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Corporate Profile Himmelhoch Petroleum & Gas (PTY) LTD

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Corporate Profile

Himmelhoch Petroleum & Gas


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Himmelhoch Petroleum & Gas (PTY) LTD Corporate Profile


Himmelhoch is an authorized and registered distributor of Reliance Jamnagar Refinery (India). This is the world's largest refining hub. It has a crude processing capacity of 1.24 million Barrels Per Stream Day (BPSD). The Jamnagar Refinery is a trendse�er and has won several awards, including the pres�gious 'Interna�onal Refiner Of The Year' award. It also enjoys the dis�nc�on of housing some of the world's largest units, such as the Fluidised Cataly�c Cracker (FCC), Coker, Alkyla�on, Paraxylene and Polypropylene plants.

Himmelhoch is the only authorized and registered distributor for Centurion Biofeuls (South Africa). Centurion Biofuels owns and operates the largest old oils to biodiesel plant in Johannesburg. It has a produc�on capacity of 2 million liters of biodiesel which can be as a straight biofuel or blended with fossil fuel.

Himmelhoch Petroleum and Gas is registered with the Department of Energy (South Africa) as Wholesalers for various petroleum products.

Himmelhoch Petroleum and Gas are licensed Importers & Exporters under SADC, TDCA and EFTA trader agreements.

Himmelhoch Petroleum and Gas is a Majority South African Black Women Owned Company.

Our Partners

Vision To become a world leader in the Oil and Gas trading sector


To strive to con�nually enhance our business through the highest levels of quality, efficiency and sustainability

for our customers

Who we are

Stategically established in South Africa due its gateway status into the rest of Africa, Himmelhoch Petroleum

and Gas (Pty) Ltd (Himmelhoch), is an independent commodi�es trader focused on the primary and secondary

petroleum commodi�es.

Himmelhoch is also an authorized and registered distributor of Essar Oil (India). Essar Oil is an India-basedcompany engaged in the explora�on and produc�on of oil and natural gas, refining of crude oil, and marke�ng of petroleum products. It is part of the Essar Group based in Mumbai and operates a major refinery in Vadinar Gujarat India, which made it the second largest non-state refiner in India.

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United States of America South Africa


Business Overview Our strengths HImmelhoch’s trading ac�vi�es are underpinned by key internal strengths that when taken together, pose a formidable offering to our customers. All our transac�ons are verified and concluded by global AAA & AA rated banks. We make use of advanced IT and risk management systems, and have sound local and internal rela�ons that makes us a preferred supplier. Our success factors

Access to storage ●

Reliable product supply ●


Access to industry logis�cs ● Longstanding customer base ● Strategic partnerships and alliances ● Strong governance and risk management ● Con�nuous expansion and acquisi�ons

Our economic role Himmelhoch performs a vital economic roles of sourcing, distribu�ng and delivering of products that contributes to the balancing of the global supply and demand of products. We are uniquely structured to mi�gate risk in �mes of vola�lity and bolster long-term economic and financial stability for our clients.

Enhancing rela�onships and cooperate responsibility

HImmelhoch’s business strategy is one of growth and expansion in a responsible and sustainable manner. This includes rela�onships with host governments, project partners, and local communi�es. Building stakeholder confidence and ensuring our ac�vi�es contribute posi�vely to the livelihood of those impacted by our opera�ons are cri�cal. We con�nue to promote corporate social responsibility through a number of established beneficiaries.

Himmelhoch Petroleum & Gas (PTY) LTD Corporate Profile

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Health, safety, environment and community steering group Our HSEC steering group oversees that all employees and visitors at our opera�on adhere to standards of monitoring and evalua�on of performance, safety, health, and the environment. Our commitment to the Green Economy is entrenched in all our ini�a�ves.

Compliance and code of conduct We remain compliant with the relevant laws and regula�ons in all countries that we operate in. We promote ethical business prac�ce. Himmelhoch strives to promote a culture of con�nuous review and dialogue. This incorporates regular policy audits of governance, risk and compliance.

Himmelhoch embraces policies for transforma�on and economic growth by

● Con�nually improving our capacity

● Establishing sound health, safety and security measures

● Protec�ng our environment

● Being compe��ve and professional in everything we do


Himmelhoch Petroleum & Gas (PTY) LTD Corporate Profile

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Our Opera�ng Model

HImmelhoch invests in complementary assets which allows us to achieve a leading posi�on within the market

● Sourcing HImmelhoch also has global agreements with other leading Crude Refiners. Dependent on where in the world product is required, sourcing is undertaken in a manner that enhances logis�cal efficiencies.

● Storage Himmelhoch is expanding and securing addi�onal storage facili�es and assets for our various products. We have formidable partnerships in the storage sector to meet our Client’s needs.


Himmelhoch has a network of charter tankers, vessels, railcars, barges and pipelines that can

deliver safely and efficiently to clients across the con�nent. Shipping costs will be determined in terms of contractual modali�es with clients.

Financing Himmelhoch has established rela�onships with Rand Merchant Bank (South Africa) and HSBC Zurich that assist and manage the Buyer supplied Le�ers of Credit.


Himmelhoch Petroleum & Gas (PTY) LTD Corporate Profile

Crude Oil

Automo�ve Fuels

Avia�on FuelsMarine Fuels

Industrial Fuels


Our focus, is in the trading of the following commodi�es:

● ● ● ● ● ●●

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Our Board


Himmelhoch Petroleum & Gas (PTY) LTD Corporate Profile

Mr SRIVASTAVA – USA (United States of America)

Chairman of the BoardMr SRIVASTAVA is the Co- Founder of Himmelhoch Petroleum and Gas and the Chairman of our Group. He is known as an architect of complex financial and security related challenges. His business organisa�ons, some listed companies, include defense, energy, security, medical, biotechnology, construc�on, television and media, avia�on, banking and the hospitality sectors. His leadership, guidance and strategic drive, con�nued to sustain the steady growth of our Company.

Mr HAMILTON - SA (South Africa)

Group President – Africa

Mr HAMILTON is the Founder and President of the Himmelhoch Group of Companies. His business

organisa�ons include energy, logis�cs, engineering, and infrastructure. His experience includes

exposure as a Board Member of a Stock Exchange listed Oil Company. He formally served as the Vice

Chairman of Ac�ve Power67 with a fleet of over 70 trucks transpor�ng coal from mines to power

sta�ons in Ermelo South Africa. He's a former member of the Arab African Council for Development

and Integra�on (AACDAI). He currently serves as the Managing Director of Development and

Engineering Consultants. With his networks, he has secured mega projects within the con�nent of

Africa and remains a formidable member of our Group.

Advocate Kamal BHIMMA – SA (South Africa)

Advocate BHIMMA's experience includes working and consul�ng for governments. He currently sits

on the Boards of companies specializing in energy, revenue management, forensics, logis�cs, public

sector consul�ng, construc�on, and engineering. Amongst others, Mr Bhimma serves as the

Chairman of Development and Engineering Consultants, UBAC, Carmani Supply Chain Specialist and

Medaco. He is a former member of the Arab African Council for Development and Integra�on

(AACDAI). He is very well networked within the public and private sector and remains an instrumental

member of our Company.

Marilyn HAMILTON – SA (South Africa)

Mrs HAMILTON is a Co-Founder of Himmelhoch Group of Companies. She has a career spanning over

two decades in various government sectors. Her experience amongst others, includes Na�onal

Intelligence, Corporate Services, and Monitoring and Evalua�on of major government infrastructure

projects in South Africa. She is also very passionate about women empowerment and has worked on

a number of high level government women empowerment campaigns. Her networks and leadership

exper�se in the public sector adds tremendous value to the growth of our Company.

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Himmelhoch Petroleum & Gas (PTY) LTD Corporate Profile

Thandiwe JANUARY-McLEAN – SA (South Africa)

Ms JANUARY-McLEAN is a former member of Amnesty Interna�onal in New York. She has variously

served as a University Lecturer and Senior Lecturer at the Na�onal University of Lesotho and the

Northwest University. Between 1994 and 1998, she served as Execu�ve Director of the Desmond Tutu

Educa�onal Trust funded by USAID and then became the Chief Execu�ve Officer of the United Negro

College Fund, a mul�-million dollar project funded by the US Interna�onal Development Agency

headquartered in Washington DC. She was appointed Deputy Director General in the Department of

Arts and Culture and was later seconded to the Presidency in South Africa as Na�onal Coordinator of

the 10 Years of Freedom Presiden�al Project. Some addi�onal, but not all, posi�ons, included

Member of the Council on Higher Educa�on, Council member of the Peninsula Technikon, Board

Member of MNet's Phuthuma Investment as Deputy Chair, Chairperson of the SA-UK Seasons for the

Department of Arts and Culture, Council Member of the UNISA Founda�on. Ms JANUARY-McLEAN

was appointed as the South African Ambassador to Portugal from 2005 to 2009. She was also

appointed as Chair of the Group of African Ambassadors in Lisbon. On her return from Portugal, she

served at the helm of SA Tourism as Chief Execu�ve Officer during the 2010 World Cup and beyond.

Ms JANUARY-McLEAN is a Founder member of Nozala Investments, a woman led investment

company on which board she serves as a Non-Execu�ve Director. She also serves on its Human

Resources and Remunera�on Commi�ee and the Social and Ethics Sub-Commi�ee. She further sits

on the Estate Agency Affairs Board, where she chairs the Human Resources and Remunera�on

Commi�ee and serves on the Transforma�on and Educa�on sub-commi�ees. She further serves on

the Council of the Na�onal Arts Council and its Human Resource Sub-Commi�ee and is a Trustee on

the Humulani Trust of Invicta Holdings. Her recent board appointments include SA Express and BMW

South Africa. She has travelled extensively and par�cipated in several public speaking events of

na�onal and interna�onal significance. She has a wide network of professional contacts

interna�onally and on the African Con�nent with whom she con�nues to collaborate on various

projects and business ventures for the benefit of our Company.

Nitasha BHIMMA - SA (South Africa)

Mrs BHIMMA completed studies in Communica�on through the University of Natal. She also

completed a Diploma in Cosmetology and went into business opening her own chain of salons which

she sold to go into full �me lecturing at KZN Coastal College from 2005 to 2009. Having relocated to

Johannesburg in 2010, she then became involved in Medaco Capital as a Director and shareholder.

The company specializes in revenue management and counts various municipali�es and provincial

departments as its clients. She is currently a shareholder in a number of companies spanning audit to

infrastructure development. She has experience in the fields of communica�on, management and

supply chain.

Felicity PIETERSEN - SA (South Africa)

Mrs Felicity Pietersen holds a Degree in Diagnos�c Radiography. She has 12 years experience in

Magne�c Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computerised Tomography (CT Scanning), on the African

con�nent. In recent years, Mrs Pietersen worked at Siemens Medical South Africa where she worked

as an Applica�ons Specialist, training medical specialists on different Radiological Modali�es.Mrs

Pietersen held a Training Specialist posi�on, with Consulens Medical, managing all the training

aspects of the Radiological Department, at Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital in Durban. Mrs

Pietersen serves as a non-execu�ve Director on several company boards in South Africa.

Our Board

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Himmelhoch Petroleum & Gas (PTY) LTD Corporate Profile

Naima McLean – SA (South Africa)Ms McLean is a South African-American experienced, innova�ve leader and entrepreneur, who has built her career off merging her crea�ve skills and her strategic marke�ng experience. She graduated with a major in Theatre-Performance and Gender Studies from University of Cape Town. In 2015 Naima was awarded The Henley Flexible Execu�ve MBA Johnny Clegg Scholarship. Her primary focus is working with organisa�ons to build and strengthen the emo�onal contract between the business and their key stakeholders. Her services specialise in Corporate Communica�ons and New Business Development. Her clients have included, but not limited to: VWV on the 2010 World Soccer World Cup, The African Development Bank, Oando PLC (Nigeria), Nedbank, The Rockefeller Founda�on and South African Tourism. Naima is a member of the African Leadership Network, through which she has built an extensive Pan-African network. Through her work, she frequently travels across the con�nent and abroad. Her passion for transforma�on and development has earned her the posi�on of a patron on the Leadership 2020 pla�orm. In 2016 Naima expanded her professional por�olio to be a Business Coach and Senior Associate at The Awethu Project, South Africa's most innova�ve SMME investment company, with a specific focus on strategic marke�ng and business development. She is also a founding board member of Crea�ve First – Africa's first financial services Coopera�ve for crea�ve industry professionals.

Jeffrey BERG - USA (United States of America)

Jeff Berg is a partner at BakerHostetler and represents companies in corporate finance and securi�es

ma�ers, primarily issuers, with an emphasis in the areas of securi�es offerings, securi�es regula�ons

and corporate governance. Jeff's clients appreciate his dedica�on and ongoing a�en�on to changing

business environments, as well as to newly established and updated laws, policies and procedures. He

also has significant experience with start-up companies, assis�ng them in their capital and commercial

needs. Jeff Berg solves interna�onal and cross-border finance issues for clients and provides guidance

for compliance with regulatory agencies, especially the Securi�es and Exchange Commission. Clients

turn to Jeff for informa�on, direc�on and leadership in interna�onal joint ventures, offerings of debt

and equity securi�es, leveraged buyouts, tax ma�ers and li�ga�on support. He provides clients with

assistance in structuring and implemen�ng Foreign Corrupt Prac�ces Act compliance programs,

which are designed to avoid poten�al viola�ons and to reduce governmental sanc�ons should a

viola�on occur. Has advised on more than 150 public offerings, more than 200 private placements and

more than 150 mergers, acquisi�ons or reorganiza�ons.

Foster TEPPER - USA (United States of America)

Mr TEPPER is a partner at Tepper and Associates with more than four decades of experience

advising, counseling, and represen�ng a broad range of clients in all aspects of corporate and real

estate ma�ers, with par�cular emphasis on the establishment of businesses and counseling regarding

their growth and development. Mr. TEPPER also represents domes�c businesses doing business

interna�onally and foreign enterprises engaged in business in Europe, Asia, North Africa, Southern

Africa and Central and South America.

Our Board

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Himmelhoch Petroleum & Gas (PTY) LTD Corporate Profile


Contact Us

Tepper and Associates

Beverley Hills, United States of America

Foster TEPPER(Partner)

+1 (310) 859-9754


Los Angeles, United states of America

Jeffrey BERG (Partner)

+1 (310) 442 8850

Johannesburg, South Africa

Progress House, Ground Floor, G001

Lillipark Office Park

354 Rivonia Boulevard



Tel: +27 11 244 8800

Fax: +27 11 465 0688

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.himmelhoch.co.za

Durban, South Africa

10 Ennisdale Drive

Durban North, 4051

Tel: 031 - 563 2258

Fax: 031 - 563 3774

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.himmelhoch.co.za

Los Angeles, United states of America

11601 Wilshire Boulevard

Los Angeles

California (CA)

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.himmelhoch.co.za


First Floor,

Anglo-Mauri�us House

Intendance Street


Email: [email protected]

Website: www.himmelhoch.co.za

Nodia, India

A-20, Sector 5


U.P. - 201 301


Email: [email protected]

Website: www.himmelhoch.co.za

Himmelhoch Petroleum & Gas