hhhtil525sswtffr'l te t7 -- ifferuj the progress evening...

A 9 rrr -- nr jra? "wsjsr HHHTil 525SSWTffr'l T7 " Ifferuj ! te '''111 tf ' ,oV THE BULLETIN SHOWS PROGRESS IN THE EXCLUSIVE NEWS IT GIVES TO-DA- Y. From Hawaii And the Progressive To Niiliau Evening Bulletin Bulletin PROGRESS Keeps Pace Is the Watchword With the Timc6 Read The Bulletin and Keep Pace With the People. YOL. VI. NO. 11G3. HONOLULU, H. I., WEDNESDAY, MAllOH S, 1899. Piuou 5 Cunts. ARMY BILL ACCEPTED POPE LEO'S CONDITION FOR HAWAIIAN CABLE ALL PERMITS ARE YALID IS NOW LYING IN STATE WILL BE NO H1WAII LAWS Washington, March 1. Tbo Hmiso Military Committen has agreed to accept tbo Senate Array bill without amendment. Great intesest was manifested on tlio meeting of tbo Houso Mi- litary Committee, as it was folt ilint a ooroplota nccoptanco of the Sonato bill largely if not outiroly removed tbo ohnnco oF uu extra BOaioo. Tbo session of tbo committee was very Bpir ted, and at one lioprosontativo Marsh, of lliuois, withdrew on tbo ground that the course of tbo cnmmittco adopting on amendraont would opan up tlio wholo contioversy and precipitato au extra session. After his withdrawal, tbo amend- ment was reconjidered and with- drawn, and Mr. Marsh roturned to Hi j commitloe. Tbo final voto on agreeing to tbo Sonato bill whs 10 to 3. Three Democrats, Sulzer, Ojx and Jott voted with soron Republicans in the allirmative. Two Democrats, Lent.", and Hay, and ouo Repub lican, lirownlow, voted in tlio neg ntivo m:i.i:i: hah hbtuiinkd. Tho Helena arrived in port from Kailua and Lnhaiunthis forenoon. She from hero Monday, reached Ltbaina tbe samo day and Kiiiiun tbo next morning. At Kai- lua she took Princo Oupid Kalani-ntiHol- o and wifo aboard and re- turned to Lihaina where sho pick-r- d tip tin following passonuers: II P Baldwin, Androw Adams, Morris Koohokalolo and Mrs 0 Haysolden. When tbo Uelene left hero Monday, sho bad not taken from her bold a single bag of sugar. However, sho is getting it out no quiokly as possiblo now. Cricket practice on British Con- sul Hoare's. grounds at Palama this ufternoon. Groceries WAVERLEY BLOCK, Rome, Marcb 1. Tho follow ing oliicial builolin lias noon issued: "His Holiness under- went an operation at 10 o'clock this morning for tho removal of a long-standi- ng cyst, wbicb nud- - donly becaino inflamed. His Holiness bore tho oporation well, although it was impossible to uso chloroform. Tbo PopVs condition is now fairly satisfactory. "Mazkoni, "Lai-oni.- " It appoarB that yesterday's fov-oriB- b symptoms woro entirely due t tbo cyst from which tbo Pope has long suffored. He now has 110 traco of fevor and Dr. Mazzoni thinks no complications will en- sue. Strict measures have been takon to excludo outsiders from tbo Vatican. Some of tho morninj papers asserted that the Pope was suffering from rhoumatio fevor following a obill and that it was feared pleurisy would supervene. :& p. m. Ine t'ope yostor day desirod that tbo cyst bo sim- ply lanced, but bn cousonted to its removal, on tho doctors in- sisting upon tho poiut. Tho1 Popo as this dispatob is sent has just partaken of eggs, bisouits and marala wine. Dr. Laponi, who romainod at tho Vatican, saw tbo Pope nt 1:30 p. m. and found him to bo in a fair-l- y BatisfactHry condition. Num- bers of dispatobos of inquiry as to the Pope's health have boon re' coived at tho Vatican and diplo- matic nud other callers are ar- riving tuoro. Unllotlwr fur Q,aay. Hnarisburg, Pa March 1. Thirty-seve- n ballot for Senator: Quay, 105; Jonk, 30; Dalzoll, 18; Stewart, 8; Huff, 7; Widener, 2; Markle, 1; Irwin, 4; Stono, 4; Tubba, 1; Rico, 2; Smith, 1; Grow, l;Rit3r,2. Staple and Fancy. Crockery Everything mental. Hardware &?&?&? jS1"" useful and orna Household necessities a spe- cialty with us. You'll find them best and cheapest, quality consid ered, at WATERHOUSE'S BIO &?&?h&? ) BETHEL STREET epartment Store Senate Appropriation Committee Makes Provision. Goes As Amendment to Sundry Civil Bill-A- bout Same As Passed by the House The Amendment. Washington, Fobruary 2G. Tbe Sonato Committoe on Appro- priations lias completed consider- ation of tbo suudry civil bill as passed by tho Houso and roported it to tho Senate. Tho most im- portant nraendmont is a provision for a cablo to Honolulu. Tbo amendment provides that tbo cost of tbo cablo shall not exceed $2,500,000. Tho text of the amendment follows: That thero shall bo constructed by tbo United Stato3 undor tho Secretary of tho Navy, for mili- tary, naval and postal purposes, a submarino tolegraphic cablo and connecting land lines from a Pa cific port in tbo Stato of Cali- fornia to be designated by the President, to tho city of Honolulu, in tbo Hawaiian Islands. Tho Bocrotary of tho Navy is hereby authorized, ompowerod and directed to detail ono or moro vessels of the Unitod States for the purpose of making survoys aud taking careful uocessary soundings in order to determine tho most praoticablo lino for said cable. Tbe construction and laying of such cablo or cables shall bo un- der tbo general control and direc- tion of tbo Secretary of tbo Navy and ho is heroby ompoworod and required immediately attar tbo passage of this act, to prescribe aud canso to bo prepared- - tuo plans and specifications for tlio construction ana laying of said ino of telegraphic cablo to be constructed and pat in operation at tho earliest practicable date. Contracts for tbn construction and laying of said lino of tolegraphio cablo and for supplying tho ne- cessary instruments and appli- ances connoutod therewith, oxoept Buch work as can bo and efOoiontly done by tho Navy Depart- ment, shall be awarded and executed to tbo lowest responsible bidder or bidders after suoh notice by advertiioment for soaled bids as shall bo deemed reasonable and sufficient by the Seoretary of tbo Navy; provided, that in all adver- tisements for bids it shall bo pro- vided that all appliances and ma terials shall be of tbo best quali- ty, adapted for tbo highest ellici ency. When such telegraphic cablo is completed tbe operation of the samo shall bo under tho control of the Postmaster-Genera- l, who sbull establish a rato of toll for com- mercial messages not' exceeding 25 cents per word to Honolulu aud for pross messages at a rato not exceeding ono-tbi- rd of tbo abovo namod ratos; and tbe sum of $500,000 is hereby nppropriat od toward tho construction of said cable, aud tbo total cunt of said line shall not exceed 82,500,000, to bo paid for from Mint to time as appropriations shall bo mado by Congress. Tho total incroosps of tbo Son- ato amount to $4,093,100, tho bill as reported to the Senate carrying 814,003,988. KIPLING 18 UtSTTKIt, Now York, March 1. At 7 o'clock this morning Rudyarcl Kipling was rostiog quiotly.. Dr. Dunham, who was seen shortly before 7 o'clock, said: "I am woll pleased with. the condition of Mr. Kipling. Ho has had a quiet night." Col. Z. S. Spalding is in San FrnnoiBco. "Writing to E. D. Tenney, his brother-in-la- ho waB unable to fix a dato for com- - Good News for Chinese in Detention at Quarantine. Liberal Ruling or United States Attorney In- spector Brown Takes Prompt Action to Release the People. " TllEASUIlY NOW HOLDS VALID ALL PEItMITS, INCLUDING: THAVEL-EIIS- ', ISSUED 01 TO BnOWN'S AltlllV- - AL." Such is the wording of a tele- gram from A O. M. Robertson, dated at Washington, February 27, and directed to Consul Gener al O. T. Wilder at San Fraucieco, with an order to forward to Arthur A. Wilder at Honolulu. Travelers' permits oro IboHo io sued to Chinosa not previously in tbo islands, allowing thorn the pri vilege of six mouths' residonco in Hawaii. This latost ruling i9 exceedingly liberal. It goes boyoud evon tbo claims made by the attorneys for tho Chiueso before the local courts. Inspector Jos Inn K. Brown of tbo Treasury Departmont arrived nt Honolulu on tho twentv-thl- rd of November. Honco tbo ruling al lows tbreo months and oleven days after tbo hoisting of tlio Am erican ling lor tbo lssuano ot per- mits to Cbinoso by tbo Hawaiian Qovernmont. Inspector Brown recoived of- ficial instructions from tbo Treas- ury Department in tbe Peking's mail. In transmitting the fol lowing dispatch to President Dole and the .bxocutivo Council, Mr. Brown says: "I bee to assure you that no ono can feol greater! satisfaction over tbo contents of thG'ilispatclf tbau mysolf." "Washington, D. 0., Fob. 27, 1809. Collector of Customs, Snn Francisco, Cal. Forward by mail following. Joshua K. Brown, Obiueso Inspector, Honolulu. Inform Hawtiian Government, Attorney Genornl holds all Obi- ueso, including wouion and chil- dren, presenting pormits of Ha- waiian Government admitting them to islands aro entitled to suoh admission. Troasury in- structions modified accordingly. "W. 13. Howell, Asst. Secy." This communication was ono of tbo principal subjscts before tbo Execntivo Counoil this morning. No timo was lost in issuing au thority to Collector General er for having tho Ghinoso ut quarantine, rofusod admission undor tbo original instructions to Inspector Brown, roloaBod from thoir protracted detention. Attorney General omitn replied to a roportor's remark: "Yes, it is a very liberal ruling. 1 wish thoy had given tho matter tbe same thought boforohaud. It would havo eavod a great doal of trouble." Truimraya Want Privilege. An application of tho Hawaiian Tramways Co. for loavo to put in additional loops on the Wnikiki road was considered by tho Exe cutive Council and deferred to await further specifications. Do not, because the alum baking powcLs may be a little lower in price, risk your health by using them. Royal is a pure Baking Powder, free from alum, and makes healthful food. It is really more economi- cal in use than the lower-price- d powders, because it is of greater strength and goes further. of Laic Princess Kainlanl Yiewed by Hundreds. Shrouded In While Satin and ChllTon Ka hilis Stand Like Sentinels Crowns or Flowers. Tho body of tbo Into Kaiulani, beloved priuccss of thollawaiians, is lying in stato at Aiuahau today. All day, hundreds of natives nnd Hawaiians havo takon a lust look at tbo body. At 4 o'clock this nftornoon tho doors will be closed and then, nono but tho relatives and closest friends of tho dead princeaB, will bo in attoudnnce. Tho body, in a, shroud of while, satin ami chiffon, lies on a large' catafalque in tho ceutcr of tho re- ception room. A beautifull pull of purplo and gold falls away from this most gracofully. Surmount- ing this is tho royal spread of the Dowagor Queen Knpiolani, on which tho bedy rosts. Around tho dod piiuccas' neck is a lei mamd, worn only by thoso of royal blood among tho Hawaiians. At tbo bead is a crown of whilocarnations on a yollow satiu cushion. On tho catafalque aro purplo and whito orchids, together with a spray of orauge blossoms. On a small ta- ble nt tbo head, is a crown of mai lo and ilima, tho lattor boing tho royal ilower. Tho four largo while kahilis of tho dead princess stand like senti- nels at tho four corners of tho and two black ones of equal size, tho property of the iDowagor Quoeu Knpiolani, occu-Ip- y prominent placos. Other kabilis, less protentious.nro set in various plxcos. Ferns, palms and flowers aro on all hands. Noar Iho door loading out on the Dia- mond Head side, is a nhotoaranh of Kaiulani surrouudod by lois of wuito Mowers. Evory two hours, 'six mon al- ternate with tho samo number of womou in swaying tho kahilis ovor tho body. At 11 a. in. Princoss Kaiulani's closest lady friends, Mrs. Alex. Dowsott, tbo Misses Oartor, tbo Missas Ward and Miss Widomnnn, took the o-- o foather kahilis. Each woro a yollow capo. At tho samo hour Captains Pratt and Gartonborg took (heir posi- tions at tho bond, completing tho guard of honor. This morning, Col. Sopor, Major Potter aud Cap- tain Prntt weroon guard. . A guard of eight policomon un- dor Lieut. Gardner is on duty and tbo best of order prevails on nil sides. Tho benches undor tho banyan truo aro oocupicd by old natives whoso voices give tbo hea inane as of old. A word of praiso must bo said for the ladies who havo managed tho arraugemont of flowers, Their namos aro as follows: Mrs Goo O Beckloy, Mrs Pattv Boreer, Mrs Irono Brown, Mrs E D Tonney, Airs JNoonan, Mrs Uoorgo Her bort, Mrs George Smithies, Mrs Hastings, Mrs Christian Couradt and Mrs Oreighton. Tho body of tho lato princess will be taken to Kawaiuhaochurcb Friday ovoning and, on Saturday, it will Ho in stato again in that honso of worship. Bishop Willis will be assisted by tho entiro Anglican clergy inoluding llov. A. Mackintosh, paBtor of tbo Second Congrega tion at tbo fun&rul services of Princess Kaiulani. In acknowledgment of TW. H. H. Parkor's kindnoHB in eiviiiL' up KawaiahnoOhuroh for thefuuc ral, the ohoir of that church will sing a hymn in Hawaiian besides tbo two hymns to bo given by 8 Androw's Cathedral choir. A. G. JI. Robertson, who J'js succeeded admirably in his, Chi- nese commission to Washing .on. will rolurn homo tho 16th. iu tho Gaec 03 Not Even the Special Bill will Get Recognition. Rush or Appropriation Dill Has Sldetracl cd Hawaiian Affairs Generally Alaska Also Musi Walt. Washington, February 20. No comploto codo of laws for Hawaii will bo adopted nt this session, although at the timo the Commis- sion submitted its report condi- tions seemed favorable for the en actment of sotno comprehensive form of govonunent for tho isl- ands. It ib oven probablo that tbo singlo provision applying to Hawaii tbo contract labor laws of tho United States will not get through. Tim last and a Bomo" ways among tho most important of prospective failure; in con- templated legislation J9 tlio coJo of laws for Alaska, rbicb has passed tho Houso and has been reported favorably from the Com-mitte- o on Territories of the So- nato for consideration. It is fenred, hpwover, that until the noxt session of CougresB. Alaska will continue to bo governed by tho laws of Oregon. NKW MM! TO HONOLULU. Ilrport Tlitlt ,a I'urbU Will Klr.t Leute 1'utfvl suuml. Seattlo (Wash), Fobruary 27. It is reported that tbo Pacific ConBt Steamship Compnny will establish a Hue between Pugot Sound and tbo fJuuntiau Islauds. The lirnt vensol to bo ilibpatcbed will bo tbe Cily of Puobla, which is to bo taken out of tho Govern- ment transport service. Sho is duo from Manila absut March 5. Ou her return sho will be mudu rendy for tbo new lino. Ono trip a month will bo mado. W'jrjBrjrAXArjrjarjrjrjrjrjm wuuinui vmt4iti in ciptnn. k Madrid, March i. Senor Sagasta has handed the resignation of the ministry to the Queen Regent. The cabinet crisis is ejected to i last for two or three days as it will be necessary for the Queen Regent to consult with the presidents and, other political leaders. In the meanwhile the chambers will ad- - joum until;.! new ministry Is form- - eJ. The ministerialists hope the? Queen Regent will support Senor S Sag.istJ nnJ dissolve the chambers. ) wjrjtrjrjrjarjrjrArjrxrjtrjA Nfbrtk,a NrnntorUl Vlgtit. Lincoln, Nob., March I. Tbora was' no chaugo recorded in ilia ballot for souotor today. Tbollo-publica- us havo agreed to go into a OHuem tonight, all but ono sign- ing tho call nnd he lias indicated his intention to bo present and participate. No Delawar htnittftr. Dovor, Del., March 1. Sovouty- - soyon ballot for Senator: Addicks, if, vjuani-oiio- r o. i. rucuoiscii, (D),2l; Dr. Hiram II. Burfon.ll; absont, 3. rum oiupc cmam or tahtar rowoin DR am BAKING POWDfR Highest Honors, World's Fair Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair Avoid Hiking l'uwclor ronlnlnlilK ulum. limy lire liijurloui tu lirultli jj Established 1851- - -- Lcaders 1800 I ing to tho islands. . mtoiL ..ftt4U&JW-''- 4 Of t !,. :ilj'l b IrlttMiiiiiriiSJMyhiirii ' " - -- ' ,;&n"a-- j"" ''" 1L f4- - U- - .miif 2 ! N

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rrr --nr jra? "wsjsr

HHHTil525SSWTffr'l T7 "

Ifferuj ! te '''111tf


From Hawaii And the ProgressiveTo Niiliau Evening Bulletin Bulletin

PROGRESS Keeps PaceIs the Watchword With the Timc6

Read The Bulletin and Keep Pace With the People.

YOL. VI. NO. 11G3. HONOLULU, H. I., WEDNESDAY, MAllOH S, 1899. Piuou 5 Cunts.


Washington, March 1. TboHmiso Military Committen hasagreed to accept tbo Senate Arraybill without amendment.

Great intesest was manifestedon tlio meeting of tbo Houso Mi-

litary Committee, as it was foltilint a ooroplota nccoptanco of theSonato bill largely if not outirolyremoved tbo ohnnco oF uu extraBOaioo.

Tbo session of tbo committeewas very Bpir ted, and at one

lioprosontativo Marsh, oflliuois, withdrew on tbo ground

that the course of tbo cnmmittcoadopting on amendraont wouldopan up tlio wholo contioversyand precipitato au extra session.After his withdrawal, tbo amend-ment was reconjidered and with-drawn, and Mr. Marsh roturnedto Hi j commitloe.

Tbo final voto on agreeing totbo Sonato bill whs 10 to 3. ThreeDemocrats, Sulzer, Ojx and Jottvoted with soron Republicans inthe allirmative. Two Democrats,Lent.", and Hay, and ouo Republican, lirownlow, voted in tlio negntivo

m:i.i:i: hah hbtuiinkd.

Tho Helena arrived in port from

Kailua and Lnhaiunthis forenoon.She from hero Monday,reached Ltbaina tbe samo day andKiiiiun tbo next morning. At Kai-lua she took Princo Oupid Kalani-ntiHol- o

and wifo aboard and re-

turned to Lihaina where sho pick-r- d

tip tin following passonuers:II P Baldwin, Androw Adams,Morris Koohokalolo and Mrs 0Haysolden. When tbo Uelene lefthero Monday, sho bad not takenfrom her bold a single bag ofsugar. However, sho is gettingit out no quiokly as possiblo now.

Cricket practice on British Con-

sul Hoare's. grounds at Palamathis ufternoon.



Rome, Marcb 1. Tho follow

ing oliicial builolin lias noon

issued: "His Holiness under-went an operation at 10 o'clockthis morning for tho removal of along-standi- ng cyst, wbicb nud- -

donly becaino inflamed. HisHoliness bore tho oporation

well, although it wasimpossible to uso chloroform.Tbo PopVs condition is now fairlysatisfactory.


It appoarB that yesterday's fov-oriB- b

symptoms woro entirely duet tbo cyst from which tbo Popehas long suffored. He now has110 traco of fevor and Dr. Mazzonithinks no complications will en-

sue.Strict measures have been takon

to excludo outsiders from tboVatican. Some of tho morninjpapers asserted that the Pope wassuffering from rhoumatio fevorfollowing a obill and that it wasfeared pleurisy would supervene.

:& p. m. Ine t'ope yostorday desirod that tbo cyst bo sim-

ply lanced, but bn cousonted toits removal, on tho doctors in-

sisting upon tho poiut.Tho1 Popo as this dispatob is

sent has just partaken of eggs,bisouits and marala wine. Dr.Laponi, who romainod at thoVatican, saw tbo Pope nt 1:30 p.m. and found him to bo in a fair-l- y

BatisfactHry condition. Num-bers of dispatobos of inquiry as tothe Pope's health have boon re'coived at tho Vatican and diplo-matic nud other callers are ar-

riving tuoro.

Unllotlwr fur Q,aay.Hnarisburg, Pa March 1.

Thirty-seve- n ballot for Senator:Quay, 105; Jonk, 30; Dalzoll, 18;Stewart, 8; Huff, 7; Widener, 2;Markle, 1; Irwin, 4; Stono, 4;Tubba, 1; Rico, 2; Smith, 1; Grow,l;Rit3r,2.

Staple and Fancy.





jS1""useful and orna

Household necessities a spe-cialty with us.

You'll find them best andcheapest, quality considered, at




epartment Store

Senate Appropriation Committee Makes


Goes As Amendment to Sundry Civil Bill-A- bout

Same As Passed by the House

The Amendment.

Washington, Fobruary 2G.

Tbe Sonato Committoe on Appro-priations lias completed consider-ation of tbo suudry civil bill aspassed by tho Houso and roportedit to tho Senate. Tho most im-

portant nraendmont is a provisionfor a cablo to Honolulu. Tboamendment provides that tbo costof tbo cablo shall not exceed$2,500,000. Tho text of theamendment follows:

That thero shall bo constructedby tbo United Stato3 undor thoSecretary of tho Navy, for mili-tary, naval and postal purposes, asubmarino tolegraphic cablo andconnecting land lines from a Pacific port in tbo Stato of Cali-fornia to be designated by thePresident, to tho city of Honolulu,in tbo Hawaiian Islands.

Tho Bocrotary of tho Navy ishereby authorized, ompowerodand directed to detail ono or morovessels of the Unitod States forthe purpose of making survoysaud taking careful uocessarysoundings in order to determinetho most praoticablo lino for saidcable.

Tbe construction and laying ofsuch cablo or cables shall bo un-der tbo general control and direc-tion of tbo Secretary of tbo Navyand ho is heroby ompoworod andrequired immediately attar tbopassage of this act, to prescribeaud canso to bo prepared- - tuoplans and specifications for tlioconstruction ana laying of saidino of telegraphic cablo to be

constructed and pat in operationat tho earliest practicable date.Contracts for tbn construction andlaying of said lino of tolegraphiocablo and for supplying tho ne-

cessary instruments and appli-ances connoutod therewith, oxoeptBuch work as can bo

and efOoiontlydone by tho Navy Depart-ment, shall be awarded andexecuted to tbo lowest responsiblebidder or bidders after suoh noticeby advertiioment for soaled bidsas shall bo deemed reasonable andsufficient by the Seoretary of tboNavy; provided, that in all adver-tisements for bids it shall bo pro-vided that all appliances and materials shall be of tbo best quali-ty, adapted for tbo highest elliciency.

When such telegraphic cablo iscompleted tbe operation of thesamo shall bo under tho control ofthe Postmaster-Genera- l, who sbullestablish a rato of toll for com-

mercial messages not' exceeding25 cents per word to Honoluluaud for pross messages at a ratonot exceeding ono-tbi- rd of tboabovo namod ratos; and tbe sumof $500,000 is hereby nppropriatod toward tho construction of saidcable, aud tbo total cunt of saidline shall not exceed 82,500,000,to bo paid for from Mint to timeas appropriations shall bo madoby Congress.

Tho total incroosps of tbo Son-ato amount to $4,093,100, tho billas reported to the Senate carrying814,003,988.


Now York, March 1. At 7o'clock this morning RudyarclKipling was rostiog quiotly.. Dr.Dunham, who was seen shortlybefore 7 o'clock, said:

"I am woll pleased with. thecondition of Mr. Kipling. Hohas had a quiet night."

Col. Z. S. Spalding is in SanFrnnoiBco. "Writing to E. D.Tenney, his brother-in-la- howaB unable to fix a dato for com- -

Good News for Chinese in Detention

at Quarantine.

Liberal Ruling or United States Attorney In-

spector Brown Takes Prompt Action

to Release the People.



ISSUED 01 TO BnOWN'S AltlllV- -


Such is the wording of a tele-

gram from A O. M. Robertson,dated at Washington, February27, and directed to Consul General O. T. Wilder at San Fraucieco,with an order to forward to ArthurA. Wilder at Honolulu.

Travelers' permits oro IboHo io

sued to Chinosa not previously intbo islands, allowing thorn the privilege of six mouths' residonco inHawaii.

This latost ruling i9 exceedinglyliberal. It goes boyoud evon tboclaims made by the attorneys fortho Chiueso before the local courts.Inspector Jos Inn K. Brown of tboTreasury Departmont arrived ntHonolulu on tho twentv-thl- rd ofNovember. Honco tbo ruling allows tbreo months and olevendays after tbo hoisting of tlio American ling lor tbo lssuano ot per-mits to Cbinoso by tbo HawaiianQovernmont.

Inspector Brown recoived of-ficial instructions from tbo Treas-ury Department in tbe Peking'smail. In transmitting the following dispatch to President Doleand the .bxocutivo Council, Mr.Brown says: "I bee to assureyou that no ono can feol greater!satisfaction over tbo contents ofthG'ilispatclf tbau mysolf."

"Washington, D. 0., Fob. 27,1809. Collector of Customs, SnnFrancisco, Cal. Forward by mailfollowing. Joshua K. Brown,Obiueso Inspector, Honolulu.Inform Hawtiian Government,Attorney Genornl holds all Obi-ueso, including wouion and chil-dren, presenting pormits of Ha-waiian Government admittingthem to islands aro entitled tosuoh admission. Troasury in-

structions modified accordingly."W. 13. Howell, Asst. Secy."This communication was ono of

tbo principal subjscts before tboExecntivo Counoil this morning.No timo was lost in issuing authority to Collector General er

for having tho Ghinoso utquarantine, rofusod admissionundor tbo original instructions toInspector Brown, roloaBod fromthoir protracted detention.

Attorney General omitn repliedto a roportor's remark: "Yes, itis a very liberal ruling. 1 wishthoy had given tho matter tbesame thought boforohaud. Itwould havo eavod a great doal oftrouble."

Truimraya Want Privilege.

An application of tho HawaiianTramways Co. for loavo to put inadditional loops on the Wnikikiroad was considered by tho Executive Council and deferred toawait further specifications.

Do not, because the alumbaking powcLs may be alittle lower in price, riskyour health by using them.

Royal is a pure BakingPowder, free from alum,and makes healthful food.It is really more economi-cal in use than the lower-price- d

powders, because itis of greater strength andgoes further.

of Laic Princess Kainlanl

Yiewed by Hundreds.

Shrouded In While Satin and ChllTon Ka

hilis Stand Like Sentinels Crowns

or Flowers.

Tho body of tbo Into Kaiulani,beloved priuccss of thollawaiians,is lying in stato at Aiuahau today.All day, hundreds of natives nndHawaiians havo takon a lust lookat tbo body. At 4 o'clock thisnftornoon tho doors will be closedand then, nono but tho relativesand closest friends of tho deadprinceaB, will bo in attoudnnce.

Tho body, in a, shroud of while,satin ami chiffon, lies on a large'catafalque in tho ceutcr of tho re-

ception room. A beautifull pull ofpurplo and gold falls away fromthis most gracofully. Surmount-ing this is tho royal spread of theDowagor Queen Knpiolani, onwhich tho bedy rosts. Around thodod piiuccas' neck is a lei mamd,worn only by thoso of royal bloodamong tho Hawaiians. At tbobead is a crown of whilocarnationson a yollow satiu cushion. On thocatafalque aro purplo and whitoorchids, together with a spray oforauge blossoms. On a small ta-ble nt tbo head, is a crown of mailo and ilima, tho lattor boing thoroyal ilower.

Tho four largo while kahilis oftho dead princess stand like senti-nels at tho four corners of tho

and two black ones ofequal size, tho property of the

iDowagor Quoeu Knpiolani, occu-Ip- yprominent placos. Other

kabilis, less protentious.nro set invarious plxcos. Ferns, palms andflowers aro on all hands. NoarIho door loading out on the Dia-mond Head side, is a nhotoaranhof Kaiulani surrouudod by lois ofwuito Mowers.

Evory two hours, 'six mon al-

ternate with tho samo number ofwomou in swaying tho kahilisovor tho body. At 11 a. in.Princoss Kaiulani's closest ladyfriends, Mrs. Alex. Dowsott, tboMisses Oartor, tbo Missas Wardand Miss Widomnnn, took theo-- o foather kahilis. Each woro ayollow capo.

At tho samo hour Captains Prattand Gartonborg took (heir posi-tions at tho bond, completing thoguard of honor. This morning,Col. Sopor, Major Potter aud Cap-tain Prntt weroon guard.. A guard of eight policomon un-dor Lieut. Gardner is on duty andtbo best of order prevails on nilsides. Tho benches undor thobanyan truo aro oocupicd byold natives whoso voices give tbohea inane as of old.

A word of praiso must bo saidfor the ladies who havo managedtho arraugemont of flowers, Theirnamos aro as follows: Mrs GooO Beckloy, Mrs Pattv Boreer, MrsIrono Brown, Mrs E D Tonney,Airs JNoonan, Mrs Uoorgo Herbort, Mrs George Smithies, MrsHastings, Mrs Christian Couradtand Mrs Oreighton.

Tho body of tho lato princesswill be taken to KawaiuhaochurcbFriday ovoning and, on Saturday,it will Ho in stato again in thathonso of worship.

Bishop Willis will be assistedby tho entiro Anglican clergyinoluding llov. A. Mackintosh,paBtor of tbo Second Congregation at tbo fun&rul services ofPrincess Kaiulani.

In acknowledgment of TW.H. H. Parkor's kindnoHB in eiviiiL'up KawaiahnoOhuroh for thefuucral, the ohoir of that church willsing a hymn in Hawaiian besidestbo two hymns to bo given by 8Androw's Cathedral choir.

A. G. JI. Robertson, who J'jssucceeded admirably in his, Chi-nese commission to Washing .on.will rolurn homotho 16th.

iu tho Gaec 03

Not Even the Special Bill will Get


Rush or Appropriation Dill Has Sldetracl cd

Hawaiian Affairs Generally Alaska

Also Musi Walt.

Washington, February 20. Nocomploto codo of laws for Hawaiiwill bo adopted nt this session,although at the timo the Commis-sion submitted its report condi-

tions seemed favorable for the enactment of sotno comprehensiveform of govonunent for tho isl-

ands. It ib oven probablo thattbo singlo provision applying toHawaii tbo contract labor laws of

tho United States will not getthrough. Tim last and a Bomo"

ways among tho most importantof prospective failure; in con-templated legislation J9 tlio coJoof laws for Alaska, rbicb haspassed tho Houso and has beenreported favorably from the Com-mitte- o

on Territories of the So-nato for consideration. It isfenred, hpwover, that until thenoxt session of CougresB. Alaskawill continue to bo governed bytho laws of Oregon.


Ilrport Tlitlt ,a I'urbU Will Klr.tLeute 1'utfvl suuml.

Seattlo (Wash), Fobruary 27.It is reported that tbo Pacific

ConBt Steamship Compnny willestablish a Hue between PugotSound and tbo fJuuntiau Islauds.The lirnt vensol to bo ilibpatcbedwill bo tbe Cily of Puobla, whichis to bo taken out of tho Govern-ment transport service. Sho isduo from Manila absut March 5.Ou her return sho will be mudurendy for tbo new lino. Ono tripa month will bo mado.

W'jrjBrjrAXArjrjarjrjrjrjrjmwuuinui vmt4iti in ciptnn. k

Madrid, March i. Senor Sagastahas handed the resignation of theministry to the Queen Regent.

The cabinet crisis is ejected to ilast for two or three days as it willbe necessary for the Queen Regentto consult with the presidents and,other political leaders. In themeanwhile the chambers will ad- -

joum until;.! new ministry Is form- -

eJ. The ministerialists hope the?Queen Regent will support Senor SSag.istJ nnJ dissolve the chambers. )


Nfbrtk,a NrnntorUl Vlgtit.

Lincoln, Nob., March I. Tborawas' no chaugo recorded in iliaballot for souotor today. Tbollo-publica- us

havo agreed to go intoa OHuem tonight, all but ono sign-ing tho call nnd he lias indicatedhis intention to bo present andparticipate.

No Delawar htnittftr.Dovor, Del., March 1. Sovouty- -

soyon ballot for Senator: Addicks,if, vjuani-oiio- r o. i. rucuoiscii,(D),2l; Dr. Hiram II. Burfon.ll;absont, 3.

rum oiupc cmam or tahtar rowoin


Highest Honors, World's FairGold Medal, Midwinter FairAvoid Hiking l'uwclor ronlnlnlilKulum. limy lire liijurloui tu lirultli


Established 1851- - --Lcaders 1800 I ing to tho islands.


mtoiL..ftt4U&JW-''- 4 Of t!,. :ilj'l b

IrlttMiiiiiriiSJMyhiirii ' " - -- ' ,;&n"a-- j"" ''" 1L f4- - U- -.miif





A6. ft

,. ;

I '



aHi 'BHfV


Hm r



sHtfcPrtL. I j '

Agents, Brokers and Jobbers.

W. G. Irwin & Go.


Agents forWestoiu Sngar Iteflnory Co. of San

Francisco,Baldwin Locomotive Works ot Phlla- -

deluhla.l'oun.. U. 8. A.Newell Universal Mill (Jo. (National

Cane Shredder), N "V York, U. 8. A.N.Ohlauilt k Oo'h Ohcinlccl FeitillswriAlex Cross .t Sons, high (grade fertil

izors tor Cane and Ooli'co.BeodR Steam Pipe Covoiing


Offer for SaleParafflne Paint Co'b T i B I'alulB mid

Papers) Lucol iind LlnHcod oIIh, ranand boiled.

Indnri... (a cold water paint) In whluand colors.

Filter l'ree Cloths, Ceintnt, L'iuii andUriel.


II ONOLULU.Commission Merchants,


The Cwa Plantation Co.The Walalua Agricultural Co.. LtJ.The Kohala Sugar Co.The Walamta Siiffar MIH Co.The Koloa Agricultural Co.The Onomea Sugar Co.The I ulton Iron Work. St. Louis, Mo.The Standard OH Co.The Go. T. IllaVe Steam Purr.Weston' Centrifugal.

The New LnglnnJ Lite Insurance Co, of lloston.The jl im Ire Int. Co. ol Hartford, Conn.Tlw Alliance Auurancr Co. of London.

Wm. II Irwin & Co.--(limited).

Wm. G. Irwin, - President find MnuntrcrGlaus Bprcckcls, - -W. M. Giflard, - Soerottiry nnd TrensnrerTtaeo. 0. Porter, - - - Auditor


Commission Agents.Aas:iTB of xnn




Qacou street, Ilonolnlo, 11.1.

AGINTSFORllco-slln-o Arrlcultnrnl Compiny, (Viomfii PnrarCOVPfcU. Iwu.ui4 ..!. "CM). r)r.TBogar Compiny, ylhe Sojrnr Company, MaxteViiar Company, llalcakula Ranch Company,

Ranch. ranters' Line San I'ranclacoPackets, Chas. Brewer & Co.'s Line of BoltonPackell.Agentl BoMon Board of Underwriters.Menu rhlladtlphla lioird of Undirarllers.

list ot orricKns!C M Cooko ,1'rt sidouf, George II llobertson,Managerj E F Bhhop, Treasurer and Sec-

retary! Col. V F AUon, Auditor j 0 M Cooke,II Wnterhonne, A W Cartor, Directors.

The Washington

Cor. Queen and Fort Sts.

Importers nnd Wholesale Dealers In

H;iy, Grain, Peed,Flour, lUenls,Egyptian Corn, etc.

Our Goods arc Always Fresh.Island Orders Solicited.Phone 422.

Hawaiian Carriage Mfg. Co, Ltd.121 Queen Street.

Carriage nnd AVns"' Builder.RUBBER TIRES AND ROLLER


WILSON WHITEHOUSE,8ole Licensees Hnwallau Inlands.

121 Queen Stroet.

Consolielatefl Soda Water Co., L'd

EHpla.na.do,Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu

HOLLI8TF.R &AiientR.


Wholesale Importers anfl Jobbers ot

laropean and American Dry Good!

Fort and Qneen Streets.

H. HACKF3DLD & J30., Ltd


Oor.Fort r.nd On'en Hfrcflti Hnnnlnlo.

Honolulu Iron Works Co.Improvod mill niodurii SUGAR MA.

OHINKUY ot evory eapaelty'nnil def.orlptlon mado to ordor. Itollor workand ItlVOTEI) PU'EH for irrigationpurposeH a sikjcIhUj'. I'artlciilur ntton.Uoupald to J011 WOr , a.id r.'fnir.'eeuted at fhortost notice . 1035



Big Display!


SSGOODSNovelties in

Handkerchiefs, Hosiery,Purses, Fans, Work Boxes,Brush and Comb Oases,Photo Frames,Music Rolls, Card Cases,

In Fact, Novelties In Everything!

EGrAM'S,Fort Street.








NotiCQ.Having returned and established myself at the

European Shaving Parlor, Merchant street, oppositeJudd llulldlnc.'l wish to call the attention of my oldcustonurs and new ones who wish to favor us withtheir trade, At A. PIXOTO,ujt Tormerly of the Union Hatter bhop.

An Elegant Shave.IT CAN Iin 0UTA1NKD



-- 01

Arlington Block, Hotel Street.Nono but the mo'st nklllful Barbers d.

Joseph Fernandez, Prop'r

srvw r0L.is r! J fffFf7'

liDbiW Killer Dons It!DOES WHAT'?

Whv It kills the dandruff and saves thei hnlr; if you are troubled with dandruff,lpricklyhe.it or any scalp or skin disease,iry a bottle of Dandruff Killer, it never

I falls to cure.Sold by all Druggists and Union Barber

'shop. Remember the trade mark "thetwo taces," beware of Imitations.

T. PAC11ECO,Sole Proprietor.

Tel. No. 6)0.

For Sale.

Four most desirable and centralBUILDING LOTS, on Alakea St.,including corner of Beretanla St. .

Apply to J. T. McGREW.



12. D.Teuuoy husgouo to Knuui.

"Wheels renteil; J. J. Rioharilson, Hotel street.

A. W. Cnrlor raturnod from tboStates iu the City of Peking thismorning.

Sugar '12c, Grm, ia tho vrry lat-

est from Now York to Onstlo &Cooke, Ltd.

With tbat cycloidal sprocketond thirty luch wheels tho Trib-une is a marvel for onsy ruuuiug.

Attention is called to tho moritsof tho Peorless Typewiiter bPearson & Hobron in their ad y.

Thcro will bo work in tho thirdrank tit Mystic Lodge, No. 2, K.of P. Visiting brothers cordi-ally invited.

Fred. "Wundenberg returned inthe Oity of Peking this morningafter an nbsonco from this placesiuca early in 1805.

Tho Bishop of Panopolis, J. S.McOandloss nud P. N. McGantl-les- B

wore passengers for Maui iutho Claudine yesterday.

Do you like todriuk pu'ro whis-ky? Thon if yon do call for"A., A." Jeeso Mooro at any of thesaloons. Lovejoy fc Co,, distribu-tors for the Hawaiian Islands.

Tho P M S S City of Peking,Wnrd commander, arrived in portoarly this moruing, having beentolephoued beforo daybreak. Shesailed from San Froncisco nn thoafternoon of March 1.

Mr. 13. Lichlig has introduceda rent mmnril pbo'n pictnro oftho lato Princoss Kaiulani repro-duced from an oscollent original.Tho buttons nro in two sizes nudcau be worn for brooches, pins orsleeve liuks. Soo ad. on paco 8.

Tho Now England Bakery em-ployers' first annual hop takesplace this ovening at 8 o'clock iutho gardon lnuni ndjoiijiup. Musicand every adjunct essential totho comfort of tho dancers hasbeen provided and a good time isassured. Double tickets CO cents.

From all over iho country, comowotds of praiFO for Ohamborlaiu'sCough Remedy. Hero is a samploletter from Mrs. O.Shep, of LittleRock, Aik.: "I w,as sufferincTrom n very pevero cold, when Iread of tho cures that hud beenflTected by Ohamberlaiu's Coughlit iiiudy. I uoDcludtd lo t,ivu it atrial and accordingly procured abottle. It gavo mo I prompt reliof,and I havo tho beBt reason forrecommending it vory highly,which I do with pleasure." Forfor salo by all dealers. Benson,Smith A Co., General Agents.

Wnnt u.t Clile.The San Francisco Chamber 6f

Commerco hns wired to Califor-nia's representatives iu Congressurging tho insertion of a provisoin any Pacific cablu bill that thecable be manufactured in thoUnited StateB by American manu-facturers. It has aUo advised theChambers of Commerce or Boardsof Trado at Sacramento, Los An-geles, Seattle, Portland and Taco-m- a

pf this action, asking thesebodies to tolrgraph like requeststo Washington.

Letters have been received fromSenators Perkins and White ondfrom Congressmen. Barlow, Ma-guir- e

and Loud, giving aseurancothat they will urge tho passage oftho Nicaragua cunnl bill beforotho closo of tho present session ofCongress. Chioniole, Feb. 28.

I'rol.ufo iUutlera(Twice Stanlev disnosed of snv.

oral probato matters yestirday.David Dayton is appointed ad-

ministrator of the cstato of Lorenzo Mario Hammer under S800bond.

IB. M. Ennuhiwn in iliflnlinrrrnrlR3 administrator of tho estate ofSolomon Naauao. 0. Brown forpetitioner.

P. A. Dins. riRfliimnn nF Awn.bankrupt, is discharged.

judge Stanley uub Tocltt vs.Davis under advisement.

Cnntln fc Cnnltn. Titd.. filn rclaim as a secured creditor for S710of Tom Chung Kee, bankrupt.

j vrrtxavvviravirvvvvTrvvVirtf?E!Sl-- m.c t JJ.

CIIAS. D. WALKBR,Deslcnerand Dullderof e

Yachts, Boats and LaunchesWorks, 69a KING ST.

P O. Co O3J. Tc!nur.a ?.U7

Fraternal Directory.


Moot, every Monday evening at 7:30,In Harmony Hall, King street.

J. I). MaVKiait, K. G.li 11. IIKNDHY, Kccretary.

All visiting brothers vory cordiallyinvltod. 1003

MYSTIC LODGE No. 2, K.of P.,Meots every Wotlnesdny evening nt

7:30 o'clock, Castlo Hull, Fort street.Visiting brothers cordinlly invited toattend.1015 A. E. MURPHY, K. R. S.


Moots ovory third Thursday ovonlng InMasonic Totnplo. All visiting comp.in-'on- s

cordially Invltod.HENRY K. COOI'KK, II. P.

W. O. ASIILKY,Socretary. 1010


Mocts In Mnsonlo Templo on tho, secondThursday oNonlng of each month. AllVisiting Sir KulglitH courteously Invited.

hi:nhy i coopint, ii cW. G. ASHLKY, llocordor. 1010

OAHU LODGE No. 1, K. of P.Moots ovory Thursday ovonlng nt theirCastlo Hull, 4H)H Port street, at 7:30.Mombors of Mystic Lodgo No- - 2, andvisiting brothors, cordially Invited- -

a. i:. ward, o. c.P. H.KIUIP.Y,

1010 K. of R. nnd S.


A. O. P.,Meots every first and third Friday, ntK. of P. Hull, Fort rtrcot. A cordinlInvitation Is extuutlcd to visiting broth-ers. Per ordor C. It.

W. A. PUTTER,lQg.'l Sccrotnry.


No. 1, A. & A.-- . S. R.Meets the first Thursday In each month,nt Masonic Templo. Sojourning nud

Ifsltttir; brotliorn cordially Invltod to at-

tend all luootlngs.W. M.. PRANK Jl. AURItnACII.

ALLAN It. SCRIMGEOUR, Sccrotnry.1024


No. I, A.. & A.-- . S. R.Moots nt Mnsonlo Templo tho fourthThursday In each month. Sojourningnnd visiting brothors 1110 cordially In-vited to attoud all meetings.

V.'. M.'. FRANK 11. AUER11ACII.CLARENCE I.. CRAUHE, Socrotnry.



No.l2d,A. &A. S.Rito.Stated mootlngH on tho last Monday of

each mouth, In its hall, Masonic Tomplo.C. M. WHITE, W. M.

II O. CRA1WE, Socrotnry. 1020

GEO. W. DeLONG POST No.io, G. A. R.,

Doparttnont of California nnd Novndn,moots at Harmony Hall, King street,first Thursday ovonlng of ovory month.Sojourning comrados nro cordially in-vltod lo attend.



Love Ulock, Fort street, Reading roomopen day nnd ovonlng for reading nndvoclul lntorcourso. Regular mootlngsFriday, 7:30 p. 111. Visiting Scotsmenespecially wolcomo nt nil times.

Gr.O. L. DALL, Chief.ALEX. R. KENNEDY, Secretary. 1005

i -



Lowers & Cooke,



H. L. KERR & CO.,

Architects and BuildersRooms 9 and 10,

:: PROGRESS BLOCK.Telephone ii. IIID

IIA.'WA.IIAJVMercantile Agency


ifficult-CoUeclloiis a Specially.


w 5 Tobacconists M

W $ re --j M

rij i 1

nfl ' Cor. Fort and Merchant Streets. HI


DRY GOODS!French, German, English and American.

A Fine Selection of Dress Goods, Zephyrs, etc.Tailors' Goods, a Full Assortment.

Clothing, Underwear, Shawls.


I a

American and European


Since We Must Eat to Live, Let's Have the Vest.

8e!riLLijijqys Best TisCONSISTING OF

Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Also

SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER,Glvo thorn a trial. Monoy back If you don't thorn.

Choice Block Butter, Kits Oroamory Butter,Fidolitv Brand Bacon. Hams.

"isIL ILjCThuW

Mild Smoked

Hustace,King streot,

"Hello, Oahu Lumber and Building Co.""Hello"What kind house you build for S500?""Almost good you can get"How you build them cheap?"

import directthe factory, and the best work-

men. The best"Where business place?""Our Office and Yard King street,

O. Co.'s Depot; Planing MillKing and Bethel streets. Telephones

and 838. O. Box 367. We can give youhundreds first-clas- s among theleading people these Islands.


Your work solicited, anil the finestclus") sorvlco AT REASONABLEPIUCES GUARANTEED.

Only White Labor Employed

All Flannels and Silks washed byhand. Ordinary Moudlnj:, mid But-tons Sowed On.

The Honolulu


IfirTelephonu 683, and leave yourorder.


Vol. Published Hilo. No.

a pretty Advertisersgood paper for who col-

umns$2.50 per . an-




advance. RESULTS !

Cheese, Beof, oto., etc.

Chas.212 noxt to tho Arlington.

I"of can

as as in California."can so

"Because we all our materialsfrom employ

is the cheapest."is yeur

is on nearR. & L. our cor

ner 53P.

of references,of





use ks





3,000 Acres

in South Kona

suitable for Coffee Cultivation.


Had Estate Agent,

15 ILvaiitjmantj St.

Great Business Opening!



Which I will sell outrlcht. or will form acombination with an active business manfor placing the work on the market. ThisIs a splendid buelness opening for a pro-gressive man. For full particulars address1127 L. W. G., Bulletin office.



M ab&44&& jf-- ' .j'i1 ,',,, w

&tmtn tr.4



rSS PERFUMES gig:Roger and Gallet,


Gosnell's, in all odors

Toilet Sets, Perfume Bottles,Sachet Powders,

Maile Cologne, Without a Rival.

Benson,Smith&Co.,LtdFORT AND HOTEL STS.

ESTABLISHED I860.The Germania Life Insurance Co.

Of NEW YORK.ASSETS $23,723,677. 13Legal Reserve to Policy Holders 20,866,008.00Surplus to Policy, Holders 2t57'595-9- 5

Paid to Policy Holders since i860 38,331,242.67Claims by death paid to Beneficiary Policy Holders 20,846,623.84Matured Endowments paid to Policy Holders 5,524,720.07Life Annuities paid to Policy Holders. .. 327,474.70Dividends and Surrenders paid to Policy Holders 11,632,424.06

TI10 Qoniiniila Usuos nit tlio l.itost and most liberal forms of Llfo,' Instal-ment, Iticomo Dividend, Etulowmonl nr Bond Policies.

GEAR, LANSING & CO., General Agents.EMMETT MAY, Manager.

1029 210 King street, Honolulu.

THE CONNOISSEUR'S ky iswrr W ffl Wlfffft WlfTi B

Mffiwai$t!Kttum.jssv'BECAUSE APPEALS HIS


r W. C. PEACOCK & CO., Ltd.Sole Agents.

1 Telephone 3STo. 4- -C

Telephone 92.


Groceries, Provisions and FeedNew poods received by every packet from the States and Europe.

FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY STEAMER.All orders faithfully attended to, enoda delivered

TO ANY PART OP THE CITY FREE.Gonoral Agents for tho Sanitarium Brand of Health Foods.

Island Order 8ollolted. Satisfaction Guaranteed

East Corner Fort and King Sts:

Machines Sold on Installments. Renting and Repairing. ,

Parts and Needles for All Machines.


Wheeler & Wilson Sewing MachineLOCK AND.CHAIN STITCH COMDINEo.


On wo StylesCARTS, make

1 suitable Gifts.


A limited number of young gradeDevon, Durham and Holstein Bulls.Thf of these Bulls thor-o- n

inbred, pedigreed stock, from thewn Oakland Park Stock

F m, and La Siesta (F. Burke)R For further particu-

lars addressKAPAPALA

Kau, Hawaii.C. & CO.,




P. Box 146

r$tffiHVWrStii SIKStM Vfiii VfiSrt&Sf SffiMiTfttf $13




Notice.Tenders will be received at the

Office of Waring & Co.,PROGRESS BLOCK,

noon, March iitli, i&)9, for theconstruction of a Street on the"PACIFIC HEIGHTS". Theright is reserved to reject any orbids.

Specifications can had at ourOffice.

BRUCE WARING & CO.1 1 5o-t- d

Handsome Vehicles !

the MohliMii rocolved a litrgo lot of the LatestIn SURKEY3, FHETONS ROAD which will

Honolulu Carriage flanufactory"W. "W. WRIGHT, Prop'r.


Bulls for Sale!

sires are


inch herds.


Or BREWERHonolulu.


Bruceuplto Satur-







Puts Its Interests in the Hands Of

.United States.

Warships Withdrawn from Samoa and the

Samoan Hove a Shrewd

One -- No Fear of Clash.

New York, Feb. 28. --Tho Hor-nlc- l's

correspondent eouds tho fol-

lowing: Substantial evidonco ofGermany's dojiro to maintain nndimprove tbo frioudly relationssubsisting botweon tho WaBbiugton and Berlin Governments busboen furnished to tbo Stnto

At tbo request ofGermany, tho United States hisconsented to protect Gorman sub-jects uud interests in tbc Philip-pines and in Samoa, and rolyingupon tho protniso of this Govern-mo- nt

tho German warships Imvobeou withdrawn from thoao points.

Iu compliance with Germany'srequest, cnblo instructions lmvoboon sent to Rear Admiral Doweyand General Otis informing thornthat bereaftor Gorman subjectsand German interests in thoPhilippines must bo providedwith protection by Americanships and American troops.

It is apparent to tbo authoritiesthat tho Berlin Government, inmaking thoso roquosts was actu-ated by a sincoro desiro to impressupon tho Government and peoploof tho United States tbo fact ofGormany's friondliness for thisnation, and to prevent in futurenil talk of prospective German in-terference in Amorinan affairs, orany intention to tako action whichmight bo distastoful to the UnitodStates.

Tboro is no doubt that Ger-many was greatly surprised atthe interpretation placed in somoquarters hero on tho dispatchfrom Admiral Dewey stating thatfor "politioal reasons" ho desiredthat tho battleship Oregon shouldbo sent to Mauila nt onco, andtboro seems to bo littlo doubt tbatit was this interpretation, and thocomments" which followed, thatcaused her to tako boroio measures and place her intorosts andher subjects under tho protectionof tho Unitod States.

With Gormany's attitude soplainly defined tho authorities arenow assurod that there is absolutely no danger of foreign intetfer-onc- e

in tbo Philippines.Following the request that tho

United States tako care of Gorman subjects and intorosts in tboPhilippines, the Stato Departmentwas miormeu mat tuo uermanarmored cruiser Eaisorin Augustahad boon ordored to leave Manilaimmediately for Tientsin, whore adisplay of force will probably bomade to compel tho Chinese Gov-ernment to punish murderers andpay indemnity for the murdor oftwo Germans noar that point.With tho departure of tho Kaiser'in Augusta, Germany will bowithout naval ropreaonlation inthe Philippines, the Irene already"having gon9 to the Chinese coast.

As soon ib tho Stato Depart-ment loomed of tho wishes of theBerlin Govern in nut SecretaryLong aud Secretary Algor wornadvised and the cable s

to Rear Admiral D wov aud General Utia followed, ns alreadystated.

With respect to Samoa the off-icials admit that Gerraauy hasmade a shrewd move, which willprevont tho United Statos takingdooisivo action without fully con-sulting Berlin. By pluoing Ger-man interests tboro in th" IiiuhIhof tho Americans this Govern-ment is mado responsible and cantako no action detrimental tothem. It is intondod to nnhlnHear Admiral Kautz, when thedepartment is advised of tho nr-riv-

of the Philddolohia at Rr.moa, instructing him to complywth tho roquest of tho BerlinGovernment. It is now said bythe authorities that tho Samoanquestion will bo settled withoutdiiOoulty.

ltcmuvHl of I.rpcra to Molokul.Sacraraenlo, February 28. Tho

Sonate tonight adopted a jointby Dwyer, memorializing

Congrofs to remove to the Islandof Molokai tho leDors of tho United Sla'es.

Amoricon MesBonRor service.Mason io Templo,TolophoDO 444.


Newport News (Va.), FebruarySO. Tho general dimensions oftho two large Pacific Mail linors,the contracts for which havo boonawarded to tho Nowpqrt NewsShipbuilding nnd Drydook Com-

pany, nro given out somi-officinll- y

as follows: Length, 550 foot;beam, 03 feet; draught, 31.5 foot;ground dopth, 10 feet; displace-ment, 18,500 tons, and speed,oightoen knots. Both ships willbe luxuriously fitted oat for pas-senger service, aud in additionwill havo superior facilities forhandling freight and UnitedSlates mails.

Whle tho contract speed is putdown as eighteen knots, it isknown hero that tho builders willendeavor to give tho vessols ahigher rate of speed than that.Tho Pacific Mail Compnny, it isunderstood, has contracted withthe Government to reduce themail passBgo between San Fran-cisco and porta iu China, and it iswith this objoct in viow that thetwo steamships will be built here.It is roported that tho fastest timenow botwoen tho two countrieswill bo reducod by from twolvo toeightoen hours.

Whon finished theso ships willbo tho largest evor built in an Am-erican shipyard. Compared withtho Amoricau liner St. Louis, tholargest American-bui- lt ship afloattoday, tho Pacific Mail ships willbo ot 7870.79 tonB greater displace-ment, foot longer and willhavo a draught 1.7 feot creator.Tho beams of tho two ships nrothe samo. Whon tho vessels arocompleted tbev will rank third indisplacement among tho notablebig snips ntloat. The Oceanic,now building in England, willhavo a displacement of 28,500 tons.Tho Knisor Wilholmdor Grossohas a displacement of 20,000 tonB.Tho Pacific Mail ships will ranknext with 18,500 tons. Tho Cam-pania, thouch her concral dimensions are largor, has only 18,000tons displacement. A larco oleo- -

trio cantilover, 750 foot in length,is boiog constructed iu tho northend of the shipyard, and underthis, ono on each side, tho PacificMail leviathans will bo built.

Piri Military Governor.London, Febroary 27. A dis-

patch from Paris to a newspaporhere says its correspondent hoarsPresident Loubet has alreadysigned a docreo roraoving GenoralZarlinden from tho post of Mili-tary Governor of Paris, and appointing Gonoral Fanre-Bigue- t,

commander of tho SixteenthArmy Corps, to succeed him. Thelatter has been a consistent up-holder of tho innoconco of Droy-fu- s.

Thore is no confirmation ofthis statement from other sources.

The LU Cr.Tho last oars of tho King street

lino going to Waikiki nnd PalamapaBB tho Anchor Saloon. Thecleverest mixologists in tbo oityare there always to put you upanything you may desiro. Dropin and tako a drop before yoa taketho car. The colobrated Seattlebeor is to bo had here on draught.A full lino of liquors including thofamous A. A. Josso Moore Whiskyetc., always on hand. Tho mostexacting and varied demands canbo satisfied. Tho Anchor Saloonis hem to please its patrons.

Fop Sale.

i Fine Billiard Table with all ap'pliances.

4 First-clas- s Lots centrally located.Inquire of

U53-:- G. E. BOARDMAN.

Notice.Subscribers to the stock of the Honolulu

Investment Company, Ltd., are requestedto call at the office of Gear, Lansing & Co.,and obtain receipts for their stock.

C. B. GRAY,ii57'tw Financial Secretary.

Real Estate Transactions.Subscribers are furnished with from tin

to bIi lists per week, giving an aoonratrsoord ot all deeds, mortgages, leases, re.leases, powcrn ot attorney, etc., eto., whlobire placed on record.

Subscription Price, $2.00 per Month.

A. V. GEAR,210 King Bt, Honolulu.

Notice.Persona wishing to obtain board at

Makawao, Maul, can be rccommridatodntMKS. U.H. DAILEY'S

Tonus, (10 porwook, 955-fl-

Terrible PainsIn tho Stomnch Droadful Hoad-nch- os

Fnco and Nock CovorodWith Bolls-Cur- od by Hood's Sar-saparl- lla

Skin Is Now Cloar."I won covered with bolls all over my fnco

and neck. I had dreadful headaches andpains In my stomach. I took medicines,but was not much benefited, and I pro-cured bIx bottles of Hood's Sarsaparllla.After taking the first bottle I could bco anImprovement. When I had taken a fewmoro bottles tho bolls had all gone, myskin was clear, ray appetite returned, andmy health was entirely restored. I amthankful I over found such a blood puri-fier as Hood's Barsaparllla. I paid out agood deal of money for useless nfcdlclncsbefore taking Hood's Sarsaparllla." W. F.Deckwitii, Hurlock, Maryland.

If you dccldo to try Hood's Barsaparlllaao not 00 induced to buy any other.

Hood J Sarsa- -

9 BarillaIs tho llcjt-- ln fact tho Ono Truo Wood Puri-fier, llasure to get llooil's. Price Si, lx for $5.

Hood' QH arc Ilia only illls to taker'HIS wub Hood's Barsaixullla,

Motels and Restaurants.

Beaver - LunchROOMS.

H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and CoffeeAT ALIi nouns.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON riAND.


Rooms andBoard, by theWeek op


Orpheum Gafe,FORT STREET,

:: Near the New Theater

Best Meals in the City !

Proparod and Mirvod by wlilto

Opoll day and night.1150 C. T. OOW, Mnnagor.

Waianae Hotel,Walanae, Oahu.

fine sea bathing and mountainscenery i

ahealthfulSpotClosetothesea.AM Trilns lo nJ Iron Honolulu

Sp at Ui Hotel

Albert Toogood, Proprietor.

l n tMR. HARRY KLEMME desires to Inform

the residents of Honolulu and the neighbor-ing Islands that he has taken over themanacetnent of the ILAN1WAI SEASIDERESORT, and will run the same with aview to the entire comfort of his patrons.Everything will be supervised and carriedon In first-cla- stvle. but the charces willstill remain moderate. Visitors intendincto locate nt the beadi for a short season, oriurmnni(lit ...Aiilil iti .rll ti-- Ihi-h- .!accommodation Ilanlwal provides, previousto making their selection. mi

Experienced Caterer.

r J. W. CHAPMANAnnouncos to tho public that ho Is now

open for engngomonU to tnko chargo of

Banquets, Balls, Dlnnors and Garden

ParttCB, Socials, oto.

Address care Union Kxprms Company

Excelsior Dining-Saloo-


CHAS. LIND, Prop'r.Flntt-claH- inonU, undor tho supervis-

ion of a wlilto man, sorvod from 5 a. in.to 8 p. m. M EAIfl TWENTYrFIVE Cta.

Postofllco Rox 112.

Dewey Restaurant.A Flrst-claR- S ltosort In every respect.

Tho boat moal to bo had.


1003 DoroUnla and Fort strot.b.


Real Estate and Insurance.

ifeVl I II rfvl flu

J-JF--H: and FIRE


New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of boston.tna Fire Insurance Company

of Hartford.

Bruce Waring & Co.

Lands for Sale.Monoy to Loan on Mortgages.


Svea Fire Insurance"

Co. of GothenburgAND

American Fire Insurance Co. of Phila.

PROGRESS BLOCK.Room. 7 n . Telrhon tit.


Real Estate Broker,209J MERCHANT ST.

Fon sali:.Twolvo Chlnoso Gnuillo Hitching

Posts, $5 each.Proporty In towii.

housics to Lirr.

W. C. ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & DealersIX- -

REAL ESTATEXjT We will Uuy or Soli Beal Estate In

ill parts of the Kronp.tr We will Bell Properties on lieason.ible Commissions;

OFFICE. 10 West King Street





OFFICE: No. 15 Kuuhuiimnu utroot,ilonolnln. Formorlv A. Itosa'n oflloo.Unitod Suites CuMnni Ifono Ilrokor,Accountant, Soaruhor of TUIoh nnd.G6H6ral BimlncsM Agont.Tolephoo 620 1024


Mtrobei of Honolulu Slock Exchuet,Queen street.

Telephone 7. P. O. Box 504.

BRUCE CAHTWRIGHT,General Manager of

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of the United Btates for tbo HawaiianIslands,

Omowi Merchant street, Honolulu i


No. IS Queen Street.

Expert Appraisemont of RealEstate and Furniture

A. J. CAMPBELL,Stock and Bond Broker.

Member of the Honolulu Stock Exctunje.Offlco Queen stroot, opposite Union

Food Company.Telephone 506. P.O. Dox J7J. 1044

d.W.Kinney J.K.NahakuC ABINETM A KERS.

TURNERS AND POLISHERS ot all klnJi of N'lW00J1. CALAIlASIICSInHiKkaniloorJer.Rerlr Cftwtf J.



Merchant Tailor534 FORT ST.,

-- Near corner ot Chaplain UnaGleaning anj Repairing at Short Notice,

and in iiw uvi u..toic manner

ri.iiite"!iiw' ..' . vkt.,...r:'.d



. 1?3










V!H! w


Evening Bulletin,Published Every Day, except Sunday, at io Klne

street, Hocolulu, II. I., by the


MlllncrlplKMI Hull" I

Per month, anywhere In lltallan Islands, ,..$ .75Per year " " " 8 ou

Peryer,potpald,to America, Canada orMexIco.io ooPer year, poitpald, other foreign countries 1 oo

PayaHe Invariably In advance.

Telephones!Business Oftice 'J SO. Editorial Rooms, lllll.

Postofflce Dot, 404,

WEDNESDAY, MAR. 8, 1899.

Tbo independent miir tnnnu-facluro- rs

who hnvo stnrt tl nnopposition to tho trust furniah tiuinteresting example in tho wny cftrust miuiipiiliition. This nowcompany owning mills that turnout one-four- th ns much pnper iatho trust considers $7,000,000 mfficient working cnpitnl. The capital stock o tho tiust is SC ',000,-00- 0.

A trust is not unlike Lvoiysoap; it Hunts on hiphly wnteimlstock.


Germany Iihb certainly phyed atrump card in calling. upon theUnited SlateH to protect her inter-ost- s

in th Philippines aud Sa-

moa. "With 0110 ehrpwd inovo shelias shut tho mouths of those whohavo been talking about Germaninterference with Amerirnti af-

fairs in tho Pacific and laid theburden ofjactiou upon tho UnitedStates.

Germany hnB withdrawn herwart-hip- s from Samoa and thePhilippines aud holds the UnitedStates responsible fordoing jus-tic- o

to her people and interests inthese insular possessions.

As regards tho Philippines thisaction is (.imply recognition oftho sovereignty of tho UnitedStates, that will put an cud to anysuspicion of manipulation thatmight bo goiug on with a view toembarrassing the Americans intheir solution of (lit local pro-

blems that oriso. It wnnkeupwhatever aspiiiug thoughts ofpowor tho insurgents may haveaud tends to prevent anyother European or Oriental nutioumaking any move to hamper theAmericans through moral assist-ance to tho Filipino Republic.

In the Samoau business the importanco of Goru any's notion can-

not bo discounted. The nation thathas boon represented 111 at the bot-

tom of the whole Saraoan difficul-

ties plnces tho solution of tho localSamoan problem in the hands oftho Americans for decision, with-out withdrawing any rights whichare held under theBerlin treaty. Itis nn expression of confidence anda recognition of tho paramountpower of tbo United States in theinsular possessions of tho Pacific.Germany pructically says: "Set-tl-o

the matter to puit yourselves,"with of course tho usual diploma-tic reservation, "If you do notrender justice to German peopleand interest, lookout for trouble."Germany has practically signifiedhor willingness to withdraw thorepresentative who is said to havebeen a disturbing element. Ger-many will also without doubt lookto the United States to deal pro-perly with its representativeif ho bru slopped beyonddiplomatic bounds. It is likelyto result in a new doal all roundin Samoa, .including the withdrawal of Ohief Jnstico OhomberBon account of viows of his ex-

pressed in a private letter thaiwas published in American pnntre

Token nil in alj it appenrs thatthe day is not far distant whotiLord Bereaford's suggestion thata (corabino bo mado between thoUnited States, Great JJiilain, Gormany nnd Japan ill be fulfil "ed.

There will bo work in Iho thirdrank ut Ouhu Lode,, JSo , h, ofP., Thursday . March JMi.iMomuors of Mybtic Lul,o uudvisiting brethren cordially invited.


2 8burn iicruiici it ucmw r


t Washington, March i. LordHerschel, one of the High Joint

k Commissioners from Great Hrltaln tS

W dk--J here at 7:30 o'clock this morn- - K2 In gJ LorJ Herschel was Lord Chan- - JJ

j cttllor of Great Britain and was gsent to the United States because ofhis eminent attainments to take a

K lenJInj; part In the negotiations de- - W

signed to settle all existing differ--

S enecs between the United States Sand Canada. S

During the s Intry weather whenthe sidewalks were slippery he fell aheavllv as he was about to pet Into W

k his carriage and broke one of the jjpelvic bones. He seemed to be

ri nifin.if I at tttfilft 4 t t n. I. v- - .Xltt,wh1La3"le. (,ii'(,iu(y luwiuua ic- -

S covery and was In good health Jij

comparatively untU about 7 o'clock h

Sly stricken with heart failure. kj

, Fairer Herschel, first Baron of Ori .I.... ......... ...... ... 41... lltt. !..!.. 4

.1 ui.il mum, UI1C U( UIU IHKH JUllll .f$) Commissioners of the Anglo-Ame- -

Joint Highk mission, recently In session atV Washington, was iborn November Kjj 2, 1837. He was a son of the late kj

Rev. Ridley Herschel, of London, S3 and Helen, daughter of William O.

Mobray, of Edinburgh. He mar- -

K ried In 1876, a third daughter of kEdw.-ir-J Lelrh Klnslerlev. Thev W

f have one son and two daughtersliving. Baron Herschel was a jj

,'"I nrK'v...... .w..vrniinrtl nr. n.. .....n...tn pit I .......mnit .,tiCross of the Bath, Doctor of CivilLaw, Doctor of Laws, a justice of

k the peace, captain of Deals Castle, kK Chancellor of London University (ai ana was uppoinieu uniisn memoer k"

of the Venezuela and British Guinea 5l- boundarv arbitration tribunal In m

1S97. He was Knighted in 1S80k and was created a peer in 1886. K

Lord Herschel was educated atLondon University, where lie gra- - O

f jilt llt.. I 111iaI t riff4 A ttT41 f?m44l

cal honors. He became a barrister1 of Lincoln's Inn, in i860; Queen's b

U counsel in 1872; Recorder of Carlls- - kle from 1873 to 18S0; solicitor gen- - U

Jj eral from 1880 to 1885 and was sjjT Lord High Chancellor In 1886 and jl

from 1892 to 1895.



Chief Jnstico Judd is author ofa decision sustaining Dr. N. Bus- -sol's appeal from Tux AppealCourt of Hilo. Justice Whitingand Jwlga Stanley idgn tho opiuion with its author. TLblaw pro-pounded is this:

'Where laud owes its value,abovo tho purchase prico from thoGovernment, to tho fact that it isused for tho cultivation of coffee,it should not bo taxed at tho in-

creased valuatiou, since by thestatutes to encourage tho cultiva-tion of coffoeo and rarnio, thatwhich creates the increased valueis exempt from taxation."

Littlo .t Gulhraith for the tax-

payer; Attorney Genoral W. O.Smith for tho assessor.


Simply n Prrnnl DliraMlnn on Itr- -liulillcnn l'Hrly,

Tho morning paper will haveto guess again regarding the"cmicub" on Republican nartvmatters held vestordnv nftnrnnnnIt was simply a small gatheringto discuss tho situntinn nn nrn- -sonted by tho withdrawal of Prosident Dole from the vioo presi-dency of tho National League ofTon..l.i;nnn i,,t, ti. rAlCjJUUIIUDU UIUUO. J.UU UUIUU UL

A. 8. Humphreys as candidato forthe position was mentioned aud itis not truo tuat ue was opposed byMr. McStocker and Mr. Sims asstated by tho morning popor. Itwas thought that the eoloction of acandidato for this placo shouldbo in the lunula of such Repub-lican organizations as existed.Mr. Rllinrrln nn flin ranrnannlnlivn

oaguj had previouslytaiuea witu tnoso at yester-day's gathering and has asked thoRepublicans of the city to meetThursday evening to discuss thosituation and decide what actionlfnnv shall bo tnknn. Tim nn.called caucus was not nor in-tended to bo binding upon thepersonal nctioa of those present.

Muclilmiry Mill Cornea.

Of late, thore has beon hardlya sailing vossol arriving at thisport that has not brought machin-ery for various plantations onUmbo islauds. Tho Mohican, thatarrived on tho Gth inst., has aboardhor a lot of machinery coLsicnedto Alexander &. Baldwin for Kihoi.


Manila, March 1, 4:55 p. m.Tho robols aro very active atCaloocan and Malabou. Theyeventually intend to mount a bat-

tery in front of tho Malabonchurch, destroyed by tho firo oftho Unitod States monitor Monad-noc- k

011 February 27. They canbo soen throwing up earthworksfor guus and epaulmonts.


New York, March 1 A dispatchto tho Herald from London says:A lettor from Cebu tinted Fobruary 22 states that tho gunboatPetrol arrived thero ou tho 21st.Captain Bonner of tho Britishgunboat aud tho British Consulboarded the Potrel immediatelyaud then roturncd to the share tocoufer with the insurgents.

Eight lenders of tho nntivoforces boarded tho Petrel iu thoaftornoon and conferred withCoruwell. Thoy wore afraid wewould treat thorn as tho Spanishformorly didcoufiscato their proporty aud shoot them. Themforothey desirod to rotain thoir arms.

Commander Cornwoll assurodthem that tho preBOiit nativo nt

would rulo uuder hissupervision. Ho gave them untilS o'clock on tho following morningto surrender.

Punctually at 8 o'clock tholeaders arrived with a

formal written sui render, whichstated that they yieldod to a sup-erior forco and must await tbo ac-

tion of Aguinaldo, adding thatthey protested against the mannorin which tho Americana waged warat tho end of tho onlightened nine-teenth century.

A company of men lauded at.half-pa- 6t nine o'clock aud hoistodtho line ovor tho fort at four min --

utes of 10, firing a naval salute.Tho nativos turned ovor tho nov- -

eminent during the day. Lieutenant Pluukott was mado captain oftho port and Parker collector ofcustoms. Tho other departmentsof tho island's administration willbe conducted by tho natives-Wo- rd

was font to Iloilo whenthe letter was written that fearswoio entortuined that a mob wouldsack and burn tho town. Landingparties were boinu held iu readi-ness. This oxplains the hasty de-parture of tho Twenty-thir- d Infantry.

lla Dralgn ! Per foe I.

The shipment of 00 Model Sterllnc Bl- -

cvcles for tlie Pacific Cvde Co.. due toarrive on the Moana, did not materialize.They received a sample of the 99 Modeland are assured by the factory that, at least,part of their shipment will follow on thenext steamer. The Sample Is perfect Inevery particular. Just who dictates thestyle of machine each year is a question,but the arbiter of fashion lias decreed thatfor the 00 Alodel the distinctive chancesare larger sprockets and shorter heads.fcUDorjte dynamometer tests at Cornell'sUniversity has demonstrated the fact thatMorse roller-iol- chains clve a hlcherefficiency than other chains on the market.Witn an einciency ot qqjj per cent, out 01

ico. The rear wheel is brought up to theseat-po- tube to give the right saddle po-

sition and also leave the shortest distancebetween the crank and rear axles. It Is asnear perfection as Is possible. The Manufacturers ot tne sterling dow to tlie goddessand follow her dictates as far as is consistent with good mecanichal construction.

The Bishop Rings

Which cast such aradianceover these Islands,were as nothing;to the schtiliationsof the"BISHOP"IAPROVEDALUMINIUM


It seems almostworth while toplant CANE for thesake, of using theseKnives. At all events,the laborersraise CAIN ifnot supplied withthem.

P.ip.iOft TiflpmvflPA f!n fin1 u'Uiiiu niuuiiuiiu iui ) umt)

Fort Stroot.

Gentlemen, We're Ready

To supply your wearing apparel needs.The requirements of every careful andeconomical dresser can be met with per-fect satisfaction In our selection of

Clothing, Furnishings and Hals.

There's nothing lacking to make thelines complete not a preponderance ofstock, true, but an ample variety that Inreludes the very latest fashions of the day,and the products of the best manufactur-ers of this country. Everything brandnew, of positive value, and marked Inplain figures at prices that our low ex-

penses allow, and which must prove to bean attraction to buyers who want the bestfor the least money. We'd be glad tohave you come In whether you wish tobuy or not.


U The Kash,"9 Hotel Street : : faycrloy BlOCl

guutH for Dr. Llneu-Mcs- li

Underwear. Bend for Catalogue.

We Make Shirts to Order.

Tolopliono No. (B70.

u10 1501 Readers


310 Fort Street,Has just opened up over 1,000 NOWNOVELS by the following popularauthors: Grant Allen SlenklewiczHall Caine Captain Charles KingA. Dumas A. C. Gunter Georcle SheldonMrs. Southwofth Beatrice Harraden

Albert Ross Ople Read W. ClarkKusseti iianotte n. uraeme mayAgnes Fleming Robert Louis Stevenson-Ma- rie

Corelll St. George Rathbom andmany others whom space forbids quoting.These are all In paper bindings, and retaillor 25c and 50c eacn.

CSjrNew light-weig- Stationery forforeign correspondence.

CJrHawall.in Silk Flags. Ukuleles, andTarn-patc- h Guitars; Curios; and THEONLY HAWAIIAN SCENIC CALENDAR!

8" Low prices, desirable goods, andcourteous treatment always at


GoldenRuIe BazaarJ. M. WEBB.


TABLES 3We have now instituted this

new department, and you willalways find bargains there inmany articles in Housefurnish-in-g

Goods, including Crockeryand Glassware.

Call and inspect.You may see something you

want.All goods marked in plain

figures.Second floor ; take elevator.


.Von Holt niock, King street.

B6JSole Agents, Hawaiian Islands, for"Jewel" Stoves, Gumey Cleanable Re-

frigerators, Primus Oil Stoves.

Telephone j$3.

Rkpaiuku and Locksmith.


Practical Machinist.Kstlmatos on Ornmnontal Iron and Brass

Work, llroni-- Kloctro l'latlng.Illoyclo Hopalrlnt; In nil its Branches.

Union Street (Bell Tower).

CITY REPAIR SHOP115 Bethel St., opp. Castle & Coolcc

TfcLEI'llONE joii.Strictly new 1808 Cleveland Illcyclej tor Rent,Secondhand Ulccles (01 tale.Repairing promptly anJ thoroughly attended to.

All ork cuarantted.

lim-C- K. CLARK.


Tlio People's 3?j,ovitley,H.

(F??M&3 Will show this weeksome recent imnnptatinn& ofbleached and unbleached Table . ULinens and Napkins, and Linenand Cotton Towels.

Special attention is called tothe above, as the qualities areguaranteed, while the pricesdefy competition.N. S. SACHS DRY GOODS COMPANY, LIMITED.

Tho People's Providers. &

STRONG AND WHITE !v:Ogden Milling & Elevator Co.'s


Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

If You Have One or One Hundred Animals,"5TOXJ --wA.:isrT

Pottie's RemediesThese Remedies are prepared by JOHN Veterinary

ot Sydney, in. b. w., cut

KNOWN THROUGHOUT WORLD.Pottle & Sons not only furnish you Remedies, but tell you HOW TO TREAT

ANIMAL DISEASES.The Agent for the Hawaiian Islands Is

C. W."

Invalids' Rolling Chairs


City Furniture Store,Tolopliono S1G. Lovo Building, 5:ll-53- G St.

C m2 We have neglected to call yourattention to the fact that we handle Cigars,Cigarettes, etc., Manila, Mexican, Havana,and American brands. nf - iii

HONOLULU DRUG CO.,Vonllolt Block, King Street.

The New Drug Store. &&

For Sale.

ONE CENTRIFUGAL PUMP,suction, discharge, with

Westlnghouse engine complete.One centrifugal pump, suction,

discharge, with Westlnghouseengine complete.

One centrifugal pump, suc-tion, discharge.

One Make pump, suction,discharge.

For particulars apply toii52-t- f J. M. DOWSETT.

P. N. OTREMBA,Wood Carving and Polishing.

Lessons Given InFancy Wood Carving.


nd floor Honolulu Planlne Mill. 111c

MANUEL NUNES,Manufacturer ot

Guitars, Ukuleles,TAltO l'ATOH FIDDLES.

Workmanship and Material Guaranteed. Repairinga Specialty,

1130 :: No. 2lOJf KING ST.

POTTIE & SONS, Surgeons



MACFARLANE,Honolulu, H. I.

$250 GASH !





APAWAATRACTLOT!75 x 140, facing either on King or Bere-tanl- a

streets. The cheapest lots In thecity, on the line of the proposed electric

cars. Ready for building. Go and see

the lots TO-DA-

Further particulars of

WILL B. FISHERRenl Estate AgeptAnd Auctioneer,



No &hop-wor- n goods on the coun-

ters ol merchants who advertise inThe Bulletin.















.BMIPIPlHPwBP!immmzm " ' . '

Exchnnge Report.



C Dreer& Co$i,oo,oooio,oou'Ii,ooo,oooi

Sugar,Am Sup'rCo,AAmSuCo.p'd upCwaPlant'n CoHamoa Plan Cnllaw'n Acr. Collaw'n Sup Collonomu Su CoHonokaa S CoHaiku Su?arCoKahuku I'l n (.oKoloa SujrarCoKonaSnCo.AsiKonaSCo.pd upKlpahuluSuCoOahu AssembleOahuStpMup)Onomea Su CoOokalaSP'nCoOlowalu Com'yPacific Su MillPalaPlant'nCoPepeekeo Su CoPloneerMM CoWalluku Su CoWalmanaloSCoWalmeaAlllICoWalanae Com'y

Nitr S S Colnter-- l S N Co

Jlaw'n El Co.


CrtttvWZtf d'J tin!huRy&LCo

NJJ. BonJt.

. ' Haw Gov,6pr c

l(!mPni? uOahuKy&Ldol

Canllal 'Sh'r'slAuthu'zcJlssu'd


a.ooo.ooo 40,000175.00a 1,750500,00c 5,000

9,0O0,0OC 2O.0OU300,000 J 000

1,000,00c 10,000500,000 5,000300,0cm 5,000300,00030,000i8o,oco160,000600,000








3.0001,1001,8001,6006,0008 000

10,0005,0001,5005.0007.5oo7. 5







CapltilPali Up





DM Askd

14 H







loO.ihu, palj up, 106: 10 Oahu, palJ up, 197H,8 Oahu, palJ up, I97S, to Hawaiian Suitor, ou;10 Hawaiian Sugar. o; 10 Hawaiian Sugar, aoo.

YRIBUNEModel 44.



:: The large wheels reduce vlbratlon, which Is a great factor In cycling andhas made It possible for you to ride a

over our rough stroets with moreease than you can ride a h wheel,geared to 72.

TribuneCyclesNEVERDisappoint !

EAKIN & WHITMAN,Tribune Ajjcnts.


Pacific Heights Notice!

Applications will be received at the office of BRUCEWARING & CO. for the purchase of Lots on

Situated on the magnificent hillside between Nuuanu andPauoa Valleys, and commanding a superb marine and scenicview stretching from Diamond Head over Punchbowl to theWaianae range of mountains.

A broad, winding Boulevard giving access to the propertyis now in course of construction, and choice lots of sufficientarea for magnificent homesteads will soon be available.

On the Nuuanu side of the hill is a Pali protecting it fromthe high winds and heavy showers of Nuuanu Valley, ensuringa salubrious climate.

The elevation of the property is from 4 JO to 70 feetabove sea level.

Applications will be numbered and filed, and choice willbe allotted according to the number of the applications.

Only $1,000 for a lot 100 x 200 feet. Terms easy.

BRUCE WARING & CO.,Rooms. 7 and 8, Progress Block.




The New Band Instru

ments for the Govern

ment Band on display

in our window.jtriyr'w'''ii''ii''''i


Progress Bloolc.Consult 1'OKT AND HKRETANIA STKKKTS.




Cyclono Cnraerns aro the bestnnd cheapest.

No change in California'a Sena-torial deadlock.

Naval or.ue.o trees for sale.Head FOIl SALE column.

Tho banks closed at noon outof roBpcct to Kniuhni'H memory.

Wall, Nichols Co. Ltd., haselected offic-rs- . 800 New Today.

Peerless Preserving Paiut is notaffected by sun, wind or weather.

No word was recoivod by theExecutive from Justice Frcar thismail.

Hon. Paul Neumann and wifedid uot retnm in the Peking asexpected.

Meeting of Hawaiian Lodge, F.fe A. M., tonight nt 7:30 o'clock.Work in tho first degree

Aek your grocer for Bed LabelCorn. Nothing but young cornused onco used always) used.

Mr. Morgan sold at noon, CO

nhares Ico at $120, Wnikiki lease,8100. Lands withdrawn.

Mrs. W. Porter Boyd, wife oftho U. S. Vice Consul General,leaves in tho Peking for a shottvisit to Japan.

Tho Uuion Foed Co. is givingout splendid rollor calendars, uniform 111 size but with variedcolored lithographs.

One Thousand Now Books.Tho Golden Bulo Bazaar receivedyesterday the abovo number ofAnw Books by all tho popularauthors of the day. Theto are allin paper binding and retail for 25and 60 conts onou. Soo tho list.

The Now England Steam Bak-ery have com pi 0 ted a beautifulgarden lanai adjoining their etoro,designed to accommodate great

in thoir business. Music,flowers, colored lights, tables forfamily pirtioa, and prompt sor-vi- co

by young lady waitresses arospocial features.


Announce Hint Thry lluvi, Mix Hun-dred American Prisoners.

London, March 1. Tho Phili-p- iuo "European Junta received the

following dispatch, from Manila,p'ated February 2Sf.

Tho last oncountera have boenreal battles. Wo now hold Fassig,Pnternos and Qundnlupo. Ournorthern lino has advanced toTondo. The American losses arofar larger in proportion th n ours.Wo hold six hundred prisonors,who will be takon into tho interior.Not ouo of our peoplo has surren-dered and our government main-tains its indopendenco and willnot yiold.

A Filipino telegram from Oobuassorts that tho Foreign residentshavo asked tba insurgents to with-draw in order to nvoid a bombard-ment. Tho FilipinoH havo ed,

trusting that thoir actionwill ho brought before the foroignconsuls with tho viow of arrang-ing an equitable eottlomont withtho Americans.

The Orplieum.

Notwithstanding tho inclemen-cy of tho weather last evening,the orphoum was well fillod. Thoprogram was ably carried out inovory detail. Miss Nora Morvynsang "Becauso"and "II Uacio" andas an encoro "Coram' Thro' tholtyo." This talented high soprn-n- o

possesses a splondid voico nndhna already onthroned hcrsolf afirst favorito with Honolulu pinygoors. Tonight a ohungo of pro-gram will tuko placo and Martinseducated dogs will prescut soraonew tricks. Boyd and Oro willappear in a bliiok faoo specially.The manngemont dosiro lonii-nounc- o

that iu future, Fridayevening will bo devoted to localamateur performances, tho first totako placo nost Friday. Intoud-in- g

competitors for prizes mustregister their names nt tho post-oflic- o

and appear at tho Btago on-tran- co

on Iridayat 2 p. m. forreheorBal.


Rudolph Ilering, sanitary er

of Now York, writes thoGoverumout that his roridontsupervising ongiueor will arrivein Honolulu this month. Mr.Ilering will bo hero in April. II o

has advertised for tondora for cer-

tain materials. Tho work on thoHonolulu suwerugo system willbogin very soon.



NEW RECORDS by the-- well-know- n

Hawaiian "Kawalliao Quintette Club"(the most popular native singers In the


Headquarters for Gramophones, Grnpha-phone- s,

Keglna Music Boxes.


DOLINS, the best in the world.

Music Department of



V. n. IIIVnNS, the lionl EstateAgent, luis cliuitcil his locationfrom 315 Fort street to the new quarters InMclnenry Block, opposite Bank of Hawaii.'Phone J46.

The Bulletin classifies its ads, Resuit small advertisers get a squaredeal.





Home BakeryAND

CAFE.The Only Anicrlctiu

Rcrtliuirnnt In the City.

Ice Cream ParlorsTn connection.

Bread, Cake, etc., delivered to anypart of the city free.

MOpeiiiiiiiMiWt527-52- 9 FORT ST.,


IIUSINISS LUNCH, from 11 n 111. till2 p. 111 2! i'!iiti

OlNNl'.lt, from Mo 7 p. 111 00 conts




OHIcc: 20S Merchant street, Camp-bell Block, rear of J. O. Carter's olllco.P. O. Ilox 194.


Notary Public and TypewriterConveyancer and Starcher of Records.

Olllco Cttiiiliboll'H Block. Morcbnnt St.Not Joor tn Hawaiian Wine Co. 1055-1- 1

Peerless of AHTypewriters

The Peerless!Many Features not to'be found on any other machine.

Call in and examine it.


PEARSON & HOBRON, Agts 1312 FORT ST. Telephone 565.



& 4r jsj,Irim

Fop AllIn selecting Uitts

ni.ii.y points are to be considered:Flrsi 01 all, where is the largestand Of.si display to be seen ?

Second, tiie quality and prices ?

After you have convinced your-

self on these two points the restIs easy.

Stock.We have on display the

largest and greatest variety of

CHOICE GOODS ever offeredin Honolulu. We know our pricesare right, because we buy rightfrom the manufacturers, therebysaving the percentage made bythe middle man.

and BestWhen you come to our store

we feel it our duty to familiarizeyou with the goods we carry, and

our time is yours.

Come and inspect our stock.

Goods are all marked in plain





We have a LargeAssortment thisintrinsically valuable article, which

sellingthe most reasonable figures.





Hollister Drug



we are at


i , - :vaif





. i







-- T"



f, k








V fiT LAW.

mi.0, n awaii

Cathcart&ParkeAttorn eys-at-- L aw

13 Kaahumanu StreetCHARLES F. PETERSON

Attorney at Law andNotar Public.

Kanlmmaiin Htrppt.


A.t torney-- a t --IIawbethel St., Honolulu.

.1. M. 1CAXKAKUA,x

Attorney and Counsellor ntLaw.

OIIIit: In tlio Occldontnl Ilotol, cor-nur-

King and AUkoa Streets, Hono-lulu. 1157

TV. C. Acm. t Johnson.

AOBI&.TOHXSOX,Attorneys and Counselors

at Law.. OlUco No. lOWost Klngbtrcot.

Tolopnonn HHI. wis1?. M. BUOOKS,

A.ttornoy-ii- tCorner Tort ani Hotel streets.Over ralrchllJ's Shoe Store,



Will practice In all the Hawaiian ani UnlteJ SlatesCourts.

Rooms II-I- 2, PROGRESS BLOCK,Cor. Fort an4 HeretanU stret, 1116

1'ltANOtS .l.BUKUY,

lllorarCoiselor-at-La- w

Will practice In all tie U S TcJcralanJ State Courts

Progress Block, cor. Ucritanla anj Fort streets.

U3j t: ; "Rooms 5 nJ6.

f. McCANTS STEWART?'(Formerly of the New York Dar),

Attorney and Counsellor at Lawsprhckels building,

Room s, Honolulu, H. I.305 Tort St., io8q

Surgeons and Physicians.



onico Hours: 8 to 10 n. in.; 1 to 3

f. in,; 7 to 8 p. in. Sundays: 8 to 10

. in, Tolepliono 510, P.O. Hor 601.


Hours : 0 a, in , 3 p. in., 7-- 8 p.m.Sundays, 12-- 2 p. in.

Telcpliono 711. 1107-3- m

DR. C. L. GARVIN'Ctt'co: 037 Kino Stiii:kt, near Punch-bow- l,

Honolulu, U. I.TELEPHONE No. 4 IS

Hours: 9 to 11 a. m.; 1 to 3 p. in.;'7 to 8 p. in.

DR, W. 8. N0BLITT,

King Street, opposite Liliha Street.

peclal nttontlon to Kldnoy ami Gonllo-Urinar-


Honrb: 12 in. to 130 p in.1H8


3i W fls.ibMW.oii,


Ahkea. near Hotel street, (removed fromHotel St.)



MOTT-8MIT- IILOUK.Telkfuonkh: OHlco, 015; Residence,

780. Ilomn: '.) . m. to I p. in.


New Love'u Bnliainp., Fort Street i



DKNTEST.13-- 14 rro;ii Rlock, cornor Boretanla

and I'orr tionoitllll.

DR. R. I. MOORE,Dentist.

No, 210 Ilotol stroot. Tolopliono 505,HOURS: 0 to 12 a.m. audi to 4 p.m.


Food Prepored With "Calumet"Freo from Rpcholle Solto, Alum,

Lime and Ammonia. "Colu- -mal" is tlio Housewife's





And content indeed,Who finds food, solace

pleasure,IN A WEED."

Note the followingpopular brands of ourImportedllavnrut Cignrsdirect from theftictories:

Napoleon the First, Qiballeros sl7e, ico Ina box.

Napoleon the Hirst, Camellas size, ioo Ina box.

Afrlcano, Conchas Selectas, so In a box." Jockey Club, too In a box." Delmonlcos, 25 In a box.

ueiiuomes,Adcllna Pattl, Esplenldos, "

" "Presldentes,GiinJra Ne&ilin, Ulorlosa, 50 In a box.La Travlata Hegalla, Nonpareil, 100 In box.Henry Clav, Cornelias, 50 In a box.

Purltanas, Finns, 50 In a box.Bock & Co., "H. Upmann. Cosmopolltanos, 50 In a box.Alexander Humboldt, l'.icificos,5o In a box.Alexander Humboldt, Republlcanos, 50 boxR. Fulton, Conchas specials, 50 In a box.

" Kecuerdos. 25 In a box.La IntlmlJjd de Antonlno Caruncho, 50 b.La Epanola Elegantes, 25 In a box.

BmTAII of which we offer In Quantitiesto suit. Special prices to the trade.


Lewis & Co.211 FORT STREET.

Telephone 240


Grocers.Corner Fort and Hotel streets.

1157 ti:i.kmionk 080.

H. MAY & GO.Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

' CIS & 617 Fort St., HonoluluOlnphonnr 'i'A P.O. Box 470


1 11

108 KING STREET.G. J. Walleb, : : Manager

Wholosnlo and Retail


Navy Contractors.BEST OP MEATS.

Ftunlllus doslrlng tendor roastu,Juloy steaks anil chops Hliould

call on tbo

Central Meat MarketWo make a specialty of family tradeand sell tlio bost at roaHonablefigures,

H. E, GARES, Proprietor.ill Nuuanti St. Tolophone 101.

LATEST STYLES JEWELRYBy last steamer from the Coast.

THE REGULAR THINGAt my store, where tbe

BEST CUSTOM WORKIs done repairing and now workboth. Pins, rl-'- bracelets, watch-making, etc.

H. G. BIART 404A Fort St




EMBALMINGA specialty.

Office and Parlors' 514 & 516 Fort St., near Hotel.

Telephone 170,



Passes tlio Senate at Close of Yery

Memorable Contest.

Gorman Holds Out Stubbornly Till Near the

End - Yest's Eloquence Falls to Work

lis Intended Charm.

Washington, Februnry 27.After it coatost tlmt will bo mem-

orable in the history of tlio Senatetlio comproraiso tinny reorganiza-tion bill wrtH pnBsod this evoniugat 7 o'clock. When tho Senateconvened nt 11 o'clock this morn,iug it seemed moro than likelythat tho bill might bo passed du-

ring tho duy. Qortnnu of Matylaiid insisted that his amendmentproviding that tho Army shouldnot bo increased permanently orbi'voud January 1, 1901, be incorporated 111 the muasuro.

For soveral hours it appearedprobable that his insistenco atloast would throw the bill overuntil tomorrow, and perhaps de-

feat it. An ngtoemout was ed

finally, howover, and Gor-mnu- 'tt

amendment, in n slightlymodified form, was accepted.

Tho notable speech of the dayagainst tho measure- was deliver-ed by Vest of Missouri, but hisbrilliant cloquoncc availed noth-ing against tho measure bb finallyagreed upon.

Tonight the Senate took up thosuudry civil bill and completedits reading, all tho committeeamoddmontH being ngreed to ex-

cept those relating to the Districtofa Columbia. 'I ho bill was thoulaid aside, to bo completed to-



amnil VaUtn Mlclinrl la Prnhtlnif Orerthe Goruriinient.

London, February 27. ThoCopenhagen correspondent of tboDaily Mail says: Well-inform- ed

porsons hero assure mo that tbohealth of Emperor Nicholas is farfrom good and that his conditionexcites tbe gravest solicitude. Along threatening ailment ajsumeda critical form soon after the issuance of the manifesto in behalf of J

tbe limitation of armaments andtho Czar is now prostrated.

The malady is of such n aharact- -or as to forbid all intellectual ex-ertion. His participation in tbegovernment is merely formal, con- -uneu to signing documents ofwhoso contents ho is iimoraut'rim n.,,i 111. ll.executivo power and all govern-ment decisions aro arrived at without the Czars orknowledge.

Tho Daily Ohronielo's corres-pondent at Stockholm says that itla rumored there that EmperorNicholns is ill and that tho imper-ial Grand Duko Michael is presid-ing over tho government.

Cricket Note,When tho scratch game hot ween

members of tho Honolulu Orioketclub was about half from tho S SGaronne appoared 01 tho scene.It was a complete surprise to theHonolulu players as nothing hadboou said about a match. How-ever, tho two sides got togetherand 0 spirited game was played,the H. O. O. winnning. TheGaronne team whb captained bythe Chief Engoneer, who statedthat, upon the return of the Qa-ronn- o

here, there will be a fivecricket and Rugby football teamaboard and that tho Honolulumon will have to look to theirlaurels.

Judge Stanley has been selectedto asked tho Government for De- r-

miBBion to uavo a concrete wicketlaid on the pitch at Waikiki. Thomembers aro all vory anvious thatthis shall be done.

"I can say one thing for Cham-berlain's Oolio, Cholera and Diar-rhoea Remedy; and that is that itexcels any proprietary modicine Ihave seen on the market, and Ihave been in the practice of medicine and the drug business for thepast forty years," writes J. M.Jackson, M. D., BronBon, Fla.Physicians like Chamberlain'sColic, Cholera and DiarrhoeaRemedy becauso it is n eoiontificpreparation, and beciuso it alwaysgives quick relief. Got a bottle atyour drug store.

The Bulletin, 75c per month.



It Is not often that strangers come Into acommunity and In less than two months

Set thcPticc In their particular line of

business, yet this Is what we have actual

ly done In the photographic trade here In

Honolulu. Our competitors Lnujjhcdnt us at first, now thev endeavor to copy

us In every way not only In the work

done for the amateur, but also In the

advertising line as well. Could a more

complete acknowlegement of our superior-

ity be possible?

LeMUNYON,Rooms 2, S unci 4, Love Building,



1 1

We turn out the finest workat the most reasonable prices.

bouvenir Views or the Islandsin endless variety.

J. J. WILLIAMS,At tbo Old StandOn Fort Strpot ::


Pound Master's Notice o?Estrays.

Notice Is hereby given, that the animalsdescribed below have been impounded Inthe Government Pound at Maklkl, Kona,Oahu, and unless the pound fees anddamages are sooner satisfied, will be sold atPublic Auction at said Government Poundon Saturday, March 2;, 1899, at 12

o'clock noon:One black horse branded X on right

hind leg, left ear cut, right foreleg Injured.Shod all around.

One bay mare branded P. on left side ofneck, white spot on forehead, white spoton nose, right hind foot white, right fore

foot black, left hind foot black, left fortfoot black. Shod all around.

One bay filtyhno brand. White forehead and white nose.

K. KEKUENE,PoundiMaster..

Honolulu, March 4, 1899. ii6i3t

Public Lands Notice.

On Tuesday April 4thf at 12 o'clocknoon at front entrance of the Judiciarybuilding, will be sold at Public Auctionfor Cash 1 0 acres of land at Pouliala,Ewa, Oalru, in rear of School'ilot and Inconnection with the Main GovernmentRoad.

Upset Price 1200.Terms Cash U. S. Gold coin.For further particulars" apply at Public

Lands Office, Honolulu.J. F. BROWN,

Agent of Public Lands.Dated March 4, 1899. n6o-3- t

Notice.At the Annual meeting of the stock

holders of The Inter-Islan- d Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., held this 7H1. day of March1899, the following officers and directorswere elected to serve for the ensuing year:

W. B. GodfreyPresldent.J. EnaJ. L. McLean Treasurer.N. E. Gedge Secretary.T.W.Hobron Auditor.

DIRECTORS.W. B. Godfrey, J. Ena, G. N. Wilcox,

A. S. Wilcox. F. A. Schaefer. V. O.Smith, E. Suhr,

IN. K. uedge,Secretary

Honolulu March 7 1899. 1 162-- 1 w

In the Circuit Court, of theFirst Circuit,

HAWAIIAN ISLANDS.In the Matter of the Bankruptcy of Tam

Chung Kee :

Creditors of said Bankrupt are herebvnotified to come ln'and prove their claimsbefore the Clerk of the Circuit Court ofthe First Circuit, at the Court House InHonolulu, on the 10th day ofMarch. 1800. between the hours of teno'clock In the forenoon and noon of saidday, and elect an Assignee of said Bank-rupt's Estate.

By the Court :

GEORGE LUCAS, Clerk.Humphreys & Gear, Attorneys for

Bankrupt. 1 1 58--

.is. . .


IllIncorporated Under the Laws I

I of tub Hawaiian Republic.

Capital $400,000

OFFICISItS AND DlItECT01t3:Ciias. M. Coo it K, 1'roMdont.

J. U. Atiikkto.v, Vlco'l'rotltlentO. II. Cookb, Cashier.

F. C. Atiihuto.v, Socrotnry.Ilonry Wntorhouso,

Tom May.N F. W. Macfailnno,

E. D. Toniioy,J. A. McCilndless.

Solicits the Accounts of Firms, Cor-

porations, Tniits, Individuals, and willcnrofully and promptly attend to allbuslnoss connected with banking en-

trusted to It. Sell and purcharo ForeignHxchsingo, Ihsho Letters of Credit.


Ordinary and Torni Doposlts rocolvod,and Interest allotted In nccordanco withrules niul conditions pi 11 ted In Pussbooks, o3ilos of which may bo hud uponapplication.

i&ifo dojMwIt boxes routed by monthor yonr. 10 15

Architects, Contractors and Ballders.


223 Merchant St,, Honolulu,Between Fort and Alakea,

TBLni'iioNK : : : 734

Building MaterialsOF ALL KINDS,

Doalors in Lumber and Goal.

ALLEN & HOBINSON,Queon street, Honolulu.


Contractor and BuilderOQlccs nnil Stores fitted up and

Estimates Riven on

ALL KINDS OF WORKOf Otllce and Snoti. No. B19 Fort strcot,

adjoining W. W. Wright's Carriage Bhop.

T& My Patrons and the Public.

Havinc rocovered from my recent illness, I am again preparedto do all kindts of Tinsmith andPlumbing work as heretofore.Thanking you for past favors, Irespectfully solicit a continuanceof the samo.

JAS. NOTT, Jr,t- - Tel. 8U.

A New Paint Shop.

Having associated with us Mr. JohnII. West, a practical IIouso Palntor,Doconttor and Wood Pollshor, wo aronow prop.irod to glvo estimates on. allkinds of work In that lino.

Mr. West having had n practicalof ovor twonty yoara In San

Francisco and othor larao cities on- thoCoast, wo foel contldont that any workentrusted to us will give ontlro satisfaction to our patrons.

Peerless Preserving Paint Co.

Artistic Graining


House Painter,Paper Hanger,Grainer, Glazier, andTlNTER : : :

MEUOIIANT STREET,1076 Next to Follco Station

....DEALER in....Marblo, Q rautto and Hawaiian Stone


Fort Street, opposite Chinese Church.

All kinds of Lettering and Carving.Estlmatos Furnished. 1140

Have You Seen Them?HThoso ologant WROUGHT IRONFENCES wo are putting up nroundtho moro handsonio rosldonco lots intown? Costs no moro than a woodenfancoj lasts a llfo tltno: a combination ofbeauty and strength that will add moroto tho attractlvenoss of your homo thanany othor Improvement for twlco tbemonoy. Call and sop our samples.

Iron Work of every description. Im-ported and domoBtlo MONUMENTS,Tombstonos and Statuary.

Estlmatos clvon on all kinds of Grading, Stono Work andTorraolng, Curbingand Cemont Sidewalks, Content workof all kinds. Lotto r Cutting in brass,Iron and Btono, ,

Sto licit making a specialty.

Hawaiian Iron Fence and Monu-

mental Co.

H. E. HENDRIOE, Manager.041 King street.Telephono S02.

Ja4tU!a,JuA'Una.. y y'4 A, JtoTAifctf , ,' t kk:- . J..i,Jff,iU,. 1 .. xtt jjtfi&!&M. -- 4u8)i2 I lii.. !4tiiM,


GLAUS BritBOEELB, Wm. a. Inww.



ftm FrancUxo Agent The Nevada Bahk oBah Fuancisco.

uniw EicnxNoa ondx FiUNGieco The Nevada Dank of Ban

Francisco.Condon The Union Uauk of London. Ltd.Vnw York American Kzcbange National

Dank.Uninioo Merchants National Hank.Pabis Comptolr National d'Escompt de

Paris,Bbolih Dreadncr BankiUONOitONO and YOKOHAMA Hongkong A

Shanghai Banking Corporation.Nhw Zealand and Australia Bank ot Now

Zealand.Vktobia and Vancouver Bank of British

North America.raesact a General Banting and Eicoange BusinessDcpolsts Received. Loans made on Ap-

proved Bccurlty. Commercial and TravelersCredits Issued. Bills of Exchange boughtand sold.Collections Tromptlt Accounted For,

BISS03? & 0.SavingsBank

KllvlnfTa TlnnciUtt ..lll l.received nnd interest allowed by this" iour una ouo-iia- ii por cont.tMI- - fltltllltll. Tfin forma 1n(, n.w1regulations of tho Hawaiian Postal Sav-ings Hank have been adopted as far asit is practicable to apply tlloin, and thoCash Hoorvo of fSO.OOO as ro()uIrod un-do- r

tho Postal Act will bo maintained.Printed coplos of tho Rulos and Reg-lllatlo-

may bo obtained on application.uiaiiui' uu.

Established 1850

szsaio c& 00.BANKERS.

TrahBact a General Bankingind Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-ibl- o

in all tho principal cities '

if the world.Interest allowed after Julv

1,1898, on fixed deposits 3:montiis 6 per cent., b months3J por cent., 12 months 4por cent.

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets, Dec. SI, 1898, 110,808:33Money loanod on approvod socurlty,A Savings Bank for monthly deposits.Houses built on tho monthly Install-

ment plan.Eighteenth, Sorlos of Stock is now

opened.Officers-- : T. F. Lansing, President;

S. B. Roso, C. B. Gray,Treasurer; A. V. Goar, Socrotary.

.mijiectohs; x. i Lansing, a. II. iiose,A. V. Goar, A. W. Keoeh, J. G. Roth-wel- l,

Henry Smith, J. J. MoLoan,. J. D.Holt, C. B. Gray.

For furthor particulars apply to.

A. V. GEAR, Secretary.Chambor of Comnirco roomsOfllce-Hour- 12:30-1- :30 p. iq.

Tfe i'on;oh&niB gpecia Ban

LIMITED.Babseribed CaplJU Yen 12,000,000Paid Up Capital Ten 10,600,000UesorveFnnd Yea 0,960,600


BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, New York,

San Franclsoo, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong.

Tho Bank buys and receives for collec-tion Bills of Exchango, issues Drafts nndLetters of Credit ou tho abovo Braucheaand Agencies, and transacts a generalbanking buslnoss.INTEREST ALLOWED

On Fixed IKposIt lor ii months, 4 per cent p. a.On FUed Deposit lor 6 months, i "On FlxeJ Drioslt (or 3 IMS, 1 "


HeJ Omce at Yokohsmi, on CutTtnt D

fokll, .M per cent. tr annum.Deposit lor 11 months, 7 per ctat, p. a.

Hew fteptiDlic Rnilluu. HI Elne St, Honolulu

The . . .

Bawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Aktkea & Halekauwila Sta,

Has a large assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand.

Estimates given for .house wir-In-g

and Electrical plants.Marine Wiring a specialty,










Lines of

Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE.Tho Fine PaBaonger Steamera of This Liue Will Arrive at ru"

This Fort as Hereunder.

Prom San Franoisco:AUSTRALIA .. .March 15

ALAMEDA ...March 20

In connection wltb tho sailingare prepared to issno, to nuondinc passengers, coupon throughtiokots by any railroad from San Frauoiseo, to all points in theUnitod States, and from Now York by any stoamship line to allHJuropoan ports.

For further pnrtioulurs apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Limited,Goneral Agonts Oceanic S. S. Co.

PaciHc HailOccidental and Oriental Steamship Co, &$ Toyo Kisen Kaisha

Steamers of the above companies will call at Honolulu ani leave this port on or about the... .dates below mentioned:....

For Japan and China:GAELIC - March 10


For San rranclsco Cabin 1,3Second Cabin (Toyo Kisen Kaisha only) . . joEuropean Steerage a$

For Yokohama Cabin 150Second Cabin ( Toyo Kisen Kaisha only) . 100European Steerage 8j

For HonRkone Cabin 1:5Secon J Cabin (Toyo Klscn Kaisha only) . tigEuropean Steerace too

H. Hackfeld &mmrtArtmmMr?rTmfnttmr6.rmr'r.--

lan italWSteamers of the above line, running In connection with the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO..

betveen Vancouver, II.' C. and Svdney. N. S. W., and catling at Victoria, II. C Honolulu, Suva (Fill),an! Wellington, N. Z are 1UJH AT IlONOL.lJl.ir on or about the dates below stated, vlt:FROM VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA, U. C.

lor Suva, Wellington (N. i.) ana iyjney :Mlowera March 17 Aorangl. AugustaWarrlmco April 14 Mlowera.,. September 1

Aorangl May 11 Warrlmoo. ScrlemUr soMlowera June 9 Anrangl Octobers?Warrlmoo July 1 Mlonera.. .November 94

Warrlmoo. December 33

47'Through tickets Issued from Honolulu to Canada, United States and Europe.rassage ana all general information, apply 10

Theo. H. Da vies &

Linos of Travel.

$T5.00Will Take You From I1ILO


Via Seattle and Tacoma,

- - OVER THE - -Britisb-America- n S.S. Co.'s Line


li1 Tar 'eraii"GAE0Will be the first vessel to depart under

this new arrangement.

Mill yfallAT 4 P. M.

86T Passengers are now booking at theonices ot


Queen Street General Agents,

O. R. & L. Co.xSJCV$gA


TIME TABLE.From and After Jnntinry 1, 1800.

TRAINS.STATIONS. Dally Dally(Outward) ex. Sun, Dally ex. Sun, Dally Dally

A.M. A.M. A.M. I'.M. P.M.Honolulu ... Tito ''5 11:05 j:5 5:10Pearl City... 8.03 04 11:40EwaMIII 831 io.o3 fa:oo 4:05 6:10Walanae 10: 50 4'5Walalua ii:55 5:40Kahuku n:j9 6:15

STATIONS. Dally(Inward) ex Sun. Dally Dally Dally

A.M. A.M. I'.M. P.M.Kahuku .... ao3Walalua 6; 10 9:50Walanae 7:10 3:55Ewa Atlll 5:50 7:45 :o5 4:3aPeatlClty 6.15 8.0) 1:30 4:5JHonolulu 6:50 '35 9.05 5:90

F. 0, Smith, don'l Pass, it TIckotAgont.

Q, 1. TJunison, Hupurlntoudont.


Tlio Btnge for Kaneohc, Ileola, Wal-kan- e,

1'unaluu, Lalo, Kahuku ami waypoints, will leavo rostofllco, Hetholstreet Hide, at 0 a. m. (Sundays except-ed), calling for passcngcra and pack-age- a

at Lovejoy A Co'o, No.lONuuauustreet

aJ3tagea will mako tho return tripfrom Kul.uku Jai.. . 1010



!WfFWf?imJ??V!r vjf


For San Pranoisco:AUSTRALIA.. March 21

MAllIl'OSA March 29

of tbo abovo steamers, tho Agents

Steamship Go.

I For San Francisco:CHINA March 10


For San Francisco Cabin, 4 months f.IiajFor Yokohama Cabin. 1 months 111

Cabin, la months.... a6i 50For Hongkong Cabin, 4 months 6j 50

Cabin, 19 months 316 95

Go., Ltd,, Agents.1055

Stcamsliin Cup

FROM SYDNEY. WELLINGTON (N. Z.) & SUVA1 or victoria ana Vancouver u, C)

Warrlmoo March 15 Mlowera AugustaAorangi April is Warrlmoo,. . August 30Miouera Aiay so Aorangi...septcmrr a,Warrlmoo June 7 Mlowera,... October 9 JAoranjl July 5 Warrlmoo. .November 91

Aorangi, ...December 90

For Trtlcht and

Co., Ltd., GeiVl Agents.Lines of Travel.

JiliWouoi a Steamship


S.S.KlNAUCLARKE, Commander,

Will loavo Honolulu ovory Ttlosday at:i o'clock p. in., touching at Lahaliui,Mualaua liny and Makonn tlio nameday; Mahukona, Kawalbao and Laii.pannohoo tho following day, arrlvincl.r llllA(Tn.l I ..l..

Returning will sail from Hllo ovoryFriday nt 0 o'clock p. in., touching atLaupahoohoo, Mahukoua, Kawalhao,Makoua, Maalaca Jlay and Lahalna,arriving at Honolulu Saturday night.

Will call at Foholkl, Puna, on tliosecond trip of oach month, arrivingthero 011 tho mornlnir of tho dav ofrailing from llllo to Honolulu.

'J ho popular-rout- o to tho Volcano Isvia Hllo. A good carrlago road tho on- -'

tiro ui&ianco.


Will loavo Honolulu Tuesday, at 5o'clock p. in., touching at Kahulul,Hana, llauioa and Klpahulu, Maul.

arrlvos nt Honolulu Sundayinoinlng.

Will call at Nuu, Kaupo, onco eacnmonth.

This company rosorveH tho right tomako changoa in tho tlmo of doparturoand arrival of Its stoamors WITHOUTNOTIOK, and it will not bo responsiblefor anv consonuonens nrlslntr tlmrn.from. I

ConslRneos must bo at tho landingto rocolvo tholr frolght. This companywill not hold Itsolf responsible forfrolght aftor It haa boon landod.

I.lvo stock rocelvml nnlv nt mriui.i.risic.

Thin Pnmnnnv will .inf 1n M,iv.n,t.blo for monoy or valuabloa of passon-gor- a

unlesa placod In tho caro of purs-er- a.

l'ussongora aro romiostod to purchasetickets beforo ombarklng. Thoso fall-ing to do so will bo subjocttoanaddl.tlonal charge of twenty-Uv- o por cent.

Tho company will not bo llublo forloss of, nor Injury to, nor dolay In, thodollvory of baggago or porsonal olloeUof tho pnssongor boyond tho amount of8100 0'), unlosa tlio valuo of tlio B.tinobo doclarod, nt or boforo tho Issuo oftho tlckot, and frolght ia paid thoroon.

All omployoes of tho Company areforblddon to rocolvo frolght without de-livering a shipping receipt thorofor intho form proscribed by tho Companyand which may bo soon byshlpporaupon application to tho pursors of thoCompany'a Stoamors.

fihtmmi'H urn iinttflnil flint If I.shlipud without such rocolpt, It will bosolely nt tho risk of tlio shipper.

. T v. J.. wjuiiT, i'rosldont.- ' S. I). ItOSE, Socrotary,CXVr.J. A.Ki:.G,rortJ3u-jt- .

t..:Ui..:, .. ,H-Si-

: tmv-- , --tot. rVWl rmmfli8mMmiMm&nim,t ' - ' ': " W1Qff&





Arrive from San Fran-- 1 Depart Tor San Fran- -Cisco or Victoria. I Cisco or Victoria.

Moana March AlameJa , .. .MarchCity of Peking . China....Australia " Warrlmoo ...Gaelic " Doric ,Mlowera " Australia ...llonekone Maru " Nippon Maru . " 95.. ... "Alameda Mariposa rChina 1. . April Rio de Janeiro.. April 4Doric .Australia Anranei ........ " isWarrlmoo... Australia . ..... " 18Nippon Maru American Maru.Mariposa . . . Moana " t6Rio it Janeiro, City of Peking.. " .9Coptic May 5 Gaelic May 6Australia .Mlowera 10Aorangl Australia " 16America Maru J Hongkong Maru " 16City ot Peking China " 2Moana 4 AlameJa " 14Gaelic It Doric June 1Australia ...June ? Warrlmoo " 7Hongkong Maru Nippon Maru... " soMlowera Australia " ijChina Rio de Janeiro.. " itAlameda Mariposa.. " siDoric Coptic

Note, Departures for and arrivals Irom the Col-onies, or China and Japan, are not given In the abovetable, though they can be easily ascertained, as for-eign mall steamers generally leave Honolulu the dayof arrival. Steamers Aorangl, Warrlmoo and Mlo-wera run between Victoria and the Colonies: AlameJa,Mariposa, and Moana between San Francisco and theColonies! Nippon Maru, Rio de Janeiro. China,Doric, Coptic, America Maru, Gaelic and HongkongMaru between San Tranclsco and Japan and China;Australia between San hranclsco and Honolulu only.

Beer and Wine Dealers.


SAUERKRAUT3 pounds for 2$ cents.60-pou- nd casks, $A per cask.


OST. BBEHAM'SHop Ilcor Dopot, No. 11 Konia (formorly

SniHh) stroot.


Wi nl Linr Healers,Agents for th Bottled Rainier Ueer of Seattle.

No. 10 Nuuanu StiieotFoster Dlock, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

P. O. Pox i )t. Mutual Telephone 308.

HOP .A.XJS.Acloso rosomblnnro to Boor,

From Kentish Hops." An admlmbln luiltjillmi " r,rlm,Tlmos.

HAWAIIAN SODA WOItKS.Tolophono 032. 0l4



225 Queen stroot, Honolulu, II,

Chinese and Japanese Firms.


Merchant Tailor323 Nuuanu St.

Fine Suitings in English, Scotch andAmorlcau Goods madu to ordor.

Tolephone 008. rostofllco box 080.10)


I liavo Just rocelvoda big importationof theso goods.


Hotel St., noar Fort.

. Ivory WaroLacquor Wnro

.Silver WaroCrockery "Waro

WING WO TAI & CO.214 Nuuanu streot

Seasonable Goods,CHAHIS of all kinds, Matting,

Chinese Grans Linen In any color,Fancy China Silk irandkcrohlofa,

KWONO HlN(l4CHONG CO.,1004 Nuuanu abovo King at.

HUT KES RESTAURANTAlakoa, botweon Merchant and King

strcuta.A First Class Meal at All Hours,


and Gents. Glvo uaa trial. 1157-0- m

L. CHONG,No. 6 Nuuanu St., below Merchant, Honolulu,

MERCHANT : TAILOR.ili i;Maimww v ill ana in IIICSl Sty If 5,

mado to order: uniforms a specialty.,.. .Clnthr f.inot ttfil ronalra.4 a. 1.1 '.twi

TAKAKI &CO.,Contractors



us',i Nuuanu street, Honolulu, H. I.mi


400 Nuuanu Stroot.,

Chalra of all kinds, Mattinu.CIgara, SHU and ChtnoM Teua. IS0

AtijmJkj :, .1 . Kt. t

SHIPPING NEWSAdditional, and the latest Shipping News, will be

found on the eighth page.


i l W M H MW r-i- mB V2. o2

Day. iff 3 SB. E

- B. C. C. C.j fc O (b (S

I a.m. ii.in. p.m. n. in.Monday 0 11.31 4.C1 0.C9

y ii.iii.Tuesday 7 0.23 12.42 0.01 7.39


Wednesday 8 1.1(1 1.30 7.10 8.14.

Thursday.., o' 2.01 2.21 8.00 8.44n.ni, p,m

Friday ,10 2.42 3.09 0.11 0.02Saturday... ,11 3.10 3.30 0.40 0.55

p.m. a inSuiulay 12 4.30 3.50 10.09 10.44

The Standard time whistle Koumhnt12h. Oin. 0i. fmldnlght), Greenwichtime, which Is Hi. 80m. p. 111. of Ha-waiian Standard time.

MOVEMKNT3 OK STKAMEUS.Stcamcra due anil to sail today ami

for tho next six days are na follows:

AKMVK.Steamera From DueUpolu Kohala Moh 8City of Peking Francisco. Uch 8Mlkahala KttunI March 0China Yokohama Mch 10I.ehua Molokal and Laiutl Jleh IIKlnnii Maul ami lIawaII.Mureh IIClaudlne Maul March 12WO Hall Kauai March 12Mauna Loa Komi Mch 14


Steamera For SullaCity of Puking Yokohama Mch 8Mlkahalu Knual March 10China San Francisco Meh 10Upolu Kohala Mch 10Lcliua Molokal and Lanal..March 14Mauna Loa Maul and Hawaii. Mch 14"Warrininn - Sydney Mch 11


This ia tho lUltb, trip of thoCity of PekinR.

Tbo bark Auamlia arrived iuAalorin from Honolulu, February20.

Tbo echoonor II. Talbot,sailed from Nowcastlo for Hono-lulu, Fob 25.

The bark Coylon arrived in SanFrancinco Febiuary 2G, 21 dayafrom this port.

Tbo Valencia and Portland leftfor tbiB port about March 4. Theywill probably brinR tho next nowafrom tho States.

Tho Irmgard was Bupposod tobf.ve ttitilod from Siui ifainuiecufor tbiB port, March 3 and tboAlden Beaso, March 4.

The Australia. lnvinr Rn,iFrancisco March 8 and duo heroon tlio 17th, ib tho noxt mailsteamer from tho Coast.

Tho shir) Fort Qpnrnp. nnw nnher way to Sau Francisco fromHonolulu, has boen chartered toload at tbo former port for thisplace.

rABSENdElta DEPABTED.Vnr lVlniii nnrro rmr bfmi. nin

dinp, Mar 7 A II itutherford, thoISIDMnri nr 'nnnnn id S1 ir.nn..fold, Mr MHrshail, Mr Scbusalor,Y Amov. Yomire Nnn. .T H ll.Caudlesa, F N McCaudlcss.

For Kauai, per atinr W G Hall,Mar 7 G N Wilnnr. M T Mrn.sarrat. Mr Kennv. H Lvninn. n pKimberly, Mrs Keawe, A S Wil-cox, O II Demont, Miss K Akam- -,bo, Miss E Hougbtailinp, JulesTitcomb and wife, E D Tenney,Mr SohuBsler, O Hltotb, Miss 13

Gray.For Maui and Hawaii, per sttnr

Kinau, Mar 7 Mrs Tiltlon, MrsVillot. Miaa Voormnti. Mish 'M'n- i-er, J O'Urien, Jno McCarthy, MrIiroomor, Mr KBeser, MrB Muir-ho- ad

and child, E It Hendry, DrWinalow. G M Rnnilnra. Tinv TOkumura, M G Barney, VincentFernandea 11111I wifri. ilr Wtrmlma.tor, Dr Petoreon, Captain Dunning, jjoon itiestor, u x urantandwifo, Mtb Frasor and 2 chil-dren, A W Cockott, E D Bald-win, H S Townsrnd, Mib GooUuttraan, Mr and Mrs Sprnguo,W Klnripv.

For Seattle, per S S Oaronno,Mar 7 Mias .lofferaon, M Nagel,Bori Allen, Mr and Mrs A JSnoko, James G Kotlnvell, wifoand children, Col Dudley, WinFink, P H Ammiilown, H "D Al-bo- rt,

W J Moouoy, M L Sullivan,WL Porkine, Dr W O Junkius.GF Kuhlca, J Greou, A Perkins,MisB II E RumBoy, Mrs E WHoniiott. CI .T IUnnnlirl fl ITin.beo, J O Cooko ami wifo, O SHrowil. Gen TTannnV fl Ororrrr ITllln Wftllnrn. Mm Wnltnra nnildnughtor, Bev J Cairns, wifo amiuuuKuigriur ana iura Jiartweu,D B Smith and dauchter. JamoBFc"-r,- n prinrr.iVvAr.Mi,iVi

JiujkritlLttJUMMA .iJiUbaL .. u.


US Collier Sclndla, Watson, Call.io,Feb 12. For 1M111II.1.

U. S. Tugboat Ircquols, Pond, San

U S Transport Roanoke, Kldston, fromSan Francisco, Alar 6. For Alanlla.

MERCHANTMEN.(This list Joes not includes coasters.).

Am sip Volante, Johnson, San Francis-co, Nov 1 1. Hound for Guam.

Am stmr City of Columbia, Mllnor,Hllo, Dec 11.

Br bl Wlllscolt, Peabody, Nanalmo,Dec 20. H Hackfeld & Co.

Haw sp Star of Russia, Hatfield, Ta-coma, Jan 21. IIS N Co.

Am bk C D Bryant, Colly, San Fran-cisco, Feb 5. HHackfeM&Co.

Nor shin Hercules. Toblason. Newcastle.Feb 10. W G Irwin & Co.

Am ship I F Chapman, Thompson, SanFrancisco. Feb 10. W G Irwin St Co.

Am bktne Jane L Stanford, Johnston,Newcastle, N i. '.V r'in. W G Irwin& Co.

Am schr Robert Lewers, Goodman, SanFrancisco, Feb 12. H Hackfeld & Co.

Am schr Muriel, Carlsen, Newcastle,Feb 13. Coal to order.

Am schr Maria E Smith, Smith, Portlownscnu. ieo 11, Alien iV KoDDinson,

Am schr Oceania Vance, Ankers, Newcastle. N S W. Feb u. Coal to order.

Am schr Maty E Foster, Thompson, PortDiaueiey, ren 14. Alien cc Komnson.

Am bktne Newsboy, Mollestad, Newcastlf , N S W. I'eb u. Coal to order.

Ain schr Annie M Campbell, Fridberg,0.111 ri.iiiciM.u, 1 co iu. i.everscv

Haw bk Andrew Welch, Drew, SanFrancisco. Feb 17. C Brewer St Co.

Am bk Golden Gate, Balfour, CaletaBuena, Feb 18. Castle & Cooke.

Br bk Invermark, Philip, Liverpool, Febin. 11 n.icKieiu cv -0.

Am schr Vine, Small, Eureka, Feb 20,Lewers & Cooke.

Am schr Bessie E Stevens, Havner, Sanrnmcisco, reo 21. wine to oruer.

.Am bktne Planter, .Marden, San FranCisco. Feb 21. H Hackfeld St Co.

Am schr American Girl, NIIsn, PortTownsund, Feb 25. Cargo lumber to order.

Am schr Aloha, DabcL San Fianclsco,icu zj. 11 nacitieiu oc vo.

Am bktne Skagit, Robinson, PugetSound. Feb 26. Wilder & Co.

Am bktne Eureka. Schon, Eureka, Feb20. .ewer (..QOKf.

Am schr Conma, Anderson, Port Town'send. Feb 27. Lewers re Cooke.

Am sp C F Sargent, Haskell, Tacoma,ren 20. u k re l, t--

Am bk (Mohican, Saunders, San Francis-co, Mar s. Castle re Cooke.

Mutht'r un.l Son."Hood's SaroajiHrilla has cured

me of rheumatism and neuralgiawlion I could find no rolief fromauything else. My son also suf-fered for years from nourulpmand boils, but since taking Hootl'dSarsnparilla ho has bad no symp-toms of theso dist'iiaes." Mrs.Anuio McGowen, 8 North 10thStreet, Temple, Texas.

Hood's Pills aro easy to take,ORBy to operate. Curo indiges-tion, headnche. ,

H.atllo lleer.This ever popular .Rainier bcei

is beooming a housohold wordand "will you havo a glasB ofSeattle" is moro oftenvhoard thananything oIbo. Tho CriterionSaloon have tho boor on tap or inbottles.

Calirornln Fruits.D. G. CamarinoB recoived on

tho steamer Australia a big in-voice of Apples, Grapes, Figs, Lo-raon- a,

Nuts, Puro Olivo Oil, DryFruit, etc., otc.

Amorican Mossengor ServiceMnsonic Temple. TcleDhoue444.

Honolulu Messongor Service do-live- rs

messages and packages.Telephone 878.

Nicely furnished rooms at thePopular House, 154 Fort street,from $1.00 per week pp.

If you want a nice rubber tirohack with a caroful driver ring upClub Stable Hack 8tand Tel. 319,and wo guaranteo yoa will bosatisfied.

Mechanic's Homo, cornor Hotoland Nuuanu streets, lodging byday, woek or month. Terms: 25and 50 conts por night. SI nndSI. 25 por weok.

Tho ueo of tho Singer in mil-lions of homes shows tho unnru--cedontcd success of thoso idealsowing machines. It is convinc-ing proof that tho Singer oxcolsin all kinds of family sewing andart ncedlo work. All our bowingmachines aro of tho host construction, beautifully decorated, andaro mounted on eolected woods infinely finished cabinets of artisticdesigns. B. Borgorsen, agont, 1GJBhol atreot.

For some timo, I havo Bufferedwith rheumatism and tried ovoryimapinablo romedy, without effect.Mr. F. G. S. Wello advised mo totry Ohamberlaiu'B Pain Balm,tolling mo that it had cured manyoases of long standing like mine

havo used four bottles nnd feelBtiro that ono more bottlo willmako my curo complote. A. P.Kotitz, Olaromoro, Ark. Sold bynil dealers. Beusou, Smith it Co.,GAnern.1 Afpr)tf.

.JLt Jk i.- U JteMsaA.4u,

The CI11 6 StablesJLafl-iltOCl- .

O. Bblmna, : Manacor.KOH ' UEEV,

Tolnphojie 477Livery, Boarding & Sale Stables

Prompt Service. Stylish Turnouls.Safe Drivers.

We aro cppcially .equipped to cater toyour trinlo. Fair dealing mid kmk1 oor-vlc- o

la what wo dopond upon to get It.Wo havo for sale Family Carriage and

l)t Mug Horses, ulnglo or doublo teams.I'licy aro In jjorxl condition and will beold on favorable tonus.

Ui. ltowat la always In attondnnco!nttho RtaMo.

Ciub Stables HackstandCor. Union A Hotel Sts.


DHIVKH3.FIRST CLASS CAKRIAOmHACKS AT AI.fi HOURS.Ordors for Surrey, Waj;onottcH,.SIni;li

or Double Teams at a moment's notice.Hack Nos. I2f, 183, 100, 70, 77.

C. 1IEI.MNA. Mirr




-- careers

We hii now on tap a suprlv of pure ani unadul-terated wind, frre to all. JlrMt fromnur oxnulnJtie.x.trranlcJ to rlJe easier than anv other brani on tapIn Honolulu, puncture proof an J tree from oil or anvsubstance that cojIJ possibly Injure the mostlire, lemenbr thata blnwatllaileysultl colattherthan any other In ton. We Imetho droit tlilnj Ina connection for free air, no hose, no trouble Talki-ng: about Puncture Proof, we shall hive In stock Ina tew J.i) s A tire that a Klaue thorn cannot penetrate.We sent to the maker a full line of thorns for a trial,the factory experimented with them and found that theMilwaukee Puncture proof llwls Imperslnus mtheworst Klaue thorn ou can find. It Is also as easy toride as any first classllre In the market, 1'unctiiteProofing, lias not effected its rellency, no metal stripIn the thread. Tor sale In the Hawaiian Islandsexclu-slvel- y


Btilley's Honolulu Cyclery,231 ICING STREET.

Established i8o Headquarters for Xopaln

Your Roof and

GuttersShould be put in thorough repair

before you are washed -- out duringthe heavy rains.

I stand ready to do any necessaryrepairs required.

John ftlott,75-7- 9 KING ST.

Tolophono No. 31.

Japan Mail Steanisfiip Company

Tho Nippon Yuson Ivai-sha- 'a

AJ. S.'S. "KINSH1UrAHU" will loavo tins liorl

on or about. Iaroh S, forSoattlo via Vancouvor, 3J. O.

For Proiglit or PasSago ap-

ply to

W. G IKWIN & CO., Ltd.A gen Is.


The A i Japanese S. S.


Will sail for the above port on March aothor anout.

tSTFor freight or passage apply to

Theo. II. Dnvles & Co., Ltd.OR

JAPAN IMMIGRATION CO.,1162 Room No. i,SpreckelsUld.


Ohia, Algerola and Pine Firewood

Out and Split (ready for tLefitovo),Also,



At Lowest l'rlcea, delivered to auy portthe City.


HUSTATrrT"& CO.,II Q'.ionn Street.

Madame Wolfe,


Effllfli S.NUUANU STreiETHavlnc arrived from the Coast per S. S.

Garonne, has commenced buslne:. Timvery latest styles, and a perfect fit, guar-anteed. Charges moderate. 1 1 52

The livening Hulletin gives ALL 1

ihe ncivs for 7$ cents a month.

...dtfeiaeW. Jw.ahh,



ft itP

5 i




M- -

:. TT afiaappa-- , .giJryaireTaqy- - y" .m,,.,, ,

Hnvo you ovor tried Mineral Rubber Gar-de- n

HOSC? If not now is justtlio timo to do so

m we lmvo just received por "Moana" over a thou-

sand dollars worth of this lino hose, just 299 lengths.This is the third shipment vo h.ivo had of M-

ineralized Hose and if it goes the way the lastones have we will have to lmvo another very soon.

If j on want the best hoso made uslc for Minera-lized,

E. 0. HALL & SON, Ltd,Cor. Fort and Kino: Sts.

Columbia and llnmblur Agents.


That Elegant Residence of Thos.R. Lucas, Esq., Beretania

and Kinau Streets.SIZE OF XiOT, 200x290.

Consisting of large house with

Double Parlors, Dining Room, 4 large Bed Rooms, Lanai, Kitchen,

Uath, etc. Also Cottage of 3 large rooms, with Bath Room and Closet.

Servants' House of 4 rooms, Carriage House, and everything re-

quired for a first-cla- ss home.The grounds are planted with all kinds of fruit and ornamental

trees, flowers and ferns.This is one of the nicest homes in Honolulu. Must be seen to be

appreciated, For further particulars see

L. C. ABLBS, Real Estate Agent,315 Fort Street.




Special Mooting nt Mat-onl- Tomplo,THIS (Wctlm-eday- KVUNING, Marchti,1800, Ht 7tf() o'clock. INITIATION,lloiiibcf of LoiIko 1,0 I'rogros, mid Pa-- 1

Ilk--, and nil MiJnuriilnK brotliron, nrofraternally Invltod to bo present.

K. It. O. WALLACE,11C3 . Secretory.

Election of Officers.At a regular meeting of the stockholders

of Wall, Nichols Co., Ltd., held March

4II1, 1899, the following officers wereelected to serve for the ensuing year :

F. E. Nichols, President.J. F. Morgan,A. V. Gear, Secretary.T. U. Wall, Treasurer.T. F. Lansing, Auditor.The above officers constitute the Board

of Directors.A. V. GEAR,

ii53-:- v Secretary.

Something New!





PRINCESS KAIULAEFrom an excellent original.

Can be worn for Brooches, Pins,Cuff Buttons, etc.

The only way to preserve highlyappreciated Photos.

P RICE 30c AND 50c .

B. LICHLIG,Manufacturer.

Office 000 Foi'tSt.,nr. Ucretnnlu

AilniiK PolaiMilnic tiwar.

Now York, Fobruary 27. Thejury in uo Adauiei poison casoctmo in with it verdict at 8:d3 p.m. It was as follows: "We findthat tho said Kutnoiiuo J. AdamBcamo to her death on Decomborio, i8 S, in 01 Weat Eighty-sixt- h

rtrort, by p ison by inorcurioryaoidp, adminietered by HarryH. Ooiniflh. to whom said poisouhud been soul in a bottlo ofiiromospHzpr bv Roland 13.


Telephone 139.

N. g. 11.

Colonel Flilicr ItPulun anil Coinpntiy I)li llLbuitrirri.

Colonel J. II. Fiahor, com id mul-

ing 1st Regiment, National Gutmlof. Hawaii, has resigned. Ho in-

tends making 11 trip to tho Coastshortly. Colonel Fisher joined thoHonolulu Rifles in 1883, whenthoy worn ono company and thoonly whito body of militia in thocountry. When they were dis-banded iu 1890 ho had for somatime beon captain of compnny B.Ho started with the P.O. forceH in1603 as lieutonant colonel, and hasnow beon colonel of the regiment,under tho Republic of Hawaii, fursoma years. Neither tho Governmnut nor tho men under himeoulu flver havo nau auvthing against Oolonol Fisher. Howas always all right, deservingand holdiug the confidence of thoGovernment together with tho regnrd, amounting to affection, of thoforces.

Company D has boen disbandedowing to its having dropped into astato of inefficiency.


I'robubly to Hun In British AmericanLine From Hound Porta.

Briiif montion is mado in theSan Franoiso Chronicle of thochartering of the steamer City ofPuobU to run between PugetSound ports and tho HawaiianIslands.

Col. Albert Whyte, on boinginformed of the report, said it waslikely the i'uobla wad coming iutho uritien American Liine nowoperating the .Garonne. No ad-

vices had boen received at tholocal agency, but his own latestinformation was that tho companywas ou tho ove of chartering an-

other largo steamer.The (Jity of ruebla wob ono ot

tho transports that visited Hono-lulu during tho war with troopsfor Manila. Sho is a fiuo andwo II appointed steamship.

Two Hick Men,

William Woou, of tho HollistorDrug Co. Ltd., has beon very ill oftyphoid malarial fever for tho pahteilj lit weeks. Hois lying at thoQueoii's hospital and, having pass-ed the turn favorably Inst Sunday,is now happily improving,

David Dayfon Jr. has been laidlow, at the family home, for morethau a week. His malady is ma-

larial fovor.- -

rt"W4'wicliWU4; AMijA'.&i.

v - "Pf'T wsTr tt.7 fT!riqRirw""l


WANTS.Adu in this column u ittbt instrttd attftentt&S? a tint tint inurtion: to etnti tteonJ inter

tton; jo etntt a wtek and $0 ants a month, 7ktt it ttttbtaptit adxertiting tvtr offer tJ ttt ftoflt of Honolulu,

WE WANT YOU TO HAVE a West Disinfecting.Machine rut In your closet or cesspool, and

live sickness. California Teed Co.,Acents. 1069


COR SAl.tMCholce UUDDni) NAVEL ORANGEr TUHLS. Address HAWAIIAN I HUIT ANDPLANT CO , P. O. Box iti, Honolulu. n6)-t-

SALE Cheap, A nicvele MerryOu-Rnun-

Carries 16 rassencer: riders furnish the power:one rl ler can propell It. Tor full particulars enquireat BAILEY S HONOLULU CYCLi.KY. an King St.

n6o-t- f

CO-SA- LE I'ljmouth Rock and Rrovvn LeghornKonsicrs. newiv mnorica irom me Coast, 403

Maklkl street, aboe Wilder Avenue, iiS9--

A 7 ACRES COITEr.all bearing; with Rood livingl house and outbuildings, and Implements for the

cultivation of coffee; large cistern on place; near tosteamer unJInir. trees in tine condition, ana placeIs under high state nf cultivation. Situate at llono-ki- a,

Ihw.iil. Arplr to P. II. rturnette, ty Kingstreet, Honolulu, P. O. Ilox aoa. itsS-i-

FOR SALE A handsome Japanese screen for $40."S," Bulletin Office. tt5)-i-


tj the thoroughbred sire of theW. O. Irwin dairy, for further particulars Inquire otC. W .Macfarlane. nji-l- f

SALE-O- ne SIIIP.MAN ENGINE In rertectorder. Apply to II. G. Illart, Tort St. 1101-- tf

A Pedal Bass REED ORGANrt Suitable for chapel or residence. BergslromMusic Co.. tort street. 1067

REST as cent meal In town. Try It and be eon- -vlnced. Llnd's Excelsior Restaurant. 1041.


TO LET Pleasant furnished front room, with board,with private family, healthful and convenient loca-

tion, hilt block from Nuuanu cars; wholesome homecooking; $t tor two persons, $7 for one. Apply toAl.. at imc iiuiietinomcc. nco-i-


1ANTED rive Messenger Bovs, at once. ApplyW American .Messenger Service, corner Hotel and

Alakca Streets. ' tf

WANTED Mr. E. Pierce, at present and for manyrut Bookkeeper for Hamakui Mill Co .

and Kukalau Mill Co., desires an appointment. Wasformerly for a long period chief accountant to theKO)ai rl?er to. inference: messrs ineo. 11,

Davlesfi Co., Ltd., Honolulu. it6i-i-

WELL RECOMMENDED HOUSEKEEPERWANTED. Apply at this office. noi-t- f

WANTED To purchase for cash, USEDPOSTAGE STAMPS. 10 of each value.

M. DAVIS, 67 Shuter St...Montreal, Canada. tis6-tt- n

WANIED-Seve- ral SMALL BOYS. Apply atMessenircr Service, corner Klne and

Alakea streets. io67tf

THE PUBLIC TO KNOW that the St. Louis Col-- 1

lege, St Andrews Priory, Oahu Prison, OahuInsane Aslum. and other rubllc Institutions, use our

with great success. CaliforniaARents, iota


TO LET New cottaRC of eleht rooms In Collegestreet off Wilder avenue. AprivtoW. M Cun

ningham, Tavorite saloon, or his residence, Collegestreet. 1158-1- !

COTTAGE TOR RENT rnur-roo- cottage onstreet, near Sam Parker's, for rent from

March 18(18. for six months, furnished or untur- -nlihed. Apply on premises. Telephone 607. 114s

WE RENT the West DISINFECTING MACHINESand keep them In order, lor small monthly

rental, California Feed Co., Agents. to6q


PASS-BOO- LOST. Pass Book 0117. In favorWm. Crawford, has been lost. Finder wilt

receive suitable reward bv leaving same at tho officeof tho HAWAIIAN-CHINES- NEWS. noa-l- f


HOUND Pouch containing Blcvcle outfit. Owner1 can have same by calling at the Evening Bulletinoffice and paying expenses.


For additional Shipping News see seventh page.

Diamond Head Signal Station, Afar7, 1 t m Weather line, wlntl lightN K.

Weather Jiureiut. Funahou, Mar 7.Temperature Morning minimum,

GljMiilday maximum, 71).

(Barometer corrected for gravity .06 )

Barometer, 0 a in, 29.09. Rising.Rainfall, do, 0.03.Humidity iu 0 a m GO percent.Dow lolnt03F.

ARIUYAT.H.Wednesday, Mar 8.

Stmr Ilelene, Macdonald, from Ko-n- a

and Maui.l'MSS City of Peking, Ward, from

San Francisco.Am Blip A J Fuller, Nichols, 137

days from Now York with cargo ofcoal.

DErAUTIJHEB.Wednesday, Mar 8.

Stmr Iwalaui, Gregory, forLahaina,Honokaa anil Kultulliuele.

Html Kllohaua, Thompson, for La-hal-

and Kuiuiapali at 4 p in.p M a uuy or poKing, warn, ror

China and Japan at 0 p in.


From San Franoisoo, per F MS S City of Peking, Mar 8 E 0Lydccker, Mr and Sirs 0 0 Graham and obild, A Newbouso, 11 BHeoht, M jj Uoretlo, Mr and MrsS J Lynn, F Frauzins, Geo. Wag.nor, G W Carter, Ohas Uigelow,F Wuudonberg, Mr and Mrs HWoltors, Ed L Lewis, Mrs OhasP Adams, MrB M II Hawloy.Steerajjo: F Meadows, E It Nio-ma- u,

W Emmett. F R Giddincs,W 0 Crook Jr, E Lofaivro, MrsA Lefaivro, Mrs L Lofaivre, HShephard, R Morehouse, WSchultz, W E BankB, W Hurley,M Parcel!, W Stadler, J Koon, ADowBuad, M J Buckley.Through) . For Yokohama:Mr and Mrs G N Westheinor, Jos8 Isidor, Geo A Newhall, 0 HBain, J M Gurnoy, J R Reed,Mrs G Glenny, Mr and Mrs II HFlagler, Miss F 0 Morso, Dr AWood. For Kobo: Mr and Mrs

Geo D Clorko, E Hehr, B B Bar-ney. For Nagasaki: R E Pres-ton. For Shanghai: F CensoD,Capt W 8 Niokols. For Hong-kon- g:

Mrs K E Von Radesky,Dr and Mrs A A Woodhull, Mrand Mrs II Frankel.

Tho City of Peking sails forChina and Japan at 10 o'clook to-

night.Tho Goldon Gnto is taking on

ballast at Brewer's wharf, prepa-ratory to doparturo.

Tho Koauhou sails this aftor-noo- n

for Kauai ports. Sho willtako tho foreign mail.

Now that tho Edward O'Brienhas turned ovor, men aro at workstripping thocoppor from hor bot-tom.

Tho Robert Lowers will getaway about Friday. She htulodout into tho stream from tho In-

ter Island wharf this fornoon.Tho 0 D Bryant did not got

away yesterday. Sho took on alot of bottles this forenoon andwill probably eail for San Fron-cisc- o

this afternoon.Tho Gaelic brought ono of tho

largest shipments opium that hasentered this port ollicially formany months. It consisted of175 cases aud tho duty thereonwill amount to S11G.850. Tho es-

timated gross valuo of the con-signment is S31 1,30G. Tho Gaelicleft Honolulu six hour? ahead oftho Australia and beat her intoport by noarly seven "hoiUB. S FChronicle March 1.

Made Steamer TimTho bark S. 0. Allen, whioh

arrived lioro a few days ago fromHonolulu, beat all records in thelaf-- t four hours of her run to thisport. Captain Johnson, who hasunbounded faith in tho spoodi-upa- s

of his vessel, undertook torace tho City of Peking into port.The stoamor passed tho barkabout 2 o'clock in tho afternoonwhoa both vessels wero aboutsixty miles from port. CaptainJohnson crowded on all tho eailhis boat would carry, but thoslearaor soon diunppoared. Whentho S. 0. Allen camo to anchor,however, in tho quarantinegrouuds, Captain Johnson foundthat ho had mado tho sixty milesin a Utile less than four hours,which satisfied him almost asmuch as if ho had beaten thePeking into port. S. F. Chroni-cle, Mar. 1.

New Northern Pacific, Htenmera.Tacoma, Feb. 20. President

Hill of tho Great Northern Rail-way is reported to havo hiredA. B. Wolvin of Duluth nt S10,-0- 00

a yoar to organize a now linoof steamships to ply between.Puget Sound and tho Orient inconnection with the Groat North-ern. Hill is not satisfied withhis road's presont connection withJNippon xusen iiaisha, and isambitious 10 establish a lino ormodern American stoamships.Wolvio is expected to build orleaso boats aB rapidly as possible.Ho is ono of tho most expert lakotraffio men, being president of thoZonith Transit Company, operating soven steamships on theGreat Lakos, and connected withother lake transportation compa-nies.

Sailing Shlpa In Colllalon.The British ship Talus and the

bark Coylon came into collisionyesterday morning just botwoonthe Heads. It was dead calm attho time, but tbers was a strougflood tido running. The Ceylonsuffered considerably, but thelimojuicor escaped with barely ascratch. Both vessels were boundin, the Ceylon from Honolulu andthe Talus from Cardiff. S. F.Chronicle, Feb. 27.

No Italn at Diamond Head.Captain Christian at tho Din

inond Head station reports that,on Monday last, when tho rainwiib heaviest at Waikiki and intown Monday, there was hardlyonough to wet tho ground outthore. This is a very poouliar

considering tho factthat the rain was general,

Diamond Head Halla.

Tho bark Diamond Head sailedfrom San Franoisoo for this port,Feb 27. In addition to her fullcargo of general merchandise,tho Diamond Head has thirty-thr- oe

head of cattle, a largeamount of hay and a patrol wagonfor tho police force hero.

Carc fur Kahiilul.The sohooner Ruby A CousinB

sailed from Honolulu, Fob 20.Sho has the following merchandise: 3280 pkgs railroad materi-al, 15 pkgs ooal tar, 23 bbls fire-clay, 25,000 redwood posts, 9 pkgsmachinery.


FULIOf the very best grades of new and popular style of Shoes.

Our stock Is a thoroughly good stock In every respect. You willfind It good because Its styles are not only tasty, but desirable andserviceable. GOOD because Its assortment Is varied and complete.GOOD because It shows full, honest value for the price every time.


except your time, to call and see for yourself, and If your TIME Isvaluable you cannot spend It to a better advantage, or at any placewhere you will receive better returns than examining our superbstock.

The Manufacturers' Shoe Co.,

Sign of the Bio Shoe,



j,!-- A5K YOUR

Grocer fo- r- s...


COAirji cai


:: 33 Queen Street

Auction Sale.OF.,

Tailor Goods!


THURSDAY, March 9th,At io o'clock a', m.,

At my salosroom, 33 Queon stroot,I willsoil at Fublio Auction, a large lnvolcoof FINK TAII.OU OOODS, comprising


A fino chanco to buy cloths boforo tho

increntio of duty umlor the American


.TAS. P.1157-- lt Auotionoor

Fresh Columbia Salmon,' Halibut," " Smelt,Turkeys and Chickens.

METROPOLITAN MEAT CO.,U58-5- t King street. "




--Port btrcot.




KA.'M75:vt;r, .VAaBl"ONCE USED


AGlNtla. iu tuuuxA



nSTEJ-- TO-D.A.-X- -.




To-nig-ht, Wednesday! i


Post's Mil) Sin!

Martin's Trained Dogs!AN!)

The California Nightingale !

Reserved Scuts, GOcGcncrnl Admission, UGc

For Sale.





For particulars to

WILLIAM SAVinfifl... uu..w.. w....- -, y1 121 No. 310 Fort St.





i. Farm a! Ilamakua S ''J00a. aLowatMaklkl J V

. 7 acres land near town 6,ooa

4. 54 acre o( lnJ center of tovn '.S9

5. SOLD.

6. A Lodging House, lease, j.coa

7. Large lot at Malklkl

8. its cr coffee land, Kona

9. 51 acres coftee land, Kona, M planted....' .oo

io. Lot i acre near town '.S0

it. Corncrlot centeroltown '5 , iu. SOLD. T

For further particulars apply to

J. 11. VIVAS,G Postofllcc Lpne, - Honolulu.

Ju.. w',i&!siii&-- i t'j&.jdlj'b&a&iL, , , ivU . :i&bJ$