
m^ *m v m&mmmszm ^ASSS"'-' -.^TBfSSS^ 111 ! £i$$ * : <-.~ •%** -/ .•• '?•-1v.Ty,5.,»..v^v.:»,»vr' t --;->-cv-. yyy* ' - k ] 1 . . •' \y,i,f..-,!-!'. •'••'"••-.«*4S iS**^^w'?S?fe^ v 4^»-vi-^. ! -.='v- . v ".-»,;., !. f .'. Minimum, fuel cionsujmp- 1 * * * * * * * * Fo'ur cylinders of a minirijiitm % number of, paHs-^igbt weight— | lov^jipkeep. , * -v T.hia type of motor is .jstandard -. e^lpofent with; the bes\-,Eitrop- !g ©litt .builders, it costs ^norf to *' b,Hffld* Each part is lighter 'and* <£ sTrMfgei*. i i^ l»^» "Hie hiaft^fieed fo.ur-eyWiijrer ' i | mo&f wori all the me-itey on tee £ Iridmnapoli's and Chicago Speed--'-* § HQRTH STOCKHOLM Kite Flying Contest in Brookdale. ; If the arrangements can be made 1 with the boys from Knapps Station, a kite flying contest will be held iri 'Brookdale, Labor Day, Monday, Sep- tember 6. v \ For the past few days considerable interest has been shown in kite flying by boys aid the older inhabitants! 'and a great deal of good natur'ed rivl airy has been felt between the two hamlets. The contest will probably take place at Brookdale in the afterr noon, providing the weather and wind is* favorable, and will be limited to .home-made kites.' According to the present plans three prizes will be giv- en, the amount to be decided upon by the judges or members of the commit^ tee in charge. ! It was said this week that Nelson Blair- would make a balloon, and if possible a parachute jump, and if that ioaitfre can be added with the kite JylnlT contest it wtilYsive the day a decidedly aeronautical aspect. ' Suffragists Meet. Miss Marion Kennehan, of BrasheT Falls; has just concluded a week's ; campaign in the town of Stockholm;, : :$j*%W&$! national flower rgplden. sglow, and most of 'the ladies wore Ihe colors.* She encountered the same enthusiasm at all of her meet- ings during the week. She is to eonj- tihue the work in other towns and hai&lets next week ai£d the weak: afterl yfilB..Save New ^feJ^l'oa«JGke. j It is stated that the fountain |pme Telephone company will rebuild their line in tKii section, ahd that ihe work" will start-in the u W future." The link will' come from Norwood by the way of- Knapps Station to Broak'dale, Jenf- Jsans Corner and Wikthr&p. It is said :g ( that, the required number of auibserib}- rM ,ers, can be'secured without any trouj ^le^hativeft. ^ i l g - ' ^ f f Ts^'^efry ^ispff, ^Pise^iiated %f intiff ofAty ^melf: Snd Business -men throughout .sToekt ;h.plm, and aeighboriflg.j^i^nsi 5*oi ice, owing to the condition of the, old. HjSe/'wfflcjd i i Very. njjicli pttt of ^| : p^ir;.'' "Efiet fuihiejss 'nj^ .keife/ andS w Mlitni'Spaad; Norwood '^re''veiy imiic^ pleased with the new 'prospect]. ' Soigtli StocMiftlm HBre-sities. „ • H. a 'Heathyheiej.fenp^yh as "Buck!f. ^aaid' tne-ctiatrtpibn l o % tis'tahce' walk-"' er of 'this' section, decided' he-wanted' ^o-a.tteat-the West OhazycampAeetiag -laif! midday." Atyd len."^''^^ m .Mrttpp'ed' his ^nsfkey 'on his -bApfe^i; ,-; Paal'-Btethers,, the David Haratnvoif Br-ookdaie, a i d one of' the best feacojfea la»rseiien in this section,' is now diljp lag' a two-year-old coib that caE k'ao&y the spots off from- "anything in aie 1 Wrse l&ie in A this vi cinity. ^ Miss Bernice Curtis left for Burling tpn, Vt., Monday, where she will at-J tend school' during the fall and' win^l ter. - Kingston, of North, l^awrenee, and fohi jfili^stiltt. of Madrid ware.ref. i cent' gueite* of ^agsflif "Brothers at* ^I^Ver^lg'-larmr : • 4 "' . :i ~ "' : ' m » M Ifitelret%^ed|'fdffl'' VtaethjB* ©If tiS&m m THE MASSENA P f e B ^ S Nei S jhbb|hja« Van3Cen&W#"^ Mi. *§§&* Broqlfsii|fi__ Ray^6n|Ml|| -•*> ,'•..**'( * ;^LtTGUST3J,1915 M{S. « i of Botsdaif^ Mrs. WliHilnsr here lasiaf Mts. MlfiSTO •''s{S@fer-S Henry^l|e'gif| guest of .Mplmi Jc|hn W#l^ Nidh|ols-Mgi| day kt tSfeMjull M*s. ^ u ' ^ & f |uf|ir^ Mfs - lda f§|iidy, of the l^fiigf-lMc-nday ac SJJbKeberries. |Mghter, Ruth, |js of Mr. and E.other friends ^^ Norwood, was ~" b'cock, Thurso -j^Bftal, over Sunday turnjedt.^jtheMf nesfeya'^W 4 '-'' 3 * m/am Masketfi^,. pare|ntsh||||i| wili|le"£6^;41^Di they! ^ | ^ l g | 'G^orge5|4M of mmrMm'^ Mr. Norwood's -#Wll mililslonl;!? Thursdayl-i|f waTt autt^' « autrfmn.-;^^ HAwir^i tratfe|^|y ThTirsdaifeKiSr the F re,niife,» bug " ;UP j^^p^l'., s^e!Qf|le1oil| and Mrs. [gpent Thurs- ^olis. RMidttwo children a.frjends in this mp t weeks, re- ^ W e k a l b , Wed- i^-'MurpHy of „.^eit-s of their S | ^ Saturday. igBjon,-- Clayton, "fiSexi week Where ^ f u r e home. T^Jaughter, Ada, 1|||nt guests of mmp recently. : 7^S is visiting iifl?'Syracuse. BUff-best known '1§|||e'd the 70th "*"* iro'okdale on enjoyed the j.Jha. eSpects' to Msz-fduring the ay Mohaney * ?, Massena an "'^hM|e, has one of fiftgin St. ! " &a,J B"rlior of the ki'Si Law E ,th and, fitted W}i The out- ,, SK%q , wly paint- ijp^wgr gardens i M ^ . shows ^a Jlijjme: ? £nd civic gp|p' l - ' & e office ""tl^feflays g^v-' plk^mfofee J!irco1ilfr3f--'ofiee M _^fes|were -the p f e r l f e firowfi, '** 't^JBftfok' mis! «- t_, r. a^axtt.n?'' ten auite^siek.fpr.tlfe/ i|ast weekj is. "repi&rfeidf soitfe' , heiteK • ' '' r ' ' % i ,aod-Mi!S.' JajBes Big^s have ref turned from an e^nded- visit "wltlf- -friehds in Potsdafe,.. Parisfi'ville and^ jOtter.n,^srlJy:vto%;iis.• " \- •• -A' U l'^. :M^Mirl> , 'SfeaS5: ilicSslin 1^3" 'Henry '?Fag|taft Mve b^ea /visflStg: liM^Hs'/mtrllafy^ia, North iM 1 - ,; ffirf and" Mrs.' ^ m e r y Jenkins," of igfeasant View ffaririj'' were^, in "V%^- Mf<Sp, o)ie d^x tuk weelt.shoppiB&l ' Tlie Rev; Mr,/gummer:k !was eb&f rto' ^actfellf^Voaia,'' Monday,- by -lie .deaib: of 1ai|''*tif>t£er. ' ' . . aSfes Rath Tryon, of Helena is a guest' of judge and Mrs. C. b. Tryon •at .Gras'slaBifsI '; \ . ".Mrs.' JirSme Folstnne, of Win thro i, who has been visiting friends in this .vicinity for the past few days! has rer tiy&ea; hptne. . > , ,; Miss "Ida Raymond and Miss Pearl •W|d§, wAeKha^e been employed in the ISfflrondacks the past 4wo months -re]- tunied to'their hcines here.Thursday evefiing^ , ' •' ^ M ' ®* air transacted business in Wpji-wyipd 'thursday. ,rJorw"ood, ;|fohday. " Mr.', and Mrs. 'lSddie Chapman and "famiiy and Jir. and Mrs.J Jdhn Wajie : and 'family- spent a few days this week ib;i'ue r berryang n.eai ParishvHJ:^, t&nKeiman Sfeoet Sews. The Mowing people from this see- ._. ^pn" spdnt several days , last weei i.jli^?g blue-berr'iea at Jo Indkr l ? lf d; -> ' ' . • > l\ ;iMrs/,Steahbarse.and two daughter^; Branch anS Cora,^ Mr, and Mrs, _*B. and' son, Master |van, .John Van •=,«-.. : y»'aAd. Mi.ss~Bdith''StIekney, t.\Er4- Ida VanKennan and Miss Lizzie Van- JEennan. N. I* Whipple drove thp iS^J tbcre, and they report a fine jjm'e^and ^ few. berries. : **"MfiCBand^ has"., accepted a position with NickJPlanty for the fail. ' \ .Miss Lizzie VanKennan, of Boston, Mass., who has been visiting friends, and relatives here for, the past mon% returned! to the Bean city, Monday,'; ., Mr. and Mrs. P, .Carry called on titeir daughter, Mrs. Sidney Felix, tuesdajj, on^.tJiefr_way h6me.,fro,ri Canton; , Mrs. Samuel Rogers and daughter, Mrs. John Munsonj of" £he Muri^O; VSPIdon of g'ttes'ts' of k^EyereM jio has. %^elt visiting ~ J feS||ani Poison- t>«o-!hJe..i.oaie in '^^^•Cohoes, e&s'of Mrsu .., ._„ ~3ps. Simeon '/>;»;?• j x'.. . i^&i'^lpaj^rt joined llpfft her.e this |fii|arents, Mr. r^H^n;- " • * JdisJSent. the ij&|plifc' R^gis is >K»JSsl ^VKehael Sabbath «d|S e #V'BicttiG last "'IblpP'the beauti- ^ ' o l h e r .. if^yicaif the days SS^&pjaBied' '-her §|^^sjdj r Tviio has ^H$f Sine in Dex- StS.^atertown to the wMftet m the tOihjois; on .'Hy.'jib.e; ' »Nf' tettaMtf and,ror- turnfe whiteig 'Eow;g45 1 ' r Mf.%l joicmflll daiti ,eri ThirrsaSl W3"W "'cfeafeS '.b6d: ' S s ^ p t . of" Clayton is ^"o|Aa^r' cousins, the ?^iwiM>l. feiiivan. ^f'l^ll^'l&inois is the F^IJlam at the Lis- '•Wot'hon is but just ^IpM of Ogdenfe- tt^l^ra;.such implicit """liJithW he came all rfl«?JM>tin Southern 'h^&j^erated up- l&ufge'on. . sf^fimson are en- ^oSBs^n's brother re- pt^r"'trip' west lenVSfsflors at the lon^Jtrb'ther, My. i»SltM z ' e11 are T ?' M Eerlpi B w: sr sits student a s |ICnol"n, a young- ie>?fti-g-ladden the '®i9fc' '* •'-"••' .' jfercrleam, soma,! at i ^ p S i v a Martin W?M' tMs'T'w'eefe jJlMffie last ice fealyfand every- li&fto" attend. 8i^f:5tutherford ilttifiousW guests •*%fM Miss IWettoh dki a law n^s^?v- t LQUISYILLE Dairy Truck Sleets Accident. One day last week, while Vera Tucker was running the Beakes' dairy- truck, No. 3, down the Willarci hill, the steering gear broke and the huge machine was dumped intq the ditch, resulting in serious damage. Fortun- ately Mr. Tucker and his passenger were unhurt. Louisville Gossip. Emmet Cumrnings of Raymondville is employed 1 at George Doud's. . iMrs. John Jobin recently spent a day with friends at Ogdensburg and visited the Hospital grounds, at Point Airy. Miss Lena 1 Clements of Massena was a guest last week of Miss Mabel Wald- ruff. . ' / Mrs. Thomas Brannen spent Wed- nesday witlji her sister, .Mrs. Carrie Squires. Mrs. Hugh Smith, Sr.', spent last week a gue,st of her son Albert and family at Massena. Fred Alexander has installed a fur- nace in the cellar of his new house, under Misses Doud and Grant. The village school opened Aug. 30. The R. C. harvest dinner, which was held the 19th, was a success in every way. The JMadrid band rendered mu- sic and made a fine appearance in theti? u'iJiifoM&s. The dance itj the ev- ex-ing- 1 ' was attended by' 98 coupled Mrs. Carrie M." McDowell was a guest last .Week of Mrs, Mary Thomp- son. • , 1 Miss Wilma Wttialen, who has been visiting relatives at Cornwall return- ed -home Saturday. Miss Co3*a. Shoen has returned from, her stay at Potsdam. Last week Wednesday, Thos. Smith threshed a 12-aere field of .bats for. George ,'t><?ud, which produced §00 basjiels. . , -. M;iss Majbel C. Martin of Qhase Mills was a guest the past week of the •Misses Dotid. The Misses Ellen Monlhan onter- tatoed ifae| past week the following: Mrs. Charles ^Odge, Mrs.. Will Pakn- el, Ifesrijiomal 8." Hogge and daugh- ter Mabel] JaJneX y.'Brien of Brookdale was a guest Fridjay of his brother, Dr. J O'Brien and family. Miss Catherine Hodge of .Massena, is a guest ,of relatives here. . Herbert jBemis, who resides on the ^ohn Murphy farm has purchased' a new corn harvester. A. J. Fields of Winthrop made sev- eral, calls in this vicinity last week. Gedrge I|qdge, formerly of tbis toWn |s makuig an exten4ed sta^- in Wash- ington, 6ear the Pacific c"ou,st- S^'ejr-Be^'le has Jn^ade'much im- provement in cutting brush from the Sbad^iide of.liJs farm. ( ; jfobn Haflley^of Nevada City, Cal., wfip was a recent §p / ?st i here, ( says he is' a subscriber' to the '"Massena Press," and says it gives him more news and general information than any other paper published in ^orth'ern New York, and he has tried several. Misses May McGee and iM-argaret Mein, were entertained Thursday aft- ernoon by the Misses Powers. Mr. and Mrs. John Doud returned to Ottawa Wednesday after several weeks' stay with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Poud. Attorney S. p. Medusky of Syracuse Is a guest of his mother, Mrs. iMary McClitislty and family. ^ Lltke Byron Clark of Raymondville, >elai'rned hoffie. Saturday after spend- ing sqme tipie -with his uncle, William Palnier. •Mr.' and -Mrs. Russell Bullock will l^aye soon for'Wilkesbarre, Pa., where J&. Bullock has a position as teacher in a high Ichbol. The MetbjOdist excursion to Ogdens- burg tin Tuesday, by the steamer Al- .gena, was a success "and a ^pleasant time was re^rted. Ibb'ut $3S was clea*e;dli . I * "-• 11. •'; ' A J." Misses Irene and Ruth Wh'tlng have been spendpig some time visiting r'ei- atives/at Qgdensburg. Miss ,Maty Baradford of the River .road was.k guest ,last wc:!; or the ,Misses Julja.and Margaroi Powers. The wiUT'oi~ti'e"lEte'{lirarlos W. Al- exander, wiJI oe' presentt.d ft--' probate September 7th. The wlH dlfects that the executor, Edwin MeiCenney, may dispose of the, property, both real ana personal at either private Or public sale for the best interest of the lega- tees. «HH^*4HHHH»4HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH»«HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHI| * * j LEAVE YOUR ORDER AT I LIZ'E * * * * * * * * Peach Season Soon lie Reports from" tlie flmit belts are that peaches never were better. -We are iji'a position to handle your erae^a s ;| and to , •:• *• ?'-'• ?&-,- - . **" ;-- *. sS--'*• '.' •^-,v.. .!<.": ;mm !-/:?• ¥oiii »*»«j»-« I..C >'tr \¥.:*i. -*?*°z--' * P.|| It begins d*ri%g'^epte^ber '7,'^nd r will go to ttii'froift ^%t*s^ring.; t | it $T^^&&$ffk »fV ¥^^*SM I, for t h e m ^ - v e s , ^ S f i ^ # ' , ^ % . ^ i n e s s . ^orjd a i p o ^ ^ ^ * This school wifl drill Irh^ rjgim'ent ia stenography, book fe^egMi^. ^ law gnd business .practice,' .unlti? each memh,eri',Of it js reajdy tOj.tl^e * coaxikiand of a €0p4- positioa aad hold it. ' % To secure positions fqrgur ^aduates, we have the cooperation of ^ 27 business colleges and four of the largest 'typewriter companies m '"** zVmenc'a. •• i ' ;*- -EVERYDAY A $TA$7iU& &1XY * ~*x-t i Tall Term begins Tuesday, September 7. 'ind save a large discoteit. • Enroll before Se^tember R*OISK|V;.^ »C|Y, ^rincipkfc .'!'. 'I ,^i'. ; : .. •'' ''- ^ •< i''.)-'' -: I' * * * * * * * * * * * * WEST There was a heavy frost here Fri- day morning, but not much damage was done. B. Strait spent last week visiting Jiis son in,.Tupper Lake, returning on Friday night. Mrs. Cranston and daughters. Mar- 'ion and Ella, spent a few days\at the home of ^. Strait last week. Mrs. B. Strait entertained^ her Sun- day school class last Tuesday at her. home. Nineteen ladies were present and all enjoyed a pleasant time. Sup- .peSrWa^ served on.the,1aWH. Ray pucker and wife visited frieiids'- in Preseotk last week. . •Gladys Summers is home "rem New York whei[e she spent the summer. 1 . Lultf Green has returned to her work a stejacher in Binghamton, N. Y. .. Mrs. Freeinan FiLCh is still very .sick, althojugh she is a little on the •gain.' ' l Elihu Aijquit is in Syracuse visiting his children. An auto 1 party,.including Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Vance, Curtis VaLCo and R. D. Reedj of Norwood, Mr. and Mrs. •H..R. Mungon, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Quinhy and Nellie Munson of Man- chester, N^w Hampshire, called on Frank'Pierce the past * Just think of it,a fymn -new, six griddle P^niasullx- f I Range without one cent to pay. for every 50 c e s t ^ S 1 ' | sale or every $1.00 paid o» account* : we give a tiefeel, : oa' .f j Saturday, Sept. 4tJi." Somebody is going''to get tills |~ * gant Peninsukr for notMna:.' ' * .-•• ' ' I'' - 1.. '.; !."° . '-- VJ m -• a•>.•{• * Make a little effort, pay up your old- aeo^uatsnd get | I a tielvet f^r every dollar you pay. This will give y^u £a „• | niany chanees to own! tliis range. gome one wiiliet'.^ /; I F ^ E ! FREjl! | & $ $ r * .< & | BUS ONE TO OGDENSBURG ^ I „? a H ei ll ro "/ f tlTfe xmbHe^ nmmu the fact m* i | Hubbard's Bus Lme on l&^.ffflfcm txafiW WnEfc f- I enf Ford ears will be ' M | feat & trar las been purchased f; | especially for use on tjus Tine and'Vffi be ieaoV Jorft&T f | ue BS1S afewday S .- , v .... >:.;, .... ;/.•; T ^t, %C, J o'etoek, thus givfegaMeiaanB in'the city ' '!' '•'M fi : r* A ?f 1<-'^" rrm mjs^i^^. $Q f gde»^g.. ; J^tilthe re|ul^^f| ^ 1 ^ arrrv^ ^ wia ^ ^ i essay for tto>se wishing-to make tie trip to no^fy W;4 ba 55° lWt h * ma T*e s*re of have tie nec^asfyf: | commodatioiis. Phone i32 P&, . si aaaKa^Kgjt^ags^^ff^.^^to&s^^, aSijM^jgii&j&aagi^-^^-w^fe^^.aj^fj^ ^••=.'^. ys.-aa^wjaxr^a^t J^^^^-ti,^,-^ i&. ^A. Jij>tJ*«*6M-!is5 ^^^fa^^^J^^'^^^&^^tefe^wSs^Siftj

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Page 1: «HH^*4HHHH»4HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH»«HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHI| …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063612/1915-08-31/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · Br-ookdaie, aid one of' the best feacojfea la»rseiien

m^ *m

vm&mmmszm ^ASSS"'-' -.^TBfSSS^

111 !£i$$

*:<-.~ •%** -/ .•• '?•-1v.Ty,5.,»..v^v.:»,»vr't--;->-cv-. yyy* ' - k] 1 . . • ' \y,i,f..-,!-!'. •'••'"••-.«*4S iS**^^w'?S?fe^v4^»-vi-^.!-.='v- .v".-»,;., ! . f . ' .

Minimum, fuel cionsujmp-1 •

* *

* *

* * * * Fo'ur cylinders of a minirijiitm %

number of, paHs-^igbt weight— | lov^jipkeep. , * -v T.hia type of motor is .jstandard -.

e^lpofent with; the bes\-,Eitrop- !g ©litt .builders, it costs ^norf to *' b,Hffld* Each part is lighter 'and* <£ sTrMfgei*. i i ^

l»^» "Hie hiaft^fieed fo.ur-eyWiijrer ' i |

mo&f wori all the me-itey on tee £ Iridmnapoli's and Chicago Speed--'-* §


Kite Flying Contest in Brookdale. ; If the arrangements can be made1

with the boys from Knapps Station, a kite flying contest will be held iri 'Brookdale, Labor Day, Monday, Sep­tember 6. v • \

For the past few days considerable interest has been shown in kite flying by boys aid the older inhabitants!

'and a great deal of good natur'ed rivl airy has been felt between the two hamlets. The contest will probably take place at Brookdale in the afterr noon, providing the weather and wind is* favorable, and will be limited to .home-made kites.' According to the present plans three prizes will be giv­en, the amount to be decided upon by the judges or members of the commit^ tee in charge. !

It was said this week that Nelson Blair- would make a balloon, and if possible a parachute jump, and if that ioaitfre can be added with the kite JylnlT contest it wtilYsive the day a decidedly aeronautical aspect. '

Suffragists Meet. Miss Marion Kennehan, of BrasheT

Falls; has just concluded a week's ; campaign in the town of Stockholm;,

::$j*%W&$! national flower rgplden. sglow, and most of 'the ladies wore Ihe colors.* She encountered the same enthusiasm at all of her meet­ings during the week. She is to eonj-tihue the work in other towns and hai&lets next week ai£d the weak: afterl

yfilB..Save New ^feJ^l'oa«JGke. j It is stated that the fountain | p m e

Telephone company will rebuild their line in tKii section, ahd that ihe work" will start-in the u W future." The link will' come from Norwood by the way of- Knapps Station to Broak'dale, Jenf-Jsans Corner and Wikthr&p. I t is said

:g (that, the required number of auibserib}-rM ,ers, can be'secured without any trouj

^le^hat iveft . ^ i lg- '^ f f Ts ' efry ^ispff, ^Pise^iiated %f intiff of Aty ^ m e l f : Snd Business -men throughout .sToekt

;h.plm, and aeighboriflg.j^i^nsi 5*oi

ice, owing to the condition of the, old. HjSe/'wfflcjd i i Very. njjicli pttt of ^ | :p^ir;.'' "Efiet fuihiejss ' n j ^ .keife/ andS w Mlitni'Spaad; Norwood ' re''veiy imiic pleased with the new 'prospect]. '

Soigtli StocMiftlm HBre-sities. „ • H. a 'Heathyheiej.fenp^yh as "Buck!f.

^aaid' tne-ctiatrtpibn l o % tis'tahce' walk-"' er of 'this' section, decided' he-wanted' ^o-a.tteat-the West OhazycampAeetiag -laif! m i d d a y . " Atyd l e n . " ^ ' ' ^ ^ m .Mrttpp'ed' his ^nsfkey 'on his -bApfe^i ;

,-; Paal'-Btethers,, the David Haratnvoif Br-ookdaie, a i d one of' the best feacojfea la»rseiien in this section,' is now diljp lag' a two-year-old coib that caE k'ao&y the spots off from- "anything in aie1

Wrse l&ie inAthis vi cinity. ^ Miss Bernice Curtis left for Burling

tpn, Vt., Monday, where she will at-J tend school' during the fall and' win l ter. -

Kingston, of North, l^awrenee, and fohi jfili stiltt. of Madrid ware.ref. i cent' gueite* of ^agsf l i f "Brothers at* ^I^Ver^lg'-larmr : •4 "' . :i~ "' : ' m

» M Ifitelret%^ed|'fdffl'' VtaethjB* ©If t iS&m m


N e i S j h b b | h j a « Van3Cen&W#"^

Mi. *§§&* B r o q l f s i i | f i _ _ R a y ^ 6 n | M l | |

- • * > , ' • . . * * ' ( *


M{S. « i of B o t s d a i f ^ Mrs. WliHilnsr here lasiaf

Mts. MlfiSTO •' 's{S@fer-S

Henry^l|e'gif | guest of .Mplmi

Jc|hn W # l ^ Nidh|ols-Mgi| day kt tSfeMjull

M*s. ^ u ' ^ & f

|uf | i r^ M f s- l d a

f§ | i idy, of the l fiigf-lMc-nday ac SJJbKeberries.

|Mghter, Ruth, | js of Mr. and E.other friends

^ ^ Norwood, was ~" b'cock, Thurso


over Sunday

turnjedt.^jtheMf nesfeya'^W4'-''3*

m/am M a s k e t f i ^ , . p a r e | n t s h | | | | i | wili|le"£6^;41^Di they! ^ | ^ l g |

'G^orge5|4M of mmrMm'^ Mr.


-#Wll mililslonl;!? Thursdayl-i|f waTt au t t ^ '


a u t r f m n . - ; ^ ^ H A w i r ^ i

t ra t fe |^ |y ThTirsdaifeKiSr


re,niife,» bug " ;UP j ^ ^ p ^ l ' . , s^e!Qf|le1oil|

and Mrs. [gpent Thurs-^olis.

RMidttwo children a.frjends in this mpt weeks, re-

^ W e k a l b , Wed-

i^-'MurpHy of „ . ^ e i t - s of their S | ^ Saturday. igBjon,-- Clayton, "fiSexi week Where ^ f u r e home. T^Jaughter, Ada, 1| | |nt guests of mmp recently. : 7 ^ S is visiting iifl?'Syracuse.

B U f f - b e s t known '1§| | |e 'd the 70th

"*"* iro'okdale on enjoyed the

j.Jha. eSpects' to Msz-fduring the

ay Mohaney *?,Massena an

"'^hM|e, has one of fiftgin St. !"&a,JB"rlior of t h e


Law E ,th

and, fitted W } i The out-,,SK%q,wly paint-

ijp^wgr gardens i M ^ . shows ^a

Jlijjme:?£nd civic g p | p ' l - ' & e office ""tl^feflays g v-'

p l k ^ m f o f e e J!irco1ilfr3f--'ofiee M

_^fes |were -the p f e r l f e firowfi,

'** ' t^JBftfok'

mis! «-

t_, r.


ten auite^siek.fpr.tlfe/ i|ast weekj is. "repi&rfeidf soitfe',heiteK • ' ' ' r '

' % i ,aod-Mi!S.' JajBes Big^s have ref turned from an e^nded- visit "wltlf--friehds in Potsdafe,.. Parisfi'ville and^ jOtter.n,^srlJy:vto%;iis.• " \- •• -A' U l ' ^ . :M^Mirl>,'SfeaS5: ilicSslin 1^3" 'Henry '?Fag|taft Mve b^ea /visflStg: l i M ^ H s ' / m t r l l a f y ^ i a , North iM1-

,; ffirf and" Mrs.' ^ m e r y Jenkins," of igfeasant View ffaririj'' were , in "V% -Mf<Sp, o)ie d^x t u k weelt.shoppiB&l

' Tlie Rev; Mr,/gummer:k !was e b & f rto' ^actfellf^Voaia, ' ' Monday,- by -lie .deaib: of 1ai|''*tif>t£er. ' ' . . aSfes Rath Tryon, of Helena is a guest' of judge and Mrs. C. b . Tryon •at .Gras'slaBifsI '; \ . ".Mrs.' JirSme Folstnne, of Win thro i, who has been visiting friends in this .vicinity for the past few days! has rer tiy&ea; hptne. . > , , ;

Miss "Ida Raymond and Miss Pearl •W|d§, wAeKha^e been employed in the ISfflrondacks the past 4wo months -re]-tunied to'their hcines here.Thursday evefiing^ , ' •

• ' ^ M ' ®*air transacted business in Wpji-wyipd 'thursday. ,rJorw"ood, ;|fohday. " Mr.', and Mrs. 'lSddie Chapman and "famiiy and Jir. and Mrs.J Jdhn Wajie :and 'family- spent a few days this week ib;i'uerberryang n.eai ParishvHJ:^,

t&nKeiman Sfeoet Sews. The M o w i n g people from this see-

._. ^pn" spdnt several days , last weei i . j l i ^ ? g blue-berr'iea a t Jo Indkr

l ? l f d ; -> ' ' . • > l\ ;iMrs/,Steahbarse.and two daughter^; Branch anS Cora,^ Mr, and Mrs, _*B.

and' son, Master |van, .John Van •=,«-..: y»'aAd. Mi.ss~Bdith''StIekney, t.\Er4-Ida VanKennan and Miss Lizzie Van-JEennan. N. I* Whipple drove thp i S ^ J tbcre, and they report a fine jjm'e^and ^ few. berries. : **"MfiCBand^ has"., accepted a position with NickJPlanty for the fail. ' \

.Miss Lizzie VanKennan, of Boston, Mass., who has been visiting friends, and relatives here for, the past mon% returned! to the Bean city, Monday,'; . , Mr. and Mrs. P, .Carry called on titeir daughter, Mrs. Sidney Felix, tuesdajj, on^.tJiefr_way h6me.,fro,ri Canton; ,

Mrs. Samuel Rogers and daughter, Mrs. John Munsonj of" £he Muri O;

VSPIdon of g'ttes'ts' of


jio has. %^elt visiting ~JfeS||ani Poison-

t>«o-!hJe..i.oaie in

' ^ ^ ^ • C o h o e s , e&s'of Mrsu

.., ._„ ~3ps. Simeon '/>;»;?• j x'.. • .

i^&i'^lpaj^rt joined l lpfft her.e this

| f i i | a r e n t s , Mr. r ^ H ^ n ; - " • *

JdisJSent. the

ij&|plifc' R^gis is >K»JSsl ^VKehael

Sabbath «d|Se#V'BicttiG last "'IblpP'the beauti-

^ ' o l h e r .. i f ^y ica i f the days

SS^&pjaBied' '-her §|^^sjdj r Tviio has ^ H $ f Sine in Dex-

StS.^atertown to

the wMftet m

the tOihjois; on .'Hy.'jib.e;

' »Nf' tettaMtf and,ror-t u r n f e

whiteig 'Eow;g45

1 'rMf.%l joicmflll daiti ,eri

ThirrsaSl W3"W "'cfeafeS '.b6d:

' S s ^ p t . of" Clayton is ^"o|Aa^r' cousins, the ?^iwiM>l. feiiivan.

^f ' l^ll^ ' l&inois is the F^IJ lam at the Lis-'•Wot'hon is but just ^ I p M of Ogdenfe-

tt^l^ra;.such implicit """liJithW he came all

rfl«?JM>tin Southern ' h ^ & j ^ e r a t e d up-l&ufge'on.

. s f ^ f i m s o n are en-^ o S B s ^ n ' s brother

re-p t ^ r " ' t r i p ' west

lenVSfsflors a t the lon^Jtrb ' ther , My.

i»SltMz 'e11 a r e T?'


Eerlpi B

w: sr sits student a

s|ICnol"n, a young-ie>?fti-g-ladden the '®i9fc' '* •'-"••'' .' jfercrleam, soma,! at i ^ p S i v a Martin W?M' tMs'T'w'eefe jJlMffie last ice fea lyfand every-l i&fto" attend. 8i^f :5tutherford ilttifiousW guests

• * % f M Miss IWettoh dki

a law

n^s^?v- t


Dairy Truck Sleets Accident. One day last week, while Vera

Tucker was running the Beakes' dairy-truck, No. 3, down the Willarci hill, the steering gear broke and the huge machine was dumped intq the ditch, resulting in serious damage. Fortun­ately Mr. Tucker and his passenger were unhurt.

Louisville Gossip. Emmet Cumrnings of Raymondville

is employed1 at George Doud's. . iMrs. John Jobin recently spent a

day with friends at Ogdensburg and visited the Hospital grounds, at Point Airy.

Miss Lena1 Clements of Massena was a guest last week of Miss Mabel Wald-ruff. . ' /

Mrs. Thomas Brannen spent Wed­nesday witlji her sister, .Mrs. Carrie Squires.

Mrs. Hugh Smith, Sr.', spent last week a gue,st of her son Albert and family at Massena.

Fred Alexander has installed a fur­nace in the cellar of his new house, under Misses Doud and Grant.

The village school opened Aug. 30. The R. C. harvest dinner, which was

held the 19th, was a success in every way. The JMadrid band rendered mu­sic and made a fine appearance in theti? u'iJiifoM&s. The dance itj the ev-ex-ing-1' was attended by' 98 coupled

Mrs. Carrie M." McDowell was a guest last .Week of Mrs, Mary Thomp­son. • , 1

Miss Wilma Wttialen, who has been visiting relatives at Cornwall return­ed -home Saturday.

Miss Co3*a. Shoen has returned from, her stay at Potsdam.

Last week Wednesday, Thos. Smith threshed a 12-aere field of .bats for. George ,'t><?ud, which produced §00 basjiels. . , -.

M;iss Majbel C. Martin of Qhase Mills was a guest the past week of the •Misses Dotid.

The Misses Ellen Monlhan onter-tatoed ifae| past week the following: Mrs. Charles ^Odge, Mrs.. Will Pakn-el, Ifesrijiomal 8." Hogge and daugh­ter Mabel]

JaJneX y.'Brien of Brookdale was a guest Fridjay of his brother, Dr. J O'Brien and family.

Miss Catherine Hodge of .Massena, is a guest ,of relatives here. . Herbert jBemis, who resides on the ^ohn Murphy farm has purchased' a new corn harvester.

A. J. Fields of Winthrop made sev­eral, calls in this vicinity last week.

Gedrge I|qdge, formerly of tbis toWn |s makuig an exten4ed sta^- in Wash­ington, 6ear the Pacific c"ou,st-

S^'ejr-Be^'le has Jn^ade'much im­provement in cutting brush from the Sbad^iide of.liJs farm. (;jfobn Haflley^of Nevada City, Cal.,

wfip was a recent §p/?sti here, (says he is' a subscriber' to the '"Massena Press," and says it gives him more news and general information than any other paper published in ^orth'ern New York, and he has tried several.

Misses May McGee and iM-argaret Mein, were entertained Thursday aft­ernoon by the Misses Powers.

Mr. and Mrs. John Doud returned to Ottawa Wednesday after several weeks' stay with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Poud.

Attorney S. p . Medusky of Syracuse Is a guest of his mother, Mrs. iMary McClitislty and family. ^

Lltke Byron Clark of Raymondville, >elai'rned hoffie. Saturday after spend­ing sqme tipie -with his uncle, William Palnier.

•Mr.' and -Mrs. Russell Bullock will l^aye soon for'Wilkesbarre, Pa., where J&. Bullock has a position as teacher in a high Ichbol.

The MetbjOdist excursion to Ogdens­burg tin Tuesday, by the steamer Al-.gena, was a success "and a ^pleasant time was r e^ r t ed . Ibb'ut $3S was clea*e;dli . I * "-• 11. • ' ; ' A J."

Misses Irene and Ruth Wh'tlng have been spendpig some time visiting r'ei-atives/at Qgdensburg.

Miss ,Maty Baradford of the River .road was .k guest ,last wc:!; or the ,Misses Julja.and Margaroi Powers.

The wiUT'oi~ti'e"lEte'{lirarlos W. Al­exander, wiJI oe' presentt.d ft--' probate September 7th. The wlH dlfects that the executor, Edwin MeiCenney, may dispose of the, property, both real ana personal at either private Or public sale for the best interest of the lega­tees.


* *


I LIZ'E * * * * * * *

* Peach Season Soon lie

Reports from" tlie flmit belts are that peaches never

were better. -We are iji'a position to handle your erae^a s; |

a n d t o , •:• •

*• ? ' - ' • ?&-,- -

. **" ;--* .

s S - - ' * • ' . '

• -,v..



! - / : ? •

¥oiii »*»«j»-«

I..C >'tr

\¥.:*i. -*?*°z--'

* P . | |

It begins d*ri%g'^epte^ber '7,'^ndr will go to ttii'froift ^%t*s^ring.;t | it $T^^&&$ffk »fV ¥ ^ ^ * S M I,

for t h e m ^ - v e s , ^ S f i ^ # ' , ^ % . ^ i n e s s . ^orjd a i p o ^ ^ ^ * This school wifl drill Irh^ rjgim'ent ia stenography, book fe^egMi^. ^

law gnd business .practice,' .unlti? each memh,eri',Of it js reajdy tOj.tl^e * coaxikiand of a €0p4- positioa aad hold it. ' %

To secure positions fqrgur ^aduates , we have the cooperation of ^ 27 business colleges and four of the largest 'typewriter companies m '"** zVmenc'a. •• i • ' ;*-


~*x-t i

Tall Term begins Tuesday, September 7. 'ind save a large discoteit. •

Enroll before Se^tember

R * O I S K | V ; . ^ » C | Y , ^rincipkfc


' I , ^ i ' . ; : .. •'' ''- ^ •< i ' ' . ) - ' ' -: I' *

* *

* *

* * * * * * *


There was a heavy frost here Fri­day morning, but not much damage was done.

B. Strait spent last week visiting Jiis son in,.Tupper Lake, returning on Friday night.

Mrs. Cranston and daughters. Mar-'ion and Ella, spent a few days\at the home of ^ . Strait last week.

Mrs. B. Strait entertained^ her Sun­day school class last Tuesday at her. home. Nineteen ladies were present and all enjoyed a pleasant time. Sup-.peSrWa^ served on.the,1aWH.

Ray pucker and wife visited frieiids'-in Preseotk last week. . •Gladys Summers is home "rem New

York whei[e she spent the summer.1. Lultf Green has returned to her

work a stejacher in Binghamton, N. Y. .. Mrs. Freeinan FiLCh is still very

.sick, althojugh she is a little on the •gain.' ' l

Elihu Aijquit is in Syracuse visiting his children.

An auto1 party,.including Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Vance, Curtis VaLCo and R. D. Reedj of Norwood, Mr. and Mrs.

•H..R. Mungon, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Quinhy and Nellie Munson of Man­chester, N^w Hampshire, called on

Frank'Pierce the past

* Just think of i t , a fymn -new, six griddle P^niasullx- f I Range without one cent to pay. for every 50 c e s t ^ S 1 ' | sale or every $1.00 paid o» account*:we give a tiefeel, :oa' .f j Saturday, Sept. 4tJi." Somebody is going''to get • tills |~ * gant Peninsukr for notMna:.' ' * • .-•• ' ' I ' ' - 1.. '.; !."° .

'-- VJ

m -• a•>.•{•

* Make a little effort, pay up your old- aeo^uatsnd get | I a tielvet f^r every dollar you pay. This will give y^u £a „• | niany chanees to own! tliis range. • gome one wi i l i e t ' . ^ / ;

I F ^ E ! FREjl! |&$$r * .<


| BUS ONE TO OGDENSBURG ^ I „ ? aHeillro"/f tlTfe xmbHe^nmmu the fact m* i | Hubbard's Bus Lme on l&^.ffflfcm t xa f iW WnEfc f-

I enf Ford ears will be ' M | feat & trar l a s been purchased f; | especially for use on tjus Tine and'Vffi be ieaoV Jor f t&T f | ueBS1SafewdayS .- ,v .... > : . ; , . . . . ; / . • ; T ^ t , %C,

J o'etoek, thus givfegaMeiaanB in'the city ' ' ! '







rrm m j s ^ i ^ ^ . $Q f gde»^g . . ;

J ^ t i l t h e r e | u l ^ ^ f | ^ 1 ^ arrrv^ ^ w i a ^ ^ i essay for tto>se wishing-to make t ie trip to no^fy W;4 ™ b a 5 5 ° lWt h* maT*e s*re of have t i e n e c ^ a s f y f : | commodatioiis. Phone i32

P&, .

si aaaKa^Kgjt^ags^^ff^.^^to&s^^, aSijM^jgii&j&aagi^-^^-w^fe^^.aj^fj^ ••=.' . ys.-aa^wjaxr^a^t J^^^^-ti,^,-^ i&. A . Jij>t J*«*6M-!is5 ^^^fa^^^J^^'^^^&^^tefe^wSs^Siftj