histology exam 3 review

Lymph System  Thymus o Primary lymphoid organ (no nodule) o Capsulated o Dark cortex around outside  Education of thermocytes; kills thermocytes with self-antigens  Epithelial reticular cells (light pink colored; looks like a starfish) form a net to hold thermocytes in the cortex o Lighter colored medulla o Stary-night appearance due to macrophages o Epithelial reticular cells also around the blood thymus barrier  Want to keep blood out of the thymus because macrophages will remove the T cells that recognize any foreign antigens  Thymic Medulla o Hassall’s Corpuscles 3 rd  type of reticular cell  Involuting thymus o Gains adipose with age  Secondary lymphoid tissue o Look for  Encapsulated: lymphoid nodes; spleen  Unencapsulated: MALT  All have nodular and diffuse regions o Diffuse region: T cells o Nodular area: B cells o Germinal center: proliferation of B cells, especially during infection  Tonsils: 3 types: lingual, palatine, pharyngeal; look at epithelial layer to distinguish o Oral cavity: lingual and palatine  Stratified squamous non-ketatinizin g o Back of throat: pharyngeal  Pseudostratified (repiratory tract) o Identifying tonsil features  Nodules  Crypts (looks like empty spaces in the tissue)  No capsule  Lymphocytes in the oral cavity sample the outside world o Transcytosis: cell at top takes a sample and pass antigens it from cell to cell o Migration to the surface: lymphocytes can move up and infiltrate  Peyer’s patch o Ilium of intestine o Identifying features:  Villi

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Post on 03-Jun-2018




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