hispots senior issue 2011

S p o ts An independent student newspaper Senior Issue June 6, 2011 Vol. 85 Edition 5 Hi Photo courtesy of Tigard TImes Photograph by Dan Brood Senior Kelsi Schaer runs her way to a State Champi- onship in the 1500-meter run on Saturday, May 21.

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The June 6, 2011 Senior Issue of HiSpots, Tigard High School's independent student newspaper.


Page 1: HiSpots Senior Issue 2011

SpotsAn independent student newspaper

Senior Issue June 6, 2011 Vol. 85 Edition 5


Photo courtesy of Tigard TImesPhotograph by Dan Brood

Senior Kelsi Schaer runs her way to a State Champi-onship in the 1500-meter run on Saturday, May 21.

Page 2: HiSpots Senior Issue 2011

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Page 3: HiSpots Senior Issue 2011

ADVERTISEMENTS | June 6, 2011 | PAGE 3

Page 4: HiSpots Senior Issue 2011

PAGE 4 | June 6, 2011 | SENIOR EDITION


Kathryn Hollingsworth Jamy Lee

Natasha Malik Kaitlyn Mullaly

Brenda Shelton

Sarah Spangler

Secret to success? I hook up to a coffee IV every morn-ing.

Where you will be in 15 years? Working as a doctor somewhere, hopefully outside of the U.S. and with underprivi-leged kids.

What was your biggest sac-rifice? There’s only 24 hours in a day. That means that every hour I spend on school is one hour I CAN’T spend baking. What a tragedy.

Favorite food? Cupcakes!

Secret to Success? I am driven by the belief that any less than your best is not good enough. Everything that I do I want to know that it is the best I can do.

Favorite T.V. show? Castle.

Secret to Success? Asking for help when I need it. Staying after school to talk to teachers and actually studying. I found studying useful.

Where you will be in 15 years? Alive.

How you dealt with stress? Chocolate and Billie Holiday al-bums.

Favorite book? East of Eden by John Steinbeck will always be my favorite. It’s amazing.

Favorite food? My favorite food is knowledge. … Just kid-ding, I love a good Five Guys burger.

How you deal with stress? I deal with stress by destroying the source of it!

“Never give up. Success is achieved after every-

one else has given up.”-- Kathryn


Biggest regret: “Being

rejected from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft

and Wizardry.”

--Jamy Lee

14 students who have never gotten a B

Page 5: HiSpots Senior Issue 2011

SENIOR EDITION | June 6, 2011 | PAGE 5

Rimma GurevichPriya Patel Matthew Khoo Diana Merchant

Katherine Murphy Tracie Tran Tinh An Nguyen Elizabeth Hjort

Regrets? I live life without any regrets, only lessons learned from my mistakes.

Where you will be in 15 years? I have absolutely no clue, and the anticipation is wonder-ful!

Biggest Sacrifice: Time!

Was it always your goal to be valedictorian? No, it was my goal to do well. I didn’t even real-ize what a Valedictorian was till sophomore year!

How many hours did you spend studying a night? Prob-ably around 2-2.5 hours.

How you deal with stress? I don’t deal with stress. It’s been accumulating for four years now, and I’ll just spontaneously combust sometime soon. No big deal.

Favorite food? My favorite food is anything Italian. And wa-termelon!

Advice to others? Work hard in high school and take it seri-ously, because the success you can gain as a result is worth it, but at the same time, don’t miss out on fun opportunities like sports, clubs, and school events. You just have to learn to balance your time to include both!

Where you will be in 15 years? At a beach in San Diego, being a trophy wife, minus the wife part. I don’t want to be a wife, I just want to be a trophy.

Favorite Food? Rice and beans from Asabache!

Biggest Sacrifice? I’ve gained 15 pounds of fat!

What was your biggest sac-rifice? Time.

How you deal with stress? I listen to music, sleep, and talk to my friends.

Favorite food? Chocolate!Advice to others? Sleep a lot!

Regrets? I tend not to re-gret things. Even if I’m not fond of how it went, I learned some-thing from it.

How you deal with stress? I get into my most comfortable clothes and take a half hour to an hour break.

Advice to others? Never get discouraged by those who doubt your abilities. As long as you know your capabilities, you can prove them wrong and over-come the obstacles that stand in your way.

Biggest sacrifice? Going in as full IB… Where’d my life go?

Hours of hard work, a little caffeine and a lot of humor add up to straight A’s

Page 6: HiSpots Senior Issue 2011

PAGE 6 | June 6, 2011 | SENIOR EDITION

Advice for the class of

By Hannah [email protected]

Teachers share their bits of wisdom

Past graduates dish it out“Try really hard to get your college home-

work done early so that you’re not always stressed at the last minute. It also really helps if you form study groups. Make sure the group is with people you know will take their educa-tion as seriously as you do. I found that when my dorm was cleaner and more organized I was more relaxed and stayed on top of my work. I would also suggest getting involved in club/inter-mural sports. They’re a lot of fun and you meet a lot of cool people through them!” - Alex Epp - Class of 2010

“Always remember the experienc-es and friends high school has given you, but do not dwell on the fact that it is ending. Instead, embrace the future by taking advantage of every oppor-tunity possible. Post graduate life is about trying new things and stepping outside of your comfort zone. You’ll be amazed by how much you will learn and grow.” - Andrea Fisher - Class of 2010

“My advice for graduates is to be goal-oriented. Have a tentative plan for your life. That doesn’t mean, of course, that the plan won’t be re-vised from time to time as circum-stances in your life change. Think about what you want to accomplish one year, five years, ten years, and so on down the road, and work toward those things. Don’t wait until you’re 30 before you decide to get it figured out.”

“Enjoy every moment, learn as much as you can, and earn a degree that will allow you to pay off your loans before you’re 30. Choose the classes that might have your future significant oth-er in them, not the ones that al-low you to sleep till 2 p.m.”

“When faced with an important decision, I advise you to make that decision following three simple, but challenging, guidelines:

1. Never choose a path out of fear of another. Don’t let fear be your guide. Often times the right thing to do is the scary thing. If you have a dream to be a doctor, for instance, don’t turn from that path based on a fear of many years of school-ing or challenging course work. If the vision you have for yourself is to help people in this way, do not turn from that calling.

2. Choose compassion and empathy over doubt and apathy. We derive great meaning from helping and being con-nected to others. Make decisions with other’s well being in consideration.

3. Focus on your real self. Avoid making decisions based on society’s ideal for you. You will never find meaning in other’s visions for yourself. You must live the authentic life. This will only be achieved if you choose based on who you truly are. Finding this person is not easy, but it is right in front of you.

A hero’s adventure can come across as such a monumental and seem-ingly insurmountable challenge, that the hero may lose heart and faith in his/her journey or calling. But we know that if the hero persists, he/she will find a way out of the darkness. Stick to your hero’s mission and journey no matter what life throws at you.”

Dave Unis Frank Caro

Stu Bailey


Page 7: HiSpots Senior Issue 2011


Programme has been valuable in teaching me both the “whats” and “hows” of most of the subject areas. Within the junior and senior IB classes, I’ve been able to become the people in the sub-ject areas. School becomes more than just a class-room; it becomes a lab, a seminar, a museum and more. Specific to the actual Diploma Programme, the Extended Essay was a required research pa-per of 4,000 words, on the topic of our choice. We were guided by the teachers whom we chose. The paper was hard, and the time spent on the paper seemed too long, but overall I feel that those hours were well spent. I learned that clarity in thought was reflected through the clarity of writing. I made connections between specific ideas, contrasted histories, and examined the differences and simi-larities across time and cultures. IB taught me that knowledge and discovery is more important than distinction and grades.

My advice to people who are going into IB classes: Prioritization. The key to successfully and

efficiently doing well is to order things in a way that goes with how you work. In my own experience, I made sure on the larger assign-ments, to get the “easy” parts done, and then put it aside, and start some other homework.

By Teddi FallerInternational Baccalaureate: It’s four years of rigorous study and the pursuit of knowledge. While IB may not be for everyone, for those

who are considering it, here’s some encouragement and tips from three IB Diploma Candidates of the class of 2011.

Why I be IB:

SENIOR EDITION | June 6, 2011 | PAGE 7

KAITLYN MULLALYIB doesn’t always seem to pay off.

Yes, there have been many times when I wanted to stop participating in the IB Program. However, as a senior who is ready for college, I have had the chance to look back. The EE, IA’s, and TOK paper are not always fun, but the abilities that the IB program gives you will definitely pay off. I will receive college credit for IB classes that I test well in, and I know that not everyone will receive credit, but it’s more than that.

I have learned to research and collect my thoughts. I have learned to come across articles about things that interest me and read up on them. It’s more work, but next year I will have extra time to mess around and do “college” things while everyone else is freaking out about writing a paper. Overall, I am grateful for the IB program, and I do not regret it at all. Yes, it takes effort, but it will definitely pay off in the long run.

BRANDON CHANGIB’s value to me is well beyond words.

There’s an intrinsic value I get from it that is unparalleled. Some advice if you’re do-ing full IB: You’ve got to be willing to do hard work, and sleepless nights are eas-ily avoidable by not procrastinating. What I have taken most from doing IB is, for a lack of better words, wisdom. Simply mind blowing. Even if you don’t take full IB, take the Theory of Knowledge class anyway. Thinking about thinking has nev-er been so eye opening.

IB Diploma Candidates speak out about their addiction to knowledge

Photo by Maggie Johnson. From left to right: [Back row] Kathrine Murphy, Kaitlyn Mullaly, Jessica Tran, Jamy Lee, Matthew

Khoo, [Second row] Manali Paralkar, Tinh An Nguyen, Tracie Tran, [Front row] Hiro Nukaga, Gavin Cronkrite, Kacey Peterson [Not pictured] Jordan Carroll, Brandon Chang, Brttany Chelf

Page 8: HiSpots Senior Issue 2011

PAGE 8 | June 6, 2011 | SENIOR EDITION

Enrique De-La-Cuesta moved 12 times and went to eight schools before he enrolled in Tigard High, flunking every year except fifth grade.

“I don’t like school,” he said. “I like meeting people. A lot of school is full of b--- s----. Just sit-ting in classes, listening to someone talk. That’s out of the question for me. I can’t just sit still and learn that way.”

Living in Los Angeles as a child, De-La-Cuesta moved back to his home town in Aca-pulco, Mexico for five months in eighth grade to establish U.S. residency. Instead of going to school, he learned how to pickpocket in the school of hard knocks, spending the money on parties and clubs.

When he returned to THS his sophomore year, De-La-Cuesta didn’t go to school often.

“I tried in the beginning, but it just didn’t work out,” he said, adding that in those years he concentrated more on drinking and doing drugs.

Then De-La-Cuesta fell in love.

“She didn’t do drugs or go to parties,” said De-La-Cuesta, and under her influence, he slowed his reckless ways.

Concentrating more on school, De-La-Cues-ta began to succeed in classes his junior year, but as his life stabilized, he said he began to feel anger toward his family.

“They all hated each other, and I think that affected me in a way and I fell back down,” said De-La-Cuesta, “It was also the end of the school year, and my girlfriend and I had broken up.”

His lucky break came when De-La-Cuesta enrolled in CE-2, which regularly drug tests its students.

“I shifted back into a different mentality,” said De-La-Cuesta, who needed the close-nit support of CE-2 students and teachers and the prodding of publications adviser Nancy Mayer.

“He’s opened up, and we communicate much better,” said CE-2 teacher Sue McGee, who kept him accountable by tracking his suc-cess and meeting with him regularly.

Still, being so reckless freshman and sopho-

more years had its consequences. While his friends are graduating in June, De-La-Cuesta will stay in CE-2 through December, when he will graduate.

“I have my reckless side under control now,’’ he said.

That means De-La-Cuesta also has a future vision past high school. In the past year, he has participated in community television shows, edited film for the Tigard Chamber of Com-merce, and been a photographer for the year-book.

“My guess is he will be able to integrate his passions with making a livelihood,” said CE-2 teacher Andy Mcfarlane.

“I love trying to find the beauty in things, il-lustrating a new way to view the world,” said De-La-Cuesta, who plans to enroll at Portland Community College to study multimedia and photography, visual arts, film and photography.

“Enrique is an artist,” said Mayer. “He sees the world from a different prism than most of us.”

From pick-pocket to artist: Enrique De-La-Cuesta

The photo at left was hung in the senior art show. Enrique De-La-Cuesta plans to pursue a career as an artist.

back inDropping

By Micah Lundstrom

Page 9: HiSpots Senior Issue 2011

SENIOR EDITION | June 6, 2011 | PAGE 9

Trevor Anderson said he had a normal childhood until eighth grade.

“I never missed school because I liked school,” he said. Life changed when Anderson’s sister rolled her 1997 Nis-

san Altima three times down an embankment at the end of his eighth grade year.

“Having a near-death experience brought on clinical depres-sion,” Anderson said.

By Freshman year at Tigard High School, Anderson had flunked half of his classes. Depressed, he would not do his work, even when he was sitting in class.

“If you don’t try in high school, you’re not going to get any-where. And not trying was exactly what I did,” Anderson said. “I knew education was important, but at the time I didn’t realize just how important.”

Freshmen patterns became “the norm” sophomore, junior and senior years. By the time last fall rolled around, Anderson knew he would not be able to walk at graduation.

“Not graduating became real to me. Everyone else was going to gradu-ate, and I didn’t want to be that one person who didn’t get the respect from

my family that I deserved. I wanted to go to college and make my parents proud,” said Anderson.

One day, Anderson was sitting in the publications class editing photos when adviser Nancy Mayer sat be-side him.

“What’s going on, Trevor?” Mayer asked.When Anderson told her he wouldn’t graduate, May-

er told him that he was smart and that he could turn his life around, if he wanted.

“No teacher had ever cared about me like that,” An-derson said, adding that Mayer continued to nag and prod him until he finally got into the High School Com-pletion Program at Durham Center.

“Mayer gave me the impetus to do all the things I needed in order to finish high school, if I put my mind to it,” Anderson said.

On May 10, Anderson completed high school, and he plans to walk with his class at graduation.

Anderson has advice for those who are struggling like he was: “Don’t take high school for granted.”

Depression held this student back: Trevor Anderson

Finding the right road: Kelly Blum

Kelly Blum entered this time-elapsed self-portrait into the Senior Art Show. Blum hopes to become a cinematographer someday. This year he won the THS Best Cinematographer Award.

Kelly Blum could never take school seriously. “I could just never get focused,” Blum said. “I always wanted to be social and mess around.” Blum’s middle school habit of not doing work and getting into trouble carried over into his Freshman year. Blum failed most of his classes, throwing him into a downward spiral. Sophomore year Blum was expelled from school for posssion of marijuana, firecrackers and a ninja star, forcing him to at-tend Sherwood High School. “I didn’t like it at all,” said Blum. Being the new kid pushed Blum into trying even less, gaining few credits.

Midway through Junior year, Blum came back to Tigard High School, walking through the doors with a long-awaited smile.

“Everyone was stoked to see me, so that was pretty cool,” said Blum, admitting that his focus on socializing continued to affect his academics.

“This year I opened my eyes,” Blum said. “I do have a lot of potential, I just need to learn how to utilize it.”

As second semester senior year began, Blum realized he would not have enough credits to graduate.

His school counselor Gwenn Stover, his mom, and his publications adviser Nancy Mayer helped Blum create a turn-around plan.

“They told me I have a lot of good talents and those talents could take me far,” Blum said. “I just needed to put them to good use.”

Seeing his friends talking about where they were going to college also made Blum wish he had done better, but wishing wasn’t going to

make his dreams come true. Only hard work and self-discipline would propel him forward.

Next year, Blum plans to come back to Tigard for one semester to finish the credits he needs to graduate. Then he hopes to attend Port-land Community College before heading off to film school.

“This could happen to anybody,” Blum said. “It’s good to live in the

Page 10: HiSpots Senior Issue 2011

PAGE 10 | June 6, 2011 | SENIOR EDITION

InfluencesSeniors tell who has made an impact on their lives

By Emma Johnson [email protected]

“My parents, because they’re helping me get to the next step of my life.” Amanda Murphy

“Sarah Spangler, I want to be just like her when I grow up.” Kimia Amirifar

“Ben Sharp, he produces full production, quality works all himself. On top of that, he’s a top–notch mu-sician.” Benjamin Chino

“My grandpa and Mrs. Townzen.” Rhiannon Hunnicutt

“Jimi Hendrix by making me play guitar.” Jesse Ragsdale

“Dr. Harris because she’s awesome.” Luke Hass

“The jazz musicians before me, who have laid down the music that inspires me to continue music into be-ing my career.” Kyle Molitor

“My parents. They grew up in the Soviet Union and I know that if they can accomplish such a feat so successfully, I have no excuse for not being the best I can be.” Rimma Gurevich

“My mom, she has helped me through a lot. She’s like one of my friends.” Nichole Jackson

“My mom.” Ashlie Watkins

“Maranda Henderson for always being there for me and bringing out the best in me.” Abraham Abayare

“Macklemore because he’s my hero and his music kept me on the right track.” Robert Kakesako

“It took my dad 8 months to get to Amer-ica! That kind of dedication motivates me to push myself intellectually, but also reminds me of my family’s humble roots.” Peter Tran

“I think my parents are my biggest influence. They’re the hardest-working people I know and I have learned a lot about both patience and pas-sion from the two of them!”- Gavin Cronkrite

Nichole Jackson

Peter Tran Benjamin Chino

Willow Parker

“My friends because they are always there for me. They love me and help me out whenever I’m feeling down.” Willow Parker

Photos by Maggie Johnson and Enrique De-La-Cuesta

Rhiannon Hunnicutt

Page 11: HiSpots Senior Issue 2011

SENIOR EDITION | June 6, 2011 | PAGE 11

How to look your best for Graduation

By Amanda [email protected]

Graduation is a time to celebrate the accomplishments and achievements made over the past four years and be rewarded for the hours of hard work put into your future. Your families, friends, teach-ers, and loved ones will all be there to support and congratulate you, and, of course, there will plenty of photo opportunities.

During the graduation ceremony, graduates are required to wear a cap and gown and are given a sash that indicates the graduation year; those who receive honors also get cords and IB Diploma Candi-dates wear purple “hoods.” What is worn under the gown shouldn’t matter much because not much can be seen under the robe. The idea is for graduates to look the same for the occasion.

“Many students like to dress up for the occasion, girls wearing a nice dress and heels and guys in slacks and ties. Others like to show individuality and wear something different, as in bright tennis shoes or shorts. Mostly the boys do this but some girls do as well,” associ-ate principal Barb Proctor said.

Although your actual outfit may not be important, there are things you can do to look your best for this occasion and many to avoid. Follow the advice below to look your best.

Do’s:1. Take a shower -- A fresh clean appearance makes you

appear more pulled together.

2. Wear clean shoes -- The shoes are the most impor-tant element of your graduation outfit because they can be seen. For guys, a pair of dress shoes or neutral colored Vans will do the trick. For girls, sensible heels, fancy flats, or gladiator sandals are all possible and fashionable op-tions.

3. Polish off your outfit with accessories like a tie or some bangles -- The little details make the biggest difference.

Don’ts:1. Be afraid to wear color and prints -- Most students

will choose to lean towards neutral colors but since what is worn under your gown can’t be seen, don’t hesitate to wear what you want. Pastels are great color options that are subtle but different.

2. Forget to layer your clothes -- You don’t want to be cold and miserable on this important night!

3. Do anything too fancy with your hair -- You’ll be wearing your cap any ways! Avoid hat-hair!


Seniors Jessie Holter and Cortney Gillett pose in their graduation cap and gowns.

Photo by Alfredo Palacios

Page 12: HiSpots Senior Issue 2011

PAGE 12 | June 6, 2011 | SENIOR EDITION

CD’s outsell casette tapes. The beginning of the world-wide-web for scientists. Class of 2011 are born around this time!

Internet is now used by the public. Movies “Forest Gump” and “Pulp Fiction” debut, along with hit television shows “Friends” and “E.R.”

A timeline of memories

By Allie Chino and Kenny Lamborn

As teens look back on their childhood, it’s as if they’re look-ing back through an old yearbook. Their old friends, the hilarious inside jokes, the movies they watched, and the big events that changed their lives. The more they look, the more they remember.

Here is a timeline to show the good, the bad, the funny, the weird, and all the events in between that changed the lives of many and defined our generation. The first episode of “Survivor” airs,

along with the first Harry Potter movie. Hijacked airplanes crash into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania on September 11th.

“Babe” hits the box office. Scientists clone the first sheep.

Climate change climbs to a record high; scientists focus on more research.

“Titanic” is released, becoming the top-sell-ing movie of all time. “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,” the first book in the fa-mous series, publishes in the UK.

T.V. show “Sein-feld” ends. The drug Viagra is ap-proved for use.

The “Blair Witch Project” premieres, rapidly becom-ing a popular horror film.

“The Gladiator” bursts into the box office. Charles Schulz, artist of the “Pea-nuts” comics, dies.










2001Looking through


“I remember when Michael Jackson died. I was on a mission trip, and I didn’t believe it

until I got home to see it all over the

media.”--Senior Britnee Morse

Page 13: HiSpots Senior Issue 2011

“Spiderman” and “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” become movie hits. AIDS becomes a world epi-demic and receives more attention.

SENIOR EDITION | June 6, 2011 | PAGE 13

Facebook is launched. Martha Stewart is sentenced to five months in prison for lying to the government about her in-vestments in the stock market. Google becomes a company.

Spain wins FIFA, the soccer world cup. Justin Bieber releases his song, “Baby.”

Osama Bin Laden is killed. A magnitude 9.0 earthquake hits Japan. The royal wed-ding between Prince William and Kate Middleton is watched by billions around the world. Class of 2011 graduates high school.

Hurricane Katrina devastates New Orleans. The first video is uploaded to YouTube.

The USA begins the war in Iraq; terrorism skyrockets. “Finding Nemo” and “Freaky Friday” hit theatres. Scien-tists discover more about the Y-chromosome, which determines gender.

Saddam Hussein dies. “High School Musical” debutes on Disney Channel. The website Twit-ter is launched.”

Anna Nicole Smith mysteriously dies. Britney Spears shaves her head. Apple releases the first iPhone.

The “Twilight” movie is released. Heath Ledger dies. Barack Obama, the first African-Ameri-can president, is elected to office.

“The Hangover” premiers, along with the first season of “Glee.” The Swine Flu epidemic scares people nationwide.

“I remember Mr. Neffendorf’s begin-

ning of the year inspirational speech on why we should

go to college for our jobs.”

--Senior Vladimir Predovic

Photos of students by Maggie Johnson



2005 2006







Page 14: HiSpots Senior Issue 2011

PAGE 14 | June 6, 2011 | SENIOR EDITION

Anthem College (Portland, OR)Sarah RugadoArizona State Uni-versity (Tempe, AR)Steele KellyAbdul Kareem-RaslanJeffrey RobinsonAveda Institute (Portland, OR)Alex FreemanBoise Bible College (Boise, ID)Andrea PalmerBoise State Univer-sity (Boise, ID)Hayley DunningHolly SlyterBrigham Young University (Rex-burg, ID)Rachel BatesCassidy PedersenCrystal TolliverBrigham Young University (Provo, UT)Sarah FittWillow ParkerCathleen SicklesCalifornia Polytech-nic Institute (San Luis Obsipo, CA)Roxanne RayeCarthrage College (Kenosha, WI)Sohayla HoraniChapman Univer-sity (Orange, CA)Francesca Musolo-ArltChico State Univer-sity (Chico, CA)Maximillian JeanClackamas Com-munity College (Clackamas, OR)Christine BrowningLindsey SchaeferClark College (Van-couver, WA)Edgar Contreras

College of the Red-woods (Eureka, CA)Michael FlanniganCommunity College of the Air Force (Maxwell AFB, AL)Michael O’ConnorCornish College of the Arts (Seattle, WA)Lauren MacDonaldEcola Bible College (Cannon Beach, OR)Cody CollinsEastern Oregon University (La-Grande, OR)Jeffrey BeltranPaulino LopezZachary ParkerJacob RoseEugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts (New York City, NY)Allysa PalmerEverest Institute (Tigard, OR)Heidy MoranGeorge Fox Univer-sity (Newberg, OR)Rachel BondEmily CrosswhiteVitaliy KolyvanovArturo LucateroMaddie MillerBritnee MorseAlejandra Urbina-GarciaKelsey WalkerGonzaga University (Spokane, WA)Sarah RisingerNicholas RocheGrand Valley State University (Allen-dale, MI)Lucas O’DonnellITT Technical Insti-tute (Portland, OR)Alexander Hawk

Johnson & Wales University (Denver, CO)Kailen GarciaLane Community College (Eugene, OR)Sean CooperTylor HallColin McManamonAndrew MorrisSpencer SmithLaney College (Oak-land, CA)Brian GehringLinfield College (McMinnville, OR)Nichole JacksonLinn Benton Com-munity College (Corvallis, OR)Stewart GrimesGordon StarkSean WaegeMassey University (New Zealand)Olivia PottsMinnesota State University Moor-head (Moorhead, MN)Erin NybergMontana State Uni-versity (Bozeman, MT)Ryan AshenfelterMt. Hood Com-munity College (Gresham, OR)Aaron CarsonMariah MirelezNew School for Jazz and Contemporary Music (New York City, NY)Kyle MolitorNorthwestern Uni-versity (Evanston, IL)Justin KimOklahoma Chris-tian University (Oklahoma City,

OK)Lindley HessOregon Institute of Technology (Klam-ath Falls, OR)Tyler RossOregon State Uni-versity (Corvallis, OR)Stephanie ArnoldCarolyn BoothJordan BruemmerAmanda CarlsonDennis ChanBrandon ChangChloe CloseKaleen CokerIan CraigBrett DanielsChelsea DelfinoSamantha DohertyRobert DusevoirErin FisherAmelia FosterBeau HansenTaylor HarperChloe HarrisLuke HassKatarina HedgepethKathryn Holling-sworthJessie HolterVeronica HughesThomas HuttonMark JensonRobert KakesakoAlex KangJessica KociembaEvan LangeCarter LassetterJamy LeeSophia LeNatasha MalikSpenser MangoldKyle MenziesAlisha MorinitiJillian MoyleAmanda MurphyEric NajdekChad NathansonTinh-An NguyenManali ParalkarEstili Peck

Qui PhamVladimir PredovicKirsten RowleyKelsi SchaerCharles SchmidtRahul SharmaAlexandra ShawEric SiegAustin SledzSarah SpanglerAubrianne Thorn-burgJessica TranTracie TranDaniel Van DomelenCam VoDavid WalshTilon WardAshlie WatkinsNicole WatsonKaitlyn WilliamsChance ZibloskiPacific University (Forest Grove, OR)Amy MayhughJulie MayhughPaul Mitchell Beau-ty School (Portland, OR)Amanda Campos-TorresPepperdine Univer-sity (Malibu, CA)Cori HaysPhagans Beauty School (Tigard, OR)Beatrix CareyPioneer Pacific Col-lege (Portland, OR)Sammai GutierrezPortland Com-munity College (Portland, OR)Abraham AbayareIrais CortezRuben AhumadaTrevor AndersonAaron AparicioKyle ArndtPaige BauerKyle BedardDeanne BensonEmily Benson

Stephanie BooneSamantha BreuierAlexis BrienBlaine BrunMichael BurchAndrew BurnetteMitchell BurrisNicole CardGerardo CardenasMaria Castillo San-tanaBryan CejaBen ChinoNikita ClarkSelene ColinAshley ConeryAndrew DickinsonJuan DimasTorilyn DuncanCelene DurnbaughTanner EllensonAlissa EvansJase FerrisHarry FordRaya FranklinMarcus FullerTiffani FurgasonDrake GarciaCortney GillettMagda GonzalezMartha Gonzalez RochaBernard GuizarAbdifatah GuledEmily HamiltonTheodore HamiltonDerek HarrisViktoria Hatchadou-rianOmar HejaziJose HernandezBlaine HillAddison HoaglandJoshua HobsonChristopher HrehaNicole JacksonAaron JensenNellie JohnsonRonnie KayalApril KeefnerAmy LaneCasey LawrenceSarah Lehman

College Decisions

Page 15: HiSpots Senior Issue 2011

Samantha LeonRongeni MarkVivien MartinezKaytee McEuenCourtney McGuireShaylynn Mead-StevensonBeatriz Mejia-MolinaHumberto MendezCheyanne MeyerMohamed Moham-oudJacqlyn MurphyMolly MurphyColin O’NealChristina Orozco-RamirezMorgan PegnoneArmando PerfectoCassandra PriceJesse RagsdaleRoberto RamirezJared ReisingerJohn RitchieMayra RodriguezChris RojasD’Yanira RubioMaria SalgadoKevin SautnerLindsey SelfShahrzad ShariatiMegan SmallwoodCooper SmithChelsea StaleySean SunMegan SuterSamantha SuterValeria TapiaKeara ThompsonKyle TiedemannBrandon TroxellYadira TrujilloDamaris UrrutiaTiffany Vanderzan-denMichelle VidrioJennifer VillalobosAustin Vonletke-mannDania WakedAshlee WestKyle WilliamsonAndrew WisemanLisa WishardDustin WoodardSylvia Xiong

Mohamed YahyaEdgar ZempoaltecaNicholas ZenzanoPortland State Uni-versity (Portland, OR)Hasan AbualhajKyle AcreeMadison ArmstrongCrystal BoeckTherese BromanderClaire BuehlerMitchell CooperAlexander Dowha-niukSafia ElogbiEduardo GarciaKyra GarnerAmelia GrayRebecca HubbardSamuel LichtensteinKatherine ProutyCara PurdyDanielle SandersFelicia SchroederElliott ShipleyPrincipia College (Elsay, IL)Jane WhitmoreSaddleback College (Mission Viejo, CA)Nicholas MooreSalt Lake City Com-munity College (Salt Lake City, UT)Willa FordSanford-Brown Col-lege (Portland, OR)Ashlee WestSanta Ana College (Santa Ana, CA)Guadalupe LopezSanta Fe Univer-sity of Art & Design (Santa Fe, NM)Rachel AndersonSeattle Pacific University (Seattle, WA)Mercedes BonesSeattle University (Seattle, WA)Elizabeth SchimmelsSierra College (Rocklin, CA)Bailey Freeborn

Silpakorn Uni-versity (Bangkok, Thailand)Baramee Rat-tanawethinSmith College (Northampton, MA)Maris SchwarzSoutheastern Uni-versity (Lakeland, FL)Cristian HooperSouthern Oregon University (Ash-land, OR)Katherine BurgerAustin DeanChristopher MyronChelsea PritchardBrenda SheltonRobert TillSouthern Virginia University (Bueno Vista, VA)Micah DeanStanford University (Palo Alto, CA)Jordan CarrollKatherine MurphySumner College (Portland, OR)Cortney NicholsonTreasure Valley Community College (Ontario, OR)Trevor NixUnited States ArmyKyle SandwickErik RichardsUnited States Ma-rine CorpsZachary FowlerVictor RuddellKian WirthUnited States NavyNathan BrattonAustin HansenUniversity of Alaska Fairbanks (Fairbanks, AK)Crystal LorUniversity of Ari-zona (Tuscon, AZ)Jeremy SarvayUniversity of British Columbia

(Vancouver, BC)Danielle EppUniversity of California Irvine (Irvine, CA)Hiro NukagaUniversity of Cali-fornia Los Angeles (Los Angeles, CA)Priya PatelUniversity of Den-ver (Denver, CO)Camille WhitcombUniversity of Maryland (Vicenza, Italy)Natalie PerezUniversity of Montana (Missoula, MT)Shelby BennettUniversity of Ne-vada Las Vegas (Las Vegas, NV)Austin SteffenUniversity of Ne-vada, Reno (Reno, NV)Kelsey KaelinUniversity of North Texas (Denton, TX)Jordan ReddicksUniversity of Or-egon (Eugene, OR)Reid AbblittAndrew AbeytaKimia AmirifarAaron BangayAmanda BarrettBridget BrooksBradley BurkeChristopher CaldwellMary ChabreckBrenna ClevelandGavin CronkriteElizabeth DunkleeAbby FatlandLaree FosterKyler GarciaRimma GurevichJoseph HartJake HobbsChristian JohnsonAaron KirchJordan MatlockChelsey Mayer

Mark MedginDiana MerchantSonya NeunzertAudrey PfahlAnna ShultsAlicia StrommeAndrew SwiftPeter TranJessica YeungUniversity of the Pacific (Hunting-ton, CA)Rhiannon HunnicuttUniversity of Port-land (Portland, OR)Shane FeketeJacob FordElizabeth HjortKathleen HumphreyKaitlyn MullalySarah Pence-JonesTessa ZunkUniversity of Washington Bothell (Bothell, WA)Franklin StutevossWagner College (Staten Island, NY)Ralph GreeneWarner Pacific Col-lege (Portland, OR)Courtney YocumJalen Yocum

West Point United States Military Academy (West Point, NY)Matthew KhooWestern Oregon University (Mon-mouth, OR)Scott BrennanHannah BryantKaitlynn DavisKemmy DiazRyan EhrenfeltKendall HolcombAlexandria Mont-gomeryOmar MuroCorey MyersClara PrattHeather PreusseAaron VirnigTyler WhiteWhitworth Univer-sity (Spokane, WA)Brittany ChelfWillamette Univer-sity (Salem, OR)Stephan NguyenKacey Peterson

SENIOR EDITION | June 6, 2011 | PAGE 15

18 and over only

Page 16: HiSpots Senior Issue 2011

PAGE 16 | June 6, 2011 | SENIOR EDITION

Letters from the EditorsAdvice, thoughts, and jargon from the Publications editors

By Maris SchwarzYearbook Editor-in-Chief

I’m probably not the best person to give advice on how to have a great time in high school. Sure, I had fun, but I didn’t date a member of the football team or go the wildest parties. Instead, I laughed with my friends and watched countless hours of Oprah.

I wanted to be cool. Honestly. The sum-mer before high school, I dyed my hair, went to the tanning salon, and learned how to over apply bronzer. I started a work-out re-gime and bought a new wardrobe. I wanted to fit in to the stereotype of the high-school hottie, but looking back, it was a waste of time.

And I gave up quickly. I only bought five tans, and my trips to the gym lasted for three weeks. Maybe if I’d put in the effort in, it would’ve worked. After all, I’m tall, blonde, and blue-eyed. But this one time in my life I’m happy I failed.

If my plan had succeeded and I had be-come the popular party girl I had fantasized, I probably wouldn’t have had the close friendships that helped me trudge through the high-school drama. I.B. classes? No way! I wouldn’t have had time to study between tanning and texting various athletes. Going away to college? That came from having a dream greater than ruling the halls of THS.

While I learned how to write, how to think, and how to calculate mathematical equations here at THS, I also learned this les-son: whether you’re a freshman or a mem-ber of the class of 2012, work hard, branch out, and be yourself. Unless you love make-up, skip the hour-long process and sleep instead. Become a member of the yearbook staff and interview people you would’ve never met. Work hard for your grades, be-cause that’s what school’s about. And ulti-mately, learn from your mistakes.

My advice might seem hallow. I’m only 18. What do I know? I grew up in a suburb

with two parents and an older brother, and I haven’t faced challenges that some teenag-ers live with every day. But living through high school and walking out the door gives me perspective. From my standpoint, there’s time in every day to hang out with your friends, finish your math homework, and vi-sualize a greater goal. When you think about it, that’s what high school is all about-- good times, good friends, and a good start in find-ing out who you really are.

By Katie MurphyHiSpots Editor-in-Chief

I was you once. A freshman. A sopho-more. A junior. I, too, thought high school was a joke and hoped life would get more exciting. I thought that the advice of upper-classmen was unnecessary. Then something strange happened. I grew up. I realized I ac-tually cared about this free education I was

being given. Having an IB diploma meant something to me. Leading the Tigerettes as a captain gave me a sense of pride and con-nection. Being the editor of HiSpots allowed me to learn to be a leader.

And getting an education at Tigard, and actually taking advantage of it, paid off. I’m going to the school of my dreams: Stanford University. (Go Cardinal!)

How did it happen? A lot of people asked me how I got accepted into one of the most (what I consider the most) prestigious uni-versity in the nation. It wasn’t luck. It was good, honest, hard work.

It’s all about doing more than simply wanting something. It’s about making it hap-pen for yourself. Every time you choose not to do your work or only do what you need to get by, you are making excuses. Every time you don’t do your best you’re showing all those people who underestimate you that they’re right. You’re lazy.

If there is one thing I’ve learned in high

school it’s that YOU are the only one who can stop yourself from getting what you want.

If you’re still reading this article, I con-gratulate you: You’ve done more than most readers, who scan the pictures and perhaps read the first two lines before going back to what they think about most: what people think about them rather than what they think about themselves. So for those of you that have stuck around, I’ll let you in on a se-cret: Life will get better, more exciting, more interesting and more dramatic -- if you make it that way.

The world is incredible. It is an amazing place, if you take the time to be amazed. High school can teach you that magic isn’t real, that life isn’t fair, and that people are mean. Or it can show you the path to your future. It’s up to you. Enjoy life while you’re young and take advantage of teachers who care and friends who matter because this is the end of your free education.

Don’t spoil it.