
PROJECT: SKY I He could feel the warmth in his face. Rayn forgot to close his room's curtains, so the sun was making sure he would wake up. People were already up in the mansion, he could hear the footsteps outside his room's door, so he got up and put some clothes on. His father was already at the table. You look terrible, Rayn, did you even sleep? I did, father, I just had a terrible nightmare. Aron didn't know what he son was up to every other night. As King, it was up to him to know everything, but his son was too smart for his own guards. Rayn was meeting everynight with a girl, under everyone's noses. He knew that if his father found out his son was dating a blacksmith's apprentice, who knows how mad he would be? But somehow Rayn didn't care that much, all his father thinks about is his brother. Sorm Seranos, future king! His father's favourite son. Rayn barely ate anything and rushed into the courtyard. Outside was his mother and his brother, who was being taught by an old man how to properly introduce yourself as a king. He hoped to go by unnoticed but his mother called him as soon as she laid eyes on him. Rayn, dear! You look terrible! I know, mother, the night is too long for those who dream of pain. Oh, Rayn, don't be so dramatic! It's only a nightmare, go on, go wash yourself! And please try not to disturb your brother while he's in class! But... That's when the day suddenly turned sour for him. He's tired of being the other one. The other son. The not-a-future-king son. After a wash, Rayn took on the streets of his city with his loyal guard by his side. After all, he's still a king's son. Falos always accompanied Rayn to everywhere he wanted to go. Well,

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Post on 17-Jan-2017




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He could feel the warmth in his face. Rayn forgot to close his room's curtains, so the sun

was making sure he would wake up. People were already up in the mansion, he could hear the

footsteps outside his room's door, so he got up and put some clothes on. His father was already

at the table.

– You look terrible, Rayn, did you even sleep?

– I did, father, I just had a terrible nightmare.

Aron didn't know what he son was up to every other night. As King, it was up to him to

know everything, but his son was too smart for his own guards. Rayn was meeting everynight

with a girl, under everyone's noses. He knew that if his father found out his son was dating a

blacksmith's apprentice, who knows how mad he would be? But somehow Rayn didn't care

that much, all his father thinks about is his brother. Sorm Seranos, future king! His father's

favourite son.

Rayn barely ate anything and rushed into the courtyard. Outside was his mother and

his brother, who was being taught by an old man how to properly introduce yourself as a king.

He hoped to go by unnoticed but his mother called him as soon as she laid eyes on him.

– Rayn, dear! You look terrible!

– I know, mother, the night is too long for those who dream of pain.

– Oh, Rayn, don't be so dramatic! It's only a nightmare, go on, go wash yourself! And

please try not to disturb your brother while he's in class!

– But...

That's when the day suddenly turned sour for him. He's tired of being the other one.

The other son. The not-a-future-king son.

After a wash, Rayn took on the streets of his city with his loyal guard by his side. After

all, he's still a king's son. Falos always accompanied Rayn to everywhere he wanted to go. Well,

that is, during the daytime. But Falos was smart, cunning.

– How was last night, master Rayn?

– Nightmares kept me up, Falos. I couldn't sleep.

– Oh, nightmares? And here was I thinking you were living a dream, master Rayn.

– What do you mean?

– Oh, nothing, master Rayn. - Falos said it with a grin on his face.

“He knows”. Rayn quickly turned the other way, his face blushed. But Falos had a

greater loyalty to him than he had to the king. The capital was a sight to be seen. It's roads

spread all around the king's mansion. He always wondered what was beyond the walls of the

city. He has heard all these tales from travelling princes, all these amazing places to be seen.

After dinner, Rayn falls back to his room. He unlocks his window and hastily climbs

down. He knows this is the time when the guards are dining and only one is patrolling the

mansion's grounds. When he gets to the capital's walls, he finds her waiting for him. Shay, the

blacksmith's daughter. He met her when he accompannied his brother in an errand by his

father. Sorm's new sword. Shay's father wasn't the best blacksmith in the kingdom, but it was a

also a clever play to solidify the king's relation with his people.

– You're late, Rayn!

– I'm sorry, love! My father insisted on speaking about the weight of being king

during dinner. Sometimes, honestly, I wonder if even my brother cares about that


– Oh, don't say that! It takes patience and discipline to be a good king. It's up to your

father to teach Sorm.

Rayn rolled his eyes. He couldn't care less about his brother, or his father's teachings.

They loved these walks among the walls, as tall as the sky, which allowed their imaginations to

fly loose.

– I'll explore the world someday, Shay. All the corners the eye can see, I'll be there. -

said Rayn with an amazing wanderlust in his eyes.

– I know, Rayn. I know you will.

There was an odd look in her eyes. A sadness rarely seen in this kingdom. Rayn knew

she had her fate sealed.

As Rayn approached the mansion, he thought it was strange that the guard wasn't on

patrol. He could see him guarding the front door but that wasn't his usual route. After climbing

up to his room, he closed the window and sat on his bed.

– Welcome back, Rayn.

The voice of his father wasn't a welcoming one. Aron was sitting in the corner, too far in

the dark for the eyes of Rayn to spot.

– Where were you?

– Why do you care, father? - Rayn could feel the fear running in his veins.

– You are my son! I care for my family!

– Do you? - dared Rayn – All my life you've only had one son. The land only needs one


– What are you talking about?

– You know. Everyday is always “Sorm this”, “Sorm that”.

– He's gonna be king, Rayn!

– Yes! And I'm not! So why do you care? I'm barely your son!

– That's it! - Aron got up with an angry look on his face. - It's time for you to learn

some obedience! As of tomorrow you're gonna accompany a patrol around the wall.

– What?!

– That's it, Rayn. No discussion! You're old enough to know how to behave.

The room shook as Aron slammed the door.


Falos was waiting outside the next day.

– Good morning, master Rayn.

– Oh, you're here already. - Rayn looked clearly annoyed with his presence.

– We have to meet up with the patrol. Please, get yourself ready.

Rayn got back into his room and put his armor on. It was a slim and light armor, with

Ilcaeron's tabard over it.

– I'm ready, Falos.

Rayn and Falos passed by the king on their way out. Aron looked disappointed, just

turned his head down and didn't say anything. The patrol was already waiting for them

outside the mansion, 5 soldiers ready for combat. Their looks were menacing, they weapons

sharp. And they didn't look at Rayn with the same respect that Falos did.

The patrol was surprisingly pleasant for Rayn. He could watch his people's day-to-day

life, how the city thrived, how the kingdom could prosper.

– Your great-grandfather founded this city. The kingdom back then wasn't half of

what it is today. Did you know that we didn't conquer this land? We were the first to

get here and settle. There were no walls back then...

Rayn saw a look of anger and disappointment in Falos' face, but he couldn't understand


– I love our kingdom, Falos, as much as you do. But you have to understand, I live in

the shadow of my brother. No one really looks at me like I'm going to be something

in my life. For them, I have no future. I am the boy who won't be king.

– I understand, master Rayn. But they don't make your future, you do.

– And I'll do what? My mother doesn't even let me join the army.

– You'll figure it out in time, master Rayn.

That night, during dinner, his father was discussing with his brother the importance of

trading with other kingdoms. As per usual, Rayn wasn't a part of the discussion.

– Oh, Rayn, how was the patrol? - asked his mother, with a smile on her face.

His mother always cared for him, in a way his father never did. Vyan was the only

person in his family that Rayn knew he could count on.

– Oh, mother, it was alright. Quite nice to see the city prosper, if I have to be honest.

– I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, son.

Aron heard the change of words and was fast to intervene.

– It serves him right, Vyan! He's always been a problem, it's about time he learns how

to be a man. Eighteen years old and still behaves like a child.

– How would you know, father? Are you even there to know how I behave? Honestly,

do you even care?

– Mind your tone, voice! - Aron raised his voice.

– Calm down, you two! We're at the table, leave it for some other time. - Vyan always

had the right voice to stop a discussion.

Rayn was fast to finish his dinner and retreat to his chambers. His father had placed

guards outside his window and he had no way of leaving his room at night. That annoyed him,

he was worried about Shay. “I wonder if she misses me”. Rayn had developed a special feeling

for her, he cared about her like he did for no other, and she was often in his thoughts. That

night he really had trouble falling asleep. She was a constant worry in his mind and that kept

him awake much longer than he'd exect.

There was no sun in the sky the next morning. The rain was hitting the window in a

way that made him skip that day. But he couldn't, he had his duty to fulfill, and Rayn hated it.

Falos was, once again, already outside his room. They left to meet with the patrol together.

– How do you feel today, master Rayn?

– Good, I guess. I hate the weather, nothing's worse than getting soaked in this armor.

– Be happy we have paved streets. - Falos laughed, but he understood Rayn. He also

hated these rainy days.

They were quick to meet up with the patrol. Even with the aweful weather, they were

still keeping their posture, a pillar of strenght for the people's safety. The route was the same

as the day before, except today you'd barely see anyone outside. Suddenly, as they were

patrolling along the wall, they see a body lying, as if it was sitting with his back to the wall. No

blood was visible but the guards still approached carefully. Rayn was following them but Falos'

hand on his chest stopped him from going any further.

– Wait here, master Rayn, this isn't something you'll want to see.

– What do you mean, Falos? He needs help!

– Yes, that's what the guard is here for. Just don't worry, master Rayn, let them do they


Out of nowhere a blade is shoved on Falos' back, he turns to Rayn and pushes him.

Rayn falls as a group of troops fall down from the roofs and ambush the patrol, even the man

who appeared dead sitting suddenly got up and started fighting the guards. Rayn gets up and,

in the middle of the confusion, picks up Falos' sword, which was lying next to his body. He had

never seen a dead body, let alone a man dying. He rushed to the closest attacker who was

fighting a guard, and thrusted the sword on the back of his leg, making him scream in agony

and falling down. As he turned around to see the situation, he was faced with most of the

guards dead and a couple of attackers heading in his direction. The first one swings his sword,

which Rayn parries. After all, all those swordfighting classes he had alongside his brother

weren't so useless anymore. The attacker was put out of balance and Rayn pushed him and

shoved his sword throught his chest, making him drop on his knees and then on the ground.

Rayn had never killed a man before. He was petrified looking at his sword's blade, the blood

dripping along with the rain, his face pale in disbelief. He was so shocked he didn't see the

other attacker, and could barely parry his offence. Getting hit by surprise, Rayn fell down, only

to have his enemy on top of him. He could barely feel any pain as the man's fist hit his face,

rendering him unconscious.

Rayn woke up in a cell, no windows but a small hole on the door. The little light coming

inside was just enough to let him know he was alone. Hours passed and only silence could be

heard from the outside. Hours later he heard a commotion, people walking and talking, but

their accents were different. The door suddenly opened and before him stood a tall man, with

long blond hair, accompannied by half a dozen guards. Even them looked incredibly luxurious,

with their long black armors, with shining ice blue details, all looked as perfect as a man could

be. “No way I'm somewhere near home”, he thought.

– Well, well, well, look who have here. - said the tall man – I didn't believe it when she

told me. So you're Rayn, eh?

– Who are you? - Rayn had an agressive tone – And where am I?

– Calm down, boy. No harm will come to you. My name's Arun'vas, I am the leader of


Rayn had heard of them. They were an isolate colony on the planet's moon. “So far they

didn't mean no trouble to anyone, why would they attack out of the blue?”

– I'm sorry, I didn't mean to have you here. You're barely old enough to hold a sword,

let alone kill a man.

– What is it you want?! - Rayn was visibly scared.

– We want to free your people.

– What? Are you insane? - Rayn still couldn't believe this was happening.

– Have you ever stepped outside the walls, Rayn?

– What? No! There's nothing there! My mother and I, we don't even leave the city.

– Have you ever wondered why? Have you seen what's out there? Outside the wall.

– You're crazy. There's nothing to be seen!

– Oh, but there is. - said Arun'vas, with a smirk on his face. - What if they'd lied to you

all your life? Come with me, and I'll show you.

– No! Leave me alone! I won't go anywhere with you!

Rayn pushed Arun'vas, which almost fell on the ground, if not for his guards quickly

grabbing him.

– Very well – said Arun'vas, looking annoyed. - Have it your way.

Rayn was left alone.


Weeks passed, as Rayn starved. He found himself dying a little more each day. Everyday

they fed him once, and his life was confined to that small hole, his hope vanishing slowly.

Suddenly, one day, the door opens and he can see a female silhouette. She stepped closer to

him and he could finally see her. Her red was as orange as he had never seen, her face was as

stunning as the sun. Rayn had never seen a girl this beautiful. For a moment there, he thought

he had lost his mind and it was simply his ideas playing tricks to him. But suddenly, she


– Aren't you a little short for a prince? - She said, smiling.

– Who are you?

– I'm his daughter. I was the one who recognized you when they brought you in. You

were unconscious.

She was bearing a couple of revolvers by her waist. Her long clothes were tight enough

to reveal the shape of her body. Rayn was still wondering how a girl so beautiful could exist.

But given the fact that he had left his planet, anything could be true.

– Am I really on Syronia? - asked Rayn.

– Yes, they brought you here after the intial ambush. They just wanted to create some

turnmoil among the population, they never intended to make any hostages. But you

were clearly too young to be a soldier, so they didn't kill you. And thank the Moon

they didn't. You're more precious alive than dead.

– Why is that? What is my life worth to you?

– You're one of them. Or used to be. My father wants to help your people.

– My people doesn't need help! - Rayn got on the offensive.

– You're wrong, Rayn. Let my father show you. You will not regret it! Trust me, Rayn...

– Why should I trust you?!

– Look at yourself, “prince”! Why should you not?

She turned her back and left, the guard shutting the door behind her. Rayn was left to

his silence once again.

Once again weeks passed until the door opened again. This time, Arun'vas was alone.

He said no words, nor showed any emotion. He just let the door open and started walking out.

Rayn got up and followed him. “What other option do I really have?”. They both got out of the

jail block, which was surprisingly empty. They walked across long halls with barely any

natural light showing the way. Instead, soft blue lights were being emitted from the ground.

They then got to a big room, sofisticated, with a big screen on the wall. There was a guard in

each of the four corners of the room, and the girl was standing by the screen.

– I heard you've met my daughter, Myria. - said Arun'vas.

Rayn didn't reply, he really wasn't sure on anything, let alone on what was best to say.

Myria was quick to answer to his silence.

– Yes, he did, father. We had a small conversation, nothing more! - Myria's smile was

the only thing bringing life to that dead room.

– Very well. Rayn, I'm happy you have decided to let me show you the truth. Myria, if

you please.

With a swipe of the hand, Myria turned the screen on. There they could see his city, the

capital of Ilcaeron.

– I'm sure you're familiar with this place, Rayn.

– Home... - whispered Rayn. - I am.

Myria waved her hand, and the image in the screen zoomed out, only to show a whole

civilization outside the walls of the city. All the houses were half destroyed.

– You see, Rayn, there really is something out there, beyond the wall. Not what you

expected, right?

– What is that? That can't be true!

– Oh, but it is! - Arun'vas looked really serious. - You've been lied to your whole life.

You think you were defending all that was good and righteous? Look at that!

The screen was now showing images of people with barely any clothes on, all dirty and


– I'm sorry, Rayn, I reall am. - said Myria. - Only you can help us save your people.

That IS your people, don't keep your eyes shut. Stop lying to yourself.

Rayn was shocked. He'd never believe this if he weren't seeing it with his own eyes. All

his life he was taught how to be just and fair and now this? What kind of people were his

family? How could wolves raise sheep?

– You see, Rayn, we're going to help them getting their city back. We can do it with

you, or you can just pretend your fantasy was real all along, and live in your


– I... I don't know what to do. - Rayn had a frightened expression on his face.

– This is your fight! - Myria turned to him with a worried face – This is your people!

Join us, Rayn, help us help them.

– I... I guess you're right.

Arun'vas turned around, two guards came with something in their hands. A long

package wrapped in a silky cloth.

– This is for you, Rayn. For your conquests.

He unwrapped only to find a sword inside. It was surprisingly light, and with a design

he had never seen before. There was a smooth blue glow coming from the blade. Rayn then

looked at Arun'vas, who knew he was ready.