high-throughput turbo decoder with parallel architecture...

High-Throughput Turbo Decoder with Parallel Architecture for LTE Wireless Communication Standards by Rahul Shrestha, Roy Paily in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers Report No: IIIT/TR/2014/-1 Centre for VLSI and Embeded Systems Technology International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad - 500 032, INDIA July 2014

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High-Throughput Turbo Decoder with Parallel Architecture for

LTE Wireless Communication Standards


Rahul Shrestha, Roy Paily


IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers

Report No: IIIT/TR/2014/-1

Centre for VLSI and Embeded Systems TechnologyInternational Institute of Information Technology

Hyderabad - 500 032, INDIAJuly 2014

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High-Throughput Turbo Decoder WithParallel Architecture for LTE Wireless

Communication StandardsRahul Shrestha, Graduate Student Member, IEEE, and Roy P. Paily, Member, IEEE

Abstract—This work focuses on the VLSI design aspect of high-speed maximum a posteriori (MAP) probability decoders whichare intrinsic building-blocks of parallel turbo decoders. For thelogarithmic-Bahl–Cocke–Jelinek–Raviv (LBCJR) algorithm usedin MAP decoders, we have presented an ungrouped backwardrecursion technique for the computation of backward state met-rics. Unlike the conventional decoder architectures, MAP decoderbased on this technique can be extensively pipelined and retimedto achieve higher clock frequency. Additionally, the state metricnormalization technique employed in the design of an add-com-pare-select-unit (ACSU) has reduced critical path delay of ourdecoder architecture. We have designed and implemented turbodecoderswith8and64parallelMAPdecoders in90nmCMOStech-nology. VLSI implementation of an 8 parallel turbo-decoder hasachieved amaximum throughput of 439Mbps with 0.11 nJ/bit/iter-ation energy-efficiency. Similarly, 64 parallel turbo-decoder hasachieved a maximum throughput of 3.3 Gbps with an energy-effi-ciency of 0.079 nJ/bit/iteration. These high-throughput decodersmeet peak data-rates of 3GPP-LTEandLTE-Advanced standards.

Index Terms—Bahl–Cocke–Jelinek–Raviv (BCJR) algo-rithm, maximum a posteriori (MAP) decoder, parallel turbodecoding and VLSI design, turbo codes, wireless communications,3GPP-LTE/LTE-advanced.


W ITH the advent of powerful smart phones and tablets,wireless multimedia communication has become an

integral part of our life. In the year 2012, approximately 700million such gadgets were estimated to be sold worldwide,and their requirement of data rate has been on an exponentialtrajectory [1]. This has led to the deployment of new standardswhich can support higher data rate. The Third-Generation-Part-nership-Project (3GPP) conceived an air-interface termed as3GPP-LTE (3GPP-long-term-evolution) release-8 and wasreformed to 3GPP-LTE release-9 which supports a peak datarate of 326.4 Mbps [2]. 3GPP-LTE-Advanced standard hasappeared with the aid of powerful technique like carrier ag-gregation. This standard supports a peak data rate of 1 Gbpsspecified by the International-Telecommunication-Union-Ra-diocommunication-Sector (ITUR) for the International-Mo-bile-Telecommunications-Advanced (IMT-A), which is alsoreferred as fourth-generation (4G) [3]. Eventually, enhanced

Manuscript received July 26, 2013; revised October 30, 2013 and January05, 2014; accepted January 31, 2014. Date of publication July 02, 2014; dateof current version August 26, 2014. This paper was recommended by AssociateEditor J. Ma.The authors are with the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati,

Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, North Guwahati,Assam-781039, India (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]).Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online

at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCSI.2014.2332266

use of multi-antenna techniques and support for relay nodesin the LTE-Advanced air-interface have made its new releasescapable of supporting peak data rate(s) of 3 Gbps milestone [4].For reliable and error-free communication in these recent stan-dards, turbo code has been extensively used because it deliversnear-optimal bit-error-rate (BER) performance [5]. However,the iterative nature of turbo decoding imposes adverse effectwhich defers turbo decoder from achieving high-throughputbenchmarks of the latest wireless communication standards. Onthe other hand, extensive research on the parallel architecturesof turbo decoder has shown its promising capability to achievehigher throughput, albeit, at the cost of large silicon-area [6].Parallel turbo decoder contains multiple maximum a posteriori(MAP) probability decoders, contention-free interleavers,memories and interconnecting networks. Maximum achievablethroughput of such decoder with radix- MAP decoders fora block length of and a sliding window size of is given as

(1)where , is a maximum operating clock frequency,represents a number of decoding iterations, is a pipelinedelay for accessing data from memories to MAP decoders,

is a pipeline delay for writing extrinsic information tomemories, and is a decoding delay of MAP decoder [7].This expression suggests that the achievable throughput ofparallel turbo decoder has dominant dependencies on numberof MAP decoders, operating clock frequency and numberof decoding iterations. Thereby, valuable contributions havebeen reported to improve these factors. An implementation ofparallel turbo decoder which uses retimed and unified radix-MAP decoders, for Mobile WiMAX (worldwide-interoper-ability-for-microwave-access) and 3GPP-LTE standards, ispresented in [8]. Similarly, parallel architecture of turbo de-coder with contention-free interleaver is designed for higherthroughput applications in [9]. For 3GPP-LTE standard, re-configurable and parallel architecture of turbo decoder with anovel multistage interconnecting networks is implemented in[10]. Recently, a peak data rate of 3GPP-LTE standard has beenachieved by parallel turbo decoder implemented in [11]. Sub-sequently, a processing schedule for the parallel turbo decoderhas been proposed to achieve 100% operating efficiency in [7].In [12], high throughput parallel turbo decoder based on thealgebraic-geometric properties of quadratic-permutation-poly-nomial (QPP) interleaver has been proposed. An architectureincorporating a stack of 16 MAP decoders with an optimizedstate-metric initialization scheme for low decoder latency and

1549-8328 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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high throughput is presented in [13]. Another contributionwhich includes a very high throughput parallel turbo decoderfor LTE-Advanced base station applications is presented in[14]. Recently, a novel hybrid decoder-architecture of turbolow-density-parity-check (LDPC) codes for multiple wirelesscommunication standards has been proposed in [15].Based on the comprehensive overview of recent standards for

wireless communication, primary motive of our research is toconceive an architecture of turbo decoder for high throughputapplication. We have focused on an improvement of maximumclock frequency which eventually improves an achievablethroughput of parallel turbo decoder from (1). Works with sim-ilar motivations have been reported in the literature [16]–[18].So far, no work has reported parallel turbo decoder that canachieve higher throughput beyond 3Gbpsmilestone targeted forthe future releases of 3GPP-LTE-Advanced. The contributionsof our work presented in this paper are summarized as follows.1) We propose a modified MAP-decoder architec-ture based on a new ungrouped backward recursionscheme for the sliding window technique of the loga-rithmic-Bahl–Cocke–Jelinek–Raviv (LBCJR) algorithmand a new state metric normalization technique. Thesuggested techniques have made provisions for re-timing and deep-pipelining in the architectures of thestate-metric-computation-unit (SMCU) and MAP de-coder, respectively, to speed up the decoding process.

2) As a proof of concept, an implementation in 90 nm CMOStechnology is carried out for the parallel turbo decoderwith 8 radix-2 MAP-decoders which are integrated withmemories via pipelined interconnecting networks based oncontention-free QPP interleavers. It is capable of decoding188 different block lengths ranging from 40 to 6144 with acode-rate of 1/3 and achieves more than the peak data rateof 3GPP-LTE. We have also carried out synthesis-studyand postlayout simulation of a parallel turbo decoder with64 radix-2 MAP decoders that can achieve the milestonethroughput of 3GPP-LTE-Advanced.

3) Subsequently, the fixed-point simulation for BER perfor-mance analysis of parallel turbo decoder is carried out forvarious iterations, quantization and code rates.

4) Finally, the key characteristics of parallel turbo decoderpresented in this work are compared with the reported con-tributions from the literature.


Transmitter and receiver sections of a wireless gadgetwhich supports 3GPP-LTE/LTE-Advanced standards areshown in Fig. 1(a). Each of these sections has three majorparts: digital-baseband module, analog-RF module, andmultiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) antennas. In the dig-ital-baseband module of transmitter, sequence of informationbits is processed by various submod-ules and is fed to the channel encoder. It generates a systematicbit , parity bits and for each information bitusing convolutional-encoders (CEs) and I (QPP-interleaver).These encoded bits are further processed by remaining sub-modules; finally, the transmitted digital data from basebandare converted into quadrature and inphase analog signals by adigital-analog-converter (DAC). Analog signals, those are fedto the multiple analog-RF modules, are up-converted to a RF

Fig. 1. (a) Basic block diagram of transmitter and receiver. (b) Trellis graphwith trellis states. (c) Scheduling of sliding window technique for LBCJRalgorithm.

frequency, amplified, bandpassed and transmitted via MIMOantennas which transform RF signals into electromagneticwaves for the transmission through wireless channel, as shownin Fig. 1(a). At the receiver, RF signals provided by multipleantennas to analog-RF modules are band-pass filtered to extractsignals of the desired band, then they are low-noise-amplifiedand down-converted into baseband signals. Subsequently,these signals are sampled by analog-digital-converter (ADC)of the digital-baseband module, where various submodulesprocess such samples and are fed to the soft-demodulator. Itgenerates a priori logarithmic-likelihood-ratios (LLRs) ,

and for the transmitted systematic and parity bits,respectively, and are fed to turbo decoder via serial-parallelconverter. Turbo decoders work on graph based approachand are parallel concatenation of MAP decoders, as shown inFig. 1(a). Basically, the MAP decoder uses BCJR algorithm toprocess input a priori LLRs and then determine the values of aposteriori LLRs for the transmitted bits. Extrinsic informationvalues are computed asand where and

are a posteriori LLRs from MAP decoders; andare de-interleaved and interleaved values, respectively,

of the extrinsic information. As shown in Fig. 1(a), the valuesof extrinsic information are iteratively processed by MAPdecoders to achieve near-optimal BER performance. Finally, a

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posteriori LLR values, those are generated by turbo decoder,are processed by rest of the baseband submodules. Ultimately, asequence of decoded bits is obtained, as shown in Fig. 1(a).On the other hand, conventional BCJR algorithm for

MAP decoding includes mathematically complex compu-tations. It delivers near-optimal error-rate performance atthe cost of huge memory and computationally intense VLSI(very-large-scale-integration) architecture, which imposeslarge decoding delay [19]. These shortcomings have madethis algorithm inappropriate for practical implementation.Logarithmic transformations of miscellaneous mathematicalequations involved in BCJR algorithm have scaled down thecomputational complexity as well as simplified its architecturefrom an implementation perspective [20], and such procedureis referred as logarithmic-BCJR (LBCJR) algorithm. Further-more, huge memory requirement and large decoding delaycan be controlled by employing sliding window technique forLBCJR algorithm [21]. This is a trellis-graph based decodingprocess in which stages are used for determining a posterioriLLRs where each stage com-prises of trellis states. LBCJR algorithm traverses forwardand backward of this graph to compute forward as wellas backward state metrics, respectively, for each trellisstate such that and . As shown in Fig. 1(b), forstates and , forward and backward state metrics duringtheir respective traces are computed as


respectively, where is a logarithmic approxima-tion which simplifies mathematical computations ofBCJR algorithm. Based on max-log-MAP approxima-tion, this function operates as .Similarly, log-MAP approximation computes as

[20]. Sim-ilarly, for an arbitrary state transition from to such that

, is a branch metric which uses a prioriLLRs for the computation and is expressed as


where accounts for a priori information which is inter-leaved/de-interleaved extrinsic information value in turbo de-coding. In addition, represents channel reliability measureand is approximated as when the value of fading ampli-tude is [20]. A posteriori LLR value of a trellis stage iscomputed after the computation of all state and branch metrics.Assuming that represents trellis transition where and

corresponds to start and end states, the a posteriori LLRvalue for th trellis stage is computed as [20]

(4)where the function is expressed as


Additionally, indicates set of all trellistransitions when the information bit is “0” or “1.” Basically, thesliding window technique for LBCJR (SW-LBCJR) algorithm

segregates trellis stages into windows where eachwindow comprises of trellis stages and has a processing timeof [21]. Fig. 1(c) shows time-scheduling of SW-LBCJRalgorithm for various operations those are carried out in succes-sive sliding windows (SWs). In the first time-slot , branchmetrics of the first SW (SW1) are computed. Subsequently,branch metrics for SW2 as well as dummy-backward-recursionthat estimates boundary backward state metrics for SW1 areaccomplished in the time-interval . Similarly,effective-backward-recursion for SW1 is initiated during theinterval where the computation of a poste-riori LLRs for SW1 begins simultaneously. Other operationssuch as dummy-backward-recursion and forward-recursionruns in parallel during this interval. Moreover, such process iscarried out successively for all the SWs as shown in Fig. 1(c).Thereby, conventional SW-LBCJR algorithm has a decodingdelay of . It needs to store branch metrics for two SWsand forward state metrics for one SW [22].


We now present the suggested techniques for sliding windowapproach and state metric normalization of LBCJR algorithm.

A. Modified Sliding Window Approach

This approach for LBCJR algorithm is based on an un-grouped backward recursion technique. Unlike the conven-tional SW-LBCJR algorithm, this technique performs backwardrecursion for each trellis stage, independently, for the compu-tation of backward state metrics. For a sliding window size of, such an ungrouped backward recursion for th stage begins

from th stage in the trellis graph. Each of thesebackward recursions is initiated with logarithmic-equiprob-able values assigned to all the backward state metrics of

th trellis stage as


Simultaneously, the branch metrics are computed for successivetrellis stages and are used for determining the state metric valuesusing (2). After computing backward state metrics of thtrellis stage by an ungrouped backward recursion, all the for-ward state metrics of th trellis stage are computed. It isto be noted that the forward recursion starts with an initializa-tion at such that


Thereafter, a posteriori LLR value of th trellis stage is com-puted using the branch metrics of all state transitions, as wellas forward and backward state metrics from th andth trellis stages, respectively, as given in (4). Paralleling suchungrouped backward recursions for successive trellis stages inorder to compute their a posteriori LLRs is a primary concern ofour work. For the sake of clarity, we have used handful of newnotations while explaining this approach for LBCJR algorithm.For example, and represent sets of backward andforward state metrics, respectively, of th trellis stage. Theyare expressed asand where isa set of natural numbers including zero. Similarly, a set of allbranch metrics, associated with the transitions from thto th trellis stages, is denoted by which is expressed as

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Fig. 2. (a) Illustration of ungrouped backward recursions in a trellis graph offour states. (b) Scheduling of the modified sliding window approach for LBCJRalgorithm.

a set of all state transitions . Since, there aremultiple ungrouped backward recursions in this approach; wehave denoted for different ungrouped backward recursionsas such that and is a set of all ungrouped back-ward recursions for each time-interval. Fig. 2(a) illustrates thesuggested ungrouped backward recursions for LBCJR algorithmwith a value of . It shows the computation of backwardstate metrics for and trellis stages. First ungroupedbackward recursion (denoted as ) starts with the computa-tion of using the initialized backward state metricsfrom trellis stage. Thereafter, is computedusing ; finally, an effective set of backward statemetric , which is then used in the computation of aposterioriLLR for trellis stage, is obtained using the valueof . Similarly, such successive process of second un-groupedbackward recursion is carried out to compute aneffective-set of for trellis stage, as shown inFig. 2(a). In this suggested-approach, time-scheduling of variousoperations to be performed for the computation of successivea posteriori LLRs is schematically presented in Fig. 2(b). Thisscheduling is illustrated for , where the trellis stages andtime intervals are plotted along y-axis and x-axis respectively.As the time progresses, a set of branch metrics (denoted as )is computed in each time interval. Thereby, aresuccessively computed from the time interval to , as shownin Fig. 2(b). Similarly, ungrouped backward recursions beginfrom th time interval because the branch metrics requiredfor these recursions are available from this interval onward.Thereby, referring Fig. 2(b), operations performed from thisinterval onward are systematically explained as follows.• : A first ungrouped backward recursion (denoted by

) begins with the computation of which usesthe initialized backward state metrics from trellisstage. Since, this backward recursion is performed to com-pute an effective-set of backward state metrics for ,it is started from th trellis stage.

• : A consecutive-set is computed for the con-tinuation of first ungrouped backward recursion. Simul-taneously, a second ungrouped backward recursion startsfrom the initialized trellis stage with the computa-tion of a new-set .

• : First ungrouped backward recursion ends in this in-terval with the computation of effective-setfor trellis stage. In parallel, second ungrouped back-ward recursion continues with the computation of consec-utive-set . Similarly, a new-set iscomputed and it marks the start of third ungrouped back-ward recursion. Initialization of all the forward state met-rics of set is also carried out, as given in (7).

• : An effective-set is obtained with the termi-nation of second ungrouped backward recursion and a con-secutive-set is computed for an ongoing thirdungrouped backward recursion. Simultaneously, fourth un-grouped backward recursion begins with the computationof a new-set . Using an initialized set , aset of forward state metrics is determined. A pos-teriori LLR value of the trellis stageis computed using forward, backward and branch metricsfrom the sets , and respectively.

• : From this interval onward, similar pattern of operationsare carried out for each time-interval where an ungroupedbackward recursion is terminated with the calculation of aneffective-set; a consecutive-set is obtained to continue anincomplete ungrouped backward recursion and a new-setis determined using the initialized values of backward statemetrics to start an ungrouped backward recursion. Simul-taneously, sets of forward state metrics and a posterioriLLRs for successive trellis stages are obtained from in-terval onward.

Decoding delay for the computation of a posteriori LLRsfor is a sum of seven time-intervals ,as shown in Fig. 2(b). Thereby, it can be concluded that the de-coding delay of this approach is . It hasbeen observed that from interval onward, three setsare simultaneously computed in each interval. Thereby, in gen-eral, this approach requires units to accomplish suchparallel task of ungroup backward recursion. However, imple-mentation aspects of the MAP decoder based on this approachis discussed in Section IV.

B. State Metric Normalization Technique

Magnitudes of forward and backward state metrics grow asrecursions proceed in the trellis graph. Overflow may occurwithout normalization, if the data widths of these metrics arefinite. There are two commonly used state metric normalizationtechniques: subtractive and modulo normalization techniques[23]. In the subtractive normalization technique, normalized for-ward and backward state metrics for th trellis stage are com-puted as


respectively [23]. On the other side, two’s complement arith-metic based modulo normalization technique works with a prin-ciple that the path selection process during forward/backwardrecursion depends on the bounded values of path metric differ-ence [24]. The normalization technique suggested in our workis focused to achieve high-speed performance of turbo decoderfrom an implementation perspective. Assume that andstates at th stage as well as and states at thstage are associated with state at th stage in a trellis graph.

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Fig. 3. (a) ACSU for modulo normalization technique [25]. (b) An ACSU forsuggested normalization technique. (c) An ACSU for subtractive normalizationtechnique [23]. (d) Part of a trellis graph with showing thand th trellis stages and metrics involved in the computation of forward statemetric at trellis state.

Thereby, normalization of a forward state metric at state isperformed as

(9)where and are the path metrics for two differentstate-transitions: to and to respectively. Theyare expressed as and

. In the above (9),such that is a normalizing factor which is one of thepreviously computed forward state metrics of states from

th trellis stage. Similarly, a backward state metric at thtrellis stage can be normalized as

(10)where the path metrics are represented as

and . Similarly, thenormalizing factor is from a state among trellisstates at th stage. It is to be noted that such normal-izing factors and can be used for computingall normalized forward and backward state metrics, respec-tively, at th trellis stage.From an implementation perspective, an ACSU (add-com-

pare-select-unit) computes normalized state metric in MAP de-coder which requires such ACSUs to determine all forward/backward state metrics of a trellis stage. Fig. 3 shows the ACSUarchitectures based on modulo, subtractive and suggested nor-malization techniques. These ACSUs are used for computing anormalized forward state metric at state of a trellis graph with

states, as shown in Fig. 3(d). An ACSU design basedon (9) is shown in Fig. 3(b). In this architecture, path metricsare subtracted with a normalizing factor using sub-tractors along second stage and then multiplexed to obtain a nor-malized forward state metric . Similarly, state-of-the-artACSU-architecture for modulo normalization technique is pre-sented in Fig. 3(a) and it obtains normalized forward state metricvalue with controlled overflow using two two-input-XOR gates



: SMCU based on modulo normalization technique; : SMCU based on

subtractive normalization technique.

[25]. However, an ACSU for subtractive normalization tech-nique requires additional comparator circuit for states toobtain a value of from (8), as shownin Fig. 3(c). Eventually, a maximum value obtained from thiscomparator is subtracted with the state metric for normalization.These architectures of ACSUs are presented for max-log-MAPLBCJR algorithm for high-speed applications [20]. However,its degradation in BER performance, as compared to Log-MAPLBCJR algorithm, may be avoided by using an extrinsic scalingprocess [25]. Critical paths of ACSUs based on the suggestedapproach, modulo, and subtractive normalization techniques arehighlighted in Fig. 3(a)–(c) and are quantified as


respectively, where , , , and are the delays im-posed by an adder, a subtractor, a multiplexer, and an XOR gaterespectively. In this work, stack of ACSUs for computingall the forward/backward state metrics is collectively referredas SMCU. We have performed a postlayout simulation study, in90 nm CMOS technology, of SMCUs with based onthese state metric normalization techniques and their key char-acteristics obtained are presented in Table I. Subsequently, de-sign-synthesis and static-timing-analysis are performed underworst-corner case with a supply of 0.9 V at 125 C operatingtemperature. It can be seen that SMCU based on the suggestedapproach have 21.82% and 60.77% better operating clock fre-quencies than the SMCUs based on modulo and subtractive nor-malization techniques respectively. Suggested SMCU designconsumes 17.87% lesser silicon-area than the SMCU based onsubtractive normalization technique. However, it has area over-head of 6.02% in comparison with modulo normalization basedSMCU. Total power consumed at 100 MHz clock frequencyby this SMCU is 6% lesser and 2.13% more than subtractiveand modulo normalization techniques, respectively, as shown inTable I. The suggested approach for state metric normalizationtechnique has shown better operating clock frequency with thenominal degradations in area-occupied and power-consumed,as compared to modulo normalization technique.


We next present the MAP-decoder architecture and its sched-uling based on the proposed techniques. Detail discussion on

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Fig. 4. (a) High-level architecture of the proposed MAP decoder, based onmodified sliding window technique, for . (b) Launched values of stateand branch metric sets as well as a posteriori LLRs by different registers ofMAP decoder in successive clock cycles.

the design of high-speed MAP decoder, and its implementa-tion trade-offs, are carried out. Furthermore, parallel architec-ture of turbo decoder and QPP interleaver used in this work arepresented.

A. MAP-Decoder Architecture and Scheduling

Decoder architecture for LBCJR algorithm based on anungrouped backward recursion technique is shown in Fig. 4(a).Basically, it includes five major subblocks: BMCU (branch-metric-computation-unit), ALCU (a posteriori-LLR-compu-tation-unit), RE (registers), LUT (look-up-table), and SMCUthat uses suggested state metric normalization technique. TheBMCU processes a priori LLRs of systematic and paritybits , where is a code-length, to suc-cessively compute all the branch metrics in each of the sets

. A posteriori LLR for th trellis stage iscomputed by ALCU using the sets of state and branch metrics,as shown in Fig. 4(a). Subblock RE is a bank of registers usedfor data-buffering in the decoder. LUT stores the logarithmicequiprobable values, as given in (6), for backward state metricsof th trellis stage which initiates an ungroupbackward recursion for th trellis stage. As discussed earlier,SMCU computes forward or backward state metrics of atrellis stage. Based on the time-scheduling that is illustrated inFig. 2(b) from Section III, we have presented an architecture ofMAP decoder for in Fig. 4(a). Thereby, threeSMCUs are used for ungrouped backward recursions in thisdecoder architecture and are denoted as SMCU1, SMCU2 andSMCU3. Similarly, forward state metrics for successive trellisstages are computed by SMCU4. For better understandingof the decoding process, a graphical representation of datalaunched by different registers, those are included in the de-coder architecture, for successive clock cycles are illustrated inFig. 4(b). In this decoder architecture, input a priori LLRs aswell as a priori information for the successive trellis stagesare sequentially buffered through RE1 and then processedby BMCU, which computes all the branch metrics of thesestages, as shown in Fig. 4(a). These branch metric values are

buffered through a series of registers and are fed to SMCUsfor backward recursion, SMCU4 for forward recursion andALCU for computation of a posteriori LLRs. In the fifth clockcycle, branch metrics of set are launch from RE2 andare used by SMCU1 along with the initial values of backwardstate metrics from LUT to compute backward state metricsof , for the first ungrouped backward recursion,and then stored in RE8, as shown in Fig. 4(b). These storedvalues of RE8 are launched in the sixth clock cycle and are fedto SMCU2 along with a branch metric set , from RE4,to compute a set which is then stored in RE9. Inthe same clock cycle, computation of , for secondungrouped backward recursion, can be computed by SMCU1using launched by RE2, and store them in RE8. Boththese sets of backward state metrics are launched by RE8 andRE9 in the seventh clock cycle, as illustrated in Fig. 4(b). Itcan be seen that similar pattern of computations for branchand state metrics are carried out for successive trellis stages,referring Fig. 4(a) and (b). By using branch metric sets fromRE11, SMCU4 is able to compute sets of forward state metrics, for successive trellis stages. The sets of forward state,

backward state and branch metrics via RE13, RE10, and RE12,respectively, are fed to ALCU, as shown in Fig. 4(a). Thereby,a posteriori LLRs are successively generated by ALCU fromthe ninth clock cycle onward, for the value of , as shownin Fig. 4(b). Henceforth, from an implementation perspective,the decoding delay of this MAP decoder is clockcycles.

B. Retimed and Deep-Pipelined Decoder Architecture

In the suggested MAP-decoder architecture, SMCU4 withbuffered feedback paths is used in forward recursion and it im-poses a critical path delay of from (11). On the otherhand, SMCU4 architecture can be retimed to shorten this crit-ical path delay. For a trellis-graph of , retimed data-flow-graph of SMCU with buffered feedback paths for com-puting the forward state metrics of successive trellis stages isshown in Fig. 5(a). It has four ACSUs based on suggested statemetric normalization technique and they compute forward statemetrics using normalizing factor. However, this re-timed data-flow-graph based architecture operates with a clock

that has double the frequency of clock at whichthe branch metrics are fed, as shown in Fig. 5(b). Otherwise, itmay miss the successive forward state metrics from thstage to compute state metrics for th trellis stage. It can beseen that the critical path of this SMCU has only a subtractor-delay, thereby; this retimed-unit can be operated at higher clockfrequency . However, remaining units of MAP decodersuch as BMCU, ALCU, and SMCUs, those are used for un-grouped backward recursions, must operate at a clock frequencyof . Fortunately, these units have feed-forwarddigital architectures which are suitable for deep-pipelining. Ba-sically, BMCU and ALCU are combinational designs and canbe pipelined with ease. An advantage of the suggested MAPdecoder architecture is that the SMCUs for backward recursionprocess can also be pipelined. This increases a data-processingfrequency at which the branch metrics are fed to re-timed SMCU that is already operating at higher clock frequency.However, such retimed SMCU is not suitable for conventionalMAP decoder because the SMCUs for backward recursion in

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Fig. 5. (a) Data-flow-graph of retimed SMCU for computing forwardstate metrics. (b) Timing diagram for the operation of retimed SMCU withand .

such decoder-design have feedback architectures. Thereby, theycannot be pipelined to enhance the data-processing frequency,though the retimed SMCU are operating at higher clock fre-quency [11], [25].1) High-Speed MAP Decoder Architecture: In this work, we

have presented architecture ofMAP decoder for turbo decoding,as per the specifications of 3GPP-LTE/LTE-Advanced [3]. It hasbeen designed for an eight-state convolutional encoder with atransfer function of . Thebasic block-diagrams of the turbo encoder and decoder can bereferred from Fig. 1(a). For trellis graph which is de-vised based on this transfer function, four parent branch metricsare required in each trellis stage to compute state metrics as wellas a posteriori LLR value. Based on (3), these four branch met-rics are given as


where the channel reliability measure has a value of in(3). BMCU architecture that computes these parent branch met-rics is shown in Fig. 6. One-bit right-shifter divides a value bytwo; and an inverted value can be added with a decimal equiv-alent of one to produce a two’s complement equivalent ofa fixed-point number. This architecture has been pipelined withtwo stages of register delays along the feed-forward paths. Onthe other side, eight ACSUs are collectively stacked to builda feed-forward pipelined-architecture of SMCU, which can beused for ungrouped backward recursion, as shown in Fig. 6. Itcomputes to values for trellis states andare normalized with the value of such that . Ba-sically, ALCU is a simple feed-forward architecture of adders,subtractors and comparators. These adders are used for com-puting path metric values, as given in (5), comparators deter-mine maximum path metric values and are subtracted to pro-duce a posteriori LLRs. Additionally, six stages of register de-lays are used to pipeline ALCU in this work. These individuallypipelined units are included in the MAP decoder design to makeit a deep-pipelined architecture, as shown in Fig. 6. In addition,a retimed architecture of SMCU based on the data-flow-graph of

Fig. 6. Deep-pipelined and retimed architecture of MAP decoder, and feed-forward pipeline-architectures of SMCU and BMCU.

Fig. 5 has been used as a RSMCU (retimed-state-metric-compu-tation-unit) for determining the values of forward state met-rics for successive trellis stages. Incorporating all the pipelinedfeed-forward units in the MAP decoder of Fig. 6, both SMCUsand ALCU has a subtractor and a multiplexer in their criticalpaths, where as BMCUhas a subtractor along this path. Thereby,the critical path delay among all these units is a sum of sub-tractor and multiplexer delays . It decidesthe data-processing clock frequency of and is proportionalto the achievable throughput of decoder. Similarly, a subtractordelay fixes the retimed clock frequency for RSMCU.Fig. 6 shows the clock distribution of MAP decoder in which

signal for RSMCU is frequency divided, using a flip-flop,to generate signal that is fed to feed-forward units. Sinceeach of the feed-forward SMCUs are single-stage pipelined withregister delays, one additional stage of register bank is requiredto buffer branch metrics for each SMCU, as shown in Fig. 6.Thereby, the decoding delay of this MAP decoder is given as

(13)where , , and are the number of pipelinedstages in SMCU, BMCU, and ALCU respectively. Subse-quently, respective clock cycle delays imposed by these unitsare , , and in the aboveexpression.2) Multiclock Domain Design: In the suggested multiclock

design of decoder architecture, it is essential to synchronizethe signals crossing between clock domains. Fig. 7(a) showstwo clock domains of high-speed MAP-decoder architecture:DPU (deep-pipelined-unit) and RSMCU. DPU includes allthe feed-forward units and is operated with a clock , andRSMCU is fed with another clock which has twice theclock frequency of . In this design, set of branch metrics

and set of forward state metrics are the signalscrossing from lower-to-higher and higher-to-lower clock-fre-quency domains respectively. Timing diagram illustrated in

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Fig. 7. (a) Architectural representation and timing diagram of dual-clockdesign of high-speed MAP decoder. (b) Dual-clock high-speed MAP decoderwith two-stage-synchronizers along clock-domain-crossing paths and its timingdiagram.

Fig. 7(a) shows that the input a priori LLRs {denoted by} are fed to DPU, synchronously at

half the clock frequency of signal. Since, is a gen-erated-clock-signal from , it is initiated after some delaywith respect to . Thereby, signals crossing fromto domain violates setup and hold time criteria ofsignal, as indicated in the timing diagram of Fig. 7(a). Thereby,RSMCU and DPU generate undefined-values of and aposteriori LLRs respectively. A promising solution to mitigatethis problem is to include two-stage-synchronizers along thesignal-paths crossing these clock domains [26]. Two-stage-syn-chronizer is basically two flip-flops connected in series and itsamples an asynchronous signal to generate a version of thesignal that posses transitions, synchronized to the local clock.We have included such synchronizers along the paths of with

signal and with signal to generate synchronoussignals and , respectively, as shown in Fig. 7(b). Timingdiagram shows that the first data of is sampledby second positive edge of signal and the synchronizergenerates signal in the next positive edge which satisfiestiming requirements of signal. Similarly, the output signal

from RSMCU at higher clock frequency are synchronizedto lower frequency using a similar synchronizer which operateswith signal, as shown in Fig. 7(b). Finally, a posterioriLLRs are synchronously generated with signal.3) Implementation Trade-Offs: Deep-pipelined MAP-de-

coder architecture of our work has a lower critical path delayand is suitable for high-speed applications. However, theaffected design-metric is its large silicon-area due to therequirement of SMCUs for ungrouped backward recur-sions. On the other hand, conventional MAP decoder requirestwo backward recursion SMCUs for computing dummy andeffective backward state metrics [25]. Basically, the value of

must be five to seven times the constraint lengthof convolutional encoder to achieve near-optimal error-rateperformance [22]. Since the convolutional encoder has a value


: Postlayout simulation; : On-chip measured; : Warm-up length.

: Normalization area factor nm nm .

of in this work, we have considered for ourdecoder design. Memories required by conventional decoderto store branch and forward-state metrics are excluded in thesuggested MAP-decoder architecture [25]. Thereby, it is impor-tant to find out which is more expensive in terms of hardwareefficiency: SMCUs for ungrouped backward recursionsor two SMCUs for backward recursion plus memories forbranch and state metrics? For the sake of fair comparisonamong the suggested and traditional decoder architectures, wehave implemented our design in 130 nm CMOS technologywith a supply of 1.2 V and the key characteristics are presentedin Table II. An architecture of MAP decoder presented in [27]is based on retimed radix-4 4 two-dimensional ACSU. By re-locating adders and retiming the architecture of parallel radix-2ACSUs, for concurrent operation, the critical path of this ar-chitecture includes two adders and a multiplexer. Thereby, thesuggested MAP decoder operates at a higher clock frequencyby 54.75% but with an area overhead of 7.55%, in comparisonwith the reported work in [27]. Scalable radix-4 MAP decoderarchitecture has been designed and implemented in [28]. It hasconventional ACSU with radix-4 architecture which includestwo adders and two multiplexers along its critical path. Com-paratively, the MAP decoder presented in this paper operateswith 76.23% better clock frequency than the reported work of[28] and has an area overhead of 39.62%, as shown in Table II.Another MAP decoder based on block-interleaved pipeliningtechnique is presented in [18]. It has radix-2 architecture forACSU which is pipelined to achieve a critical path delay thatis equal to the sum of two adders and multiplexer delays.Thereby, the suggested decoder-architecture has shorter criticalpath delay as compared to the work of [18]. Irrespective ofdifferent CMOS technology nodes, the normalized design-areaof the suggested decoder is approximately 2 lesser than thereported work of [18].

C. Parallel Turbo-Decoder Architecture

With an objective of designing a high-throughput par-allel turbo decoder that meets the benchmark data-rate of3GPP specification [3], we have used a stack of MAP de-coders with multiple memories and interconnecting-networks(ICNWs). Parallel turbo decoder achieves higher throughputas it simultaneously processes input a priori LLRsin each time instant and reduces the decoding delay ofevery half-iteration [6]. For 188 different block lengths of

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Fig. 8. (a) Parallel turbo decoder architecture with 8 MAP decoders. (b)Pipelined ICNW (interconnecting-network) based on Batcher network (verticaldashed lines indicate the orientation of register delays for pipelining).

3GPP-LTE/LTE-Advanced, one of the parallel configuration, such that , can be used for turbo

decoding [3]. In this work, a parallel configuration ofhas been used for a code-rate of 1/3, as shown in Fig. 8(a). Itcan be seen that the input a priori LLRs , and arechanneled into three different banks of memories. Each bankcomprises of eight memories (MEM1 to MEM8) and apriori LLRs are stored in each of these memories. For seven-bitquantized values of a priori LLRs and a maximum value of

, these banks store 126 kB of data. These stored apriori LLR values are fetched in each half-iteration and arefed to the stack of 8 MAP decoders. As shown in Fig. 8(a),memory-bank for is connected with 8 MAP decodersvia ICNW. Multiplexed LLR values from memory-banks of

and are also fed to these MAP decoders. It is tobe noted that the ICNW is used for an interleaving phasewhile turbo decoding. It processes contention free addressesgenerated by dedicated address-generation-units (AGUs) and

then routes data outputs from memories to correct MAP de-coders to avoid the risk of memory-collision [29]. In this work,we have used an area-efficient ICNW which is based on themaster–slave Batcher network [11]. In addition, this ICNW hasbeen pipelined to maintain the optimized critical path delay ofMAP decoder. Fig. 8(b) shows the ICNW used in this workwith nine pipelined stages. The AGUs in ICNW generatescontention free pseudorandom addresses of quadratic-permuta-tion-polynomial (QPP) interleaver based on


where , , andfor AGU0 to AGU7 respectively [10]. Sim-

ilarly, and are the interleaving factors whose valuesare determined by the turbo block length of 3GPP standards[3]. Addresses generated by AGUs are fed to the network ofmaster-circuits, denoted by “M” in Fig. 8(b), which generateselect signals for the network of slave-circuits, denoted by“S.” Data-outputs from the memory-bank are fed to slavenetwork and are routed to 8 MAP decoders. Stack of MAPdecoders and memories MEX1 to MEX8, for storing extrinsicinformation, are linked with ICNW. For the eight-bit quan-tized extrinsic information, 48 kB of memory is used in thedecoder architecture. During the first half-iteration, the inputa priori LLR values and are sequentially fetchedfrom memory-banks and are fed to 8 MAP decoders. Then,the extrinsic information produced by these MAP decoders isstored sequentially. Thereafter, these values are fetched andpseudorandomly routed to MAP decoders using ICNW and areused as a priori-probability values for the second half-iteration.Simultaneously, soft values are fed pseudorandomly viaICNW and the multiplexed values are fed to the MAPdecoders to generate a posteriori LLRs . This com-pletes one full-iteration of parallel turbo decoding. Similarly,further iterations can be carried out by generating the extrinsicinformation and repeating the above procedure.


To achieve near-optimal error-rate performance, a prioriLLRvalues, state and branch metrics are quantized for the simula-tion which evaluates BER performance delivered by the fixed-point model of parallel turbo decoder. Fig. 9 shows the BERcurves obtained from the simulation of parallel turbo decoderwith for a low-effective code-rate of 1/3 at 5.5 and 8full-iterations. For these magnitudes of design metrics, value of

is required to deliver an optimum BER performance.It can be seen that the turbo decoder with quantized values of

bits, bits and bits for input a prioriLLRs, state and branch metrics, respectively, can achieve a lowBER of at 0.6 dB, while decoding for eight full-iterations.Turbo decoder with such quantization can perform 0.5 dB betterthan the decoder with bits of quan-tized values for eight full-iterations, as shown in Fig. 9. Sim-ilarly, BER simulation of parallel turbo decoder with quanti-zation bits is performed at high ef-fective code-rate of 0.95 for different iterations, as shown inFig. 10. It shows that an iterative decoding of parallel turbodecoder with 12 full-iterations can perform 0.6 dB better than

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Fig. 9. BER performance in AWGN channel using BPSKmodulation for a loweffective code-rate of 1/3, ( , ), ,and . The legend format is (Iterations, No. of bits for input a priori LLRvalues, No. of bits for state metrics, No. of bits for branch metrics).

Fig. 10. BER performance in AWGN channel using BPSK modulation for ahigh effective code-rate of 0.95, ( , ), ,

and quantization of (7, 9, 8).

the decoder with eight full-iterations at a BER of . Sim-ilarly with 5.5 full-iterations, this parallel turbo decoder hasBER of at an value of 2.5 dB. In this work, wehave confined our simulations within two extreme corners ofthe code-rates: low effective code rate of 1/3 and high effec-tive code rate of 0.95. It is to be noted that for modern system,the full range of code-rates between these corners must be sup-ported [12]. On the other hand, BER performance of turbo de-coder degrades as parallelism further increases, because the sub-block length becomes shorter. Based on the simulationcarried out for fixed-point model of turbo decoder, the valueof must be approximately for such highly parallel de-coder-design to achieve near-optimal BER performance, whiledecoding for eight full-iterations. Thereby, we have chosen thevalues of for our parallel turbo-decoder model withthe configuration of to achieve near-optimal error-rateperformance.We now present VLSI implementations of parallel turbo

decoders with different configurations. Parallel turbo-decoderarchitecture with the configuration has been imple-mented in 90 nm CMOS technology. Based on the simulationsfor BER performances, quantized values are decided and asliding window size of has been considered for this

Fig. 11. Metal-filled layouts of the prototyping chips for (a) 8 parallel turbodecoder with a core dimension of m mand (b) 64 parallel turbo decoder with a core dimension of

m m .

implementation. It can process 188 different block lengths, asper the specifications of 3GPP-LTE/LTE-Advanced, rangingfrom 40 to 6144 which decide the magnitudes of interleavingfactors and for the AGUs of ICNW [3]. Additionally, ithas a provision of decoding at 5.5 as well as 8 full-iterations.For this design, functional simulations, timing analysis andsynthesis have been carried on with Verilog-Compiler-Simu-lator, Prime-Time, and Design-Compiler tools, respectively,from Synopsys. Subsequently, place-&-route and layout ver-ifications are carried out with CADence-SOC-Encounter andCADence-Virtuoso tools respectively. Presences of high-speedMAP decoders and pipelined ICNWs in the parallel turbodecoder have made it possible to achieve timing closure at aclock frequency of 625 MHz. In these dual-clock domain MAPdecoders, timing closures at 625MHz and 1250MHz have beenachieved by deep-pipelined feed-forward units and RSMCUrespectively. With the value of and pipelined-stagesof , decoding delay of

clock cycles from (13) and pipeline delay ofclock cycles are imposed by MAP decoders

and ICNW respectively. Thereby, throughputs achieved by animplemented parallel turbo decoder with are 301.69Mbps and 438.83 Mbps for 8 and 5.5 full-iterations, respec-tively from (1), for a low effective code-rate of 1/3. However,an achievable throughput is 201.13 Mbps for a high effectivecode-rate of 0.95, while decoding for 12 full-iterations toachieve near-optimal BER performance. In the suggested MAPdecoder architecture, data is directly extracted between theregisters and SMCUs rather being fetched from the memories,as it is performed in the conventional sliding window techniquefor LBCJR algorithm [22], and this may increase the powerconsumption. To reduce such dynamic power dissipation of ourdesign, fine grain clock gating technique has been used in whichenable condition is incorporated with the register-transfer-levelcode of this design and it is automatically translated into clockgating logic by the synthesis tool [26]. The total power (dy-namic plus leakage powers) consumed while decoding a blocklength of 6144 for eight iterations is 272.04 mW. At the sametime, this design requires extra SMCUs as well as registersand it has resulted in an area overhead which can be mitigatedto some extent by scaling down the CMOS technology node.Fig. 11(a) shows the chip-layout of parallel turbo decoder

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: Normalization energy factor V V nm nm ; : Normalization area factor nm nm ; :

Normalization area factor nm nm .

: Postlayout simulation results; : On chip measured results; §: Throughput achieved at 5.5 iterations; : Reconfigurable parallel turbo decoder

architecture. : No. of bits for input a priori LLR values; : No. of bits for state metrics; : No. of bits for branch metrics; : No. of bits for

a posteriori-logarithmic-likelihood-ratio.

¶: Supports 3GPP-LTE standard; : Supports 3GPP-LTE-Advanced standard; : Supports 3GPP-LTE-Advanced and WiMAX standards; ¥: Supports 3GPP-LTE

and WiMAX standards; : Supports WiMAX IEEE 802.16e, WiMAX IEEE 802.11n, DVB-RCS, HomePlug-AV, CMMB, DTMB, and 3GPP-LTE standards.

constructed using six metal layers and integrated with pro-grammable digital input-output pads as well as bonded pads.It has a core area of 6.1 mm with the utilization of 86.9%and a gate count of 694 k. Similarly, we have carried out thesynthesis-study as well as postlayout simulation for parallelturbo decoder with in 90 nm CMOS technology andthe layout of this implemented decoder is shown in Fig. 11(b).As discussed earlier, the value of has been chosenfor this design and it has increased achievable throughput aswell as area overhead. In order to maintain a clock frequencyof 625 MHz with increased parallelism, the ICNW is morecomplex and it imposes pipelined delay of 19 clock cycles.Similarly, deep-pipelined decoding delay has increasedto 394 clock cycles using (13). Based on (1), this decoder with

can achieve throughputs of 3.3 Gbps and 2.3 Gbps for5.5 and 8 full-iterations respectively. However, it requires acore-area of 19.75 mm with 5304 k gate count and consumestotal power of 1450.5 mW.Table III summarizes the key characteristics of implemented

decoders of our work and compares them with the reportedparallel turbo-decoder implementations in the literature [7],[8], [10]–[15]. These contributions include on-chip measuredand postlayout simulated results in 65 nm, 90 nm and 130 nmCMOS technologies. Normalized area occupation and energyefficiency are also included in Table III for fair comparison.Among the contributions in 65 nm CMOS technology, the post-layout simulation of parallel turbo decoder with from[14] has shown an excellent achievable throughput. Compara-tively, the suggested parallel turbo decoder design in this work

with has 29% better throughput than the throughputreported in [14]. Based on the normalized area occupation, theparallel turbo decoder with in this work have areaoverheads of 19.4% and 25.2% compared to the works from[12] with and [14] with respectively. Similarly,the postlayout simulation of our design with , in 90 nmCMOS technology, have 57% better throughput and 65.6%area overhead in comparison with the on-chip measured resultsof [10]. On the other hand, the parallel turbo decoder with

of this work has 38.4% better throughput as comparedto the work [7] which is postlayout simulated in 90 nm CMOStechnology. In between the parallel turbo decoders withpresented in this work and on-chip measured results of [11],we have achieved 11.2% better throughput while decoding for5.5 full-iterations. Parallel turbo decoders implemented in thiswork are energy efficient, since they have achieved energyefficiencies of 0.11 nJ/bit/iterations and 0.079 nJ/bit/iterationsfor eight full-iterations with the configuration and



This paper highlights the concept of modified sliding windowapproach and state metric normalization technique which re-sulted in a highly pipelined architecture of parallel turbo de-coder. These techniques have specifically shortened the criticalpath delay and improved the operating clock frequency that haseventually aided the parallel turbo decoder to achieve higherthroughput. Power issue of this design was mitigated using finegrain clock gating technique during the implementation phase.

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Similarly, large design-area of the decoder can be taken care byscaling down the technology. At 90 nm CMOS technology, animplementation of 8 parallel turbo decoder with radix-2 MAPdecoders has achieved a maximum throughput of 446 Mbpswith 5.5 iterations. Subsequently, the synthesis and postlayoutsimulation of parallel turbo decoder with 64 radix-2 MAP de-coders have shown a throughput of 3.3 Gbps which is suitablefor 3GPP-LTE-Advanced as per its specification.


This work was carried out using resources from special man-power development programme II project sponsored by the De-partment of Information Technology India at the Indian Insti-tute of Technology Guwahati. The authors would like to thankall the reviewers for their valuable comments, which have im-mensely helped to carry out more work and rewritethe paperwith a broader perspective.


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Rahul Shrestha (S’13) received the B.Eng. degree intelecommunication engineering from the B.M.S Col-lege of Engineering, Bangalore, India. He joined theIndian Institute of Technology, Guwahati for a Ph.Dprogram in 2009.He has been pursuing his research work since then,

which includes VLSI design and ASIC/FPGA im-plementation of high-speed digital architectures forwireless communication applications. His researchinterest also comprises the study of channel codesfrom algorithmic and implementation perspectives.

Roy P. Paily (M’05) received the B.Tech. degree inelectronics and communication engineering from theCollege of Engineering, Trivandrum, India in 1990,and theM.Tech. and Ph.D degrees from the Indian In-stitute of Technology, Kanpur and Indian Institute ofTechnology, Madras in 1996 and 2004 respectively,in the area of semiconductor devices.He is currently a Professor in the Department of

Electronics and Electrical Engineering, and the Headof the Centre of Nanotechnology, Indian Institute ofTechnology Guwahati, Guwahati, India. His research

interests are VLSI circuits, MEMS, and devices.