of Coleby Hall, Lincoln, for the four plates


president. Tin: kir.iiT KK.V. TIIK I.OKD i;i;.'ioi> OK ciiKsri:u, i >..\.


THOMAS CI.AZK.IiKOOK RYI.ANHS. K.S.A.. i:\.rrrsiJait.n IK i.okK ui.rr. OK c HKSIIIRK iim: I>I;KI. OK WK.VI .MINM KR. K.r,.

I 1 1 IK. I.ORH I.Iiri . ( IK I.AN I AMI I UK iTHK. K.AKI. OK SKKI'il.N. K (i ) MIS CkAi'l'i nil-: lil'KK. OK HKVilNMIlkK, k.C,.

THI-: kicni HON. THK K. \ki. OK in-:ki:v. K.C. THI: KH;HI' HON. ITIK I:\RI. OK i..\nioM.

i iu: kii.iii 1 iio\ w. ! :. c.i...MISIONI:. .M.I'. nil-: RI:\. nil-, KK.CIOK OF i.ivi.ui'ooi..


JOHN Kl'sKIN. 1.1..11.

flBcmbcrs of Ccuncil.


PkOK. .1. M. Mi KAV. M. V


KKV. A. K. i 1 . I;KAV. M.A.. K.>.A.I IIARI.KS I'OIII'.R.


T. A. I11.I.I.IAV

h HIN n \KI ;KK.AVI'.S.II. II. IIOWOKTH. M.l'.. I .> ,\. \\ . o. Ri H'l K.


K. I, HKN.A-. IAMKS MRilMI.I.N I.. M. IIAM.'K. I.I.I:.I. I'Al'I. kVI.XM"^. I ^ \

1)oti. "Crc.isurct.

II. I'. I MII-.I.CV. i >.\.

1}on. lil'r.it 1.111

\V. T. \V.\I KIN !ih<: I.,ic


IAW \\TI.~uN

Won. SccrLtnrv.

i. k \IK I.I I I I-., M. \.

ton. Hesistant Secutatv.

1. N MoKHiN

Page 7: HISTORIC SOCIKTY - hslc.org.uk · The thanks of the Society are due, and are hereby gratefully tendered, to Mrs. ARTHUR CECIL TEMPEST, of Coleby Hall, Lincoln, for the four plates

Officers of tbe Society since commencement.

presidents.1. Ki^lii Him. Kranci.,, 1-1 Karl of Kllesmc-re, Li.ril-Licut. of

Lancashire- ..-.----. 1848.2. Ki K hl Hon. Charles William, 3,,! Karl of Srfion. I.ord-Lic-uI.

of Lanc.uhin. ........ 1854.;. Ceneral Ihr I|,,n. Mr Kd».u I Cn,l. K.C.1L. D.C.L. - - 1855. .|. Ki-lil MOM. William KH-.UI (lla.Kio,,,-. M.I 1 . - - - 1863. 5. |,,sc|>h Maycr, K.S.A.. \c. ....... 1866.(,. Kcv. Canon llmnc, D.C.L., I.L.D., \r. .... 1869.-. The Very krv. J. S. II,,u ,011, D.I).. Dean of <'hosier - 1875. S. Thomas (ILurl,rook KylamU. K.S.A., \c. - iS7 o. ii. Kniiii Ki.v. Tin-: Lokh Hisiioi- ,ir CIIK,-| KK, K.S.A. . \t&t,.

$trrct;irits.Kcv. A. llmnc. I.L.D., .\c.. and M. C. l'idt;eon. Kcv. A. 11 mm-, LL.D., ,\c., and Kcv. Thomas Moore, M.A. Krv. A. llmnc, LL.D., ,\c.

|S S5 . Kcv. A. llmnc, LL.D., ,\c. Thomas ( 1. \\cdtju-, Kcv. A. llmnc, I.L.I).. ,\ ,-. \\ . W. Kimdcll.' Kcv. A. llmnr. LL.D., \,-. |. II. Cerin.

1X0.4. Nicholas W.ilerliousr.|So7 .|S75 .lS 7 6.i-S'77-iSSj.



DavidDavidDavidC. T.( . T.

i I-!. M.' K. D.

K. D.

HiiMoii, K.HiiMon, K.Huxloii, 1-'.

(laity, K.S.C.allv, K.S.

1 lance. 1.Kadclillc.

K.S.L.K.S.I..K.S.L.A.A.L.H.M.A. -

UADCI li i i-, M.A.

I- II. C,Charles


[Arlhui- \\'akclicM. ]MilKnT.




, Londini.i Londini.

\. M-rlon.





(Trrnsurrrs..S4 S.1860..S6 7 .


Avi,M,,.HIM I.e.J.H-,,1,.

ISS6. II. D. I-:-IIKI.F;V,





iS.il.iSjii.|S(,-.I. Si "I.

lS77 .i.ss,,.

,li Maycr, K.S.A. Ke\. Thoma, Mooic, M.A. David UuMon, I-'.K.S.L.

, \\'au-,ho,:sc. Jolm K. Mu-liu.s. lolin K. llu-hr-. ('. I . (.ally, l-'.S.A. 1-.. M. ll.u-.a-. I.I .1:.,

Jo-.i-li Maycr, K.S.A. Josq.h Maycr, K.S.A. A. C. C,il,,,,i,, K.S.A. A. C. <;il,s,,n, K.S.A. II. Kcroyd Smilh. II. Keroul Smith. I. Harris (libs,,,,. |. Il.irris (lilisnii. 'l. Harri- (,il,,i,n.


I ( )///,-, ,- in .;,'', i-,i;:,-.-. I

W. lh,m, ! ,,,,n Walkm. J. Mani, C.ibson.\V. TiiiiMrsoN \VATKIN. \\'. l-'oi;sn.\\v WILSON.

Page 8: HISTORIC SOCIKTY - hslc.org.uk · The thanks of the Society are due, and are hereby gratefully tendered, to Mrs. ARTHUR CECIL TEMPEST, of Coleby Hall, Lincoln, for the four plates

.V. />'. // /.v

LIST 01- M K M I! K RS,

; i<i Clarendon Type, .-i.nl ih..*,.,,f K. -M-m \i,-ml.,

1865. Nov. j

iSScS. Nov. 2<>

1886. Nov. iS

iS.)9. Dec. 61X48. Nov. 25

1875. I-ci). 4

1864. Dec. iI .884. Nov. I T,

i.888. Nov. 29

1888. Nov. 15

1870. April 71883. Mar. 8

.\ihvM.riiin I ilir.irv. LuvnnMil.

.\\oii. \\ . I'.. A. MI .Murray Mivi-l. limlu-i' llrDii^litcn. Mam lii-su. r.

1 la i icy. 1 Yam i> (anu's. M. I ).. I . k.( . I 1 . ^ i ()ro\'csll'L'L'l. I.IVL'I'jHKll. /"/,( I'l'l'S'deill.

Ilank^. \\"illi;iii]. i Starkic Mrivl, I'rcston.

l!anncr, |ohn S. Maun..oil. I'liddin^lon Ilail. Ncston. ( hc^Imv.

UcanioiU. \\'illi.nii. ((rlord Hall. \Varrinuton.

licl'i, Ilfiiry. (ircciiln.'id. \\cst K irliy, ( licslnrc.

l!cllc\v, 'l"hu!iia> .\clu>on. ; ('alining stivcl, I.i\crpoo].

ISciins, II. I,. q I 1 ! inci.' '> avt'iiuc. Liverpool.

lieniiett. Ileiirv. Km k ('oltauc, lledminster, liristi.l.

Ilin hall, ( 'liark'^. 'I lie I .;uireK, ('linn li '-ircct. IXL.reii)ont.

liisphain \\'iiliain. IJ I'julitecnth street U'est, N'e\\ \"ork U.S.A.

lilackliurn I'lee Liluary.

Illuiiilell. Rev. T. I',. II., lion. Canon (^'Liver­ pool. Ilalsall Kcctory. (Innskirk.

Page 9: HISTORIC SOCIKTY - hslc.org.uk · The thanks of the Society are due, and are hereby gratefully tendered, to Mrs. ARTHUR CECIL TEMPEST, of Coleby Hall, Lincoln, for the four plates

viii List of Members.

DA-IT: OF Ki.raTioN.1888. Mar. 22 Bodleian Library, Oxford.

1888. Mar. 22 Boston Athcnreum. Boston, U.S.A.; c/o Messrs. Triibner & Co., Ludgate hill, London, E.C.

Boston Free Library. Boston, U.S.A. ; c/o Messrs. Triibner & Co.

Dec. 15 Bossi, Arthur. Care of Thompson, Mclly & Co., Brown's Buildings, Liverpool.

Dec. i Bourne, Robert \V. 18 Hereford square, London, SAV.

April 15 "Bower, Anthony. Riversdale, Seaforth, Liver­ pool.

Mar. 23 "Brakell, Thomas Forster. 58 Dale street, Liverpool.

Nov. z<) "Bremner, Rupert Stanley. 24 Parkfield road, Liverpool.

Feb. 10 Bristowe, Sir Henry F'ox, Q.C. The Cliffe, Nantwich.

April 20 '''Bromley, James. ' The Homestead, Lathom, ()rmskirk.

Nov. 18 Brooke, Charles l.uxmoie. Ashbrook Hall, Church Minslnill, Middlewich. Cheshire.

Feb. 23 Brooke. Colonel Thomas, F'.S.A. Armitage Bridge, Huddersfield.

Feb. 6 Brooks, Sir William Cunliffe, Bart., M.P., F.S.A. Barlow Hall, Manchester.

April 4 Broughton, Frederick. Hamilton, Canada.

Nov. 1.3 : Brown, Charles I). Stoiu Hive, U'est Kirby. (an. 27 Burnley Literal'} and Scientific: Club. Burnley. Jan. 9 Caraher, Hugh. Meilil'ont \'illa, Llandinlno. Jan. 22 ( .1: n 1 , \\. I). 10 Portsea place, London, \V. Nov. IT Carringtor., \V A. Bakewell, Derbyshire.

Dec. i,; Chadwick, Edwin. Mottram road, Stalybridge. ('hetham Library, Manchester.

Chester, the Bishop of, F'.S.A The Palace, Deeside, Chester, President.

N'ov 2C) t'larke, John. Mersey Bank, New Ferry, Birkenhead.

April 14 Clement, Leonard. Forest View. Xelson-in- Marsden, Burnley.










1872. 1884. 1881. 1879. 1885. i 888. 1888. 1879. ,885.


Page 10: HISTORIC SOCIKTY - hslc.org.uk · The thanks of the Society are due, and are hereby gratefully tendered, to Mrs. ARTHUR CECIL TEMPEST, of Coleby Hall, Lincoln, for the four plates

List of Members. ix

DATK OF KI.ECTION.1855. .May 24 *Comber, Thomas. B 13 Exchange Buildings.

Liverpool.1888. Nov. 15 Crane, John C. \Vest Millbury, Mass., U.S.A.

1885. April 16 ;: Cross, Samuel. 5 Rock lane, Rock Ferry, Cheshire.

1888. Mar. 22 Danven Free Public Library. Harwell.

1888. Xov. r Day, Robert, F.S.A., .M.R.I.A. 3 Sidney place, Cork.

1862. Mar. 6 Derby, The Earl of, K.(i. Knowslcy, Liver­ pool, / 'u'c-P>'i'sidenl,

1857. April 23 Devonshire, The Duke of, K.G., D.C.I.., F.K.S. Chatsworth, I)erl>yshire, / 'icc-Pn'sidcnt.

1880. Nov. 18 ' 'Duff, K.Gordon. Park Nook, Prince's Park, Liverpool.

1879. Dec. ii Dun, John. Rock Villas, Latchford, U'ar- nngton.

1888. Mar. 22 "Earle, Hardinan Arthur. Allerton Tower, Liverpool.

iSS8. Feb. 9 Karle, T. Algernon. \\'est Derby Village, Liverpool.

1873. ' )or - ' Earwakcr, John Parsons, M.A., I''.S.A. Pensarn, Abergele, North \\'ales.

1872 April 4 Kbtiry, The Lord. 35 Park street, (Irosvenor Mpiare, London, \V.

1851. Jan. 7 Egerton of Tatton, The Lord. Tatton Park, Kinitslord, ('heshire.

1886. Nov. iS Tlshelby, II. Douglas, F.S.A. 24 Park road South, liirkenhead. Him. Treasurer.

1848. Nov. 23 Kvans, Ivhvanl. Uronwyll'a, \Vrexhain. 1872. Sept. 5 Lvans, Joseph, llaydock (Irange, St. Helens.1878. |an. 10 Fairclough, John. The drove, Moore, near

\Varrmgton.1871. Jan. 12 Ferguson, William, KC.S., I'.O.S., ! '.K.S.IC.

Kilniniuly Mouse, near Mint! iw, N.I!.ffarington, Miss. \\'ordeli Hall, Preston.

1888. Nov. 15 Fmilev, (,'hiirlei I'. Htivton House, Iluyton.

1888. Mar. 8 Finney. Isaac A. Macclesfiekl.

:88o. April i Fishwick, l.ieut.-(_'ol. Henry, I ; .S.A. 'I'he Heights, Rochdale.

Page 11: HISTORIC SOCIKTY - hslc.org.uk · The thanks of the Society are due, and are hereby gratefully tendered, to Mrs. ARTHUR CECIL TEMPEST, of Coleby Hall, Lincoln, for the four plates

x List of Members,


1857. May 7 Frackleton, Rev. S. S., A.M. Glcnone Rectory,1'ort Clenone, County Antrim, Ireland.

1853. Dec. 15 Franks, Augustus Woollaston, M.A., F.R.S., K.S.A. liritish .Museum, London.

1875. Jan. 7 Garnett, William. Ouernmore Park. Lan­ caster.

1880. Nov. i 8 Catty, A. S. York Herald, Herald's College, London.

1867. April ii Genn, John Hawke. 14 Sydenham avenue, Liverpool.

1879. April 17 Cibson, Rev. T. L. 72 Liverpool road, llirk- dale, Southport.

1862. Mar. (, Gladstone, Right Hou. William Ewart. M.I'.Hawanieii ('.islle. Flintshire. I'/n -/'mii/i'/if.

1886. April 1^ *Cla/cl>rook. Thomas 'I'., |nn. 7 I!nins\vick street. Liverpool.

1881. Dec. 15 Cla/.ebrook, MiclviclC. 49 Wanvii k i;ardt.'nxKensington, London, \\".

1888. Nov. 2<) (iow, \\'., M.A. Hij;hj;;ite, Heswall. (.Jheshire.1873. April 17 (iratrix, Samuel. Alport Town, Deansgate.

Manchester. 1881. Jan. 27 : (iray, Rev. Andrew I'.. P., M.A., I-.S.A. The

Rectory, Wallasey, Cheshire. 1862. Dec. 4 Green, John Henry. lUienos Ayrcs.1880. Xov. 18 (ireenall. Henry. (iraiipenhall Hall, \\'ar-

rington.1880. Dec. 2 (ireenall. Rev. Thomas, M.A., Hon. Canon of

Chester. Crnppenhall Rectory, U'arrington.

1854. Aug. 31 (ironside. Rev. William Ilent, AT.A. Melling N'icarnge, I .ancaster.

1874. Dec. 10 : Hance, ! ',. M., LL.I!. School Hoard Office, Dale street, Liverpool.

1856. Mar. (> Hardwick, Charles. 72 Talbot street. Moss-side, Manchester.

1883. Jan. 25 "Hargreaves, John. Ravenswood, Rock Ferry.1888. Nov. 29 Hargreaves, John Price. 4 Wellington road,

C, laugh ton, liirkeiihead.1887. Harrison, James. Dornder,, Tunbridge Wells.1857. April 23 Hartington, The Marquess of, M.I'. Devon­

shire House. 78 Piccadilly, London.

Page 12: HISTORIC SOCIKTY - hslc.org.uk · The thanks of the Society are due, and are hereby gratefully tendered, to Mrs. ARTHUR CECIL TEMPEST, of Coleby Hall, Lincoln, for the four plates

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Page 13: HISTORIC SOCIKTY - hslc.org.uk · The thanks of the Society are due, and are hereby gratefully tendered, to Mrs. ARTHUR CECIL TEMPEST, of Coleby Hall, Lincoln, for the four plates

jdi List of Members.


1872. Se])t. 5 "Ledward, Septimus. Hill Bark, Frankdy, Birkenhead.

1887. I )cc. i 'Leslie, Frank John. 15 Union court, Castle street, Liverpool.

1888. Nov. i "Liverpool Library (Lyceum). Bold street, Liverpool.

1886. Nov. 18 *Logeman, \Villiam S. 403 Old Chester road, 'I'ran mere.

iSSS. Nov. 29 :: Lovell, John. 17 Gambler terrace, Liverpool.Marshall, George William, LL.I)., F.S.A.,

Rouge Croix. College of Anns, London. K.C., and Cnrlton Hall, \Vorksop.

1862. Mar. 6 "McCorquodale, Colonel George. The U'illovvs, N'ewton-le-U'illows.

1858. April 15 "Mclnncs, John. Heath Bank, Brcck road, \Vallasey.

1887. i''eb. 10 :; McKay, Professor, M.A. 39 Jientley road, 1 .iverpool.

1888. Mar. 22 Manchester Free Reference Library. King street, Manchester.

1888. Nov. i 'Mansergh, fames Fleming. Clotigha, Cressington park, Liverpool.

1864. Dec. i Marson, James. Hill Clii'fe, \Vnrrington.1874. leb. 18 "Mawdsley, James I'latt. 4 Castle street,

1 .iverpool.

1875. Dec. 5 : .Mead, Albert |., I!.A. Farlston road, Liscard.1886. Mar. 4 Molyneux-Seel, Ivlmund R. 'I'. 35 Cheniston

gardens, Kensington, London, \V.1880. Dec. ^ Monk, James I!. Linganl. M.A. Belmore I'.irk,

Chase water, Southsea.

1849. Nov. S Moore. Rev. Thorn,is, M.A. Midleton College. County Cork, Ireland.

1880. April i Morris, (Maude John. The Mount, Altrincham.1885. Mar. 19 Morton, Thomas Naylor. 40 Fastbourne street.

Liverpool, Jioiiorarv Assistant Sfcrcfctrv.

iS8S. Nov. i Myres. T. Harnson. 15 Chapel street, Preston. 1857. Jan. 15 Naylor, Richard Christopher. Kelmarsh Hall,


1874. Dec. 10 \ichoison, Captain F.dward Joseph. Holly Hank. I.vmm, ('heshire.

Page 14: HISTORIC SOCIKTY - hslc.org.uk · The thanks of the Society are due, and are hereby gratefully tendered, to Mrs. ARTHUR CECIL TEMPEST, of Coleby Hall, Lincoln, for the four plates

List of 3fe>nbcrs. X11I

I ) \TK OF Kl.l.L ]'lu.\

1848. Nov. 21, Nicliolson, James. F.S.A. Thehvall Hall. \\'arrington.

1888. Nov. i Norcliffe, Rev. Charles Best, M.A. LangtonHall, Malton, Yorkshire1 .

1881. Dec. 15 Odgers, Rev. James Kchvin, .M.A., Fellow ofUniversity Cull , London. ISowdon, Cheshire.

1888. Mar. 22 Owen's College. .Manchester.1888. Nov. 15 Pearson. Thomas H. (lolbornc Park, Newton-

le-\Villo\vs.iS8S. Nov. 29 : Pennington, Thomas R. Hightown, Southport.1860. Mar. 21 Petty, Thomas Shaw. 128 Mount street,

London, W.1849. J an - ^ *Picton, Sii- lames Allanson, F.S.A. Sandy

Kno\ve, \Vavcrtroc, Liverpool, Vicc-Prssidfnt.1877. Dec. i^ Pierpoint. Robert, M.A. St. Austin's, U'arring-

ton : and Windham Club, St. [allies' square, London, S.\V.

1848. Nov. 23 Pilkington, James. Swinithwaite Hall, Betlale, Yorks.

1886. Nov. 18 J'ilkington, Lieut.-Col. John. Rockwoocl, Sando\\n I'ark, U'avertrec.

1878. Feb. 7 -Potter, Charles. 101 Miles street, Toxteth Park, Liverpool.

1887. Mar. 24 Powell, Rev. Kdward. Lydiate, Maghull.1887. Nov. 17 Pritt, \\". (.'. Ashby. Ncwbold, LiscarJ, ]>irken-

head.1888. Feb. 9 Radcliffe, Frederick M. 9 Cook street. Liverpool.1879. Jan. 8 : Radclifle, Riehard Duncan, M.A. Darley, OKI

Swan, Liverpool, Hen. Secretary.1879. Dec. ii Rathbone, Philip Henry, (jrcenbank (,'ottage,

Wavertree, Liverpool.1874. Dec. 10 Rathbone, Samuel (ircg. Croxteth drive, Set'ton

park, Liverpool.1855. Dec. 20 Robin, Rev. P. R., M.A., Hon. Canon of

Chester. YVoodchurch, Birkenhead.1876. April 20 Roper, U'illiam O. Eadenbreck, Lancaster.1888. Nov. 29 "Russell, Edward R. 6 Abercromby square,

Liverpool.1870. Nov. 3 Rylands, John Paul, F.S.A. Heather Lea,

Charlesviile, Claughton, Birkenhead.

Page 15: HISTORIC SOCIKTY - hslc.org.uk · The thanks of the Society are due, and are hereby gratefully tendered, to Mrs. ARTHUR CECIL TEMPEST, of Coleby Hall, Lincoln, for the four plates

xiv List of Members.DATE OK ELECTION.

1888. Dec. 13 Rylands, John. Thelwall Grange, Warringtun.1854. Dec. 13 Rylands, Thomas Glazebrook, F.S.A., F.L.S.,

M.R.I.A. Highfields, Thelwall, Warrington, Vice-President.

1874. Dec. 10 Rylands, William Harry, F.S.A. Society of Biblical Archaeology, i r Hart street, Blooms- bury, London, W.C.

1888. Mar. 22 St. Helens Free Public Library. St. Helens.1872. Mar. 21 Salisbury, The Marquess of, K.G. Hatfield,

Herts.1888. Nov. 15 Sandeman, Lieut.-Col. John Glas, Sub-Officer

H.M. Hon. Corps of Gentlemen at Arms.24 Cambridge square, London, W.

1872. Sept. 5 : 'Sefton, The Earl of, K.G., Lord Lieutenant ofLancashire. Croxteth Hall, Liverpool, Vice-Presiiieiit.

1853. June 2 Sharp, William. 29 Albert Gate, Hyde Park, London.

1879. Dec. ii Sherratt, James S. Bold street, Warrington.Smith, K. W. li. District Co-operative Society,

Bury.1863. April 16 Smith, Henry Ecroyd. Redmire, liedale, York­

shire.1888. Feb. 23 Sowler, Colonel Thomas. " Courier" Office,

Manchester. 1880. April i Stanning, Rev. Joseph Heaton, M.A. The

Vicarage, Leigh, Lancashire. 1884. Nov. 13 Starkie, Lieut.-Colonel Le Gendre Nicholas.

Huntroyd, Burnley, Lancashire. 1876. .April ( > 'Stewart, Rev. Alexander, M.A., Hon. Canon

of Liverpool. 29 Sandon street, Liverpool. Stockport Free Public Library. Stockport.

1887. Jan. jo Storey, Sir Thomas, Westfield House, Lancaster. iSbS. Nov. 15 Sulley, Philip. 48 Hamilton square, Birkenhead. 1872. Sept. 5 Taylor, James. Whitley Hall, Wigan.1887. Feb. 10 Tempest, Mrs. Arthur Cecil. Coleby Hall,

Lincoln.1867. Jan. 17 Thorp, Henry. Alderhurst,MarlboroughRoad,

Sale. Manchester.1886. Nov. 18 Threlfall, Henry S. 5 Prince's street, Southport.

Page 16: HISTORIC SOCIKTY - hslc.org.uk · The thanks of the Society are due, and are hereby gratefully tendered, to Mrs. ARTHUR CECIL TEMPEST, of Coleby Hall, Lincoln, for the four plates

List of Members. xvI) \TK OF Kl.Ks TIUN.

iSSS. Feb. 23

iSSS. Feb. 23

1887. Jan. 201848. Nov. 23

1869. Dec. 16

1872. Dec. 12

1873. Dec. i i1887. Dec. 15

1849. ''<-''> '

1888. Dec. 13

1856. Jan. 3

1862. Mar. 13

i.S88. Nov. 29

1851. Oct. 9

1888. Nov. 2<)

i.Sfir. Feb. 14

1885. Nov. ;lj

18^0. Mar. .(

1865. Dec. 7

1855. May 7

1888. Dec. 13

1888. Nov. 29

Tonge, Rev. Richard, M.A., Hon. Canon of Man­ chester. 51 South King street, Manchester.

Toulmin, fohn. '' Guardian " Office, Preston.

Unwin, John. Kndcliffe Lodge, Southport. Varty, Thomas. Stag Stones, 1'enrith.Vamlrey, Benjamin Llewellyn. Tushinghain Hall,

\Vhitchurch. Veevers, R. Woningworth, Fuhvood Park,

Preston. Waddington, W. A. i o Piccadilly road, llurnley.Ward, |. Langfield, M.A. Grammar School,

Burnley.AVebster, George. 6 York Buildings, Dale

street, Liverpool; and Overcluirch Hill, I'pton, Cheshire.

Weldon, William Henry, Windsor Ilcralil. College of Amis, London, K.C.

Welton, Thomas A. Rectory drove House, Claphani Old Town, London, S.W.

Westminster, The Duke of, K.O., Lord Lieu­ tenant of Cheshire. Katon Hall, Chester.

Whitley, F.dward, M.P. The Orange, Halewood,Liverpool.

Whitley, Rev. |ohn, M.A., Hon. Canon ofLiverpool. Newton-in-Milker Held Rectory,Newton-le-\\'illows, 1 .ancashire.

\\ iyan Free Libiary, U'igan.U illox, John Archibald. 9 .Mien romby sijiiare.

Liverpool.Wilson, |. M. llanKliaw street. St. Helens.

Wilson, W. Forsluiu. LaMon, Mount road,Liscard.

Winmarleigh, The Lord. U'mnKirleigh House.(larst.'Hit;.

Wood, Eichard Henry, I'.S.A.. F.R.(;.S. I'enrhos I louse. Rugby.

Woodhouse, John George. Burg 11 ill, I Icrcford. Woods, Sir Albert William, Knight, C.B., Carter

Kin;*ot Anns. College of Arms, London,K.C.

Wor.sley, James K., I-'.S.A. Winwick, Newton-le-Willows.

Page 17: HISTORIC SOCIKTY - hslc.org.uk · The thanks of the Society are due, and are hereby gratefully tendered, to Mrs. ARTHUR CECIL TEMPEST, of Coleby Hall, Lincoln, for the four plates

xviDA TK 1>t Kl.K<. 1 ION.

1885. Nov. 261886. Dec. i

1888. Mar. 8

1888. Feb. 9

1854. Sept. 27

1880. Oct. 5

1855. Feb. i

1875. Jan. 7

1880. Oct. 5

1870. Sept. 13

1870. Sept. 13

1854. Sept. 27

1870. Sept. 13

1852. Dec. ij

1854. Sept. 27

1880. Oct. 5

1851. Feb. 6

1870. Sept. 13

1870. Sept. 13

1870. Jan. 20

List of Members.


;;: Atherton, Webster. 8 Victoria park, VValton.:r l)ixon, James. Wallasey Dispensary, Liscard,

Birkenhead.*Shaw, George Thomas. Athenaeum, Church

street, Liverpool.-Watts, Augustine, M.A. 92 Myrtle street,



Babington, Charles Cardale, F.R.S., F.S.A.5 Brookside, Cambridge.

Burke, Sir John Bernard, C.B., LL.D., UlsterKing of Arms. The Castle, Dublin.

Clarke, Joseph, F.S.A. The Roos, Saffron-Walden, Essex.

Coughtrey, Millen. London street, Otago,New Zealand.

Dean, John Ward. 18 Somerset street, Boston,Mass., United States of America.

Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton, C.B. The Camp,Sunningdale, Berkshire.

Huxley, Thomas Henry, LL.D., F.R.S. 4 Marl- borough place, St. John's Wood, London.

Latham, R. Gordon, M.D. 96 Disraeli road,Putney, London.

Lubbock, Sir John, Bart., M.P., F.R.S., F.S.A.High Elms, Hayes, Beckenham, Kent.

Mac Adam, Robert. 18 College square East,Belfast.

Owen, Sir Richard, K.C.B., F.R.S. SheenLodge, Richmond Park.

Ruskin, John, LL.D. Brantwood, Coniston,Lancashire, Vice-President.

Smith, Charles Roach, F.R.S. Temple place,Strood, Kent.

Stokes, George Gabriel, LL.D. PembrokeCollege, Cambridge.

Tyndall, John, F.R.S. Hind Head House,Haslemere.

Walcott, Rev. Mackenzie Edward Charles.58 Belgrave road, London, S.W.