high nature value farming: lessons from home and abroad · gwyn jones . european forum on nature...

Gwyn Jones European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism [email protected] High Nature Value Farming: lessons from home and abroad

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Page 1: High Nature Value Farming: lessons from home and abroad · Gwyn Jones . European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism . gwyn@efncp.org. High Nature Value Farming: lessons

Gwyn Jones European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism

[email protected]

High Nature Value Farming: lessons from home and abroad

Page 2: High Nature Value Farming: lessons from home and abroad · Gwyn Jones . European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism . gwyn@efncp.org. High Nature Value Farming: lessons

Examples of where we can learn from others:

• Need to identify all relevant land, so can target payments

• Need to link inventories to IACS/LPIS

• Workable monitoring system

• Local project-based approach with output-linked payments, integrated in CAP

Page 3: High Nature Value Farming: lessons from home and abroad · Gwyn Jones . European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism . gwyn@efncp.org. High Nature Value Farming: lessons

HNV farmland is about more than designated sites and priority habitats


Semi-natural farmland and


Annex 1 farmland habitats

Natura 2000

Page 4: High Nature Value Farming: lessons from home and abroad · Gwyn Jones . European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism . gwyn@efncp.org. High Nature Value Farming: lessons

Natural England draft map of HNV farmland - based on inventories of priority semi-natural habitats + suites of farmland species.

Page 5: High Nature Value Farming: lessons from home and abroad · Gwyn Jones . European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism . gwyn@efncp.org. High Nature Value Farming: lessons

Need to capture wider matrix to get both ecological and agricultural context

BAP priority habitats inventory

Page 6: High Nature Value Farming: lessons from home and abroad · Gwyn Jones . European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism . gwyn@efncp.org. High Nature Value Farming: lessons

• Natural England did local HNV mapping using aerial photos to capture the wider ‘landscape matrix’, building on inventoried habitats and County Wildlife Sites.

• Field survey in Culm parishes showed the technique is robust.

Page 7: High Nature Value Farming: lessons from home and abroad · Gwyn Jones . European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism . gwyn@efncp.org. High Nature Value Farming: lessons

BAP Priority Habitats map

Devon project draft (semi-natural) HNV map

Page 8: High Nature Value Farming: lessons from home and abroad · Gwyn Jones . European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism . gwyn@efncp.org. High Nature Value Farming: lessons

Extent of HNV farmland and % designated

Total extent of study area ha

HNVF as % of study area

% HNVF covered by SAC

% HNVF covered by SSSI

% HNVF covered by County Sites

Blackdown Hills

36,860 11 0.1 10 47

Culm 40,628 16 8.5 11 17

South Devon

33,700 20 4 10 47

Page 9: High Nature Value Farming: lessons from home and abroad · Gwyn Jones . European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism . gwyn@efncp.org. High Nature Value Farming: lessons

HNVF in agri-environment schemes

% of all land in AES (current and classic schemes)

% of HNV farmland in AES (current and classic schemes)

% HNV farmland in current Higher Level Scheme

% of HNV farmland in “classic” schemes

Blackdown Hills

47.2 46 11.5 13

Culm 67.5 61 18 17

South Devon 66 70 19 26

Page 10: High Nature Value Farming: lessons from home and abroad · Gwyn Jones . European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism . gwyn@efncp.org. High Nature Value Farming: lessons

National semi-natural grassland inventories

Page 11: High Nature Value Farming: lessons from home and abroad · Gwyn Jones . European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism . gwyn@efncp.org. High Nature Value Farming: lessons

Habitat Inventory of Wales – lowland example

Page 12: High Nature Value Farming: lessons from home and abroad · Gwyn Jones . European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism . gwyn@efncp.org. High Nature Value Farming: lessons

Habitat Inventory of Wales – lowland example

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Page 14: High Nature Value Farming: lessons from home and abroad · Gwyn Jones . European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism . gwyn@efncp.org. High Nature Value Farming: lessons

LPIS-IACS is probably the key to effective targeting, protection and monitoring of HNV farmland

Bulgarian example

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Page 16: High Nature Value Farming: lessons from home and abroad · Gwyn Jones . European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism . gwyn@efncp.org. High Nature Value Farming: lessons

HNV farming identification and monitoring in Navarra

Identification from

inventories/ remote


On-farm monitoring of features

most sensitive to change

Page 17: High Nature Value Farming: lessons from home and abroad · Gwyn Jones . European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism . gwyn@efncp.org. High Nature Value Farming: lessons

Type 1: Farmland with a high proportion of semi-natural vegetation

LCM 2000 classification Combined with UAA

Scotland is making a serious effort….

• Good attempts at

identification; interesting

approach to monitoring

• English work stopped?

• Welsh work??

• Nothing in N. Ireland?

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2004-09 2010-13 Art. 68

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This is a PILLAR 1 scheme!!!

….designed by and embraced by FARMERS!

Page 20: High Nature Value Farming: lessons from home and abroad · Gwyn Jones . European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism . gwyn@efncp.org. High Nature Value Farming: lessons

Messages • HNV farmland is more than designated sites, but provides the

context for many of them… – Scheme targeting needs to be more ecologically-meaningful in some


• Need to take HNV farmland identification more seriously – Inventories of semi-natural pastures and meadows are key, but

Countryside Survey is a big step down that road

• Need to take HNV farmland monitoring more seriously – but Countryside Survey approach has inspired others already!

• To make things work efficiently, need to link to IACS/LPIS – some of the EU’s poorest countries are doing it!

• Local projects can be innovative, build trust, enable real collaboration, be output-linked

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Thank you!
