the pride senior issue 2011

c HARRISONVILLE HIGH School 1504 e. elm Harrisonville, mo 64701 (816) 380- 3273 PRIDE 2 0 1 1 the Volume XIII, ISSUE iii Follow us on twitter @ Hhswildcatnews May 18 “I ve had the time of my life”

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The Pride Senior Issue 2011


Page 1: The Pride Senior Issue 2011

ccHARRISONVILLE HIGH School1504 e. elmHarrisonville, mo 64701(816) 380- PRIDE



Volume XIII, ISSUE iiiFollow us on twitter @ Hhswildcatnews May 18

“I’ve had the time of my life”

Page 2: The Pride Senior Issue 2011

THE PRIDEpage2 Features


Students of the Month

Seniors, don’t

forget...Dress for Grad-

uation is for-mal, guys wear

slacks and dress shoes, girls wear dresses or nice


Complementary 4x6 pictures

will be taken of each senior and mailed home to


If there is rain on Graduation, the ceremony will be moved

to the HHS gym and each senior will have 9 tick-ets for the cer-


Roth makes volunteering a priorityStory By Maria Sanchez-Staff Writer

The golden rule states, treat others as you would like to be treated. It becomes rare to find someone who does things out of sheer selfless-ness.

Chance Alexander and Kayla Kendrick

JT Blalock and Sara Clarke

Mitchell Morse and Molly Williams

Tanner Sutton and Karson Wilson


� e Pride Sta� 2010-2011Editor-in-Chief: Kayt DahnCopy Editor: Sasha Gubina

Features Editor: Melissa HicksNews Editor: Stormi Ross

Opinion Editor: Sadie Welhoff Sports Editors: Lauren Aman, Abbey FisherStaff Writers: Victoria Bostic, Nick Bowers,

Lexi Eghbali, Emily Hix, Maria SanchezAdvisor: Brad Lewis

Th e Pride is written, edited and published by the newspaper pro-duction class at HHS. Th e paper is an open forum, distributed to the students, faculty, parents, alumni, and other members of HHS. All decisions concerning grammar, layout, content, and photog-raphy are made solely by the editors themselves. Our mission is to report news truthfully and accurately and to act as an open forum for student expression. Opinions in editorials do not refl ect the views of Cass R-IX school district, its staff or the adviser. All com-ments, concerns, and complaints should be forwarded directly to the Editor-in-Chief. If readers would like to submit letters to the Editor, they can do so in room 304.


At HHS, there are those who go beyond normal mea-sures to help their community and fellow citizens.

Senior Sarah Roth has 281 hours of community ser-vice, which is the most out of all seniors. However, Roth’s volunteering was not just a senior year occurrence.

“My community service started to grow my freshman year,” said Roth.

According to Roth, volun-teering leads to working with those who are older than you and you are able to learn from their mistakes, and choose what works best for you in your high school career.

“I see it as giving back,” said Roth, “I have received

many opportunities through the high school and com-munity so I believe I should return the favor.”

Roth participates in ser-vices ranging from volunteer-ing at her church to being a Red Cross volunteer and the occasional Sonic car hop.

“Volunteering is fun for me! I have met so many peo-ple through it and I have built great relationships with the wonderful people I have vol-unteered with,” said Roth.

Roth sees volunteering as a very important thing for a small town such as Harrisonville, and will con-tinue to volunteer although her high school career is com-ing to an end.




Page 3: The Pride Senior Issue 2011

Features Features THE PRIDE page3

Landon Teal and Sarah Roth

Zach Wright and Micaela Vaccaro

Dillon Kliewer and Kaitlyn Larcom

CJ Harkrader andMegan Wagner

The short walk to GraduationMay 18 HHS Baccalaureate starts in the PAC at 7:00 pm

May 19 cords for qualifying seniors can be picked up from Mrs. Hendrickson during normal school hours

May 20 MANDATORY Graduation Rehearsal at 7:30 am at HHS

May 22 Graduation Ceremony at 7:00 pm at Memorial Stadium. Stadium gates will open at 5:30 pm, there are no reserved seats. Seniors will meet at HHS at 6:15 pm, DO NOT wear cap and gown

May 22 Students will check in at HHS for Senior Mania at 10:00 pm and leave at 10:30 pm. They will return to HHS at 6:00 am

May 23 Seniors will pick up their diploma from Mrs. Dains during school hours

Senior drops his own beat

Walking the halls of HHS, one can see athletes getting ready for their big game, choir kids practicing for the next play audition, or students studying for the upcoming math test. Every student at HHS has something to be proud of, something they are good at. Some, however, do

Story By Sasha Gubina-Copy Editor

things which most students have never even imagined of trying, rapping for example. Landon Crosley’s passion centers around rapping, or what some call rhythmic poet-ry. His inspiration does not come from others, but from past experiences in his life, some tragic. Crosley’s lyrics vary from heartbreak to being shot at, things which hit at an emotional level.

“I think that he makes very good rhymes and he makes awesome music,” said senior Cole Warden, Crosley’s close friend at HHS.

His love for rapping and writing lyrics formed around freshman year, during a time where Crosley recalls being bullied by athletes and having few to no friends. Rapping is a way of expression for the tal-ented senior.

“I pride myself in

diversity,” said Crosley.According to Crosley, it

is difficult to get his name out into the public. There are dif-ficulties at times with market-ability, because in the present day most rappers are pres-sured to talk about inappro-priate and degrading things in

their lyrics. However, Crosley tries to

avoid being just another bor-ing artist. Promoting your-self, Crosley added, takes a lot of planning, with the help of street teams (people who help promote the artist). While Crosley’s lyrics are his own, the beats to the raps are mixed with the help of his friend and producer, Johnny Juliano.

Not only does Crosley rap for the students of HHS, he also owns a studio in Raymore, referred to as the “Bat Cave”. Even though Crosley’s first big performance was done at

Ruskin High School, in front of hundreds of people, in the ampitheater, he often per-forms at house parties.

“If he keeps it up, dis-tributing music throughout the school, then I think he’ll be very successful in his rap-ping career. If the word gets around, and more people start to listen to him, he will get well renown,” said Warden.

From a few years of expe-rience, Crosley had advice for the up and coming students who are trying to make some-thing of themselves.

“Humble yourself and never lose who you are,” said Crosley.

This is just the beginning of Landon Crosley’s career. Maybe someday we will see his name on the top charts, and remember how this tal-ented young man came to be a great artist.

Philip FreemanJessica Mathes






Page 4: The Pride Senior Issue 2011

GoodbyesTHE PRIDEpage4

To HHS faculty: “It has truly been an honor serv-ing alongside every single one of you. Each of you has touched my life in such a remarkable way. I am a better educator because you invested in me and be-lieved in me. I could not have asked for better men-tors. Thank you for being such an incredible sup-port system. I am going to miss you all very much.”

To HHS students: “There are not words to express how blessed I have been by each of you. You bring so much joy and laughter to my life! My life is so much better because you’ve been a part of it!I have loved watch-ing you grow into extraor-dinary young men and women, and I know you will do such great things with your life. Thank you for letting me be a part of your educational journey.

As an educator, I know I have the absolute best job anyone could ask for. I could not have asked for a better student body with which to work for the past eight years. Thank you so much. And I guess now is time to reveal my gen-eral opinion on politics: although a moderate, I defi -nitely lean left. Good luck in the future. Keep in touch.”

I’ll miss my students past and present and the great staff I’ve worked with. I’ll remember you [all].

My students have taught me that I made the right choice when I de-cided to become a teacher. Working with high school students has been an educa-tion in itself; a very reward-ing one. I am grateful for every day I had with them.

I do not have just one favorite memory; it is a collage of all the funny things my students said and did through the years. Not a day has gone by that a student has not made me laugh at some crazy antic.

Teachers Say Goodbye as they prepare to leave HHS

-Tina Ellsworth

Never be afraid to try something new, take chanc-es in life that is truly the only way you will grow and learn. Never allow yourself or someone else tell you can not do something, persis-tence and determination and hard work will ensure you can do anything you want.

My students have taught me patience and to laugh a little more.

-Christine Tracy

-Sue Bohnert



We’re going to miss you so much. You always were the one we could run to when we needed a last minute picture, or last minute help. Your pictures were always ex-actly what we needed, and we knew we could count on you no matter what. You really are an amazing artist.

But, besides being an amazing artist, you are an amazing person. You

always came through for us and were always excited to help. You really are a won-derful asset to the staff.

Thank you for sticking it out with us this year. Let’s face it, this is one of the most stressful environments within the school, and you always managed to keep your cool. You never once got angry with anyone, or were mean to anyone. Con-gratulations, you and Sadie may be the only ones in this

room to not have. Your stories were al-

ways very interesting to read, and listen to. You al-ways brought in a cheery face to the staff, and we loved you for it.

We’re so excited to have one of our own going into the Navy. You’ll be wonder-ful at it. It takes a strong and amazing person to do that, and you fi t that description perfectly. You really are a very interesting, amazing

person, and we will miss you greatly!

We know that you’ll do great and be succes-ful, and we wish you the best.


-The Pride Staff

Who are we going to direct all our Japanese based questions at? Ex-pect several texts.

You are such an amazing kind hearted person. You never have anything bad to say about anyone, and you always were willing to help out the staff. You could be the only one who truly knows what an opinion column is really based on. We may possibly be lost without you.

We love that you de-cided to stay here all year with us, and we love that you were our Opinion Editor.

Though you were “secluded” into the workroom, (though sometimes, it may have been considered a good thing...) we knew that

you would always fi nish everything and get every-thing turned in. We also knew that it would al-ways look great.

However we regret that you weren’t in here because we never fully got to know you.

You are an extremely smart person, and are always wonderful to be around.

How you always managed to remain quiet in this chaos ridden room is beyond all of us.

You will do wonder-ful in whatever you de-cide to do in life. We’ll miss you, and we wish you the best.


-The Pride Staff

The Pride wishes our seniors the best

Page 5: The Pride Senior Issue 2011

Goodbyes Goodbyes THE PRIDE page5

When I was in eighth grade, I planned for a quiet existence in high school. I did not re-ally have a desire to be involved. I never thought I would be in band, news-paper, or make the friends that I did. High school has that power to suck you in, no matter how hard you resist. I would be lying if I said I didn’t have any moments at HHS I didn’t enjoy, but I’d also be lying if I said it was all perfect. Seniors have been in the same building, with the same walls, and with the same people for four years, and after four years, you are ready to leave. The only cure for senioritis is

graduation. Restless teen-agers were just not made to last forever in high school. While I am sure there are some that will keep com-ing back (and never leave), I will give this advice to the non seniors to not defi ne your life by high school. Even though I’ve been here for four years, there are still things that boggle my mind. Why do relationship matters treated like life and death situa-tions? If all you do is com-plain about your boyfriend/girlfriend, here’s a thought, break up with them. Why do we have to wait 12 min-utes before going to lunch? Why do underclassmen act like prom is a right for them?

And why, for heaven’s sake, do students feel the need to stop in the middle of the hall during passing periods to have their conversations when there are hundreds of people trying to get to their classes? Those things annoy the heck out of me, and I really can’t do much about it. High school is the fi rst taste of the real world, there are lots of things and people we just have to learn to deal with. I learned that you can make whatever you want out of your own circum-stances. People with a lack of hallway etiquette did not really keep from having a decent high school experi-ence.

myself. There are too many teachers that I am grateful too, and some that I could not stand. There are too many moments during high school to be summed up in one story. So goodbye HHS, we had a love-hate relationship, but I would not have wanted to be any-where else.

Many people have asked me, “will you miss high school?” My honest answer is no. At this point, I can’t say I will miss high school, but I am grateful for it. I did not plan for four years what I was go-ing to say in my goodbye. There are far too many people to thank and I would much rather tell them

My freshman year I was new to Harrisonville, so the friends I made in this small town, I owe to this school. Th ese past four years, I have spent the majority of my time within these walls, learning and creating rela-tionships with friends and teachers. I have had some of the best times of my life during high school and while I am excited to leave, I am sad to leave the people behind. To my best friend Hali Lenz, thank you for putting up with my crazi-ness and accepting me for

the weirdo I am. Julia and Vicci, I feel like I have to put you two together, thank you guys for just being you, honestly, you two are crazy and I will miss you both. Ju-lia, lunch class isn’t the same without you and by the way, your white board art work was truly amazing. :) Vic-ci, I will miss the way you quote everyone in your Fa-cebook statuses and the fact that you burp randomly, not caring who hears you, that takes some guts :P. Danielle, thank you for being the best locker partner ever! I love you Danielley! To the rest of

the senior girls at our lunch table: Madison, Micaela, Sarah S, thank you for mak-ing my day a little brighter. Haley and T.J....where do I start? College Prep Math class with you guys, always made my day. Th ere was never a boring day with you two. Haley, I was mad at you when you ditched me in newspaper, however, I will still miss your craziness and your love aff air with T.J...Josh Oryall and Cody Scott, Spanish class...need I say more? I will miss you both. To Senora Millin and Senora Bohnert, thank you

for making me love Span-ish, I thought I wouldn’t like it but you two made it inter-esting and I will miss you both dearly. To Mrs. Rhoney and Mrs. Bliss, you two were some of my favorite teach-ers. You two are both hi-larious and I wouldn’t have survived math or science without you guys. Th ank you for your patience! Mr. Lewis, Mrs. Chaney and Mrs. Bruns..... where would I be without you guys? You guys have helped me branch out creatively and grow as a person. To all the other teachers who have had me

in class thank you for help-ing me get through high school one step at a time. To my dear newspaper staff , I wish you luck with next year’s publication and I hope you guys continue to make it great. “Tell everybody I’m on my way, I just can’t wait to be there. With blue skies ahead, yes I’m on my way and nothing but good times to share.”..... Goodbye Harrisonville High School!.

Sadie Welhoff - Opinion Editor

Stormi Ross - News Editor

The Pride wishes our seniors the best


Page 6: The Pride Senior Issue 2011



ccc c





FeaturesTHE PRIDEpage6

Military Senior Jesse Kehoe is

joining the military after high school. He is expected to attend boot camp, starting October 3, lasting for three months. “In the military, while I’m getting trained, I’m getting paid. I’m getting my food paid for and shelter, I don’t have to worry about expenses,” said Kehoe, “I see more opportu-nity than college.

I don’t have to worry about student loans. It’s not stressful because I don’t have to apply and get accepted.”

Ever since students were little, they have been asked repeatedly: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” As the time to give a legitimate answer creeps clos-er and closer for high school students, seniors find them-selves right in the middle of the uncertainty. Big decisions needed to be made with dead-lines fast approaching, some seniors find themselves com-pletely overwhelmed. On the contrary, others have their post high school life planned already, with a plan that meets each of their personal needs. “I’m going to college in St. Joseph, Missouri Western State University. I chose to go there because I plan on becoming a nurse and they have the nursing program that I need, I like the people, and the campus,” said senior Lauren Rynard.

College Rynard disagrees, stat-

ing that the military just is not right for some people. She believes that college will be fun and the best choice for her. “I want to meet new people in college and have fun. I would say the pros of going to college right after high school is you’ll graduate usually within four years so by the time I’m 21 I should be out of college, so I won’t be going too long and I should be able to get a job over someone without a degree,” said Rynard.

Work Others are in no hurry,

and are considering opening their options to allow a little more time in their schedule.

“I was going to take a year off but changed my mind,” said senior Kayla Davis, “There’s been a lot of stuff going on this year that’s made things hard and I started thinking about not going to college because I wasn’t sure if it was right for me and not just a waste of money, but friends changed my mind.” A few seniors this year have decided to go straight into the work environment

after they graduate. Majority has decided to attend college. “I chose to go to college right out of high school instead of working, because if you grad-uate college with a degree more than likely you will get a better, high paying job and also if you just work right after high school more than likely you won’t want to go back to school,” said Rynard. Whatever the case may be, in the long run, each senior must make this important choice for themselves, keep-ing an open mind and con-sidering every option.

Seniors’ Most Embarrassing MomentsMany students in high school have the slightest streak of insecurity and are prone to being judgmental. These characteristics make high school a prime-breeding place for embarrassing moments.

Seniors Consider Different Paths After High School

“Tripping in football practice multiple times with the ball on kick return.” –Zach Wright

“I lost my blanket in 7 Brides and the entire audience saw my underwear.” –Clint Wise

“Slipping in Gatorade in front of pretty girls.” –Jerry Warren

“Falling on the pro agility test.” –Cole Warden

“Cheer camp at Mizzou; Sidewalk!” –Megan Wagner

“Everyday I come to school.” -Neilon Campbell

“Broke my arm on a trampoline when Matt Flanagan double bounced me: 4 casts, surgery, on crutches twice.” -Courtney Carotenuti

“Telling the story of how I sprained my knee.” -Emily Finn

“I laughed so hard I had Mountain Dew come out of my nose.” -Jullianna Day

“Telling Spanish V class ‘Yo embarrasado porque de Spring Break’....” -Kayla Davis

“Running into the wall and knocking myself out in gym.” -Benjamin Volsky

“Too many to count.”-Micaela Vaccaro

“Getting hit in the forehead from a tennis ball by Officer Prindle. I was dozing off.” -James Thomas Sutton

“When I farted on Betsy Tracy’s face doing a lift...three times.” -Justin Strong

“Being late on the first day of freshman year.” -Olivia Steinmetz

Story By Lexi Eghbali

Page 7: The Pride Senior Issue 2011

Features Features THE PRIDE page7

Favorite Memories From Senior ClassThe four years of high school Seniors have experienced hold many memories. Some sad, some happy, some funny, some serious, and some that will stay in memory forever.

“When [a] bird pooped on Shalyn.”-Tina Harold

“COD parties and fiber one bars at my house.”-JT Blalock

“When Blaine’s car blew up.”-Kord Page

“Fighting Bebout.”-Mitchell Perne

“Blaine trying to kill a bug with a house phone.”-Caleb Grabill

“Becoming friends with Kord, JT, Alex, Billy, Joel and the juniors.”-Jasen McGee

“Getting sent to the office by Mrs. Foss for farting.”-Ethan Lindsey

“Caleb Grabill taking a dodge ball to the face.”-Spencer Morse

“Senior boys of ‘09 doing the stanky leg.”-Anna Messamaker

“My lunch table and the crazy conversations.”-Vicci Bartles

“Grinding on Justin Strong in choir without knowing it.”-Seth Brown

“Cutting Mitchell Perne’s hair in the community center parking lot with Tyler Hern.”-Dakota Carl

Dumping Salsa On The Lunch Lady. Jessica Clemons

“Marketing with Kyle Jaynes.”-Brittni Dunivan

“Getting bullied by everyone.” -Derek Haug

Average 2011 Harrisonville SeniorThe average senior was born with beauti-ful blue eyes and brown hair. When they were younger they dreamed of becom-

ing either a vet or a pro football player. Their favorite color has always been wildcat blue. At school, they enjoy being taught by Mrs. Tracy and Mrs. Twidwell. The average senior

updates their Facebook or Twitter status once a day and enjoys eating out at Buffalo Wild

Wings. For their guilty pleasure, they enjoy gorging on junk food.

Page 8: The Pride Senior Issue 2011

THE PRIDEpage8 Senior Wills

Senior WillsI, Dakota Atkinson, do

will and bequeath my Mustang to my baby sister, Cheyene.

I, Rebecca Baltzell, do will and bequeath my undying love for supernatural to Sami Ross and all my love to the friends I leave behind!

I, Ashley Barclay, do will and bequeath my collection of childhood character back-packs to my little sister, Kayla Marks.

I, Steve Barnes, do will and bequeath my weights shirt to Hasek, Brett Lamb, and Dalton Butler.

I, Daniel Barnett, do will and bequeath my yellow smiley face shock absorber to David Barnett.

I, Vicci Bartles, do will and bequeath Caitie Bartles’ awesomeness to Taylor Croy and Anisa Alexander.

I, Alex Bartlett, do will and bequeath my abilities to break kneecaps on the football field to Walter Eastwood.

I, Michael Bixby, do will and bequeath my chair in Mrs. Bliss’ class to the next person who gives her a hard time.

I, Jamie Black, do will and bequeath Stephanee Ann Davidson all my bows for her hair, and my way of talking with my hands to Sydney Kroenke.

I, Zech Blaine, do will and bequeath my crazy fishing skills to Jon Gillotte.

I, Jason Lee Blakey Jr., do will and bequeath my strength and determination to the young men and women whom are facing difficulties in life.

I, JT Blalock, do will and bequeath my muscle mass to Mason Saffels.

I, James Bond, do will and bequeath my smart alek-ness to my friends, debate skills to those who want it, and use-less knowledge to my close friends.

I, Colby Branstine, do will and bequeath all my athletic

skills to Austin Hopper.I, Seth Brown, do will

and bequeath my singing abilities and ‘Jesus is Lord’ bumper sticker to Hannah Baggenstoss.

I, Wesley Brown, do will and bequeath the nasty lunch food to all the underclass-men.

I, Ashley Byrd, do will and bequeath the ability to drop everything and listen to her best friends’ problems no matter the time and the ability to make cute posters for her boyfriend to Sydney Elaine Kroenke.

I, Kirby Canon, do will and bequeath my rude sense of humor to Kaylee, Taylor, and Kinnon and the game of life to Eric and Quayd.

I, Dakota Carl, do will and bequeath my fantasy baseball skills to Mitchell Haug.

I, Courtney Carotenuti, do will and bequeath my awe-someness to Sara Brown, my Russian accent “AK-47” to Hanna May, my German/Hebrew language to Jacob Davis and my parking spot to John Fuller.

I, James Castaneda, do will and bequeath my hot bod to Michael Kuffel.

I, Sara Clarke, do will and bequeath the list for a perfect man to Shelby Lavery and Livia Dunham, my goal-ie skills to Rebekah Lokits, president of school to Eric Whaley, ability to b.s. my way in class to Carlee Brown, and role of making fun of coach Cummins to Anna Holden.

I, Jessica Clemons, do will and bequeath my flying skills to Cheyene Atkinson.

I, Wyatt Clifton, do will and bequeath my strength and my ability to get swoll to my lil bro Sam Clifton.

I, Jesse Coburn, do will and bequeath my awesome knowledge for cars to Callaway Tractor Man Neil, and my fun-ny-ness to Zoe Stephens.

I, Josh Cooper, do will and bequeath Cody Blentlinger my speed on the outside, Matt Baer my haircut.

I, Shawn Cotton, do will and bequeath my awesome trumpet skills to Cal Neill in hopes that he will beat Jon Tracy next year.

I, Calvin Cruce, do will and bequeath my sense of humor to any hardheaded serious person.

I, Kayla Davis, do will and bequeath all guys I’ve lost interest in to Taylor Hood.

I, Jullianna Day, do will and bequeath my locker to anyone who gets it.

I, Ethan Eckert, do will and bequeath my jazz to Tyler Friedrich, my drumminess to drumline, and my love to Aaron Sloan.

I, Audry Marie Enos, do will and bequeath my sarcasm, outspokenness, my ability to do work at the last minute, and my negativity to Katlyn Hill, Cassie Nowak, Sara Brown, and all my other little friends.

I, Alexandra Erickson, do will and bequeath my prin-cess run to my special friend, Olivia Shultz, “Blanch”.

I, Miriam Erickson, do will and bequeath my parking spot and my artistic flare to Maggie McDowell.

I, Emily Finn, do will and bequeath my bubbly personali-ty and all my sick Spanish skills to McKenna Baumgartner.

I, William Fordyce, do will and bequeath my relation-ship skills to Marcus Roberg.

I, Jessie Francis, do will and bequeath along with the rest of the Spanish 5 class, Bobo the bird to next year’s 5th hour.

I, Philip Freeman, do will and bequeath my insane keeper skills to Austin Chase, my shooting ability to Dustan Dalton, my radical speed and strong knees to my brother Jacob, and my stunning good

looks to Kolton Weibush. I, Jordan Scott Gibler,

do will and bequeath my sister Hannah Gibler my strength, beard, and awesome chest hair.

I, Tony Gillotte, do will and bequeath Matt Bartlett my football career and the number 88.

I, Dillon Gorman, do will and bequeath my ambition (lack of one) to everyone!

I, Caleb Grabill, do will and bequeath my ability to learn while sleeping/not paying attention to Nathan Morse.

I, Rachel Griffith, do will and bequeath my ability to tan my stomach and nowhere else to Melissa Bullard and Allie Wittmeyer.

I, Sophia Guzman, do will and bequeath my make up to my little cousin because she loves to play with it and the rest give it to the people who need it.

I, Jordan Hargis, do will and bequeath my amazing tuba skills to my big little brother Malachi and my awe-some entrepreneurship to Collin Shelton, Luke Meyer, and Malachi Hargis.

I, Christina Harold, do will and bequeath my left foot and my mad soccer skills to Anna Holden so she will always have me to help her off the field and my ability to knock any girl on the soccer field to their butt to Bayli Galeassi.

I, CJ Harkrader, do will and bequeath my keeper skills to my fellow keepers.

I, Derek Haug, do will and bequeath the ability to take a shower to Mitchell Haug so he doesn’t smell all the time.

I, Joel Heavin, do will and bequeath my Godzilla back-pack to Dillon Bales.

I, Tyler Hern, do will and bequeath “The Sleeve” to Mason Saffels.

I, Alex Herndon, do will and bequeath the Spiderman pin to Rachel Kellhofer.

I, Meghan Hestand, do will and bequeath my ability to always “compliment” Kenzi Taylor to Sarah Keck.

I, Tyler Hilt, do will and bequeath my life and will to live life to the fullest.

I, Dominique Breanna House, do will and bequeath my Italian attitude, my sweet talking skills and teacher favoritism to Jami Stratton.

I, Kyle Jaynes, do will and bequeath the title of “Prettiest Girl in school” to Jennifer Rhoney.

I, Bailey Johnson, do will and bequeath Kenzi Taylor my ability to dress like a scrub everyday and to do absolutely nothing her senior year and still graduate.

I, Drew Johnson, do will and bequeath my chivalry to all that listen.

I, Shea Kalwei, do will and bequeath my ramen noodles to Jessie Pulliam.

I, Kayla Kendrick, do will and bequeath any athletic ability I have to my sister Brianna Kendrick.

I, Jesse Kehoe, do will and bequeath my supremely exqui-site taste in music to Sasha Gubina and Maria Sanchez.

I, Dillon Scott Kliewer, do will and bequeath my medi-ocre sports ability but not my nickname.

I, Cory Kuykendall, do will and bequeath my procrastina-tion skills to Zach Murray.

I, Michael Kuffel, do will and bequeath my code of chiv-alry to Jordan Donegan.

I, Kaitlyn Larcom, do will and bequeath Melissa Larcom my passion for foreign lan-guage and my ambition to get great grades and succeed.

I, Ethan Lindsey, do will and bequeath my D.S. abilities to Zach Murray.

I, Kyle Livingston, do will and bequeath my lucky under-wear to Terrence Scott.

I, Sean Lokits, do will and bequeath my lack of football

Page 9: The Pride Senior Issue 2011

Senior Wills Senior Wills THE PRIDE page9

Senior Willsskills to Jesse Lokits.

I, Jessica Mathes, do will and bequeath my voice to Hanna May as well as my parking spot, my leadership abilities to Michaela Fisher, and my angry German/Swiss accent to Hannah Alessi.

I, Lora McCoy, do will and bequeath Emma Francisco the joys and stress of guard and the crazy flags, girls, and many hours.

I, Jasen McGee, do will and bequeath my speed and size to Ben Sevy, Dustin Young, Brett Bearden, and Mason Saffels.

I, Joseph Miller, do will and bequeath my everlast-ing friendship to Mystique. (Jennifer Newton)

I, Anna Messamaker, do will and bequeath my crazy driving skills to Jaci Savage when she can drive.

I, Spencer Morse, do will and bequeath the golf pro-gram and the ability to drive to Javyn Johnston.

I, Mitchell Morse, do will and bequeath the hosting of dunk fests and Mercernating duties to Nathan Morse and Jacob Gibbs.

I, Diamond Murphy, do will and bequeath my AP lit homework to anyone willing to pay for it.

I, Haley Nothnagel, do will and bequeath my awesome-ness and lunch table to Chris Roth and Austin Welhoff.

I, Josh Oryall, do will and bequeath my belly and eat-ing habits to Shelby Lavery, and my inability to twitch to Taylor Croy.

I, Kord Page, do will and bequeath my brains and good looks to Mrs. Rhoney, even though she is the prettiest human being on Earth, except for Shalyn.

I, Kelly Payne, do will and bequeath my parking spot to my brother JC Payne.

I, Mitchell Perne, do will and bequeath my fanta-

sy baseball league to Jacob Gibbs.

I, Cassie Phelps, do will and bequeath Brianna Obermiller my mad tennis skills. To Josephine Suess I leave you a lovely star pin.

I, Rachel Price, do will and bequeath my humor to Adam Price, my dog to Bobbi Jo Henson, my friends to Cheyenne Cox, and my art to Hannah Harris.

I, Cody Pritchett, do will and bequeath my horrible ath-letic skills and my firefighting skills to Kevin Burkes.

I, Victoria Reeves, do will and bequeath all my HAGness to Hanna May.

I, Danielle Remshak, do will and bequeath all of my love and Star Trek quoting abilities to Ryan Lockard.

I, Caleb Roberts, do will and bequeath Tyler Bundt the # 5.

I, Stormi Jhnea Ross, do will and bequeath my love for Art to Holly Reynolds and my serious case of senioritis to my little sister, Samantha Ross.

I, Sarah Roth, do will and bequeath personality and sis-terly love to Courtney Lemmer and my Music Maker talents to my little brothers Chris and David Roth, and Matt Bartlett to my twin Stephanee Davidson, and my ping pong skills to Quayd Robertson.

I, Elizabeth Rudell, do will and bequeath my ability to drink fish souls everyday to Austin Welhoff.

I, Lauren Elizabeth Rynard, do will and bequeath all my ribbon bows to Danyelle Opat.

I, Karena Sanchez, do will and bequeath my confidence to voice my carefree opinion, and the luxury of believing in myself to my beautiful and lovely sister Maria Sanchez.

I, Josephine Seus, do will and bequeath Brianna Obermiller my ability to scream

at the class in German.I, Arthur Sewell, do will

and bequeath my fantasy baseball dominance to Jacob Gibbs.

I, Crystal Shelvey, do will and bequeath my hippie-ness to Hannah Franz.

I, Julia Simmons, do will and bequeath my quiet intel-ligence to my brother, Joshua Simmons.

I, Robert Simpson, do will and bequeath my art talent to Kimber Nash.

I, Tazz Sinclair, do will and bequeath sense of humor to Cody and Cassie Coffman.

I, Stephanie Smith, do will and bequeath apple to Hannah Alessi.

I, Dylan Smith, do will and bequeath my devilish good looks and amazing charm to any and all who will fight to the death for it.

I, Kellsie Smith, do will and bequeath the back seat on the Music Maker bus and all the fun that goes with it to Abbey Fisher and Lauren Mackay.

I, T.J. Snook, do will and bequeath my flirtatiousness to Logan Whiting.

I, Olivia Steinmetz, do will and bequeath the “O” in my name to Livia Dunham.

I, Sarah Stinnett, do will and bequeath my ability to get past every administrator without an agenda or I.D. and not get in trouble for it to Sable. (last name)

I, Justin Strong, do will and bequeath calculator #7 to Mr. Tarwater, my ability to get swoll to Matthew Prindle (my baby giraffe), and my throne of the strongest stu-dent in the school to Alyssa and Allee Strong.

I, Tiffany Sujkowski, do will and bequeath my French skills to Abby Armstrong.

I, James Thomas Sutton, do will and bequeath my amaz-ing guitar hero and hardcore drumming skills to my little

sister, Tara Sutton, for we are Price Chopper studs.

I, Tanner Sutton, do will and bequeath my co-leader-ship of the fall Mercernaries to Tim Roemer and Jacob Gibbs.

I, Zachary Tarter, do will and bequeath the ability to recover from broken bones to Dallas Carrol.

I, Landon Teal, do will and bequeath my ability to grow REAL side burns to Dustin Young.

I, Logan Thompson, do will and bequeath my voice to Drake “Drizzy” Oliver.

I, Micaela Vaccaro, do will and bequeath Shelby Lavery my awesomely strange north-ern accent, to Holly Reynolds my height, to Lathan Clayton my willpower to survive AP chemistry and to Taylor Melvin Spencer the Melvin Legacy.

I, Logan Vassholz, do will and bequeath Jon Gillotte my role of making people squeal.

I, Katie Vignery, do will and bequeath Livia Dunham my ability to run…real fast. Go get them next year girl! I love you!

I, Benjamin ‘Bug Foot’ Volsky, do will and bequeath my oversized shoes to any ‘vertically challenged’ under-classmen that can fill them.

I, Megan Wagner, do will and bequeath my leader skills as a cheer captain to Stephanee Davidson. My love to Sydney Kroenke and the ability to be a sister to some-one I never see and love just the same, Megan Short.

I, Danielle Ward, do will and bequeath my stunt of growth to Hunter Willson.

I, Cole Warden, do will and bequeath Cody Hasek, my stunning good looks.

I, Jeremiah Warren, do will and bequeath my ability to not be mean to anybody to Frank Kuntz.

I, Shalyn Wheeler, do will and bequeath Panda Wok’s crab rangoon trips with Emily Porter Tracy to

Alyssa Strong and the ability to be the most ghetto, white girl in Harrisonville to Kayley Martley.

I, Sadie Welhoff, do will and bequeath my nerdy love of band to Austin Welhoff and any ‘condition’ to Elizabeth Rudell.

I, Molly Williams, do will and bequeath my never per-fect hair to Kaley Harkrader, kindness to Jessica Nichols, ability to maintain a long dis-tance relationship to Livia Dunham, my white skin to Amanda Doerhoff, my ability to ignore almost everything to Jocelyn Winter and my grandma to the softball and basketball team.

I, Jessica Williams, do will and bequeath my patience with younger students and harsh teachers to my amazing sister Tiffany Williams and my party skills to Katie Baker and Abbi Miller.

I, Levi Willis, do will and bequeath my heart to Sara Jane Perew.

I, Karson Wilson, do will and bequeath my stained soc-cer shorts to Bri Kendrick, my large basketball shorts to Anisa Alexander and the num-ber 13 to Brittany DeCavele.

I, Clint Wise, do will and bequeath my outgoing person-ality and my musical talent to Luke Myer.

I, Zach Wright, do will and bequeath my blazing speed to Tyler Bundt or any younger athlete.

I, Jamie Young, do will and bequeath my school skip-ping talents to Luis Lomeli.

I, Shelby Zoellers, do will and bequeath my charming good looks to Alexis Bales.


Page 10: The Pride Senior Issue 2011


Benedictine College:Zech Blaine

Emporia State University:Karson Wilson

Johnson County Community College:Lora McCoy

Longview:Steve BarnesAshley ByrdNeilon CampbellJerica ClevelandWyatt Clifft onJosh CooperShawn CottonJohn DuthlerDominique HouseCory KuykendallKaitlyn LarcomTerra McfarlandKelly PayneRachel PriceSarah StinnettJames SuttonMicaela VaccaroCole Warden

Clint WiseJamie Young

DeVry University:Jullianna DayShea KalweiJoseph MillerJerry Warren

Park University:Alex EricksonChristina HaroldBailey Johnson

Penn Valley:Kirby CannonBryan DearstonTony Gilotte

UCM:Daniel BarnettJason BlakeyLindsey CarterJames CastanedaCourtney CarotenutiEmily FinnRachel Griffi thMeghan HestandJessica MathesHaley NothnagelDanielle Remshak

University of Missouri:JT BlalockDakota CarlSara ClarkeSpencer MorseMitchell Morse

KS Kansas Community College:Landon Teal

Pittsburg State University:Justin Strong

Sterling College:Stephanie Smith


Mitchell PerneAurthur Sewell

William Jewell College:Ashley BarclayLandon CrosleyTyler Hern

UMKC:Seth BrownKyle JaynesDiamond MurphySarah RothLogan Vassholz

Jop Corp:James Bond

University of Kansas:Shelby Zoellers

Washburn University:Audry Enos

La’ James International College:Miriam Erickson

Metropolitan Community College:Jordan GiblerSophia Guzman

Military:Jesse CoburnJesse KehoeCody PritchettStormi RossTazz SinclairDylan SmithTJ Snook

2011 seniors stay in Kansas and Missouri


Sterling College:Sterling College:Stephanie Smith


Kansas State University:Michael Porter

Page 11: The Pride Senior Issue 2011

sports sports THE PRIDE page11SENIOR MAP SENIOR MAP THE PRIDE page11

Avila University:Jessica ClemonsDanielle Ward

Clinton Vo-Tech School:Crystal Shelvey

College of the Ozarks:Victoria ReevesOlivia Steinmetz

Columbia College:Tanner Sutton

Crowder College:Philip Freeman

DeVry University

Graceland University:Jasen McGeeKord PageCaleb Roberts

Linn State Tech College:Dakota AtkinsonZachary Tarter


Missouri University of S&T:Chance AlexanderWilliam FordyceDillon KliewerSean Lokits

Missouri State University:Jamie Black Jessie FrancisKayla Kendrick Elizabeth RudellTiff any Sujkowski Megan WagnerSadie Welhoff

Missouri Welding Institute:Michael BixbyWesley Brown

Missouri Western State University:Jordan Hargis Alex HerndonMichelle Parker Lauren Rynard

NW Missouri State Univsersity:Vicci Bartles Colby BranstineCaleb Grabill Derek HaugAnna Messamaker Julia SimmonsMolly Williams Zach Wright

Park UniversityPenn Valley

St. Louis College of Pharmacy:CJ Harkrader

Southwest Baptist University:Alex BartlettJosh OryallShalyn Wheeler

Truman State University:Logan Th ompson

University of Central Missouri

University of Missouri

William Jewell College

2011 seniors stay in Kansas and Missouri


Linn State Tech College:Dakota AtkinsonZachary Tarter

Missouri University of S&T:Chance AlexanderWilliam FordyceDillon Kliewer

St. Louis College of Pharmacy:CJ Harkrader


St. Louis College of Pharmacy:CJ Harkrader

Page 12: The Pride Senior Issue 2011

THE PRIDEpage12 Goodbyes

I love you Coop-A-Loop

Farewell to the co-founder of food time CJ Harkder your place will always be reserved for ya when you come back.

Fordyce- from past memories made and future ones to come, you will always be in my heart.

Blalock- wherever you go, go with all your heart and follow your dreams.

It was really nice to have you in my first year of high school to help me and be there for all my questions. I’m going to miss you so much next year.

Have fun in college, just don’t forget the fun times we’ve had here. Don’t forget your boys.

From: Ben Sevy


To: CJ



: Luis L


To: Derek HaugAlex Bartlett Jasen McGee J.T. Blalock Billy Fordyce Cole Warden Kord Page Joel HeavinTo:

Billy For

dyce and

J.T. Bl


From: Am

anda W


To: Josh


From: Da

kota Fie


To: Kayla KendrickFrom: Briana Kendrick

Page 13: The Pride Senior Issue 2011

Goodbyes Goodbyes THE PRIDE page13

Mature, pretty, wild, crazy, good dancer, Christian, good student! All the reasons for you to be my role model! Thank you so much for helping me with my freshman year and giving me advice! Gonna miss you on dance team! Love you, Kayley.

I’m going to miss you!! Had some fun times with you through high school. I will never forget those times!! Have fun in col-lege.

Kirby Kirb! I had the best year ever with you. Spring break with you, Kinnon, and Taylor was way too much fun so we’ll have to do it again next year.

I will not say goodbye because I’ll still see you everyweekend! I love you Kirbster!

Ashley Barclay, choir this year has been an amazing experience due to you and the others there. I had so much fun when we went to Panera and ‘singing’ on the plaza. You have helped me a lot and it’s sad to see you go but you will always be my older sister.

It was nice to know that there was always a bigger scrub than me at school.

THANKS FOR ALL THE MEMORIESTo: Shalyn WheelerFrom: Kayley Martley

To: Kirby CanonFrom: Kaylee Ayers

To: Tyler HiltFrom: Carlton Allen

To: Sean LokitsFrom: Jesse Lokits

To: Ashley BarclayFrom: Briana Hasek

Page 14: The Pride Senior Issue 2011


THE PRIDEpage14 Features

clothingto now

Senior Regrets...

Realistically, going through four years of high school, regrets are inevitable. Whether something ma-jor or a small incident, majority of students have something they wish they could change about their high school career.

James Bond- Skip more days.

Kirby Cannon- Not failing math.

Kyle Livingston- I wish I was smarter about things.

Jasen Mcgee- How small my arms are.

Cassie Phelps- Be a cheerleader.

Jamie Young- Choose blow-off classes.

Zach Wright- Be in a play.

Jessica Williams- More active, work harder, get the grades I know I could have achieved.

Danielle Ward- My friend choice.

Micaela Vaccaro- I would have been more involved my fi rst two years.

Logan � ompson- I would have taken French and Spanish.

Ti� any Sujkowski- Play tennis senior year.

Kellsie Smith- To take at least four more classes with Mark Rorvig.

Stephanie Smith- How apathetic I was towards life.

Arthur Sewell- Be more outgoing THAT’S MY STYLE

Not all students care about fashion, but almost everyone has one piece of clothing or an accessory they feel good in. Seniors share their favorite fashion statements from throughout their school years.


“My “Blink if you want me” shirt.” –Jerry Warren

“Old Chipper Jones jersey.” –Tanner Sutton

“Boxers I dra� ed my only fantasy football team in.” –Arthur Sewell

“Mizzou gear.” –Mitchell Morse

“Ninja Turtle underwear.” –Cory Kuykendall

“Plaid dress with a white dog on it.” –Meghan Hestand

“Cheer hoodie; it brings back memories.” –Rachel Gri� th

“Anything I didn’t get from my sister.”-Audrey Enos

“Cat in the Hat costume.” -Julianna Day

“Wrangler jeans.” –Wyatt Cli� on


“Purple snakeskin stilettos.” –Lindsey Carter

“First little league football jersey.” –Zech Blaine

“Light up Sketcher shoes.” -Alex Bartlett

Page 15: The Pride Senior Issue 2011


Features Features THE PRIDE page15


Class of 2012 is coming up in a year, and while 2011 seniors have their plans already figured out, it is now time for 2012 seniors to prepare for their future.

Preparing for senior year, basically, means preparing for life after high school. While most stu-dents plan to attend a college, some may decide to go into the working field or military.

For students who plan to attend college, or undecided, one frightening test will become your best friend during your senior year, the ACT Test. The best way to pre-pare for the ACT is checking out the ACT Prep items at the Library Media Center. The LMC has it all; from ACT flashcards, to ACT prac-tice tests. When signing up for the ACT, check into the ACT Prep that occurs the week of the test date. 2011-2012 ACT testing dates: Sep-tember 10, 2011; October 22, 2011; December 10, 2011; February 11, 2012; April 14, 2012; June 9, 2012.

When deciding on a date to test, check to find out when the sign-ups end. A late fee will occur if the sign-up deadline is missed.

Keep colleges in mind when preparing for the ACT. Most colleges’ requirements have a mini-mum ACT score, if not, the ACT score and class rank is the judging factor. University of Missouri- Co-lumbia requires a 24, Northwest Missouri State University requires a 21, Missouri State University re-quires a 24, and Missouri Western State University requires a 21.

College is expensive, so when thinking about the ACT, keep in mind that if you score a 31 or higher, you may receive a scholarship from the Bright Flight Program. Scholarships are a great thing to look into when considering a college. About every college

website has a scholarship sec-tion. It is possible to earn scholar-ship money even when it is not

through the college. recommends scholarships that best fit your personal profile.

The next step for the col-lege path is making an appointment for a college visit. College visits help you decide whether or not the college is best for you. It provides a campus tour, a sneak-

Class of 2012 prepares for their senior year

Secret Crushes: revealed

Seth Brown Daniel Barnett

Caleb Grabill Kirby Cannon

Dakota CarlAlex Erickson

Ashley Barclay, Sara Clarke,

Kaitlyn Larcom, Jessica Mathes,

Rachel PriceAlex Bartlett,

Dillion Gorman, Kord Page,

Arthur Sewell

peak to college life, and a time to ask any questions you may have. Harrisonville High School provides two excused absences for two col-lege visits, senior year. It is time to take advantage of those absences, to help decide your future plans for college.

XMrs. EllsworthMrs. Rives Shalyn Wheeler Thaddeus Messer Betsy Tracy Colby Branstine

Mr. Rorvig

Mrs. Rhoney




Story By Melissa Hicks - Features Editor


Page 16: The Pride Senior Issue 2011

THE PRIDEpage16 sports

take some time to remember the standards and traditions that were set throughout their days spent on the fi eld.

Seniors Chance Alexander, Alex Bartlett, and Kyle Livingston all agreed that the State game their freshmen year set a goal, gave them expectations, and provided motivation for later years. Bartlett said that his class set an expectation of a

“lights-out” defense for later years, and the class of 2011 had a lot to prove. Th ey began a legacy of hard work, and gave underclassmen someone to look up to. Bartlett will continue playing football at Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, Mo. in the fall.

According t Alexan-der, the seniors kept the tradi-tion a pre-game prayer going strong. Alexander hopes that further classes will do the

same. He felt that his state experience gave his class an experience to share with other players, and expectations to work for. Alexander plans to attend Missouri University of Science and Technology where he will also play foot-ball. Livingston said that the state experience aff ected the seniors positively, regard-less of the fact that they have not had a chance like that since their freshmen year. It provided the team with motivation. Livingston also mentioned the seniors’ tradi-

tion of dancing before each game during warm up.

Assistant football coach Todd Meeks felt that the class of 2011 has set high standards for future athletes at HHS. Head football coach Chuck Lliteras felt the same way; he said that they are gift ed athletes with excellent leadership skills. “Tradition aff ects every class,” said Lliteras. “[If they are] not playing for a title, they aren’t living.”

2007. Th at was the last year that the HHS Wild-cat football team, what many call the pride of Harrisonville, played the game that they love so much at the dome in St. Louis, and won the pride, dig-nity, and respect that comes with the title of State Champi-ons. 2007 is also the year that the class of 2011 walked the halls of HHS as young freshmen. And now here they stand, just days away from graduation. Before the players walk across the stage, they

2011 football seniors leave a legacy at HHSStory By Abbey Fisher- Sports Editor

of them all?

Who's the


All photos courtesy of Vanessa Zaroor

"lights-out defense"

"expectations to work for"


Page 17: The Pride Senior Issue 2011

sports SIGNINGS THE PRIDE page17

...keep playing the

Name: Shalyn WheelerSport: SoccerCollege: Southwest Baptist University

Name: Landon TealSport: BaseballCollege: Kansas City Kansas Community College

Name:Tanner SuttonSport: BasketballCollege: Columbia College

Name: Caleb RobertsSport: FootballCollege: Graceland University

Name: Kord PageSport: FootballCollege: Graceland University

Name: Josh OryallSport: FootballCollege: Southwest Baptist University

Name: Jasen McGeeSport: FootballCollege: Graceland University

Name: Tyler HernSport: FootballCollege: William Jewell College

Name: Derek HaugSport: BaseballCollege: Northwest Missouri State University

Name: Philip FreemanSport: SoccerCollege: Crowder College

Name: Alex EricksonSport: SoccerCollege: Park University

Name: Jessica ClemonsSport: CheerleadingCollege: Avila University

Name: Zech BlaineSport: FootballCollege: Benedictine University

Name: Alex BartlettSport: FootballCollege: Southwest Baptist University University

Name: Chance AlexanderSport: FootballCollege: Missouri University of Science and Technology

Name: Christina HaroldSport: SoccerCollege: Park University

Name: Karson WilsonSport: SoccerCollege: Emporia State University

Name: Katie VignerySport: TrackCollege: Missouri State University


“As the Assistant Boys bas-ketball coach, I am truly go-ing to miss this Senior class. Th ey have spent countless hours in turning the basket-ball program around and developing a tradition.”

-Coach Abe Lewis

“I extremely enjoyed work-ing with all fi ve [seniors], not only on the athletic fi eld, but personally. Th ey are ex-tremely great kids.

-Coach Dan Coleman

“Th e senior football play-ers have been a part of the rich tradition we have here in the sport of football... they have been tremendous leaders and have demonstrated great committment to the foot-ball program throughout their four years here and we will miss them all. On a personal note, men you know that we love you with all of our hearts and as a coaching staff we wish you the best of luck.”

-Coach Chuck Lliteras Name: Justin Strong

Sport: FootballCollege: Pittsburg State University

As their last days of high school ap-proach, these 19 HHS seniors have chosen to continue playing sports in college by signing with their respective school in order to gain scholarships and other opportunities.

Page 18: The Pride Senior Issue 2011

THE PRIDEpage18 sports

Boys’ SoccerCoach: Dan ColemanSeniors: Jesse Kehoe, Philip Freeman, Cj Harkrader, Josh Cooper, Daniel Barnett, Caleb Grabill

VolleyballCoach: Jamie WalruffSeniors: Sara Clarke, Micaela Vacarro


SoftballCoach: Kayla EnglandSeniors: Kayla Kendrick, Meghan Hestand, Bailey Johnson, Stephanie Smith

Coach: Chuck LliterasSeniors: Zech Blaine, Kord Page, Caleb Roberts, Zach Wright, Jasen McGee, Sean Lokits, Derek Haug, Landon Teal, Tyler Hern, Alex Bartlett, Christian Moeller, Kyle Livingston, Joel Heavin, Colby Branstine, James Castaneda, Logan Vassholz, Robbie Simpson, Dillon Kliewer, Justin Strong, Josh Oryall, Billy Fordyce, Tony Gillotte, Chance Alexander

Girls’ TennisCoach: James NormanSenior: Jessica Francis

Page 19: The Pride Senior Issue 2011

Boys’ Tennis

sports sports THE PRIDE page19

Coach: James NormanSenior: Seth Brown, Daniel Barnett

BaseballCoach: Jade SamborskiSeniors: Landon Teal, Derek haug, Jasen Mcgee, Mitchell Perne

Coach: Emily Taylor- RivesSeniors: Megan Wagner, Jessica Clemons

Girls’ SoccerCoach: Dan Coleman Seniors: Shalyn Wheeler, Sara Clarke, Tina Harold, Alex Erickson, Kelsie Sumner, Jaclyn Sumner, Karson Wilson


DanceCoach: Alisha Schutz, Barb SavageSeniors: Shalyn Wheeler

Photo Courtesy of Jake Rix

Coach: Abe LewisSeniors: Billy Fordyce, Spencer Morse, Tyler Short, Michael Porter, Dakota Carl, Tanner Sutton


Page 20: The Pride Senior Issue 2011

THE PRIDEpage 20 sports

TrackCoach: Chuck LliterasSeniors: Chance Alexander, Alex Bartlett, Jt Blalock, Josh Cooper, Caleb Grabill, Dillon Kliewer, Troy Lewman, Caleb Roberts, Robbie Simpson, Tazz Sinclair, Justin Strong, Zach Wright, Alex Herndon, Katie Vignery, Micaela Vaccaro

Girls’ SwimmingCoach: Kelly AnstaettSenior: Rebecca Baltzell

WrestlingCoach: Eric DevenneySeniors: Jasen McGee, Tj Snook, Clint Wise

Boys’ BasketballCoach: Todd MercerSeniors: Derek Haug, Landon Teal, Tanner Sutton, Zach Wright, Dillon Kliewer, Tyler Hern, Mitchell Morse

Girls’ BasketballCoach: Mark RorvigSeniors: Karson Wilson, Meghan Hestand, Kayla Kendrick, Molly Williams

Page 21: The Pride Senior Issue 2011

sports sports THE PRIDE page21

Athletes of the Year

Kayla Kendrick

Landon TealSenior Kayla Kendrick is a two-sport athlete, excel-ling in both softball and basketball, both in which she served as a captain. She has broken two softball records including stolen bases, which she broke by 42 bases. She is currently enrolled in various challenging classes, while still earning a grade point average over 4.0, placing her at the top of her class. She serves as the senior class’s vice president and she has partici-pated in student council for four years, FMP for one year, NHS for two years, FBLA for 2 years, DECA for four years, and FCA for four years. Kendrick plans to attend Missouri State University on a full tuition scholarship.

Senior Landon Teal is a three-sport athlete; he plays foot-ball, basketball, and baseball. He has served as a captain in football and a senior leader in basketball and baseball. He was awarded All-State Baseball in his junior year. Teal has participated in the FMP for two years, FBLA, and FCA for four years, in which he is currently part of the leadership team. Teal plans to attend Kansas City Kansas Community College where he will play baseball.

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THE PRIDEpage22 Prom

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HHS Class of 2011